Skype login and password recovery. What to do if you forgot your Skype password

Many users are interested in how to recover Skype using username and password automatically? That is, “reanimate” the information required to log into the system. Usually there is no need to enter authorization data every time you start, but sometimes some kind of failure occurs and it is simply impossible to log in. This can also happen if the user has several accounts and cannot remember the login. What to do in such situations? WITH detailed instructions Let's take a look below.

Restoring Skype by login using email

If you have previously entered your email address, then solving the problem of forgotten information is quite easy. For this:

  • next to the password and login fields, click “I can’t log into Skype”;
  • Enter your email in the pop-up window;
  • A link and activation special code will be sent to the marked address. Go to specified address, and enter the code in the field. Don't forget that it is only valid for three hours;
  • write new login information.

How to recover Skype using username and password automatically via phone number

If you decide to restore your account by number, you should follow the same steps as described above, but enter your phone number in the field instead of email. There is only one condition - it had to be linked to Skype in advance. You will be sent an SMS; you must read it carefully and follow the instructions described there.

This option is quite simple, everything will be restored automatically.

Contacting a special support service

When traditional options are not suitable, you can try writing to the resource administrators. There is no need to pay for this. By the way, this option is suitable if you did not enter an email and did not link a number. You need:

  • go to the service website;
  • tap on the “Login” button;
  • In the menu that opens, click “My Account”;
  • follow the link “Can’t log into Skype?”;

  • click on the support request to restore Skype;
  • check what you filled out, find the link to the request page and follow it;
  • A page with different problems will appear. Look for the help article selection section there, select your account and login information;
  • a field will open to select a related problem, here click on the question about resetting and recovering your password;
  • tap “Next”;
  • After which you can ask a question on the program forum or receive an answer by email. You need the second option;

  • fill out the form and click “Submit”.

The answer usually comes within 24 hours.

The program is not on the computer

Interestingly, recovering deleted Skype is easier than recovering a login and password that you can’t remember. First, it is better to check whether the application was actually deleted. To do this, go to:

Start/Control Panel/Programs/Uninstall Programs

If Skype is not found, you will need to restore it. It is better to download the latest version on the official website:

  • click “Download”;
  • choose the type of your device (for PCs and laptops you need the first tab);
  • tap “Upload” or “Download”;
  • wait for the download to complete, double-click on the installation file;
  • launch the program, enter your password and login to gain access to your account.

If you didn’t uninstall the software, but just the shortcut disappeared somewhere, you can reinstall it in the Start menu. This is done like this:

  • go to “Start”;
  • write “Skype” in the search line;
  • look for the blue application logo and right-click on it;
  • select pinning from the menu.

If you have completed everything, but Skype does not function, it is better to uninstall it and reinstall the latest version.

This is how you can easily and quickly restore Skype using your username and password automatically. This procedure will take very little time. We hope you find this article useful.

Murphy's Law states:“Everything that works is sure to break at the most inopportune moment.” Unfortunately, none of the users are immune from the unpleasant situation when the irreplaceable and completely free Skype stops working just when you need to conduct urgent negotiations (on which your very existence depends), and the balance on your cell phone is zero and you are on the financial edge abyss.

There is no time to figure out who is to blame, please tell me what to do?

How to restore Skype, because you urgently need communication? The question is quite broad and first you need to identify the problems, then understand the reasons and only then solve the issue with step-by-step instructions.

Electronics manufacturers and software developers unanimously claim that 99% of problems with computers, the Internet and programs are to blame for the users themselves. They say this so as not to respond to complaints and not to pay for the repair of unusable equipment and programs written in Indian code.

  • The user has forgotten his login or password and cannot log into his Skype account. This is the smallest problem.
  • The user has forgotten all the data that was used when registering on Skype. Has he forgotten himself?
  • For some reason Skype stopped working. First, check if there is an Internet connection. Maybe you just forgot to top up your balance on time?
  • Skype won't launch at all. You click on the icon on the desktop, something starts to spin there, but nothing happens. There is a problem with the application itself or the operating system.
  • Contacts and history of negotiations have disappeared. Unauthorized or erroneous changes to Skype settings. The program crashed.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for Skype not working correctly.

Instructions and recommendations for restoring Skype functionality

How to recover a forgotten or lost password from account? If you remember the email address you used when registering, then everything is simple.

After starting the program, click “I can’t log into Skype”, or go to the link:

How to recover your Skype account if you forgot your login address? In this case, you will have to enter into correspondence with Skype customer support. Using the feedback form, write a letter to the support service. Provide personal information that will help identify you as a Skype user. This could be a cell phone number or payment information if you have used any paid Skype services. For example, they called via Skype to the numbers of subscribers of mobile telecom operators.

How to restore the disappeared history of negotiations? On that hard case There is a special program - SkypeLogView - Skype log viewer. Download the program from the Internet and it will help you find the communication logs of your Skype profile somewhere out there in the wilds system files Windows.

What to do if Skype doesn't turn on? Technical problems

How to restore Skype what if the program doesn't want to work at all?

  1. First, try updating Skype to the latest version. To do this, visit the official website of the program and download the installer from there.
  2. If after this Skype does not want to turn on - you need to try to clean the system. Perhaps some Skype files are damaged and they are interfering normal operation applications. Probably viral infection computer. First, scan your system with an antivirus. Restart your computer and try turning on Skype. Does not work? Continue to the next point.
  3. Try completely uninstalling your old Skype and removing all residual data from the system and registry. To do this, you will need a special uninstaller program. IoBit Uninstaller removes unnecessary programs well. Download this free program from the official website. After that, start the removal process. Then use the Power Scan feature to completely clean your computer of all Skype remnants.
  4. Now reinstall Skype.
  5. If it still doesn’t work, you have problems with the operating system. First, try using the system function Restore the system to an earlier state.
  6. If it doesn't work again, it's time to update the operating system.

How to restore Skype on a mobile device

Skype recovery on a smartphone or tablet basically follows the same rules as on a desktop computer. Only instead of rearrangement operating system The settings are reset to the factory state.

The advantage is that after restoring the system mobile device will automatically start downloading from the Internet and reinstalling all applications that you had before the reset operation. Provided that the checkbox next to automatic backup is checked in the settings of your device.

Such useful program for calls, like Skype, is known in many parts of the world. It is convenient, has a simple and intuitive interface, and allows you to communicate for free with anyone who has a similar utility. But sometimes a situation arises when some data is lost, and it is not possible to enter the program. So how to log into Skype if you forgot your password? There are simple instructions.

Digging into memory

First of all, it’s worth delving into your memory, maybe you’ll remember the password by itself. Look in your notes to see if you wrote it down so you don't forget. If all attempts are in vain, then open your email to which you linked the program and login. Try looking for the system message there. There is nothing? Every third person asks the question: “I forgot my Skype password, what should I do now? I don’t remember anything, nothing has survived.” Using the selection method, there is a chance to still get the desired combination. Especially if the password was tied to something (the name of your favorite dog, some date, last name and numbers). Did not help? Then let's try further.

About login and password

So, selection and digging in memory did not bring results. Do you remember your login? If yes, then there is a chance to simply recover your password using it. This is done in a few simple steps.

Step #1: launch the program

So, how to log into Skype if you forgot your password, but remember your login? Launch the program if it does not start automatically. In the field where you need to enter identification data, find the item “I can’t log in.”

Step No. 2: filling out the fields

After the previous point, you will need to enter your email address to which the program was linked. If you have several email clients, and you don’t remember which Skype you were connected to, then enter all possible options. Somewhere, but you will get it right.

Step #3: checking your email

Check your email client, you should receive a message from the program administration. By the way, you can register several accounts for one mailbox, keep this in mind. You should receive a letter containing a code word with which you can restore access. If the message has not been there for a long time, check your spam folder, it might have ended up there. Is he nowhere to be found? In the program, press the “notify” button, you will be sent a second notification.

Follow the link in the letter, enter your login and change forgotten password. Just in case, save it somewhere or write it down. Alternatively, log in and save all your data. This method is only suitable for one device. On the other you will have to enter everything again. This is one of the simplest options for how to recover your Skype password using your login. All the steps and instructions are in the program itself, you just need to follow the tips and tricks.

No data

Sometimes it happens that there is no way to remember your data at all. No password, no login, no email address. What should I do? How to log into Skype without a password and login? Alas, no way. You can try to remember your address mail client. An equation with three unknowns cannot be solved, but if you know at least one value (e-mail, for example), there is a chance.

If there is nothing in memory, it is easier to create an account again. It's quite easy to do this:

  1. Turn on the program. Select "registration".
  2. Enter your email address and password.
  3. Be sure to include your first and last name.
  4. Fill in all fields marked “*”. These are: language, name, e-mail, login and password.
  5. Additionally, you can indicate your place of residence, age, and gender.
  6. Read the terms of use and agree to them.
  7. Next, you just need to confirm your account registration (via a letter to your email address).
  8. Log in to the program.

If you are still wondering how to log into Skype if you forgot your password and don’t want to register a new account, try contacting the utility’s support service. It is possible that they will help you if you carefully explain the situation. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that this will definitely work, since you need to remember at least one of the main points: login, password or e-mail.

Unexpected situations

Skype, like any other program, sometimes lags and glitches. It happens that during a conversation or chat you simply go offline, and when you try to log in again you cannot do it. Here you can delve a little into the system settings. Know that there are several answers to the question of how to log into Skype if you have forgotten your password. The settings option will not help you recover your password, but it may help you log into your account to change it.

So, you need:

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. Select the “execute” column. Isn't there one? This is not available in all versions of the operating system. Windows systems. But this can be easily fixed by pressing the combination: Win + R.
  3. Write in the window that opens: “%APPDATA%\Skype”. Without quotes.
  4. Press "Enter" or "ok".
  5. A window will open. In it you need to delete the file named “shared”. This is system data, the loss of which will not affect the operation of the program in any way.
  6. Launch Skype again, go through automatic authorization. Change your old password if necessary.

Keep in mind that if you have never saved the automatic authorization state, then this option will not help you get into your forgotten account.

Skype is a modern program for communicating between people without restrictions on time and distance between them. No matter how versatile this program is, it may have some glitches, like any other application. Since Skype is part Everyday life many people, then if any difficulties arise in its operation, users want to quickly eliminate them. After installing a new operating system on a computer, users often forget their Skype password, as a result of which access to their personal page is blocked.

How to recover a password by email address

To recover your password, you must fill out a special form on the Skype website. To do this you need to know your email. The password update procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Go to the login and password recovery page, enter your email address in the required field.
  2. Go to your email and read the email you received from Skype. It should contain a link that will take you to the desired page.
  3. Create a different password and save.
  4. If information appears about changing the password, then the procedure was successful. Now you can freely access Skype using your new data.

It may happen that an email did not arrive at the email address you specified. Then it is recommended to wait another ten minutes and repeat the request again. The password recovery link is valid for six hours.

If to your email If two Skype logins are linked, the program will prompt you to select the one that is needed at the moment.

What to do if you don't remember the required email

If a user has forgotten not only his Skype password, but also his email, it will be difficult to regain access to the account.

When it is possible to log into Skype from a device whose system has managed to save all the login information, select Personal Data from the program menu. Then go to the Edit my details section. Here you can see all your personal information and your email address.

When entering the Skype menu is impossible and the user does not remember his E-mail, there is practically no chance of recovering his personal data.

Password Recovery

It is possible to seek help from the Password Recovery program. Download this program to your device. To do this, go to your browser and enter the name of the application in the search engine.

After starting the program on your computer, in the main window, enter your forgotten password or login. Password Recovery can quickly find your password. Write it down and don't forget it again. The only drawback of this program is that its functions are paid for.

Phone number

If your page is linked to a phone number, then recovering your password will not be difficult. You need to go to the official website of the Skype program and find the inscription Can’t log into Skype? Click on it with the cursor and enter your number mobile phone. After this, a message will be sent to your phone number with information about changing your password.

Last resort - contact Skype support

If the above methods Recovering your username or password in Skype did not help you, then you can contact support. This recovery option is not very effective, since you will have to prove for a long time that the account is yours. The program will ask several questions that you must answer accurately. These questions relate to Skype contacts, recent calls and payments. To take advantage last hope to recover your password, write a letter to the Skype administration. To do this, go to the official website of the program and select the inscription Contact support with the cursor.

The password recovery procedure can take several days, because the administration must check all the information and make sure that you are the owner of the account. In a letter to the administration, describe your problem in detail and fill in the exact details of your latest payments. If Skype does not identify you as the owner, you will have to register again and create a new account.

To avoid any difficulties when logging into Skype, write down your username and password in a notepad and put it in a place that is hard to reach for strangers.