An adult's navel: what its shape says. An adult’s navel: what does its shape say? What should a person’s navel be like?

The human navel is one of the most interesting parts of the human body -

Navels are a kind of birthmarks that we receive at birth. Each of them is unique. Some even pierce them to wear ''jewelry'', thereby showing off them to everyone. Here are 22 belly button facts you've never heard of!

Some people don't have a navelkov.

This is a consequence of a defect in infants called ‘intestinal hernia’. When the intestine pierces the abdominal wall, it causes the belly button to protrude, requiring surgery to correct the defect. This is how a person loses his belly button!


What, in essence, is the navel? This is the first scar on our body that appears after the removal of the umbilical cord.

Every mammal has it.

Every mammal has a navel because... is not born from an egg.

Dense forest.

Belly buttons harbor a huge number of different bacteria. One study found that, on average, up to 2,368 species of bacteria can live in one belly button. Gross, right?

Collection of lumps.

Believe it or not, there is a Guinness World Record holder for collecting umbilical lint balls. Graham Baker has been collecting his collection since 1984.

The wound from the piercing does not heal for a long time.

Navel piercing may look attractive, but the healing process of the wound can last from 6 to 12 months. And in case of insufficient care, an infection can be introduced there.

Men have more than women

Men's belly buttons collect more lint than women's. This is due to the presence of more hair around the navel.

Navel cheese.

Yes, you heard right. The Dublin Science Gallery has made cheese from human umbilical bacteria. And also from oral and axillary bacteria. Bon appetit!

Navel contemplation as a method of treatment.

The meditative technique “omphaloskepsis” involves carefully looking at the navel to calm and increase concentration.

Navel fetish

There are navel fetishists who like certain shapes and looks of this body part.

The center of the world

Our planet also has its own navel, located in Utah, USA. It is 200 feet wide and 65 feet deep. Can you imagine how many lumps and lint would fit there?

Navel fetish

It's true that some people with belly button fetishes like certain shapes and types of belly buttons.

It couldn't be dirtier.

The navel is the dirtiest part of our body, because... all bacteria, dust, lint, dead skin easily settle in this hole.

Piercing is not recommended.

Piercing can seriously damage the navel and cause a lot of infections.

Convexities and ‘bulges’.

It is known that belly buttons come in many different types and shapes. The most common are tubercles and dimples.

There are more dimples.

For most people, the navel is shaped like a dimple. And only 4% of people have bumps, which is the result of improper handling at birth.


In many yoga practices, the navel is considered the center of vital energy, by influencing which you can improve your health.

Even sharks have belly buttons.

Sharks are mammals, so they also have a belly button.

Navel in Hinduism

The male navel in the Hindu tradition is considered sacred because... According to belief, men are born from the navel of the god Vishnu.

The most attractive.

According to research, the T-shaped navel is the most pleasing to the eye.

Karolina Kurkova does not have a belly button.

Karolina Kurkova is considered one of the most attractive women, even though she does not have a belly button.


Each person's navel is unique. It is as unique as fingerprints.

How long does it take for an umbilical wound to heal, why does it take so long to heal, how to properly care for it?

What is the umbilical cord, how is it formed, its functions

At the beginning of the embryo, it is connected to the fetal membrane using the so-called amniotic leg, which eventually develops into the umbilical cord. Initially, the umbilical cord consists of 2 veins and arteries. Later, the arteries remain, and the veins merge into one line. The vein supplies the fetus with nutrients, and the arteries remove everything unnecessary from the body of the unborn child.

Over the entire period of gestation, the umbilical cord lengthens to 70 centimeters. An interesting fact is that the more the baby moves inside the womb, the longer the umbilical cord becomes. The umbilical cord is soft to the touch; it is not empty, but filled with a special gel-like substance called Wharton's jelly. Due to this, if the umbilical cord wraps around the neck of the unborn baby, this does not always lead to undesirable consequences; in most cases, a healthy baby is born. The umbilical cord connects the baby’s body to the placenta, through which all important processes occur that contribute to the proper development of the fetus. It is also the baby’s first toy; many mothers, during an ultrasound examination, could observe how the child grabs the umbilical cord and pulls it funny.

After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut. Scientists are divided on when it is best to cut the umbilical cord; modern doctors believe that there is no need to rush to cut it, it is worth waiting a little until the pulsation passes and the child receives the last portions of blood, which will have a beneficial effect on its further development. Other experts do not agree with this opinion and believe that cutting the umbilical cord can be done immediately after birth. A special clothespin is placed on the umbilical cord or tied with silk thread. The remainder of the umbilical cord dries out and falls off within a week, and a navel is formed in its place. Those veins and arteries that were connected to the umbilical cord become part of the urinary system.

How long does it take for a baby's belly button to heal?

The umbilical wound heals differently for each baby. For some it takes one and a half to two weeks, for others it takes longer. The main thing is that the time frame does not exceed three to four weeks. Healing occurs in several stages:
  • After the clamp is installed, the umbilical cord is cut and a small stump remains, which should dry out on its own.
  • The remainder of the umbilical cord dries out for several days, about 5. Then it falls off.
  • A wound forms in its place. It heals like a normal one, but a little longer. At this time, the umbilical wound may bleed or secrete ichor.
  • At about 3 or 4 weeks, complete natural healing of the wound occurs.
If healing takes longer, then something is wrong. The navel takes a long time to heal for various reasons.

Reasons why the navel does not heal for a long time

Poor wound care

One of the main reasons for the navel to take a long time to heal is improper or lack of care. It is important not to go too far during care or, conversely, not to cause an infection. If you care too carefully, the wound is subject to constant injury and irritation, which does not contribute to rapid healing. When care is poor, an infectious disease may enter and develop, which, of course, will negatively affect healing.

Redness inside the navel in a baby, causes and solution to the problem

Redness inside a newborn's belly button may indicate an infection. If a similar phenomenon is discovered, the first thing to do is treat the navel with hydrogen peroxide and then lubricate it with any antiseptic, but not an alcohol-based one, so that the irritation of the skin does not increase. If the redness does not go away within a few days, but instead suppuration appears, the child should be shown to a doctor.


When an infection occurs, a disease such as omphalitis develops. It is accompanied by purulent discharge, increased temperature of the skin near the umbilical wound and the whole body, intoxication of the child’s body, and redness. Omphalitis can develop into a complex, dangerous form.


Pus occurs when pathogenic bacteria enter. This creates a putrid odor. It is clear that in such conditions the wound will take a very long time to heal. If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatrician; the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of quickly eliminating the infection and the consequences of its vital activity.

Big navel

All babies have an umbilical wound, as well as the diameter of the umbilical cord, which is different. Sometimes it can be quite thick. In this case, the navel will be larger, which means there will be a wound. Accordingly, it will take several times longer to heal. At the same time, if there are no other abnormalities, there is no reason to worry, the wound will heal, but a little later.

Umbilical hernia

In addition to the wound, a hernia may form in the umbilical cavity. It can be seen with the naked eye in the form of a tubercle. It occurs mainly due to frequent tension in the tummy area due to physical exertion or prolonged crying. Needs treatment, sometimes surgical correction.

A baby's belly button has come out, what should I do?

Most often, navel prolapse is associated with tension in the abdominal muscles. It looks like a hernia. This usually happens when the baby screams a lot and strains during bowel movements. There is an old "old-fashioned" way of dealing with this phenomenon. Of course, you should first consult your doctor. Take an old, definitely copper coin, maybe a Soviet-style one, wash it and clean it well. Place on the navel and secure with a plaster, provided that the navel is completely healthy, there is no infection or purulent discharge. Remove at night. Use for several weeks.

How to treat a navel hernia in a baby

A hernia is a protrusion of internal organs through the anterior abdominal wall or, in our case, through the umbilical ring. After the navel heals, the umbilical ring tightens, but it happens that a hernia forms. In infants, this is a fairly common occurrence. Happens after the baby has been crying for a long time. When screaming or crying heavily, the baby’s stomach becomes very tense and a hernia is blown out where the weak spot is. Another reason for the formation of an umbilical hernia can be frequent constipation, flatulence, and colic. The most radical method of treating a hernia is surgery, but it is performed in infancy extremely rarely. Basically, the doctor tells you how to properly care for such a child and over time the hernia may disappear.

Weakened immunity

Sometimes the navel does not heal for a long time due to a weak immune system. The baby’s body is weakened and cannot cope with the healing of the umbilical wound. In this case, you cannot hesitate; perhaps the child needs drug treatment and strengthening the body’s protective functions.

A newborn’s navel is bleeding, what to do?

During the first few weeks while your belly button is healing, it is quite normal to see a small amount of blood or ichor. However, if the belly button does not heal for a long time and continues to bleed, you need to find out the cause before treating it. There are many reasons for this problem:
  • Hernia.
  • Granuloma.
  • Pathology of blood vessels.
  • Infection.
  • Foreign body.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.
Treatment depends on the cause. In most cases, you need to bathe the baby in a decoction of herbs with antiseptic properties, such as chamomile or calendula. Wipe dry, treat with peroxide and lubricate with brilliant green or fucorcin. If the problem gets worse and the wound does not heal for a long time, then you need to seek medical help.

Newborn's navel - smell appears

The appearance of a bad odor from the umbilical wound is an alarming signal. This usually indicates that there is a fungal or bacterial infection. In this case, it is better to see a specialist and get qualified help and not self-medicate.

A newborn's belly button protrudes

In newborn babies, after the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, the navel is slightly convex for some time, but over time it retracts. However, it happens that after a short period of time, the navel becomes convex again. There are several reasons - a hernia, a fistula, or just such a feature. If the bulge is dry, without any signs of infection, this may be normal for an individual baby. If you experience discharge from the navel, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Why does a baby's navel get wet?

A constantly wet navel is usually the result of improper care of the umbilical wound. Excessive use of antiseptics, prolonged use of the patch. Perhaps the diaper is chafing. You need to put aside all the reasons and understand what the matter is. If there is an infection, then proper therapy is needed. In any case, such a problem should alert the mother and force her to meet with the pediatrician.
Proper care of the umbilical wound is a very important component of the overall care of a newborn. Even in the maternity hospital, the nurse correctly treats the navel and you should ask her how to do the same at home so that similar problems do not arise.

How to properly treat a baby's navel

With the right approach to treating the umbilical wound, it will heal in time. To do this you need:
  • For the first 10 days after discharge from the maternity hospital, treat the wound after water procedures, once a day with an antiseptic. As a rule, ordinary brilliant green, but sometimes doctors recommend using fucorcin solution or streptocide powder.
  • If a thick crust appears in the area of ​​the umbilical wound, it is not advisable to remove it until it falls off. If it is not thick, then it can be pre-softened with hydrogen peroxide, then carefully removed with a cotton swab.
  • When the navel heals, it is better to bathe the baby in boiled water, sometimes you can add a solution of potassium permanganate. Use a separate bath for this, having previously disinfected it. The water temperature should be no higher than 37 degrees Celsius.
If the wound does not heal for a long time, seek help from a doctor to quickly deal with the problem.

What to do after the umbilical cord has fallen off?

After the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, the wound will open. It must be processed every day according to the usual scheme, as before. Only now you can not only use antiseptics on the outside, but also treat them on the inside. You can cover the wound with a band-aid for the first time until it heals a little, then open it, it will heal faster. During this period, it is necessary to carefully bathe the baby, put on diapers and clothes so as not to disturb him again.

What should a healed newborn belly button look like?

The healed navel is light, like all the skin around it, clean and dry. At first, even after healing, there may be a slight discharge of blood or ichor - this is normal and nothing to worry about. You can check the degree of healing with hydrogen peroxide; if it stops foaming, then the wound has healed.
Remember that caring for the umbilical wound determines how quickly it will heal. It is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and not overdo it. Too frequent treatment is just as harmful as no care.

Pay attention to the shape and location of the navel. The navel is like a funnel and can be divided into three parts: the rim, the side wall and the bottom. The navel should be round, centrally located and symmetrical. It should be strong and resilient - not hard and not tight, not soft and not weak. The side walls should be symmetrical. The bottom should be located in the center of the round rim.

The rim may be irregularly shaped and offset from the center. The side walls, and sometimes the rim, may be swollen, curved, located at too great an angle, or elongated in one direction or another. The bottom of the navel may be swollen and hyperemic (with stagnation of blood) and/or very deep. It may be curved or stretched, and the side walls and rim may or may not be involved.

The navel can be pulled in one or more directions horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The navel may be tear-shaped, collapsed, like a deflated balloon, or turned counterclockwise or counterclockwise. The navel can be pulled in one or more directions horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The navel may be tear-shaped, collapsed, like a deflated balloon, or turned counterclockwise or counterclockwise.

Navel distortions indicate the direction and location of compactions, congestion zones and blockages. Sometimes these distortions can be used to determine which organs or systems are associated with this and at what depth they are located. Navel stretching can be associated with superficial tissues or internal organs and related systems. Typically, a sprain affects the core of the body, both externally and internally, and involves more than one organ or system. The physical body loses its centering, which leads to emotional imbalance, imbalance of systems and organs.

What does the shape of your belly button mean?

1. Stretch towards the left thigh

a) The stretch to the left and down may be due to tension in the upper right side of the body. It can affect the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, right kidney and may cause pain in the lumbar plexus or left leg.

b) If the left ovary is displaced from its natural center, it can lead to menstrual problems.

2. Downward stretch

a) Stretching of the navel down toward the center of the groin area may be due to tension in the solar plexus or upper chest. The umbilical pulse may also move downwards.

b) It can lead to dyspepsia and chronic pain and also cause pressure on the intestines, which in turn can cause mental problems and bad dreams. Since the small intestine's paired organ is the heart, digestive problems can lead to excess heat in the heart.

c) The effects of stretching can spread both upward and downward, resulting in pain in the lower part of the body. The resulting tension sometimes causes the intestines to close.

d) If a woman has a displaced cervix, it can lead to problems with menstruation and infertility.

e) In men, lumps may develop in the pubic bone or below the bladder, near the prostate gland, which can lead to their disease.

3. Stretch towards the right hip

a) If the navel is pulled towards the lower right side of the pelvis, it can affect the pancreas, stomach, spleen, left kidney, and also pull the sacral plexus from its normal position, causing pain in the right leg.

b) In women, displacement of the right ovary can lead to problems with menstruation. When you gently palpate the right ovary and the right side of the uterus, you can detect a nodule near the ovary or between the ovary and the uterus.

4. Stretch to the right

a) If the navel is pulled towards the upper right side of the pelvis, tension and pain may be felt on the left side of the colon. Problems occur both on the surface and at a deeper level, which can affect the function of the intestines and both kidneys.

b) Stretching the navel to the right can cause tension in the upper right side of the abdomen and affect the liver and gallbladder, as well as causing tension in the left leg, left hip and sigmoid colon.

5. Stretch up and left

a) Stretching the navel upward and to the left can cause tension in the lower right side, displace the lumbar nerve plexus and lead to pain on the right side. Possible problems with the pancreas, stomach, spleen and left kidney.

c) This stretching may be due to problems in the colon valve area and digestive problems.

6. Stretch to the left

If there is a similar stretch of the navel towards the left side of the pelvis, tension and pain may be felt in the right side of the intestine. This can cause problems along the center line, both externally and internally, and affect the kidneys.

7. Stretch up and to the right

a) Stretching the navel upward and to the right can cause tension in the left side (lower part), displace the lumbar nerve plexus and cause pain in the left leg. Possible problems with the liver, gall bladder and right kidney.

b) Women may experience menstrual irregularities.

c) With this type of navel stretching, problems with the sigmoid colon and digestive disorders are possible.

8. Upward stretch

a) Stretching the navel upward may cause the umbilical pulse to be displaced so that it is above the navel when its natural position is below it. As a result, acidity may be disrupted, digestive problems, constipation, heart disease, and irritability will arise.

b) In women, this can lead to cervical displacement and menstrual problems. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

There is a well-established expression “the navel will be untied.” Could this really be the case? I did some digging on the Internet. Here's what I found. Removes all questions.
It would seem that there could be something so interesting in this navel. Meanwhile, few people know, for example...
Where does the navel lead?
The navel leads nowhere. Previously, when he was still very small, an infant navel, he went through difficult days: at first he was part of the umbilical cord and helped the owner to eat and breathe, and then he was cut off, tied tightly, and smeared with lapis. After that, his tail withered and fell off and he became an ordinary, familiar, neat and no longer leading anywhere obligatory attribute of any person. The main thing is that it is not tied with a bow. This leads to an equally interesting question...

Can a belly button come undone?
The navel can only come undone if it is not tied correctly, that is, in the first days after birth. In this case, it begins to bleed and the child may die. But this happens extremely rarely. Any obstetrician ties belly buttons correctly. This is only in some emergency conditions, when someone random has to give birth, without experience in such manipulations, somewhere in military field conditions. In an adult, the navel cannot come undone - it is fused. That is, if a person begins to notice that a liquid with an unpleasant odor is constantly secreted in his navel, this does not mean at all that the navel has “come loose” and some intestinal contents are “leaking.” The navel has nothing to do with the intestines. And the moisture indicates that he is injured. This should be avoided, because the navel heals very poorly and takes a long time. There are no blood vessels, but many lymphatic vessels, and it is easy to get infected there. Hence the next question...

How to properly care for your belly button?
The main thing in this matter is caution: do not reach into the navel with your fingers, so as not to accidentally scratch it with your nail. After bathing, be sure to gently dry your belly button. Use a cotton swab. If, nevertheless, a wound is inflicted, do not cover the injured navel with cotton wool or seal it with a band-aid. Just treat it with brilliant green and do not block the air access to the navel.
Many people have a deep navel, while obese people have a flattened, flattened navel; they must not forget that the navel must “breathe.” Try not to squeeze the skin at the waist with tight belts and waistbands.

Also, don't overdo it with your piercings. Hence the next question...
What is the maximum permissible concentration of earrings in the navel?
Their number, of course, can be limited only by the aesthetic taste of the owner of the navel and its size. There are two pitfalls here: firstly, never do piercing using artisanal methods - only specialists and sterility! An introduced infection can lead to dire consequences: suppuration, and even necrosis - tissue death. Do not forget about this, otherwise in place of the navel, decorated with an earring, only an unsightly scar will remain. Secondly, the navel with earrings must be protected from mechanical damage. Indulging in lovemaking, playing sports, and even just changing clothes, you can accidentally open the way to the navel for infection. But you can tear your navel not only by pulling the earring. Hence the next question...

What does it mean to “tear the navel”?
This is the same as “earning” an umbilical hernia. This trouble occurs for two reasons: a long cry (this mainly applies to newborns) and sudden lifting of weights. Both cause severe tension in the abdominal wall. The anterior abdominal wall consists of many layers. The muscles near the navel end, forming the so-called “umbilical” ring. Its lumen is covered with a very thick layer of connective tissue. Due to sudden or prolonged strong tension, it stratifies and the nearby part of the intestine protrudes into the “weak spot”. A bag is formed, fraught with pinching and other troubles. In principle, no one is safe from hernia. To avoid these troubles, do not lift excessive loads and do not let children scream.


We most often forget about this part of the body and do not attach much importance to it.

Do you have a prominent or deep belly button? Are you noticing that you are developing belly button fuzz? How normal is your belly button?

Here are the answers to these questions and other interesting facts about the belly button.

© Anele77/Getty Images

Only 4 percent of people have a convex navel, while for the rest it resembles a depression.

The navel is the first scar in a person's life, which remains after the removal of the umbilical cord connecting the fetus to the mother. The umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth and the remainder falls off, leaving the belly button.

Just like fingerprints, no two people have the same belly button.

© kamontad123 / Getty Images

According to scientists from University of Helsinki, who showed photographs of navels to men and women, small, vertical navels in the shape of the letter T were considered the most beautiful. Such a navel can make its owner more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

In addition, the Finnish researcher Aki Sinkkonen(Aki Sinkkonen), believes that a woman's navel can reveal information about a woman's reproductive potential, including the risk of certain genetic and maternally inherited congenital anomalies.

All placental mammals, including humans, have an umbilicus, as we were all once connected to our mother's body through the umbilical cord.

According to evidence, the famous Czech model Karolina Kurkova does not have a navel, but this was due to the fact that she underwent surgery to remove it as a child. According to some doctors, the operation could have been performed due to an umbilical hernia. Another celebrity who lost her belly button after surgery is famous film director Alfred Hitchcock.

Although many people experience so-called lint in their belly button, some people are more prone to it.

According to research by Australian scientists, umbilical fuzz is most often observed in middle-aged men with increased abdominal hair.

This occurs because lint is the result of hair rubbing against clothing fabric and is a mixture of clothing fibers, sweat, skin cells and bacteria.

New clothes are also known to be more likely to cause umbilical lint.

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As a rule, the shape of the navel, whether convex or hollow, remains the same as at birth. But during pregnancy, the shape of the navel may change, although the structure itself remains unchanged. After childbirth, the navel returns to its original shape.

© Maridav

The position of your navel helps determine how fast you can run or swim. Scientists from Duke University have found that it is not the shape of the navel that matters, but its position in relation to the rest of the body.

The navel is the center of gravity, which explains why athletes of African descent are more likely to outperform athletes of European descent. Their legs are longer, making their belly buttons an average of 3 centimeters higher than those of white athletes.

©jarun011/Getty Images

Researchers have discovered that the human belly button is home to 1,400 different types of bacteria, most of which are completely harmless. Only under certain conditions can these bacteria pose a health threat, such as a weakened immune system or sunburn.

© Staras/Getty Images

Most often, pain that appears in the navel area indicates a small problem, for example, overeating after a very heavy meal. In some cases, this may indicate a hernia, viral or bacterial infection.

Often the very first symptom of appendicitis is also discomfort around the navel, which then moves to the lower abdomen.

Belly button pain is a common concern for pregnant women, but it is most often caused by stretching of the muscles and skin during pregnancy. If pain persists for more than 3-4 days and interferes with everyday activities, you should seek help from a doctor.

© boric/Getty Images

Navel piercings require a longer healing time (up to 9 months) than other types of piercings (ear and eyebrow piercings heal within 6-8 weeks). The long healing time makes the area more susceptible to infection.

Wearing tight-fitting clothing can only increase the risk. A barbell instead of a ring as a piercing can reduce irritation and scarring.

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People who are unhappy with the shape of their belly button resort to plastic surgery called umblikopalstik. The popularity of low-waisted jeans and crop tops has led to an increase in requests to correct the appearance of the belly button. Most of them are women who want to correct a protruding belly button into a dimpled belly button.