Competitions Dunno and his friends. Travel to the Sunny City. cool hour on the topic. Game "Shoe Trouble"

Literary matinee based on the works of N.N. Nosova

"Journey to the Sunny City."

Goals: make students want to read the works of N.N. Nosova; consolidate acquired knowledge about the works of writers in literary reading lessons; through the dramatization of individual episodes, to convey to readers N.N.’s literary laughter. Nosova; contribute to the activation of students' creative activity.

Equipment: layout of a large book; books by N.N. Nosova; telephone, iron, piece of putty; melodies of the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” (music by V. Shainsky), posters for playing with the audience.

There is a table on the stage. Dad sits at the table and reads the newspaper. Zhenya draws. Mom is holding an iron in her hands.

1st presenter. Here is a family: mom, dad and daughter Zhenya.

Mom (walks across the stage, takes the iron, examines it; picks up the telephone). I don't understand what's going on? The phone is damaged. The iron burned out and the bell stopped working. (There is a roar and ringing.) What is it? Who does this?

Zhenya. Pavlik, of course!

Mother. For what?

Zhenya. Builds an incubator.

Dad. What?

Zhenya. Incubator. To raise chickens in artificial conditions.

Mother. My God! We're lost!

Dad. How did he get this into his head?

Zhenya. I've read Nosov.

Dad. Which Nosov?

Zhenya. How? Haven't you read Nosov? And also adults! Haven’t you read the stories “Merry Family”, “Friend”, “Dreamers”? We urgently need to call our school librarian for help. Emma Alexandrovna, please tell us about N.N. Nosov.

(Story about N.N. Nosov and presentation).

Slide show No. 1-15.

Slide 2.

“Writing for children is the best job. It requires a lot of knowledge (...). The main thing is love for them. And respect. I realized when my son was growing up that children need to be treated with the greatest and very warm respect.”

Slide 3.

Slide 4.

The hobbies of my school years were varied: music, singing, amateur theater, writing for the handwritten magazine “X,” as well as chemistry, chess, radio, electronics, photography. Later, Nosov sold newspapers, was a laborer, a navvy, a mower, and a log carrier.

Slide 5.

After graduating from school, Nikolai entered the Kiev Art Institute, and in 1929 he transferred to the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow. Then he began working in cinema, making various educational, scientific and animated films.

Slide 6.

During the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Nosov produced several training films for the Soviet Army. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star (1943).

Slide 7.

Why did I become a writer? The author answered this question: “I became a children’s writer because when I grew up, I actually wanted to become a writer. And I wanted to become a writer because I had an interesting life, and I had something to tell people about.”

Slide 8.

The writer had a memorable appearance. He lived up to his name. Nosov really had a nose, and not at all small, but a large, noticeable one, and a large head, and broad shoulders... And all this did not fit at all with his short stature and quiet, muffled voice. At first glance, he is an unprepossessing person. Very silent, very reserved. Others called him a “gloomy grumbler.” But what did they know, these others? They probably never even read his books!

Slide 9.

Like many famous writers, Nikolai Nosov first composed fairy tales and stories just like that - for his little son. And then he took one of his stories, it was called “Entertainers,” to the magazine “Murzilka”. The story was published. This was in 1938. After a successful debut, other books by Nosov appeared in print: Slide10.

“Knock-Knock-Knock” (1945);

“Steps”, “Funny Stories” (1947);

“Merry Family” (1949);

“The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn” (1950);

“Vitya Maleev at school and at home” (1950). The book received the USSR State Prize;

Slide 11.

“The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1953);

“Dunno in the Sunny City” (1958);

“Dunno on the Moon” (1964). For the trilogy about Dunno, Nosov received a prize named after. N.K. Krupskaya;

“The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin” (1961);

“The Tale of My Friend Igor” (1971);

“The Secret at the Bottom of the Well” (1977);

Slide 12.

The works of Nikolai Nosov were filmed.


Two friends. Based on the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”, 1955.

Buddy. Based on the stories “Druzhok” and “Mishkina Porridge”, 1958.

Living Rainbow, 1982.

Dunno from our yard, 1984.

The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin, 1964.

Jerusalem artichokes, 1987.

Dreamers, 1965.

Slide 13.


Bobik visiting Barbos, 1977.

Vintik and Shpuntik - cheerful masters, 1961.

Dunno in the Sunny City. In 10 episodes, 1976-77.

Dunno is studying, 1961.

Funtik and cucumbers, 1961.

Dunno on the Moon, 1999.

Two presenters come onto the stage with a large model of the book. The model is installed on a stand.

1st presenter.

Favorite books beautiful pages

Let them come to life!

Here are the dreamers: Stasik, Mishka

And Kostya and Vitya.

Do you remember the story “Knock-knock-knock”?

2nd presenter.

A friend was once transported in a suitcase -

How did you lose the putty?

1st presenter. I think it's worth a look!

Two boys run out - Kostya and Shurik.

Kostya. I am Kostya!

Shurik. Well, I am Shurik! (In unison.) And we have putty!

Kostya. Look what I got.

Shurik. Liverwurst. (Kostya gets offended and hides the putty in his pocket.) Where is the putty?

Kostya. Here it is, in your pocket. I won't eat it. (Pause.)

Shurik. Have you eaten your gingerbread yet?

Kostya. Not yet. And you?

Shurik. Neither do I. Let's eat.

Kostya. Let's. (They are eating. Kostya suddenly spat.) Listen, is your gingerbread delicious?

Shurik. Yes.

Kostya. But mine is tasteless and kind of bland. It probably melted in my pocket.

Shurik. Where's the putty?

Kostya. Putty? Here it is, in your pocket. Just wait. This is not putty, but a carrot. Ugh! I got everything mixed up! (They run away.)

1st presenter.

Leaf after leaf flipped through

And page after page,

Try to guess now

Who will we meet with?

2nd presenter.

Poet, artist, liar and incompetent -

He is the main spring

Nosov's laughter!


Dunno runs in to the music, humming.


A grasshopper sat in the grass,

A grasshopper sat in the grass,

Just like a cucumber

He was green.


Imagine -

Just like a cucumber.


Imagine -

He was green.

Yes, the song is good

What did Tsvetik write?

I also want to be a poet!

I'll go to Tsvetik

Learn to write poetry!

And then, then,

I want to become famous!

Tsvetik enters.


Listen, Tsvetik, teach me to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.


Do you have any abilities?


Of course there is. I'm very capable!


This needs to be checked. Do you know what rhyme is?


Rhyme? No, I don't know.


Rhyme is when two words end the same. For example: duck is a joke, shortbread is a walrus. Understood?




Well, say a rhyme with the word stick




What rhyme is there: stick, herring? The words need to be similar. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle.


Got it, got it! That's great! Tow - shmaklya.


What kind of schmuck? There is no such word!


Well, then the bastard.


And there is no such word.

You don't have

Ability for poetry.


Now, now... (Walks, mutters.) Look, brothers, what poems I wrote!

About Znayka.

Znayka went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the sheep.

About Toropyzhka.

Toropyzhka was hungry.

Swallowed a cold iron.

About Avoska.

Avoska has it under his pillow

There is a sweet cheesecake.

Runs away humming to the music.

But then the frog came -

gluttonous belly,

And she ate the blacksmith.

All performance participants take the stage. In their hands are books by N.N. Nosova.

That's it (in unison).

Don't waste your time - read Nosov's books!

Teacher. The book will tell us everything,

The book will show us everything.

Why does the sun set

Where the surf hits the shore.

Where is it warm and where is it frosty?

I brushed all the leaves off the birch trees.

If you read the book,

We will learn a lot of interesting things.

– Guys, pay attention to the exhibition. These are books by N. N. Nosov. What stories by Nosov do you know?

Slide 14.

Teacher. Let's continue our literary celebration with a literary quiz. Let's divide into two teams and try to answer the questions. For each correct answer, teams will receive a flower. The team that collects the most flowers wins.

1 competition.

Before us is “Lost and Found” by Plyushkin, let’s see what kind of things were found in this bureau. Try to guess which literary work of Nikolai Nikolaevich these things are from:

  • Hat – “Living Hat”;
  • Cucumber – “Cucumbers”;
  • Telephone – “Phone”;
  • Pan - “Mishkina porridge”;
  • Dog - “Friend”;
  • Threads, scissors, needle - “Patch”;

Teacher. Well done! Now we know which heroes of the work need to return their lost things.

2 competition.

Host: We continue our quiz. The next competition is for attentive readers... And we have one question: “What work are these lines from?”

1).“Then my mother left, and Mishka and I decided to go to the river to fish. We set up fishing rods and dug up worms.” (Mishkina porridge)

2).“We wrote about twenty of these notes and went to post them around the city.” (Buddy)

3). “He unscrewed the tube, took out some pieces of iron from it and began to pick out the round plate that was inside.” (Telephone)

4). “The next morning, we rushed to the garden before everyone else and started digging. Then Mishka begged Vitya for a tape measure and began to measure the ground: how much had been dug up on our site, and how much was left.” (Gardeners).

5).“ - How old are you? - asked Mishutka.

– 99. What about you?

“And I’m 140. You know,” says Mishutka, “I used to be big, like Uncle Borya, but then I became small.” (Dreamers).

6).“This car runs on sparkling water with syrup. There was a seat for the driver in the middle of the car, and a tank of sparkling water was placed in front of it.” (The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends)

7). “Kotka ran at full speed across the field, across the ravine, across the bridge over the stream, and slowly walked along the road home. He was happy in his soul." (Cucumbers).

8) “Bobka had wonderful pants: green, or rather, khaki. Bobka loved them very much and always showed off.

- Look, guys, what kind of pants I have. Soldiers!” (Patch).

9).“There was smoke all over the house and it stank of suffocating gases. The neighbors were angry and there were no sparklers.” (Sparklers)

10).“ – Let’s go together. I'll take the putter. If she crawls towards us, I’ll hit her with my stick.

- Wait, I’ll take the stick too.

- Yes, we don’t have another stick. “Well, I’ll take a ski pole.” (Live Hat)

3 competition. "Who's faster?"


For some reason, everyone in the world knows about me.

Even on the Moon, adults and children know.

I don’t want to brag in vain, but I’ll tell you honestly,

What others can’t handle, I’ve known for a long time.

Collect the names of the heroes from my favorite work, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.” But you will have to play without team captains. Because Emma Alexandrovna has prepared an important task for them - an expressive reading of an excerpt from the work of N.N. Nosov

4 competition.


Participants are given sheets of assignments.









While the teams are preparing for the task, an outdoor game is played with spectators. Game ___________________________________________________________________

Summing up the quiz.

Parting words from the school librarian and 4th grade students.

And we say goodbye to you and want to say parting lines:

You have a lot of friends.

And they live around.

But of all the good friends

A book is your best friend!

The book is your friend and comrade.

We take it everywhere.

After all, she will help you

Both in study and in work!

Books first pages

We are greeted from a young age

And they carry you like birds,

Flying around the white light.

Who walks around the world with a book,

Who knows how to be friends with her,

This book always helps

Study, work and live!

Together: See you again!

View the cartoon _____________________________________ based on the story by N. Nosov.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4" in Kaluga

Extracurricular activity scenario

primary school teacher Natalia Nikolaevna Makarova

Literary game “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends. N. Nosov."

(2nd grade)

2014 – 2015 academic year

“A day lived without a book is a day lost.”

Target: development of emotional responsiveness when reading works of fiction, artistic, creative and cognitive abilities.

Tasks: develop interest in the work of N. Nosov; develop communication skills, instill in students a sense of collectivism, cohesion, and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: computer; projector; presentation; exhibition of books by N. Nosov; paraphernalia from N. Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”; team emblems; diplomas.

Progress of the event:

Slides 2-5

Wearing a round-brimmed hat

And in knee-length pants,

Busy with different things

He's just too lazy to study.

He is a famous artist,

He is a well-known poet

Wonderfully brought up

He is dressed very fashionably.

Who is he, quickly guess!

What's his name?..

Presenter (Dunno): Hello, guys! Can you guess my name? That's right, Dunno. What fairy tale am I from? Why do they call me that? No, I know a lot, you know nothing, and I will prove this to you. I will ask many questions from my fairy tale, where I am the main character, and you will answer. I think you don't really like to read.

Teacher: Guys, shall we agree to play with Dunno? But before Dunno starts asking his tricky questions, listen to an interesting story about the author of the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kyiv. In 1932 he graduated from the directing department of the State Institute of Cinematography. Since 1932 he worked as a film director and animator. N. Nosov’s literary debut took place in 1938.

The children's writer became famous thanks to the story “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home,” published in 1951 and awarded the USSR State Prize in 1952. In 1955, the film “Two Friends” was made based on the story. And to this day, the trilogy about Dunno - “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon” - enjoys great success among young readers. The first book was published in 1954, and the last in 1964. Several animated films have been made based on these fairy tales. In addition to his literary activities - and Nikolai Nosov wrote “The Tale of My Friend Igor”, plays, and many short stories - the writer took part in the creation of film scripts, on which, in particular, the films “The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin” and “Fantasers” were staged.

Slides 6

Teacher: We got acquainted with a short biography of N. Nosov, now Dunno is your turn. Ask your questions, and the guys will try to answer.

Dunno: In order to find out who knows all the characters in the book “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” better, I suggest playing a literary game. To do this, we will divide into 3 teams (in preparation for the literary game, the children split into teams in advance, made emblems for their team, gave it a name, prepared drawings and questions for the opposing teams). For each correct answer you will receive points. Whichever team scores more points will win.

Task 1. “How was Dunno dressed?” (slide 7)

Bright blue hat, canary yellow trousers, orange shirt, green tie.

Task 2. “In what city did Dunno and his friends live?”(Slide 8)

In Flower City.

Task 3. "The house of Dunno and his friends was located...». (Slide 9)

a) on Gladiolus Avenue

b) on Kolokolchikov Street

c) on the Alley of Daisies

d) on Vasilkov Boulevard

Task 4. “Poetic riddles.”(Slide 10-16)

We all love books since childhood
About funny shorties
Guslya, Donut, Dunno...
Who's who - you're the guesser!

1.This one is a master of drawing
Paints and brush.
Can he draw
And the portrait and the leaves. Tube

2. This one is very, very important.
He bravely with castor oil
rushes to illness
He tries to treat everyone. Pilyulkin

3. This boy is always gloomy,
He mumbles and gets angry.
Give him some sweet medicine,
Let your smile shine! Grumpy

4. This is Dunno’s faithful friend.
He's probably very modest
He is an excellent musician
He has great talent. Ghusla

5. We decided to go for a ride
With the breeze in the car
The truth in the fairy tale was told to you
We created it ourselves.
After all, this does not exist anywhere:
He drives on gas and water. Vintik and Shpuntik

6. Pretty baby
Blue eyes.
She loves books very much -
And poems and fairy tales. (Sineglazka)

Task 5. “Find out who these things belong to.” (Slide 17)

A lot of things came into the lost and found room. We need to find their owners. All of them are your old friends. So let's begin:

    Leather jacket (Vintik, Shpuntik)

    First aid kit (Pilyulkin)

    Suit without a single button (Toropyzhka)

    Klyaksa (Dunno)

    Checkered suit (Syrup)

    Sugar lump (Donut)

    Bormotograph (Shurupchik)

    Magnifying glass (Steklyashkin)

    Feather (Flower)

    Jar of honey (Lungwort)

Task 6. “Recognize the hero by description.”(Slide 18-25)

He came up with a special overall for himself that didn’t have a single button. It fastened at the top with one button. Toropyzhka

His suits mostly had pockets. The more pockets there were, the better the suit was considered. His best suit had seventeen pockets. Donut

He had a small dog, Bulka, and also had a gun that shot corks. Bulka

He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put his glasses on his nose and started reading some book, he completely looked like a professor. Znayka

He always wore checkered suits. And his trousers were checkered, and his jacket was checkered, and his cap was checkered. The short ones said: “Look, look, there’s a chessboard.” Syrup

They looked alike, only one was a little taller and the other a little shorter. Both wore leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of their jacket pockets. Tongue and Screw

He always wore a white robe and wore a white cap with a tassel on his head.


Task 7. “Crossword”.(Slide 26)


    What is the name of the city where the shorties lived?

    What was the baby doctor's name?

    What were the residents of Flower City called because of their short stature?

    Say the name of your friend Dunno


    The name of a little girl who loved to plant plants and breed new varieties.

    What was the name of the city where the travelers ended up?

    The name of the baby, a jack of all trades: repair, saw, plan, rivet, solder

    The kids got several barrels of syrup from it

    What was the name of the hunter Pulka's dog?

Dunno: I know guys that you picked up questions based on N. Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” and drew pictures. Now you

Exercise. “Question for the opposing team.” "Guess the fairy tale from the pictures."

(children prepared drawings and questions about the fairy tale for their opponents in advance)

Summing up.

Dunno: Well done, now I can safely call you Know-nothings.

Did you like the literary game based on the fairy tale by N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”? (Children's answers)

What did you like best? (Children's answers)

I say goodbye to you until the new literary game “Dunno in the Sunny City”.

Presentation of diplomas.

AUDIENCE: children from 6 to 14 years old.


Participants are divided into two teams and come up with names for them. Teams receive points for winning games. At the end of the event, the points are counted and the winning team is determined.

During the event, the presenter reads excerpts from the book N.Nosova « Dunno in the Sunny City.

Leading: Guys, we continue to get acquainted with the book N.Nosova « Dunno in the Sunny City" and today we will go on a trip to a clothing factory. At this factory, the shorties of the Sunny City produce a wide variety of clothes. But before we go to the factory, I offer you this game. I will name the things that a certain fashionista wears, and you should clap your hands if the things called can be worn, and if they cannot be worn, then you should stomp loudly. So let's begin!

Game "Fashionista"

So, I saw a skirt on a fashionista ( clap)

Not one, but two at once ( stomp)

On the shoulders there is a fur coat made of fish ( stomp)

And a pot on my head (stomp)

There are boots on her feet (clap)

High heels (clap)

And there are earrings hanging in my ears (clap)

And tights on my hand (stomp)

The scarf hangs around your neck (clap)

On the nose there are glasses like a shadow (clap)

Fan tangled in hair (stomp)

And on the waist there is a belt (clap)

She's also wearing a blouse (clap)

Umbrella - cane in hand (clap)

A jellyfish weighs on your shoulder (stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash (stomp)

There is a ring on my finger (clap)

And on his neck is a bowler hat (stomp)

And also a pendant - a heart (clap)

And a cambric scarf (clap)

If you meet that girl,

Remember this fable.

I want to wish you

You won't meet such fashionistas!

Leading: Well, we've warmed up! Now you can go on a trip! Tell me guys, what kind of transport? Dunno and his friends Klyopa, Kubik, Knopochka and Pestrenky came to the clothing factory? (children's answers) That's right, by car. Imagine that you and I get into a car and quickly drive to the factory. (children imitate the sound of a motor) And so we stop “near a round ten-story building, painted with very beautiful flesh-colored paint.” Let's go inside. We are with you “We found ourselves in a large round room with a shiny white tiled floor and the same white walls and ceiling. From all sides came the muffled hum of machinery and the soft rustling of fabrics being made. … On the ground floor of the factory there is a large textile boiler of the engineer Cylinder, in which various fabrics are created from threads.”

I have threads from this cauldron in my hands, let's wind them up.

Game "Wind the thread"

Players compete in pairs. At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to wind the thread; the one who completes the task first wins.

Leading: Our journey through the factory continues, and I invite you to go to the second floor. “...Various jackets, jackets, coats and jackets are made here. But here the threads, before entering the loom, undergo a dyeing process, that is, they are continuously pulled through vessels with dyeing solutions.”

Guys, I invite you to participate in the process of dyeing fabrics.

Game "Dyers"

Pieces of white fabric are hung at a distance from the team. Each team receives a brush and paints. At the leader’s signal, the first players of each team dip a brush into the paint, run to the fabric, make a brush stroke, return back to the team and pass the baton to the next player. The team that paints the fabric the fastest wins.

Leading: And I invite you to the third floor. As you can see here “Pants are made in different styles and sizes.” Let's check how comfortable the trousers produced here are.

Game "Pantswalkers"

Each team receives large trousers. All participants are divided into pairs. One player puts on one pant leg, the other another. Each pair must run to the pin and back, passing the trousers to the next players. The team whose members complete the task faster wins.

Leading: And our journey continues. “The fourth, fifth and sixth floors are occupied by the production of various dresses, skirts, blouses and blouses.” And short people sew a lot of beautiful buttons on their blouses. I suggest you fasten all the buttons on these blouses.

Game “One button, two buttons”

One player from each team puts on a blouse/shirt and stands a few meters from his team. At the leader’s signal, the first players of the teams put on gloves, run to their player, fasten one button on their blouse, come back and pass the gloves to the next participant. The first team to fasten all the buttons on the blouse wins.

Leading: And you and I are going up to the seventh floor of the factory. Here “gaiters, stockings, socks, ties, bows, ribbons, laces, belts and similar small items and handkerchiefs are made.” Guys, I have in my hands a sock made on this floor, and in it are riddles about clothes. Try to guess them.

Game "Clothing riddles"

Teams take turns pulling one riddle out of a sock. The team that solves the most riddles wins.

Leading: Guys, look at what beautiful ribbons the shorties produce at their clothing factory. And now I suggest you make bows from these ribbons.

Game “Bow one, bow two”

At some distance from the teams, a rope is stretched. Each player receives a ribbon. At the leader’s signal, the first players run to the rope, tie a ribbon on it with a bow, return to the team and pass the baton to the next participants. The team that completes the task first wins.

Leading: And we are going up to the eighth floor of the factory where they produce “all kinds of hats.” For example, these are the hats (the presenter shows his hat). You can play an interesting game with this hat.

Game "Musical Hat"

All participants stand in a circle, and while the music is playing, they pass the hat to each other. When the music stops, the player holding the hat must complete some task: sing a song, recite a poem, dance, jump, etc. Having completed the task, the player drops out and becomes a spectator. The last participant remaining in the circle brings the winning point to his team.

Leading: Our journey continues, and we rise to the ninth floor of a clothing factory, where short people produce shoes. “Thick, multi-layered and pressed fabrics were in use here, from which they loved to make shoes in the Sunny City.” Guys, what shoes do you like to wear the most? (children's answers) Now I’ll test how quickly you can put on your shoes!

Game "Shoe Trouble"

All participants take off their shoes and put them in a large box or mixed on a piece of cloth. At the leader’s signal, the players of both teams run up to the shoes, find theirs, put on their shoes and line up in teams. The team that lines up first wins.

Leading: Guys, we went through nine floors of a clothing factory, but “We haven’t met a single short person, since all processes, right down to the packaging of finished products, are carried out by machines. But on the tenth floor it’s the other way around, that is, there are no cars at all, but there are a lot of babies and toddlers. Some of them stand at easels and draw something, others sit at tables and draw something, and still others sew something from various materials. There are a lot of mannequins around, that is, large, really short dolls, on which ready-made dresses were tried on.” On the tenth floor of the factory, guys, there is an art department, where short artists come up with designs for fabric, and also invent new styles of clothing. The most famous artist Nitochka works here. “She is currently working on creating a design for a new fabric called “Morning in a Pine Forest.” And recently, Thread created a fabric sample called “Ladybug”. Another time, Thread came up with an even more interesting story called “The Four Seasons.” It was printed in eight colors, for which eight new printing rollers were made. The whole city dressed up in these dresses with pictures.”

Guys, I suggest you become artists and create your own design for fabric.

Game "Artists"

Each team receives a sheet of whatman paper and paint. Their task is to create a drawing in 10 minutes. The team that makes the most interesting, unusual drawing wins.

Leading: Guys, our journey through the clothing factory has come to an end. You and I have gone through all ten floors, and now let's go down to the first floor. On the ground floor of the factory, finished products are packaged and put into boxes to be distributed to shops in the Sunny City. And now I suggest you try yourself as a packer.

Game "Packers"

Each team is given 10 things and newspapers. At the presenter’s signal, the players pack each item in a newspaper, put them in a box, and when the box is full, bring it to the presenter. The team that completes the task first wins.

Leading: Well done guys! Our journey through the clothing factory is over, you have completed all the game tasks brilliantly. Let's now count the points and determine the winning team. (the presenter counts the points) The team wins (Name)! Let's congratulate them and loudly applaud the winners.


  1. Nosov N. All about Dunno and his friends: Stories. – St. Petersburg: Azbuka, Azbuka-Atticus, 2013. – P.293-302.
  2. Turygina S.V. Handbook for entertainers: adult and children's concert programs. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. – P.172-173.

Teacher: Guys! Today we will meet with the heroes of books about Dunno. But first, I suggest you listen to the author of these books. Nikolai Nosov was born in 1908 in Kyiv, in the family of an actor. During my school years I dreamed of becoming a musician and learned to play the violin. In high school, I prepared to enter the Faculty of Chemistry. And after school I suddenly began studying at an art institute. Soon he left it and moved to the Institute of Cinematography, after graduating from which he worked at a film studio for several years, making popular science films. And all the time, as he himself admitted later, he felt a feeling of dissatisfaction. It’s not that working in films was unpleasant for him, but it didn’t capture him completely and didn’t give him real happiness.

The calling was revealed unexpectedly. Among other activities in his youth, Nosov was fond of literature; he tried to write stories, but nothing worked out for him. Nosov decided that he had no talent. It turned out that there was simply no theme. He tried to write for adults, but it was necessary for children. This was discovered when his son was born and he, as an adult, again found himself in the magical land of childhood and saw childhood not in the fog of the distant past, but in close proximity.

“I confess,” the writer recalled, “this magical country surprised me, and creativity, as one smart artist said, begins with surprise. I saw in the child something that I had not noticed before and that, it seemed to me, others did not notice either.”

His first story for children appeared in the magazine “Murzilka” in 1938 and was called “Entertainers”, and his first book was a collection of stories “Knock-Knock-Knock” in 1945. Each subsequent book was a resounding success among children.

Almost every story by Nosov is based on a mistake, inexperience or ignorance. For example, in the story “Mishkina Porridge” a whole chain of hilarious events is caused by one simple thing - the children’s inability to cook porridge.

Nosov’s world is children on their own. They often find themselves alone, without adults: they play, play pranks, travel, do homework, get lost and find themselves. Children from the stories of N. N. Nosov gain valuable life experience. Stories such as “Steps”, “Car”, “Metro”, “Cucumbers” provide the first lessons in learning what is good and what is bad.

But the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1951) and its two sequels, “Dunno in the Sunny City” and “Dunno on the Moon,” brought the writer well-deserved fame.

There is one interesting trick in the trilogy about Dunno: all the residents of the Flower City, the short ones, are both children and adults at the same time. By occupation they seem to be adults, but by character and behavior they are real children. Hunter Pulka, poet Tsvetik, Doctor Pilyulkin and all the others are bright personalities, and everyone is busy with business. And only Dunno, naughty and restless, can’t find a place for himself, takes on everything and abandons everything, manages to quarrel with everyone and ruin everything everywhere. But at the same time, no one particularly holds a grudge against him, they don’t kick him out of the company, and sometimes he turns out to be very useful, and we are glad that Dunno has so many friends.

Nosov was the greatest inventor: in the second part of the trilogy, he told children about the future wonders of science and technology - what a car powered by soda is worth! And in the third book, he started talking to the children about the most difficult thing: the structure of human society.

N. N. Nosov’s books are fascinating and interesting, which is why they are constantly republished, attract artists, and his heroes live on stage, on screen and simply in everyday children’s play.

On a fairytale map,

I know for sure

There is a wonderful city

With the name Flower.

Dunno (comes out): I hear, I hear... Who is talking about my hometown here? Oh, where did I end up?

Teacher: First of all, Dunno, you need to say hello, and then ask questions.

Dunno: Here's more! I get along just fine without it.

Teacher: Do you know, Dunno, what this word means?

Dunno: Don't know. And I don't want to know.

Teacher: But you still listen to what the guys have to say about him.

Dunno: OK.


Hello! Hello! Hello!

There is no more necessary word,

Smiles bloom on faces,

People are becoming friendlier.

Child: The word “hello”, at first glance, is the simplest and most ordinary. But so sunny! And how much joy and light it carries within itself! Say this word and your soul will become warmer.

Child: This word is very old. It is connected with the word “tree”. Once upon a time, people, saying the word “hello,” wished others to be healthy, strong, powerful, like a tree, like an oak, for example.

Dunno: How wonderful it turns out to be.

Hello guys.

All: Hello, Dunno.

Dunno: So tell me, guys, where did I end up?

Child: She ended up in... school, in... class.

Dunno: So everything is correct. My friends from Flower City send you letters. (Shows.) They contain interesting tasks that they have compiled for you. (Takes the first letter .)

This letter is from... Stop. Guess who?

In a long blouse with a hoodie

And with a palette in hand,

So, standing at the easel,

It will remain for centuries.

Children :


Dunno (opens the envelope, reads ):

I landscapes, still lifes

I've been drawing for many years.

I wanted someone

Gave me my portrait.

Contest "The Cheerful Artist"

Children draw a portrait of Tube.


He's always losing something

He always doesn’t know where things are.

Guess who I'm talking about.

What is the baby's name?



Dunno (reads the second letter):

Well, that's a disaster!

I always lose them.

Find boots

In this picture.

Contest "The most attentive"

In the picture, the children find and show where the shoes are hidden.


- Would like some sweet water

If only they would give me a trailer,

I would drink it all, -

Speaks …

Children :


Dunno (reads ):

Are there any among you

The same as me?

Who will drink faster

Lemonade, friends?

Contest "Who is faster"

Two people compete. Everyone has a glass of lemonade and a straw. The one who drinks the fastest wins.


In the city of Flowers

Everyone knows him

On the harp all the time

He's playing something.




There are many different tools,

Even I can’t count them all.

Maybe some new one

Do you have any kids?

I see two empty bottles on the window. Well, what is a musical instrument?

Contest "Musical"

Children whistle the tune of the song “Grasshopper” on empty bottles.


He walks with his dog Bulka,

And everyone calls him...

Children :


Dunno :

There is a carrot in the circle.

Hit it smartly.

A drawing opens with a carrot drawn in the center of the circle.

These are not fifty-fifty buns...

We all need to make some bullets.

Children make paper bullets (crumpling a paper sheet).

Contest "Hit the target"

Competitors must use a bullet to hit the center of the circle where the carrot is drawn. The one who manages to do this wins.


He says the least

Will never scream

Will never grumble

It’s just better to remain silent.



Dunno (opens the next letter, takes out a blank sheet of paper, turns it over in his hands):

Interesting?! What did he mean by this?(Thinks.) I know. He probably wants us to play the musical game “Milchanka.”

Musical game "Milchanka"

Music is playing, everyone is singing. At a sign, Dunno continues to sing to themselves. But to confuse the children, Dunno can continue the song out loud.

The losers leave the game and the game continues.


This jack of all trades

Never knows boredom.

It costs him nothing -

He will build a ship to the moon.

Children :



Vintik has an assistant. What's his name?

Children :



We dream of a car

To cook and wash,

Cleaned and washed

And to polish the parquet,

Doing everything at once.

Contest "Inventor"

Children draw a model of such a machine.


And the last envelope.

He knows about everything in the world.

Who is he? Tell me, children.



Dunno (reads):

I love making crosswords.

I offer two at once.

Who will read it faster?

The key words in them.

1st team

Crossword 1

    Baby from Flower City.(Chamomile.)

    Poet. (Flower.)

    The kid from Zmeyovka, who was causing mischief in the Green City.(Carnation.)

    Vintik's assistant.(Shpuntik.)

    Donut lover.(Donut.)

    Artist. (Tube.)

    Poetess. (Gem.)

    A kid who knows nothing and can’t do anything.(Dunno.)

Keyword: "Lungwort".

2nd team

    Dunno's best friend.(Gunka.)

    The kid who loses everything.(Confused.)

    Baby with blue eyes.(Sineglazka.)

    Famous mechanic.(Cog.)

    Sineglazka's neighbor.(Daisy.)

    The kid who knows everything. (Knowledge.)

    Hunter. (Bullet.)

    Inventor of the Bormotograph. (Smekailo.)

Keyword: "Dunno."

The results are summed up and the winners are awarded.

(In conclusion it is performed song "Grasshopper", music by V. Shainsky.)

The creation of a joint-stock company, voice trading, a stock exchange, public investors - all this and much more is in Nikolai Nosov’s novel “Dunno on the Moon”. The writer touches on many complex features of the relationships between participants in the world of finance in a playful way.

- Right! – Julio was delighted. – We will establish a joint-stock company. Let's issue shares... Do you know what shares are? - he asked Dunno.

“No, I haven’t heard anything about them,” Dunno admitted.

Shares are pieces of paper, like banknotes. They can be printed in a printing house. We will sell each share, say, for a fee. We will spend the proceeds on the construction of the aircraft, and when the seeds are delivered, each shareholder will receive their share of the seeds. Of course, whoever has more shares will receive more seeds.

“The most important thing now is to get the poor people to fork out money and buy our shares,” Miga said.

- How will you force them? They won't believe that there are seeds somewhere on the Moon. We need proof,” Julio said.

“I’ve already thought of everything,” Miga answered. “We’ll start by making some noise about this case.” First of all, we need to print in the newspapers that a short man from another planet has arrived to us. And when everyone believes it, we will print that this space shorty brought the seeds, and immediately announce the establishment of a joint stock company.

One of the drawings even showed fruit being harvested, with each apricot, peach, plum or wineberry barely fitting on a truck. Having captured the imagination of readers with similar stories and drawings, Miga and Julio published a message that the interplanetary ship remaining on the lunar surface was loaded with seeds of giant plants, which could be used profitably if it were possible to get them from there. A notice was immediately printed about the establishment of a joint-stock company for the construction of an aircraft that could reach the outer shell of the Moon and deliver seeds of giant plants to Malaya Zemlya. At the end was printed the address of the office where shares could be purchased: “Fertinga Street, house No. 3, office No. 373.”

As soon as all the shares were received from the printing house and hidden in chests, Miga and Julio arranged first meeting of the joint stock company. At this meeting, Miga made a proposal to put two million shares on sale, and divide the remaining three million among themselves. Thus, each of them will have a million shares each. When the giant plant seeds arrive, they will be divided into five equal parts. Two parts will have to be given to the short people who bought the shares, the remaining three parts Dunno, Miga and Julio will divide among themselves.

– Why do we need seeds? - Dunno asked.

“We’ll sell it,” Miga said. “We also have to make some money from this business.” You could use some money too.

The dispute flared up more and more. Julio pounded the table with his fist, shouted that he was the chairman and his opinion should be taken into account, and Miga shouted that he was the treasurer and did not intend to waste money on paying for an unnecessary position, and if they did not agree with him, he would leave the joint-stock company and take back his shares. Dunno tried to calm them down, but nothing worked. The joint stock company was in danger of collapse. It is unknown how it would have ended if Kozlik himself had not intervened in the matter.

“Brothers,” he said, “don’t quarrel over me!” Let's do this: I will perform both positions - bellhop and doorman.

The dispute thus ended. Everyone quickly came to an agreement, and at this point the first meeting of the joint-stock company was completed.

In the entire city, only three short people knew nothing about what had happened. These were Dunno, Miga and Kozlik. From the very morning they sat in their office waiting for buyers of the shares, and since for some reason the buyers did not show up, they had no one to find out from anyone about what had happened. Soon, however, Julio came running to the office and told about this amazing story.

“There is no peace with robbers now,” he said. - Just look, our office will be robbed!

“But that’s not what I’m afraid of,” said Miga. “I’m afraid that now everyone will talk about this bank robbery, and they will completely forget about our joint-stock company.” Nobody will even think buy shares.

Seeing that no one came to their office to buy shares, Miga became terribly upset and said that if this went on, their joint-stock company would collapse, and they would all remain poor.

“Well, this may well happen,” Julio confirmed. – Recently they wrote in the newspaper that we have almost every day some joint stock company collapses.

- How do they burst? – Dunno became interested.

- Well, it happens that some short businessmen decide to organize a profitable enterprise, issue shares to raise capital, spend money, and no one will buy shares from them. In such cases, they say that their society has burst or gone down the drain. In reality, of course, no one bursts. This is just a figurative expression that means that society has died, ceased to exist - burst like a soap bubble,” Julio explained.

“Otherwise, it happens that some gang of swindlers gets together,” said Kozlik. “They will issue shares, sell them, and then run away with the money.” That’s when they also say that society has burst.

There is no money, so let them get it! – Miga snorted contemptuously. – Of course, the poor don’t have money, that is, they don’t have a lot of money, I want to say. If they have any, it’s just a pittance. But there are a lot of poor people! If every poor person scrapes together at least a small amount and brings it to us, then we will have a decent amount of capital and we will be able to profit well... that is... Ugh! We will be able to get the seeds of giant plants instead of trying to get some food. You can't skimp on something like this! After all, who benefits from this? This benefits the poor themselves. If every poor person grows in his garden a cucumber the size of a Goat or a watermelon the size of a two-story house, who will benefit from this? To me? You? Kozlik?.. This is beneficial, first of all, to the poor man himself. From one such watermelon he can extract so much sweet sugar slurry that it will be enough for an entire sugar factory. This is wealth! With us, every poor person will become a rich man! And then grace will begin!

“Tell me,” Miga asked him goodbye, “how did you learn about the existence of our society?” What gave you the idea to buy the stock?

- What prompted it? – Sedenky answered after thinking. – I was prompted, one might say, by chance. This piece of newspaper that you see in my hands came to me purely by accident. In our village, only poor people live. No one subscribes to newspapers, no one buys books. Nobody has money for this. However, we sometimes manage to read a newspaper. This happens when someone in a store wraps their purchase in a piece of old newspaper. Each of us collects such scraps of newspapers; He reads it himself and gives it to others to read.

Dunno handed the shorts the shares they had purchased. The customers' hands were shaking with excitement., and the one who was without soles became so excited that he even cried.

“You know, brother,” he said to Kozlik, “I came to the city to buy shoes for myself, honestly, but I found out about all these giant beans, cucumbers and cabbage.” So I decided to buy, you know, a share instead of shoes.

“And he did the right thing,” Kozlik approved. - Any donkey can buy shoes, but what kind of donkey will buy a share!

City residents realized that over time share price may rise. Everyone remembered the amazing case when the shares of one oil company, bought at one ferting a piece, were subsequently sold first for two, then for three, then for five fertings, and on the day when it became known that from under the ground where survey work, the oil gusher finally began, the price of shares jumped to ten furthings a piece. Anyone who sold their shares that day received ten times more money than they initially spent.

Having heard enough stories like this, everyone who managed to save a hundred or two ferthings for a rainy day hurried to buy giant shares in order to sell them as soon as they rose in price. As a result, two million shares, stored in two fireproof chests, were quickly sold out.

It must be said that the market where shares are traded is very different from the ordinary market where apples, tomatoes, potatoes or cabbage are traded. The fact is that a seller of fruits or vegetables only needs to lay out his goods on the counter so that everyone can see what he is selling. The stock seller carries his stock in his pocket, and the only thing he can do is shout out the name of his stock and the price at which he wishes to sell it. The buyer also only has to shout out the name of the shares he wants to buy.

Since the advent of shareholder markets, some lunatics began to buy shares not only in order to have a share in the profits of some enterprise, but also in order to sell them at a higher price. Traders appeared who bought and sold shares in huge quantities and made large profits from this. Such traders no longer went to the market themselves, but hired special screamers or so-called shouters for this. Many gorloderiks worked not for one, but for several owners at once. For one owner, such a bully bought some shares, for another - others, for a third he did not buy, but, on the contrary, sold.

Owners of giant shares were in despair. Everyone saw that they had wasted their money and now they would not be able to get it back. However, three rich men Zhmurik, Teftel and Hanakonda, who had purchased large quantities of giant shares for profit, quickly figured out what to do. They paid a significant amount of money to the owner of several Davilonian newspapers, Mr. Gadkins, who promised to publish a number of articles in his newspapers that should quickly improve the situation.