How to choose a treadmill for your home: a rating of simulators. How to choose a treadmill for your home? How to find a treadmill for your home

Modern life almost completely deprives a person of movement, giving him everything he needs at arm's length. This explains many of the health problems that arise at a fairly young age. It all lies in the absence of physical activity, but, fortunately, technology allows you to provide yourself with the necessary load right in your own home and the only thing left is to decide.

Running is a natural sport that has a good effect on all body systems:

  • digestive;
  • respiratory;
  • cardiovascular;
  • increases the tone of all muscles.

Which home treadmill is best? When answering this question, you need to understand the criteria for choosing a simulator. First of all, you need to choose a track based on the height and weight of the person. If the weight of a person is, for example, 80 kg, then the simulator must withstand at least 90 kg. The length of the running belt is different, therefore, when choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the height of a person - the higher it is, the longer the belt should be, otherwise it will be simply inconvenient to train. In case of doubt when choosing a device, feedback on which treadmill is better for home will help.

Dimensions (edit)

The factor that needs to be paid attention to is the free space in the house. If there is a lot of space, then the simulator can be bought without thinking about its size. If the free area is limited, the unit you like may simply not fit. When, if there is very little space, and the desire to buy a simulator is irresistible, you should pay attention to folding options, which will help the ranking of the best treadmills for the home of 2017

Type of simulator

The next step when choosing a track is to determine its type, of which there are three - mechanical, electrical, magnetic.

  • Mechanical cheapest... This is due to the fact that the treadmill, stretched over the rollers, is set in motion by the force of the legs and moves as long as the person is exercising. It follows from this that the loads are large, therefore, for those who have health problems, such simulators are not suitable.
  • Electric tracks are driven by a mains-powered motor, which initially requires a nearby outlet. It makes almost no noise, the stroke is soft and smooth, and also allows you to train in various programs. When determining which treadmill is the best, customer reviews point to the electric look.
  • Magnetic tracks have a pleasant soft ride, which is due to the fact that the magnet takes the load during walking and braking. Training on such simulators can be more difficult than on mechanical devices, but they do not have much difference.

Now that the features and varieties of treadmills are known, it's time to move on to the ranking of treadmills and manufacturers. Their number is large, but there are still not so many who deserve recognition and fame.

Treadmill manufacturers rating

  • Carbon. A well-known German brand that is designed to meet mass demand by setting low prices for equipment. The advantages are high-tech solutions, affordable price, but the quality of plastic leaves much to be desired. Track prices start at 12-13 thousand rubles;
  • ClearFit. A French company distinguished by the presence of powerful motors, wide and comfortable canvas, high-quality parts and reliable assembly. Naturally, the price is appropriate and amounts to 38 thousand rubles. minimum;
  • Hasttings. British treadmills, characterized by a wide range of models, attractive designs, high quality parts and workmanship. The advantages of the devices are low-noise motors and a variety of training programs. Almost all simulators are foldable, which is especially important for people who do not have a lot of free space. By the way, the warranty period for the frame is 3 years, for the motor - 2 years. The minimum price is 33 thousand rubles;
  • Horizon. An American company that manufactures exercise equipment characterized by durability, functionality, and reliability. Many models are foldable, which allows you not to worry about free space in the house. The frame is guaranteed for 3 years, the motor for 2 years. For the track of this company they will ask for at least 37 thousand rubles;
  • HouseFit. American firm, whose treadmills have average performance, assembly, safety margin. Suitable for people who want to save money on the purchase of a simulator, especially considering the low cost, which starts at 19 thousand rubles;
  • Torneo. An Italian brand characterized by the production of both high-end and budget models. Treadmills, as a rule, are equipped with a not very powerful motor and have a small margin of safety. Otherwise, the company's products are quite popular, well-known and affordable. A wide assortment will allow you to choose the right device for the most picky client, and reasonable prices will not hit the wallet too hard. The cost of the simulators is at least 15 thousand rubles.
  • Winner / Oxygen. A Taiwanese company that produces treadmills in the mid to high price range. The design of the different models is very different from each other, which allows you to choose a treadmill for a specific person. Also in the presence of high-quality components, reliable assembly and a product warranty, which is as much as 5 years, which allows the manufacturer's units to get into the rating of the best treadmills. The minimum price is 35 thousand rubles.

The Carbon brand gives its products the lowest warranty for a period of 1 year, and ClearFit, HouseFit and Torneo - 2 years.

Each manufacturer of cardiovascular equipment is constantly trying to expand the capabilities of its products, supplement it with any new technologies and functions, so the rating of treadmills for home in 2017 is significantly different from the previous ones.

Home treadmill rating

It is not enough for many to decide on the manufacturer of exercise equipment, given that their choice is extensive and each model differs from others, which complicates the choice. However, there are the best treadmills that have received well-deserved recognition and popularity for a long time:

CarbonFitness T404

An entry-level budget electric model capable of speeds up to 10 km / h. In the presence of a display that allows you to observe the achievements, 13 programs for all occasions, as well as compact size. The simulator is foldable and has casters for transportation, so it won't take up much space in your home. The price is 30 thousand rubles.;

CarbonFitness T604

Electric treadmill capable of reaching speeds of 14 km / h. The exercise machine is foldable and compact. In addition, the design and assembly are quite good, and 13 running programs will make it easy to choose the one you need for a specific purpose and achieve maximum results. The display will show the heart rate, distance covered, calories burned. The track can be manually tilted up to 4 degrees. The price is about 47 thousand rubles.;

HouseFitht 9113hp

An electric trainer that is easy to assemble and transport, making it easy to move around the house with little effort. It has an informative display that displays the results in the form of calories burned and kilometers traveled, pulse, heart rate. A variety of training programs are also available, and having received the necessary data in the form of height, weight, age and gender, the computer can calculate the most effective mode for achieving maximum results. Average price - 14 thousand rubles.;

Diamond Fitness Audio 1.9

High-tech treadmill equipped with a powerful motor capable of reaching speeds of 16 km / h. On board there are all kinds of sensors that monitor the pulse, speed, distance traveled, calories. The walking belt can be tilted in three positions to increase the load. The design contains 4 shock-absorbing components that reduce the stress on the joints, which reduces the risk of injury during training. The highlight of the simulator is a built-in speaker system with several speakers and an amplifier, which can be played from a smartphone. When buying, you will be asked to lay out amount equal to 35 thousand rubles.;

Clear Fit Eco ET 16 AI

A quiet and comfortable electric treadmill with a wide treadmill and a speed of up to 15 km / h. The treadmill does not slip, moves smoothly, and besides, its angle of inclination can be changed directly during training. 18 programs will allow you to work out as efficiently as possible, and an informative display will inform you about the results achieved. The price is 45 thousand rubles.;

Oxygen Laguna 2

Comfortable and reliable track with a speed of up to 12 km / h. In the presence of built-in speakers, 19 training programs, a large informative display that reflects lost calories, running speed and distance, heart rate. The simulator is capable of creating special load conditions, for example, running in the mountains, over rough terrain. The maximum supported weight is a whopping 130 kg. The best home treadmill rated by some sites. Price about 43 thousand rubles.;

Torneo Linia T-203

A good budget track with a top speed of 13 km / h and a cushioning system for increased comfort and workout comfort. The display shows complete information about burned calories, distance traveled, heart rate. The track is a little noisy, but these are trifles compared to the democratic at the price of 19 thousand rubles.;

CarFitness Emerald TS-951c + Polar

Probably the best treadmill for the home. Modern and high-tech, withstands 140 kg and developing speeds of up to 22 km / h, and the shock-absorbing technology guarantees comfort and stability during training, which can be carried out according to 24 built-in programs. The set includes a Polar chest strap, which allows you to accurately read your heart rate and give the most accurate information about your activity. A large informative display, built-in fan, speakers and connectors will allow you to connect electronic devices and conduct workouts even more comfortable. Such a simulator will cost 95 thousand rubles..

Having a treadmill at home is perhaps the best and most convenient way to keep yourself in good shape, as there is no need to waste time commuting to the gym. Regular training will provide positive results in the shortest possible time, and the body will express its gratitude in the form of a good and positive attitude throughout the day. One of these simulators will be good.

Video "How to choose a treadmill for your home and not lose it"

How can you put your figure in order without wasting a lot of time? One of the options is to purchase a simulator. There will be no need to allocate minutes and hours for the trip to the fitness center. This raises the question of which home treadmill is best. Now this will be discussed. The solution to this problem must be taken seriously, because the equipment is not cheap. There are two types of treadmills.


From the name it is already clear that the device is set in motion with the help of human efforts.

The whole range of simulators of this type is equipped with counters: speed, distance, calories burned and heart rate. The user sets the running intensity and training program himself.

The magnetic mechanical track differs from the usual smooth running. Thanks to the use of a strong magnet, it is much higher. When trying to decide which one is for the home, be sure to consider the reviews of the owners of the simulator. Many of them boil down to the fact that the disadvantage of a mechanical device is the inability to adjust the angle of inclination of the web. This is the only drawback of this type of equipment.

If we talk about the advantages, then they should include:

  • low price;
  • small size;
  • energy saving.

Mechanical treadmills are designed for minimal stress and do not have a shock absorption system.


This type of simulator has an electric motor. Thanks to him, the canvas is set in motion, its angle of inclination changes (range up to 22 degrees). And if suddenly the question arises about which treadmill for the home is better in terms of a variety of workouts, then, without hesitation, give preference to a device with a motor.

The equipment has all those counters with which mechanical trainers are equipped. But besides this, the user can choose the program that suits him. For example, you can create an imitation of running on hilly terrain.

Speaking about the advantages of this simulator, one cannot ignore it:

  • high functionality;
  • smooth running.

And one more important point. Many devices of this type have a security key. It is located on the control panel. During training, the edge of the lace on which it is held is attached to the user's waist. If a person falls, the key is pulled out, the treadmill stops. In this way, injuries can be avoided.

Maximum load, intensity and duration of exercise depend on engine power.

What does an electric simulator consist of?

Recently, consumers have preferred motorized exercise machines. That is why we will talk about them in more detail. After all, before deciding which treadmill to choose for the home, you should familiarize yourself with its design.

The electric trainer consists of four main parts:

  • electric motor;
  • running cloths;
  • control panels;
  • decks.

The electric motor affects the speed of rotation of the belt, it depends on its power what the maximum weight of a person is permissible for exercising on the device.

The canvas is a tape put on a shaft and rotating around a ring. The dimensions of the canvas can be different. The best option is 50 centimeters wide and 120 centimeters long.

Control Panel. A variety of counters are located on it. One model of equipment may differ from another in that the heart rate monitor for some is located on the panel itself, while for others it clings to the earlobe. A person acquires the option that suits him best.

When choosing which treadmill for your home is best, don't forget about the deck. Thanks to it, the impacts of the feet on the canvas are softened, the load on the spine and joints is reduced.

Choosing a device

At first glance, it seems that purchasing a simulator is easy and simple. But this opinion is misleading. It is best to go shopping with someone who knows the matter. If you don't have such a friend, you will have to decide for yourself which treadmill is right for you at home. The most important criteria to look out for are:

  • Determine what size device you need. Above the height of a person, the length and width of the canvas are greater. If the simulator is purchased for the whole family, then the size of the belt is chosen for the largest one.
  • Decide which of the features you need. If you do it from time to time, then a mechanical type device will do. For constant training on the simulator, give preference to the electric one, with a choice of programs.
  • Pay attention to engine power. The greater the weight of a person and the desired speed for training, the higher the power should be.
  • Don't forget about cushioning and heart rate measurement.

What consumers say about choosing a simulator

Will help determine which treadmill is best for the home, reviews of the happy owners of this simulator. They know from experience what to look for.

A little more about what you should pay attention to

When deciding which treadmill is best for the home, users are advised to pay attention to the thickness of the belt. It should be at least two and a half centimeters long, and the tape itself should consist of two layers.

It is desirable that the frame is made of special aluminum. This achieves the necessary shock absorption and does not corrode the frame.

Do not forget about the additional elements, we are talking about the security key.

Choose a track with double-sided canvas. You will extend the life of the machine by turning the belt over, thereby saving money.

The simulator shouldn't make a lot of noise and, of course, you should like it.

Pay attention to the movement of the canvas. It should be even, without jerking.

Equally important is such a moment as ease of use. The equipment should be easy to turn on, and programs should switch without problems.

Which manufacturer is better

So, you have decided to purchase a simulator. Learned how to choose a treadmill for your home. Manufacturing firms offer the following options for purchase:

  • The most famous piece of equipment in Italy is the Torneo. It is characterized by high quality, price corresponding to it. Engine power is from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of a trainee is not more than one hundred and thirty kilograms, the angle of inclination of the belt can be changed, the number of programs is from one to eight.
  • The Taiwanese manufacturer boasts the AeroFit trainer. The device can be used not only for simple training, but also for medical purposes. The engine has a capacity of one and a half to five horsepower, the weight of an athlete is not more than two hundred kilograms, the number of programs is about twenty. The tilt angle can only be changed on expensive models.
  • The trainer made in Germany - Bremshey has a wide range of functions. The equipment of this brand is used not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. Engine power is from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of a trainee is not more than one hundred and fifty kilograms, the angle of inclination of the belt can be changed, the number of programs is from six to twenty three. Sensors and chest sensors are available.
  • American manufacturers are proud of the Champion trainer. Consumers are attracted by this brand with a thoughtful appearance and a large number of training programs. The engine has a power of two to three horsepower, there are sensors and chest straps. The maximum weight of a trainee is not more than one hundred and forty kilograms.

As you can see, the variety of simulators is great. Which company is the best treadmill for the home is up to you, based on the above characteristics. Just do not forget to test the equipment before buying.

Another important criterion

And that, of course, is the cost. It is this measure that in many cases is the main one when choosing a product. That is why it is worth dwelling on this issue more seriously. Sometimes you can buy an expensive device, but it will be uncomfortable for you to practice on it, while on a cheaper one you can train with pleasure. So which home treadmill is better? Is price a quality criterion or not?

The most expensive exercise equipment is the AeroFit brand. Its cost is within two thousand dollars. Although the product has a high price, there are also disadvantages. It takes up a lot of space, it cannot be folded, besides, the angle of inclination of the canvas will not change. Exceptions are models with a cost much higher than indicated.

The most budgetary option is the product - Torneo. Its cost is about six hundred conventional units. It is functional and inexpensive.

The price of the Bremshey and Champion models varies within one and a half thousand dollars.


The range of simulators is great. Each manufacturer of this equipment tries to create a product that meets human needs. It is quite difficult to choose from a large number of models. By following all the recommendations that were given above, you will get everything right. The question of how to choose the right treadmill for your home will not baffle you.

Jogging or treadmill. What's better?

A treadmill is a simulator with which you can do a lot of useful things. By using the treadmill correctly, you can increase the endurance of the whole body and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Also, the use of this cardio equipment has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system. The consequence of this "passive training of the psyche" is a good tolerance of heavy mental work and the preservation (or correction) of the figure.

A treadmill has several advantages over simple running.

  1. You can practice in any weather without leaving your home. For those who just love to run in nature, this is not really necessary. But for those who do not want to attract other people's attention and get up for a run an hour earlier, a simulator at home is simply necessary.
  2. The load can be adjusted. For those who need to lose weight and strengthen the body, you need to run long distances. These tasks can be solved without a home exercise machine. But for those who need to correct the shape of their legs and buttocks, a treadmill will be just the way. Turning the intensity adjustment lever on the "walkway" is much easier than putting weights on your feet.
  3. For those who are accustomed to speeding up recovery of morale through running, running at home will also be much more enjoyable. Jogging outdoors is definitely more enjoyable. But, unfortunately, the city, in addition to fresh air, is saturated with unpleasant phenomena. Suddenly it started to rain, which for some reason was not warned about on the radio. A curiosity that you can become a witness to. And there are a lot of other undesirable phenomena that not only interfere with active rest, but also tire the tired psyche even more.

Average treadmill prices

Along with the advantages over street running, the "track" has some nuances. The first caveat is its cost. The cheapest treadmill costs about 6.5 thousand rubles. The most expensive is over 600 thousand.

The cheapest is mechanical, foldable, with a liquid crystal display, which records the speed, running time, distance, heart rate and the number of calories burned during the workout.

The most expensive treadmill is electric. In addition to the computer and quality material, this simulator has technical advantages over its smaller brother. Engine power - 5 horsepower, and the maximum weight of a person who has the right to run on it without fear is 182 kg.

The best treadmill for the home

It is very difficult and incorrect to select one single track. If you really need a recommendation, then see the treadmill ratings below.

The second nuance of the treadmill is its size. The average length of the treadmills is 1.5–2 m, and the width is 0.5 m. The simulator occupies a decent area and is not suitable for small apartments. Anyone who does not care about the issue of living space, but does not have the means to purchase the most expensive "path", you need to choose the "path" correctly - taking into account their dimensions and needs. Choosing a certain simulator among inexpensive ones is not quite an easy task.

The best treadmill for your home is one that not only fits well with your home decor and is beautifully designed, but also meets your goals technically.

Treadmill rating

Currently, the main manufacturers of fitness equipment are Italy and America. Firms "Matrix", "Torneo", "Unix" and "Horizon Fitness" are very popular. They make the best quality exercise equipment. The simulators of these brands are the basic equipment of the best sports complexes in Europe.

House Fit, Torneo, Horizon Fitness and Matrix treadmills are quality and durable. That's why they became brands. When choosing a "track" for a home, it is advisable to stick to the brand. In general, when choosing an individual simulator, you need to focus not only on its brand.

The hit of sales is the Horizon Adventure CL treadmill, it belongs to the leading brands. Its cost is from 64 to 72 thousand rubles. Power "track" - 2.7 liters. from. For large individuals, it will not be the best option, but for athletes and amateurs weighing up to 90 kg, this is what you need.

In second place in terms of sales is the EVO Fitness Jet treadmill. This model is a great home option. It is not suitable for long and frequent use in the hall. Power 2.25 HP Withstands up to 130 kg. It costs much less - 36 thousand rubles.

Another exception is the Swedish "track" Applegate T30. It surpasses the previous one in functionality, although it is also intended for home, but it has a more powerful motor, which at its peak produces power - 3.6 liters. from. In addition, it is quieter in operation and high-quality assembly materials. Therefore, it costs more - 40 thousand rubles.

Unix ST Treadmill - Has a less powerful 1.4hp motor. There is no tilt adjustment like the previous models, but the build quality is consistent. Price: from 24 thousand rubles.

MATRIX T1X is a professional model, which, despite the fact that it costs several times more (600 thousand rubles) than its cheaper comrades, sold worse, but still with success. The whole secret of success is the Matrix brand and "timeless" materials of assembly, which are designed for intensive use in fitness centers.

Any product needs to be tried - to feel its quality. But at the present time this can be avoided - insofar as online stores practically solve this problem for customers. It is enough to use the links of the most popular online stores -, Online shopping malls have a wide range of sporting goods, including a large selection of treadmills. On these sites, it is easy enough to find a simulator that will satisfy any request.

Treadmills and ellipsoids of these sports services are the main attributes of most sports facilities. That is why the online stores and DomSporta are leaders in the sale of sports equipment.

All the characteristics of each simulator are described on the electronic pages. You just need to choose your favorite brand, price, and choose a simulator that suits your goals and physical parameters.

When choosing a running machine, you need to look at the motor power and the main parts - the deck and treadmill. For a simple, medium-intensity running, these details are not very important, but those who purchase a treadmill for serious purposes should consider these factors.

The deck must be thick enough. The cushioning of the machine and the strength of its base depend on this particular part. It is also highly desirable that the deck be impregnated with lubricant so that it is subject to wear as little as possible.

The running belt (belt) must be of two layers. Single layer tape - lower quality; it will last very little with regular and prolonged training.

You also need to know how much the treadmill is cushioned. Highly cushioned machines are good for those recovering from injuries. For individuals with full legs, this "convenience" is not at all necessary. Excessive shock absorption does not put enough stress on joints and muscles, which only prevents you from achieving serious goals.

Body shaping exercises

Individuals interested in adjusting the body do not need to absorb special medications and use anti-cellulite creams and ointments. Enough exercise on the treadmill is hard. But the grueling workouts for wear do not need to start right away.

The first week is "introductory"; the individual is engaged for 6 days in a row; every workout - until slight fatigue. Then - one day of rest.

The second week is "almost hard". This week you need to do 5 days in a row, trying to run a little more every day.

After these two weeks, two days of rest. Then - jogging once a day, three days a week. Each time the trainee runs twice the distance that he ran on the last day of the second week, and the third time he runs to complete exhaustion. Rest between sets - 3.5 - 5 minutes.

Don't try to exhaust yourself by jogging several times a day. If this method helps to remove extra pounds, then it will be not only the disappeared fat, but also muscle tissue. Loss of muscle tissue is accompanied by a sharp increase in metabolism and negatively affects the body.