Subtraction tables within 20 printable. Math corner at the dacha. Preparing for the game - settings

The very first examples that a child gets acquainted with even before school are addition and subtraction. It is not so difficult to count the animals in the picture and, crossing out the extra ones, count the remaining ones. Or move the counting sticks and then count them. But for a child it is somewhat more difficult to operate with bare numbers. That is why practice and more practice are needed. Don’t stop working with your child in the summer, because over the summer the school curriculum simply disappears from your little head and it takes a long time to catch up with lost knowledge.

If your child is a first-grader or is just entering first grade, start by repeating the composition of the number by house. And now we can take on examples. In fact, addition and subtraction within ten is the child’s first practical use of knowledge of the composition of a number.

Click on the pictures and open the simulator at maximum magnification, then you can download the image to your computer and print it in good quality.

It is possible to cut A4 in half and get 2 sheets of tasks if you want to reduce the load on the child, or let them solve a column a day if you decide to study in the summer.

We solve the column and celebrate our successes: cloud - not solved very well, smiley - good, sunshine - great!

Addition and subtraction within 10

And now randomly!

And with passes (windows):

Examples for addition and subtraction within 20

By the time a child begins to study this topic of mathematics, he should know very well, by heart, the composition of the numbers of the first ten. If a child has not mastered the composition of numbers, he will have difficulty in further calculations. Therefore, constantly return to the topic of composition of numbers within 10 until the first grader masters it to the point of automaticity. Also, a first-grader should know what the decimal (place value) composition of numbers means. In mathematics lessons, the teacher says that 10 is, in other words, 1 ten, so the number 12 consists of 1 ten and 2 ones. In addition, units are added to ones. It is on knowledge of the decimal composition of numbers that the techniques of addition and subtraction within 20 are based. without going through ten.

Examples for printing without going through the tens mixed up:

Addition and subtraction within 20 with a transition through ten are based on techniques for adding to 10 or subtracting to 10, respectively, that is, on the topic “composition of the number 10,” so take a responsible approach to studying this topic with your child.

Examples with passing through tens (half a sheet of addition, half a subtraction, the sheet can also be printed in A4 format and cut in half into 2 tasks):

I already wrote about ours. But we seem to be growing out of it. In any case, Dima can freely count from 1 to 100 and back. I understand that his needs for mathematical knowledge are growing along with him. So I decided to delve deeper into studying mathematics using the Zaitsev system.

The table of one hundred has been familiar to me for a long time; even my older children had one. But Zaitsev has so many more interesting developments. The only BUT is that most of them require a lot of space. And we have a catastrophic shortage of it in our apartments.

At the dacha we finally made a room for ourselves. And, lo and behold, we have a large and not yet occupied wall! I immediately decided that I would hang it on her. I present to your attention our math corner at the dacha:

Addition and subtraction table within 20.

Number tape from 0 to 100.

True, according to the method, it should hang in one line, but we certainly don’t have such a long wall! My tables are slightly different from Zaitsev’s, but their essence is the same. I wanted to play with colors a little on the number strip. And making a colored background behind the numbers is, for example, very uneconomical for me when printing. In my opinion, it is enough that the numbers themselves are colored. And to the table of addition and subtraction within 20 I added the quantities of the main numbers - it seems to me more clear.

Tasks based on the tables can be read on Zaitsev’s website, where you can order original manuals. I offer what I made for my son. The documents will be in PDF format and must be printed on thick paper.

Addition and subtraction table up to 20 on 5 sheets, in which you need to trim the margins and glue the sheets together. I used regular tape and glued it on the back side.

Number tape on 22 sheets. The first two dozen fit on one sheet. They only need to be cut lengthwise and glued between 4 and 5, 14 and 15. From 20 to 59 everything is also clear. But the next dozen did not fit on one sheet in width, so you will have to work a little and think when gluing. I hope you can handle it.

Dima was very impressed with the new tables! He immediately noticed that on one table the numbers were black and orange, and on the other – green. He really enjoyed traveling along the number tape looking for the numbers I called out.

Preparing for the game - settings

  1. Any parameters and settings can be changed at any time, even during the game.
  2. Initially the game is set up like this:
    • Computation type - Addition up to 10
    • Prize 1- chocolate, bonus 2- cookie
    • In a gaming session 10 calculations (arithmetic examples)
    • Percentage of examples that must be solved correctly to receive Prize 1 - 90%
    • Percentage of examples that must be solved correctly to receive Prize 2 - 70%
  3. You can choose any other type of calculation - depending on what the child knows and what is being taught at school at the moment. Types of calculations in the game:
    • Addition, subtraction, addition and subtraction (mixed):
      • To 10
      • Up to 20 (with transition through ten)
      • Up to 20 (with and without passing through ten)
      • Up to 30
      • Up to 100
    • Multiplication, division or any combination - by 1, - by 2, - by 3.......etc. up to 10
    • Comparison of numbers
  4. Set how many examples there will be in a game session. It is better to start with a small number of attempts - 5 or 10, so as not to discourage the child from continuing the game. When the child increases milk yield:) improves performance, you can move on to a serious game with 100-200 examples.
  5. Enter the percentage of correctly solved examples for which 1st and 2nd prizes are awarded. To begin with, it is better to lower the percentage. For example, choose 70 and 50 percent for 1 and 2 premiums, respectively. Later, the rates can be increased to 90 - 70. Or even to 98% - 95% for very terribly smart children :). Enter only numbers, without the % sign!
  6. Write down the bonuses your child will receive for 1st and 2nd place.
  7. The settings will be saved using a cookie (a small script) and restored the next time you open the game page in your browser.

Now you can start the game!

  1. To start the game, press the START button
  2. When an example appears on the screen, the child must enter the answer after the "=" sign.
  3. If we play “comparisons”, we need to enter the appropriate sign: . To do this, it is most convenient to use the buttons that appear next to the NEXT button
  4. After entering the result, you need to press the OK button (or ENTER on the keyboard) to check whether the example was solved correctly.
  5. If the example was solved correctly, "Correct" will appear on the screen. If no, "Wrong" is the correct answer. At the same time, the game will calculate the percentage of correctly solved examples
  6. To move on to the next example, you need to click the NEXT button
  7. When the session ends, the prize that the child won (or “didn’t win anything”) and the percentage of correctly solved examples during the session will appear on the screen.
  8. To start a new session, click the START OVER button.

Big hopes:)

What can you expect from this game? Great help in completing the school curriculum! As a rule, in 5-7 days, in which the child plays for 30-40 minutes, he firmly masters the next type of calculation (for example, adding to 20 and passing through ten). And he practically stops making mistakes in class.

Addition and subtraction worksheets are used to teach children to count or to test their skills in addition and subtraction. Different tables are used for these two tasks. Both versions of the tables can be downloaded and printed on this page

Addition table up to 20 print and download

The addition table is used to teach children. The vertical leftmost column and the horizontal top row represent terms. In order to add two numbers, you need to find them in a vertical column and in a horizontal row. The intersection forms the sum of these two terms. For example, as shown in the figure below, 6 + 5 = 11.

You can print the addition to 20 worksheet in Word or PDF format. If you need an addition table up to 10, you can easily make one by removing unnecessary cells in Word format. If you need an addition table for more than 20, then you can download the addition table in Excel format and add the necessary columns and rows by copying.

Subtraction table up to 20 print and download

The subtraction table uses the same addition table that can be printed above. Suppose we need to solve the example 14 - 8 = 6. Using the subtraction table, we find in the table field the diagonal with the minuend 14. In the figure below, this diagonal is highlighted in light green. We choose the number 14 on this diagonal, which is opposite the subtracted 8. The resulting number 6 in the top row is the answer.

As you can see, the same addition and subtraction table is used for addition and subtraction, which you can print or download from the links above in different formats.

Subtraction table without answers print and download

In this lesson you will learn how to add and subtract single-digit numbers using place value. By solving interesting problems, you will study the algorithm for adding and subtracting numbers by passing through ten and get acquainted with the table for adding single-digit numbers up to 20. You will have the opportunity to practice the previously studied material using interesting examples.

Subject:Introduction to basic concepts in mathematics

Lesson: Adding and subtracting single-digit numbers using place value. Addition table up to 20

Using a graphical model, you can explain addition of single-digit numbers passing through tens.

How can you add 9 and 7?(Fig. 1)

Rice. 1

The graphical model shows that the first term 9 must be added to 10. To do this, we divide the second term into two parts, one of which is equal to the number 1, since

9 + 1 = 10, which means 7 = 1 + 6. (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2

Let's do the addition by parts:

9 + 7 = (9 + 1) + 6 = 10 + 6 = 16

Answer: 9 + 7 = 16.

You can add these numbers differently. (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3

The second term 7 can be added to 10. To do this, we divide the first term into two parts, one of which is equal to the number 3. Therefore, 9 = 3 + 6.

Rice. 4

Let's do the addition by parts:

7 + 9 = (7 + 3) + 6 = 10 + 6 = 16

The first term is 9, it lacks one unit to 10, so we break the second term into parts. 5 is 1 and 4. We add to 9 first one unit, and then the remaining four units.

9 + 5 = 9 + (1 + 4) = 14

The first term is 6, it lacks up to 10 four units, so we divide the second term into parts: 4 and 2. We add 4 to 6 first and get ten units, and then the remaining two units.

6 + 6 = 6 + (4 + 2) = 12

The first term is 4, it lacks up to 10 six, so we divide the second term 8 into parts: 6 and 2. We first add six units to 4 and get ten units, and then the remaining two units.

4 + 8 = 4 + (6 + 2) = 12

In the minuend 15 there are five units, so we divide the subtracted 7 into parts: 5 and 2. We first subtract five units from 15, we get 10. Then we subtract the remaining two units from ten.

15 - 7 = 15 - (5 + 2) = 8

In the minuend 16 there are six units, so we divide the subtracted 9 into parts: 6 and 3. First we subtract six units from 16, we get 10. And then from 10 we subtract the remaining three units.

16 - 9 = 16 - (6 + 3) = 7

In the minuend 12 there are two units, so we divide the subtracted 4 into parts: 2 and 2. From 12 we subtract 2, we get 10. And from 10 we subtract 2.

12 - 4 = 12 - (2 + 2) = 8

Answer: 12 - 4 = 8.

Using the technique of addition and subtraction by parts with passing through ten is not always convenient, so you need to learn table for adding single digit numbers up to 20 by heart.

The figure shows a table that will make it easier for you to learn cases of adding single-digit numbers up to 20. (Fig. 7)

Rice. 7

In each column, the first term is the same, and the second increases by one, which means the sum will also increase by one. Let's find the value of these amounts.

9 + 2 = 11, therefore: 9 + 3 = 12, reasoning this way, we fill out the entire table. (Fig. 8)

Rice. 8

Each line contains amounts with the same answers. Choose the way it will be easier for you to remember the answers: by columns or by rows. If you learn the table for adding single-digit numbers up to 20 well, then it will not be difficult for you to subtract single-digit numbers within 20.


  1. Alexandrova L.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics 1st grade. - M: Mnemosyne, 2012.
  2. Bashmakov M.I., Nefedova M.G. Mathematics. 1 class. - M: Astrel, 2012.
  3. Bedenko M.V. Mathematics. 1 class. - M7: Russian Word, 2012.
  1. Social network of educators ().
  2. ().
  3. Self-taught ().


1. Remember how to correctly add and subtract single-digit numbers using place value.

2. Help the frog solve the examples.

3. Solve the examples and color the picture.