Basal ganglia (stringing bodies). Basal ganglia and their functional relationships

Basal ganglia, like a cerebellum, represent another auxiliary motor system that is usually functioning not by itself, but in close connection with the cortex of a large brain and a corticospinal system of motor control. Indeed, most incoming signals basal ganglia are obtained from the cortex of a large brain, and almost all of these ganglia signals come back to the crust.

The figure shows anatomical connections basal ganglia with other brain structures. On each side of the brain, these ganglia consist of a taper core, a shell, a pale bowl, black substance and a subtalamic core. They are located mainly laterally Talamus and around it, occupying most of the inner regions of both hemispheres of a large brain. It can also be seen that almost all motor and sensitive nerve fibers that bind the bore of a large brain and the spinal cord pass through the space lying between the main structures of the basal ganglia, the taper core and the shell. This space is called the inner brain capsule. For this discussion, it is important for the presence of a close connection between basal gangs and a corticospinal system of motor control.

Nerch contour of basal ganglia. Anatomical links between basal ganglias and other elements of the brain providing motor control, complex. On the left shown the motor cortex, the Talamus and acting with them the brain barrel and the cerebulic contour. On the right, the main circuit of the basal ganglia system is presented, which demonstrates the most important relationships within the ganglia and extensive incoming and exiting ways connecting other regions of the brain and basal ganglia.
In the following sections, we will focus on two main circuits: the tape loop and the contour of the taper kernel.

Physiology and functions of basal ganglia

One of the main functions of basal ganglia Motor control is their participation in the regulation of performing complex motor programs together with the corticospinal system, for example, in motion when writing letters. With a serious lesion of basal ganglia, the cork system of motor control can no longer provide these movements. Instead, the human handwriting becomes rude, as if he first learned to write.

To others complex motor actsrequiring the participation of basal ganglia, referring cutting with scissors, clogging nails with a hammer, throwing a basketball ball through the hoop, keeping the ball in football, throwing the ball in baseball, movement with a shovel with the digging of the Earth, most of the vocalization processes, driven movements and almost any of our accurate movements In most cases performed unconsciously.

Nervous Ways Contour Shell. The figure shows the main paths through the basal ganglia, involved in the implementation of the acquired forms of motor activity. These paths are mainly beginning in prime core and in somatosensory areas of sensory cortex. Then they pass in the shell (mainly bypassing the tail of the core), from here - to the inside of the pale ball, further - to the front ventral and ventricular thalmus nuclei and, finally, return to the primary motor cortex of a large brain and to areas of prime cortex and additional bark, Closely connected with primary motorbow. Thus, the main inputs in the circuit of the shell are based on the areas of the brain, adjacent to the primary motor cortex, but not from the most primary bark.

But outputs from this contour They are mainly to the primary motor crust or closely associated areas of prime and additional motor crust. In close connection with this primary tuning circuit, auxiliary contours functioning from the shell through the outer part of the pale ball, the subtalamus and the black substance, returning as a result of the motor cortex through the Talamus.

Disorders of motor functions When defeating the circuit of the shell: athettos, hemibalism and chorea. How does the shell contour in ensuring the fulfillment of complex motor acts? The answer is not clear. However, when part of the contour affects or blocked, some movements are significantly violated. For example, the defeats of the pale ball usually lead to spontaneous and often constant wavy movements of the brush, arms, neck or face. Such movements are called athetosis.

Defeat of the subthalamic nucleus It often leads to the appearance of squeezed movements of the whole limb. This condition is called hemicalism. Multiple minor lesions in the shell lead to the appearance of rapid twitching in the brushes, face and other parts of the body, which is called the chorals.

Defeats of black substance They lead to a common and extremely severe disease with characteristic rigidity, akinesia and tremor. This disease is known as Parkinson's disease and will be discussed in detail below.

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See ganglia, brain. Great Psychological Dictionary. M.: Prime Evroznak. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 ... Big psychological encyclopedia

Basal ganglia - [cm. Bases] The same as the basal kernels, subcortical kernels (see ganglia basal) ...

Basal ganglia - (Basal Greek. Ganglion - Budrock, Tumor) - subcortical kernels, including the taper kernel, shell and a pale ball. Participated in the extrapyramidal system responsible for the regulation of movements. Damage to the basal ganglia and their bonds with the bark, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Basal ganglia - Three large subcorter kernels, including a taper core, shell and a pale ball. These structures and some associated medium-sized structures and hypothalamus are an extrapyramidal system and are directly responsible for the regulation ... ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

- (Nuclei Basalis), subcortical kernels, basal ganglia, accumulation of gray matter in the thickness of a white substance of large hemispheres of vertebrates, participating in coordination engines. Activity and formation of emoto. reactions. B. I. together with… … Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

Several large clusters of the gray substance located in the thickness of the white substance of a large brain (see Fig.). Their composition includes a tail (Caudate) and lenticular nuclei (they form a striped body (Corpus Striatum)), and ... ... Medical terms

Ganglia basal, core basal - (Basal Ganglia) Several large clusters of the gray matter, located in the thickness of the white substance of a large brain (see Fig.). Their composition includes a taudate (Caudate) and lenticular nuclei (Lenticular Nuclei) (they form a striped body (Corpus ... Explanatory Dictionary of Medicine

Ganglia basal - [from Greek. ganglion tubercle, node, subcutaneous tumor and Basis base] subcortex clusters of nerve cells participating in various reflex acts (see also gangliya (in 1) meaning), subcortical kernels) ... Psychomotorika: Slovar-Directory

- (N. Basales, PNA; SIN: Ganglia basal statute., Ya. Podkokovaya) J., located at the base of the hemispheres of the big brain; to Ya. b. Believe the tail and lentilsmanny Ya., Fence and almond-shaped body ... Big Medical Dictionary

A combination of structures in the body of animals and a person, uniting the activities of all organs and systems and ensuring the functioning of the body as a whole in its constant interaction with the external environment. N. s. Perceives ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

The coordinator of the coordinated work of the body is the brain. It consists of various departments, each of which performs certain functions. The ability to live a person directly depends on this system. One of its important parts are the basal cores of the brain.

Movement and individual types of higher nervous activity - the result of their labor.

What is basal kernels

The concept of "basal" in Latin means "referring to the ground." It is not accidental.

Massive sections of gray substance - subcortical cores of the brain. The location feature is in depth. Basal ganglia, as they also call them, one of the most "hidden" structures of the whole human body. The front brain, as part of which they are observed, is above the barrel and between frontal shares.

These formations represent a pair, parts of which are symmetrical among themselves. Basal kernels are deepened in a white substance of the final brain. Due to this location, information is transferred from one department to another. Interaction with the rest of the nervous system is carried out with the help of special processes.

Based on topography of the cut of the brain, the anatomical structure of basal cores is as follows:

  • Striped body, which includes a taper core core.
  • The fence is a thin plate from neurons. Separated from the rest of the structures of the strips of white substance.
  • Almond-shaped body. Located in temporal fractions. It is called a part of a limbic system in which the Dopamine hormone comes, providing control over mood and emotions. It is a cluster of gray cell cells.
  • Chechiefed kernel. Includes a pale ball and shell. Located in frontal fractions.

Scientists also developed a functional classification. This is the presentation of basal gangliy in the form of the nuclei of the intermediate and medium brain, and the striped body. Anatomy implies their association into two large structures.

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The first one is called strish. It includes a taper kernel, a white bowl and shell. The second is extrapyramidal. In addition to the basal gangliya, it includes an oblong brain, a cerebellum, a black substance, elements of the vestibular apparatus.

Functional of basal kernels

The purpose of this structure depends on the interaction with adjacent regions, in particular with the cortical departments and sections of the trunk. And together with the Barolic Bridge, the cerebellum and the spinal cord basal ganglia work on the coordination and improvement of the main movements.

The main task is to ensure the life of the body, the execution of basic functions, the integration of processes in the nervous system.

The main are:

  • The occurrence of the sleep period.
  • Metabolism in the body.
  • Response of vessels for pressure change.
  • Ensuring the activities of protecting and tentative reflexes.
  • Vocabulary and speech.
  • Stereotypical, often repetitive movements.
  • Maintain posture.
  • Relaxation and tension of muscles, Motoric small and large.
  • Manifestation of emotions.
  • Mimic.
  • Food behavior.

Symptoms of violation of the basal cores

The general well-being of a person directly depends on the state of the basal nuclei. Causes of functioning disorders: infections, genetic diseases, injuries, malfunction in metabolism, developmental abnormalities. Often symptoms remain invisible for some time, patients do not pay attention to malaise.

Characteristic signs:

  • Lost, apathy, poor overall health and mood.
  • Tremor in the limbs.
  • Lowering or improving the tone of muscles, restriction in movements.
  • Poverty of the Mimici, the inability to express emotions by the face.
  • Stuttering, changes in pronunciation.
  • Tremor in the limbs.
  • Lounge in consciousness.
  • Memory problems.
  • Loss of coordination in space.
  • The emergence of unusual poses, who were uncomfortable for him earlier.

This symptoms gives an understanding of the value of basal nuclei for the body. Not all of their functions and ways of interaction with other brain systems are installed to the present. Some are still a mystery for scientists.

Pathological states of basal nuclei

The pathology of this system of the body is manifested by a number of diseases. The degree of lesion is also different. The vital activity of man directly depends on this.

  1. Functional deficiency. Arises at an early age. Often is a consequence of genetic deviations corresponding to heredity. In adults, people lead to Parkinson's disease or subcortical paralysis.
  2. Tompetions and cysts. Localization is diverse. Causes: Nutrition of neurons, incorrect metabolism, brain tissue atrophing. Pathological processes of intrauterine are occur: for example, the emergence of children's cerebral paralysis is associated with the defeat of basal ganglii in the II and III of trimesters of pregnancy. Complex childbirth, infections, injuries in the first year of the child's life are able to provoke the growth of the cyst. The deficit syndrome and hyperactivity is a consequence of multiple neoplasms in babies. In adulthood, pathology also arises. Dangerous consequence - hemorrhage in the brain, which often ends with a common paralysis or death. But there are asymptomatic cysts. In this case, treatment is not required, they need to be observed.
  3. Cork paralysis - The definition that talks about the consequences of the change in the activity of the pale ball and the strings of the system. It is characterized by pulling the lips, involuntary twitching heads, pumping the mouth. A convulsions are noted, chaotic movements.

Diagnosis of pathologies

The primary stage in establishing the cause is an inspection of a neuropathologist. His task is to analyze anamnesis, evaluate the general condition and appoint a number of surveys.

The most indicative method of diagnosis is MRI. The procedure will accurately establish the localization of the affected area.

Computed tomography, ultrasound, electroencephalography, the study of the structure of blood vessels and blood supply to the brain will help in exact diagnosis.

It is incorrect to talk about the appointment of the treatment and forecast to the above events. Only when obtaining results and their careful study, the doctor gives recommendations to the patient.

The consequences of the pathologies of basal ganglia

- A complex and unique structure, all elements of which are bound by a variety of neural connections. It distinguishes the gray substance - the accumulation of the bodies of nerve cells and white, which is responsible for the transfer of the pulse from one neuron to another. In addition to the cerebral cortex, which is represented by the gray substance and is the center of our conscious thinking, there are many other subcortical structures. They are separate ganglia (kernels) from the gray substance in the thickness of the white and provide the normal functioning of the human nervous system. One of them is basal ganglia, an anatomical structure and the physiological role of which we will look at in this article.

The structure of basal ganglia

Basal ganglias (nuclei) in the anatomy It is customary to call a complex of grunt of gray substance in the central white substance of the hemispheres of the brain. These neurological structures include:

  • taper kernel;
  • shell;
  • black substance;
  • red nuclei;
  • pale ball;
  • reticular formation.

Located basal kernels at the base of the hemispheres and have many thin long processes (axons), for which information is transmitted to other brain structures.

The cellular structure of these formations is different, and it is accepted to divide them on Stiatum (refers to an extrapyramidal system) and Pallidum (refers to). Both Stiatum and Pallidum have numerous links with brain cortex, in particular, frontal, dumplings, as well as Talamus. These subcortical structures create a powerful extensive network of an extrapyramid system that controls many aspects of human life.

Functions of basal ganglia

Basal ganglia has close ties with the rest of the brain structures and perform the following functions:

  • regulate motor processes;
  • responsible for the normal functioning of the vegetative nervous system;
  • integrate the processes of higher nervous activity.

The participation of basal ganglia in such actions as:

  1. Complex motor programs involving small motor skills, for example, the movement of the hand with a letter, drawing (with the defeat of this anatomical structure, the handwriting becomes gross, "uncertainty", difficult to read, as if the person first took a handle in his hands).
  2. Using scissors.
  3. Horing nails.
  4. Basketball, football, volleyball game (maintenance of the ball, getting into the basket, beat the ball baseball bat).
  5. Digging earth shovel.
  6. Singing.

According to the latest data, the basal cores are responsible for a specific type of movement:

  • spontaneous, and not controlled;
  • repeated before this repeatedly (donated), and not new, requiring control;
  • consistent or simultaneous, not simple one-step.

Important! According to many neurologists, basal ganglia is our subcortictor autopilot that allows you to perform automated actions without spending the reserves of the central nervous system. Thus, this brain department controls the execution of movements depending on the situation.

In ordinary life, they receive a nervous impulse from the frontal share and are responsible for performing multiple repetitive targeted actions. For force majeures, changing the usual course of events, basal ganglia are able to rebuild and switch to the optimal algorithm in this situation.

Symptoms of violation of the work of basal ganglia

Causes of lesions of basal nuclei are diverse. It can be:

  • degenerative brain lesions (, Huntington's chorea);
  • hereditary metabolic diseases (Wilson disease);
  • genetic pathology associated with violation of the work of enzyme systems;
  • some endocrine diseases;
  • chorea during rheumatism;
  • poisoning manganese, chlorpromazine;

Allocate two forms of the pathology of the basal nuclei:

  1. Functional failure. It is more common in childhood and caused by genetic diseases. In adults is provoked by stroke, injury. The insufficiency of the extrapiramid system is the main reason for the formation of Parkinson's disease in old age.
  2. Cysts, tumors. This pathology is characterized by serious neurological problems and requires timely treatment.
  3. With the lesions of the basal ganglia, there is a violation of behavior flexibility: a person hardly adapts to the difficulties that have arisen when performing the usual algorithm. It is difficult for him to rebuild to perform more logical action under these conditions.

In addition, the ability to learn is reduced, which passes slowly, and the results for a long time remain minimal. Also, patients often face motor disorders: all movements become intermittent, as if twitching, tremor arises (limb trembling) or involuntary actions (hypercinesis).

The diagnosis of the lesion of basal ganglia is carried out on the basis of clinical manifestations of the disease, as well as modern instrumental methods (CT, MRI of the brain).

Correction of neurological deficit

Therapy of the disease depends on the cause caused by the cause and is carried out by a neuropathologist. As a rule, life reception is required. Alone, Ganglia is not restored, the treatment of folk remedies is also often inefficient.

Thus, for the correct functioning of the human nervous system, a clear and coordinated work of all its components is needed, even the most minor. In this article, we looked at what basal ganglia, their structure, location and functions, as well as the causes and signs of damage to this anatomical structure of the brain. Timely detection of pathology will allow you to adjust the neurological manifestations of the disease and completely relieve unwanted symptoms.

Basal ganglions include a complex of neural nodes of a gray substance, which are located in the white substance of large hemispheres of the brain. These formations are called the strolicatic system. Belongs a tail core, shell - together they form striped body. Pale ball The context consists of 2 segments - external and internal. The outer segment of the pale ball has a general origin with a striped body. The internal segment develops from the gray matter of the intermediate brain. These formations have a close connection with the subtalamic nuclei of the intermediate brain, with black Substance The middle brain, which consists of two parts - ventral part (mesh) and dorsal (compact).

Compact part neurons produce dopamine. And the mesh part of the black substance in structure and functions resembles neurons of the inner segment of the pale ball.

The black substance forms communications with the front ventral core of the visual bulb, four-headed tuberculks, with bridge nuclei and double-sided ties with a striped body. These formations are obtained afferent signals And they themselves form efferent paths. Sensitive paths to basal ganggles go from the bark of large hemispheres and the main afferent path begins from the motor and premotable zone of the bark.

Cork field 2,4,6,8. These paths go to the striped body and a pale ball. There is a certain topography of the muscle projection of the dorsal part of the shell presented the muscles of the legs, the hands, and in the ventral part - the mouth and face. From the segments of the pale bowl goes to the visual bug of the front ventral and ventrolatoral nuclei, from which the information will return to the Corre.

Ways to basal nuclei from visual bugs play great importance. Provide obtaining sensory information. The basal nuclei is also through the visual borger, the effects of the cerebellum are transmitted. There are also sensitive paths to the striped body from the Black Substance . Efferent paths Presented by the bonds of a striped body with pale balls, with a black substance, the reticular formation of the brain, from the pale bowl goes to the red core, to the subtalameanic nuclei, to the hypothalamus nuclei and visual bugrov. At the subcortex level complex ring interactions.

The links of the cortex of large hemispheres, the visual grief of basal ganglia and again the bark form two ways: straight (ensures relief of the passage of pulses) and indirect (brake)

Indirect way. It has a braking effect. This path of the brake goes from the striped body to the outer segment of the pale ball and the striped body inhibits the outer segment of the pale bowl. The outer segment of the pale ball inhibits the Luisovo body, which normally puts the acting effect on the inner segment of the pale ball. There are two consecutive braking in this chain.

With the direct path of the bark, the large hemispheres exerts on a striped body, the striped body braking the effect on the inner segment of the pale bowl, it is disgraced.

The black substance (produces dopamine) in the striped body there are 2 types of receptors D1-exciting, D2 - braking. Striped body with black substance Two braking paths. The black substance slows down the striped body with dopamine, and the striped body is a black substance of GABA. High copper content in black substance, blue brain barrel stain. The occurrence of the strolicatic system was necessary to move the body in space - swimming, crawling, flight. This system forms a bond with subcortex motor nuclei (red core, a tire of the midbrain, the kernel of the reticular formation, vestibular nuclei) from these formations - descending paths in the spinal cord. All this together forms extrapyramidal system.

Motor activity is implemented through the pyramid system - downward paths. Each hemisphere is associated with the opposite half of the body. In the spinal cord with alpha motor neurons. Through the pyramid system, all our desires are being implemented. It works with a cerebellum, an extrapyramidal system and a few contours are built - the cerebulic cortex, the bark, the extrapyramidal system. The origin of thought occurs in the crust. In order to make it necessary to make a way of movement. Which includes several components. They are binding to one image. For this you need programs. Fast movements programs - in cerebellum. Slow - in basal ganglia. The bark chooses the necessary programs. It creates a single common program that will be implemented through spinal paths. To make a throwing ball in the ring, we need to take a certain pose, distribute muscle tone - this is all on the subconscious level - an extrapyramine system. When everything is ready, the movement itself will occur. A stringy ralitarian system can provide stereotypical learned movements - walking, swimming, cycling, but only when they are learned. When performing the movement, the strolicalitarian system determines the scale of movements - the amplitude of movements. The scale is determined by the stringy ralitarian system. Hypotension-reduced tone with hyperkinosis - increased motor activity.