How to create a good contact group. How to create a group in contact

vk represent another powerful positioning mechanism, after a personal page on a social network. The group is created for various purposes:

Whatever goal the user or several users pursue, since groups provide an opportunity for collective management of the community, the number of members and visits to the group " In contact with»Directly depend on the owner's active actions to promote it. But now we will touch on a narrower and more fundamental topic and analyze: how to create a group in VC.

Creating a community in vk: step by step instructions

Let's move on to the practical part of the narration, in order to finally try once, than to read the theoretical verbiage:

Step 1

We open our page « In contact with". For example, it might look like the picture below.

Step 2

In the left context menu, select the item "" and click on it with the left mouse button.

Step 3

We get to a page with a list of communities in which you are a member, as well as invitations to various groups from your virtual friends. Here we find the cherished button that will open up new horizons of virtual reality for us, which, with a rational approach, allow us to constructively change physical reality. And with a destructive approach - to lose an additional couple of hours on the social network every day. Click on.

And now again a little theory, and then we will continue with the practical implementation of the task. While we thoughtlessly clicked to create and create, we did not think: why do we need all this? Well, since our story is useful, then let the group be useful for people. And she will talk about the recipes and secrets of cooking wild plants in the style of the School of Survival. Now, back to the practical part again:

Step 4

A pop-up dialog appeared before us, which requires us to select three criteria for the future community at once.
« Name". The hero of "Captain Vrungel" often mentioned this, so we will approach the question responsibly and in accordance with the theme of the group. It is all the more important to take into account that, according to the words in the name, this group can then be searched for by users of the social network, and with increasing popularity, by users of search engines. That is, if you do not want to go underground, then choosing a name like "Etollldyarvydati Gytsbmtvay" is not advisable. Let's name the community in accordance with the topic discussed in the theoretical part of the article - "School of survival: edible wild plants".

Next, you need to select the type of community. " Event”We sweep aside immediately, as this is beyond the scope of our research. Let's analyze the difference between the points " Group"And" Public page". In terms of functionality, the difference between them is small. The main difference is in the way you attract users. When promoting a public (public page), it is impossible to invite 40 friends every day using standard mechanisms vk... In this regard, if you plan to use the manual method of attracting participants, then it is more logical to choose a group.

Now click on " Select a topic"And two options drop out:" Community of interest, blog"And" Page, company, store, person". In our case, the first option is optimal - we choose it.

And again appears " Select a topic"- here the choice will be wider. Suitable for a survival school " Tourism, travel". In the end, everything looks like this, as shown below.

Step 5

After that, we get to the next page with the settings.
Here you need to fill in the following fields:

  • « Community Description»(Welcome speech to the group members and community positioning);
  • « Group type»(Open - all comers enter, closed - enter after the application is approved by the administrator, private - enter only at the invitation of the group owner);
  • « Community cover"(Press" Download»And choose a thematic picture);
  • « page address»(You can leave a set of numbers or enter any name from the unoccupied ones in Latin).

Additional information is filled in at will. Click Save and get into the profile of a ready-made personal community.

Now you can proceed to posting interesting and informative posts, creating discussions that provoke communication between members and guests of the group, inviting group members to avoid monologues, and exploring a lot of additional settings.

Building a community using a smartphone

The above discussed how to create a group in VC on a computer or laptop. However, today more and more people are switching to using mobile devices in their daily life - tablets and smartphones running on Android, ios or analog operating systems. To optimize the operation of mobile operating systems, developers offer special offers in which a number of functions are limited or facilitated for use on the respective gadgets. In this regard, it is important to separately consider how to independently create a group in VC through the phone. There are no striking differences in this issue and it was noted only in replacing the button with the sign “ + "Located in the upper right corner of the interface.

Community Building: Additional Resources

If the version of the instructions on how to make a group " In contact with», Described in the first section, seems to you more adequate and convenient, then you can adapt it for use on a mobile device. To do this, simply log into the social network " In contact with"Without using the mobile application vk, but using a standard firewall installed on a smartphone or tablet or downloaded from the Internet.


This article looked at how to create a group in vk... Was given step-by-step instructions for its formation. Now you know how to create a group " In contact with", And it's time to create.

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In this article, you will learn how to create a group in VK in 2019 and set it up correctly. In particular, choose the type of community, the name of the group, customize the main sections, fill out a description, put a memorable community avatar, upload a beautiful cover, and so on. If you are a beginner and are just starting to figure out how to work on VKontakte, this step-by-step manual will be especially useful for you.

Advantages and capabilities of the VKontakte group:

  1. Fast creature. After reading the article to the end, you will understand that creating a group takes 10-15 minutes.
  2. Is free. You can create a VKonakte group absolutely free of charge, and with proper promotion, it can be as effective as a landing page or website in terms of efficiency.
  3. Easily use. Most of the actions associated with promoting a business on VK are intuitive and simple.
  4. Lot information. There are many articles and videos on the Internet about the work of VKontakte: promotion, monetization, etc.
  5. The biggest the audience of the Russian-speaking audience of all ages - among them, for sure, there are your clients.

How to create a group in VK: step by step

Step 1:

Community building

So, we already have a personal page and we need to create a group in VK so that all advertising materials are placed there and not spam our account. On the left in the menu, click on the "Groups" tab. A page will open to us, which shows which groups we are in. At the top, click "Create Community".

Step 2:

Choosing the type of community

As you can see, VKontakte itself explains for what purposes this or that type of group is suitable. Choose what is right for you. And do not be afraid, if necessary, the type of community can be changed at any time in the settings.

Step 3:

Next, another pop-up window appears, where, depending on the selected type of community, we will need to write a name, indicate a category or topic, whether it will be open or closed, add a link to the site and a physical address ( if any).

In field band name enter the name of the group. What is the name of the VKontakte group?

  • Use the name of the company or brand.
  • First or last name for a personal blog.
  • Keyword by which potential customers can search for you.

for example, if you are doing repairs in Moscow, it is better to name the group [ Repair in Moscow] and through a dash or vertical slash write the name of the company or brand. Finally, click on the "Create community" button and go to the new group page.

This is what the newly created group looks like. It remains to customize it and fill it.

How to set up a group in VK

Step 4:


The avatar of the VKontakte group is an icon that is shown next to the group's posts in the news feed. To install it, in the upper right corner, click "Upload photo".

Recommended avatar size 200x200 pixels... Try to make the picture chosen as an avatar bright, concise and memorable. This will help your followers distinguish your group's posts from others. After downloading, VKontakte will first offer to crop the main picture, and then adjust the thumbnail.

Step 5:

To continue setting up the group, click on "Control" right below the newly installed avatar.

Next, we fill in the basic information about the group, this is what users will see when they land on your page. In the description of the community, we write what this group is about, for companies we list a list of services or goods, we write (your advantages).

Here we can make the group closed or open ( better open), put a nice page url and upload a community cover.

Step 6:

Recently, you can add beautiful covers to VKontakte groups, with basic information about the group and additional pointers. For example, like our group :

To add such a cover, you need to go to the community settings, click “Upload”, select a pre-prepared picture on your PC (1590 x 400 pixels in JPG, GIF or PNG format) and click “Save”.

In order for the cover to display correctly on tablets and mobile devices, it is better to place text and other important elements in the center.

Step 7:

At this point in the settings of your new VKontakte group, you must enable or disable certain sections. We recommend that you disable the partitions that you are not going to use.

Also, for all sections, you can configure the access level: open or limited. This affects who can add content to these sections. Open- everyone can add, limited- Community admins and editors only.

Here you can also include products, set the main and secondary blocks. This is what will be shown first when visiting the group, by default the description of the group is shown at the top or.

These are the basic settings you need to make after creating a group. At your discretion, you can set up a comment filter, add links, enable messages, connect additional applications, and more.

How to fill the newly created group

To add the first record on behalf of the group, click in the empty field, where the inscription "Add record" appears temptingly. If next to the record field, the avatar of your personal page is lit, then at the bottom right, click on the arrow and select "On behalf of the community" so that the record can be seen by those who are subscribed to the group.

How to create a group discussion

Create discussions where users can leave feedback, discuss topics around them, share their vision, opinion, and more.

In order to create a new thread, you must first enable them. Go to the group settings and go to the "Sections" tab. We choose one of the options:

  • open- everyone can create and delete discussions;
  • limited- Only community administrators can create new discussions.

After that, go back to your group's main page and under the main photos, click "Add discussion".

Group album and photos

Turn on the "Photos" section in the settings and create a group album. Post only real photos! This will help build trust. Click "Add photos" in the lower right menu of the group and load them from your device.

The photos you add will be uploaded to the group's main album.

Also on the right you can find the "Photo Albums" tab and add a new photo album by calling it, for example, "Renovation of one-room apartments". This way you will divide all the photos into separate categories for the convenience of users.

How to add products to a group

Another plus of VK is the ability to create and develop an online store based on social media. networks. To do this, again go to the "Section" tab in the settings and enable "Products".

The settings will open, in which you must specify:

  • city where your store operates;
  • enable or disable product comments;
  • choose a currency in which the value of goods will be measured (ruble, tenge, euro, dollar or Belarusian ruble);
  • configure where purchase requisitions will be sent: in community messages or in private messages to administrators;
  • store description.

You can then add product cards on the community home page.

You need to fill out the product card as follows:

  • category- choose the category to which the product belongs or if there are no suitable ones, put "Other";
  • product name and description- we write the name of the product, a short description and its characteristics;
  • photos product - you can download different color options, as well as photos from different angles;
  • the cost- the price of the sold product or service.

If the product is out of stock, it is not necessary to remove it from the storefront, and then add it again, it is enough to check the box "Product not available".

How do you make the group interesting?

To make your group interesting, you need to make an effort and follow a few simple rules.

  1. Create quality content. Do not constantly publish posts with the content "Buy, order, call" and so on. Selling posts should be, but in moderation.
  2. The time when it was possible to post cats and demotivators is long gone. Therefore, first, think carefully about what your target audience might be interested in.
  3. Be consistent. Do not abandon the group and publish 1-2 posts a day.
  4. Do polls about what content your subscribers would like to see.
  5. Publish real photos office, store, warehouse, your workplace and yourself.

Output. Well, here we are with you and figured out how to create a group in VK, configure it correctly, add photos and the first entry.

Write in the comments the address of the group that you created by following our guide! Let's see who did better

And tell me how to create a group on VKontakte. On the one hand, creating a group on this social network is not particularly difficult, but for beginners, our instructions will certainly be useful.

Why? Simply because we will explain step by step how to make a group on VKontakte. That is, it is understandable and accessible. Since you are on this page of our site, you probably know that usually a group in VKontakte is a separate community of interests.

Creating a group in VKontakte

Let's immediately answer one popular question about which group you can create on VKontakte. You can create any group. The main thing is that she does not violate the rules of Contact. More precisely, so that you, as a creator, do not violate them. This is especially true for spam and inviting new group members. For such violations, network administrators can not only close the group itself, but also delete your page. But let's not think about the sad things, let's start creating our group in VKontakte!

In order for you to have the opportunity to create a group on VKontakte, your page must be tied to the number of the cellular operator, that is, to the number of the SIM card of the mobile phone. To start creating a group, you need to follow the link "My Groups" which is located on your profile page.

Next, you need to name the group. We advise you to choose a concise and memorable name that will attract attention and reflect the essence of the group itself. This simple technique will allow you to increase the audience of the group and retain its members. After entering the name, press the button "To create a group«.

After that, we get to the page for creating a group. Everything is simple here. We advise you to clearly describe the group, choose a suitable topic and type of group. It is not necessary to indicate the website, as well as the country and city. The last two fields are needed rather to indicate the local location of the group, for example, if you want to promote a product in a specific city or country. True, often visitors to VKontakte groups do not look at this.

After you have selected all the necessary items, go to "Settings"... There is a whole list of different blocks that are responsible for the appearance, that is, for how the group on VKontakte will look like. We advise you to enable various settings to see how the appearance of the group will change.

Separately, we note that the setting is responsible for the main part of the group page. "News included"... Some users do not know how to make a VKontakte group menu. It is in this block that you can create a vKontakte group menu. News is the main block where all useful information is usually posted. Let's go through the points, which settings are responsible for what in the group:

Here you can set the privacy settings of your group in contact with... If you want the users of the group to add photos, videos, create albums, discussion topics, then we open access to certain features of the group, if not, then we limit the circle of those who can do this. Press the button " Save”.

Below, there are settings that are responsible for displaying a particular block. And also for privacy and access to the group. Open access to such group settings as "Audio recordings", "Photo albums", "Video" and "Discussions" will allow the group's visitors to independently create the material corresponding to the desired setting.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. We hope you managed to create a group on VKontakte. Having set the required access level, we save the settings and proceed to the next chapter of our article.

Setting up a VKontakte group after creation

We need to get into the newly created Contact group. To do this, click with the mouse on the name of the group, as shown in the picture.

Immediately after that, we will be taken to the page for editing group data. If earlier, you did everything right, then you do not need to touch anything. The administrator of the VKontakte group has access to various management resources. With the help of these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a member of the group in its leadership. This is where the link for inviting new members is located. You need to invite new members with an eye to the rules of the social network VKontakte. That is, do not overdo it. The best way is to start by inviting your friends and friends of friends using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will surely find admirers. Let's go through the items in this menu to make it clearer:

Be sure to post pictures or even videos, this should help in promoting the group on VKontakte.

We are interested in the column "Latest news", start leading your group with them, filling in with several interesting news for users.

The following management resources are available to the VKontakte group administrator. With the help of these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a member of the group in its leadership. This is where the link for inviting new members is located. You need to invite new members with an eye to the rules of the social network VKontakte. That is, do not overdo it. In general, the understanding of how to make a VKontakte group popular comes with time, you just need to work on the group.

The best way is to start by inviting your friends and friends of friends using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will surely find admirers. Let's go through the items in this menu to make it clearer:

  • "Edit information" - re-editing the data about the group.
  • "Edit Guide" - using this option, you can assign administrators and moderators to the group.
  • "Edit composition" - if you need to delete someone. A list of invited group members is available at this link.
  • "Invite to a group" - distribution of invitations, as already mentioned above, it is better to start friends.
  • Group Statistics is an informative link that will become most useful as the group grows.
  • "Leave the group" - say goodbye to the group.
  • "Add to bookmarks" - if the "My bookmarks" option is enabled in your profile settings.

Be sure to post pictures or even videos when publishing news, this should help in promoting the group on VKontakte. Also, we advise you to immediately add the main photo for your group. It should be attractive.

To make a VKontakte group popular, you need to interest a potential participant. To do this, we advise you to post not only interesting, informative and colorful news in the group, but also customize the appearance.

In order to make a beautiful VKontakte group, set up your group using wiki markup. This is a special system from the developers of Contact, which will help make your group recognizable and attractive. With this system, Group members can create additional pages with backlinks. Wiki markup allows you to make the group menu, place photos and videos as needed.

We hope our instructions on how to create a group on VKontakte turned out to be useful. You just have to decide which group to create on VKontakte and make the group design attractive. Read website!

Today we will tell you about open groups, which, despite the seemingly wild popularity of publics, are still very popular among our subscribers.

The open group format will suit you if you plan to exchange opinions with participants, do not want to limit them in posting on the wall. Also, this format is well suited for free classifieds boards.

Group creation

When creating a group, you need to enter:

  1. Name
  2. Community type(in our case - a group)
  3. Subject... This is either a "community of interest, a blog", or a "Company, store, person page". It is chosen depending on the tasks facing the community.
  4. Broad topic... This is, in fact, what your group is dedicated to - auto / moto, beauty and health, etc. Pay attention - for the type "Community by interest, blog" there is a list of topics, for the type "Company, store, person page" - your own.
  5. Narrow subject... Its presence or absence depends on the broad topic chosen.

Setting up partitions

Let's move on to setting up partitions.

The following sections are available in the group:

  1. Wall... This is where posts from both the group and users are posted.
    The wall can be turned off, in this case it will not be possible to post publications in the group.
    • With the wall open, both the group and the users can post. In the news feed, members will only display posts from the group. At the same time, comments on publications are open.
    • With a limited wall, only a group can post publications, all users can comment on posts.
    • With a closed wall, only a group can post, comments are closed.
  2. Photos
  3. Video recordings... Can be hosted either by all members of the group (if open), or only by editors and administrators (if limited).
  4. Audio recordings... Can be hosted either by all members of the group (if open), or only by editors and administrators (if limited). Most of the time not needed, but useful if the group is related to music or audiobooks.
  5. Documentation... Can be hosted either by all members of the group (if open), or only by editors and administrators (if limited).
  6. Discussions... New topics can be created either by all members of the group (if open), or only by editors and administrators (if limited). Anyone can comment in the discussions.
  7. Materials (edit)... If they are open, any member of the group can create wiki pages on behalf of the group. If limited, only editors and administrators. In this case, if the section of materials is not turned off, then an additional section will appear in the group (by default - "Fresh news").
  8. Products... Added and edited only by editors and community administrators. Any user of VKontakte can view and comment on products.

Comments (1)

If the wall is open or limited, you can turn on the foul language filter, and also set up keywords, comments with which will be automatically deleted. For example, mentions of competitors or words that indicate that the message is spam.


In this section, you can add links to any VKontakte group, or to any site. In most cases, it is best to add links only to projects that are directly related to your group (for example, a link to an event organized by your group, a link to your website, etc.)


In this section, you can see the list of members of your group, as well as the black list - it will include people whom you banned for violating community rules.

Life hack: when viewing the group members through this section, the people who are the last to join the community will be located at the top.


Disabled by default. When enabled, users can contact the group via private messages. The administrator / editor can add group messages to the left menu to always see if there are new incoming messages.

Add a greeting and it will be seen by anyone who opens a new dialogue with the group.


You can add an application that suits the format of your work with subscribers - sending messages, questionnaires, collecting applications, etc.

One application can be installed in a group at a time.

Arrangement of sections in a group

By default, with all partitions enabled, the location looks like this:

When filling out the sections, they will be located like this:

In this case, if you remove the goods, then a block of photos will move to their place:

Group location on member pages

The list of groups is located under the user's personal information, usually hidden by a spoiler. also users can hide their groups from outsiders.

This concludes our overview of the open group format, and next time we will talk about public pages.

If you are well-versed and versed in a specific topic and spend a lot of time on the Internet, then over time you will want to create your own group, for example, VKontakte. What is it for? The group will help you find people of your own interests. You can share information with the group members, discuss various issues on the topic of the group. Also, the group will help you in promoting your Internet business, here you can make good advertising. This article will answer the question - "How to create a group in contact?". and will also touch upon the issue of promotion of the group in contact.

Instructions on how to create a group in VK

First of all, you need to log into your VKontakte page, on which you will create a group.
Next, go to the "My Groups" section.

Since we are creating a group with all the ensuing opportunities, we select this particular item. Now we come up with a name for the group. It must include a keyword. A good name in search engines has a good frequency. It will be possible to change the name of the group, but when the group gains popularity, changing the name of the group will be inappropriate. Therefore, it is best to give a thoughtful name to your group right away.

Settings and the created VKontakte group

We can say that the group has already been created, that is, the foundation has been created. Now you need to tackle its main settings.

In the "Information" tab we indicate any page address in Latin.

A very important step is to describe the community. This is the first thing that a guest sees when he is looking for the necessary group. The size of the text in the description should not be too large. It is necessary to write the most important points of your topic in the text and be positively colored.

In the form of group settings, select the type of group: open group, limited, or closed. Also, if you have your own blog page, you can add its URL. You can also add the name of your site. After filling in the required data, click the "Save" button.

The Vkontakte network is a fairly well thought out and organized social system specially for the needs of people. If you indicated something wrong when you first filled it in, don't worry. You can always change the mistakes made, edit the information by selecting the "Community Management" section.

Filling content and promotion of the VKontakte group

Let's move on to an equally serious part of the further development of the group, this is its content and promotion. To popularize, you need to upload video materials of your interests, audio recordings, photographs to the group. Set a bright and beautiful avatar on the home page. To attract a lot of attention of Internet residents, try to download always fresh and verified information on your topic. If these rules are followed, the number of guests on the page will increase. In addition, the guests of the page will begin to "repost" your interestingly selected content, thereby starting the promotion of the group.

Set a bright and beautiful group picture on the home page

In addition to the help of friends, the number of video views, group visits and subscribers, promotion will also increase with the help of their acquaintances or neighboring partner groups. You can exchange posts between groups. Moreover, to conduct both free exchanges (provided that there are no more than 3000 in this community), and paid (if there are more than 5000 people in the community).

You must understand that the promotion of a group in a short time will not work. This is a rather lengthy process and should be borne in mind. One of the conditions for the progressiveness of the group is the constant updating of the content. The more often you upload fresh information, the better. Another condition is the quality of the uploaded information.

A professionally designed group will become a strong advertising impetus in promoting your topic. If you are in the business of selling goods, then the group will help increase the demand for them. Also, the group created can help with increasing traffic to a particular blog, or your site. Here you can make acquaintances useful for life.

Promotion of a group in contact - video

On this, we believe, the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the article on creating a group has been received. At this point, you have learned how to create and fill group content. In addition, now you know some secrets for promoting a group in contact. We hope everyone has understood that this is quite a useful and profitable tool on the web.