Why does the female genital organ itch on top? The labia are itchy and itchy. Local treatment of genital itching

What causes genital itching? The most common sexually transmitted diseases, accompanied by itching of the genitals. Itching and burning sensation, the desire to scratch the genitals can often accompany complex infectious diseases. The genital organs of the fair sex have such a structure that the likelihood of contracting an infection is very high. However, genital itching can be so painful and unbearable that it can disrupt not only the rules of decency, but even sleep and appetite. There are many reasons for itching in the genital area.

The feeling of “unbearably itching” may be unfamiliar to everyone, but when itching in intimate places takes you by surprise, you wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Itching is a skin reaction that causes a strong desire to scratch the itchy area. Itching can appear on almost any part of the body or head, but the most unpleasant sensation is caused by itching of the genitals. Especially if itching occurs in the perineal area, if it itches in the genital area! Itching in the perineum is only a symptom, and there can be many reasons for it, and “bad diseases” are almost always to blame. Sometimes itching of the genitals appears due to neglect of the most basic hygiene rules.

Sometimes itchy skin in the perineum appears due to neglect of the most basic hygiene rules.

If the itching does not go away for several days, and you have ruled out the issue of “not following the rules of intimate hygiene”, and in addition to it there is irritation, any rashes or discharge, and you also had unprotected sexual intercourse, do not put off visiting a doctor!

What to do if you have itchy genitals. To determine the factor that provoked itching and select the correct treatment for itching in women, correct diagnosis is necessary, this is:

  • examination by a gynecologist, including using a speculum;
  • biochemical and general blood test;
  • analysis of a smear taken from the vagina.
Based on the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment and additional examination in some cases. The doctor also carries out local treatment that relieves itching or at least alleviates the patient’s condition.

Very often, itching is accompanied by a disruption of the normal composition of the vaginal microflora. Among other troubles, the most common are candidiasis (thrush) - Candida fungi and bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) - the causative agent Gardnerella vaginalis. Both of these diseases occur against the background of inhibition of the “good” microflora of the genital tract and the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria and fungi, which in large quantities become pathogenic.

However, before taking any action

To alleviate the condition, consult with your gynecologist or urologist - after all, it is unwise to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication when itching and unusual vaginal discharge occur.

So, genital itching in both men and women can be caused by the following reasons:


Fungal diseases (such as athlete's foot);


Skin diseases (in particular, neurodermatitis);

Pediculosis pubis;



Let's talk a little about each of these diseases.

Herpes. Genital (genital) herpes is a disease that has a wave-like course. Periods of exacerbation of genital herpes, which begin with itching, burning and end with blistering rashes, alternate with “cold” calm periods. Exacerbations of herpes are always associated with a “breakdown” of the immune system, therefore, in addition to local remedies, drugs that strengthen the immune system are always prescribed - this gives a more pronounced therapeutic effect. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to expel the herpes virus from the body. And even with competent and modern treatment, there is always a threat of relapse.

Athlete's inguinal- fungal skin disease. It is usually transmitted through care items: bedpans, washcloths, sponges, oilcloths, etc. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Candidiasis. Candidiasis (thrush) is an inflammatory fungal disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes, genitourinary and other (respiratory, digestive, nervous) systems of humans. In women, candidiasis usually affects the vagina and external genitalia. Men get sick very rarely; the glans penis and foreskin are attacked. There are many medications available to treat thrush. Some of them are used topically (cream, vaginal tablets or suppositories), others are used orally (tablets or capsules for oral administration). Before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Skin diseases (neurodermatitis). Neurodermatitis is an allergic skin lesion characterized by a persistent, chronic course. The causes of neurodermatitis are not fully known, although it is believed that it is simply one of the types of skin allergies (like urticaria or atopic dermatitis). Treatment of neurodermatitis includes regimen, diet, hospital treatment, antihistamines, hormone therapy in severe cases, and physiotherapeutic treatment. Locally: use of neutral creams and ointments with antipruritic, absorbable and exfoliating effects.

Pediculosis pubis. Pubic louse can be transmitted from a sick partner to a healthy one by moving through pubic hair during sexual intercourse; in addition, infection with lice pubis can occur through bedding and underwear, while sleeping in the same bed. To treat lice pubis, special ointments, shampoos or sprays containing drugs that kill insects are used. As a rule, a single use of the drug is sufficient. It is important to remember that lice pubis is a sexually transmitted disease and therefore sexual partners need to be treated at the same time.

Trichomonosis. In women, trichomoniasis is manifested by inflammation of the vagina (colpitis), cervix (cervicitis) and glands that secrete lubricant necessary for sexual intercourse. In men, the urethra (urethritis) and prostate gland (prostatitis) most often become inflamed.

We can cure trichomoniasis! You just need to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and be patient. For patients, the doctor will prescribe special anti-trichomonas tablets, immunity-boosting drugs, vitamins and physiotherapy. Scabies is a contagious disease that occurs when scabies mites are introduced into the skin and occurs with severe itching (especially at night) and skin lesions caused by the formation of burrows of the pathogen. Scabies never goes away on its own, and therefore requires treatment with special skin products. This disease can be successfully treated within 4-5 days. The most important thing when treating scabies is to disinfect your home as completely as possible using special means and warn all your friends who might have contracted this disease.

If you feel itching in the genitals, you should not wait until it “goes away on its own.” There is no self-healing from sexually transmitted infections. Make an appointment with a venereologist or gynecologist. A dermatovenerologist will help you find out the cause of the itching, and, if necessary, treat the itching properly.

How to relieve genital itching?

Maintain good hygiene, wash with warm water 2-3 times a day. You can add furatsilin to the water or use a chamomile solution. Toilet soap is not recommended; Intimate hygiene gel is required.

  • Don't forget about vaginal moisturizing; For this purpose, special lubricants and gels with natural extracts are used;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for a while, as this can cause even more irritation and itching of the genitals;
  • Follow a diet prescribed by a doctor. Also exclude spicy foods and seasonings, yeast, blue cheeses, grapes and wine from your diet.

To protect yourself from irritation, vaginal itching and other unpleasant symptoms:

  • do not forget about regular hygiene,
  • wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics,
  • stop using pads every day,
  • in the cold season, avoid hypothermia,
  • take vitamins
  • visit a gynecologist every six months
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A symptom such as itching of the external female organs, which is treated by a dermatologist or gynecologist, requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. Itching leads to scratching, and wounds from scratching can become infected.

Causes of itching

You should definitely pay attention to itching of the genitals and, without self-medicating, consult a doctor. Itching may be a manifestation of:

Allergic reaction

Very often the cause of discomfort in the perineum is an allergy. In this case, unpleasant swelling, redness or burning may appear. What causes this:

  1. Soap and shower gel. A typical mistake many women make is using any cleansing products other than the right ones. Laundry soap, liquid hand soap, hair shampoo, shower gel - all this is not suitable for use in the bikini area. A special soap has been created for intimate hygiene, which contains lactic acid. The mucous membrane of the external genital organs is very sensitive to changes in pH, so all intimate hygiene soaps are neutral and do not change the natural acidity of the vagina. The inside of the genitals does not need to be washed with soap. Thanks to lubrication, the vagina maintains its microflora at a healthy level on its own. You should wash only the outer labia 2 times a day, morning and evening, and also after sexual intercourse. If a woman is removing hair, then she may not use soap at all. Due to improperly selected hygiene products, not only itching appears, but also the risk of developing thrush and other infections increases. Local immunity of the vagina is provided by lubrication. If you constantly disrupt the normal composition of the lubricant, your immunity will decrease.
  2. Linen. For women, daily wearing of very narrow, tight-fitting, synthetic underwear is contraindicated. Synthetic fabrics should be avoided whenever possible, and very tight and thin panties should be worn directly for their intended purpose, and not for the whole day. Any linen must be washed after purchase. If you have an allergic reaction to underwear, it is enough to stop using these items of clothing; the symptoms should go away on their own in 2-3 days.
  3. Contact allergy. This category includes a negative reaction to washing powder, intimate deodorant, pads, tampons, toilet paper, etc. It can be difficult to figure out on your own what exactly the reaction is causing, so you need to consult a gynecologist and allergist.
  4. Lubrication. Women, for physiological and psychological reasons, have difficulty producing sufficient lubrication during sex. Sexual intercourse cannot be performed without lubrication; this causes not only irritation, but also injury to the mucous membrane. In order to solve this problem, you need to purchase a specialized vaginal lubricant, it can be water-based or silicone-based. Such lubricants may contain substances that cause an allergic reaction, in which case unpleasant sensations will appear immediately after sex. If you have allergies, you need to choose a different lubricant composition. Some women are allergic to certain types of condoms, so you need to understand what exactly triggers the itching. You cannot use massage oil, hand cream, etc. for vaginal sex. Even children's hypoallergenic cream, if it gets into the vagina, can cause discomfort and disrupt the microflora.

Rashes and itching in the perineum can be a reaction to improper shaving or a dull razor blade. To remove hair from the bikini area, it is not advisable to use men's shaving foam, especially with menthol. In case of an allergic reaction, it is enough to avoid contact with the irritating substance, and the unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own. Diet has a great influence on the functioning of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, therefore, when eating spicy, richly seasoned and spicy foods, burning, dryness and itching of the external genital organs may occur. If the discharge pattern changes along with the itching, this may indicate a bacterial or fungal infection.

Gynecological diseases

A number of sexually transmitted infections have symptoms such as itching in the perineum. To determine what exactly is the cause of the itching, you need to take a vaginal smear for bacteriological examination. What are the typical signs of gynecological diseases, besides itching:

  1. Chlamydia. It can be chronic and not manifest itself for a long time.
  2. Trichomoniasis. In addition to severe discomfort, green-yellow vaginal discharge appears, as well as a characteristic fishy odor.
  3. Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. The mucous membrane becomes irritated, swelling and redness appear.
  4. Genital herpes. From the external manifestations of herpes, a woman can independently detect blisters and rashes.
  5. Condylomas. Warts appear in the labia area, which are very itchy and can become inflamed.
  6. Candidiasis. Thrush is manifested by curdled discharge of white or yellowish color, the mucous membrane of the labia and vagina is irritated, micro-tears and wounds are possible.

These infections cause very serious complications. Without treatment, the patient may experience infertility, inflammation of the cervix and uterine body. The infection can enter the urethra and rise to the kidneys, then associated diseases will be urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis. Thanks to the capabilities of modern medicine, most sexually transmitted infections can be easily cured. High-quality treatment requires a control analysis, which will confirm that the infectious agents have been managed and the vaginal microflora has been normalized. If treatment is not completed, the disease can become chronic. This weakens the immune system and leads to infection of sexual partners.

Chronic infections have periods of remission, when the woman is not bothered by symptoms and she thinks that she has recovered.

And then there comes a period of exacerbation, usually before the onset of menstruation, and all the unpleasant sensations return. To avoid this problem, treatment should be completed when the gynecologist recommends it, and not immediately after the itching has subsided. The sooner a woman seeks medical help, the less damage the disease will cause.

Other diseases

The condition of the genital mucosa is closely related to the functioning of the endocrine system, therefore, with diseases of the thyroid gland, the consistency of the lubricant may change, irritation and discomfort may appear. Liver diseases, in particular hepatitis and cirrhosis, can cause such symptoms. If necessary, a gynecologist gives a referral to an endocrinologist and other specialized specialists.

  • examination and history taking;
  • smear for sexually transmitted infections;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • study of vaginal microflora.

In some cases, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is required, since a number of tumors, such as fibroids, can cause itching. Only a comprehensive examination by a gynecologist can clearly answer the question of what causes itching of the external female genitalia. The symptom is very nonspecific and can indicate many disorders.

What are the reasons for genital itching in women? What to do if the clitoris is very itchy. How to get rid of itching and burning of the external (external) genitalia.

Itching is a response to nervous reactions that cause a painful urge to scratch the irritated area. It is especially unpleasant to experience it in the area of ​​intimate organs; women often have an itchy clitoris. This sensation leads to a lot of worries, difficulty scratching while in society. This causes stress, increased irritability, loss of appetite and sleep.

Mechanism of development of itching

Itching of the genital organs in women is the body's response caused by the inflammatory process. Being under the influence of an irritant, which may be of a specific nature, the mucous membranes and skin are damaged, causing a response of immune cells. The affected area is characterized by an accumulation of protective cells; their biological connections have a direct effect on the nerve endings, which develop genital itching. Also, this discomfort can occur when the cause of inflammation directly affects the mucous membrane and nerve receptors.

Causes of discomfort

There are many reasons that cause genital itching in women. All of them are conventionally divided into internal and external.

Impact of external causes

External causes most often include failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Moreover, this can be facilitated by either ignoring hygiene rules or being overly enthusiastic about them. The female genital organs contain many bacteria whose task is to prevent infection. Frequent douching and washing help destroy beneficial bacteria, thereby increasing the risk of developing pathologies. Clitoral itching quite often occurs due to inappropriate products used for personal hygiene; often a similar reaction is caused by the presence of fragrances or wearing synthetic underwear.

Hormonal imbalance often causes genital itching. This problem is especially relevant in pregnant women. Pinching and burning, spreading to the groin area, are characteristic of late stages. Pregnant women often experience severe itching in the clitoral area, as a result of vaginal dysbiosis and changes in hormonal levels, which leads to an inflammatory process. Inflammation is accompanied by abundant filling of the blood vessels of the female genital organs with blood, resulting in itching of the clitoris due to increased sensitivity. Discomfort near the clitoris often worries older women due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen, which dries out the mucous membrane.

Infrequently, due to the oversaturation of the genital organs with blood, including the clitoris, itching of the genitals is an individual reaction occurring in the body to the onset of menstrual flow. Usually this condition resolves without complications on the last day of menstruation. Often the causes of itching of the genitals lie in allergic manifestations. Moreover, these symptoms in the genital area can occur either as a response to local irritation or as an allergy that affects other organs, for example, the respiratory system. Local allergic factors include:

  • hygiene products;
  • unnatural underwear;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • piercing done in an intimate place.

Systemic factors that cause itching in the genitals include:

  • products;
  • chemicals;
  • medications.

When allergens penetrate the body, they begin to spread inside, affecting the intimate area. Along with itching, swelling appears.

Impact of internal factors

Internal causes that cause itching and burning of the genitals most often include the following diseases:

  • Endocrine disorders leading to changes in the level of female sex hormones.
  • Diabetes mellitus, which is associated with low insulin levels in the blood.
  • Neuropathy, which is characterized by a failure of the conduction function of nerve impulses, which affects the occurrence of discomfort in the affected area.
  • Failure of the functioning of brain structures, in this case, iteration is formed at the psychogenic level and is not associated with diseases that cause such discomfort.
  • Liver disorders increase bile acid levels. This condition irritates nerve receptors.
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary organs stimulates the release of copious vaginal discharge, which damages the mucous membrane, leads to discomfort and disruption of healthy microflora, as a result of which thrush often develops.

Infectious diseases

Itching of the external genitalia is often a symptom of infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. Discomfort in the clitoral area indicates infection with syphilis; this symptom is characteristic of the initial stage of the disease. Subsequently, ulcers form. If they heal, this does not mean recovery. Meanwhile, the disease takes on a latent form and manifests itself in rashes.

Also, itching in the genital area occurs due to diseases such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and ureaplasmosis. This symptomatology is caused by vaginal discharge, which differs from each other in the nature of its manifestations, smell, and color. These diseases must be treated by a specialist when the first symptoms appear. You can find out about the presence of the disease by donating blood from a vein and examining the discharge. Typically, therapy is long-term and requires long-term treatment with antibiotics.

Itching can also occur due to herpes, leading to a burning sensation and the formation of blisters, which then begin to burst. Condylomas interfere with sexual intercourse.

This disease is dangerous for pregnant women, as it can lead to blindness of the child, brain damage, and death.

Other reasons

There are other reasons that cause itching of the female external genitalia. Oncology of the external genitalia most often affects patients who are no longer of childbearing age. This disease is not very common; diabetes and obesity contribute to it. The first signs are itching in the clitoral area, the appearance of swelling, accompanied by swelling. Later, pain, ulcers, and bleeding appear. Meanwhile, the tumor grows deeper, infection occurs and pus is released. At later stages, oncology spreads to the vagina and urinary system through the lymphogenous route.

The development of vulvar lichen cleroatrophic is associated with autoimmune processes. This disease is asymptomatic for a long time, but the onset of its manifestation is related to swelling. Moreover, its intensity depends on the degree of development of the disease. In addition to this discomfort, pain occurs due to cracks, which cause a lot of inconvenience during sexual intercourse.

Treatment of itching

Only a doctor can answer the question of how to treat this discomfort. It is not recommended to prescribe treatment on your own if itching occurs, since this symptom can indicate many diseases, which sometimes only a specialist can identify. The doctor prescribes therapeutic measures to help treat genital itching based on the nature of the disease and the intensity of the discomfort. You can also use simple methods to relieve rather unpleasant symptoms.

  • First of all, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower once a day. To stop itching, you can carry out one-time washings with a solution of chamomile, calendula, and furatsilin.
  • It is important to promptly change pads and tampons during menstrual flow, as this creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. You should not use personal care products with fragrances.
  • Underwear should be worn only from natural fabric.
  • It is necessary to follow the diet prescribed by your doctor, aimed at reducing the consumption of sweets, salty foods, and spices.
  • It is important to choose the right clothes; you should neither overheat nor overcool.
  • It is necessary to carry out preventive examinations with a gynecologist at least 2 times a year.


An excellent antipruritic remedy if the genitals itch, eliminating itching and swelling is Fluomizin. Treatment with it can be carried out regardless of the purpose of diagnostic measures, since it will not affect the decrease in the accuracy of the result. If the cause lies in candidiasis, then taking Clotrimazole is often recommended to make you feel better. For external itching, you can apply this cream in a thin layer twice a day. Treatment of internal itching is carried out using suppositories with this substance.

If this symptom has developed due to psychological problems, then sedatives will relieve the discomfort. First, herbal-based drugs are prescribed, most often Novo-passit, tincture of Motherwort, Valerian. This problem can also be solved with the help of psychologists. However, treatment with sedatives will not be effective without eliminating the cause that caused the discomfort; you should try to avoid stressful situations. In case of debilitating itching, the affected area is pierced with anesthetics, but they will not help cure the disease and make you feel better only for a short time, without affecting the cause that caused it. In extreme cases, surgery may be required to remove the hollow nerves and their trunks.

Preventing itching

To reduce itching or completely eliminate it, it is necessary to be more selective in your personal hygiene products. First of all, it is important to pay attention to the pH level; it should not exceed 5.5. To prevent itching, it is best to use neutral soap or lactic acid. Cotton underwear will also avoid such problems. If dry mucous membranes occur, then you should use moisturizing creams. If a connection with the onset of the climatic period is detected, replacement therapy with female hormones, for example, Ovestin, Klimonorm, may be required.

It must be remembered that any unpleasant sensations require a mandatory visit to a doctor; self-medication can only lead to aggravation of the situation, since improper treatment can cause an allergic manifestation, thereby causing discomfort.

✓ Article checked by doctor

Every woman has experienced itching of the external genitalia. In most cases, this symptom is caused by problems with personal hygiene or frequent use of sanitary pads. But sometimes the source of an unpleasant symptom can be a disease of the genital organs. To get rid of itching, you must definitely visit a gynecologist. He will be able to determine the exact cause of the pathology and help prescribe therapy. In addition to traditional treatment, it is also recommended to use traditional methods if the patient is not allergic to the components of the products.

Itching of the external female genitalia: treatment

Symptoms of the disease

In addition to the fact that a woman is bothered by constant itching, the symptoms are always accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as severe swelling and redness. These conditions affect not only the labia, but also the mucous membrane. During an internal examination, inflammatory processes are also observed on the mucous walls of the vagina; in severe cases, there may be problems with the cervix.

When itching continues for a long time and a woman constantly scratches the affected areas, cracks may appear on the external genitalia, into which pathogenic bacteria can enter. This can cause severe suppuration, which sometimes requires urgent surgical intervention.

Attention! In advanced stages of the disease, traces of tissue atrophy and ulcers may appear on the external female organs. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to prevent the development of gangrene and other dangerous processes.

Causes of itching of the external genitalia

The main sources of such an unpleasant symptom are the following:

  • Problems with personal hygiene, which include infrequent washing, daily use of soap bases for washing, wearing sanitary pads outside of menstruation, as well as frequent wearing of underwear made of non-natural fabrics;
  • rarely changing tampons or sanitary pads during monthly menstruation, as well as using these personal hygiene items with a large number of fragrances;

Infrequently changing tampons or sanitary pads can lead to itching in the intimate area

Thrush - as a cause of itching in intimate places

Stress and depression can cause itching of the female genitals

Attention! Regardless of the cause of the itching, a woman must wash her genitals every day before going to bed to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria. It is recommended to use soap bases for this procedure only once a week, so as not to dry out the mucous membrane.

Video: Three tests for itching in the intimate area

Drug treatment of genital itching


The drug belongs to the class of antibiotics and is prescribed in situations where the problem is caused by bacteria, inflammation and the presence of E. coli in the smear. For mild to severe cases of the disease, the patient is recommended to take two 250 mg capsules three times a day at regular intervals after meals. If the inflammation and itching is severe, which is characterized by ulcers and extensive damage, the patient may be prescribed 3 g of Amoxicillin, divided into three doses. To support the intestines, it is also recommended to consume prebiotics. The duration of therapy can be from five to ten days, taking into account the severity of the disease.


Fluconazole is a popular antifungal agent

A popular antifungal agent that is most often prescribed when diagnosing thrush. When choosing Fluconazole, treatment lasts literally one day. After meals, a woman should take one capsule of the drug, which is equal to 150 mg of the active substance. In case of severe candidiasis, the gynecologist may recommend that the woman take another capsule after 1-2 days of the week, which will consolidate the result. It is recommended that the woman’s sexual partner undergo the same course of therapy to avoid relapse.


Terzhinan quickly relieves itching and irritation

Vaginal tablets that must be taken before going to bed. In this case, be sure to wash your external genitalia and hands first. Terzhinan has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and is able to quickly relieve itching and irritation. Experts recommend immersing the medication in warm water for 20 seconds before using it, and then immediately placing the tablet inside the vagina. The recommended course of therapy is ten days; if the patient's condition is complicated, the duration of treatment can be doubled. When using Terzhinan, it is necessary to completely avoid sexual contact until the end of the course of therapy.

Video: How to cure genital itching


Nystatin suppresses itching and relieves irritation in just a few uses

The most affordable vaginal suppositories that can suppress itching and relieve irritation in just a few uses. They are used mainly for diseases caused by fungi. The patient is recommended to put one suppository twice a day. After insertion, you must lie down for 20 minutes, as the suppositories quickly melt and can come out of the vagina. It is recommended to be treated with Nystatin for two weeks. When using suppositories, be sure to abstain from sexual activity.


Release form of the drug Pimafucin

Women are usually recommended to use only vaginal suppositories, but in the presence of severe vaginitis and dysbiosis, tablets are additionally prescribed. Vaginal suppositories are used before going to bed, one at a time, after thorough toileting of the external genitalia. A total of three to six suppositories are usually prescribed. The tablets are taken one at a time four times a day for two to three weeks. The partner is recommended to use Pimafucin cream for preventive treatment, which is applied once a day after washing for three to six days.


Pimafukort has a powerful healing effect

It is used in the form of an ointment, which can quickly reduce discomfort even at the first use. Additionally, the product has a powerful healing effect. Apply the ointment once or twice a day according to indications for three to ten days. The duration of treatment directly depends on the patient’s condition. Pimafucort in ointment form can also be used by a partner for three days.

Attention! Hormonal disorders are treated under the general supervision of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Drugs and their doses can be selected only after a large number of tests, smears and checking the condition of the ovaries and thyroid gland.

Video - Causes of vaginal itching

Traditional methods of treating genital itching

Soda washes

To prepare the solution, you need to take 500 ml of warm boiled water and dilute two teaspoons of regular table soda in it. You need to wash yourself with this water 4-6 times a day. You must first rinse the external organs with plain water to remove the main plaque. The duration of treatment with soda can last until all symptoms are completely eliminated, ideal for combined treatment. It is strictly forbidden to syringe the solution inside the vagina, as this can cause discomfort and burning, even severe dryness of the internal mucosa.

Chamomile officinalis

Chamomile to relieve itching of the external genitalia in women

To prepare the solution, you need to boil a liter of water and add two tablespoons of the plant mixture to it. The drug is infused under a tight lid or towel for five hours. After this, all chamomile must be removed using any material. You need to use a liter of chamomile solution at a time. In total, it is recommended to do three procedures per day. If you have prepared more solution, store it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, warming it up a little before use. The duration of the course is until the symptoms disappear completely.

Calendula baths

They must be made in a clean basin; it is recommended to scald it with boiling water first. After this, you need to make a medicinal infusion. Boil five liters of water and add three tablespoons of crushed calendula to it. Let the liquid sit for five hours, then remove all the plant mixture. Heat the resulting liquid to a temperature of +37 degrees and pour it into a bowl. Sit in the bath for 15 minutes, then gently dry your body with a soft towel. It is advisable to do such procedures before going to bed for 7-10 days.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is effective in combating itching in intimate areas

As in the previous recipe, you must first scald the basin with boiling water. After this, prepare five liters of boiled water, cooled to +37 degrees. After pouring the water into a basin, add 200 ml of good apple cider vinegar to it and stir the liquid thoroughly. The procedure must be carried out for five minutes, after which the genitals are wiped with a soft terry towel, but it is better to use disposable paper ones. The duration of therapy is no more than five days. Such procedures help especially well with menopause and hormonal imbalance that is not caused by pregnancy.

Fresh basil

You need to take 20 g of the plant and place it in 500 ml of cold water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 20 minutes, after which the solution is divided into 10 doses of 50 ml each. They are drunk for three days, one serving before the main meal. On the last day of therapy, you must take the fourth dose before going to bed. If after this the symptoms of the disease have not gone away, you can repeat another course of treatment without a pause.

Attention! The described remedies can be used regardless of the age and condition of the patient. The only exceptions are those women and girls who are individually intolerant to the components of home remedies.

Cost of anti-itch medications

Drug Image Price in Russia Price in Ukraine Amoxicillin 65-165 rubles 27-68 hryvnia Fluconazole 15-300 rubles 6.1-123 hryvnia Terzhinan 360-500 rubles 148-205 hryvnia Nystatin 34 rubles 14 hryvnia Pimafucin 270-590 rubles 111-242 hryvnia Pimafukort 700 rubles 287 hryvnia

Attention! In a particular region, the cost of these drugs may vary from 5 to 20% up or down. It all depends on the country of origin and the number of doses in the package.

Prevention of genital itching in women

To protect yourself from itching of the external genitalia, a woman must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wear only cotton underwear and change it daily;
  • wash daily with clean water at room temperature;
  • refuse panty liners;
  • take smears for flora from a gynecologist three times a year;
  • eat right, trying to exclude sweet and spicy foods from your diet;
  • if you have menstruation, be sure to refuse sexual relations, since the mucous membrane is too susceptible to damage at this time;
  • once a year, take a smear for infectious and fungal diseases;
  • have sexual relations with only one partner, if there are several, use condoms.

Attention! Ideally, women are advised to clean their external genitalia after each visit to the toilet.

If within three to seven days there is no noticeable improvement in your health, the itching continues to bother you and even intensifies, you should again seek help from a gynecologist. A more detailed study will be required, in addition to standard smears. Sometimes severe cases require hospital treatment, which may include IVs and injections.

The above pathological condition can manifest itself in both men and women, moreover, due to a number of inducing factors.

All these factors are divided into four large subgroups:

  1. Pathologies of internal organs. These include disruptions in the secretion of glands due to damage to the thyroid gland, chronic kidney problems, changes in the intensity of production of sex hormones, hepatitis, diabetes, and hematopoietic disorders.
  2. Problems due to effects on the genital organs: discharge during the development of inflammation, frequent washing, irritation of the external part of the genital organs due to various factors.
  3. Impacts from the external environment: infections, contacts with chemicals, dust pollution, temperature effects, taking certain medications.
  4. Psychological factors. Extreme stress, fear of surgery, etc.

Itching in the external genital area is a pathological condition that is caused in women by the action of many provoking factors.

The mechanism of development of itching of the external genitalia

If the external genitalia begin to itch, doctors talk about an inflammatory reaction. The etiological factor damages cells, mucous membranes and fiber, which provokes a response from the immune system.

Immune cells gather in damaged areas. They produce biologically active compounds that act on nerve endings and cause a feeling of itching.

The etiological factor itself can directly affect the nerve endings of the mucous membrane or skin.

Causes of discomfort

Throughout life, a woman's hormonal background constantly changes. This occurs during menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth, and during menopause.

Any surge in hormones affects the condition of the genital mucosa (its acidity may increase). In particular, itching in the vagina before menstruation is caused by a decrease in hormonal levels during the days of the menstrual cycle.

In girls and young girls who have not yet given birth, discomfort before the onset of menstruation may be due to their emotional vulnerability. In some cases, it can serve as a symptom of an infectious disease.

A lot of unpleasant moments are caused by itching in the perineum during pregnancy. During this period, a woman’s body is most vulnerable.

Due to decreased immunity against the background of hormonal changes, the microflora in the vagina changes. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop.

They cause irritation of the labia. If your vagina is very itchy during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor immediately.

A smear and other tests will help identify the causes of itching and carry out treatment that will not only alleviate the condition of the expectant mother, but also preserve the health of the baby.

You shouldn’t relax after childbirth either. During this period, the body still remains unprotected. Hormone levels may not immediately recover after pregnancy ends. This requires some time. And the risk of itching in the genital area after childbirth remains high.

Most often, women during menopause complain of itching in the labia area. At this time, the production of estrogens (female sex hormones) sharply decreases and their protective effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract decreases.

The genitals stop secreting secretions. The surface of the mucous membrane begins to experience dryness and peeling.

This is the main cause of itching in the perineum. This skin irritation is called vulvar kraurosis.

It is diagnosed only during menopause.

Treatment of genital itching caused by changes in the amount of hormones in the blood is carried out with hormonal drugs, restorative therapy and antipruritic ointments. They are selected individually for each specific case.

There are many reasons that cause genital itching in women. All of them are conventionally divided into internal and external.

Impact of external causes

All causes of the disease can be divided into 4 large groups.

  • Impacts on the external genitalia from the external environment. These include: infectious lesions, pollution (for example, dust pollution of air and linen when working in production), temperature agents (strong prolonged cooling), mechanical irritation (rough underwear, masturbation), the use of certain medications, contact with irritating chemicals. substances.
  • Impacts occurring due to pathology of the internal genital organs. These include: pathological discharge during inflammatory processes of the uterus and its cervix, constant excessively frequent washing of the vagina, irritation of a woman’s external genitalia with urine during the act of urination, which gets here in the presence of pathology (for example, in the form of a congenital genitourinary fistula).
  • Pathology from the internal organs: the patient has diabetes mellitus, hepatitis with severe jaundice of the skin, chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys with significant impairment of their function, various pathologies from the hematopoietic organs, disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine glands with hyper- and hypofunction of the thyroid gland , decreased production of sex hormones by the gonads.
  • Mental factors, such as fear of the upcoming surgical intervention, severe or prolonged stress, etc. Most often, this group of factors is realized and leads to pathology in impressionable women with an unbalanced psyche.

In terms of identifying the cause of the disease, the age group to which the patient belongs is very important. When itching of the external genitalia develops in adolescents, the first thing to suspect is vulvovaginitis or fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

In women of middle childbearing age, possible causes most often include diabetes mellitus or other pathologies of internal organs. The disease in patients who are in menopause at the time of its development is most often caused by a decrease in the level of female sex hormones in the blood, which occurs too sharply.

This leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

There are many known factors that cause the desire to scratch problem areas. In medicine, there is a conditional division of them into:

  1. endogenous;
  2. exogenous.

Endogenous are internal factors:

  • The functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted, which leads to changes in the level of sex hormones, hormones of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
  • A common cause of itching in men and women is diabetes mellitus, which is associated with a decrease in insulin in the blood.
  • Neuropathy – the flow of impulses along the nerve fibers is disrupted, which causes discomfort in the area of ​​innervation of the affected nerve.
  • Violation of the structure and cortex of the brain. There are no changes in the genital area. The itching is psychogenic in nature.
  • Pathology of the biliary tract or liver, which leads to an increase in the concentration of bile acids in the blood (hepatitis, cholecystitis, hepatosis, cholelithiasis, dyskinesia).
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system, causing discharge from the female vagina or male urethra. Cells of the mucous membranes and skin are damaged by secretions.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis. The microflora is disrupted and the Candida fungus is activated.

Exogenous factors - external stimuli:

An experienced doctor will help determine why the genitals itch.

A correct diagnosis will direct efforts to eliminate unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms of Itching of the Genitals

The most common symptoms of fungal infections in women are:

  • Unpleasant, uncomfortable feelings during sexual intimacy.
  • Itching in the vaginal area.
  • Pain during urination.
  • A sharp, unpleasant odor of pathological discharge.
  • Discharge with a cheesy consistency.

Itching of the labia during pregnancy can occur both in long and short periods. The reasons may be various factors.

Itching in the vagina in a pregnant woman can be caused by inflammatory processes, which in turn are accompanied by symptoms:

There are two types of itching:

  • Inside the vagina.
  • Outside the vagina.

Getting rid of itching and burning in the vagina in pregnant women:

During an external examination of the female genital organs, you can see their redness and swelling. In cases where the disease continues for a considerable time, constant scratching of the affected area occurs, resulting in the formation of a large number of abrasions and cracks.

Sometimes quite extensive ulcerative defects can even be detected. Subsequently, an infectious lesion may appear at the sites of such mechanical injuries, as a result of which vulvitis or vulvovaginitis is added to the underlying disease as a complication.

Additional symptoms that appear with itching will help to accurately determine the cause:

  1. Frequent urination indicates inflammation of the urethra or the presence of sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia).
  2. A burning sensation in the pubic area after urination indicates cystitis, a bladder infection.
  3. A rash on the labia and perineum appears during an allergic reaction or an infectious-inflammatory process caused by a chemical irritant or lack of personal hygiene.

Concomitant symptoms help to prescribe further necessary studies and begin treatment therapy.

Diagnosis of Itching of the genital organs

Itching is not a separate disease, but a symptom. It does not have specific research methods. Its study occurs after determining the underlying disease. Gynecologists and venereologists choose several diagnostic methods depending on the clinical picture:

  • Gynecological examination with a speculum in women is an important diagnostic method. An examination will increase the number of symptoms and help correctly prescribe additional tests. Treatment of genital itching in women begins with a visit to the gynecologist.
  • General and biochemical blood tests are a classic method of research in medicine. The composition of the blood will indicate infectious processes and diseases not only of the reproductive system.
  • Analysis of a vaginal smear in women helps determine the state of the flora and identify inflammation. A smear will show fungal infections, gonococcal diseases, trichomoniasis. Must be carried out after sexual intercourse without protective equipment.
  • PCR diagnostics – research of STDs. It is based on the laws of genetics. Helps identify various STIs.

The tests are done in a couple of hours, which makes it possible to identify the cause of the itching the very next day. Some methods show the presence of the disease during the incubation period, which increases the effectiveness of future treatment in women and men.

Treatment of itching

Choosing the right treatment regimen is the key to successfully eliminating itching in the perineum. Medicines to eliminate itching should be selected and prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account certain factors.

Taking them on your own can lead to a worsening of the condition. A woman must strictly follow the following recommendations:.

  1. You should wash yourself at least twice a day, using a warm infusion of celandine herbs, string, chamomile or a solution of furatsilin (a tablet in a glass of water). You need to give up toilet soap for a while.
  2. At excessive vaginal dryness it is necessary to use special lubricants or sprays based on natural extracts.
  3. During treatment, it is better to abstain from sex so as not to irritate the inflamed genitals.
  4. You should review your menu, excluding hot seasonings, alcohol (including light wines), and yeast products.

Traditional medicine helps relieve itching

Folk remedies provide effective assistance in eliminating itching and burning of the genitals. They complement the main drug therapy. They are recommended to eliminate unpleasant symptoms after childbirth, and also until the underlying causes are diagnosed and drug treatment is prescribed. When the labia are itchy, the following give good results:

Vulvar itching should be treated using:

  • antibiotics;
  • candles;
  • vaginal capsules;
  • herbal preparations.

However, the primary diagnosis can be made already during an examination by a gynecologist. An experienced doctor can determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process by the color and abundance of discharge.

Here you can immediately rule out itching due to chickenpox and vaginal herpes. Also, if there is any suspicion of the presence of pelvic tumors, the gynecologist will send you for an ultrasound examination.

With fairly large erosion, itching and burning in the vagina can also bother the patient. Colposcopy will help clarify the doctor’s ambiguous guesses on this matter.

Also, females need to undergo hormone tests periodically. A decrease in female hormones can lead to identical symptoms.

This may be especially true for pregnant women and young mothers. As a result, against the background of changed conditions in the vaginal microflora, ubiquitous candidiasis may develop.

Only a doctor can answer the question of how to treat this discomfort. It is not recommended to prescribe treatment on your own if itching occurs, since this symptom can indicate many diseases, which sometimes only a specialist can identify.

The doctor prescribes therapeutic measures to help treat genital itching based on the nature of the disease and the intensity of the discomfort. You can also use simple methods to relieve rather unpleasant symptoms.

  • First of all, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower once a day. To stop itching, you can carry out one-time washings with a solution of chamomile, calendula, and furatsilin.
  • It is important to promptly change pads and tampons during menstrual flow, as this creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. You should not use personal care products with fragrances.
  • Underwear should be worn only from natural fabric.
  • It is necessary to follow the diet prescribed by your doctor, aimed at reducing the consumption of sweets, salty foods, and spices.
  • It is important to choose the right clothes; you should neither overheat nor overcool.
  • It is necessary to carry out preventive examinations with a gynecologist at least 2 times a year.


An excellent antipruritic remedy if the genitals itch, eliminating itching and swelling is Fluomizin. Treatment with it can be carried out regardless of the purpose of diagnostic measures, since it will not affect the decrease in the accuracy of the result.

If the cause lies in candidiasis, then taking Clotrimazole is often recommended to make you feel better. For external itching, you can apply this cream in a thin layer twice a day.

Treatment of internal itching is carried out using suppositories with this substance.

Depending on the cause and intensity of the itching, the doctor chooses the type of therapy. The girl must maintain personal hygiene of the intimate areas and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. What to do to relieve the itching? The doctor may prescribe Fluomizin, which does not affect the results of PCR diagnostics and relieves itching.

Candidiasis is treated with creams based on Clotrimazole, which is used for skin diseases. It is rubbed into problem areas a couple of times a day. It is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation.

It is difficult to cure itching that occurs for psychological reasons. The methods used (consultations with a psychologist, hypnosis, sleeping pills) are ineffective. A woman should get away from problems that cause depression and nervousness.

For unbearable itching, local anesthetics are used. They inject the problem area. The result is temporary and does not affect the underlying cause. In severe cases, they resort to surgical intervention: the genital nerves are excised.

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the etiological factor. Medicines and therapeutic measures will help with this: antibiotics - bacterial inflammation of the uterus and appendages, urethra, bladder;

  1. antifungal agents – itching due to thrush;
  2. sedatives - calm the nervous system, reducing pathological impulses and itching;
  3. complex therapy for hormonal disorders, metabolic processes, liver pathologies, etc.;
  4. antihistamines for allergies and complete exclusion of contact with the allergen.

There is no point in listing all treatment methods, since each disease requires an individual approach.

If you are itching in the genital area, your doctor will help you prescribe the right solution. Simple rules of personal hygiene and prevention of itching can make life easier.

Prevention of genital itching

By following just a few simple rules, you can protect yourself from the discomfort caused by itching of the vagina and labia. This:

  1. regular hygiene;
  2. refusal of panty liners;
  3. use of linen made from natural fabrics;
  4. protection against hypothermia;
  5. taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  6. preventive examination by a gynecologist at least once a year.

To avoid unpleasant problems in the future, you should follow simple rules:

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene: take a shower every day, wash with a solution of Furacilin or chamomile.
  • Change pads, panties and tampons in a timely manner. Follow the rules for their use.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Choose the right clothes to prevent overheating or freezing in the pelvic area.
  • Visit a gynecologist several times a year.
  • Take protective measures after sexual intercourse with a non-regular partner.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I’m fighting the effect, not the cause... They don’t help at all!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. That's how things are

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) Well, I’ll duplicate it, it’s not difficult for me, catch it - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars

Editor's response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then, it's OK! Everything is fine - for sure, if payment is made upon receipt. Thanks a lot!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing has been suffering from pain for many years...

Andrey A week ago

No matter what folk remedies I tried, nothing helped, it only got worse...

Ekaterina A week ago

I tried drinking a decoction of bay leaves, it didn’t do any good, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods - complete nonsense!!

Maria 5 days ago

I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient

Elena (rheumatologist) 6 days ago

Yes, indeed, a program is currently underway in which every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS will be able to completely cure diseased joints. And yes, the program is personally supervised by Professor Park.

Itching is a specific skin reaction, as a result of which there is simply an irresistible desire to scratch the area in which it appears. Itching can occur in almost any area of ​​the human body, but the most unpleasant sensations are provoked by the appearance of severe itching of the genitals.

Unlike men, this unpleasant symptom is much more common among representatives of the fair half of humanity. Also, in the presence of certain diseases, men may experience a feeling of severe itching, burning and irritation that appears in the genital area.

Itching of the genital organs in women can appear as a result of a wide variety of reasons, including the presence of certain diseases. Before starting any treatment, it will be necessary to establish exactly the cause that provoked this unpleasant symptom.

In almost all cases, the formation of a feeling of itching in the genital area is a consequence of the presence of some kind of disease. All reasons that can provoke such a symptom can be divided into several main groups:

  • the influence of certain external factors directly on the external genitalia. These reasons may include various infections, violation of the rules of intimate hygiene, pollution (for example, this can include not only dust pollution in the air or linen, but also a consequence of work in production), neglect of not only daily showering, but also washing, rare changing a tampon and pad during menstruation, exposure to temperatures (for example, it can be severe overheating or hypothermia), various mechanical irritants (wearing rough underwear or underwear made of synthetic materials that can create a “greenhouse” effect), prolonged contact with various chemical compounds that have an irritating effect, too frequent douching and washing of the vagina, as a result of which the natural microflora is disrupted. Regular wearing of modern scented pads, as well as long-term use of certain potent medications, not only internally, but also externally, can also provoke the appearance of severe itching;
  • This group of reasons is inherently distinguished by a certain pathology of the internal female genital organs. So, among the reasons that can provoke the appearance of a strong feeling of itching is chemical irritation directly on the external genitalia caused by urine, which becomes possible during urination (for example, if a woman suffers from congenital genitourinary fistulas). Such an unpleasant phenomenon can also be caused by the presence of pathological discharge in women, which can form at the onset of a serious inflammatory process occurring both in the uterus and on its cervix, and of course, the presence of hidden inflammatory processes occurring in the genital area;
  • the presence of pathology of other internal organs - this is hepatitis, accompanied by severe jaundice of the skin, diabetes mellitus, the presence of a chronic inflammatory disease not only of the bladder, but also of the kidneys, which can be directly related to a violation of their functionality. This phenomenon can also be provoked by various diseases in the hematopoietic organs (leukemia, anemia, lymphogranulomatosis), as well as a disruption in the natural functioning of the endocrine glands (for example, this may include a decrease or decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones, and also an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin). And of course, the presence of dangerous cancers that can significantly reduce the protective functions of the entire body, especially if potent medications are taken over a long period of time;
  • certain mental factors. These factors include prolonged, severe stress, as well as great fear that appears at the thought that surgery may soon be forthcoming, prolonged depression, nervous disorders and much more. These factors are typical specifically for representatives of the fair half of humanity; there is a risk of developing severe pathology in very emotional and impressionable women. Not only all of the above factors can provoke the formation of such an unpleasant symptom, but also a phenomenon such as vaginal dysbiosis, which requires immediate treatment. Increasingly, this pathology is manifested in women of different ages. The phenomenon of dysbacteriosis is a disruption of the correct microflora in the vagina, as a result of which there are much fewer beneficial bacteria in it, in contrast to pathogenic bacteria. Today, the most common type of dysbiosis in women is thrush or candidiasis (this disease requires immediate treatment).

Genital itching often becomes a sign of a large number of gynecological and systemic diseases. The symptom causes an irresistible desire to scratch the skin in the genital area. This, in turn, leads to a high risk of scratch infection.

If a pathological symptom occurs, you should consult a gynecologist.

Important! During a standard examination, you can detect characteristic scratching on the skin, dryness, and hyperemia of the labia. To make an accurate diagnosis, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed.

Laboratory diagnostics include:

  • smear to determine vaginal microflora according to Gram;
  • bacteriological culture to identify sensitivity to drugs from the group of antibiotics;
  • detection of antibody titer to,;
  • PCR analysis for latent sexually transmitted infections;
  • analysis on , and ;
  • (performed on an empty stomach);
  • hormonal blood test;
  • stool examination for worm eggs and dysbacteriosis, coprogram;
  • if necessary, after consulting an allergist.

Patients are also prescribed a consultation with a dermatovenerologist and mycologist. According to indications, a consultation is carried out with an immunologist to determine the immune status, a neurologist and a psychiatrist (if it is suspected that genital itching is psychogenic in nature).

Additional diagnostics may include:

  • colposcopy – to identify signs of vulvar atrophy, papillomas, leukoplakia and other pathological conditions;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvis;
  • examination and palpation of lymph nodes.

Research standards

The interpretation of the results of laboratory and instrumental studies is carried out by the attending physician. Normally, when testing for infections and markers of hepatitis, syphilis and HIV, the result should be negative. The results of other analyzes should also not show deviations from the generally accepted norm. Ultrasound diagnostics and colposcopy do not reveal any pathological signs.

As a rule, the above studies are sufficient to make a reliable diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Chumachenko Olga, medical observer