Can pregnant women take Pinosol nasal drops? Can Pinosol be used during pregnancy to treat a runny nose? Use of Pinosol during pregnancy

While expecting a baby, a woman is especially vulnerable and susceptible to diseases. Pinosol during pregnancy is a real salvation for the expectant mother, whose reduced immunity has caused difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, and dry throat. The drug gently and effectively relieves the unpleasant symptoms of colds without causing any harmful effects on the fetus.

Pinosol for pregnant women

Respiratory diseases are an annoying nuisance for an adult in normal condition, but a dangerous situation for a pregnant woman. This crucial period suggests that any infection must be cured with a quick, safe and proven method. A suitable antiseptic for this case is the drug Pinosol; it effectively eliminates inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Composition and release form

Pinosol is a composition based on plant substances, the ratio of which is slightly different in each form of the drug:

Release form Amount of drug Compound
Nasal spray 10 ml Eucalyptus oil, mountain pine oil, mint essential oil, thymol, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), excipients
Nose cream 10 g Eucalyptus oil, Scots pine oil, thymol, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), excipients
Nasal drops 10 ml Eucalyptus oil, Scots pine oil, peppermint essential oil, thymol, guaisulene, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), excipients
Nose ointment 10 g Eucalyptus oil, Scots pine oil, thymol, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), white wax, petroleum jelly, excipients

Mechanism of action of the drug

The medicine Pinosol is a topical remedy. It acts on the mucous membranes, destroying microorganisms, producing an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing swelling of the mucous membrane. In addition, it stimulates local immunity and accelerates the regeneration of epithelial cells. Reducing the amount of secretions and making breathing easier are the results of using Pinosol.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe Pinosol to relieve painful conditions in the treatment of the following diseases of the mucous membranes:

  • common sinusitis (sinus disease);
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis (inflammation of the membranes of the larynx, pharynx or trachea with a feeling of dryness and difficulty breathing);
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • prophylactically after surgical manipulations in the nasal cavity.

Directions for use and dosage

The variety of drug release forms allows you to choose the appropriate treatment method based on the diagnosis and personal preferences of the patient:

  • Spray - designed to relieve inflammation in the nasal cavity. When diagnosed with sinusitis, this form helps to achieve the greatest effect. Pinosol spray during pregnancy is used at least 3 times a day and no more than 6. Each use involves 1 injection into each nostril. The spray nozzle is disinfected after use to avoid re-infection.
  • Drops – suitable for laryngitis and sinusitis. The first day you need to instill 1 - 2 drops into your nose every 2 hours (pipette included). From day 2, Pinosol should be instilled every 6 hours until the end of the course of treatment.
  • Inhalations – Pinosol drops can be used for cold inhalations using a nebulizer, 2 ml (about 50 drops) of the medicine, 3-4 procedures per day.
  • Cream - apply 3-4 times during the day to each nostril, lubricating the inner surface with a cotton swab (about 5 mm of product is needed) and distribute, gently massaging the wings of the nose.
  • Ointment - used similarly to cream. It has a higher concentration of active ingredients, but daytime use may be inconvenient due to the oily sheen it leaves behind. It is better to use Pinosol ointment in the evening and at night.

1st trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most stressful period regarding taking medications. Unexpected reactions of the body often appear in the early period. Even a drug as safe as possible, based on natural ingredients, like Pinosol during pregnancy should be used with great caution. The development of an allergy to a drug can complicate the course of the disease. The 1st trimester requires the use of drugs as rarely as possible.

2nd trimester

The second 3 months are considered safer for the use of medications. Treatment of rhinitis during 4-6 months of pregnancy is necessary, since the possible transition of an episodic disease to the chronic stage is fraught with the formation of a permanent source of infection in the body of the expectant mother. Approved medications may be used as needed.

Pinosol has a local effect without affecting the development of the fetus, since it is not distributed throughout the body during blood circulation. Its safety as a drug acceptable for use during pregnancy has been confirmed by medical research. In the absence of individual sensitivity to the components in the 2nd trimester, doctors recognize the drug as harmless.

3rd trimester

The last months are the time when you can safely take medications included in the list of approved drugs for pregnant women. This also applies to Pinosol. The third trimester is characterized by difficulty breathing for the expectant mother (this phenomenon is called pregnant rhinitis). A decrease in the amount of oxygen is critical for the developing child’s body. You can solve the problem of nasal congestion quickly and safely with the help of Pinosol, which has a mild vasoconstrictor effect. Drops, spray or creamy forms, used according to the instructions, are suitable for this.

special instructions

The presence of herbal components in the drug can cause the development of allergies in pregnant women who have not previously suffered from such a reaction. To avoid unpleasant consequences, a tolerance test should be performed before the first use of the medicine.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin on the inside of your wrist or elbow. The absence of irritation and other allergy symptoms for an hour indicates that the patient can use the drug.

Before using the product, you should clear the nasal cavity of secretions and rinse with saline solution (ordinary saline solution will do). After this, use the selected form of the drug. Treatment with Pinosol should not last more than 7 days. Increasing the duration or re-using the course is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

Side effects

When using the drug, an unpleasant sensation of burning and itching at the application site may occur, and nasal swelling may increase. With prolonged use of Pinosol, a feeling of dry mucous membranes and a return of rhinitis symptoms may occur. Such cases indicate that you should stop taking the medicine and seek advice on further treatment from your doctor.


The ban on prescribing Pinosol applies to the following cases of patient conditions:

  • It is absolutely contraindicated to use Pinosol for pregnant women with previously established intolerance to its components. The first use of the drug by other patients should occur under mandatory medical supervision.
  • It makes no sense to use Pinosol for viral rhinitis, which is symptoms of ARVI or influenza, especially in the first days of illness.
  • For a dry runny nose, Pinosol drops and spray are not applicable, but the use of ointment or cream can alleviate the course of the disease.
  • For allergic rhinitis, the use of the drug will not only not improve the condition, but can also cause a significant deterioration.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is not intended for independent use by children. It should be stored in a dark place at a temperature between 8°C and 25°C. If the storage rules are followed, the shelf life of the medicine reaches 2 years. An opened bottle must be used within 28 days. It is prohibited to use the drug after the expiration date.


There is no drug that is completely identical in composition, effect and scope of application. The drugs presented below have a similar composition and effect comparable to that of Pinosol during pregnancy:

  • Pinovit is a drug for the treatment of an inflammatory process localized in the upper respiratory tract. The composition includes the same oils (eucalyptus, mint and pine), vitamin E and thymol are present. The difference is the absence of guaizulene. Release forms: drops and spray. Not used in the treatment of children under 3 years of age.
  • Balm “Zvezdochka” is an antiseptic used against colds. The rich composition based on plant raw materials (eucalyptus oil, mint, cloves, Chinese cinnamon, menthol and camphor) is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, and small children.

Very often we hear that expectant mothers do not use any nasal drops, preferring to stoically endure a runny nose for the well-being of their baby. Indeed, many vasoconstrictor drugs, traditionally used in the treatment of the common cold, are prohibited for pregnant women, since their components easily penetrate the placenta and cause irreparable damage to the fetus. However, the instructions for use allow the use of the drug Pinosol during pregnancy, although it is advisable to first consult a doctor.

What is the difference between these drops, why they are prescribed, and how to use such medicine - we will try to find out about this in as much detail as possible.

First you need to understand why vasoconstrictor drops are prohibited. As mentioned above, they quite easily overcome the placental barrier and freely penetrate into the child’s blood.

However, there is another dangerous factor - they also cause compression of the walls of the mother’s blood vessels, which often turns into spasm.

As a result, the fetus's body no longer receives enough oxygen. And hypoxia leads to the formation of such deviations as:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • heart defects and vascular development abnormalities;
  • mental retardation;
  • congenital mental illnesses;
  • nervous system disorders.

However, it is also impossible not to use any drops, because the lack of treatment allows a harmful infection to spread freely throughout the body. The first trimester is considered especially dangerous - in it, infection can lead to miscarriage or significant deviations in the development of the fetus, as a result of which abortion is often prescribed for medical reasons.

During other periods of pregnancy, the infection can also cause significant damage to both mother and baby. By the way, no matter what the trimester, a stuffy and swollen nose can also lead to hypoxia, since a pregnant woman’s oxygen needs increase significantly. Therefore, you will still have to use certain drops, and most doctors say that the best drug for use during pregnancy is Pinosol.

Its instructions for use indicate that it contains exclusively natural ingredients. Indeed, the main active ingredient is pine oil (mountain and common), which has a disinfecting effect that very quickly destroys bacteria. It is supplemented with extracts of eucalyptus, thyme and peppermint, which simultaneously reduce the intensity of inflammation and eliminate discomfort, as well as a powerful antioxidant - vitamin E.

Due to the absence of synthetic chemical compounds, Pinosol does not cause any harm to either the mother or the child during pregnancy. However, the drops do not have any vasoconstrictor effect, so many people complain about the lack of effectiveness.

Indications and contraindications

Drops are most effective at eliminating bacterial infections caused by a variety of pathogens. However, Pinosol is practically powerless against viruses and cannot have any effect on fungi. That is why, before taking it, it is recommended to consult a doctor, who will determine the type of disease based on specific symptoms.

The drug helps well with nasal congestion and also prevents the formation of edema, which allows it to be used as a first aid remedy to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman before consulting a specialist.

It is also recommended to use it as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases for which a runny nose is a secondary manifestation, for example, influenza, some types of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as irritation of the mucous membrane as a result of its damage by toxic substances. The exception is traumatic injuries, because the active components can directly penetrate into the blood, which will lead to metabolic disorders and cause serious damage to the fetus.

The instructions for use prohibit the use of Pinosol during an allergic rhinitis, which often occurs in pregnant women - the drug can only aggravate the condition of the body. In addition, the medicine can independently cause allergies, especially in cases of long-term use and simultaneous use in combination with other drugs.

Also, Pinosol is not recommended for use if the examination has proven that the infection is viral or fungal, and there is an increased likelihood of a negative reaction to treatment. In this case, the harm from the development of side effects will simply exceed the benefits received.

Usage diagram

Having decided on the question of whether Pinosol can be used during pregnancy to treat certain diseases, we can move on to recommendations for its use. First of all, it must be said that for expectant mothers the best form of the drug is drops or nasal sprays, which do not contain additional components, unlike creams and ointments. If you get sick in the first trimester, then you should definitely refuse all other dosage forms of the drug, since they can cause a deterioration in the body’s condition.

The instructions indicate that an adult should use 3-5 drops per day for each nostril. However, it is worth remembering that Pinosol can cause allergies in pregnant women, so the usual regimen of use should be slightly changed. On the first day, drop one drop into each nostril, and if there are no negative reactions in the evening, repeat this procedure.

On the second day, Pinosol is consumed two drops at a time. Starting from the third, the drug is used as usual - it is advisable to limit yourself to 4 drops for each nostril once a day.

The maximum duration of treatment with Pinosol is 7 days. Given the use of a kind of preparatory period, it can be extended by one additional day. However, it is not recommended to use Pinosol for 10 or more days - as mentioned above, a severe allergic reaction may occur.

In addition, it also causes addiction in the form of vasomotor rhinitis. Without drops, you will not be able to breathe normally, since during their use the vessels located in the nose are deformed and assume a normal position only when Pinosol is administered.

In addition to the traditional treatment regimen, inhalations can also be used. 50 drops of the drug are injected into a special evaporator device, which allows you to use it three times a day for 4-5 minutes. Inhalations should be used with particular caution by pregnant women who exhibit abnormal body reactions during pregnancy. Pinosol vapors deposited on the skin can cause hives, as well as narrowing of the respiratory tract, so such treatment should also be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.


Knowing whether Pinosol can be taken by pregnant women, you can always determine the cases when this drug will be used. However, what to do when its use is prohibited or does not bring the desired effect? It is necessary to pay attention to alternative drugs that are also not contraindicated during pregnancy.

A good remedy that helps alleviate the condition of any disease, including allergic reactions, is Aquamaris.

It is a solution of salts, identical in composition to sea water, but devoid of various pollutants and other toxins. Unlike Pinosol, it is not addictive and can be used for fungal and viral infections as an adjuvant.

An analogue of Aquamaris is the drug Salin, but it also includes some active components that help fight bacteria. That is why it, like Pinosol, is prescribed during pregnancy only after consultation with a doctor. If the indicated remedies are not at hand, and urgent relief is required, you need to make a weak saline solution and rinse your nose with it, and consult a specialist as soon as possible.

While expecting a child, a woman should be especially careful about her health. But it happens that a cold cannot be avoided and it is necessary to visit a doctor so that he can diagnose the disease and prescribe a safe remedy for viral infections. Pinosol is an excellent treatment; it is often prescribed to women during pregnancy.

For treatment For prevention pinosol
drug Cough in the second trimester is very dangerous, do not hesitate to treat it treatment
If you have a runny nose, consult

This is a drug for the treatment of colds. The composition does not contain harmful components that can penetrate the placenta, therefore, there is no risk to the health of the fetus.

Using the drug at an early stage of the disease can completely eliminate the use of antibiotics. It helps cope with diseases of the ENT organs:

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis.

All components are absolutely safe, they heal and help restore breathing. This is why experts often prescribe Pinosol during pregnancy; it can be taken in any trimester.

For the treatment of colds

The product includes completely natural ingredients, such as:

  • pine, eucalyptus oils;
  • thymol;
  • tocopherol;
  • peppermint oil.

There are also excipients - vegetable oil, butylhydroxynazole, Labrafil M.

These components have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, and are also capable of healing microcracks. Vitamins that contain oils promote regeneration and epithelization of mucosal tissues. Pinosol improves blood circulation in the nasal cavity and reduces the secretion of the nasal glands.

Analogues of the drug

Drug nameIndications for usePrice
PinovitThe drug is used to treat acute and chronic runny nose (rhinitis). Helps cope with nasopharyngitis, laryngotracheitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosa.360 rubles
AdrianolSame as the drug , helps cope with acute rhinitis and sinusitis. Can be used during pregnancy on the recommendation of a specialist.134 rubles
RhinoprontIt is used for acute rhinitis of various origins, hay fever, and sinusitis.130 rubles
Aqua MarisAcute and chronic diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses. Possible use for dry nasal mucosa.295 rubles
IsofraThe main purposes are sinusitis, bacterial sinusitis, pharyngitis. Helps with nasopharyngitis, prevention of infectious inflammatory diseases.240 rubles

Instructions for use of the medicine

What dosage forms are available:

  • spray;
  • drops;
  • ointments.

The spray is quite easy to use and is only suitable for treating the nasal cavity. For the prevention or treatment of the upper respiratory tract with laryngitis or sinusitis, Pinosol in the form of drops is more suitable during pregnancy. They can be instilled into the nose or added to a nebulizer for inhalation; they are used during pregnancy even in the 1st trimester.

The ointment is often used to prevent diseases or moisturize the nose. The product is an excellent replacement for oxolinic ointment.

Nasal ointment

The drug is used 3 to 4 times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 7 days. The regimen for treating rhinitis or sinusitis is simple.

  1. It is necessary to clean the nasal cavity. You can use sterile sea water or use a simple saline solution to rinse the nasal cavity. This is necessary to remove all dirt, mucus and promote the rapid action of the drug.
  2. It is necessary to take a breath. Pinosol vasoconstrictor drops are suitable here.
  3. Take a course of treatment on the recommendation of a specialist.

You can treat your throat using inhalations. To do this, you need to add the drops to a nebulizer or other container for inhalation. It is necessary to make a solution - 1 liter of water per 2 ml of medicine (this is 50 drops). It is necessary to carry out the procedure at least twice a day.

In order to use Pinosol spray during pregnancy, there are no special instructions for use, everything is very simple, it can be used in any situation, while walking, at work, at home. It is very comfortable, especially in position. It is not suitable for inhalation, but it can be used to irrigate the throat.

Indications for use

Using cream or ointment.

  1. They need to be applied to the nasal mucosa in each nostril 4 times a day.
  2. The course usually lasts from one to two weeks.

But during pregnancy it is necessary to consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the use of Pinosol individually for you. You can apply the product using a cotton swab and lightly massage each nostril.

Possible risks and contraindications

The medicine must not be used for treatment if a person has an individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to one of the components included in the drug. If this warning is not heeded, then using pinosol during pregnancy can be dangerous for a woman. A state of anaphylactic shock may occur, Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, and suffocation will begin. In some cases, urticaria and allergic rhinitis begin.

The drug can become a source of allergies, as it contains essential oils. Contraindicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis of any form.

Pinosol should not be taken for the treatment of viral rhinitis against the background of ARVI or influenza in the first 2 days. It will not be effective and may only worsen the condition. The drug in the form of a spray or drops does not need to be used to treat a dry runny nose; in this situation it is better to use Pinosol ointment or cream. If there are no contraindications or individual intolerances, this is an excellent remedy that can be used during pregnancy.

However, in some cases, the patient may experience itching and burning at the site of application. Inflammatory processes may only intensify or hyperemia of the mucous membrane and swelling of the nasal cavity will begin. With prolonged use of the medicine, dry nose may occur. In order to avoid side effects, you should consult your gynecologist before use.

Purpose of the drug

With the onset of pregnancy and the restructuring that occurs during this period in the female body, the immune system is significantly reduced. Therefore, colds during pregnancy are almost inevitable, especially in the first trimester. The very first and most unpleasant sign of a cold is nasal congestion. A headache is added to it, the sense of smell is lost, and the sensitivity of taste buds decreases.

During pregnancy, even the most minor cold can harm the unborn baby. There is no point in hoping that nasal congestion will go away on its own. And it is also undesirable to self-medicate during such a crucial period.

Therefore, at the first signs of a cold, you should consult a doctor so that a common runny nose does not develop into more serious illnesses. And treat your usual methods of self-medication responsibly.

How to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy?

It is difficult to count how many times a person suffers from ARVI in his life. Many have already developed their own personal methods of dealing with nasal congestion. And often among these methods you can find such a drug as Pinosol. The reason why most women choose it is that these nasal drops are formulated with natural essential oils. This is about everyday life. But is it possible to continue using Pinosol during pregnancy?

It would seem that essential oils cannot cause any harm in principle. For the fetus this is true, but for the expectant mother they can. Even if she used these drops more than once before pregnancy. After all, often with the onset of pregnancy, a woman may experience all sorts of allergic reactions. And then the allergy itself will be a threat to the baby.

That is why the use of the drug should be treated with special attention. During pregnancy or breastfeeding, Pinosol can be dripped into the nose, but only as prescribed by a doctor. It is prescribed for rhinitis of varying complexity, acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane, as well as after surgery in the nasal cavity. But treatment with Pinosol should not exceed 7 days.

So there are no direct contraindications for pregnant women to use Pinosol.

However, it does not help everyone, even in the absence of allergies to individual components of this drug. Despite the wide spectrum of action, these drops do not have the desired effect on some women and many refuse them. And there are women who have Pinosol in their home medicine cabinet under the first item.

During pregnancy, it is impossible to predict the body's reaction to one or another component. But if after a certain period of using the drops the runny nose does not go away, you should stop using them. And consider another treatment. And if, when Pinasol is instilled into the nose, the congestion does not go away, but on the contrary increases, this may indicate that you are allergic to this drug.

If any suspicious symptoms appear while using Pinasol, stop using it and consult an otolaryngologist.

Pinosol during pregnancy: instructions

A combined preparation that includes a mixture of essential oils with natural substances in vegetable oil. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, enhances granulation. Pinosol improves the patient's condition, facilitating nasal breathing by reducing secretion and increasing the patency of the nasal passages. In the chronic course of the disease, the drug increases blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx, trachea and helps restore its function. Dosage for an adult: 1-2 drops/3-4 times a day, no more than seven days.

Author of the publication: Nikita Rybakov