Why is tongue piercing dangerous? Does the tongue need decoration? Arguments for and against piercing. How the puncture is carried out

Piercings are punctures of skin and soft tissues for wearing special jewelry in the resulting holes. This type of body modification is incredibly popular. Of course, it’s not at all difficult to make a piercing, and when you get tired of it, you can simply pull out the jewelry, and after a while the puncture will heal by itself. Modern masters offer a choice of piercing a wide variety of areas of the body and face. At the same time, the rather extravagant tongue piercing is very popular. What is good about this piercing, is it dangerous?

Types of tongue piercing

The traditional puncture option involves creating a hole in the middle part of the organ. However, many today find this type of piercing too boring. A worthy alternative is a double vertical puncture (often called a “spider web”); in this case, the jewelry is located symmetrically on the sides of the central part of the tongue. Some originals prefer to pierce the frenulum. And the rarest and most dangerous is a horizontal puncture of the tongue; accordingly, the bar is located in a horizontal plane. Sometimes multiple piercings are performed at the client's request. In this case, different types of punctures listed above can be combined.

Decoration selection

The main requirement for the earring that you will wear immediately after the piercing is hypoallergenic. The best option is titanium or medical steel. The most common barbells for piercing this part of the body. These are jewelry consisting of a metal rod, at the ends of which balls or flat round elements are twisted. During the healing period, it is recommended to wear a fairly long earring, as swelling may occur in the first days. It is important that the edges of the barbell do not constantly come into contact with the teeth. Choose certified products that will not deteriorate under the influence of saliva. Remember that you always run the risk of swallowing the ball. If you decide to have your tongue pierced, be prepared for the fact that all new rods will have to be checked for their ability to unwind on their own and be regularly twisted when worn.

Is anesthesia necessary?

In terms of the degree of pain during execution, tongue piercing is considered a rather unpleasant event. It is important that the client sits quietly and does not move during the procedure. Otherwise, instead of a new piece of jewelry, you may end up with a very unpleasant injury. It is for this reason that many medical offices offering this service advise performing a tongue piercing with local anesthesia. Anesthesia can be administered with drugs in the form of injections or sprays. Sensitivity usually returns within a few hours. Attention: be prepared for the fact that if you choose a puncture with anesthesia, it will be almost impossible to speak immediately after the procedure. Therefore, if possible, have someone pick you up from the clinic and take you home.

Tongue piercing: photo and technology

This type of piercing is done manually using special tools. It is for this reason that the choice of a specific master should be approached with all responsibility. The procedure includes rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic solution and anesthesia (at the patient’s request). Next, the tongue is fixed with a special clamp, the location of the jewelry is marked, and it is at this mark that a puncture is made with a special needle. A modern tool for this type of piercing is a catheter, which allows you to immediately insert the jewelry easily and painlessly. Accordingly, the rod is then fixed, the clamp is removed - the puncture is completed. You can evaluate the result immediately after completion of the procedure. Good masters usually invite clients to look in the mirror. Don't be afraid of swelling - this is normal for the first days. As it heals, the swelling will go away.

In the first days after a tongue piercing, you should not eat solid foods or dishes that have a sharp, specific taste. After each meal, you should rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs or a special antiseptic. Before going to bed, it is recommended to rinse your tongue with chlorhexidine. Take the time to change your toothbrush and rinse it thoroughly after each use.

Have you recently had your tongue pierced? The care required is not too complicated, but there are still some restrictions during the healing period. Minimize the risk of damage to your new piercing and infection. To do this, carefully monitor the temperature of food and drinks, get rid of the habit of brushing your tongue with a toothbrush, give up kissing until it is completely healed, and you can only engage in oral sex using a barrier method of contraception.

If swelling bothers you too much, try drinking more cool drinks or keeping ice cubes in your mouth. While the puncture is healing, it is recommended to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Is it possible to pierce your tongue at home?

Despite all its extravagance, tongue piercing seems quite simple to perform and heal. However, this opinion is erroneous. Performing a tongue piercing at home is strictly prohibited. The risk of hitting a nerve or blood vessel is too high. In the first case, loss of sensitivity is likely (an irreversible consequence), in the second - serious blood loss. In addition, at home the risk of infection increases. Think three times before deciding on such a dubious procedure. Today you can find a salon offering this type of piercing and a master with a medical education in any city. And the cost of the procedure itself will be from 300 to 1000 rubles. This is small money compared to the risk that those who decide to pierce their tongue at home take.

Possible problems

Tongue piercing inevitably leads to deterioration of diction and the appearance of a lisp. Sometimes these complications are observed only during the period of healing of the puncture and getting used to the jewelry, but sometimes they persist for life. For this reason, this body modification is categorically not recommended for people whose profession is directly related to public speaking.

As with any type of piercing, there is a risk of infection during the piercing. If instruments or jewelry have not been sterilized, it is even possible to introduce the virus of serious chronic diseases transmitted through blood, such as AIDS, hepatitis, etc.

Choosing the wrong earring for constant wear can result in damage to the gums and tooth enamel. If the puncture is performed poorly, damage to large blood vessels or nerves is possible. Possible consequences: severe bleeding, disruption of taste buds and motor activity of the organ. Try to rationally assess all the risks before getting your tongue pierced. The pros and cons in this case are quite serious. If you decide to undergo the procedure, contact a certified salon or clinic with a good reputation.

Advantages of tongue piercing

This type of piercing is often chosen for its extravagance. What is especially important is that everyone can show their individuality and creativity in this way. We remind you: many serious companies today have a strict dress code, and applicants with obvious body modifications and informal appearance are not accepted for work. But the barbell in the tongue is not visible until its owner decides to show off this decoration. Accordingly, this puncture is suitable for almost everyone. For all its aesthetic value, such piercing does not require complex care. It is completed in a matter of seconds. How long does it take for a tongue piercing to heal? Any master will tell you that from 2 to 6 weeks. By the standards of skin punctures, this is an insignificant period.

Can everyone have their tongue pierced?

Contraindications for this type of piercing are diseases of the oral cavity. Tongue piercing cannot be done in case of some chronic diseases, mental abnormalities and epilepsy. People with poor blood clotting and allergies to metals should consider wearing a piercing. Persons over 18 years of age can have their tongue pierced, and in some exceptional cases - from 16 years of age, with the official consent of their parents. Piercing is not recommended for women during their menstrual periods due to the likelihood of increased bleeding. Tongue piercing has mixed reviews. Like any other body modification, some people like it in any form, while others find it disgusting. But if you have already seriously decided to decorate your body in this way, do not listen to those who are against it. When piercing is performed in a certified facility by an experienced professional, the risk of complications is minimal. Just look around - this piercing is quite popular today, and many people wear jewelry in their tongue for years without experiencing any discomfort.

Agata Vasnetsova

Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.

Since ancient times, man has sought to decorate himself by piercing his body. Today this art is known as piercing. The fashion for punctures throughout the body came to us from ancient Indian tribes, who needed to identify themselves with a specific human group. Many boys and girls get a tongue piercing, although it hurts, but the opportunity to stand out outweighs the unintended health consequences.

What is tongue piercing

This is a surgical operation, although short, but dangerous, which involves piercing the tongue with the subsequent insertion of a special earring - a barbell. Common decorations are vertical bars made of surgical steel or titanium. The earring is double, it can be seen both from above and from below. Another type, horizontal, is a frenulum piercing under the tongue. Making such a puncture is much easier - there is less blood, pain, healing is faster. Jewelry comes not only in the form of a barbell, but also a staple, a ring, a carnation.

Why is the tongue pierced?

It is widely believed that tongue piercing is done for sexual pleasure, which the earring gives the partner, causing additional sensations. However, girls often get pierced simply for the sake of fashion or to self-identify with a group of people belonging to a specific subculture. Another reason is the desire to stand out, to become different from everyone else.

Pros and cons of tongue piercing

Piercing always attracts attention, making the wearer stylish and arousing the interest of others. By agreeing to this complex procedure, a person feels special and shows individuality. There are several reasons to get a piercing:

  • A person liberates himself, tries something new, partly shocks those around him, challenging the routine and ordinariness of gray everyday life.
  • This type of piercing is easily hidden and is not noticeable. Without removing the jewelry, you can show it or hide it.
  • During kissing and oral sex, the earring additionally stimulates the partner’s sensations and adds exoticism to the relationship.
  • During healing, you have to follow a diet for a long time, so you can lose weight by losing your usual diet, which will please those who want to lose excess weight.

If you want to impress others with a tongue piercing, you will have to put up with the following inconveniences:

  • The first thing that awaits those wishing to get a tongue piercing is the painfulness of the procedure.
  • Healing is long and uncomfortable. It will take several months for complete recovery.
  • The operation is expensive. It is better to do it in a clinic with an experienced specialist, rather than at home. Saving in this case is not worth it.
  • When contacting a bad surgeon, there is a high probability of infection due to unsterile instruments. We are talking not only about infection of the wound, but also about more serious diseases: hepatitis and herpes.
  • You will have to put up with dental damage. This is a consequence of the fact that the earring is often chewed. When chewing, there is a high probability of touching the decoration.
  • The pleasure of showing off an earring increases the risk of gum disease. Having a foreign object in the mouth, especially with insufficient care, boys and girls get an increase in the number of bacteria and infection of the oral cavity.

Does it hurt to pierce your tongue?

According to reviews from those who have undergone the operation, the puncture itself is a matter of seconds, quite tolerable. It will hurt later, during healing. The tongue is highly sensitive. Because this organ is in constant motion, with a wound in the middle, it will hurt until it heals completely. To reduce pain:

  • have the operation performed by a trusted specialist;
  • care for the wound;
  • do not smoke;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • talk less at first;
  • Avoid hot, spicy foods.

How to pierce the tongue

It is preferable to get your piercing done at a salon as this procedure is considered surgery. In order to choose the right place for a puncture without damaging blood vessels and nerves, the doctor must have the appropriate qualifications. Tools and gloves use disposable or sterilized ones. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The mouth is pre-treated with an antiseptic; sometimes Lidocaine is used for anesthesia.
  2. The tongue is grabbed and fixed with a special clamp, then pierced with a needle from the bottom up.
  3. Finally, jewelry is inserted into the puncture site.

How to pierce your tongue at home

You need to choose a well-lit room so that there is a place to lay out the instrument. Use only disinfected clamp, needle and earring. Wash your hands with soap and wipe with a disinfectant solution. Perform actions wearing disposable sterile gloves:

  1. Treat your mouth with an antiseptic.
  2. Choose a puncture site in the middle, closer to the tip of the tongue, there are no large blood vessels there.
  3. Pinch the tongue with tongs, then use a special needle to pierce it strictly perpendicular to the surface.
  4. Use a catheter to insert the earring.

Catheter for tongue puncture

This device helps you do your own piercing at home with minimal pain. The catheter is a needle with a plastic tube into which a piece of jewelry is inserted. After the puncture, it goes into the hole along with the earring. Next, the catheter and needle are removed, and the jewelry is inserted in the right place. When purchasing a barbell that will be inserted immediately after a puncture, pay attention to the size - the product should fit into a plastic tube.

How long does it take for a tongue to heal after a piercing?

A long, uncomfortable rehabilitation process is a reason to think about the need for piercing. On the very first day, the tongue will certainly swell due to damage to the blood vessels and lymph flows. The swelling may last for several days. If all care recommendations are followed, the wound will heal within two to three weeks. Complete healing will occur only after three to four months, if there are no dangerous complications.

How to care for a pierced tongue

Care involves treating the wound with antiseptic solutions such as Chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate or soda. For the first 2 weeks, rinse your mouth as often as possible, always after meals. After ten to fourteen days, instead of rinsing with an antiseptic, use a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Do not be overzealous so as not to deprive the natural antiseptic - saliva - of its protective properties. The barbell also requires care. For the first two weeks, brush it with a soft toothbrush. Afterwards, regularly remove the barbell, clean and disinfect it.


The result of poor quality work by the master will be pain and inflammation, prolonged treatment and slow healing. Even if the tongue was pierced in a medical institution, difficulties may arise with subsequent proper care:

  • If the procedure was unsuccessful, usually at home, there may be complications: severe bleeding, infection of the wound, inflammation. As a result, long-term treatment with antibiotics is required.
  • The swollen tissue will make it painful to chew, speak, and swallow.
  • For the first time after the operation, you will have to eat liquid, fresh, non-hot food, so as not to injure the wound and not slow down healing.
  • After the operation, special care, rinsing, and cleaning of the rod will be required. Be prepared that after healing, care will also be necessary.
  • The diction will change and a slight whisper will appear.
  • Since an earring or barbell in the oral cavity is a hard foreign body, it will touch the teeth and damage the enamel. Cracks and chips are constant companions of tongue piercing.
  • Partial loss of taste is possible if the nerves have been damaged. Only an experienced surgeon knows the right point so as not to disturb the nerve endings.
  • When a piercing is constantly worn, the tissue grows and scars form, which can only be removed surgically.

Today you won't surprise anyone with piercings. It has become so fashionable that, for example, not only young people, but also older people began to pierce their tongues. Although this type of piercing is not always noticeable to others, it is in second place in popularity after

Even the ancients practiced this procedure before the ritual of sacrifice to the gods. In addition, the tongue was also pierced. Local shamans, performing the ritual, claimed that such manipulation helps rid the human soul of evil forces and cleanse it. Later, mouth piercing became simply an aesthetic decoration or a way to stand out from other people.

Does it hurt or not?

People from the timid ten decide to get a puncture right away. Others doubt it for one reason: does it hurt to pierce the tongue? The process itself is practically painless because anesthetics are used. As a rule, after 2 hours, when the analgesic effect wears off, pain appears at the puncture site, interfering with eating, especially if you need to chew something thoroughly.

Dangerous or not

If you go to a professional, there is little to no risk associated with this type of piercing. In other situations, for example, if you pierce your tongue at home, the consequences can be dire: infection, inflammation, etc. This often occurs due to dishonesty in the sterilization of instruments, poor hand hygiene, and manipulations without gloves.

Before you decide to pierce your tongue, find out more information about this piercing from various sources. Weigh the pros and cons.

Piercing technology

The piercing is done on the tip of the tongue in its center. The sides should not be pierced, since arteries are located here, and if damaged, serious bleeding can begin.

If the puncture is not made in the center, the wound may take several weeks to heal. There is also a possibility that the jewelry will not take root at all and will be rejected by the body. During piercing, a rigid or flexible rod is used. The latter is more practical when worn and causes minimal discomfort. To fix the tongue, use a special clamp and mark the place where the hole will be made. The master makes the puncture with a special sterile instrument. Then a long rod is inserted. This is necessary for convenience, since in the first days the tongue will be swollen. Then the rod is replaced with a smaller size.

Piercing at home

If you decide that you can handle all the manipulations yourself, you need to prepare in advance and learn how to properly pierce your tongue at home:

  • Sterilize your instruments well and wear gloves.
  • Pierce the tongue, insert the barbell with a needle and remove the needle.
  • Screw the second ball onto the other end of the rod.
  • Re-treat with antiseptic.

Proper care

  1. After the procedure, you should not smoke, drink alcohol, or eat food for several hours.
  2. You should rinse your mouth with special disinfectants several times a day.
  3. While the healing process is taking place, you should eat only soft foods. It is contraindicated to drink coffee and juices with dyes, eat spicy, salty foods, as well as citrus fruits. As for alcohol, it is strictly contraindicated, since its consumption destroys the protective film and dissolves the resulting tissue.
  4. At first you will have to refrain from kissing.

It's up to you to decide whether to pierce your tongue or not. In any case, if the entire puncture procedure is done correctly, it will not cause any harm, and if desired, you can always remove the jewelry. The pierced area will heal very quickly.

Tongue piercing is performed without anesthesia, so this procedure can be quite painful. The healing process of a wound on the tongue is quite long, so the pain will probably last for a long time.

The puncture site requires careful daily care and regular treatment with antiseptic agents. And even in this case, serious language is very likely.

Getting infected

Even if all oral hygiene requirements are met, it is possible for pathogenic bacteria to enter the wound, both from food and from the surrounding air. In this case, the tongue may become inflamed and swollen, which will make it difficult not only to swallow, but also to breathe.
In addition, infection through an open wound can penetrate directly into the bloodstream and cause very serious diseases.

Damage to teeth and tongue

Tongue piercing easily causes inflammation of the gums, since the jewelry, constantly in contact with the gum, first causes irritation and then damage. Inflamed gums, in turn, contribute to loosening of teeth and gradually lead to their loss.
A tongue pierce also damages the enamel and can even cause the tooth to chip if moved suddenly.

Impaired diction

A foreign body in the oral cavity inevitably leads to changes in diction, as it limits the mobility of the tongue, which interferes with the articulate pronunciation of words. Over time, a person will get used to it, his diction will improve, but until that time he will have to overcome serious discomfort when speaking.

Consequences of improper tongue piercing

You can only trust such an operation to a professional with medical education and sterile instruments. Otherwise, piercing is even more dangerous.

If conditions of complete sterility are not observed, the client risks contracting a wide variety of diseases from herpes simplex to hepatitis and HIV.

If the doctor performing this procedure does not thoroughly know the structure of the tongue, he may accidentally hit a nerve when piercing, which leads to loss of sensitivity of taste buds, impaired motor functions of the tongue, and even tissue necrosis.

Getting an instrument into a blood vessel leads to massive blood loss, since it is difficult to stop bleeding from the tongue.

Allergic reaction

People who are prone to allergies run the risk of getting a reaction to the metal used in piercing jewelry. Constant contact with a source of irritation after inserting an earring can provoke not only allergic dermatitis, but also angioedema.

Currently, piercing is widespread among young people - a specific decoration for various parts of the body. Moreover, it is believed that the most “advanced” part of young people must have such decoration on their tongue. This type of extreme impact on one’s own body often does not pass without a trace, so you need to know what tongue piercing is. The consequences of this barbaric intervention in the oral cavity can be quite serious and last a lifetime.

A tongue piercing is a vertical puncture in the tongue into which a barbell with two fastening attachments is inserted. There are many options for such decoration. Typically the bar is positioned horizontally. In some cases, tongue piercing is a ring on the tip of the tongue. There are also multiple punctures. Everything is done according to the client's wishes.

The motives for this method of changing one's appearance are well known. This is the desire to make a special impression on others, to stand out from the crowd, or to experience new sensations during sexual games. Also, some young people decide to have their tongue pierced in the hope of appearing like their idol. In general, the more the decoration differs from the usual one, the more “authoritative” the person is.

However, those wishing to undergo this dangerous procedure must be aware of the possible consequences that await them. Unfortunately, the majority of young people are guided not by common sense, but by momentary emotions.

Tongue piercing is performed without anesthesia, so it is a rather painful procedure. The risk of such intervention in the oral cavity is aggravated by the entry of pathogenic bacteria through the resulting open wound after the puncture. Doctors believe that such jewelry is a direct route of transmission of infectious diseases, ranging from the herpes simplex virus to hepatitis C and B. The resulting puncture wound creates a real threat of pathogenic microorganisms penetrating directly into the bloodstream. This can cause the development of inflammation of the tissues and heart valves - endocarditis.

Tongue piercing must be carried out by a person who has a thorough knowledge of medicine, since if the area of ​​the tongue is incorrectly chosen for the piercing, a nerve can be damaged. This will lead to necrosis, loss of sensitivity, and impaired motor activity of the tongue. It often happens that the piercing tool gets into a blood vessel. The result is severe blood loss. Sometimes the tongue swells, severe swelling develops, the airways become blocked, thereby making breathing difficult.

You should think a hundred times before deciding on such a dubious decoration as a tongue piercing. The consequences of this procedure are not limited to the above complications. Individual fashionistas wearing barbells (jewelry with a long stem) are susceptible. Dubious jewelry comes into contact with the gums and damages them. In some cases, gum recession occurs, causing teeth to become loose and fall out. In addition, piercing enthusiasts often damage tooth enamel. A snow-white open smile and tongue piercing are absolutely incompatible things.

Most young people with similar decoration on the tongue experience increased salivation. Therefore, you should not communicate in close proximity with a person who has a tongue piercing. He will spit.

In addition to the listed consequences of tongue piercing, you should also think carefully about the advisability of carrying out this procedure for people who are predisposed to allergic reactions to metals. Of course, after the procedure of piercing the tongue, one should not be surprised at a slightly changed perception of taste sensations or a violation of diction.

The long process of healing the tongue will require endurance, patience, and overcoming serious discomfort. Relationships with parents, teachers, and other surrounding people may deteriorate. If you have a tongue piercing, you will have to carefully care for your oral cavity. You will need to regularly treat the wound with antiseptic solutions. At the slightest complication, you should consult a doctor.

Therefore, you should be aware of the consequences of this dubious appearance decoration and approach this procedure consciously. Take care of yourself!