Schumacher after a coma. Michael Schumacher woke up after a long coma. The long-awaited exit from a coma

Good news for all fans of German racing driver Michael Schumacher. His condition has improved markedly in recent days. “Michael has a long way to go, but we support him in every possible way and hope to speed up his recovery,” said Schumacher spokeswoman Sabine Kem. According to Bild, contrary to previously published alarming reports, signs of improvement in the athlete’s condition were observed at the end of January.
“Michael periodically regains consciousness and reacts to the world around him. Of course, we have serious work ahead of us, but the staff of the clinic in Grenoble are confident that Schumacher will be able to get back on his feet,” said the racing driver’s representative.
“We are very grateful to Michael’s fans for their support and participation. However, we would not like to divulge details of Schumacher's current life. We hope for your understanding and respect for the privacy of Michael, his family and the doctors who work with him,” added Sabine Kem.
The famous German racing driver suffered a traumatic brain injury on December 29 last year while skiing in the French Alps. The athlete underwent two operations and has since been in the intensive care unit. At the end of January, it was reported that Schumacher had begun to be taken out of an induced coma.

I like searching for the limit, piloting to the limit. It's like walking on a blade, and I've always liked it - Michael Schumacher.

As a teenager, at the age of 14, Michael already received his first driver's license and began competing in official karting competitions.

“I decided to leave Formula 1 at the end of the season, although I am still able to fight with the best drivers in the world. It makes me feel proud, which is partly why I never regretted my return. I can be happy with my work and the continuous progress I have made over the past three years, but the moment has come when I want to say goodbye.


In 2013, the whole world watched in horror the drama unfolding in the life of the legendary Formula 1 racer Michael Schumacher. After an accident at a ski resort in the French Alps, the athlete could not regain consciousness for a long time and found himself immobilized. But it seems there is now light at the end of the tunnel. According to German media reports, Michael walked for the first time since his fall.

“He can move again,” is the title of the material on the front page of the Bunte publication.

“Michael is very exhausted, but he can walk with the help of his doctors,” a source who wished to remain anonymous told the publication. Recently, the athlete was able to take a couple of steps and raise his arm, he claims.

Schumacher's manager, Sabine Kem, hastened to refute this information. “Due to press reports, we are forced to clarify that the information that Michael can move, unfortunately, is not true,” she says.


“Such a statement is irresponsible: given the severity of his injuries, privacy is very important to him. Among other things, this gives false hope to many people who are not indifferent to his fate,” Kem added.

However, Bunte journalists claim that they were prepared for such a turn and will not remove the circulation from the kiosks.

At the end of December 2013, Schumacher was seriously injured in a fall while skiing in Meribel, France. The rider suffered a traumatic brain injury with multiple damage to both hemispheres of the brain and hemorrhage. Since September 2014, Schumacher has been recovering at his Swiss villa, located on the shores of Lake Geneva. At the same time, the athlete’s relatives and representatives try to keep the recovery process in the strictest confidence.

World-famous Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher continues to recover from a serious injury he received on December 29, 2013 while skiing. He is no longer bedridden, moves in a wheelchair, and recognizes his relatives.

As everyone remembers, the racer spent six months in an induced coma. Because of this, Michael remained paralyzed, but his family and friends continue to hope for his recovery.

Schumacher latest news: how it all happened

In addition to racing, another hobby of the “Red Baron” was alpine skiing. In December 2013, he was in the French Alps, in the town of Meribel. The racer liked to ride on untrodden slopes, which is unsafe, but it was more fun. This time luck was not on Michael's side. One of the skis hit a rock, causing him to lose his balance, roll down and hit his head on the rock. The collision split his helmet, and the rider suffered a severe head injury.

He was taken by rescue helicopter to a hospital in Grenoble. There he underwent several difficult operations. In order for the victim’s body to cope with the stress, Michael was put into an artificial coma. He was able to open his eyes only in June 2014. By that time, he already weighed about 45 kilograms and was paralyzed. Since September of the same year, Michael has been carrying out restorative procedures in his Swiss villa with his family.

The paparazzi are quite annoying all the time and often misinform the public. One day, the German magazine Bunte published information that Michael Schumacher was recovering and was even able to take a few steps and raise one arm. In response to these false facts, the wife of a famous racer filed a lawsuit against the publication. As a result, the magazine was forced to pay an amount of 50 thousand euros.

In addition, due to the fact that attempts were made to film from helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, tinted glass was installed in Michael’s house.

Didn't appear in public. The German celebrated Christmas at home, on the shores of Lake Geneva, with his family. Friends come to him from time to time to inquire about his health. The press sometimes introduces the state of affairs to Corinne's wife and press attache. “There is still a long way to go,” Kem tells Sabine. At the same time, the general public knows nothing about the condition of the legendary athlete.

There have been a huge number of rumors surrounding the Schumacher family over the past year. For obvious reasons, Corinna keeps a lot of things secret, and even professionals sometimes have to navigate the situation with the help of speculation. “He came out of a coma, and he has periods of awakening when he makes little nods,” . – The doctors don’t know whether he will talk or walk.

Michael was riding between the slopes, caught a stone with his ski and fell headfirst.

No one knows. There is a possibility that he will never be the same person he was before the injury.” “Championship” recalls 365 days of the new life of Michael Schumacher.

December 29th. The French radio station Europe 1 reported that Schumacher was injured after a skiing accident. The incident occurred on Sunday morning at 11:07. Michael was riding between the slopes, caught a stone with his ski and fell head first onto another snow-covered stone, a little over 10 meters from the first.

The impact split the helmet in two. When rescuers took Michael to the hospital, he was in shock, but was conscious. “The injury does not appear to be too serious,” a representative of the tourism department of the Maribel resort, where Schumacher skated, said at the time.

At the Moutier hospital it turned out that the first optimistic forecasts turned out to be erroneous. Michael was delivered in a state of fever, his uncontrolled body made erratic movements, Gerard Salyan, one of the leading neurosurgeons and a friend of the Schumacher family, reported the next day. In less than an hour, the patient's condition was stabilized and transported to Grenoble. French doctors placed the racer in an artificial coma and performed the first operation.

December 30th. An MRI revealed that Michael Schumacher had a cerebral hemorrhage and his condition had deteriorated significantly. Doctors performed a second operation to reduce intracranial pressure. At a delayed press conference, surgeons admitted that Schumacher had brain damage and his condition remained critical. “We have done everything necessary,” added clinical professor Jean-François Payen. – Now it is impossible to say when Michael will recover. This is not to say that his life is not in danger.”

January 3. Michael Schumacher turns 45 years old. Ferrari fans staged a silent rally in support of the Red Baron outside a hospital in Grenoble as doctors carried out another brain scan. The police have started

After a month in a state of induced coma, doctors began to reduce the administration of sedatives.

to studying the data on the GoPro camera, which was mounted on the helmet.

January 8. 10 days after the incident, the Chambery gendarmerie showed the camera footage at a special press conference. This video confirmed the original version, based on the testimony of Michael's son Mick. On the same day, Albertville prosecutor Patrick Kensey said that the racer's skis were in perfect condition and the ski slope met the requirements. Some questions, however, arose regarding the marking of the route - the area between the slopes, where there could be dangerous rocks, was not marked. True, the marking of the route as a whole, according to the prosecutor, “meets the standards.” The investigation will continue for another month.

January 17. The prolonged silence on the part of doctors and Schumacher’s relatives put an end to hopes for a quick recovery from the coma. “Michael’s family is satisfied with the way the doctors do their work and completely trust the specialists. Michael’s condition remains stable,” Sabine Kem said three weeks after the incident. She also once again emphasized that all information received not from doctors or the racer’s management remains speculation. German journalists found out that during this period, doctors in Grenoble continued examinations to find out which parts of the brain were damaged and which were intact.

January 29. After a month in a state of induced coma, doctors began to reduce the administration of sedatives. “This is done to begin the awakening of Michael, but I note that this process may take a long time,” Sabine Kem said then. This news was received as good news, but in general, reducing the concentration of sedatives is a standard tactic in the case of an induced coma. Patients are not kept in this condition for more than four weeks.

12th of February. Schumacher developed pneumonia. Doctors started a course of antibiotics, but how will the complications that arise affect

The day after his arrest, a suspect in the theft of Schumacher's medical records hanged himself in a holding cell in a Zurich prison.

coming out of a coma, no one was ready to predict. However, the very next day Bild wrote that the pneumonia was, if not cured, then at least brought under control.

February 17. The Albertville prosecutor's office announced the completion of the investigation into the circumstances of Schumacher's fall. Patrick Kensi said that no violations were identified at the Meribel resort, the alarm system and all fences complied with accepted standards. Schumacher's uniform was also in perfect order. Meanwhile, experts from the French Ski Academy initiated their own investigation - they considered that the GoPro camera mounted on the helmet could have aggravated the consequences of the fall.

March 7. The Italian publication Gazzetto dello Sport reported that Michael is able to breathe on his own. At the same time, his brain is again able to perceive the voices of friends and loved ones. “There is hope,” the author concluded. Meanwhile, for more than a month, Schumacher has been recovering from an induced coma and is receiving less and less sedatives every day. The pilot's management, however, does not report any significant changes in his condition.

April, 4.“Michael is progressing, he is showing signs of consciousness and awakening,” said spokeswoman Sabine Kem. The Daily Mail on the same days published a note claiming that Corinna Schumacher spent 10 million pounds on equipment for a home medical complex in Switzerland. Who, however, denied this information.

October 11. French motorsport journalist Jean-Louis Monse said that after talking with Schumacher's son, he found out that his father was gradually coming to his senses. Together with

this is because it was its fastening that damaged the rider’s brain, and not the impact on the stone. A couple of days later, the price of GoPro shares collapsed by 16%, and Monse himself suddenly began to retract his own words.

December 29th. Michael is still at home in Switzerland. . Recovery is slow, but given the severity of the injuries received, one cannot hope for more. Doctors and friends regularly come to see Schumacher, and he is surrounded by the attention of his loved ones. Experts say full recovery will take from a year to several years. How exactly will Michael return to us? However, everyone continues to believe that there will be a return. Fight, Michael!

Schumacher has long been a household name. Many have never even heard of this person, but use this name to call someone who has distinguished themselves in some way. This suggests that his fame is off the charts. It is worth saying that he is a racing driver from Germany, a multiple world champion. Because of the color of Michael Schumacher's Ferrari racing car and the color of his tracksuit, this legendary man is also called the "Red Baron".

A similar name was given to his fellow countryman, a hero of the First World War. The latest news in 2017 regarding Schumacher does not bring anything positive for his fans. What happened to the legendary racer? This will be discussed in this article.

Many fans and simply curious people have always watched Formula 1 with bated breath. It was impossible to tear yourself away from the breathtaking spectacle! Michael Schumacher won his first victory in 1992 quite easily, as if it was supposed to happen. Thanks to the yellow color of his suit, he was then nicknamed “Sunny Boy.”

Later there were many glorious victories. There was a feeling that the driver became close to his car. It was obvious talent. It was impossible to surpass him. But unexpectedly, the latest news in 2012 reported that the famous racing driver was leaving his main occupation and retiring. He turned 48 in 2017, which means he was only 43 then.

Fans of the legendary man were upset. Who can replace this great racing driver?! But Michael Schumacher was persistent, as he said, so he did. And he and his family went on vacation to a ski resort in the Alps.

If only he had known then how this journey would end... Alpine skiing was Schumacher's second serious hobby. He loved this sport and often went to the resort to relax and relieve nervous tension after racing. The latest news in 2013 stunned all fans of the racing driver. Four years later, in 2017, many mourn that ill-fated day. On that frosty morning of December 23, nothing predicted trouble. The sun shone brightly. Everyone was in a great mood.

Michael, along with his son and friends, went to the mountains, taking skis. This was his usual activity. Schumacher was an excellent skier and usually skied down the slope expertly. Maybe excessive self-confidence played a cruel joke on him?!

Many see in this case the Providence of God, that this was what had to happen... So, Michael Schumacher got on his skis and began to go down the slope as always. Suddenly, for some unknown reason, a famous racing driver is carried over the fence. Where the slope is not at all suitable for descent.

It's hard to say what caused this. Some say he slipped and lost control. But it’s hard to believe this, knowing his lightning-fast reaction, developed in numerous competitions. Maybe he wanted to help someone? According to the latest news, a video camera was then mounted on the racing driver’s helmet, and it was turned on.

Experts in 2017, looking through the recording, did not find anyone on the slope who might need his help. What caused this strange turn? This remains a mystery to this day.

Then tragedy happened. Everything is like in adventure films with stuntmen. Michael Schumacher tripped over a stone and fell. The ski binding did not come off at that moment. And the famous athlete hit his head on the nearest rock with all his might.

Michael Schumacher: photo now

The latest news reported then that his helmet had cracked due to the impact. The poor guy received a severe blow to the head. He was taken to the hospital by helicopter. In 2017, it became known that if it were not for the helmet that was on the victim’s head, it is unlikely that his life could have been saved. He was still conscious when the ambulance arrived. But on the way to the hospital he fainted, and the helicopter had to land on the ground before it was even halfway there. Fearing for the patient’s life, doctors connected him to an artificial respiration support system.

At the nearest clinic, doctors performed a serious neurosurgical operation. Later another one was carried out. Doctors were in no hurry to make predictions. For some time there was no change in the patient's condition. It was decided to put Michael into an artificial coma using strong sedatives. This was carried out with the aim of helping the victim endure terrible pain.

An interesting fact is that at the scene of the accident, Michael’s talisman bracelet, given to him by his wife, was found.

Coming out of a coma

On the athlete’s birthday on January 3, the whole family was with him at the clinic. His wife and children, brother and friends arrived. And although the patient was unconscious at that time, his relatives tried to show their love for him. Friends sent congratulations on social networks. The wife, of course, was in a difficult mental state. Psychologists worked with her.

Everyone did not lose hope that Michael Schumacher would recover. And although the doctors were in no hurry to bring the patient out of the coma, relatives and friends hoped for his speedy recovery. At the end of January, doctors began to reduce the dose of sedatives in order to awaken the victim. Coming out of the coma took a long time. In February, the latest news reported that the patient was still waking up.

The process of awakening lasted for many months. Nobody expected such a long period of sleep. The patient was in a state of medical coma for almost six months. And only in mid-June the press reported that Schumacher had come out of this state. He was even discharged from the clinic to go home, where he must undergo the rehabilitation process. It stretched until 2017.

For a while, the Schumachers' private house near Lake Geneva turned into a rehabilitation center. His family members surrounded the patient with care and love, and this is so important for a recovering person. He is almost never left alone. Someone is always with him. Several top doctors are keeping a vigilant eye on his condition.

A friend who visited Michael Schumacher immediately after his discharge claims that the patient has little understanding of what is happening to him. He cannot stand on his feet and can only move in a wheelchair. He also cannot speak and experiences memory loss. His thinking is also impaired. He recognizes few people. Some, however, refuted the description of the condition of the former racing driver. But much of this description is true.

The latest news in 2017 suggests that little has changed in the patient’s health status. But there is still some progress. Michael sometimes tries to get to his feet and confidently raises his hands. His memory also returns to him. But he still can’t walk and talk. The reason for this lies in facial paralysis. His family has already spent a huge amount of 16 million euros on the treatment and recovery of Michael Schumacher. The latest news in 2017 claims that they had to sell their mansion in Norway and their private jet.

Since there were no positive changes, the wife agreed with a clinic in the United States. This is a special institution that treats people with severe traumatic brain injuries. Many patients were successfully treated and recovered from similar injuries thanks to high-level specialists.

Schumacher's wife has high hopes for this medical facility. And although almost four years have passed, none of the athlete’s loved ones despair. On the contrary, everyone believes that Michael will recover, get back on his feet and lead a full life.

Biography of Schumacher

The legendary man Michael Schumacher was born on January 3 in the Federal Republic of Germany. The city in which he was born is located in North Rhine-Westphalia and is called Hurth-Hermulheim. The boy inherited a passion for auto racing from his father. He drove a go-kart and built a go-kart especially for his son. Incredibly, the boy got behind the wheel of the kart intended for him at the age of four! At the age of five, the young prodigy was already racing!

At the same time, Michael was involved in other sports. He especially liked judo. The young man became an official racing driver at the age of fourteen. The first participation in the championships turned out to be very successful. Michael won German and European competitions. This inspired the athlete to further participate in auto racing.

Michael got into Formula 1 by accident. He was asked by E. Jordan to compete in his team in place of the absent rider. He agreed, saying that he knew this route well. In fact, it was his first time there. We were able to test the car only once before, and even then in rainy weather. But despite everything, the result was amazing! He immediately came into fifth place. However, then I fell behind a little due to difficulties in management. But he was noticed and invited to another team.

The first victory in Formula 1 awaited Schumacher in 1992. Two years later, we won the championship again. However, things did not always go smoothly. Schumacher was suspended once for violating the rules. But this did not stop the athlete from winning new victories in competitions.

In 1996, the racing driver entered into a contract with Ferrari. Things were heading towards victory in the 1997 races. However, trouble happened. He was expelled for colliding with a member. He was allowed to return to competition the following year. The accident that happened on the highway ruined a lot of things. Schumacher broke his leg and missed several races for this reason. But in 2000 she became the champion again!

The next year, he was again expected to win the championship. This is already the fourth champion title! Having reached his sixth victory, Schumacher suddenly took third place in 2005. This failure did not break the racer at all. This was followed by victory again.

In 2007, the seven-time champion decided to leave the competition. But he did not stop testing the car.

In 2009, Schumacher decided to return to the championship. He signed a contract with the famous Mercedes company. The famous racing driver again hoped to win the competition. However, a sudden neck injury forced him to wait. He raced again the following year. But Michael was fined for illegal overtaking. Failure again failed to drive the racing driver to despair. In '12 he took third place in the competition.

Michael Schumacher, multiple Formula 1 world champion

On October 4, 2012, Schumacher publicly announced his decision to leave professional sports. He motivated this by fatigue and a desire to rest. Michael noted that he was happy that he managed to win so many victories. He also thanked his family for providing him with a lot of support.

Michael participated in cinematic activities. He voiced the cartoon "Cars". And in 2008, the famous racing driver played almost himself in the comedy film “Asterix at the Olympic Games.” His hero's name was Shumiks, and he raced a cart pulled by red horses. So the filmmakers playfully played up his participation in competitions in a red Ferrari.

Michael Schumacher met his only wife, Corinna, at a disco. On August 1, 1995, everyone heard the latest news that the couple had formalized their relationship. Four days later the wedding took place in the church. The spouses were able to preserve the warm feelings for the rest of their lives. The couple had two children: a daughter and a son. In 1997, Jeanne-Maria was born. And two years later, son Mick was born.

Interestingly, Mick followed in his father's footsteps and became a professional racing driver. The Schumacher dynasty continues! In 2017, he participated in Formula 3. In the photo, the son looks like his father.

It’s a pity that the fate of the famous racing driver turned out so sadly! However, we can only hope for the best and for a speedy recovery of the people's favorite.