How the prophet Muhammad grew up is a biography of his life. Brief biography of the Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad (Mohammed), the founder of Islam, was born in Mecca around 570 (according to some versions - April 20 or 22, 571). Muhammad's father died shortly before his birth, and when the boy was 6 years old, he lost his mother. Two years later, Muhammad's grandfather, who cared for him like a father, died. Young Muhammad was raised by his uncle Abu Talib.

At the age of 12, Muhammad and his uncle went to Syria on trade business, and plunged into the atmosphere of spiritual quest associated with Judaism, Christianity, and other religions.

Prophet Muhammad" >

Muhammad was a camel driver and then a merchant. When he turned 21, he received a position as a clerk for the wealthy widow Khadija. While engaged in Khadija's trading affairs, he visited many places and everywhere showed interest in local customs and beliefs. At the age of 25 he married his mistress. The marriage was happy.

But Muhammad was drawn to spiritual quests. He went into deserted gorges and, alone, plunged into deep contemplation. In 610, in a cave on Mount Hira, Muhammad saw the luminous figure of God, who ordered him to remember the text of the revelation and called him “Messenger of Allah.”

Having begun to preach among his loved ones, Muhammad gradually expanded his circle of adherents. He called on his fellow tribesmen to monotheism, to a righteous life, to observance of the commandments in preparation for the coming divine judgment, and spoke about the omnipotence of Allah, who created man and all living and nonliving things on earth.

He perceived his mission as an order from Allah, and called biblical characters his predecessors: Musa (Moses), Yusuf (Joseph), Zakaria (Zechariah), Isa (Jesus). A special place in the sermons was given to Ibrahim (Abraham), who was recognized as the forefather of Arabs and Jews, and the first to preach monotheism. Muhammad stated that his mission was to restore the faith of Abraham.

The Mecca aristocracy saw his preaching as a threat to their power and organized a conspiracy against Muhammad. Having learned about this, the prophet's companions persuaded him to leave Mecca and move to the city of Yathrib (Medina) in 632. Some of his associates had already settled there. It was in Medina that the first Muslim community formed, strong enough to attack caravans coming from Mecca. These actions were perceived as punishment for the Meccans for the expulsion of Muhammad and his companions, and the funds received went to the needs of the community.

Subsequently, the ancient pagan sanctuary of the Kaaba in Mecca was declared a Muslim shrine, and from that time on, Muslims began to pray, turning their gaze to Mecca. The inhabitants of Mecca itself did not accept the new faith for a long time, but Muhammad managed to convince them that Mecca would retain its status as a major commercial and religious center.

Shortly before his death, the prophet visited Mecca, where he broke all the pagan idols that stood around the Kaaba.

Everyone knows that there are only two holidays in Islam: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. But the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), although it is not called a holiday, is more valuable and significant. Because the one who came with all the holidays, mercy and all the benefits to humanity is the favorite of Allah - this is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). If it were not for the birth of the noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), then there would be neither the night of Predestination, nor Islamic holidays, nor the night Journey and Ascension to Heaven, nor the conquest of Mecca, nor the Battle of Badr, nor even the Muslim community in general. All the best that we have is connected with this greatest personality. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the source of all great blessings.

Sheikh Muhammad bin Alawiy al-Maliki

Rabiul-awwal is the month in which ﷺ, the last of God’s messengers, the seal of all prophets, appeared on this Earth.

This happened on Monday, the twelfth of the month of Rabiul-Awwal according to the lunar calendar, which corresponds to April 24, 571 according to the Gregorian calendar.

Abdul Faraj ibn Jawzi also gives great appreciation to those who show love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and says: “One of the features of holding Mawlid is that this event is a protection and a reason for the speedy achievement of the goal.”

Who first exalted the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)?

Gratitude to Allah is expressed in different ways: by bowing to the ground, fasting, giving alms, reading

In Sharia there is no obligation to perform the rite of aqiqa - sacrifice on the occasion of the birth of a child - twice. This action performed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is cited by Islamic scholars as an example of his showing gratitude to the Lord for himself and the mercy shown to him.

One of the advantages of Friday, which came to us from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), is the legend: “... and on Friday Adam (peace be upon him) was created...”. It also follows from this that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) honored and exalted the time about which it is reliably known that one of the prophets of Allah was born in it, peace be upon them all. In this case, how necessary it is to honor the day on which the best of all prophets, the crown of the human race and the most worthy of all messengers was born!

There are countless such examples and arguments handed down to us from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), his companions and the great scientists of subsequent generations.

In conclusion, let us cite a verse from the Holy Quran, which obliges us to express joy and gratitude for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him): “Say, O Muhammad: “Rejoice in the good and the mercy that Allah has bestowed upon you.”

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Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in Mecca on August 29, 570 according to the Gregorian calendar - it was Monday, 12 Rabi al-Awal, the year of the Elephant (according to the lunar calendar). He came from the brave and famous Quraysh tribe, which traces its origins to the Prophet Ismail, peace be upon him, the eldest son of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him.

Thus, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is the blood brother of all the Jewish prophets, descendants of Ibrahim - Ishaq (Isaac, the younger brother of Ismail), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) ), peace be upon them. And Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him, is their common great-great-great-grandfather.

The grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), Abd al-Muttalib, was the elder of the tribe, the keeper of the Kaaba, that is, a very revered person. His father Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib died without seeing his son. For 4 years, Muhammad (saw) lived the ordinary life of a boy from a nomadic tribe in the Arabian steppe, where his nurse Halima from the Banu Saad tribe took him from Mecca. The boy was destined to live with his mother Amina for only two years. At the age of 6 he was left a complete orphan.

Initially, his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib was involved in the upbringing of the future Prophet (saw), and after his death, his uncle Abu Talib. In his uncle's family, Muhammad (s.a.w.) led a relatively independent life, being present during discussions of the most important public affairs, during disputes on religious and moral topics, during stories about trade travels, about adventures in distant countries, about ancient legends and customs of various tribes and peoples. All this contributed to his spiritual development.

Muhammad (s.a.w.) later spoke simply and laconically about his childhood and youth: “I was an orphan.” An orphan reaches maturity earlier than other children. He feels the suffering of orphans and empathizes with them in life.

At the age of 12, Muhammad (s.a.w.) made his first long journey with the caravan of his uncle Abu Talib to Syria, doing work feasible for his age.

By about the age of 20, Muhammad (s.a.w.) began a completely independent life, without the formal tutelage of Abu Talib. By this time, his occupation was completely determined - he was a man knowledgeable in trade, he knew how to drive caravans, hiring himself to wealthy merchants, a caravan guide or a trading agent as a clerk. According to Arab historians, Muhammad (s.a.w.) was known as a man of impeccable reputation, distinguished by excellent character, honesty and conscientiousness, intelligence and intelligence, and loyalty to his word.

At the age of 25, Muhammad (saw) married Khadija, daughter of Khuwaylid. Their marriage turned out to be extremely happy. Khadija became for her husband not only his beloved wife, but also his best friend, adviser and assistant in his difficult career as a prophet. She bore him children: Kasem, Abdullah, Zeinab, Ruqaya, Um-Kulsum and, finally, Fatima-zahra (“beautiful”, “brilliant”). To the great grief of the parents, their sons died in childhood, and their daughters died during his lifetime, after marriage. Only Fatima survived her father by 6 months.

From an early age, Muhammad spent a lot of time in solitude. The favorite place of prayer and reflection of Muhammad (pbuh) was the deserted, steep stone mountain of Hira, located a few hours' walk from Mecca, where he most often spent the entire month of Ramadan. Here the first revelation of God came to him.

On one of the nights of the month of Ramadan in 610, someone powerful and terrible appeared for the first time on Mount Hira to the forty-year-old Muhammad (s.a.w.) (it was Jibril a.s. (Archangel Gabriel)) and ordered him (illiterate!) to read. And when Muhammad refused, he himself read five lines to him and ordered him to repeat them, and these lines burned into the heart of Muhammad (s.a.w.): “Read! In the name of your Lord, who created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord the most generous one, who taught Kalam, taught man what he did not know.”

Five short lines dictated to Muhammad (saw) on one of the nights of Ramadan (this night was later called the Night of Accomplishment, or the Night of Power), contained the most important information about the essence of God and His relationship to man. God is defined in them as the omnipotent Creator, who does not leave the world for a second in his creative concern - to create the complex, perfect and beautiful.

An example of his special omnipotence is the creation of the most complex and perfect creature on earth - man. The most generous God taught man what he did not know - “kalam”. This means that God is the main source of knowledge for man, and this knowledge descends to man in the form of “scripture”. On the sacred Night of Accomplishment, or Night of Power, Jibril told Muhammad (saw) an excerpt from the heavenly Koran, and thus the beginning of the earthly Koran was laid - an exact copy of the heavenly original.

The first to accept Islam was the wife of Muhammad (s.a.w.) Khadija, and then his cousin and pupil Ali and adopted son Zayd. The closest people believed in Muhammad (saw) without the slightest hesitation, they believed deeply and for the rest of their lives.

The first among the Quraysh to accept the new faith was Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, who began to actively preach Islam among his many friends and acquaintances. At first, the preaching of the new faith was carried out in deep secrecy. The spread of the teaching was very slow: in 3 years, Muhammad (s.a.w.) acquired only about 40-50 supporters. From them he created a religious community (ummah), firmly cemented by mutual twinning and completely devoted to him, Muhammad (saw) - the spiritual head, the Prophet and Messenger of Allah.

During these three years, God did not send any new revelations to Muhammad (pbuh). And only at the end of 613, when he, wrapped in a cloak, lay in the gazebo, the voice of the Almighty sounded again:

O wrapped one!
Arise and exhort!
And magnify your Lord!
And clean your clothes!
And run away from the filth!
And don't show mercy by striving for more!
And for the sake of your Lord, be patient!

The revelation received contained a direct command to begin the public preaching of the faith.

Muhammad (saw) gave his first public sermon from the al-Sada hill in the center of Mecca in front of a large crowd of citizens, but it was not successful, and when Muhammad (saw) declared himself the messenger of Allah, he a hail of ridicule rained down. And this was repeated every time Muhammad (saw) appeared with his sermon. The Quraysh did not want to recognize the almighty Allah.

They considered the entire system of evidence put forward by Muhammad (s.a.w.) - God's creation of the earth, man, animals, etc. - to be frivolous. The idolaters demanded miracles from him that would confirm his superiority and degree of dignity before God. Muhammad (saw) considered the Koran to be the main miracle of the new faith.

Despite the fierce polemics of Muhammad (saw) and his few supporters with the idolatrous Quraysh, the situation in Mecca remained peaceful during the first year after the start of the public preaching of the new faith. But when Muhammad (s.a.w.) moved from glorifying the one true Allah to direct attacks on the gods who were worshiped in the Kaaba temple, this caused a stir in Mecca. The Quraish realized that decisive action was needed against the Muslims.

Muhammad (s.a.w.) and his followers were prohibited from praying near the Kaaba; The Meccan authorities organized the persecution of Muhammad (s.a.w.) and his supporters. There were cases when Muhammad (pbuh) and other Muslims were pelted with stones and mud, and neighbors secretly poured slop and sewage at the doorstep of his house.

Muhammad (saw) lived in an atmosphere of unheard-of humiliation, from which the supporters of his teachings were unable to protect him, but the prophet (saw) found a way out of the dramatic situation - settling where he could get food for yourself and hide from the “malice” of the Quraish. So approximately 83 Muslims moved to Ethiopia. This was the first hijra - the first migration of Muslims.

This event took place in 615, 5 years after the start of the preaching activity of Muhammad (pbuh). But Muhammad (pbuh) himself still remained in Mecca. And only in 622 he himself and his loved ones made the hijra to Medina, unable to withstand all the oppression, ridicule, and persecution that accompanied him in Mecca and its environs.

The year of migration (Hijra) became the beginning of chronology for all Muslims, and a group of supporters of Muhammad (s.a.w.) who moved to Medina received the honorary name of the Muhajirs who performed the Hijra. With the Hijra came the end of weakness and humiliation, and the era of greatness and power of Islam began.

Having strengthened himself in Medina, the Messenger of Allah (saw) began to create his powerful state. His main goal was to unite all Arab tribes, mired in paganism and endless internecine struggle, into a single people devoted to Islam. At the beginning of 624, a document called the “Constitution of Medina” was drawn up and adopted.

In this document, which has come down to us in the original, for the first time the position of Muhammad (saw) in Medina was determined and the principles on the basis of which the transformation of the diverse population of the oasis into a single people, the ummah of the prophet and messenger of God (saw) was carried out .V.). In the "Constitution" Muhammad (s.a.w.) is not named a ruler, he is recognized as a prophet - a person who receives revelations from Allah.

Medina became a strong Muslim center (in a few years it would become the capital and main trading center of all conquered lands). The first mosque was built here, where Muslims prayed together. The fame of Muhammad (pbuh) and his faith spread far beyond Medina. But Mecca, ruled by the vengeful Abu Sufyan, was still hostile to the Muslims. Muhammad (saw), at the head of the Muslim army, had to participate in various military conflicts (the battles of Badr and Uhud) in order to bring the Quraish to reason with military force and prove to them the power of Islam.

In 630, Muhammad (s.a.w.) solemnly entered Mecca, which he had conquered. The tribal nobility of Quraysh considered it best not to continue the dispute. Mecca and the Kaaba became the shrines of Islam. The Messenger of Allah (saw) sent his envoys to the Roman Caesar, the ruler of the Persians, Khosroes, the Ethiopian Negus, the ruler of Egypt, calling on them to join Islam. All the messengers, having fulfilled the order of the prophet (saw), returned to Muhammad (saw), and a few years later Persia, Ash-Sham and Egypt became Islamic states.

After the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) completely brought the religion of Allah to the people, on the last Wednesday of the month of Safar in the 11th year of Hijri (633 AH) he was seized by a headache and fell ill. Some time later, on the 12th of the month Rabi ‘ul-Awwal, on Monday, on his birthday, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) - the light of our eyes - left this world.

This day was the most difficult for Muslims, and even the senior companions, due to the sadness and bitterness of parting with the Beloved (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), could not restrain themselves. The great companion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ‘Umar bin Khattab, being at a loss, not realizing what was happening, declared that he would cut off the head of anyone who said that the Messenger of Allah had died. “I swear by Allah, the Messenger of Allah is not dead!” - he repeated. Some of the Companions lost consciousness, others were speechless, and it was as if no one noticed or realized anything.

However, Abu Bakr, whom Allah had endowed with strong faith, showing patience, humbly turned to the people and began to console them. He approached the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), opened his face, kissed him and said: “May my parents be your ransom! You were beautiful during life and remained so after death. I swear by the One in Whose hand my soul is, Allah will never let you taste death twice!” - refuting with these words the statements of those who said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would resurrect and then die again.

Then Abu Bakr came out to the people and said to ‘Umar: “Do not rush, O oath-giver!” And when Abu Bakr spoke, ‘Umar sat down, and Abu Bakr praised Allah, thanked Him and said: “Whoever worshiped Muhammad, Muhammad died, and whoever worshiped Allah, verily Allah is the Living and does not die!” And he read the verse in which Allah Almighty, addressing the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), says that, truly, he is also mortal, like all people.

After these words of Abu Bakr, the people began to cry.

Even when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was ill, Jibril came to him for ziyarat. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked him if he would ever come down to earth again after his death. Jibril replied that after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) he had nothing to do on earth, but added that he would go down ten times to pick up ten jewels.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked him about these jewels and Jibril listed them:
The first time he will descend to take away grace (barakat) from the earth, the second time - to take away love for each other from the hearts of people, then - sympathy, mercy, the fourth time - the justice of rulers, the fifth - the modesty of women, the sixth - the patience of the poor and needy , the seventh time will take away from the Ulama scholars detachment from the worldly (zuhd) and piety, fear of God, the eighth - the generosity of rich people, the ninth - the Speech of Allah - the Koran, and the tenth - faith (iman).

Today, if you think about it, out of all of the above, only two jewels remain - the Koran and faith.

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Muhammad, prophet, founder of Islam (570–632)

Muhammad, prophet, founder of Islam


The founder of Islam, recognized by Muslims as a prophet, Muhammad was born into the family of Abdallah, who belonged to the poor Hashemite family of the Arab tribe of Quraish, who lived in the Mecca region. He was left an orphan early and was forced to earn his living as a shepherd and caravan driver. Because he meekly fulfilled all the demands of his masters, he was nicknamed Al-Amin - the Devotee. Since childhood, he had visions in which he was visited by people in white robes - angels. Only a successful marriage to a wealthy merchant widow, Khadija, significantly improved the financial situation of Muhammad, who engaged in large-scale caravan trade. In 610, when Muhammad turned 40, an event occurred in the month of Ramadan according to the Arab lunar calendar that laid the foundation for Islam. At night on Mount Hira near Mecca, as Muhammad claimed, the angel Jebrail (Christian Gabriel) appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to preach in the name of the One God - Allah. Allah, through Jebrail, inspired Muhammad with the text of the holy book - the Koran (from the Arabic “al-quran” - “reading out loud by heart”). Muhammad considered himself the last of the great prophets. The previous ones, according to his teachings, were: the first man Adam, who escaped from the flood Nuh (biblical Noah), the biblical prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail, Isaac (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), the Israeli kings Daud (David) and Suleiman (Solomon) , as well as Isa al-Masih (Jesus Christ). Muhammad condemned the paganism of his fellow tribesmen, for whom Allah was only the supreme deity of the pagan pantheon. Muhammad rejected not only paganism, but also Judaism, since the Jews recognized only the Old Testament prophets, and Christianity, since Christians, according to Muhammad, deviated into polytheism, deifying Jesus Christ and the Divine Trinity. He proclaimed a new religion, Islam, which in Arabic means “submission” (meaning submission to the will of Allah). He called for the destruction of idols and a return to ancient monotheism - the faith preached by the prophet Abraham. These calls did not meet with a response among the Quraish, and in 622 on September 20, Muhammad was forced to flee from Mecca to Yathrib, which was later renamed Medinat al-Nabi (City of the Prophet), but is better known today by its abbreviated name Medina. This escape (“hijra” - migration) became the starting point of Muslim chronology. First, Muhammad managed to convince the inhabitants of Medina, who had long been at enmity with the Meccans, that he was right. The first inhabitants of Medina, who began to help Muhammad, began to be called Ansars (helpers). Their descendants retained this word in their surnames as an honorary title. Having been elected head of the Medina tribes, Muhammad began a holy war, ghazawat (jihad), for the establishment of Islam in Mecca, the traditional religious center of the Arabs. Members of the Muslim community, led by Muhammad, attacked caravans heading to Mecca. Long before he managed to take possession of Mecca, he sent messages demanding recognition of Allah and his prophet to the main sovereigns of the then world, including the Persian king, the Byzantine and Chinese emperors. The world rulers were surprised by the audacity of the unknown insolent. But twenty years later, when the state founded by Muhammad had become a powerful force in world politics, such letters no longer aroused surprise, and few would risk answering them impolitely. Muhammad undoubtedly had enormous charisma and was able to inspire his followers in the most unfavorable circumstances. Otherwise, he would never have united the Arabs and created a world religion, but would have remained a small preacher of one of the Arab tribes, whose name would have been known only to historians who studied the history of the Arabs in the early Middle Ages. The new faith was provided with a mass of adherents by the ideals of equality and brotherhood inherent in Islam for all who believe in Allah and his prophet. This was precisely not the case in neighboring Zoroastrian Iran and Christian Byzantium, and soon after the death of the prophet, Islam conquered Iran and the Byzantine possessions in Asia - with sword and word. And the Arabs, among whom there was already a significant stratification of property, turned out to be very receptive to the ideas of equality and justice preached by Muhammad.

At first, Muhammad suffered a number of serious setbacks in his struggle to unite the Arab tribes. In 625, in a battle near Mount Okhod, his detachment of 750 people was defeated by four times superior forces of the Meccans. In 629, the Byzantines supporting Mecca at the Battle of Muta destroyed an army of 3,000 under the command of Muhammad's nephew Zeid. It seems that Muhammad did not have particularly outstanding leadership qualities, and the forces of the enemies significantly exceeded the forces of the prophet. However, Muhammad had a tremendous gift of persuasion and managed to attract a number of Arab tribes to his side. In 628, Muhammad's army inflicted the first serious defeat on the Meccans, and two years later Mecca voluntarily opened its gates to Muhammad's followers. The Prophet finally managed to convince the Meccans to accept Islam - the true faith. The main temple of Mecca, the Kaaba, where since ancient times a black stone was installed - a meteorite that fell from the sky, which was worshiped by the Arabs - was the main shrine of the surrounding Arab tribes. Muhammad's agreement with the Meccans was a kind of compromise. The leaders of the Meccan community, in exchange for the adoption of Islam, negotiated the recognition of Mecca as the main center of the new religion and the Kaaba as its main shrine. Muhammad won over to his side his worst opponents - the Meccan merchants - not only with the spiritual power of his preaching, but also with completely rational circumstances. It became obvious that Islam was popular among the Arabs primarily due to its message of equality and would help unite them into one state, which, of course, improved the terms of trade. Mecca was cleared of pagan idols and turned into the main holy city of the new religion. In the last month of the year of Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims were required to make a pilgrimage to this shrine. The prophet's power extended to Arabia, Hijaz and Najd. The state created by Muhammad was an absolute theocracy. Every word spoken by the prophet was perceived as a law, both in spiritual and secular matters. Muhammad's supporters also began to raid Byzantine and Iranian lands. Muhammad died on June 8, 632 while preparing for a campaign against Yemen. His successor Abu Bekr became the first caliph - “deputy prophet” and head of the Arab Muslim state, which very soon extended its power far beyond the Arabian Peninsula.

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Mawlid an-Nabi, which in Arabic means the birth of the Prophet, is celebrated by the main movements in Islam on different days - Sunnis celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal, and Shiites on the 17th.

The month of Rabi al-Awwal, which means the beginning of spring, occupies a special place in the Muslim calendar, in which the Prophet Muhammad was born and then died.

The birth of the Prophet Muhammad began to be celebrated only 300 years after the advent of Islam.

Where and when was the Prophet born?

The Prophet Muhammad, according to tradition, was born around 570 (according to other sources in 571) AD according to the Gregorian calendar in the holy city of Mecca (Saudi Arabia) - interpreters of the Koran say that this event occurred on the 12th of the third month of the lunar calendar, in the year of the elephant , on Monday.

The exact date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad remained unknown, so in Islam the birthday celebration is actually timed to coincide with the date of his death - according to Islam, death is nothing more than birth to eternal life.

The Prophet Muhammad's father died a few months before his birth, and his mother, Amina, saw an angel in a dream who said that she was carrying a special child under her heart.

The very birth of the Prophet was accompanied by extraordinary events. He was born already circumcised and was immediately able to lean on his arms and raise his head.

The Prophet’s aunt Safiya told about his birth as follows: “At the birth of Muhammad, the whole world was flooded with light. As he appeared, he immediately made a soot (bow). And, raising his head, he clearly said: “There is no Deity but Allah, I am the Messenger of Allah.”

Orphan's share

Muhammad was orphaned when he was about six and his grandfather Abdul Mutalib, the head of the Hashemite clan, became his guardian. Two years later, after the death of his grandfather, the boy ended up in the house of his uncle Abu Talib, who began to teach him the art of trade.

The future prophet became a merchant, but questions of faith did not leave him. As a teenager, he became acquainted with the religious movements of Christianity, Judaism and other beliefs.

© photo: Sputnik / Radik Amirov

Among the rich people of Mecca was the twice-widowed Khadija, who, fascinated by Muhammad, despite the fact that she was 15 years older than him, invited the 25-year-old boy to marry her.

The marriage turned out to be happy, Muhammad loved and respected Khadija. Marriage brought prosperity to Muhammad - he devoted his free time to spiritual quests, to which he was drawn from a young age. Thus began the biography of the Prophet and preacher.

Prophetic mission

Muhammad turned 40 when his prophetic mission began.

The biography of the founder of the Islamic religion says that Muhammad often loved to retire from the bustle and world in the cave of Mount Hira, where he plunged into contemplation and thought.

The first sura of the Quran was revealed to the Prophet in the cave of Mount Hira on the Night of Power and Predestination or Laylat al-Qadr, in 610.

By order of Allah, one of the angels, Jebrail (Gabriel), appeared to the Prophet Muhammad and said to Him: “Read.” The word "read" means "Koran". With these words, the revelation of the Koran began - that night the angel Jebrail conveyed the first five verses (revelations) from Surah Clot.

© photo: Sputnik / Nataliya Seliverstova

But the mission lasted until the death of Muhammad, since the Great Quran was revealed to the Prophet over a period of 23 years.

After meeting the angel Jebrail, Muhammad began to preach and the number of his followers constantly grew. The Prophet said that Almighty Allah created man, and with him everything living and inanimate on earth, and called on his fellow tribesmen to live a righteous life, keep the commandments, and prepare for the coming divine judgment.

In Muhammad's sermons, influential residents of Mecca saw a threat to power and planned a conspiracy against him, and the Prophet's followers were subjected to bullying, violence and even torture.

Companions persuaded the Prophet to leave the dangerous region and move from Mecca to Yathrib (later called Medina). The migration took place gradually and the last to migrate was the Prophet Muhammad, who left Mecca on the day corresponding to July 16 and arrived in Medina on September 22, 622.

© photo: Sputnik / Maksim Bogodvid

It is from this great event that the Muslim calendar begins its countdown. The New Year 1439 according to the Hijri - Ras al-Sana (Hijri Day), came on the first day of the holy month of Muharram - according to the Gregorian calendar, this day in 2017 fell on September 21.

The resettlement made it possible to save many believers from the oppression of the pagans, to establish a safe life, and from that moment on, the spread of Islam began not only within the Arabian Peninsula, but throughout the world.

The Prophet Muhammad returned to Mecca in 630, triumphantly entering the holy city 8 years after his exile, where the Prophet was greeted by crowds of admirers from all over Arabia.

After bloody wars, the surrounding tribes recognized the Prophet Muhammad and accepted the Koran. And soon he became the ruler of Arabia and created a powerful Arab state.

Death of the Prophet

The preacher's health was undermined by the sudden death of his son - he set off again to see the holy city and pray in the Kaaba before his death.

10 thousand pilgrims gathered in Mecca wanting to pray with the Prophet Muhammad - he rode around the Kaaba on a camel and sacrificed animals. With heavy hearts, the pilgrims listened to the words of Muhammad, realizing that they were listening to him for the last time.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresenskiy

Returning to Medina, he said goodbye to the people around him and asked for their forgiveness, set his slaves free, and ordered his money to be given to the poor. Prophet Muhammad died on the night of June 8, 632

The Prophet Muhammad was buried where he died, in the house of his wife Aisha. Subsequently, a beautiful mosque was erected over the ashes of the Prophet, which became one of the shrines of the Muslim world. For Muslims, bowing to the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad is the same godly act as the pilgrimage to Mecca.

How to celebrate

The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad is the third most important date for Muslims. The first two places are occupied by the holidays that the Prophet celebrated during his lifetime - Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram.

On the days of celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the most pious thing can be to visit the grave of the Messenger of Allah in Medina and perform prayer in his mosque. Not everyone succeeds, but everyone should recite prayers dedicated to Muhammad, both in the mosque and at home.

On the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic countries traditionally hold mawlids - solemn events where Muslims praise the Prophet, talk about his life, his family and everything connected with him.

© photo: Sputnik / Michael Voskresenskiy

In some Muslim countries, the holiday is celebrated quite magnificently - posters with verses from the Holy Quran are hung in cities, people gather in mosques and sing religious chants (nasheeds).

There is disagreement among Islamic theologians regarding the permissibility of a holiday in honor of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. For example, Salafis consider Mawlid al-Nabi to be an innovation and note that the Prophet called “every innovation” an error, without making a distinction between “good” and “bad” innovations.

The material was prepared based on open sources