Statuses on Tatiana's day. Statuses about Tatyana's Day and short congratulations on Tatyana's Day

“Tatyana - students are always drunk!”

January 25 is a double holiday: the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana and the joyful Student's Day!

Let's be happy and drunk on the day of the beautiful Tatyana

Let Tatyana be happy,

And beauty, and a wonderful figure

Captures men's hearts

They receive confessions of love!
Congratulations to all Tanya, all the beautiful merry girls! On this day, let the angels give you only flowers! Happiness, joy, love!!!

Tatyana's Day, Tatyana's feast Today the whole world is celebrating!!!

Our dear Tatiana! Health, prosperity and love to you! May every day bring happiness and good luck!
Tatyana’s day... And, oddly enough, Whoever is not too lazy calls Tatyana... I seem drunk from the effort: Well, there’s a lot going on around Tatyana...
Happy name day to all Tatiana!!!
Happy holiday to all students!!! Happy name day to all Tatiana!!!
Well ... Tomorrow Tatyana's day ... Mooo day

Have you forgotten about Tatyana’s day???

On Tatyana's day, in the cold winter, gather your friends! Cover the clearing, receive gifts, Your heart will become more cheerful!

Be proud, dear Tanya! It’s not at all by chance, no, in his novel Tatyana glorified the genius Pushkin throughout the whole world!
Today is a holiday without deception, my dear Tatyana!
And tomorrow is Tatyana’s day...)))
Let's drink wine to Tanya, Tanya, May happiness be given to her in life!
In cold winter times, like a ray of sunshine in spring, Tatyana’s Day will warm the soul, There is no kinder and better holiday!
Happy holiday to you, Tatyana! Let all plans be realized, May they not know adversity, may they not know grievances, May they walk in step with success!
I’m drunk today in your honor - I want to congratulate all Tatiana! And from the bottom of my heart I wish you always, girls, to prosper!
The earth was white and white, there was a snowstorm, Tatyana's day, Tatyana's day
Happy holiday to all students!!! Happy name day to all Tatiana!!!
Be proud, dear Tanya! It’s not at all by chance, no, in his novel Tatyana made the genius Pushkin famous throughout the world.
Student's Day is a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of all youth. Hey students! Get ready and let's celebrate soon!
For the letter T only the heart beats, for the letter A only the blood boils, for the letter N only the heart aches, for the letter I the soul hurts!
Saint Tatiana lives, brethren! Into the arms of the session - be bold! May your teacher be like a lion who licked her feet!
It's frost and snow outside, but it's summer in my heart. Together we will celebrate Student's Day tomorrow! We will congratulate Tanya and give gifts. Sing, walk and relax - such are the rules!
I know one girl, her name is Tatyana. Graceful and smart, like a heroine from a novel, yes, yes, well, I can’t talk without compliments, because today is Tatyana’s day, aka Students’ Day!
Wonderful name - Tatyana! If you, friends, are not lazy, celebrate the victory of knowledge on Tatiana’s day!
The valiant student rejoices, they would like to make everything worse... But I have a different accent: Congratulations to Tatyanochka!..
On January 25, in the winter cold, every student is young. Even if this “student” is already 52 years old.
May Tatyana's day give all students a lot Have a good mood, warmth and smiles. Happy holiday!!!
Saint Tatiana, a martyr for the faith, is the patroness of all quitters, martyrs and martyresses from science, ignoramuses, bullies and young drunken revelers - Slavic loafers throughout the CIS.
Tatyana, you inspire us to study, and work, and allow us to have fun, and protect us from harm. Accept, Tatyana, our respect, be our patroness, bless us in our studies and illuminate the educational path.
Tatyana's Day is a wonderful holiday, let the shadow of sadness go away! And January, the prankster, gives us frost and sun on this day!
Tatyana's Day is a holiday for students, it brings joy and positivity. The prankster student is in a hurry to go for a walk, temporarily forgetting about the couples.
Tatyana's Day - how cute it is, a mischievous holiday for students. The frosty air is ticklish, and the girls' laughter is pouring.
Tatyana's Day is a holiday of youth, a holiday of all those who keep in their souls the fire of creativity, the thirst for knowledge, search and discovery.
Tatyana's day is a good occasion, and not only for Tatyana. Even if it is still cold outside, the student is resourceful - he will be drunk!!!
Tatiana's Day is International Students' Day!!! Happy holiday to you, martyrs of science!!!
You, Tanya, don’t lose your temper, spring is coming. Accept gifts and congratulations. Winter will fly by like a bullet to your temple. Happy Tatyana's Day, happiness and luck!
T.A.N.E.Ch.K.A Demanding Afigenskaya Tender Unique Charming Beautiful Angelically beautiful
Considering the striking coincidence of two major holidays - St. Tatiana's Day and Student's Day in one day - January 25, as they say, God himself ordered these two holidays to be combined and celebrated.
Praise be to the student fraternity! From year to year, from century to century. On Tatiana's Day, thousands of people rush to gather for the holiday.

Statuses on Tatyana's Day, January 25

Saint Tatiana's Day

May you have St. Tatiana's day
The shadow will not darken the sadness! ©

Saint Tatiana's face shines -
She congratulates the students! ©

Let Tatyana instill in you
A relentless love of learning! ©

Intercessor of students!
You protect them!
And in difficult moments
Give them a shoulder! ©

Let's bow to Saint Tatiana
And let’s say goodbye to her holiday! ©

Beautiful statuses on Tatiana's Day

I was waiting for Tatyana's day with great impatience!
And the holiday has arrived! Please accept my congratulations! ©

Tatiana's day, beloved 25
I will give you beautiful roses again! ©

Tatyana's Day! I’m writing poems for you!
And from the zeal I almost can’t breathe! ©

Tatyana's Day! I remembered the number - 25!
I will congratulate all Tanya! ©

Poems about Tatyana for your name day
I write constantly day and night! ©

Tatiana's day is the apotheosis of January
A wonderful holiday, snow, blizzard, frost! ©


Poems to Tatyana about love
I’ll read it, just call! ©

Poems to beloved Tatyana
I write and write - as if in a fog! ©

I will say honestly, without deception:
There is no one more beautiful than you, Tatyana! ©

Poems to my friend Tatyana -
There is nothing more beautiful than her and no blush! ©

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day!

Funny Happy Tatyana Day statuses

Saint Tatiana's holiday has arrived -
At the table, friends! I hope you have enough strength! ©

You present poems about Tatyana -
Short lines, but so much fog! ©

Let's give free rein to your imagination!
Like all students for a long time! ©

Let all cops be humane
We celebrate Tatyana's Day! ©

The whole holiday is Tatyana's Day
I'm looking at the bottom of the glass! ©

And on St. Tatiana's Day
I won't look at you! ©

Funny statuses in verses

Believe me, I'm strong as flint
At least I’ve been drinking all day long for Tatyana! ©

Did you get drunk on Tatiana's day?
Tighten your belt! ©

Let's take a little rest,
Congratulating all Tatiana on their day! ©

You are not the hero of my novel -
Tatyana told me yesterday. ©

We celebrate Tatyana's Day once a year
And we allow ourselves to get drunk! ©

On Tatiana's name day today
I dozed off in the corner of the sofa all evening! ©

Tatiana's Day - the fourth holiday
In the midst of Russian winter cold
Over a glass, but varied
The student is ready to celebrate! ©

There is one day in frosty January, which is painted with a joyful, even spring, mood. This Tatyana's Day- The 25th of January. Or, another name for it, the day of all students. Most likely, this is a unique holiday in history, when the same day falls on the holiday of students and church ministers. Despite this, January 25 is accepted congratulate Tatyana and the students also eagerly accept their congratulations. And we have already published congratulations with which you can congratulate your loved ones:

“Tatyana - students are always drunk!” Tomorrow is January 25, which means a double holiday: the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana and the joyful Student's Day!

Let's be happy and drunk on the day of the beautiful Tatyana

The earth was white and white, there was a snowstorm, Tatyana's day, Tatyana's day

Happy holiday to all students!!! Happy name day to all Tatiana!!!

Be proud, dear Tanya! It’s not at all by chance, no, in his novel Tatyana made the genius Pushkin famous throughout the world.

Student's Day is a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of all youth. Hey students! Get ready and let's celebrate soon!

For the letter T only the heart beats, for the letter A only the blood boils, for the letter N only the heart aches, for the letter I the soul hurts!

Saint Tatiana lives, brothers and sisters! Into the arms of the session - be brave! May your teacher be like a lion who licked her feet!

It's frost and snow outside, but it's summer in my heart. Together we will celebrate Student's Day tomorrow! We will congratulate Tanya and give gifts. Singing, walking and relaxing - such are the rules!

I know one girl, her name is Tatyana. Graceful and smart, like a heroine from a novel, yes, yes, well, I can’t talk without compliments, because today is Tatyana’s day, aka Students’ Day!

Wonderful name - Tatyana! If you, friends, are not lazy, celebrate the victory of knowledge on Tatiana’s day!

The valiant student rejoices, they would like to make everything worse... But I have a different accent: Congratulations to Tatyanochka!..

On January 25, in the winter cold, every student is young. Even if this “student” is already 52 years old.

May Tatyana's day give all students a lot of good mood, warmth and smiles. Happy holiday!!!

Saint Tatiana, a martyr for the faith, is the patroness of all quitters, martyrs and martyresses from science, ignoramuses, bullies and young drunken revelers - Slavic loafers throughout the CIS.

Tatyana, you inspire us to study, and work, and allow us to have fun, and protect us from harm. Accept, Tatyana, our respect, be our patroness, bless us in our studies and illuminate the educational path.

Tatyana's Day is a wonderful holiday, let the shadow of sadness go away! And January, the prankster, gives us frost and sun on this day!

Tatyana's Day is a holiday for students, it brings joy and positivity. The prankster student is in a hurry to go for a walk, temporarily forgetting about the couples.

Tatyana's Day - how cute it is, a mischievous holiday for students. The frosty air is ticklish, and the girls' laughter is pouring.

Tatyana's Day is a holiday of youth, a holiday of all those who keep in their souls the fire of creativity, the thirst for knowledge, search and discovery.

Tatyana's day is a good occasion, and not only for Tatyana. Even if it is still cold outside, the student is resourceful - he will be drunk!!!

Tatyana's Day is International Students' Day!!! Happy holiday to you, martyrs of science!!!

You, Tanya, don’t lose your temper, spring is coming. Accept gifts and congratulations. Winter will fly by like a bullet to your temple. Happy Tatyana's Day, happiness and luck!

T.A.N.E.Ch.K.A Demanding Afigenskaya Tender Unique Charming Beautiful Angelically beautiful

Considering the striking coincidence of two major holidays - St. Tatiana's Day and Student's Day in one day - January 25, as they say, God himself ordered these two holidays to be combined and celebrated.

Praise be to the student fraternity! From year to year, from century to century. On Tatiana's Day, thousands of people rush to gather for the holiday.


For students different generations I wish you joy in your destiny, let the traces of worries disappear, like Tatyana’s on her forehead!

Student's Day is a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of all youth. Hey students! Get ready and let's celebrate soon!

Tatyana's Day is a wonderful holiday, let the shadow of sadness go away! And January, the prankster, gives us frost and sun on this day!

Tatyana's Day is a holiday of youth, a holiday of all those who keep in their souls the fire of creativity, the thirst for knowledge, search and discovery.

I really wanted to sit down for my coursework today, but then I remembered that today is student’s day!!! It's a sin ;)

Cool statuses Happy Tatyana's Day: Student's Day is the day when the windows of all minibuses fog up.

Tatyana's Day - how cute it is, a mischievous holiday for students. The frosty air is ticklish, and the girls' laughter is pouring.

Saint Tatiana lives, brothers and sisters! Into the arms of the session - be brave! May your teacher be like a lion who licked her feet!

Happy Student's Day! Happy Tatyana's Day! I wish you, friends, full pockets and a happy family!

Let there be fewer “tails”, let the session always be easy, let the student never forget this time!

For the letter T only the heart beats, for the letter A only the blood boils, for the letter N only the heart aches, for the letter I the soul hurts!

Tatyana's day is a good occasion, and not only for Tatyana. Even if it is still cold outside, the student is resourceful - he will be drunk!!!

Let's be happy and drunk on the day of the beautiful Tatyana

If there is noise and fighting somewhere, if bottles are being broken, if women are screaming, then students are drinking there.

“Tatyana - students are always drunk!” Tomorrow is January 25, which means a double holiday: the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana and the joyful Student's Day!

So pour it for the student, students drink wine too! Non-drinking female students are rare, and those have become extinct a long time ago!

Champagne, sea, guys... Oh, what am I talking about! Study, study, study...

You need to pass the exam successfully, go through all the practices and labs, defend your diploma with dignity, prove to everyone that we are not weak...

Accept, Tatyana, worship, be our patroness, bless us in our studies and sanctify the path of study!

Let there be no meetings and fireworks, no parades, and no processions. But the institutes are walking, as well as the university

The earth was white and white, there was a snowstorm, Tatyana's day, Tatyana's day

Every year during Tatyana all the students are very drunk.

Cool statuses on Tatyana's Day: Let's be cheerful and drunk on the day of the beautiful Tatyana.

Well, Tatyana, you sure do, your life is very cool! As a student and as a lady, you only recognize the smart ones.

May Tatyana's day give all students a lot of good mood, warmth and smiles. Happy holiday!!!

Be proud, dear Tanya! It’s not at all by chance, no, in his novel Tatyana made the genius Pushkin famous throughout the world.

Tatyana's Day is a holiday for students, it brings joy and positivity. The prankster student is in a hurry to go for a walk, temporarily forgetting about the couples.

Today is student's day, tomorrow the teachers may not come to the first class;)

A student is the only person in the world who is able to remember on a test something that he never knew...

A Russian student usually does not have a plan of action... He is scary to everyone with his improvisation.

On January 25, two big holidays are celebrated - St. Tatiana's Day and Student's Day.
Best statuses, congratulations and poems for Student’s Day and Tatiana’s Day.
“The hammer and sickle are symbols of the “correct” student - “Mow!” and “Slaughter!”

The best statuses for Student's Day ##1-10:

status for student's day #1: [S]sleepy [T]oretically [U]smart [D]child [E]naturally [N]not willing to [T]work.

Status for Student's Day #2: Twice a year I have the same passionate desire: to have a connector for a flash drive in my head...

Student's Day status #3: Physics test teacher: “How many light bulbs are there in this room”? Student: "Five." “No,” says the teacher, “six,” and takes the sixth light bulb out of his pocket. During the retake, the teacher: “How many light bulbs are there in this room?” Student "Six". Teacher: “No, I didn’t take the sixth today.” Student: “But I took it!”

Status for Student Day #4:Comrade students! Please park your jeeps more closely, otherwise teachers have no place to park their bicycles!

Status for Student Day #5:Student's Day is a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of all youth. Hey, students, get ready, let's celebrate quickly!!!

Status for Student Day #6:A student should never marry: if he is busy with his wife, tails will grow, and if he studies, he will grow horns. And if he does do this and that, he will throw off his hooves.)))

Status for Student Day #7:Those who get up early live far from their place of study!

Status for Student Day #8:Learning is light, but lack of learning means it’s almost time to go to work!

Student Day status #9: Learned one question. And just let them try to say that I know NOTHING!

Status for Student Day #10:Students, make friends with the “nerds” at the University. It is likely that after university you will work for them...

status for student's day #11: Laughter for no reason is a sign of unfinished higher education.

Status for Student Day #12: Exam time is the time when students at least learn something in a short time!

New! You can find out your random status for today by going to the main page of the portal: !

The best congratulations for Student's Day and Tatiana's Day in verses ##1-10:

congratulations #1:

Ah, true bliss -

To know our Tatyana personally.

Not in vain, perhaps, perfection,

That's what I want to call her.

I want to tell you, Tatyana,

That you alone are the most beautiful of all!

There is a lot of success ahead,

and in life - true success!

congratulations #2:

Tatyana's Day - why not a holiday?

Moreover, not only for Tatyana:

Let him not be famous for his festivities,

Let the people not get drunk from it,

Let there be no feasts and fireworks,

There are no parades and no processions.

But the institutes are walking,

And also - University!

congratulations #3:

Wonderful name - Tatyana!

If you, friends, are not lazy,

Celebrate the victory of knowledge

Exactly on Tatyana’s day!

congratulations #4:

Dear grandmother Tanya,

Today is your angel's day!

Let everything that happened in dreams

Sometimes it comes true!

Health and personal happiness,

Success, goodness, beauty,

So that in life I don’t know misfortunes,

After all, you are the best!

congratulations #5:

Well, Tatyana, you give,

Your life is very cool!

As a student and as a lady,

You only recognize smart people.

And you are not so lazy

Have fun on this day.

You cast a shadow on the fence

It's already been a day.

You walk and eat

And you don’t get tired at all.

And they walk with you

All students are already two hundred years old!...

congratulations #6:

Tatyana, you inspire us

And for study and work,

And you let me have fun

And you protect from harm!

congratulations #7:

I know one girl

call her Tatyana:

graceful and smart

like a heroine from a novel...

Yes, yes, well, I can't

speak without compliments,

after all, it’s Tatyana’s day today,

aka Students' Day!

congratulations #8:

Tatyana's Day - how cute it is, a mischievous holiday for students. The frosty air is ticklish, and the girls’ laughter is pouring...

congratulations #9:

Become a scientist, publish works,

Become famous throughout the planet

And glorify our University:

After all, in it you have found the path to success!

congratulations #10:

Be proud, dear Tanya! It’s not at all accidental - no! - in his novel the genius Pushkin Tatyana became famous throughout the world!

The best statuses and congratulations for Student's Day and Tatiana's Day - poems and sayings suitable for contact/vkontakte, classmates, Facebook, agent and others in social networks, and also for use as aphorisms and jokes, for SMS to loved ones and friends!

New! You can find out your random status for today by going to the main page of the portal: !