What does an extended umbilical ring mean? Umbilical hernia. Why can the umbilical ring expand in children?

Umbilical ring divergence is a condition caused by changes in the position of muscle fibers. Pathology may be the first sign of the formation of an umbilical hernia, but does not always lead to it. In this case, expansion with protrusion already indicates the formation of this disease. According to ICD 10, the code for umbilical hernia is K42, but for the expansion of the umbilical ring as an independent disease, such a code is not provided.

Causes of umbilical hernia in children and adults

The reasons for the expansion of the ring and the formation of a hernia in infants and adults differ. In children, the main factors causing pathology are:

  • Incorrect development of the anterior abdominal wall or underdevelopment of fibers. This condition is caused by various reasons, including infections in the woman, constant exposure of the mother's body to toxic substances, or overexertion during pregnancy.
  • High pressure inside the peritoneum. In this case, the hernia is not considered a congenital pathology; it is formed in the first year of life (most often a few weeks after birth) due to intense, frequent crying and screaming.
  • Weakness of the umbilical ring and connective tissue dysplasia. These are congenital pathologies that may appear later than a year after birth.

In adults, divergence of the umbilical ring and the formation of a hernia are due to a wide range of reasons:

  • difficult childbirth and pregnancy;
  • carrying a child multiple times;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • operations localized in the peritoneal area;
  • injuries of the abdomen and anterior abdominal wall;
  • adhesions and tissue scarring;
  • prolonged cough;
  • constipation and straining during bowel movements;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • ascites (often occurs with cirrhosis);
  • obesity or sudden weight loss of 10 kilograms or more;
  • decreased muscle tone due to lack of physical activity.

There are factors that contribute to excessive divergence of the umbilical ring, followed by the formation of a hernia. Similar disorders are observed in women who become pregnant after 35-40 years of age. Some professions can provoke the disease, for example, playing wind instruments.

Most of the reasons for the formation of discrepancy and umbilical hernia are associated with impaired muscle tone in the peritoneal area. In adults and children, they can be either congenital or acquired. And the disease can develop at any age.

Symptoms of the onset of a hernia

Only a doctor can determine ring discrepancy in a newborn or adult. The pathology is not always immediately accompanied by a symptom such as navel prolapse.

A normal umbilical ring has a fairly high density. It is narrow, and if you insert a finger there, it will immediately hit the wall without penetrating into the abdominal cavity. With the development of pathological processes, the ring becomes much wider, and the tone of the navel decreases. The tip of the index finger passes through it easily. An umbilical hernia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain – does not occur in all cases, but if it does, it can radiate to the navel, lower back and along the spinal column;
  • protrusion always occurs with a hernia, but may be absent if the ring has just begun to expand;
  • in the first stages, the prolapsed sac is easily repositioned and has a soft consistency;
  • the size of the hernia depends on the duration of the disease.

If the pouch is pinched, acute symptoms occur: problems with bowel movements, severe pain in the navel area, high fever, nausea and weakness, loss of appetite. After infringement, complications may begin.

Diagnosis of the disease

The surgeon can recognize an umbilical hernia at the first examination, as well as determine the presence of an enlarged umbilical ring. The patient cannot independently diagnose these pathologies.

Ultrasound, x-rays and laboratory tests are necessary to exclude hidden complications, inflammatory and infectious processes. They are most often prescribed when complications are suspected.

Complications of umbilical hernia

Complications of umbilical protrusion begin only with a long course of the pathology. The primary consequence is a pinched hernia, due to which adverse symptoms develop and the patient’s well-being worsens. In adults, strangulation is quite rare; inguinal and femoral hernias are significantly ahead of it in terms of indicators. Due to the compression of the sac by the hernial orifice, necrosis of the tissues trapped in this formation is formed.

The next complication that occurs regardless of the infringement is secondary infection. It covers the part of the organ that is trapped in the hernial sac. Patients whose hernia covers intestinal loops are faced with a consequence such as coprostasis.

The long course of the disease causes painful shock, and sometimes intestinal obstruction and peritonitis develop. The most advanced stages can lead to coma, but this consequence is extremely rare.

The lack of timely diagnosis and adequate treatment is the main factor in the occurrence of hernia complications. If the patient feels painful tingling in the navel area, or there is a suspicion that the umbilical ring is expanding, he needs to consult a surgeon or therapist.

Treatment methods

In children from birth to 1 year, active expectant treatment is used, which includes:

  • constant monitoring of the condition of the navel;
  • use of support bandages;
  • operation if containment measures are ineffective.

In adults and older children, the only method of effective treatment for umbilical hernia is surgery. With its help, the surgeon isolates the hernial sac and returns its contents back into the abdominal cavity. Then a special mesh is installed to restrain the hernial orifice. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the patient’s condition.

The rehabilitation period is 6 months, the first weeks must be kept in bed.

If a hernia occurs in parallel with multiple malformations in a newborn child, the prognosis will be unfavorable. Early surgery or restraining therapy helps eliminate the hernia without recurrence. Adults tolerate surgery well; in the absence of associated complications, the risk of relapse is unlikely.

Prevention of ring expansion and hernia

To prevent the child from stretching the umbilical ring, the mother must take the course of pregnancy responsibly, follow the doctor’s recommendations and refuse to use hazardous substances or live in an area with a high risk of chemical poisoning. Immediately after birth, the child is prescribed gymnastics and massage to protect against expansion of the umbilical ring.

In adults, prevention methods include the following:

  • it is necessary to engage in moderate exercise and eat right so that there is normal digestion;
  • during pregnancy, wear a support bandage and perform preventive exercises so that there is no discrepancy after the birth of the child;
  • monitor weight, obesity is not allowed;
  • If there are diseases that cause coughing or any infections, they immediately begin to treat them.

To avoid relapse after surgery, the patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

An umbilical hernia, which often occurs after the ring has expanded, can be treated. However, advanced disease can lead to complications. If you visit a doctor and follow his recommendations, unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

And after birth, filled with its obliterated remains; place of origin of umbilical hernias.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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Difference between umbilical hernia and umbilical ring enlargement

It is necessary to distinguish between frequently confused concepts: “ umbilical hernia" and "hypotonicity of the umbilical ring", or expansion of the umbilical ring.

Photo 1 shows a classic hernia in an adult. This is a muscle protrusion that can form for several reasons, including:

  • severe diseases that disrupt tissue turgor and muscle tone;
  • weakness and insufficient density of the abdominal fascia;
  • covering the umbilical ring with the abdominal fascia, and so on.

A hernia creates discomfort and poses risks to human health; it can only be cured surgically.

In everyday practice, enlargement of the umbilical ring in infants is also called a hernia for simplicity (photo 2). Although in fact it occurs for other reasons - usually due to prematurity or due to the fact that, when the umbilical cord has already fallen off, the umbilical ring closes more slowly than necessary. Unlike a true hernia, such a bulge can be treated without surgery - bandages, exercise therapy massages, and special exercises are used for this. The baby should also be placed on a flat, hard surface in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

How dangerous is an “umbilical hernia” in newborns?

The most important thing for parents is not to remain ignorant and not to exaggerate the scale of the problem. So-called hernia in newborns appears not so rarely, and it is found in girls more often than in boys. At risk are babies born prematurely, as well as those whose birth weight was less than three kilograms.

If a child is found umbilical ring expansion, this is not a reason to panic! And even more so, this does not mean that surgery will necessarily be required. In the vast majority of cases, it is enough to use reliable and effective Rupfix umbilical plates from the Arilis company, which have already helped many children get rid of the so-called hernia, as well as follow other doctor’s recommendations.

Myths about umbilical hernia in newborns

Despite the development of medicine and the educational work of doctors, many parents are still at the mercy of myths and prejudices. Thus, some are confident that an increase in intra-abdominal pressure can supposedly provoke a hernia in a child, and therefore call coughing, screaming, crying, vomiting and bloating as dangerous phenomena.

All this has nothing to do with reality. In fact, expansion of the umbilical ring can only appear if there is an anatomical predisposition or with developmental disorders of the abdominal fascia, which is usually diagnosed already in the first weeks after the birth of the child. These reasons, in turn, are not associated with factors that provoke a true umbilical hernia (severe illnesses, etc.).

As for screaming and crying, they are precisely the consequence, not the cause. With the development of hypotonicity of the umbilical ring, the baby experiences severe discomfort, which prompts him to cry. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to deal with it under the guidance and supervision of a pediatrician or perinatologist.

How and when is umbilical ring enlargement detected in children?

The umbilical ring is the anatomically weak point of any child. In some children, the muscles close quickly enough, in others this does not happen, resulting in a small protrusion in the navel area. It is clearly visible to the naked eye, and in this case the child will rarely feel well. Fortunately, getting rid of this problem is quite easy.

Discover umbilical ring expansion The child can be visually examined by the parents or the doctor. Usually any abnormalities are detected in the first weeks or months after the birth of the child. Quite rare, but cases are still possible when the problem is detected in a child already at the age of one or even one and a half years. The resulting protrusion is difficult to miss, especially when the child is sitting or standing, when he cries or strains his stomach for other reasons.

It should be remembered that at an early age, a protrusion in the navel area is not a hernia: it is temporarily reduced if you just press lightly with your fingers. But if suddenly a child aged three or more years develops a muscle bulge that was not there before, this is most likely the beginning of the development of a true umbilical hernia. The reasons for it can be different, and they differ from those that provoke a convex navel in newborns. An older child should definitely be shown to a doctor - most likely, he will confirm a true umbilical hernia, and surgical intervention will be required.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Yes, you should definitely contact a specialist! The baby's parents are not professional doctors, and they cannot make an accurate diagnosis. Only a pediatric surgeon can do this. It will be enough for parents to report that they have discovered a hernia-like protrusion in their child. Possible additional symptoms are fever, change in skin color, and abnormal bowel movements.

In any case, you should not delay seeing a doctor! The sooner you report a problem, the easier it will be to fix it, avoiding risks and complications. According to statistics, about two thirds of cases are eliminated exclusively by conservative methods, that is, without surgery. It is strictly necessary to excise the hernia and perform plastic surgery only in severe cases, and also at the age of five years. But regardless of age, diagnosis is needed.

Can the situation return to normal without treatment?

In some children, the deviation in the development of the umbilical ring from the norm is less than seven millimeters, while the protrusion is very small or completely invisible. In this case, the doctor diagnoses “enlarged umbilical ring.” Sometimes it goes away on its own - this is what the children's parents hoped for when medicine was not yet developed.

But today there are ways to solve the problem with guarantee, and you should not neglect them:

  • The child should be seen regularly by a doctor.
  • will allow you to fix problem muscles and painlessly, gradually return them to their normal position. Due to the lack of allergenic properties, the plates can be worn for a very long time.
  • Therapeutic massage is prescribed, which can be performed both in clinical and at home conditions.
  • Special gymnastic exercises for newborns, regular placing baby on stomach on a hard surface - additional measures to get rid of hypotonicity of the umbilical ring.
  • With an integrated approach, you can count on quickly getting rid of the problem. Wearing them will be key as they will have a positive effect all the time.

The Arilis company has proven itself well among parents. According to many reviews, you can see significant improvements in just ten to twenty days. Rupfix plates do not cause discomfort, do not cause allergies, yet they adhere very well and significantly surpass any medical bandages in their characteristics. Thanks to the use of such plates, it is possible to significantly speed up the process of getting rid of the so-called umbilical hernia in a newborn.

Linea alba(linea alba abdominis). It is formed by intersecting tendon bundles of the six broad abdominal muscles (three on the right and three on the left side). The linea alba separates both rectus muscles, and its direction corresponds to the midline of the body.

The white line stretches from the xiphoid process to the symphysis, and above the navel it looks like a strip, the width of which increases towards the navel. At the top (at the level of the xiphoid process) it has a width of 5-8 mm, in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process and the navel - 1.5 cm, and at the level of the navel - 2.0-2.5 cm (sometimes more). Below it narrows, but becomes thicker. At a distance of 3-5 cm downward from the navel, the white line is 2-3 mm wide. Near the pubis, it is located entirely in front of the rectus abdominis muscles, so that both muscles touch in this place, being separated by a thin fascial bridge.

In the linea alba there are through (penetrating through its entire thickness to the peritoneum) slit-like spaces. Vessels and nerves or adipose tissue pass through them, connecting the preperitoneal tissue with the subcutaneous tissue. These gaps can serve as an outlet for hernias called white line hernias.

Navel. In its position, it almost corresponds to the middle of the distance between the apex of the xiphoid process and the upper edge of the symphysis. In most cases, the position of the navel corresponds to the level of the intervertebral disc separating the III lumbar vertebra from the IV, or the body of the IV lumbar vertebra.

The navel is a retracted scar formed at the site of the umbilical ring. This ring refers to the opening bordered by the aponeurotic fibers of the linea alba. During the period of intrauterine development, three vessels and the urinary duct pass through the opening: two umbilical arteries and the urinary duct (urachus) are located along the lower semicircle of the ring, and the umbilical vein is located on the upper semicircle. Subsequently, these formations become empty and turn into ligaments: urachus - into the median umbilical ligament, umbilical arteries - into the lateral umbilical ligaments, and the umbilical vein - into the round ligament of the liver.

After the umbilical cord falls off, the umbilical ring becomes covered with scar tissue (the so-called umbilical scar). Moreover, in the lower half of the ring, the umbilical scar, closely fused with three of the mentioned ligaments, appears to be much denser than in its upper half, where the scar remains more pliable.

The layers that form the umbilicus consist of thin skin adherent to scar tissue, umbilical fascia and peritoneum. There is no subcutaneous or preperitoneal tissue.

Umbilical fascia, which is part of the intra-abdominal fascia, consists of transverse fibers and fuses with the peritoneum, as well as with the sheaths of the rectus muscles. In some cases, this fascia covers the entire umbilical ring, in others it does not cover it at all, ending above the ring. Often the fascia is poorly developed. In accordance with this, the strength of the layers at the site of the umbilical ring varies. The umbilical vein runs in the so-called umbilical canal; it is limited in front by the linea alba, and in the back by the umbilical fascia. The lower opening of the canal is located at the upper edge of the umbilical ring, the upper one is 4-6 cm above it. The umbilical ring can be the site of umbilical hernia (herniae umbilicales).

Hernia is a protrusion of intestinal loops from the internal cavity through the edges of the hernial orifice, due to defects and underdevelopment of the muscles of the umbilical ring and the anterior abdominal wall.

Umbilical hernia in newborns occurs in every third premature baby, every fifth born at term. When the diameter of the umbilical ring is more than 4 cm, an umbilical cord hernia is diagnosed. Peristalsis can be observed through the ring.

The hernia does not cause discomfort to the child and does not cause pain. In adults, internal organs are often pinched, which is rare in children.

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The structure of the umbilical ring includes two main parts:

  1. the umbilical artery and urinary duct located below;
  2. umbilical vein with thin muscular walls at the top.

The absence of muscle membranes around the umbilical vein leads to the formation of a hernia.

The main reason for the appearance of an umbilical hernia is insufficiently strong muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, underdevelopment of the muscles of the umbilical ring.

Most often, an umbilical hernia is a hereditary pathology. The probability of a problem occurring in a child whose parents suffered from this defect is 70%.

Another reason is intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus. Normally, the walls of the fetal peritoneum begin to close after 10 weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes this does not happen.

The baby may be born with a hernial sac at the base of the umbilical cord. There is a risk of the sac rupturing during childbirth due to careless actions of the doctor.

Two out of three babies born with an umbilical hernia may have chromosomal abnormalities (for example, Down Syndrome), and one out of two has heart defects.

Incorrect cutting of the umbilical cord in a newborn cannot cause a hernia. Due to the fact that underdevelopment of muscles is an anatomical feature that cannot be affected in any way by applying a staple to the navel.

Increased intra-abdominal pressure occurs due to bloating. Colic, constipation, and the child’s frequent hysterical cry are important factors that provoke a hernia, which can cause discomfort.


At the birth of a child, while he is in the maternity hospital, an umbilical hernia can be detected and diagnosed by a surgeon examining the baby. Pathology can be suspected if the following symptoms occur:

  • A 1–2 cm bulge in the navel area, which may not be noticeable when lying down.
  • The hernia increases in size when the child strains the tummy.
  • With light pressure on the bulge, its contents are easily removed into the internal cavity, accompanied by a gurgling sound.

Methods for treating umbilical hernia in newborns

Treatment is prescribed by an experienced surgeon. Only a doctor can determine which method to choose: surgery or observation, prescribe a special massage, gymnastics, wearing a bandage or patch to strengthen muscles.


Surgical treatment is mandatory when the baby is born with a large hernial sac through which the intestinal loops are clearly visible. If there are no other developmental defects in the newborn, then the prognosis for recovery is favorable in 70%.

Also, removal of an umbilical hernia may be prescribed in case of pinching or significant protrusion of intestinal loops.

In other cases, surgery is not necessary. By the age of three, the problem gradually disappears, which is due to the strengthening and growth of the abdominal muscles.

All types of operations are performed under general anesthesia:

For girls, as expectant mothers, surgery is prescribed more often. This reduces the risk of a hernia recurring during pregnancy.

Complications after surgery:

  • pain;
  • bleeding;
  • damage to internal organs during surgery;
  • infections of wounds and sutures;
  • relapses.

Massage and gymnastics

Therapeutic massage is the most popular way to treat a childhood hernia. The appropriateness of using massage is determined by the attending physician. You definitely need to wait for the navel to heal. If ichor is still oozing from the navel, then you should not touch it.

Preparing for massage:

  • Mom’s hands are warm;
  • nails are cut short;
  • decorations are removed;
  • the baby is healthy, relaxed and in a good mood.

It is advisable to do massage two or three times a day, the last time in the evening before bathing and feeding. Before manipulation, do not feed the baby for 1-2 hours so that the tummy is free.

Massage technique:

  • With light gentle movements, stroke, lightly pressing, around the navel with your palm. A total of 10 circular strokes in a clockwise direction.
  • For a child over 3 months old, gentle pressure with the index fingers of both hands on the sides, 2–3 cm from the muscle ring area, is added to the stroking. Point pressure is applied at least 10 times. By analogy, light pressure is applied in the lower and upper abdomen.

A newborn from the third week can be placed on his tummy for 20 minutes a day after a massage, before feeding. This will help strengthen your muscles naturally. Under no circumstances should the baby be left alone; the child must be under adult supervision.

Special exercises also help strengthen the muscles of the umbilical ring. Gymnastics are performed only by trained children's massage therapists or physical therapy doctors. You cannot do gymnastics with your baby without prior training.

Bathing a child in a large bath and swimming promote recovery. Using a circle for babies will allow the baby to move in the water on his own, which will have a beneficial effect on strengthening his muscles.

Using a bandage

Newborns are allowed to use the bandage after the umbilical wound has completely healed.

The children's bandage is a wide and elastic belt that is fastened with Velcro. Its inner surface is soft. At the front of the device there is a plate (pelote) with a bulge in the center.

The bulge presses the hernial protrusion into place. At the same time, the belt supports the muscles in the desired position, preventing them from diverging.

Some models have a belt that can be moved along the belt. If the navel hernia is small, then it is better to remove the cap and place a cotton ball in the navel area.

The dimensions of the bandage range from 42–54 cm, the sides of the pelota are 6.5 cm by 9 cm.

Compared to a bandage, the bandage is not as convenient for newborns; chafing, irritation and heat rashes may appear on the baby’s delicate skin. Also, the belt is contraindicated when a hernia is pinched.

The bandage is indispensable after surgery; it prevents relapses and helps muscles tone up faster.

Also, wearing a bandage is mandatory for large hernias for children under five years of age. Modern models allow you to bathe your child without removing the bandage, rarely cause allergies, and are wear-resistant.


For up to 10 days, your doctor may prescribe a bandage made from a sterile adhesive tape to fix the muscles. If there is no effect or it is insignificant, the course is prescribed a second time, a third.

The patch should be changed every day, easily removing the old one while bathing. Remains of glue from the skin can be removed using baby cream or oil. Before using a new patch, you must remove excess fat with a wet cloth and wait until the area of ​​application has dried.

The patches are presented in a range of children's products from well-known brands. They can be used not only for umbilical hernia, but also to create a beautiful appearance of the child’s navel. The German company Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH, which produces medicinal dressings, inspires trust.

The plaster for umbilical hernias produced by the company Porofix is ​​divided into two parts, which are molded to the sides of the baby’s belly, secured in front with a special fastener. The patch is hypoallergenic, does not cause irritation, and perfectly holds the umbilical area.

Folk remedies

According to the recipe of experienced grandmothers who are confident in the effectiveness of folk remedies, you can prepare a mixture of a tablespoon of breast milk and a drop of turpentine oil. Daily lubrication of the umbilical ring area will help the disease go away.

Many years ago, a coin more than a centimeter in diameter, wiped with alcohol and wrapped in a piece of clean cotton cloth, was placed on the navel area. To keep the coin in place, it was fixed with adhesive tape.

A coin was previously warmed in the palms of the hands and was massaged by applying it to the navel for a few seconds.

They wrapped cooled oatmeal in a cloth and applied it to the navel as a compress.

It was believed that a lotion on the navel made of gauze soaked in cabbage juice, covered with a piece of raw potato, could also help.

In fact, applying a coin or porridge to the umbilical ring area is the same as a massage, so it can be effective.

Charming a hernia with healers and grandmothers will not bring any effect. Such “healers” know very well that almost always a child’s hernia goes away on its own, which is how they make money. Don't trust charlatans.


The main preventive measure is regular examination by a pediatrician and other specialists, when indicated.

It is important to monitor the baby’s proper nutrition and avoid overeating, constipation, and bloating. Your doctor will help you adjust your food intake.

The best food for a newborn is breast milk. Mom does not need to eat foods that increase gas formation and cause constipation. This is milk (except sour milk), nuts, peas, smoked meats and sausages. To prevent constipation, you need to include dried fruits in your diet: dried apricots, prunes, raisins.

Do not let the child scream a lot and loudly, try to distract him so that the hernia does not blow out.


Strangulation of an umbilical hernia, although rare, does occur. Symptoms that require calling an ambulance may include:

  • sudden nausea, vomiting;
  • difficulty defecating, presence of blood in stool;
  • heat;
  • the hernia does not push into the abdominal cavity when pressed, causes pain, and is hard to the touch.

Recovery after surgery

Provided there are no complications, rehabilitation lasts no more than two weeks. During this period, the child is in the hospital with his mother. For a month, the baby is limited to any physical activity.

After the operation, you may feel discomfort and tension in the suture area.

An umbilical hernia in newborns is not a death sentence at all. A small defect rarely bothers the baby and usually goes away by 3-5 years of age.

The key to a child’s speedy recovery is adequate help from the mother and doctors, which consists of properly selected treatment.

The main task is to strengthen the abdominal muscles and umbilical ring. Therefore, the complex use of massage, gymnastics, swimming, the use of a patch or bandage will certainly give good results.