The true causes of our illnesses. The true causes of diseases. And now, against the backdrop of the general scenario of not allowing yourself “delicious” food, no matter how it is expressed, diabetes mellitus develops

© Alexander Furman, 2017

© SUPER Publishing House LLC, 2017

Is a source of spiritual knowledge,

Given by higher powers out of love for people.

Dedicated to those who invisibly guided us along this path.

Whose selfless love, help and support helped to come to a completely different understanding of the causes of diseases and the possibilities for eliminating them.


This book will be of benefit to those who have come to understand that only we ourselves can improve our destiny and health.

I was born in the city of Kyiv, where I lived until 1988.

Since birth, I have been plagued by health problems, but no one could really explain the reasons for their origin. And to top it all off, a tragedy occurred that took the life of someone very close to me - my mother. Not having at that moment the knowledge that I have now and no longer relying on the capabilities of Soviet medicine, I decided to immigrate to Australia. But there was no big difference, since no one can tell us why some of us are constantly sick, while others remain in excellent health.

And since I always, and especially after my mother left, wanted to understand the reasons that lead us to deterioration in health, in the end, I decided to start looking for them.

Unfortunately, few people are able to understand the true causes of their illnesses and failures, since not many have the opportunity to connect to the levels of consciousness of their soul. But I would like to hope that this book can be of benefit to those whose inquisitive minds have decided not to succumb to weaknesses in the foolish desire to blame others for their poor health and numerous losses. And I decided to understand the reasons that served as the impetus for the development of their illnesses, all kinds of life difficulties and endless conflicts with others.

This book will provide information obtained through contact with Higher Spiritual Guides and examples taken from practice, allowing the reader to expand the potential of his consciousness and reach a deeper level of understanding of the problems occurring in life and eliminating the causes that gave rise to their development.

Here are practical tips that make it possible to clearly see that changing one’s worldview and attitude towards the events that happen to us can influence the improvement of one’s fate and be of invaluable benefit in eliminating the causes of constantly arising problems and diseases located at the deep levels of the subconscious.

But first I would like to explain that neither the author himself nor the information presented here are somehow unique, since we are all created by the same Creator.

This only means that the Lord invariably lives in each of us and that we are all connected to the same source. Even if we don't feel it. It’s just that some have already awakened and are drawing from it, while others are still in a dream.

Therefore, somewhere inside ourselves, at our deeper levels, we all feel what reasons lead us to illness and misfortune. And the soul of each of us knows about the correct ways to eradicate them. But having ceased to adhere to what was inherent in us from the very beginning, we gradually began to lose contact with God, and therefore the connection with our soul as a part of Him.

And the main goal of this book is not only to show how we lead ourselves to illness and misfortune, but also to effectively help us connect to the deep levels of our soul. So that everyone can remember what was inherent in us initially and understand the reasons for their misfortunes and failures. So that everyone can learn the processes of restoring their destiny and health.

In addition, I would like to add that the author of the book does not claim to be a great writer. Therefore, if you want to get effective benefits from it, try to immediately begin the process of your recovery, without succumbing to the habit we have accumulated of looking for reasons to find fault with its content or execution, while turning on the processes of destruction of your health within yourself. It will still be better if you make an effort to overcome one of the most difficult sins to eradicate, adhering to the wise commandment: "Do not judge…"

I would like to make a small digression.

The book was written over several years. And its writing began even before the moment when contact with the Mentors from Above occurred. Therefore, it is a collection of early editions, which also includes information received later.

And since with each transition to a higher level of soul consciousness something has changed, the reader may feel some dissonance. Don't be surprised if in one chapter there is something opposite to what was described in the others. This is how they led us. We will also provide information ourselves. Because as soon as it began to seem to us that we had already understood everything, new information immediately followed, forcing us to look at everything differently.

As soon as we came to understand the importance of family, we were immediately told that Love itself is much more important. That there are no duties; no moral standards or public opinion; and no age conventions or given obligations should stand in its way.

That love is always right.

So think and feel for yourself. This is a normal learning process. Since without accepting and realizing the previous information, we would not be able to accept the current one. Everything flows and everything changes. And those who are not ready for such turns and changes of direction will not be able to accept anything, which means they will not be able to change and will not be able to change anything.

The beginning of the way

“The time has come to understand that by purifying oneself,
We help others cleanse themselves too.”

From the very beginning of the existence of mankind and throughout the entire length of this difficult path, we have always been inexorably followed by our most faithful, most tireless companions who have become close to us for centuries - our diseases.

And since those time immemorial, we have been constantly doing nothing but trying to find at least some means to help in the fight against them. But unfortunately, as a rule, we relied only on doctors and magicians or all sorts of miraculous remedies, but not on ourselves. And every time humanity managed to find a vaccine for one disease, it was immediately replaced by another and even stronger one.

And it looks like we're way behind in this race.

Starting from early childhood, I suffered from almost every disease that one could imagine: measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox, tonsillitis, in general, one could easily go through almost the entire alphabet. I consumed so many medications that if I had the opportunity to put them together, I most likely could open a pharmacy kiosk and exist comfortably for several years.

For problems associated with the nose, one medicine was prescribed, something else was prescribed for the throat, to improve the stomach, a third, and for liver disease, a fourth. For high blood pressure, this is a remedy, for low blood pressure, etc., etc. By the age of less than thirty, the immune system was already so undermined that no medications practically helped, and the deterioration of health continued.

I had the impression that viruses and bacteria had already become so addicted to the medications I was taking that, like me, they began to consider them their only chance of survival. It looked as if after everything we had to go through with them together, they, like me, could no longer imagine how they could manage without them in the future. And the pleasure from using them increased so much that only when they got wind that they were going to prescribe me new pills, they flocked to me like flies to honey, in anticipation of a noble party.

I had to take more and more medicine, and my strength became less and less. I was checked for everything, but none of the examinations carried out gave even a hint about the nature of such feelings. The test results did not reveal any pathology.

After my mother and several close relatives passed away from cancer, I began to torment myself with thoughts about the genetic disease and was angry at the doctors for not being able to detect it. But in fairness, it must be admitted that they themselves could not understand what other reasons could lie that could cause such health problems.

In the desire to get to the bottom of what was happening to me, I decided to also get tested for AIDS. Although there seemed to be no reason, what the hell is it? Having received the test results, I was even somewhat disappointed. But even here everything was in order. After this check, everything came to a standstill and no one could understand what could cause such weaknesses and ailments. Everyone was confused.

Doctors suggested possible intoxication in the tonsils or liver, which could well lead to similar feelings. They suggested removing the tonsils first and seeing if any improvements occur, and then we will see. Since the search for the reasons for my poor health had reached a dead end, I was glad for any solution that gave at least some light of hope for its improvement.

So, by the age of 30, I was left without appendicitis, adenoids and tonsils. In general, without all those organs that I could have easily parted with without particularly affecting my intentions to have children.

There was no improvement and I no longer dared to experiment with liver. The thought was firmly lodged in my head that if I continue to go this way further, then soon such obvious voids will form in my mortal body that can hardly be filled with anything more suitable and the difficulties associated with selecting an organ for carrying out the next experiment, will involuntarily disappear on their own. As criminologists usually say in such cases: “No body, no business.”

This is approximately how they finally led me to the conclusion that if you really want to improve your health, then it is better to rely not on Uncle Vanya, but on your own strength.

The ways of the Lord...

“Words, no matter how correct they are, are not capable of reflecting the truth itself.
At best, they can point the way to Truth,
But to achieve the goal, a person must go beyond words and reasoning..."

In order for the motives driving me to become more obvious, most likely, it is necessary to make a small retreat into the past.

When my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, the diagnosis sounded like a bolt from the blue. At first we decided that this was some kind of mistake. This simply could not be and looked absolutely implausible.

Since she always monitored her health and paid enough attention to it. It looked like something out of the ordinary, not fitting into any possible framework and not amenable to any logical explanation.

She did not smoke, did yoga gymnastics, Buteyko breathing, and led a separate and balanced diet.

It seemed that it was impossible to imagine a healthier lifestyle. But unfortunately the diagnosis was confirmed again, leaving us no hope of error. The assistant professor supervising her also could not hide his surprise. Since after all the examinations carried out, they were still unable to identify the source of the disease. All organs except the lungs looked absolutely clean, and their parameters were twenty years younger than her age.

We tried to do everything possible and impossible. They turned to doctors and healers, following any of their recommendations. Following their advice, we took my mother to Crimea. But despite everything, her condition did not improve, but worsened. We were desperate. Nothing we did helped her recovery.

Everything that happened to my mother, her illness itself and why this could have happened to her, for the first time made me think about What are the reasons for such a healthy lifestyle?, led her to this terrible disease. Where could she have gotten it from anyway? But at that moment, unfortunately, I had no time to deal with all this.

All my thoughts and efforts were aimed only at finding a miracle cure that could help her. In search of all kinds of remedies for cancer, I went through a lot of literature in an attempt to find at least some information that could lead me to what causes it and what could help cure it. But really, I couldn’t find anything. All searches were in vain and despite our efforts, my mother left.

At that moment, I blamed almost everyone. First the doctors, and then the Lord. Because he considered everything that happened to be the highest injustice and did not understand that everything has its purpose. At that moment, it didn’t even occur to me that all events take place according to the agreement of our souls with her, according to the will of the Creator and in accordance with plans that, unfortunately, are not always accessible to our understanding. I didn’t yet know that by leaving, Mom was opening the way for me.

My way…

And only later I was able to realize that if this had not happened, then I would never have even thought about the reasons that lead us to illness.

But as the scripture says: "God works in mysterious ways".

Everything that happened to my mother, my despair, accusations and grief, affected me so much that it led to a sharp deterioration in my health. And since, no offense to them, neither doctors nor medicines could no longer cope with my conditions, I, as mentioned in the previous chapter, decided to start looking for those means that could help in his recovery.

Search for reasons

“Gaining knowledge little by little,
I think I have realized the truth...
Walk one road to the end,
Better than reading a hundred thousand books."

From that moment my long journey began, the path of searching for the reasons that lead us to illness.

In order to come to any more or less definite conclusions, everything had to start all over again. I had to start studying again the vast flow of information related to the description of various diseases and treatment methods.

All the information basically boiled down to the fact that things were going well with minor illnesses. But with serious ones, everything turned out much worse. No matter what I turned my attention to, almost everywhere I had to deal with the same thing - medications and treatment methods were constantly changing, but the diseases remained the same.

Any person admitted to the hospital with a stroke, heart attack or other serious illness had to first be brought out of the crisis state with the help of exorbitant doses of medications. Then, after the acute form was removed, it was necessary to carry out a course of intensive therapy, and then also physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. But despite all the efforts expended by the doctors, after some time, he could again end up in the hospital with exactly the same diagnosis and the whole procedure would be repeated again, without giving any guarantees that in the future, another relapse would never happen to him.

Well, just like in the joke: “The successes of medicine are obvious: from many diseases people no longer die immediately, but suffer longer.”

It turned out that drug treatment only helped in relieving the acute form of the disease or eliminating its symptoms.

And even then, only for a while.

It turned out that all the means known to us provide assistance only at a certain stage, but cannot lead to the complete eradication of the disease. They cannot develop permanent immunity to the disease in us to prevent its recurrence in the future.

It turned out that the medicines did not remove the very cause that gave rise to the disease in us, but only its symptoms. In this regard, it becomes clear why throughout our lives we constantly continue to suffer from the same diseases.

For example:

Even having already undergone a course of antibiotic treatment and getting rid of the flu, sore throat, stomach colic or anything else, will not mean at all that you have already developed permanent immunity to it and you will not get sick from it again.

And it is impossible to argue with this, since we are all witnesses to this.

The same thing will usually happen with other diseases. Everything clearly indicated that the causes of our diseases lie in something else and that medications that provide complete relief from the pathology accumulated in the organs simply do not exist.

A new stage of the search has begun.

In the desire to try some other methods besides surgery and chemistry, he resorted to the help of traditional healers. But now, not really relying on outside help, I came to the conclusion that it was time to study all kinds of alternative medicine methods myself. Tried everything: herbs and homeopathy, acupuncture and massage, reiki and bioenergetics, dowsing and meditation, wax and tin casting. The effect was much better than before and the deterioration stopped, but recovery still did not occur.

Having compared the factors just described above, I came to the conclusion that if during the entire time of our existence, there was no one who could know how to remain completely healthy, then there is no one who could accurately know the causes of diseases.

Moreover, this hypothesis was also confirmed by the fact that despite the fact that people living in the same family, clan or village; eating the same foods; being in the same conditions and exposed to the same climatic factors; could have such different immunity that some constantly get sick, while others, no matter what, continue to remain absolutely healthy.

And we still don't know why this happens.

Even during the most terrible epidemics, when huge masses of people became infected and died, the same viruses and bacteria had no effect on others who were in constant contact with them.

And no one could give an explanation for this simply because no one even thought about it.

Over the long period of our existence, not one of those who have devoted their lives to searching for means to cure a person has been able to find out and indicate with complete certainty, having irrefutable facts, what exactly affects our health from the outside.

Until now, none of them are able to indicate the true reasons why some of us get sick, while others, under the same conditions, remain full of strength and health. Having compared all these factors, we can probably come to the conclusion with complete confidence and without much sin of conservatism:

That the reasons that give rise to our illnesses, Without a doubt, are hidden somewhere inside us, at some deeper levels.

But is anyone able to feel us better than we ourselves? Of course not. So this is only our task. This means that only we ourselves can and must understand the causes of our illnesses.

After reflection and comparison, I came to the conclusion that doctors and medications are assistants that help our body stay in working mode for some time. Well, during this period, we need to understand ourselves, determine the reasons that lead us to health problems and try to eliminate them.

After this discovery, everything seemed to fall into place and looked quite logical and simple.

So here it is, the solution.

We just need to understand what exactly stands in the way of our health and, having dealt with these reasons, get rid of them once and for all.

But as it turned out, this was precisely the most difficult part of the job.

The habit of following the beaten path, allowing ourselves everything and looking for excuses for everything, creates insurmountable obstacles for us and practically deprives us of the opportunity to engage in the process of changing and improving ourselves. In this regard, we can also add the following - since we are all, as a rule, more accustomed to relying on our external sensations than on internal ones, it is quite difficult for us to connect to the various levels of our subconscious to determine the true causes of our illnesses.

For many of us, this remains the most overwhelming task until the end of our days.

Our incorrect worldview, lack of knowledge about responsibility for our sins and misunderstanding of the very nature of love leads us to various kinds of fears, closing most of us from the possibility of restoring lost health.

Working first with myself, and later with others, I came to the conclusion that the key to success in eliminating diseases is the cleansing of karmic debts associated with the accumulation claims, dissatisfaction, condemnation, grievances and feelings of guilt and self-dislike accumulated at the deep levels of the subconscious.

That is, it is necessary to radically change the patterns of thought forms created by our imperfect consciousness.

“Everything is energy. Everything we see. All we hear. All that we are"

(Albert Einstein)

It is no longer a secret to anyone that for normal existence we all need energy. And everything exists only thanks to the accumulation of energy and its proper use. But energy cannot arise from nothing. Something has to give her a boost.

What is it that gives rise to it?

Information. Everything in the world is informative. And information gives birth to our thoughts.

This means that our health will directly depend on what kind of information we receive and how we process it. Which one we send ourselves and how much we can control how this entire energy information flow will be recorded in the structures of our cells.

Often, when we get sick, the first thing we do is pick up a home medicine cabinet and look for the right medicine that can relieve us of unpleasant symptoms. If the disease is severely constraining, we go to the doctors... We try to work with the investigation, without thinking at all about why the disease appeared in the first place...

Meanwhile the true cause of the disease- this is not pain that arose “right now.” Pain is a consequence. The reason lies in the violation of 10 laws (commandments) or, in other words, in the violation of a harmonious (correct) life.

For those who suffer from memory lapses, let us recall these most important 10 commandments...

  1. God is One.
  2. Don't take the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to rest.
  4. Respect your parents.
  5. Dont kill.
  6. Don't commit adultery.
  7. Do not steal.
  8. Do not lie.

But, if you want to get to the bottom of it, Psychosomatics will make the task much easier. It can indicate the origin of a particular disease. But, like all sciences, it only gives reasons that are generalized to many people. In each specific case they may differ.

A person has every opportunity to independently find the cause of the disease - just take responsibility for your life into your own hands.

There are techniques that make it possible to view/return to the cause of the disease. For example, one of these techniques is this: you need to go into an altered state of consciousness, examine yourself for the disease, usually it stands out on the body in the form of darkness on one or another organ, set the command “View the cause of the disease.” By reference, go to the moment in life when a mistake was made. Note that the reason may not be in this life, then the picture will be on a historical theme. But you will see the error itself. The only difficulty may arise in assessing the cause itself. Because this will not always be a global mistake in your life. This may be a trivial incident in childhood, when you quarreled with a friend/girlfriend... It seems like a domestic situation, but by not making peace with him/her, you unwittingly violated one of the laws of harmonious life... Several similar violations and a signal in the form of blocking of some organ comes to the physical plane in the form of illness.

In general, a lot of things are “pulled” from childhood or from misunderstood life lessons. These lessons will be repeated until a person masters the Knowledge presented to him by life in the form of lessons.

drawing by Tatiana Zadorozhnaya

If these lessons have not been understood and accepted, then the energy of the organs that are associated with this area of ​​life is blocked (each organ is “responsible for its own area”, specific decodings should be sought in Psychosomatics). If an organ is subjected to energy deprivation for a long time, a disease begins to appear, which signals a violation of harmony in life. Having realized the real, true cause, it will be possible to remove the effect, that is, the disease that appeared.

This collection will help you understand for what actions a person develops certain diseases. And if he understands this, he will realize that it is not someone who sends evil or illness, but a person acquires all this himself through his own deeds.
If a person wants to be healthy and not depend on official medicine, although this is very difficult, then a person must, is forced to resort to knowledge of the true causes of his illness, and therefore, understand his actions, which subsequently cause this or that disease in the body.
Let's try to figure it out: why does a person get sick? And for this we will establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Thought is material and has energy, and if a person gives birth to evil both in thoughts and in deeds, then he thereby concentrates within himself one or another negative energy, which, like a poison, having gained a certain potential, turns into a disease.

Therefore, negative emotions such as anger, hatred, envy, resentment, malice - everything comes back to the person, like a boomerang to the one who released it. Truly, what goes around comes around. The energies of evil return to man in the form of diseases. Therefore, any disease of one or another organ or part of the body, any mental disease is nothing more than the presence in a person of destructive energy, which the person himself created. Therefore, there is no need to desire, do not send curses, malice, or anger to anyone, because thoughts (desires) return. For whoever gave birth to them must transform them into goodness, going through torment and suffering and illness.

From an energetic point of view, evil can be represented as enveloping a person in a sinful shell, and psychics say that such a person’s aura is dark and dirty. The more evil he generates in thoughts and deeds, the larger in volume this shell creates. This evil, like a vacuum, entering the flesh (astral body), begins to crucify the life energy of the flesh (astral body) (commit crucifixion). The energies of the life of the flesh begin to stretch to fill the shell, causing the vital threads of the flesh to break, figuratively speaking, and the person feels pain in one or another part of the body or in an organ, gets sick, suffers and suffers.

There is, as we say, a spark of God in man, but through his sinful acts, to put it in figurative language, man creates a shell around his heart that closes the streams of light coming from the Universe, the streams of awareness of truth, so he does not see the radiance of the divine light in himself, and begins to sin even more.

How to recover, get rid of the disease? How should one live, what should one do in order to influence not only the effect, but also the cause?

Only after the prayer of thanksgiving to God does the prayer of repentance begin. Repentance is different from repentance. The repentance that was taught, although it cleanses the soul, a person does not know how negative energies penetrate into him, giving rise to certain diseases. During such repentance, a person allows into himself various energies from the egregor of Repentance. And this egregor was created by humanity, not God. Through this egregor the energies of sadness, despondency, humiliation flow in... And when a person falls ill after such repentance, he thinks that God sent the disease to him as a sign of purification. It is not God who sends diseases, but man who attracts them with his sins. God heals with the energies of the Holy Spirit, which can only be obtained through prayer of gratitude. This prayer should be like a living conversation of Love for God, then pain or illness dissolves in the divine energies of All-Love and a miracle of healing occurs.

Diseases can be both complex and simple. And simple ones are like a signal, a warning that a person is doing something wrong. For example, he accidentally hit himself or was hit, say, on the head. Perhaps he thinks the wrong thing, gives birth to sinful thoughts, or says something sinful to another person... Or, for example, he stumbled... Apparently, he physically or mentally once tripped up another so that he would stumble either in creativity or in work, or in a career...

Thus, any embitterment is the origin of dislike, that is, an embittered person, through his actions on the mental, mental (emotional) and material levels, opens energy channels through which various destructive energies penetrate his body. And the latter precisely undermine a person’s health in different places of his body, in different parts of the physical body.

If a person hides his bitterness within himself, then his illnesses will manifest themselves covertly until their quantitative potential moves to a new qualitative level in order to become obvious and allow themselves to be discovered. For, as Jesus Christ taught, there is nothing hidden that would not become apparent.

Mass anger gives rise to such a mass disease, before which official medicine gives in and for some time becomes powerless. For example, a disease such as AIDS is generated by the egregor of evil that man himself, society itself, humanity itself have accumulated during their sexual activities, both during this earthly life, and also during previous reincarnations on earth. That is why children also die from various mass diseases, because in them from past incarnations there remains that mortal potential of embitterment that they have accumulated in themselves. Everyone receives what he himself generated both in this life and in past incarnations. No one suffers innocently.

Many mass diseases will renew, arise again only at another energy turn, because human societies do not stand still, but continue their development. Likewise, mass diseases that have existed for a long time undergo renewal with each new round in the development of human society. This is clearly observed in such a widespread disease as influenza, and each influenza has its own virus.

If a miracle of healing occurred thanks to psychics, then do the diseases return?

When a person suffers for a long time, he prays to the Lord for his healing and thanks to this he gains a certain potential of good energies. And the latter bring the sick person to one or another healer, or the healer himself comes to the sick person, as Jesus Christ did when he came to the pool at the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, where he healed a man who had been sick for 38 years. Then Jesus met him in the temple and said to him: “Behold, you are healed; “Sin no more, lest anything worse happen to you.” By this, Christ wanted to show that when a person begins to live without God, and we speak without a prayer of gratitude to God, then illnesses can return, since the person will again sin and generate destructive energies. In order not to fall into a similar situation of your illness again, you must not sin, that is, live with God. Healing occurs through similar energies. The healer takes away painful energies from the patient and gives healing energies. If the healer has strong healing energy, then he dissolves the painful energies taken from the patient. If the healer is weak in energy, then he becomes ill with the patient’s disease.

You need to remember that you don’t have to fight the disease, but you have to accept it as it has befallen you, and in this disease give birth to a living, loving prayer of Thanksgiving and repentance to God with inner joy in your heart.

Do not blame the cause of your illness on anyone, but look for the reason in yourself, without holding a grudge against anyone and without judging anyone for anything. We must be humble, meek, patient, forgiving everyone, and constantly remember the saying of Jesus Christ and try to put it into practice in life: love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who beat and persecute you.

If a person learns to address any questions (requests) to God, and he will always receive an answer according to his karma through inner insight, through a book, through a person...

Thank the Lord God Almighty always and for everything, and the Holy Spirit will help you understand and understand, find light to happiness and health, find the Path to the Kingdom of God.

May God help you!
Be with God!
Peace to you!

Different parts of the body perform different functions, and since destructive, negative energies often arise in human actions, they lead to the occurrence of diseases. For example, thoughts and their negativity are born in the head, and a certain number of them lead to head diseases. Legs enable a person to walk, stand, with his hands a person does something, takes, destroys, and this is also the cause of their diseases. Each organ and part of the body performs specific functions. A person’s work and profession often determine illness, since in this case, consciously or unconsciously, a person acts sinfully. The table makes it possible to understand what may be the cause of such diseases.

Head diseases can be associated with such professions both in this life and in past incarnations, such as teacher, boss, leader, educator, head of government;

Diseases of the back of the head - associated with unrighteous acts committed out of ignorance;

Forehead diseases - with the work of a teacher;

Diseases of the nose are associated with sinfulness in sexuality;

Mouth diseases - with food intake.

Hand diseases are associated with professions in which a set of negative energies occurs through the hands, such as in the military, thieves, salesmen, and diplomats.

Diseases of the bones of the hands are caused by minor sins;

Elbow disease is associated with moderate severity of sins.

Shoulder diseases - with major grave sins.


Diseases of the body are associated with all kinds of professions in which exchange, buying and selling take place.

Diseases of the upper body - occur from the birth of negative emotional, spiritual energies;

Diseases of the middle part of the body - associated with anger, envy;

Diseases of the lower body. - with sex, coldness, neglect.

Leg diseases affect people who have had and still have to establish themselves a lot. These are statesmen, leaders, ministers, educators, teachers.

Foot disease - gives rise to minor to medium sins;

Diseases of the lower leg - caused by the average severity of sinful acts

Hip diseases are caused by the greater severity of unrighteous deeds;

Amputation - associated with grave sin (murder...)

Karmic. A clear manifestation of dislike associated with the interruption of creativity in the creation of one’s brainchild, either alone with someone or with a group of people. The mother who commits an abortion was, in her previous incarnation, the bearer of the idea of ​​​​creating something, which never had to be fully implemented in practice, because it was destroyed at a certain stage of creativity as unnecessary due to new information that negated the first. Abortion is influenced by selfishness, vanity, drugs (wine, smoking, pills, herbs), fear, fear, physical violence against someone associated with death and many other sinful acts related to sexuality.

Abscess (abscess, abscess)

Sargent ridicule of any person, long-term hidden grievances. Temperature abscesses from outbursts of anger, malice. External (skin) abscesses - containment of caustic malice, anger with subsequent outburst under the current circumstances. Internal (in organs) abscesses - hiding your anger towards someone from other people, and privately being sarcastic and pouring out anger at this person.

Agoraphobia (panic attacks)

Anxiety, fear of space, open square, crowd. The person is petty, stingy, dogmatic, “lonely owner”, etc.

Avitaminosis (vitamin deficiency)

Due to taking pills (antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs and other drugs), all kinds of medicinal herbs in large quantities and other drugs such as Herbalife; due to helminthiasis (various helminthic diseases); due to excessive stress, both mental and physical; and also because of all kinds of insults, grief, envy, stinginess, greed; did not give something to someone, squeezed, etc.

Addison's disease (bronze disease)

Suppression of caustic petty anger, angry outbursts. This person has inner arrogance and self-abasement. Perhaps, in a previous incarnation, this person was an aggressor who had dark spots in his life (serious sins), the head of executive bodies such as the police, police, military organizations, etc. Moreover, some sins are related to sexuality.

Adenoids (proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsils)

In a previous incarnation, more often in old age, this person mentally suppressed his pupils and students, possibly on sexual grounds. Such a teacher was internally offended, angry that he could not do what he wanted, so he punished his ward, not giving him a normal life (air), perhaps locking them in closets.

Prostate adenoma (benign tumor in the prostate)

Sexual suppressed anger, anger at a partner with whom sexual intercourse did not work out. Manifestation of arrogance and selfishness in sexual matters. During sexual intercourse, he thinks only about his own satisfaction, disdainfully treating his partner (partner), has sadistic tendencies, is cold-blooded, dogmatic, a hidden usurper. In a previous incarnation, he may have prohibited sexual relationships with other people (his wards) or imposed sexual prohibitions on himself.

Adnexitis (inflammation of the uterine appendages)

All kinds of outbursts of anger, malice, anger based on sexuality, sometimes with sarcastic outbursts. The appearance of arrogance and selfishness. Perhaps in a past incarnation he suppressed his employees, used them as sexual partners, preventing them from creating and implementing new ideas at work.

Cutting off employee initiatives and reluctance to have children leads to operations to remove the uterine appendages.

Removal of the right appendage is associated with reluctance to have children (negative attitude towards children on sexual grounds due to selfishness, selfishness, and other factors).

Removal of the left appendage is associated with work, career, suppression of creativity among employees in joint work to create something new, adherence to old methods and dogmas; dismissal of employees who hinder career advancement, and other factors.


Karmic tail associated with the desire to receive various pleasures without thanking the Lord God of the All-Good for this. In the process of these acts, various sins are born, which, gaining in number, are transformed into one or another mental tension, which, under the current circumstances, begins to act cyclically, impulsively on a person, preventing him from living a normal, happy life. A person tries to relieve this suffocating tension with alcohol, and becomes a slave to alcohol. Karma from various human sins can be family, professional (in service, career), public and state. These karmas influence a person to drink alcohol.


Karmic tail associated with various sins born during meals. The place where an allergy appears on the body indicates one or another sin. For example, an allergy to pollen, odor, manifested in suffocation, bronchial asthma, indicates that in a previous incarnation this person did not give food to his workers, slaves, and starved them in closed, dark rooms. If an allergy manifests itself on the hands in the form of a rash, spots, etc., then this person has sinned a lot with his hands, for example, stealing food. On the body, the person was greedy, which is why food most often spoiled and wasted. On his feet - he established himself, sold food, committing various sins. On the face - he sinned in the distribution of food, being a leader.

There are a wide variety of sins, so I won’t list them.

Anger, hot temper, bitterness associated with the search and intake of spiritual, material food and with various sexual problems both at home and at work, in society, and other factors, that is, sinful acts.

In adults, there is a lack of desire to live for business reasons (aggression towards the boss).

Children have aggression against their parents (they pry into the spiritual secrets of children), lack of desire to go to school, or one of the parents does not want to live (temporary hopelessness).

Aneurysm (limited dilatation of blood vessels)

The manifestation of anger, resentment, envy while giving your love to someone (arterial aneurysm) or while receiving love from someone (vein aneurysm), that is, a hidden manifestation of dislike on the emotional and mental level.

Anemia (anemia)

Karmic manifestation associated with the suppression and killing of living souls; drinking blood both on a mental and physical level.


Karmic tail associated with sinful acts committed during obtaining and eating food and with sexual manifestations, such as greed, malice, anger, killing, sarcasticity, suppression and others.

Arachnoiditis (inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord)

Karmic, associated with the position of manager of a particular enterprise - factory, concern; the position of minister, head of the CIA, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FBI, chief in the mafia. All sins associated with these professions affect this disease.

Arthritis (inflammation of the joints)

All kinds of sinful acts of a person who plays the role of a conductor, a link between two people, between a family and a school, a director and a team, two companies, factories, enterprises, factories, etc.

If hands - he took something for himself for his own selfish, selfish purposes, it is connected either with a career or with sexuality.

If legs - approved either by career or sexuality. Hidden anger, a feeling of “bitterness.” Gluttony (gluttony), indignation, resentment, unforgiveness.

Arthrosis (chronic joint disease)

See arthritis. This includes the professional qualities of a person associated with such sins as excessive selfishness, vanity, greed, arrogance, neglect, suppression of others, dogmatism and much more.


A person lives at the expense of others, using their benefits, food, both material and spiritual, destroying their intentions, goals, actions, and well-being with his sinful acts.

Astigmatism (optical defect of the eye...)

It is connected with karma, that is, in a past incarnation a person was a teacher of a certain rank, he led his students without knowing the truth nearby (practical activity) and in the future. This activity of the teacher is associated with a religious orientation - the worship of pagan gods, and with an atheistic orientation.

Suppression, limitation, destruction of other living beings, including humans, application of dogmas and strict laws both in the past incarnation and in this life; manifestation of a strong dislike for someone, and sexual manifestations are hidden in this. Perhaps a manifestation of strong love is the suppression of the object of love, making him a slave of his love.

Unfulfilled lust for power; What I can do, I also demand from others.

In children - aggression towards close relatives, towards the relationship of close relatives to each other and the suppression of this aggression in themselves (a shift in the immuno-nervous system is a moral and ethical reason).


Narrow views, limitations (see asthma).

Atherosclerosis (narrowing of blood vessels)

Manifestation of callousness, stinginess, greed, unloving, vanity, selfishness, bitterness, dogmatism, suppression at emotional and spiritual levels in all human professions. Thinking is aimed at the material interests of life.

Balanitis, Balanoposthitis (inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and foreskin due to phimosis)

Sloppiness, neglect in sexual relationships, also associated with prohibitions, restrictions, suppression, manifestation of temper, anger, greed, causticity.

Bartholinitis (inflammation of the large glands of the vaginal vestibule)

Sexual disputes, conversations associated with condemnation, sarcasticity, hot temper, bitterness, neglect, sloppiness, greed; and also with inappropriately disclosing problems to anyone regarding sexual matters.

Prolonged suppression of anger and irritation.

Leucorrhoea (light-colored vaginal discharge)

Manifestations of boringness, foul language, petty irritability, spitting on someone, baiting (undermining) someone for one’s own selfish purposes, petty caustic reproaches towards another person and many other minor sinful things related to sexual themes, sexual problems.


Nationalism, unloving, karmic: the destruction of someone under the guise of a righteous person.

Belmo (leukoma)

Karmic sinful act associated with teaching. That is, a person, being a teacher in a previous incarnation, showed anger, malice, vindictiveness, dogmatism, intimidation, did not allow creative students to develop freely, and clouded the minds of other people with his religious and everyday philosophy.


Associated with sinful karma. In a past life, this man suppressed and destroyed creative expression in people in self-realization in various areas of existence. It is also associated with sexual expression. Either this woman in her previous incarnation was a monk, a hermit, a saint, and with her prohibitions on sexuality, she imposed an energetic ban on childbearing. Either she has worked out the karma of her family. Other factors are also possible.


Associated with a wide variety of sinful acts, most often this is infiltration into someone else’s personal life and disruption of someone’s quiet life; creating fuss, excitement, tension around yourself that interferes with other people.


Contribute to such sinful acts as the manifestation of rage, anger, malice, malice, constant snapping, verbal “biting”, manifestations of various kinds of dislike both towards people and towards fauna and flora; destruction, killing something living and a person with thoughts, words and physically. That is, this is a person who lives by the instincts of a predatory animal.

Blennorea (purulent disease of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva of the eye)

Karmic, associated with the activities of the conductor of the teacher’s teachings. At the same time, such sins are committed as judgment, sarcasticity, sloppiness, hidden bitterness, indignation, dogmatism and creating obstacles for others in the knowledge of this or that teaching.

Blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelids)

See Blennorea. Only this person - the conductor of the teachings of this or that teacher - exhibits such qualities as tediousness, petty temper on various existential issues, irritability.


As a teacher, mentor, leader, he reveals to his wards relatives and friends (of any age) incorrect information (see Astigmatism) about the future and for the period of immediate development and improvement.


Energy blocking of the channels through which this or that energy circulates in the human body for such karmic sins as murder, suppression, strangulation (mental), dogmatism, manifested in all existential situations.

Bronchial asthma

See Asthma. Perhaps in a previous incarnation he played the role of a teacher, energetically suppressed his students and charges, shouted and spewed out this or that blasphemy.

Brucellosis (damage to the nervous and cardiovascular systems and osteoarticular apparatus)

A variety of sins that a person commits in everyday life associated with agricultural (livestock) activities. It must be remembered that one sinful act causes one disease or another, but an increase in this sin in quantity causes another more complex and painful disease and leads to diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system.

Typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever

Associated with the sinful karmic essence of man in such acts as killing people and animals because of the search for food; manifestation of anger, cruelty, violence, greed and other sinful acts.

Bulimia (insatiable appetite)

Fear, anxiety.

Bursitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the joints)

Associated with anger, bitterness, sarcasticity, murder, theft (if on the hands), with assertion (if on the feet), dogmatism, irascibility. See Arthritis.


A person takes on a lot, does not manage to accomplish anything, loves to assert himself, be proud, and be conceited; work not completed, leaves an imprint on the activity of the veins and disrupts their functioning.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Aggression towards people and other various sinful acts associated with the inhibition of life processes in the family, society, and state. See Vascular dystonia.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sinful act during sexual relations. These people are irritable and see only bad things in every word and action of other people.

Chicken pox

Karmic. Most often, in a previous incarnation in old age, a person was quick-tempered, angry, flighty, agitated, sarcastic in words, and under various circumstances boasted of this ability to others.

Virilism (masculine women)

In her previous incarnation, this woman was a pronounced man with animal instincts.

Vitiligo (dog) (white spots on the skin)

Self-selecting oneself from the team on professional grounds as an extraordinary person, manifestation of one’s vanity in petty existential structures, selfish, boasting, flaunting oneself as a positive person hiding one’s flaws.

Ectopic pregnancy

Karmic, perhaps, is associated with the act of a person when he drives his daughter-in-law, who has just become pregnant, out into the street, being himself in the form of a husband, father, mother, etc. Or, being a teacher, he drove away his talented student with his emerging ideas. Or in this life, being a woman, she wished grief, misfortune, difficulties, curses on another family, a pregnant woman.

And all these sins must arise on the basis of sexual relationships, both explicit and implicit.

Autonomic nervous system

See sympathetic nervous system.

Hydrocele of the testicle

Karmic. Perhaps this male person in a previous incarnation was a sex education teacher, possessing a vague teaching on this issue, with his own prohibitions, boundaries of behavior, and showed his pout, pompousness, and anger.


Various short tempers, aggression towards people, relatives and friends; suppressing them with your career, power, strength, energy. Manifestation of dislike for people both through anger, malice, and through composure, callousness, hostility, causticism, as well as the manifestation of dogmatism and prohibitions. See Lungs.

Vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the external genitalia and vagina)

See Bartholinitis and Beli. Sinful acts associated with sexual problems, manifested in tediousness, impatience, various grievances, outbursts of bitterness, anger and angry manifestations. This person adheres to strict, dogmatic, forbidden attitudes in sex education, promoting “righteous purity.”


Most often, people are energy vampires who create vanity and confusion around themselves and take advantage of this by teasing, “biting” the words of those around them, and get drunk on their energy. Lice can appear during fasting (purging).

They arise as innate (karmic) due to the fact that this person (child) in a previous incarnation distorted someone’s personal life, being a teacher, mentor, educator, leader; or as acquired due to sinful acts: acting as a guide, he broke, distorted someone else’s personal life, forcing the subordinate to be unclean (dislocations in the hands) and confirmed in various sins (dislocations in the legs) both in career and sexuality; or pathological, combining both karmic and acquired sins.

See Abortion.

Prolapse of the uterus, vagina

Sexual assertion, selfishness, a greedy person, takes on a lot, which is why he cannot withstand these loads and is destroyed. Perhaps this person suppressed sex education for young souls, using destructive methods, sports activities, or excessively stuck out her maternal dignity, while destroying some dogmas with her dogmatic attitudes and prohibitions.


Associated with the activities of a teacher, educator, mentor both in this life and in a past incarnation, manifesting such sins as greed, stinginess, selfish acquisitiveness in a career, pressure on the creative essence of his ward, student; acts on everyone on the sly, condemns others with rotten (bad) words behind their backs, secretly; dogmatic, introduces prohibitions and other sinful acts.


This man was greedy, selfish in his knowledge of the occult, esoteric sciences and the path of the yogi, with both hidden and obvious manifestations of egoism and vanity, finding a one-sided path in one teaching or another.


A clear manifestation of dislike not only for others, but also for oneself. As a karmic disease, illness is associated with such sins as murder: starving someone, not giving food, clearly using prohibitions, by nature - callous, putrid, treacherous, sarcastic, sarcastic.

If in his hands, then this man used his own hands to beat someone a lot, strangle him, take away food and much more.

If on his feet, he kicked someone painfully with his feet, suppressed a person he didn’t like until he was fired, destroyed, or held any position.

And other sinful acts.

Minor quarrels, grievances, discontent, outbursts of anger, envy; despondency, gluttony, drunkenness, ignorance, insulting others, condemnation, sarcasm. See stomach.


See Gastritis. In conversations, this person is sarcastic, makes unpleasant jokes and sexual themes. Shows greed, callousness, takes advantage of someone else's grief in small things.

Helminths (worms)

Rotten nature, lives at the expense of others, parasite, sarcastic, energy vampire, sloppy, scattered, greedy, hides food and it spoils, stingy, stingy, etc. See Trichocephalosis.


A person traumatized someone’s souls by committing various sins. If on the head, then as a teacher, pedagogue, leader, director. If in hand, then as a merchant, banker, money changer, thief. If on the body, then the professions are very different. If on your feet, then as a director, manager, mafioso, policeman, judge, prosecutor.

Hemorrhagic diathesis (hemorrhages in different organs)

Various types of bullying of someone, openly or covertly. See Hematoma.


A person shows greed, takes on a lot of work, tries hard, but does not have time to complete it; loves to bully others, does not allow other colleagues to advance in their careers, interferes in every possible way, and impedes the creative growth of others. Self-righteous, selfish, cynical, mean-spirited, mentally traumatizing the opponent, etc.


Karmic. This person has corrupted many living souls in a past life, perhaps as a surgeon, an assassin, or as an energy vampire working with large audiences.

Viral hepatitis (Botkin's disease, jaundice)

Failure to fulfill those responsibilities (functions) that a person takes upon himself. See Liver.

Herpes - (rash on the skin and mucous membranes of grouped blisters)

Manifestation of coldness, callousness towards others. An upstart, he likes to point out the shortcomings of others. Selfish, vain, petty, clingy, etc.

continued here:


Illness is a signal of imbalance, harmony with the Universe. Illness is an external reflection of our harmful thoughts, our behavior and our intentions, that is, our worldview. This is a subconscious protection of ourselves from our own destructive behavior or thoughts. A sick person is a person who has a sick worldview. Therefore, in order to cure a disease, you need to change your worldview.

Many people, when their body experiences pain, rush to get rid of it as quickly as possible with the help of Her Majesty’s “magic” pill, “getting rid of everything bad”. They have “no time” to think about the causes of the problem in the body, and some simply do not want to endure pain. Indeed, why endure pain if it can simply be “removed”, “suppressed”, “destroyed”!? It is enough to know that there are painkillers in abundance. And the reason most often remains NOT eliminated.

Among the causes of various diseases, in addition to other unfavorable factors, psychological characteristics are also called. Any illness serves as a signal of some kind of disturbance in the system that unites the mind, body and emotions. A cause-and-effect relationship between the psychology of a particular person and somatic diseases exists, but it is indirect, ambiguous and does not fit into elementary diagrams. You can familiarize yourself with the theory about the psychology of body diseases.

The given causes of illness are suppressed feelings that are deeply experienced inside. For some diseases, several options are given, which means that the data of different researchers differ (or they simply talk about the same thing in different terms). The table is intended to help traditional medicine, not replace it.

For people trying to find out the cause of an illness, we provide a list of diseases and their causes on the mental plane. BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU SHOULD NOT CONTACT A SPECIALIST! Some diseases have a complex component and deep “roots” that only a specialist can recognize! The list is provided for mental analysis and reflection on the “standard” of one’s existence - the spiritual principles of life.

A list of diseases, diseased organs, body parts or affected systems of the human body and their possible mental causes. The list is in alphabetical order.

Diseases A - B

1. Abscess, abscess, abscess. A person is worried about thoughts about the evil that was done to him, about inattention and about revenge.
2. Adenoids. They swell from sadness, or become inflamed from humiliation. Family tensions, disputes. Sometimes - the presence of a childish feeling of not being wanted.
3. Addison's disease- (see Adrenaline disease) adrenal insufficiency. Severe lack of emotional nourishment. Anger at yourself.
4. Adrenaline diseases- diseases of the adrenal glands. Defeatism. It's disgusting to take care of yourself. Worry, anxiety.
5. Alzheimer's disease- a type of senile dementia, manifested by total dementia with progressive memory decay and focal cortical disorders. (see also Dementia, Old Age, Decrepitude).
The desire to leave this planet. The inability to face life as it is. Refusal to interact with the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.
6. Alcoholism. Sadness breeds alcoholism. Feelings of worthlessness, emptiness, guilt, inadequacy to the world around you. Denial of self. Alcoholics are people who do not want to be aggressive and cruel. They want to be joyful and bring joy to others. They are looking for the easiest way to escape from everyday problems. Being a natural product, alcohol is a balancing act.
He gives a person what he needs. It temporarily solves problems that have accumulated in the soul and relieves stress from the drinker. Alcohol reveals the true face of a person. Acoholism recedes if it is treated with kindness and love. Alcoholism is the fear that I am not loved. Alcoholism destroys the physical body.
7. Allergic rash on face. The man is humiliated because everything became obvious against his will. Seemingly good and fair humiliates a person so much that he has no strength to endure.
8. Allergy.
A tangled ball of love, fear and anger. Who do you hate? Fear of anger is the fear that anger will destroy love. This causes anxiety and panic and, as a result, allergies.
- in adults - the body loves the person and hopes for an improvement in the emotional state. It feels that it does not want to die from cancer. He knows better.
- on animal fur - during pregnancy, the mother experienced a fright or was angry, or the mother does not like animals.
- for pollen (hay fever) - a child is afraid that he will not be allowed into the yard and this makes him angry, in an adult - grief in connection with some incident in nature or in the countryside.
- for fish - a person does not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of others, a protest against self-sacrifice. For a child - if parents sacrifice themselves and their family for the good of society.
Denial of one's own power. A protest against something that cannot be expressed.
9. Amenorrhea- absence of regulation for 6 months or more at the age of 16-45 years.
(see Women's problems, Menstrual problems, absence (decrease) of menstruation) Reluctance to be a woman, dislike of oneself.
10. Amnesia- partial or complete lack of memory. Fear. Escapism. Inability to stand up for yourself.
11. Anaerobic infection. A man desperately fights to destroy the prison and get out of it into freedom. The pus itself rushes into the air, looking for a way out. An anaerobic infection does not seek a way out; even without oxygen it can destroy a prison. The larger the focus of the disease, the more likely it is that the blood will become infected.
12. Sore throat, purulent tonsillitis.
A strong belief that you cannot raise your voice in defense of your views and ask for your needs to be met. You refrain from using harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
- scold yourself or others,
- subconscious self-resentment,
- the child has problems in the relationship between the parents, - removal of the tonsils - the parental desire for the child to obey big and smart adults,
- tonsils are the ears of conceit, - non-existent ears will no longer perceive words. From now on, any offense will cultivate his conceit - ego. He can hear about himself - heartless. It’s no longer easy to make him dance to someone else’s tune. If this happens, then other tissues of the larynx are affected.
13. Anemia- decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
Lack of joy in life. Fear of life. Feeling that you are not good enough for the world around you.
14. Anorexia- loss of appetite.
Reluctance to live the life of a dead man. They think and make decisions convincingly and deftly for a person - thereby imposing their will. The weaker the will to live, the weaker the appetite. Food is a factor that prolongs such life and mental anguish. Self-hatred and self-denial. The presence of extreme fear. Denial of life itself.
15. Anuresis.
Bedwetting in children - the mother's fear for her husband is transmitted to the child in the form of fear for the father, and the kidneys blocked by fear can be released and do their work in their sleep. Daytime urinary incontinence - the child is afraid of his father because he is too angry and harsh.
16. Anuria- cessation of urine flow into the bladder due to impaired blood flow in the kidneys, diffuse damage to their parenchyma or obstruction of the upper urinary tract.
A person does not want to give free rein to the bitterness of unfulfilled desires.
17. Anus - (point of release from excess weight, dropping to the ground.)
- abscess - anger towards something from which you do not want to free yourself.
- pain - guilt, not good enough.
- itching - a feeling of guilt about the past, remorse, repentance.
- fistula - you continue to stubbornly cling to the rubbish of the past.
18. Apathy. Resistance to feelings, drowning out one's self.
19. Apoplexy, seizure. Escape from family, from yourself, from life.
20. Appendicitis. Humiliation from a dead-end situation, when experiencing shame and humiliation about this, the appendix bursts and peritonitis occurs. Stopping the flow of goodness.
21. Appetite (food cravings).
Excessive - need for protection.
Loss - self-protection, distrust of life.
The appetite for various dishes and products arises as a subconscious desire to compensate for the lack of energy. It contains information about what is happening in you now:
- I want something sour - the feeling of guilt needs to be fed,
- sweets - you have great fear, consumption of sweets causes a pleasant feeling of calm,
- craving for meat - You are embittered, and anger can only be nourished by meat,
Each stress has its own amplitude of fluctuation, and each food product or dish has its own; when they coincide, the body’s need is satisfied.
- loves - tends to deny his mistakes, but notices the mistakes of others,
- doesn’t like - wants to know the truth, even the terrible one. He would rather agree to the bitter truth than to a sweet lie,
- does not tolerate - does not tolerate lies,
- he overdoes it - you won’t get the truth from him.
- loves - loves peace of mind, in the name of which they have made efforts, - does not love - does not want either apathy or peace of mind, is afraid of passivity, inactivity, laziness,
- does not tolerate - does not tolerate indifference, laziness, even peace of mind, wants life to boil around him,
- loves fresh fish - wants to live in the world quietly, so that no one bothers him and he himself does not disturb others,
- loves salted fish - hits himself in the chest with his fist and declares: “Here he is, a good man.” Salt increases determination and self-confidence.
- drinks little - a person has a heightened vision of the world and acute perception,
- drinks a lot - the world for him is vague and unclear, but supportive and benevolent.
Energy content of some products:
- lean meat - honest open anger,
- fatty meat is a secret vile malice,
- cereals - responsibility to the world,
- rye - interest in understanding the deep wisdom of life,
- wheat - interest in comprehending the superficial wisdom of life,
- rice - an accurate balanced perfect vision of the world,
- corn - easy getting everything from life,
- barley - self-confidence,
- oats - thirst for knowledge, curiosity,
- potatoes - seriousness,
- carrots - laughter,
- cabbage - warmth,
- rutabaga - thirst for knowledge,
- beets - the ability to explain complex things clearly,
- cucumber - languor, daydreaming,
- tomato - self-confidence,
- peas - logical thinking,
- bow - admitting your own mistakes,
- garlic - self-confident intransigence,
- apple - prudence,
- dill - patience and endurance,
- lemon - critical mind,
- banana - frivolity,
- grapes - satisfaction,
- egg - craving for perfection,
- honey - gives perfect maternal love and warmth, like a mother's hug.
22. Arrhythmia. Fear of being guilty.
23. Arteries and veins. Bring joy to life. Arteries are symbolically associated with a woman; they are more often diseased in men. Veins are associated with men and are more common in women.
Arterial disease in men - resentment over women poking their noses into the economy.
Gangrene - a man scolds himself for stupidity, cowardice and helplessness.
Dilation of veins in men - considers the economic side to be his responsibility, and is constantly worried about the family budget.
Skin ulceration is a man’s militant desire to settle matters with his fists.
A trophic ulcer is a drain pipe in the reservoir of anger; if the anger is not released, the ulcer will not be cured, and a plant-based diet will not help.
Dilation of veins in women is an accumulation of economic problems that cause anger.
Inflammation of the veins - anger at the economic problems of the husband or men.
Inflammation of the arteries - anger at oneself or women due to economic problems.
24. Asthma. Suppressed desire to cry. Suppression, stifling of feelings.
The fear that they don’t love me causes the need to suppress my panicky anger, not to protest, then they will love me, secret fear, suppression of feelings and, as a result, asthma.
Children's room - fear of life, suppressed feelings in the family, suppressed crying, suppressed feelings of love, the child experiences fear of life and does not want to live anymore. The elders surround the child’s soul with their anxieties, fears, disappointments, etc.
25. Atelectasis - collapse of the entire lung or part of it due to impaired ventilation caused by bronchial obstruction or compression of the lung.
Comes from sadness due to the inevitable feeling of lack of strength to fight for one's freedom.
26. Atherosclerosis.
- rigid, unbending ideas, complete confidence in one’s own rightness, the inability to open the door to something new.
- possibly a sagging spine.
- senile dementia - a person craves an easy life, attracts what he wants until his mind degrades to the level of an idiot.
27. Muscle atrophy. see Muscular atrophy.
28. Bacteria.
- Streptococcus pyogenes - a savage desire to hang someone powerless on a bitch, the realization of one’s unbearable humiliation. - other Beta-hemolytic streptococci (Sanginosus) - a growing challenge to those who deprive freedom like the ninth wave (I will live to spite you) - Arcanobacterium haemolyticum - waiting for the right moment to commit petty deceit and malicious meanness - Actinomyces pyogenes - seemingly imperturbable weaving nets and setting traps to take revenge.
29. Hips.
They express vital economic stability or strength, endurance, strength, influence, generosity, superiority. They carry great faith in moving forward.
Problems with the hips: - fear of going forward with determination, there is nothing or little that is worth going towards. - a turning point is more difficult, the more severe a person’s thoughts about the future. - fleshiness - fear and grief about one’s stability in life.
30. Childlessness. (Infertility.)
- Fear and resistance towards the process of life. No need to go through the experience of parenthood.
- The fear of being childless leads to a malfunction of the ovaries and the cell is released precisely when you do not want it.
- Children of modern times want to come into this world without stress, and not to correct the mistakes of their parents, because... by them (children) - they have already learned them and they do not want to repeat them. A woman who does not have children first of all needs to revise her relationship with her mother, and then her mother and father. Understand and realize the stresses absorbed from them, forgive them, and ask for forgiveness from your unborn child.
- It is possible that there is no spirit that would need this body, or it decides not to come, because:
1. - he does not wish bad things on his mother, 2. - you can love your mother even if you are a spirit, 3. - he does not want to be guilty, 4. - he does not want to be born to a mother who does not believe that the child has wisdom and the power of birth, 5. - he knows that under the load of stress (the mother draws pictures of defective development, birth injuries, etc.) he will not be able to fulfill his life’s task.
31. Worry, anxiety. Distrust of how life flows and develops.
32. Insomnia. Distrust in the process of life. Guilt.
33. Rabies, hydrophobia. The belief that violence is the only solution. Anger.
34. Diseases of veins and arteries. Blaming men or women respectively due to failure in business affairs.
35. Diseases of the intestinal tract. They occur similarly to bladder diseases.
36. Alzheimer's disease.
Brain exhaustion. Overload disease. It occurs in people who, completely denying emotions, absolutize the potential of their brain. It arises in those who have a maximalist desire to receive, as well as the consciousness that in order to receive it is necessary to fully utilize the potential of their mind.
37. The pain is prolonged, dull. Thirst for love. Thirst to be owned.
38. Pain. Guilt. Guilt always seeks punishment.
Acute pain, acute anger - you have just made someone angry.
Dull pain, dull anger - a feeling of helplessness about the realization of one’s anger.
Boring pain, boring anger - I would like to take revenge, but I can’t.
Chronic pain, long-term anger - increasing or decreasing pain indicates an ebb or flow of anger.
Sudden pain - sudden anger.
Headache, anger because they don’t love me, they neglect me, everything is not the way I want.
Abdominal pain is anger associated with power over oneself or others.
Pain in the legs is anger associated with doing work, receiving or spending money - economic problems.
Pain in the knees is anger that prevents you from moving forward.
Pain throughout the body is anger against everything, because everything is not the way I want.
Pain in these places indicates a critical increase in this character trait: - forehead - prudence, - eyes - clarity, - ears - importance, - nose - arrogance, - jaws - pride.
39. Sores, wounds, ulcers. Unreleased anger.
40. Warts.
Small expressions of hatred. Belief in your own ugliness.
- on the bottom - anger about the very foundations of your understanding. Deepening feelings of frustration about the future.
41. Bronchitis.
A tense atmosphere in the family. Quarrel, arguments and swearing. Sometimes boiling inside.
- There is despondency, anxiety, weariness of life in the family.
- The feeling of love is infringed, oppressive problems of relationships with the mother or husband.
- Who feels guilty and expresses it in the form of accusations.
42. Bulimia.
Insatiable hunger. (Pathological increase in appetite.) - the desire to go through life noisily.
- the desire to take possession of an illusory future, to which one actually feels disgust.
43. Bursitis is inflammation of the synovial bursa of a joint. The desire to beat someone up. Suppressed anger.

Diseases with B

44. Vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina. Sexual guilt. Punishing yourself. Anger at your spouse or partner.

45. Venereal diseases.
Sexual guilt. Need for punishment. Thoughts that the genitals are a place of sin. Insulting, mistreating other people.

46. ​​Varicose veins. (Knotty - expanded.)
Finding yourself in a situation you hate. Loss of spirit, discouragement. Feeling overworked and overloaded.

47. Overweight.
Need for protection. Escape from feelings. Lack of a sense of security, self-denial, search for self-realization.

48. The thymus gland is an organ of immunity.
The child: - too small - parents are afraid that nothing will come of him. The stronger the fear, the stronger her spasm.
- greatly increased - the parents’ firm focus on the fact that the child must become famous at any cost, and he already boasts of himself before his time.
- is a huge shapeless mass - parental ambitions for the child are excessive, but not clear.
In an adult: The person feels guilty and blames himself.
- a decrease in the thymus gland indicates how wrongly a person interprets the law of cause and effect.
- dispersal through the lymphatic system - confuses causes with effects.
And the lymphatic system has to eliminate the consequences with double energy.

49. Viral diseases.
- Rhinovirus - desperately throwing around because of your mistakes.
- Coronavirus - terrifying thoughts about your mistakes.
- Adenovirus is a chaotic bustle, dictated by the desire to make the impossible possible, the desire to atone for one’s mistakes.
- influenza A and B - despair due to the inability to correct one’s mistakes, depression, desire not to be.
- Paramyxovirus - the desire to correct your mistakes in one fell swoop, while knowing that this is impossible.
- herpes - the desire to remake the world, self-flagellation due to the surrounding evil, a sense of responsibility due to its eradication.
- Coxsackievirus A - the desire to at least crawl away from your mistakes.
- Epstein-Barr virus - a game of generosity with one’s own limited capabilities in the hope that what is proposed will not be accepted, simultaneous dissatisfaction with oneself, pushing a person beyond the boundaries of the possible. Depletion of all internal support. (Stress virus).
- Cytomegalovirus - conscious poisonous anger at one’s own sluggishness and at enemies, the desire to grind everyone and everything into powder, not the realization of hatred.
- AIDS is a fierce reluctance to be a nonentity.

50. Vitiligo is a depigmented spot.
The feeling of being outside of things. Not connected to anything. Do not belong to any of the groups.

51. Ectopic pregnancy.
It occurs when a woman does not want to share her child with anyone. It speaks of maternal jealousy, opposed to anyone encroaching on the child.

52. Dropsy, edema. What or who do you not want to get rid of?

53. Dropsy of the brain. The mother of the child accumulates uncryed tears of sadness over the fact that she is not loved, not understood, not regretted, that everything is not the way she wants. The child may already be born with dropsy.

54. Age problems. Faith in society. Old thinking. Denial of the present moment. Fear of being someone else's self.

55. Blisters, water bubbles. Lack of emotional protection. Resistance.

56. Hairiness. The desire to blame. There is often a reluctance to nourish oneself. Anger that is covered.

57. Gray hair. Overwork, stress. Belief in pressure and tension.

58. Lupus, skin tuberculosis. Giving in, refusing to fight, to defend one’s interests. It's better to die than to stand up for yourself.

59. Inflammation. Inflamed thinking. Excited thinking.

60. Inflammation of the bladder. A person feels humiliated due to accumulated disappointments.

61. Discharge. Tears appear because a person does not get what he wants from life.
Sweat removes various types of anger from the body in greatest quantities. The smell of sweat can determine a person's character.
Saliva - indicates how a person achieves his goals. Fear of everyday affairs dries up the mouth. Increased salivation occurs from the rush to get rid of your problems. A bad mood makes a person want to spit.
Mucus from the nose - anger due to resentment. Chronic runny nose is a state of constant resentment.
Sneezing is an attempt by the body to abruptly throw out insults, including those inflicted by others.
Sputum is anger at whining and whiners, as well as the problems associated with them.
Vomiting is a disgust for life. Anger against the outrages of others, etc. against his own outrage.
Pus - accompanies anger caused by helplessness and impotence - humiliated anger. This is hostile anger caused by dissatisfaction with life in general.
Sexual secretion - bitterness associated with sexual life.
- trichomoniasis - the desperate anger of the frivolous, - gonorrhea - the gloomy anger of the humiliated, - chlamydia - imperious anger, - syphilis - the anger of losing a sense of responsibility towards life.
Blood symbolically corresponds to the anger of struggle, vengeful anger. The thirst for revenge is looking for a way out.
Urine - it removes disappointments associated with the life of feelings.
- acid m. - a person is no longer able to bear accusations.
- protein in m. - greater drainage of feelings of guilt and accusations, the body has reached a physical crisis.
Feces - disappointments associated with the volitional sphere are removed.

62. Miscarriage. Pregnancy is terminated when: - the child feels that he is not loved, and more and more new burdens are placed on him until the passage of a critical line requires the spirit to leave. How long can you tolerate?
If a woman devotes herself with care and love to maintaining the pregnancy, the child will remain.
But if the fear of losing a child and the search for someone to blame is added to the previous stresses, then no treatment will help. Fear blocks the adrenal glands, and the child decides that it is better to leave than to live such a life.
Many months of forced continuation of pregnancy with unresolved stress ultimately results in abnormal births and a sick child.
- the spine sank. The 4th lumbar vertebra supplies energy to the uterus - the cradle. The uterus is the organ of motherhood. The stress of the mother and her daughter - the expectant mother - weighs down the uterus, the positive energy is destroyed, and the uterus is not able to maintain the pregnancy.
- if the 4th lumbar vertebra has sunk, it does not protect her during pregnancy; during childbirth, it prevents the fetus from coming out.

63. Gases, flatulence. Undigested ideas and thoughts. Clamping.

64. Maxillary sinuses. They are a container of energy and self-pride.

65. Gangrene. Joyful feelings are drowned in toxic thoughts. Mental problems.

66. Gastritis. Long-term uncertainty, uncertainty. Feeling of rock.

67. Hemorrhoids are dilation of the veins of the lower rectum.
A painful feeling. Fear of letting go of the process. Fear of the forbidden line, the limit. Anger towards the past.

68. Genitals, genitals. (Personify the male or female principle.)
- problems, diseases of the genitals - worry that you are not good enough or good enough.

69. Huntington's chorea is a chronic hereditary progressive disease characterized by an increase in choreic hyperkinesis and dementia.
(Chorea is rapid, erratic, violent movements of various muscles.) Feeling of hopelessness. Indignation, indignation that you cannot change others.

70. Hepatitis. The liver is the seat of anger and rage. Anger, hatred, resistance to change.

71. Gynecological diseases. In innocent girls and old women it speaks of a disdainful attitude towards the male sex and sex life. And microbes that live peacefully in the body turn into pathogenic and disease-causing ones.

72. Gynecology. A woman does not know how to run a house like a woman. Interferes in men's affairs with authority, humiliation, restlessness, shows distrust of men, humiliates men, considers himself stronger than her husband.

73. Hyperactivity. Feeling pressured and going berserk.

74. Hyperventilation - increased breathing. Lack of trust in processes. Resistance to change.

75. Hyperglycemia - increased amount of sugar in the blood. (See diabetes.)
Overwhelmed by the burden of life. What's the use of this?

76. Pituitary gland - represents the control center.
Tumor, inflammation of the brain, Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Lack of mental balance. Overproduction of destructive, suppressive ideas. Feeling of oversaturation with power.

77. Eyes - represent the ability to clearly see the past, present, future.
They reflect the state of the liver, which is the concentration of malice and anger, and the eyes are the place where sadness is released. Whoever pacifies his anger, because simple contrition satisfies him, since his hardened soul demands more fierce retribution, aggressiveness arises.
- the origin of evil - purposeful, conscious malice - incurable eye diseases.
- discharge of pus - resentment towards coercion.

78. Eye diseases, eye problems.
You don't like what you see with your own eyes.
Occurs when sadness is not completely poured out. Therefore, the eyes get sick both in those who cry constantly and in those who never cry. When people reproach their eyes because they see only one unpleasant thing, the foundation of eye disease is laid.
Loss of vision - the appearance in memory and replaying of only bad events.
Vision loss caused by aging is a reluctance to see the annoying little things in life. An old person wants to see the great things that have been done or achieved in life.
- astigmatism - restlessness, excitement, anxiety. Fear of actually seeing yourself.
- an eyesore, a divergent squint - the fear of looking into the present right here.
- myopia - fear of the future.
- glaucoma - inexorable unforgiveness, pressure from long-past pain, wounds. Illness associated with sadness. Along with a headache, there is a process of increasing sadness.
- congenital - the mother had to endure a lot of sadness during pregnancy. She was greatly offended, but she gritted her teeth and endured everything, but she cannot forgive. Sadness lived in her even before pregnancy, and during it she attracted injustice, from which she suffered and became vengeful. She attracted to her a child with an identical mindset, whose debt of karma was given the opportunity to be redeemed. Overwhelmed and overwhelmed by it.
- farsightedness - fear of the present.
- cataract - inability to look forward with joy. The future is covered in darkness.
- conjunctivitis is a disorder. disappointment, disappointment, regarding what you are looking at in life.
- acute, infectious conjunctivitis, pink eyes - frustration, reluctance to see.
- strabismus (see keratitis) - reluctance to see what is there. Crossed targets.
- dry eyes - refusal to see, to experience the feeling of love. I would rather die than forgive. A malicious, sarcastic, unfriendly person.
- stye on the eye - a look at life through eyes full of anger. Someone's anger. Eye problems in children - reluctance to see what is happening in the family.

79. Worms.
- Enterobiasis - pinworms. The presence of small cruel tricks associated with the completion of work and affairs that he tries to hide.
- Ascariasis - an unkind attitude towards women’s work, women’s life because Love and freedom are not valued at all. Hidden cruelty must be released.
- Diphyllobatriosis - tapeworm. Stealth cruelty: picking on little things and making mountains out of molehills.

80. Deafness. Denial, isolation, stubbornness. Do not disturb me. What we don't want to hear.

81. Purulent acne.
- on the chest - unbearable humiliation associated with the feeling of love. The love of such a person is rejected or not appreciated.
- under the arm - a person’s desire to hide his feeling of love and the accompanying need for affection and tenderness out of a feeling of shame and fear of sinning against established traditions.
- on the back - the impossibility of realizing desires.
- on the buttocks - humiliation associated with major economic problems.

82. Ankle joints.
Correlate with a person’s desire to brag about his achievements.
- swelling of the left ankle joint - grief due to the inability to boast of male achievements.
- swelling of the right ankle joint - also, but with women's achievements.
- destruction - anger due to fear of being considered an upstart.
- inflammation of the ankle joint - suppressing anger and putting on the mask of a good person.

83. Shin.
The shin represents standards and principles of life. Destruction of ideals. Expresses how progress in life is realized.
- rupture of the calf muscle - anger at women's slowness.
- fracture of the shin bone - anger at male slowness.
- inflammation - feeling humiliated by progressing too slowly.
- muscle cramps - confusion of will due to fear of moving forward.

84. Headache.
Self-criticism. Assessment of one's inferiority. The child is used by parents as a shield to repel mutual attacks. The children's world of feelings and thoughts is destroyed.
A woman has fear and dominance - ruling in a masculine manner in order to please her superiors.

85. Brain.
Brain spasms - a manic desire for intelligence. Conscientious nerds, scared people who strive for intelligence because:
- they want to gain wisdom.
- and through it gain intelligence.
- and through it gain honor and glory.
- gain wealth.
The desire to break through with your own head (mind).

86. Dizziness. Absent-minded, disordered thinking, flight. Refusal to look around you.

87. Hunger. (Increased feeling of hunger.)
A frantic desire to cleanse oneself of feelings of self-hatred. Horror without hope for change.

88. Vocal cords.
The voice is gone - the body does not allow you to raise your voice anymore.
Inflammation of the vocal cords is accumulated, unspoken anger.
A tumor on the vocal cords - a person starts screaming angrily and his accusations go beyond all limits.

89. Gonorrhea. Seeks punishment for being bad, bad.

90. Throat.
Creativity channel. Means of expression.
- sores - retention of angry words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
- problems, illnesses - indecisiveness in the desire to “get up and go.” Containing yourself.
- scolding yourself or others is a subconscious resentment towards yourself.
- a person wants to prove his own rightness or the wrongness of another person. The stronger the desire, the more serious the illness.

91. Fungus, wild meat.
Stagnant beliefs. Refusal to release the past. Letting the past rule today.

92. Influenza (see influenza.) A state of dejection.

93. Chest. Represents care, care and education, nutrition. Sacrifice from the heart chakra of the heart is an opportunity to remain without a heart at all. Sacrificing your heart - to a woman, work, etc., in order to gain love. The desire to push his way through his chest to prove that he is something.
- breast diseases - excessive care and care for someone. Excessive protection from someone.

94. Women's breasts.
If a woman donates her breasts to a man, hoping to become loved through this. Either she is unhappy that she cannot sacrifice her breasts - because to sacrifice, as if there is nothing and nothing - she may lose her breasts.
Breasts are tender like love. Its shameless use for the purpose of moving up the career ladder, inciting passion, turns against the very chest.
- cyst, tumor, ulcers - position suppression. Power interruption.

95. Hernia. Broken connections. Tension, load, load, burden. Incorrect creative expression.

96. Spinal cord herniation. Debt of karma.
- in a past life he left someone to die with a broken spine.

Diseases with D

97. Duodenum.
The duodenum is a collective, a person is a leader. A team that is constantly humiliated falls apart and does not want to serve as a strong support. For a manager, marking time infuriates him and forces him to increasingly look for the cause in others. The more this heartless smartass, for whom the goal is more important than people, destroys the team, the more severe the disease.
- constant pain - constant anger at the team.
- ulcerative bleeding - vindictiveness towards the team.
- rupture of the duodenum - anger turned into cruelty from which the person burst.

98. Depression. Feeling hopeless. The anger you feel at not having the right to have what you want.

99. Gums, bleeding. Lack of joy in the decisions you make in life.

100. Gums, problems. Inability to support your decisions. Weakness, amoebic attitude towards life.


101. Childhood diseases.
Belief in ideals, social ideas and false laws. Children's behavior in the adults around them.

102. Diabetes. (Hyperglycemia is an increased amount of sugar in the blood.)
- the desire for others to make my life good.
- the human body's attempt to make life sweeter.
- a common cause is a loveless marriage; a child born in such a marriage is a latent diabetic.
- a woman’s humiliating anger against a man and a man’s response. The essence of anger is that the other side has destroyed life's happiness and beauty.
- is a disease of open or secret hatred, vile, petty and treacherous.
- comes to places where fabulous dreams are not realized.

103. Diarrhea. Denial, flight, fear.

104. Dysentery.
Fear and intense anger. Believing that they are here to get you. Oppression, oppression, depression and hopelessness.

105. Dysbacteriosis. (Disturbance of the mobile balance of microflora.)
The emergence of conflicting judgments regarding the activities of others.

106. Disc, displacement. Feeling like life is not supporting you at all. Indecisiveness.

107. Dysmenorrhea. (See Women's diseases.) Hatred of the body or women. Anger at myself.

108. Progressive muscular dystrophy.
Reluctance to accept one's own worth and dignity. Denial of success.

109. Muscular dystrophy.
An insane desire to control everything and everyone. Loss of faith and trust. A deep need to feel safe. Extreme fear.

110. Breathing. Represents the ability to recognize life.
- breathing problems - fear or refusal to fully accept life. You do not feel the right to occupy space in the world around you or even to exist in time.

111. Breathing is bad. Anger and thoughts of revenge. Feels like he/she is being held back.
112. Glands. They represent holding a place. An activity that begins to manifest itself.

113. Stomach - controls nutrition. Digests and assimilates ideas.
Stomach problems - apprehension, fear of the new, inability to assimilate the new. Blaming yourself for the state of affairs, striving to make your life fulfilling, forcing yourself even more to do something.
- bleeding - bearing terrible revenge in the soul.
- prolapse of the stomach and atrophic gastritis (low acidity, anemia due to lack of vitamin B - 12) - a disease that accompanies passivity, as well as a guiltless culprit who forces himself to prove his innocence.
- ulcerative gastritis - forcing oneself to overcome fear, they don’t like me and get to work with activity.
- increased acidity - forcing everyone to spin around, showering them with accusations.
- low acidity - a feeling of guilt in all kinds of matters.
- stomach cancer - vicious violence against oneself.

114. Jaundice, bile, envy, jealousy.
Internal and external bias, preconceived opinion. The base is unbalanced.

115. Gallbladder.
Containing anger, which can only be brought out through the body. Accumulates in the gallbladder.

116. Gallstones. Bitterness, Heavy thoughts, condemnation, blame, pride, arrogance, hatred.

117. Women's diseases. Rejection of femininity, rejection of the feminine principle, denial of oneself.

118. Rigidity, lack of flexibility. Rigid, stagnant thinking.

119. Belly.
The location of the disease in the abdominal cavity indicates the location of the cause of the problem.
- upper abdomen (stomach, liver, duodenum, transverse colon and spleen) - problems associated with spiritual matters.
- middle of the abdomen (small and large intestine) - with spiritual affairs.
- lower abdomen (sigmoid colon, rectum, genitals, bladder) - with material ones.

120. Fat.
Represents protection, hypersensitivity. Often represents fear and shows the need for protection. Fear can also serve as a cover for hidden anger and resistance to forgiveness.
- hips at the lower back - pieces of stubborn anger at parents.
- thighs of the legs - packaged childish anger.
- stomach - anger at rejected support, nourishment.
- hands - anger at rejected love.

121. Connective tissue disease - collagenosis.
Typical of people who try to leave a good impression on a bad thing. This disease is characteristic of hypocrisy and pharisaism.

122. Diseases of the lower body.
- weakening - disappointment and resignation to life.
- overexertion to the point of complete immobility - stubborn struggle and unwillingness to give up under any conditions.
- both types of pathology - muscle exhaustion in the pursuit of meaningless values.

123. Back. Applying a soft but powerful blow with the stern, wanting to knock those in the way off course.

124. Stuttering. There is no sense of security. There is no possibility of self-expression. They don't allow you to cry.

125. Constipation.
Refusal to free yourself from old ideas and thoughts. Attachment to the past. Sometimes torment. Anger: I still won’t get it! A person saves everything for himself. Stinginess can be spiritual, mental and material:
- fear that knowledge or awareness will be exploited by others, fear of losing it, does not allow sharing even worldly wisdom, stinginess in sharing quality.
- stinginess in giving love - stinginess in relation to things.
The use of laxatives goes against a person's wishes.
- the wall of the descending colon is completely thickened and insensitive - a hopeless loss of faith that life can get better. A person is absolutely sure of his worthlessness and therefore does not share his love with anyone.
- the sigmoid colon is dilated, without tone - in his hopelessness the person has killed his sadness, i.e. anger caused by lies and theft.
Constipation accelerates the onset of bowel cancer. Constipation in thinking and constipation in the anus are one and the same.

126. Wrist. Represents movement and lightness.

127. Goiter. Goitre.
A feeling of hatred that you have been hurt or suffered. The person is a victim. Unrealization. Feeling that your path in life is blocked.

128. Teeth. They personify solutions.
- illness - prolonged indecision, inability to gnaw through thoughts and ideas for analysis and decision-making.
Children whose father suffers from an inferiority complex have teeth that grow at random.
Upper teeth - express the father's feelings of inferiority in relation to the upper part of his body, future and mind.
Lower teeth - express the father’s feeling of inferiority in relation to the lower part of the body, potency, past and financial support of the family.
Bite - the father is forced to clench his teeth in pain.
The decay of a child's teeth is the mother's anger at the father's masculinity; the child supports the mother's point of view and is angry with the father.

129. Clamped wisdom tooth. You don't give the mental space to create a solid foundation.

130. Itching.
Desires that are not according to the gut do not fit with reality. Dissatisfaction. Remorse, repentance. Excessive desire to go out, to become famous or to leave, to slip away.

131. Heartburn. Clutching fear.
Forcing yourself out of fear leads to the release of excess acids, plus anger, the acid concentration increases and food is burned.

132. Ileitis - inflammation of the ileum. Worrying about yourself, about your condition, not being good enough.

133. Impotence.
Pressure, tension, guilt for social beliefs. Anger at the previous partner, fear of the mother. Fear that I will be accused of not being able to feed my family, of not being able to cope with my job, of not knowing how to be a zealous owner, that I am not able to love and sexually satisfy a woman, that I am not a real man. Self-flagellation for the same reasons. If a man constantly has to prove his sexual worth, then he is not destined to have sex for a long time.

134. Heart attack. Feeling of uselessness.

135. Infection. Irritation, anger, frustration.

136. Influenza. A response to the negativity and beliefs of masses and groups of people. Faith in statistics.

137. Sciatica is a disease of the sciatic nerve. Supercriticality. fear for money and the future. Making plans that are not consistent with the real state of affairs. Anxiety due to reluctance to embrace the trends of the current moment. A persistent impossibility or reluctance (inability) to “enter” the state of “here and now.”

Diseases with K

138. Stones in organs. Fossilized emotions - the sadness of a dull fossil.

Gallstones- a fierce fight against evil, because it is evil. Anger at management. Heavy thoughts, arrogance, pride, bitterness. Hatred. Regardless of whether they hate me or I hate someone, or there are people around me who hate each other - all this affects a person, gets inside him and begins to grow a stone.
Kidney stones- the fear that they don’t love me causes the need to hide my anger at evil, then they will love me - secret anger.

139. Candidiasis is thrush, a group of diseases caused by a yeast-like fungus.
Strong feeling of distraction. Having a lot of anger and feelings of frustration and hopelessness. Demands and distrust of relationships with people. Love of controversy, of confrontational, heated discussions.

140. Carbuncles. Poisonous anger regarding personal injustice.

141. Cataract. Inability to look forward with joy. The future is covered in darkness.

142. Cough, coughing. The desire to bark at the world. "See me! Listen to me!"

143. Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea. The desire to hit and beat everyone and everything around. Extreme anger.

144. Cyst.
Scrolling through old images that cause pain. Carry with your wounds and the harm that has been done to you. False growth (growth in the wrong direction.)
The stage of uncryed sadness, active hope of getting rid of the annoying feeling of sadness and readiness to shed a tear. He doesn’t dare and doesn’t want to cry, but he can’t help but cry.

145. Brushes. Problems with brushes - problems with the characteristics listed below.
Hold and manage. Grab and hold tightly. Grab and release. Caressing. Pinching. All ways of interacting with a variety of life experiences.

146. Intestines. Assimilation. Absorption. Easy emptying.

147. Guts - represent liberation from waste.- problems - fear of letting go of the old, unnecessary.

148. Menopause.
- problems - fear of ceasing to be wanted/desired. Fear of age. Self-denial. Not good enough. (Usually accompanied by hysteria.)

149. Leather.
Protects our individuality. Organ of perception. The skin hides a person's mental life, she is the first to give him a sign.
-skin diseases- anxiety, fear. Old, deeply hidden turbidity, dirt, something disgusting. I'm in danger.
Dry skin- a person does not want to show his anger; the drier the skin, the greater the hidden anger.
Dandruff- the desire to free yourself from annoying thoughtlessness.
Peeling dry skin- an urgent need to free yourself from anger, which, however, does not work out due to inability.
Redness of dry skin- anger became explosive. Peeling and redness of dry skin in the form of spots is characteristic of psoriasis.
Psoriasis- this is mental masochism: heroic mental patience that brings happiness to a person in its scope.
Oily skin- a person does not hesitate to splash out his anger. He stays young longer.
Purulent acne- specific anger or enemy, but he keeps this anger within himself.
Normal skin is a balanced person.
Pigment- this is the “spark” of life, temperament. Suppressing temperament makes the skin white.
Dark spots- a person lacks recognition, he cannot assert himself, his sense of dignity is hurt.
Congenital spots, moles- the same problems, but for the mother, due to similar stress.
Depigment spots- an unconscious feeling of guilt, because of which a person does not allow himself to assert himself in life. A person suppresses himself because of someone else’s opinion, often this is a debt of karma from a past life.
Red spots- excitement, indicate that there is a struggle between fear and anger.

150. Knees.
They represent pride and ego. They express the principles according to which progress in life occurs. They indicate with what feelings we go through life.
- problems - stubborn, unyielding ego and pride. Inability to submit. Fear, lack of flexibility. I won't give in for anything.
- a peace-loving, friendly and balanced traveler has healthy knees,
- the traveler walking with battle and deceit has broken knees,
- in a person who wants to outwit life, the menisci are damaged,
- when walking with pressure, the knees get sick.
- from sadness about failures, water forms in the knees.
- blood accumulates from sadness caused by vengeance.
Violations in achieving life goals, dissatisfaction with achieved goals:
- crunching and creaking - the desire to be good for everyone, a connection between the past and the future;
- weakness in the knees - hopelessness about progress in life, fear and doubts about the success of the future, loss of faith, a person constantly drives himself forward, thinking that he is wasting time - self-flagellation mixed with self-pity;
- weakening of the knee ligaments - hopelessness to advance in life;
- knee ligaments reflect progress through life with the help of connections:
a) violation of the flexion and extension ligaments of the knees - violation of honest and business relationships;
b) violation of the lateral and transverse ligaments of the knees - a violation in business relations that take into account the interests of all parties;
c) violations of the intra-articular ligaments of the knees - disrespect for the hidden informal business partner.
d) torn knee ligaments - using your connections to deceive someone.
- a painful pinching sensation in the knees - fear that life has come to a standstill.
- clicking in the knees - a person, in order to preserve his reputation, suppresses in himself the sadness and anger caused by stagnation in movement.
- rupture of knee tendons - an attack of anger at stagnation in life.
- damage to the meniscus - an attack of anger at the one who knocked the ground out from under your feet, did not keep a promise, etc.
- damage to the kneecap (patella) - anger that your progress did not find support or protection. The stronger a person’s desire to kick someone else, the more severe the knee injury he receives.

151. Colic, sharp pain. Mental irritation, anger, impatience, frustration, irritation in the environment.

152. Colitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon.
Represents the ease of escape from what oppresses. Overly demanding parents. Feeling oppressed and defeated. There is a huge need for love and affection. Lack of feeling of security.

153. Spastic colitis. The fear of letting go, of letting go. Lack of feeling of security.

154. Ulcerative colitis.
An ulcer of any kind is caused by cruelty arising from the suppression of sadness; and she, in turn, from a reluctance to be helpless and to reveal this helplessness. Ulcerative colitis is a disease of a martyr, one who suffers for his faith and beliefs.

155. Lump in the throat. Distrust in the process of life. Fear.

156. Coma. Escape from something, from someone.

157. Coronary thrombosis.
Feeling lonely and scared. I don't do enough. I will never do this. Not good/good enough.

158. Scabbers. Dried sadness.

159. Clubfoot. Attitude towards children with increased demands.

160. Bones.
They personify the structure of the universe. Attitude towards father and man.
-deformation - mental pressure and tightness. Muscles cannot stretch. Lack of mental agility.
- fractures, cracks - rebellion against authority.

161. Pubic bone. Represents the protection of the genital organs.

162. Bone marrow.
Like a woman, being a spring of love, he is under the strong protection of a man - bones - and does what a woman was created for - to love a man.

163. Hives, rash. Little hidden fears. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

164. The blood vessels of the eyes are burst. Own malice.

165. Brain hemorrhage. Stroke. Paralysis.
- A person overestimates the potential of his brain and wants to be better than others. A kind of revenge for the past - in reality, a thirst for revenge. The severity of the disease depends on the magnitude of this thirst.
- manifestation - imbalance, headaches, heaviness in the head. Two possibilities of stroke:- a blood vessel in the brain bursts, when overcome by a sudden attack of anger and an angry desire to take revenge on someone who considers him a fool. Love turned into anger breaks out of boundaries, i.e. from a blood vessel.
- blockage of blood vessels in the brain - a person suffering from an inferiority complex loses hope of proving that he is not what others think. Breakdown due to complete loss of self-esteem.
Those who retain their reason, but their sense of guilt intensifies, will not be able to recover. Anyone who experiences joy because illness has saved him from a humiliating situation recovers.
CONCLUSION: If you want to avoid a stroke, release the fear of evil discontent.

166. Bleeding. Passing joy. But where, where? Frustration, the collapse of everything.

167. Blood.
Represents joy in life, free flow through it. Blood symbolizes the soul and woman.
- thick blood - greed.
- mucus in the blood - resentment over the unfulfilled desire to receive something from the female sex.

168. Blood, disease. (See leukemia.)
Lack of joy, lack of circulation of thoughts, ideas. Collapse- blocking the flow of joy.

169. Bloody discharge. The desire for revenge.

170. Blood pressure.