"Find differences" children's pictures. Game for children. Games online - for children - find the differences of online games for children 6 years differences

What mother does not want her baby to be the smartest and talented? The tireless curiosity of little fidget helps them to master this complex and at the same time an interesting world. The kipache energy that us so dies in the defector, loving parents can be directed into a constructive channel. Daily classes with mom will not only develop a child, but also will give you the delightful moments of proximity to the native little man.

Everyone who has ever been engaged with the child came across the need to use visual materials. This is understandable, to each researcher you need to see everything with your own eyes, even better - try to attain a touch. Therefore, to interest the little soak, it is necessary to offer him a solid arsenal of educational toys.

On our site you will find high-quality materials on understandable and in demand from the child theme. You can print them on a color printer and strengthen cardboard. In order for such cards to serve longer, it is better to illuminate, so they will suffer less from the research activity of the kid.

Finding since our childhood, the game "Find Differences" uses unchanged popularity in all children. Its rules are simple and understood: the child is offered two at first glance the same pictures in which you need to find different parts. Such a task can be offered both to completely small children and the guys older. Detail of the picture, the complexity of tasks, the number of differences - all this makes the game relevant at any age. Attentive eyes and tiny fingers will look for the differences in two pictures with interest.

For most parents, this game is aimed at developing the attention of the child. However, this is not the only aspect that she trains. With it, the account skills are given, for example, the difference in the number of small elements in the picture. After all, with its first steps in mathematics, the child pleases and dislike his parents no less than the first conscious words. The ability to calculate out loud will also need a baby to list the already found differences and find out how many others left.

Discussing a picture with a parent, the baby learns to describe what sees, develops oral speech and the ability to communicate their thoughts. And fascinating stories that you together with him are about the heroes of images, will be a real joy for both of both.

Differences can be made in the form of a different shape or color solution of individual parts. In this case, the kid will remember and repeat the names of the colors and geometric shapes.

Our "Find Differences" pictures will help organize fascinating and useful leisure for your baby and give you many delicious minutes of communication with the child.

In schools, children teach different disciplines that lay the necessary primary knowledge and bases. Higher educational institutions adopt the relay and are already developing this knowledge, pulling out a specialist from a person in a particular sphere. But at the same time, neither the school nor the university is focused on the development of other skills in the child and the young man - the ability to concentrate, exercise the abatinity, the logic of thinking. From students demand care when writing and calculations, but no one bothered in it to develop them initially. Responsible parents are independently trying to lay these abilities in a child, but they often elementary lacking for this time. Even during the tips, newspapers and magazines on the last page published a different kind of task game, offering connecting points in the correct sequence so that the contour of the picture is turned out to solve the crossword or find differences in the pictures. It was the only opportunity to have fun with benefit. For children, children's magazines that offered such games were produced, but when all the tasks were passed, the new issue had to wait long, and I wanted to play every day. Today's computerized age has simplified the life of everyone who is not indifferent to self-development and allowed parents to avoid maculata mountains in the house, which consistently copied due to the need to buy all the new editions for the whole family. Now any news, a letter or fun live in one place - a personal computer. Games for children and adults offer a lot of opportunities. Parents who have become even more disappearing in offices, can shift some of the care of education, entertainment and develop their children on the shoulders of computer games. All those games on which the current adults and many others have grown are now available online. Among them, the game find the differences takes not the last place. It is often built into the plots of games of different genres and serves as a certain task to pass the level, but for fans of this particular entertainment, it was detected into a separate genre, and now find the differences between the game, protrude with an independent product. How to play them probably know yourself. More paper editions read: "Find fifteen differences." Now, although the games and moved to the monitors of computers, the principle of action has not changed. You still need to include all your dorms, attentiveness and focus to find all the specified incompatibility. Pictures seem absolutely identical, but it is only for an inexperienced eye. Consider carefully and you will understand - it is not. Free Find Games Differences are designed for a wide age range. Children will gladly draw attention to games with familiar adventure characters in animated films, comics and children's films. The interestingness it was to watch the heroes on the TV screens, the more they plunge into the game. Well, gamers with experience are offered games online Find distances on historical topics, military, fantasy theme, mystics. The pictures are no longer such simple and filled with a variety of small parts, the differences are disguised as a general background or objects in the image. Sometimes it is possible to find differences only on a light inconsistency in the geometry of the pattern or shadow, which lasted not there. If you always thought that the search for differences are among the children's topics, it becoming closer with them, you change your mind. And therefore we invite all lovers to our heading to seek inconsistencies and correct errors.

Most children on the globe have long become fans of computer games. At the moment, they prefer to spend their free time opposite PC monitors or laptops, performing various tasks that develop fine motility or logical thinking. Especially positive in this plan are games find the differences online play for free. They are aimed at their own specifics not only for the development of memory, but first of all at care. The child during the process learns to be observant and from parts to make a whole picture, that is, a study method of deduction has been implemented in such a category. Find Differences Play Free Online On Computer - This is the ability to practice your gray substance located in the cerebral cortex. Moreover, this category is designed not only to the representatives of the younger generation, but also on adult people who can distract from the everyday bustle and during the evening rest to pass a couple of levels in this category of games represented by the creators of our page in the Internet resource.

In search of funny and useful classes for your child, many forgot about the game "Find Differences" - pictures that many so adored to solve in their childhood. The essence of the game knows everyone - to find on two very similar pictures of the differences that are difficult to notice with the naked eye. This game develops the care and logic of the child. She helps unreasonable children learn to concentrate on a calm lesson. Find differences - pictures with interesting situations with the most favorite characters of children you will see in the selection.

Find differences pictures

Winter pictures Find distances

Children love drawings and pictures with winter fun and entertainment. Offer your child to find differences on these snow-covered pictures. Be careful.

Find 10 differences On these pictures with Santa Claus and Snowman. On the two following pictures with grandfather also hides 10 differences.

The cartoon characters "Cold Heart" - the pets of all children and not in vain. A cartoon tells about real love, family and friendship, and also hides in himself true magic and a riddle. Now solve the riddle and you - find 10 differences.

Nothing is better than getting out a snowy day to the street and ride skiing with your friends. Carefully consider pictures - in it hid 5 differences.

Skiing we rolled, it's time to sculpt a snowman! Find 10 distinctions on two pictures below. Pay attention.

Find the differences from the heroes of cartoons

It is difficult to find a child who does not like cartoons. And this is not at all bad, because his attention can be switched to the search for the differences in the pictures, where his favorite characters are depicted. Kitics need to find 10 differencesbut with Mickey Mouse will be much simpler, in the pictures with him everything 8 differences.

Recently ducks Donald Duck soothes, as can. Kids from "duck stories" you need to find 10 differences.

And what is the heroine like your child more, beautiful mermaid Ariel or inquisitive Dasha traveler? In the pictures with Ariel are hidden 8 differences, but Dasha traveler with a shoe melt only 5 differences.

The red hat went to the grandmother and met the tricky wolf. It is this picture that is shown below. Find 12 differences.

In the city of Chaos and noise. Move order and find 10 differences.

Once in Africa, animals from the zoo ... Everyone knows this plot. Layes 5 differences.

And how many differences in the picture with sinks? It's time to find out. Find all differences.

In the underwater world, too, not all in their places. Integers 10 differences hiding at the bottom of the ocean.

And what looks like a picture below for the previous image with marine inhabitants? Differences look nice, but you can search and similarity. One character settled immediately in several places. Found? Then it's time to look 10 differences.

Tips from the editor:

  • Do not perceive the pictures with the differences as a purely children's occupation. Connect to the game along with the child. The search for differences in the pictures is an excellent charging for the brain that keeps the mind in tone and develops logic as crosswords, sudoku and other games on paper.
  • Enter this game in the tradition. So
  • For convenience, you can print pictures and offer the child to circle all the differences with a felt-tip pen. Or download them to the phone or on the tablet to circle distinguishes in the photo editor.
  • Check the pictures of the child, so you will be enabled in this game.
  • Pick pictures on the interests of the child, if the son loves the machine - this is a reason to choose pictures with wheelbarrows, dump trucks and other cars. The girl can like pictures with flowers, nature and princesses from their favorite fairy tales. The main thing is that the child perceives this occupation as a game, and not the fulfillment of a boring homework.
  • Pictures with differences - excellent preparing a child for school. They raise attentiveness and concentration that are so important in school lessons.
  • To complicate the task a little, you can not tell the child how many differences are hidden in the pictures.
  • Scientists have proven that the constant development of the brain of an adult can prevent and shift such senile diseases as Alzheimer and Sclerosis in later years. That is why it is always important to support the mind and give him a regular charge. As you know, scientists and other mental workers are sick of these diseases less often.