How will Andrey like it? Andrey, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys. Origin of the name and its meaning

Names: origin and forms

Andrey- (from Greek) courageous, brave.

Derivatives: Andreyka, Andrya, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andryunya.

Directory of Russian names

Courageous, brave(from Greek).

Tenacious. Intelligent, inventive, with an unstable character. They strive to dominate in society, often losing their sense of proportion when choosing means. How self-confident men are, and yet... they only dream of peace.

The mystery of the name

Andrey- courageous (ancient Greek).
A name with strong energy and common.
Zodiac name: Cancer.
Planet: Uranus.
Name color: lilac.
Talisman stone: amethyst.
Auspicious plant: fir, anemone.
Patron name: jungle cat.
Happy day: Monday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Main features: masculinity, charm.


Andrey Bogolyubsky, Grand Duke, July 17 (4) December 23 (10). He pleased God with his piety, caring for the poor and sick, founded the Bogolyubsky Monastery near Vladimir, and was killed by those close to him in 1174.
Andrey Vologodsky, prince, September 23 (10).
Andrey Efessky, presbyter, martyr, October 3 (September 21).
Andrey of Constantinople, Fool for Christ’s sake, October 15 (2).
Andrey Kritsky, Archbishop, July 17 (4).
Andrey Kritsky, Rev. Martyr October 30 (17).
Andrey Lampsaksky, martyr, May 31 (18).
Andrey Mesukeviysky, Georgian, martyr April 28 (15).
Andrey Oksirinfsky (Egyptian), Rev. December 15 (2).
Andrew the First-Called, apostle of the twelve, brother of the Apostle Peter, martyr, July 13 (June 30).
Andrey Rublev, reverend, icon painter, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, July 17 (4).
Andrey Syracuse, martyr, October 6 (September 23).
Andrey Smolensky, Pereslavsky, prince, June 5 (May 23), November 9 (October 27).
Andrey Stratilat, Taurian, martyr, September 1 (August 19) - military leader and with him 2593 soldiers died as martyrs for the faith of Christ in 302.
Andrey Totemsky, Fool for Christ’s sake, October 23 (10).
Andrey Fivaidsky, Rev., June 25 (12). December 13 (November 30). Galilean Andrew fished on Lake Tiberias (Sea of ​​Galilee) and was part of the community of disciples of John the Baptist, and was one of the first to be called by Jesus Christ to be one of the apostles, which is why he is called the First Called. According to legend, he preached Christianity to the Balkan and Black Sea peoples, in particular the Scythians, and was crucified by order of the Roman magistrate in the Greek city of Patras on a cross shaped like the letter “X” (the so-called St. Andrew’s Cross). In Russia, this hero-apostle has had special love in all centuries. Thus, in the “Tale of Bygone Years” it is said that the Apostle Andrew from Korsun (Chersonese) reached the places where Kyiv and Novgorod were to stand in the future, blessing these places. During the era of Kievan Rus, Andrew the First-Called was the patron of Russian statehood. In Imperial Russia, he became primarily the patron of the Russian navy: Peter I established the St. Andrew's flag, as well as the order - the oldest of our orders.


July 13 - Andrei-fillings: “The winter crops in the fillings have reached Andrei, and the father-oats are half grown.”
September 1 - Andrey Stratilat, warmer. The beginning of Indian summer. The wind blowing from the south on this day promises a good harvest of oats: “Stratilat’s day is ripe - the oats are ripe.”
On December 13, on St. Andrew the First-Called, they listen to water: calm water - good winter; noisy - frosts, storms, blizzards are coming.
In the evening, the girls wonder about their betrothed.
Girls pray to St. Andrew the First-Called for the gift of good suitors.


Andryusha is restless, noisy and active, and does not really listen to his elders.

As a teenager, he loves to invent something, perform chemical experiments, assemble construction sets, and come up with new models himself.

At school he studies well, is independent and proud, impresses his classmates with his honesty, fights for justice, and takes care of the weak.

Outside of school, he lives his own life and is not interested in social work. He plays chess well and solves chess problems. Loves football and basketball. He takes pity on stray dogs and cats and feeds them.

The adult Andrey is a courageous and charming person, everyone likes him and easily becomes a member of any team. He can defend the interests of his colleague before his superiors, will support a cheerful company, play the guitar, and knows a lot of jokes. He is very conscientious about his work and never complains. He has a desire for new action, but he will not take risks.

Andrey is not as simple as some people think. He is a philosopher, knows how to hold a conversation with an intelligent person, exchange ideas. Andrey has a need for self-expression, insight, and a critical mind.

Andrey has a literary gift and masters the art of oratory. He may have a creative profession - director, actor, artist; can study exact sciences.

In relationships with women, Andrei is fickle. He knows his worth and believes that they should achieve it.

Andrei is family-oriented, but he takes a long time to choose a wife to match himself: his chosen one must be elegant, smart, and self-possessed. Andrey will demand all the attention from his wife and be jealous, but he himself is ready to show maximum attention to her. His marriage with one of those named Elena, Elizaveta, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalya is favorable.

Surname: Andreevich, Andreevna.


The greatest artist of Ancient Rus' was Andrei Rublev. Born in the 60s of the 14th century, died between 1427 and 1430. He was a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery - an artist-monk in the Middle Ages - a common phenomenon.

Contemporaries revered Rublev not only as a skilled craftsman: he was called “a humble monk, a perfect man in virtue, surpassing everyone in wisdom,” in other words, a man of pure, lofty thoughts and a rare mind.

We know little about his life and work. His first known works date back to 1405. He works with Theophanes the Greek and Prokhor from Gorodets in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. And three years later, together with Daniil Cherny, he painted the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir with new frescoes. Both orders were very responsible: the Annunciation Cathedral is the grand-ducal palace temple. The Vladimir Assumption Cathedral is one of the most revered temples in Ancient Rus', the subject of the tireless care of the Grand Dukes of Moscow; little-known craftsmen could not be involved in their implementation.

These works define the character of Andrei Rublev's work: delicate shades of colors, solemn but light and slender figures, calm, enlightened faces. Even the saints of the traditional composition of the Last Judgment are filled with kindness and compassion for the poor sinner.

Rublev painted three magnificent icons with half-length figures of Christ, an angel and the Apostle Paul. Especially good is Christ, the so-called “Savior of Zvenigorod,” now kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. A majestic, calm face, a soulful gaze directed directly at the viewer and expressing lively and active attention to him; soft contours with transparent shadows laid along them and amazingly found color combinations that involuntarily give rise to musical associations - all this speaks of the remarkable talent of the master.

The most famous icon of Andrei Rublev is “Trinity”. Three golden-haired, golden-winged angels are sitting around a low table, their heads are bowed, sorrow is frozen in their eyes, their lips are closed. The middle one inquiringly points to the bowl with the head of the sacrificial calf. The gesture of the angel sitting on the left, full of mournful solemnity, seems to confirm the inevitability of the sacrifice and, as if echoing him, the one on the right slowly lowers his hand.

Everything here is subordinated to the melodious rhythm of the lines and the beauty of the silhouette. The colors of the icon are light and transparent, complement each other, echo each other. The colorful transitions are very gentle, this was noticed by contemporaries, they said that Andrei “writes like smoke.”

The content of the icon has become universal. The placement of figures in a circle, repetitions of contours, direction of views and movement towards one center - a bowl on the table - evoke the idea of ​​​​the unity of thoughts and actions of the characters. Calm poses, smooth rhythm of lines, pure colors give rise to a feeling of peace, silence, harmony. This is precisely what has always been lacking on earth. And, perhaps, many of Rublev’s contemporaries, just like us now, admiring his icon, see in it the embodiment of their cherished dreams.

Andrei Rublev wrote "Trinity" in one of those happy moments of inspiration that only geniuses have.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.
Short form of the name Andrey. Andreika, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andryunya, Andrya, Andi, Drew, Andy, Andra, Dand, Dreo.
Synonyms for the name Andrey. Andrea, Andres, Andrzej, Ondrzej, Andra, Antero, Andre, Andrew, Ondrej, Andreas.
Origin of the name Andrey. The name Andrey is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Andrey translated from ancient Greek (Andreas) means “courageous”, “brave”. There is also a translation “man”, “person”.

Among Christians, the most revered saint with the name Andrew is the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. This is the first of Christ's disciples, the brother of the Apostle Peter. He was crucified in the Greek city of Patras on a cross in the shape of the letter "X". This symbol was given the name “St. Andrew’s cross”. It is he who is depicted on the flag of the Russian fleet. In the Orthodox tradition, Apostle Andrew is considered the patron saint of Greece, Russia, Romania, Ukraine and the Russian navy, and in the Catholic tradition, he is the patron saint of Scotland, Burgundy and Sicily.

The name Andrei, which is very consonant with Andrei, is also used; many consider it one of the Russified forms of the name Andrei. In fact, the name Andrian is one of the pronunciation options for the name Adrian in Russia.

Orthodox name days are indicated for the name Andrey.

Andrey is always the life of the party. His ability to quickly find contact with other people helps Andrey get a good job in life. From the outside, you might think that everything comes very easily to him, but in fact, Andrey puts a lot of effort into achieving results. And not because he is lazy or unlucky, but because he himself does not believe that the results of his labors are the consequences of the efforts he made. Some doubt about his own importance, low self-esteem - this is why Andrei hides in companies so as not to feel awkward alone with himself.

Andrey is endowed with a rich imagination. But, as often happens, his inner world is very complex. Andrey loves company and loves solitude, he is good at making jokes, jokes, and pranks, but he also won’t refuse to sit and think alone. Either he is full of ideas, ready to share with everyone, or he is focused and busy solving some problem. One of his favorite toys is a construction set.

Andreys are quite calculating men. To show off, to present everything in a light favorable to him - often it is this ability that helps Andrey achieve something significant in his life. Andrey does not particularly stand out in the work team, but for some reason the boss always remembers such an employee.

Andrei is quite selfish; he does not particularly listen to the opinions of his elders and the advice of others. They are unpredictable, have a high opinion of themselves and love to attract attention. And in this case, he uses all possible means - jealousy, blackmail, scandals.

At the same time, Andreys are sincerely cheerful and cheerful people. Routine and everyday life are not their strong point. Andrey loves his family, but for him the values ​​of communication are a step higher than family values. Andrei is capable of selflessly helping a stranger, but sometimes it happens to the detriment of his own family. Andrei does not forgive the insults inflicted on him.

Many “winter” Andreys prefer to choose creative professions (director, actor, artist, singer). The “autumn” owners of this name make good businessmen.

Andrey's birthday

Andrey celebrates his name day on January 27, February 17, February 21, March 7, April 28, May 31, June 5, June 11, June 23, June 25, June 26, July 3, July 13, July 17, July 19, July 22 , August 17, September 1, September 19, September 20, September 23, September 28, October 4, October 5, October 6, October 7, October 15, October 23, October 30, October 31, November 9, November 11, 11 December, December 13, December 15, December 16.

Famous people named Andrey

  • Andrew the First-Called (Christian saint, was a disciple of Jesus Christ)
  • Andrei Rublev ((c.1370-1428) Russian icon painter, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church)
  • Andrei Mironov ((1941-1987) Soviet actor, played roles in the theater, actively acted in films. For example, he starred in such films as “Crazy Day, or the Marriage of Figaro”, “Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog”, “The Diamond Arm” ", "Straw Hat", "The Adventures of Italians in Russia", "Property of the Republic", "Beware of the Car", "An Ordinary Miracle", "Be My Husband" and many, many others)
  • Andrei Tupolev ((1888-1972) Russian and Soviet aircraft designer, world celebrity. Designed more than 100 types of aircraft, most of which began to be mass-produced. Organized design bureaus in the USSR, where he trained future prominent figures in aircraft construction - V.M. Petlyakov, Sukhoi P.O., Lavochkin S.A. and many others. His planes set 78 world records.)
  • Andrei Gromyko ((1909-1989) Soviet diplomat, statesman and political figure, headed the USSR Foreign Ministry for 28 years)
  • Andrei Voznesensky ((1933-2010) Soviet and Russian poet, was one of the most famous poets of the 60s of the twentieth century in the USSR. In 1978 he received an international calling, winning the International Poets Forum Prize.)
  • Andrei Sakharov ((1921-1989) Soviet physicist, participated in the development of thermonuclear weapons, and later began to actively advocate stopping their testing. Dissident, winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize for his contribution to strengthening peace.)
  • Andrei Tarkovsky ((1932-1986) Soviet film director, screenwriter, his films are known - “Stalker”, “Mirror”, “Beware! Snakes!”, “Solaris”, “Nostalgia”)
  • Andrey Makarevich ((born 1953) Soviet and Russian singer, member of the rock group “Time Machine”, active participant in social activities)
  • Andrea Bocelli ((born 1958) world famous Italian tenor, popularized opera music, his repertoire includes classical and popular pop works)
  • Andre Citroen ((1878-1935) French entrepreneur, created the Citroën concern)
  • Andrei Bogolyubsky ((d.1174) Russian ruler, Grand Duke of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, during his 20-year reign significantly strengthened the position of his principality)
  • Andrei Platonov ((1899-1951) Soviet writer, wrote his works in a “clumsy”, “primitive” and “homemade” nature, which made them unlike all other literature of that time, distinguished him from many other authors)
  • Andrei Myagkov ((born 1938) Soviet and Russian actor, winner of various orders and awards. He writes detective stories. Known for his roles in the films “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, “Adventures of a Dentist,” “Days of the Turbins,” “ Grandmaster", "Cruel Romance", "Garage", "Office Romance" and others.)
  • Andrey Arshavin ((born 1981) Russian football player, according to various polls he was more than once considered the best football player in Russia)
  • Andrei Konchalovsky ((born 1937) Soviet and then Russian director, wrote scripts for 34 films, some of which he directed himself, stages plays and operas, author of books and journalistic articles. He is the president of the Nika Film Academy, winner of the Silver Lion ")
  • Andrzej Sapkowski ((born 1948) Polish writer, it was he who wrote the famous fantasy saga “The Witcher”. His works have been published in more than 10 languages, he is one of the most published Polish writers.)
  • Andreas Evdokatsi ((1541-?) Armenian chronicler of the 16th century)
  • Andreas Prommegger ((born 1980) Austrian snowboarder, twice won the World Cup in parallel disciplines)
  • André-Marie Ampere ((1775 - 1836) French physicist, creator of the concept of “electric current”, the theory of magnetism. In mechanics, he introduced the term “kinematics”; he also studied mathematics, botany and philosophy.)
  • Andrea Mantegna ((c.1431 - 1506) Italian artist, collected works of ancient culture. He was a court artist for the Dukes of Gonzaga, became an innovator of painting, painted in his own manner, different from the classical one.)
  • Andres Segovia, Andreas Segovia ((1893 - 1987) Spanish guitarist, also writes music, his technique of performing works on the guitar in modern times has made the guitar one of the recognized instruments of academic music. Winner of a Grammy, Leonie Sonning Prize, Ernst Siemens Prize. Received a noble title of Marquis for services to Spanish culture.)
  • Anders Celsius ((1701-1744) Swedish scientist, studied meteorology, astronomy and mathematics, proposed a temperature measurement scale - the Celsius scale, studied the Northern Lights)
  • Anders Jacobsen ((born 1985) Norwegian skier, 2010 Olympic bronze medalist in ski jumping)
  • Antero Manninen ((born 1973) Finnish cellist, was a member of the group “Apocalyptica”, also performs in orchestras)
  • Ondzej Neff ((born 1945) Czech writer, journalist, writes in the genre of fiction)

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 407 Published 03/21/2018

Do you think it is possible for one person to combine the love of solitude and the desire to be in the center of events? Yes, the meaning of the name Andrey characterizes just such a person.

Parents expecting the birth of an heir are thinking about what to name their son. After all, the name influences the formation of the child’s character, his future destiny and carries a great meaning. Therefore, the choice of name must be taken with full responsibility. Today we will learn about the character and fate of men bearing the name Andrei.

Origin of the name Andrey

The name Andrey has existed for many centuries. It became popular after the baptism of Rus', since at that time much of the cultural heritage was borrowed from Byzantium.

For a long time it was believed that if a child is named Andrei, then his Guardian Angel will protect him all his life, so the name was very common. It personifies masculinity, courage, activity and at the same time joy and goodness.

The origin of the name Andrey goes back to Ancient Greece. So translated from Greek Andros means “man”. Many researchers interpret this name as “courageous”, “brave”.

Andrey in childhood

Since childhood, Andrey loves to be in the spotlight. It costs him nothing to recite poetry in front of guests, or to take part in a competition. He always tries to please his parents with his success in kindergarten and then at school. Although he prefers silence, he is not averse to fooling around with friends.

Outside of school, Andrei is interested in clubs, goes to the swimming pool or successfully plays sports, achieving good results.

Little Andryusha is not a very obedient child; he likes to argue with his parents and teachers. He can run with the kids, knocking everyone off their feet, or he can quietly play quiet games or fix broken toys on his own.

A good gift for Andrey would be a construction set. Thanks to the child's inherent sense of curiosity and developed imagination, this toy will become his favorite pastime.

Since childhood, Andrey has had a love for pets. If there is no cat or dog in the house, then the child will definitely bring them from the street and shower them with care and attention.

Little Andryushas have a sweet tooth. Therefore, parents need to more closely monitor their child’s nutrition. Eating a lot of sweets leads to problems with dental health in the future.

Adult Andrey

If we talk about that , What does the name Andrei mean for an adult man? First of all, it is a complex character.

In his adult life, Andrei is often unpredictable. On the first date, he will tell the girl everything about his life. But don’t delude yourself – you still won’t know everything about this person. Today he gives flowers and compliments to one girl, and tomorrow he can invite another on a date.

In family life, you never know what you can expect from him in the next moment. This happens because Andrey is an emotional person.

The meaning of the name Andrey is expressed in the courage and bravery of this man. He is always ready to stand up for himself and his family, and will be a strong support for his wife and parents.

Despite his self-critical attitude towards himself, Andrei is characterized by such qualities as inflated self-esteem and selfishness. He always strives to be the center of attention. He is very demanding of the people around him, carefully choosing friends to suit his level.

He chooses only a beautiful, spectacular girl as his wife, without focusing on her inner world. Conflicts may arise in family life if the wife pays little attention to Andrey.

He is jealous even of the child. In relationships he is characterized by inconstancy. If he meets a girl more interesting than his life partner, he will easily leave the family.

Andrey likes to “show off” and present himself in the best light. He does not listen to the opinions of others, zealously defending his point of view. Flattery is like balm to his soul. He loves praise addressed to himself and absolutely does not tolerate competition in any area of ​​life.

From early childhood, Andrey has been blessed with success in all his endeavors, but over time he begins to take it for granted. This can lead to deep disappointment and break him when an unexpected collapse occurs in business.

Inspired by constant success in everything, Andrei can show himself on the bad side, showing others his arrogance and vanity. These are the character traits of Andrei that can push people away from him.

Andrey is always the life of the party. But his cheerfulness never clouds his intelligence. The meaning of the name Andrey implies masculinity, and this characterizes him as a person capable of repelling offenders in any situation.

It’s better not to conflict with Andrey - he remembers the harm caused for a long time and will not remain in debt.


For someone who bears the name Andrey, any field of activity will be successful, no matter what he decides to do. He can successfully realize himself both in creative activities and in the field of exact and natural sciences. Whatever profession Andrey chooses, he will achieve success everywhere.

The management loves him because he treats any work with great responsibility and professionalism, reaching career heights. Colleagues and co-workers value and respect Andrey for his ability to win over, for his optimism and charm.

For him, the main thing in the profession is material gain. Therefore, Andrey will make a successful businessman. He conducts business honestly, so his partners can safely rely on him. Andrey is a man of his word.

The name Andrey also characterizes its owner as a creative person. He is interested in everything related to art. He can collect paintings, be interested in music, philosophy, write literary works and create masterpieces himself. Therefore, successful people named Andrey can be found in any profession.


Andrey does not complain about his physical health. He is usually a strong guy, thanks to the fact that sports play an important role in his life. Among Andrei's illnesses, only a mild cold can bother him.

But the same cannot be said about his state of mind.

He is prone to frequent stress and depression, which can trigger the occurrence of other diseases.

The people around him help him avoid this. The main thing is to look positively into the future without dwelling on temporary setbacks.

Famous personalities

The name Andrei has been associated with talented people for many centuries who have made their names in the history of science, culture and politics. Here are just a few of them:

  • Andrey Pervozdanny- Apostle, disciple of Christ.
  • Andrey Rublev- Russian painter, talented icon painter.
  • Andrey Sakharov– great physicist and theorist, human rights activist.
  • Andrey Bogolyubsky- Prince Vladimirsky.
  • Andrey Voznesensky- famous Soviet poet.
  • Andrey Myagkov- a popular, beloved Soviet actor.
  • Andrey Shevchenko (Sheva)– a famous Ukrainian football player, now a coach.
  • Andrey Makarevich- organizer and frontman of the group “Time Machine”.
  • Andrey Kuzmenko (Kuzma)- cult singer of Ukraine, producer, actor, lead singer of the Scriabin group.
  • Andrey Arshavin- Russian football player, Honored Master of Sports.

Famous people bearing the name Andrei can be listed for a very long time. Their activities are connected with any sphere of people's lives. Their contribution to the development of culture, art, science, and sports is truly invaluable.


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Tell us what associations you have with the name Andrey.

When choosing a name for a child, parents often do not think about its meaning. But it should not only sound beautiful. The name is a fateful line, a planid factor. Of course, you may not believe in significance. But be that as it may, the fact remains a fact. The chosen name for a boy plays an important role in life.

According to astrologers, the name Andrei, which has meanings such as “courageous” and “brave,” began to be called to men in Ancient Greece. After the introduction of Christianity in Ancient Rus' in 988, this name spread throughout the Russian state. It came from the Byzantine Empire. It is interesting that at first only boys born into noble families were given the name Andrei, only much later they began to call children who did not belong to privileged classes that name.

By naming their son Andrei, the parents consciously influence his future fate. After all, this name prophesies to a man such qualities as a realistic look, masculinity, positive attitude, conscientiousness, charm, patience, accuracy, responsibility, hard work, and diligence. A man named Andrei is always the life of the party, as he is able to quickly find contact with other people. Such socially conditioned personality components help Andrey get a good job in life. Many people think that everything comes very easily to him. But that's not true. In fact, in order to achieve results, a man has to put in quite a lot of effort, although sometimes he himself doubts that it is perseverance and work that bears fruit. Andrey underestimates his self-esteem, his inner world is very complex. Sometimes he becomes the life of the party, he can joke, make wisecracks, play the guitar, tell jokes or play pranks. Other times he feels more confident when he is alone.

Work for Andrey is the meaning of life. He mainly chooses professions related to creativity. For example, he can be a director, actor, composer, artist, singer. Andrey is well versed in technology, but this is not interesting to him, because he is a humanitarian. In addition to creative activities, a man is often involved in exact and natural sciences, and he makes a good businessman. Andrey performs well in such professions as a seller of household and office equipment, a driving instructor, a labor teacher, a programmer, an engineer, a scientist, a designer or a manager. Andrey's colleagues and superiors value him for his professional qualities, honest performance of his duties and responsibility. The main task is to achieve career heights, because growth in the profession will raise his authority in the family and among friends. But material wealth comes first.

Quite often, Andrei wants to give up everything, be it work or family, and run away without looking back. This occurs due to overwork, as a man burdens himself with responsibilities that he cannot fulfill. He is restrained from rash actions by a sense of duty and responsibility, although he spends a huge amount of vitality on overcoming emotional impulses. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you just need to relax, disconnect from family worries and various kinds of affairs. You can go hunting, fishing, or just out into nature, where you can restore your lost strength.

Character of the name Andrey

A man named Andrei is always the way people around him want to see him. For his mother he is an affectionate and gentle son, for a comrade he is a true friend, for his wife he is a fiery lover, for a teacher he is an excellent cadet. A man enjoys making people happy. If a person does not interest him, he becomes an enemy. Moreover, he shows hostility towards him. If an enemy makes Andrey angry, the consequences will be unpredictable. Energy does not allow a man to show tolerance towards enemies. He may not show it, but he is unlikely to forget the insult.

Andrey has a rather contradictory character. He can be both soft and cunning. A man with this name is impulsive, he will never do anything if it is not beneficial for himself, even if with these refusals he will hurt his neighbors. Andrey achieves everything he wants in his life, as he is able to “show off” and present everything in a light favorable to him. He is calculating, selfish, does not have the habit of consulting, and does not listen to the opinions of his elders.

Andrey is quite vindictive. It is forbidden underestimate him. Although he jokes and has fun, at this time he notices and remembers everything. A man is arrogant, to prove his superiority, he can use blackmail or scandals. Andrey also has such a character trait as self-criticism. This stable quality contributes to self-development. He admits his mistakes, but does not tolerate others pointing them out. If success accompanies him, he can be self-confident, arrogant, and vain. This pushes people away from him.

A man named Andrey is an undoubted leader, leader, organizer. He leads people, overcomes obstacles, finds a way out where no one else could. High activity combined with strength allows you to achieve what is unattainable for others. Dexterity, luck and instant reaction influence situations that Andrey uses to his advantage.

It happens that failure knocks Andrei out of the saddle. He is overcome by depression and gives up. People avoid a man, because there is little left of a cheerful person. But Andrei copes with troubles in this case too. Gathering his strength of character, he turns it against the blues. The smile of fate and good luck return to him as a gift.

Name Andrey for a boy

When choosing a name for a boy, parents predict his fate. Indeed, translated from Greek, this word means “brave.” In childhood, Andryusha, Andreika, Andreychik, Andi, Andy, Dyusha (that’s what they call him when he’s small) is a calm and quiet child, but at the same time energetic. He can run around the house, playing outdoor games, or assemble, for example, a construction set alone, composing imaginary objects. At this time, you can hardly hear him, since he does not require attention. Little Andrei is especially close to his mother; he is gentle and affectionate with her. But he doesn’t want to obey and obey, because he is very obstinate, capricious and stubborn. The boy often argues with his father, proving that he is right. But you shouldn’t focus on this. After all, by nature Andrey is conflict-free, diligent, patient, purposeful, dreamy, and self-confident. If a child has a brother, then he is friends with him, but relations with his sister do not develop in the best way. Andrei constantly conflicts with her, and does not concede in anything.

The boy was not in very good health as a child. He is predisposed to colds, highly contagious infections. Andrey may also have vision problems. Parents should pay attention to the child’s mental state, as frequent depression and stress can cause serious illnesses.

A mature teenager becomes positive in all directions. His character changes. He is characterized by such traits as sociability, hard work, commitment, goodwill, constancy, integrity, positivity, attentiveness, and eloquence. But his peers consider him too boring and tedious, so Andrei does not have any friendships with them. True, no one complains about him, and conflicts do not arise between the young men. But later it turns out that the teenager is far ahead of his peers in development, he achieves everything in life, and his affairs are going well. He achieves this thanks to his analytical mind, penchant for design and programming. The guarantees of his success are determination and concentration.

But a boy in adolescence tries to avoid any responsibility. Due to his heightened sense of justice, he often conflicts with teachers who do not understand that he cannot be “pressured”; he simply needs to argue for his beliefs. Andrey actively participates in the life of the team and carries out assignments conscientiously.

In his youth, Andrei enjoyed success with the fair half. He has many unique qualities, such as mystery and seductiveness. He knows how to guess the desires of girls, so he easily wins women's attention.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Andrey

Andrey takes marriage lightly. When choosing a life partner, he first of all pays attention to appearance - a woman should be beautiful, tall, elegant, smart, self-possessed, and Andrei is of little interest to her inner world and character. The main desire of a man is not love, but the impression made. True, with a representative of the opposite sex he is attentive and gentle.

In his youth, Andrei is quite fickle. He changes girls often, sometimes every day. It seems to them that the man is frank with them, does not hide anything, and tells everything about himself. But this is not so - Andrei will never pour out his soul, will not reveal his innermost thoughts.

The man loves compliments and flattery. If a woman wants to attract attention, she should not skimp on beautiful words. In addition, Andrei will never forgive his partner for betrayal, although he himself often goes “on the side.” Sometimes he is jealous of his wife even towards his children, and his relationship with his wife’s mother is quite tense.

A man named Andrey fully provides for his family, but all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife. He forbids her to even think about a career, since a woman is obliged to take care of him and the children, to be a sexy housewife. The wife should be stronger in character, she should set new goals and objectives for him. In addition, she is forced to endure her husband’s stubbornness and tight-fistedness. The impulsive and unpredictable Andrei can give his wife a very expensive gift, and next time he can spare the money for a penny item for use in the household. For Andrei, social values ​​are one step higher than mercy and kindness, although he loves his family very much.

But it happens that a man cannot create a social unit because he chooses a woman too carefully based on characteristics known only to him. Not finding an emotional, outwardly spectacular beauty, he may end up spending his entire life alone. But having gotten married, Andrei, out of a sense of duty, never destroys the family, even if the marriage is unsuccessful.

Famous personalities

The most famous person named Andrew is the first disciple of the central figure in Christianity (meaning Jesus Christ) - the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. After his crucifixion, the “St. Andrew’s Cross” appeared in the Greek city of Patras. It is used as a symbol on the flags of some countries and territories.

The name Andrei is borne by many outstanding personalities who have left their mark on history:

  • Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, engaged in theoretical physics, Sakharov;
  • publicist, artist, architect, poet Voznesensky;
  • painter, monumentalist, teacher Vasnetsov;
  • film directors and authors of many scripts: Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Tarkovsky;
  • the famous and revered Russian icon painter of the Moscow school Rublev;
  • Soviet actors: Mironov and Myagkov;
  • Russian aircraft designer Tupolev;
  • statesman Andrei Gromyko;
  • founder of the ensemble “Time Machine”, which was created in 1969, Makarevich;
  • football player Arshavin, who is an Honored Master of Sports of Russia, and other famous people.

The name comes from the Greek word "andros", meaning "courageous" or "courageous". Sometimes the name Andrey is translated as "man" or person, which is similar to the word man in English. The name has enjoyed exceptional honor since the times of Hellas. Andrei corresponded to sublime standards of morality. They are affectionate sons, loyal friends, ardent lovers, excellent students or workers, and the most responsible heads of the family. Andrei creates an image of courage, bravery, activity, loudness, joy, brightness and kindness.

The meaning of the name Andrey for a child

As a child, a boy looks like his mother, although this similarity is more external. Little Andrey's character is lively and restless. He loves active games, which does not exclude perseverance with sufficient interest. If Andrey’s interest in something has awakened, then his perseverance can be envied. He studies well, but requires constant attention and control. Plays well with animals and becomes a true friend to pets. If there is no pet in the house, get ready. He'll bring it himself. Like any other child, it requires a lot of attention and consistency in upbringing.

Short name Andrey

Andryukha, Dron, Andre.

Diminutive names Andrey

Andryusha, Andryushka, Andryunya, Andreika, Dronchik.

Patronymic name of Andrey's children

Andreevich and Andreevna. In popular form it is sometimes pronounced as Andreich and Andrevna.

Name Andrey in English

The name Andrey in English has the following spelling - Andrew. Sometimes in the English tradition to use the abbreviation Andrew to Drew.

Name Andrey for international passport according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in 2006 for Russian government agencies - ANDREI.

Translation of the name Andrey into other languages

in Armenian - Անդրեաս
in Belarusian - Andrey
in Bulgarian - Andrey, Andro and Andreshko in Hungarian - András
in Greek - Ανδρέας
in Georgian - ანდრო
in Spanish - Andrés
in Italian - Andrea
in Chinese - 安德烈
in German - Andreas or Andie
in Polish - Andrzej
in Ukrainian - Andriy
in French - André
in Czech - Ondřej
in Japanese - アンドレイ

Church name Andrey(in the Orthodox faith) may not change. Of course, Andrei can choose another church name, but he can also be baptized under a secular name.

Characteristics of the name Andrey

Andrey's character is impulsive and unpredictable. It's difficult to predict what he will do next minute. This may interfere with his life, but for the most part Andrei does not regret what he did. Inconsistency also manifests itself in personal life. A declaration of love to one girl or woman will not prevent him from showing his ardent sympathy to another the next day, for which the female sex is often offended by him. In his relationship with a woman he can be affectionate and courteous, but this is more about the desire to please and look good than about a true relationship. All this before marriage. In marriage, Andrei is truly a knight and his woman will be under reliable protection. Andrei adores his wife and shows his feelings for her in every possible way.

The secret of the name Andrey

Andrey can be influenced by flattering treatment, which is his weakness. Those who know this secret of Andrei periodically take advantage of this. The main danger is the combination of flattery and the impulsiveness of his character. This could lead Andrey to undesirable consequences. Andrei needs to avoid flatterers so as not to get hooked on them.

Planet influencing Andrey- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Andrew's totem animal- Jungle cat.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree named Andrey- Fir.

Andrew's plant- Anemone.

Stone named after Andrey- Amethyst.

Guardian angel named Andrey and his patron, depends on Andrey’s date of birth. Read about the patrons of the name Andrey in a special article.