Zodiac sign Cancer which means what character. Cancers - who are they? Weaknesses of character

Ruler Planet:☽ Moon. Element: Water.

Cancer personality

Cancer is the most prudent of all the signs of the zodiac. The easiest way to distinguish Cancer from the rest is by watching how he goes to his goal. The fact is that perseverance in his character is combined with caution, which is why Cancer is not inclined to retreat, but does not go ahead either. His tactic is to reflect, weigh the pros and cons and wait, choosing a convenient moment. But when such a moment comes, Cancer is unlikely to miss its chance.

Those born under this zodiacal constellation are generally not characterized by spontaneous, ill-considered decisions, which is why the actions of Cancer rarely end in failure. And in such his behavior lies a secret: the point here is not so much in Cancer's love to win, but in those painful experiences that cause him failures. Being a very sensitive nature, Cancer is sensitive to any failure. At such moments, his hands give up, and he still does not soon find the strength to move further forward. That is why Cancer is always so thoughtful and careful: he does not need new failures.

On the other hand, if Cancer has already achieved something, then until the last moment he will not let go of what he has won at such a high price. This applies to all areas of his life - and friendship, and love, and work, and money. This quality allows him to preserve and increase, allowing him to accumulate during his life not only spiritual wealth, but also considerable material wealth. In general, in financial terms, Cancer is very thrifty and even stingy, however, he himself sees in this only his practicality and prudence.

The sensitivity and emotionality of Cancer makes him an attentive companion and understanding friend, and usually there are many people who want to entrust him with their secret or cry into their vest. However, the true feelings and thoughts of Cancer himself are known only to him alone. Such a Cancer's habit of keeping everything in himself leads to the fact that his already deep emotions are capable of reaching enormous strength, influencing both his affairs and his well-being. Cancer can go to bed from worries and worries, while good news will raise him to his feet in no time.

Home for Cancer is its own fortress and the best place on earth. And this is not difficult to understand, because only outside its walls Cancer can equip its personal, comfortable world, fencing itself off from the problems and troubles raging outside the walls. Only at home does he feel completely protected and truly happy. Cancer prefers an evening spent with family or closest friends to any travels and even more so to going out into the world.

Cancer Release - Water, the depths of which hide many secrets. His planet is the romantic Moon, giving him a changeable mood and daydreaming.

Sensitive and vulnerable, thrifty and careful, Cancer builds its future, not forgetting about the past. His past achievements are his wealth, which he is not going to lose, and his home is the springboard from which he makes his cautious steps into the future and in which at any moment he can hide, as in a shell, from the storms and failures of a cruel world.

Cancer personality, lifestyle, career, love


If you dream of a man with character traits such as tenderness, caring, loyalty, romance, then Cancer is just your lucky ticket. Even if at first glance he seems to you to be withdrawn and silent, let his old friends, taking you aside, whisper to you that he is a stingy and inveterate bachelor, do not believe: all this is just a false impression. Yes, the Cancer man is not a windy rake. who is chasing every skirt and for whom marriage is just another gamble, but maybe it's for the best? By the way, it is the Cancer man, being an esthete, who, like no one else, knows how to appreciate the beauty of the female body, mind and soul and is able to shower you with the most exquisite compliments.


Cancer Woman is as mysterious as the Moon itself. Did you think that she was practical and rational, but when you got to know her better, did you discern her romantic nature and tender, vulnerable soul? Previously, it seemed to you that she was calmness itself, but next to you her mood changes every now and then, showing either joy, or thoughtfulness, or sadness? Believe me, this is completely normal, just few people a Cancer woman allows to see herself as she is: she carefully hides her vulnerable inner world from strangers. How to conquer a Cancer woman


Cancer love is an amazing cocktail of romance and practicality. Cancer, as a true sign of Water, seeks deep relationships - he is not interested in anything less. He needs full compatibility and emotional closeness with a partner, a warm, reliable and comfortable union, where there is no place for uncertainty. Cancer enchants a partner not so much with passion as with care and understanding. The love of this sign of the Water element is revealed in the care, protection and support of a loved one. Cancer is not easy to enter into a relationship - he hesitates and thinks for a long time before deciding on courtship. On a date, Cancer will not recite poetry and look with adoring eyes, but will begin to plan a future life together and discuss practical things - for example, where is it better to go on a honeymoon or what furniture to pick up in the bedroom. The partner can completely shift all the worries onto his shoulders - Cancer will be happy to do household chores and arrange life. Cancer's hands-on approach is a great foundation for a strong and lasting relationship.


Emotional, impressionable, sensitive to external circumstances, the Cancer child has a rich imagination and changeable mood. Endlessly attached to his home and loved ones, he needs support and unconditional love, which gives him confidence and a sense of security. In an atmosphere of mutual understanding and kindness, the Cancer child develops an agreeable, sensitive, caring character, and his delicate mental organization becomes fertile ground for the development of creative abilities. Cancer baby


Can you describe Cancer's love in a few words? Unlikely. Cancer's love is incomprehensible, like the infinity of the universe. He loves deeply, strongly and recklessly, as he can love the mother of her child. On the one hand, this is great. Agree, there is nothing better than realizing that a loved one loves you more than himself. But, on the other hand, such love often develops into dependence and gives rise to fears and complexes, which Cancer already has more than enough.


According to an ancient Greek legend, Cancer managed to ally with Hydra against Hercules! He needed a carapace not so much to protect the body (no armor would stand against the mace of Hercules), but to protect a vulnerable soul. Cancer's two huge claws do not scare anyone: everyone knows that there is no creature more sacrificial and gentle than him. Most of all, Cancer does not like change. The most precious thing for Cancer is his loved ones, which is why he needs the protection of not only talismans, but also loving people. It is they who are his shell.


Need to resolve a serious issue with Cancer? When entering into a dialogue with him, be sure to take into account the mood in which he came to meet you. If he has a drooping gaze, restless behavior and a slightly trembling voice, you should first find out the cause of his condition, and if this is not possible, it is better to postpone the conversation altogether. Cancer will not be able to think about the global as long as the particular is in the way. It is useless to describe to him the benefits that he will receive in the future until he decides how to pay off today's bills.


Cancer is very frugal and therefore a very monetary sign. He is completely devoid of career aspirations and ambitions, however, in his work, his tactics of thoughtful decisions and careful steps bear fruit over time. Thanks to her, he makes few mistakes and wins over many of his much more zealous (and more reckless) colleagues. This allows him to find his niche in the professional field, which no one else can claim. Cancer can realize itself in a variety of areas, especially those related to trade, food industry, real estate, banking. His aesthetic view of the world can manifest itself in professions related to art: design, photography, music, literature.


Cancers' sensitivity affects their health as well. They are prone to pain in the chest and knees, diseases of the skin, kidneys, bladder, and stomach and digestive organs. They are often reproached for suspiciousness, but Cancer's nature is so emotional and subtle that their health really largely depends on the change in their mood: problems and depression can put Cancer to bed for a long time, but good news will cure him in no time. Maintaining good spirits and optimism, Cancer is able to live to the very old age.

Who doesn't want to get to know a loved one or just an acquaintance better? Or maybe understand yourself? If you use a horoscope, where each person has his own sign, then this will not be so difficult. Knowing the date of birth (day and month), the sign of the zodiac is determined. And already on it you can determine the character and temperament, strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of a person. The hero of this article is the Cancer zodiac sign.

People born in the constellation of Cancer are distinguished by emotionality, sensitivity, and homeliness. As a rule, the sign is considered the most successful for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who become unsurpassed housewives, faithful wives and caring mothers.

For representatives of this type of zodiac, the most important thing in life is security and stability. Since Cancers are notable for their vulnerability, although they do not always show this to close people.

If they are offended, they can hide in a shell, from which it may be impossible to get them. Often, if unrequited love or a problematic breakup happened in their life, they find themselves alone, not letting anyone close.

But the problem is that this is unacceptable for Cancer, since it is he who needs a family and a home more than others. Cancer will not succeed in a happy life without a family.

In life, representatives of this constellation are looking for stability. They do not like to take risks, and this applies not only to love relationships, but also to the financial sphere. He handles money very carefully, doing everything in order not to let down loved ones.

If he borrowed from someone, he will return the borrowed amount exactly on time and in full. He expects the same attitude from other people.

Cancers suffer a lot and often. They do this for trifles, although they can give the impression of a strong and unshakable person. In fact, many of them are as helpless as little children. Some seek help and support from stronger and more experienced people.

There are a lot of diplomats among people born in this constellation. This is explained by a kind of talent that helps them to achieve their goal. However, diplomacy completely disappears when a person is offended, because he can behave completely recklessly, in a childish way.

It is with this flaw that Cancers need to fight so as not to spoil relations with others. Not every person will tolerate Cancer's childhood whims, especially if he also refuses to explain the reason for the offense.

For many, the representatives of this sign remain a mystery. They give the impression of being calm and balanced people. It happens from time to time they throw out unexpected numbers, and this confuses friends and relatives. To unravel the nature of such a person is difficult and not accessible to everyone. If we consider that Cancer itself does not want to fully unfold, then it is almost impossible to do this.

Cancers are great family partners. However, not everything is so simple here either. They dream of a partner only for themselves and that he would live and do everything only for them. And this can manifest itself in causeless jealousy, and the jealousy is not bright and understandable, but melancholic, touchy, with reproaches and tears.

It is the representatives of the constellation of Cancer who are considered to be admirers of purity. Therefore, in their house there is always a museum order, and their work is hardly associated with dirt and disorder. And if they are connected, then they manage to put things in order at work and put everything in proper form.

Cancers have a rich imagination and always choose a slightly sophisticated atmosphere conducive to creative work. If they learn to monitor their mood and not succumb to emotions, then they will do much better.

At work, as a rule, they are diligent and patient, but they do not accept pressure. They have only one reaction to pressure - none. Cancer will wait until the pressure is over and decide everything on its own.

Famous Cancers include Julius Caesar, Ernest Hemingway, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Marc Chagall and others.

People whose zodiac sign is Cancer have an excellent memory, developed intelligence and life experience. Naturally, these virtues help in life, especially if you do not use them for self-reflection and revenge. Worst of all, if he begins to understand himself and uses all the methods available to him for this. In this case, multi-day depression is guaranteed.

Another not the best feature of Cancer is his fear of life and sitting in dreams. He likes to think, imagine, change the situation in his thoughts, and not go forward. He thinks about the past much more actively than about the future, and this is not the best way to a happy future. And if in this past he also made several mistakes, then mental torment for several years ahead is assured. In addition, if Cancer is afraid of something in the future, he will "move back" or may stop.

Among all the signs of the zodiac, Cancer is considered one of the most loving, gentle. He shows his love to the fullest, playing a little, doing everything for his partner. But even in the best of relationships, there is a threat of flight, the so-called retreat. If something threatens his calmness and measured life. After all, not everyone can accept a problem situation as it is. Cancer in this case is very frightened and thinks for a long time what needs to be done, and whether something needs to be done in principle.

Travelers and adventurers are made from Cancers who are not bad: they greatly yearn for home, homeland, friends and acquaintances. And if they get used to something, then it will be very difficult to break the habit. By the way, this also applies to love relationships. If you live in harmony with him, then you will hardly be able to find a greater return from anyone from the representatives of the zodiacal circle.

Among the positive qualities of this sign, one can single out perseverance, patronizing attitude towards loved ones, leadership. Leadership is worth mentioning separately: Cancers often make decisions in the most difficult situations, when no one can decide something.

In addition, they are distinguished by patience, which helps them achieve their goals and overcome some of the shortcomings. They are also overly hardworking, thrifty, and prudent. It is very difficult to push them to extraordinary and risky actions.

Negative qualities are fear and insecurity. Fear often comes from childhood, when something did not work out for a small but stubborn Cancer and someone from his loved ones criticized him. These injuries can make it difficult to live a lifetime. In addition, you should learn to tolerate criticism more easily and relate to it easier. Then she will not force you to abandon the goal and will not spoil the mood.

They also do not like to enter into dialogue if there is a possibility that they may be “defeated”. If Cancer does something wrong or is guilty of something, then admitting guilt is also difficult for him. Because of this, he can begin to lie and get out by all available methods.

In love, Cancer can be called the most sensitive and vulnerable sign. It is on love that his whole life can depend: in childhood - on the love of his mother, in adulthood - on the love of his partner.

And if this love will bring pain, then Cancer can become the most unhappy on earth. After all, loneliness and rejection are not for him.

A lot in the life of this sign depends on the relationship with the mother. If a person cannot break off the connection with his mother, then he can live in her house until old age, without deciding on a relationship.

Men can become mama's sons, women - companions of their own mothers.

At a young age, Cancers dream of love and try to find their ideal. Their imagination clearly draws what the ideal partner should be.

By the way, it is their rich imagination that allows them to become excellent lovers who can give their loved one unearthly pleasure.

Cancers expect love from every relationship and consider every relationship to be the one from which children will be born. And if this does not happen, then there is no limit to disappointment. Disappointed and abandoned, they return to their mother or seek loneliness.

Cancer men are of two types: affectionate and loving husbands and fathers and moody and ambiguous romantics. The first are realized in family relationships and enjoy making the partner happy.

The latter are in constant search of the ideal, suffer a lot. It is this type of men who become happy with ladies much older than themselves, who remind them of their mother.

Cancer women are also of two types: affectionate and shy, with a childish character of a woman and a woman with high self-esteem. The first ones become good housewives and mothers and can sacrifice everything for the sake of their family and husband. The latter are often looking for the ideal and constantly experience a sense of frustration.

In a relationship, Cancers are used to obeying their loved one too much and doing everything for him, even a little more. Such people will be great life companions if they feel loved. And if they do not feel love, they will be unhappy, and they will make unhappy a partner who does not love them enough.

Cancer compatibility usually depends on age. At a young age, the best partners for them are obtained from Pisces and Scorpions.

After all, each of these signs is characterized by a deep and passionate relationship.

At a more mature age, they are most compatible with Gemini and Virgo, which helps them to become less careful and more active.

After forty years, high compatibility with representatives of your sign and Capricorns, with whom you will be able to build a harmonious and happy union.

With loyalty, Cancers are fine if they receive love and understanding from a partner. If this is not there, then he can go all the way.

Cancer is not only the most sensual and vulnerable sign, but also the most promiscuous in sexual relations. He very quickly gets carried away by a partner and does everything in order to give pleasure.

In sex, he loves variety and is not limited to standard types of sex.

Women are very fond of treating men like a mother, so they can choose partners much younger than themselves.

Men are often attracted to older women.

Sexual intercourse with Cancer can last for a very long time: both men and women are in complete control of themselves and want to please their partner. In addition, Cancers love to be fondled.

In sexual relations, Cancers can play both active and passive roles, rushing from one extreme to another. However, in any case, the night with a representative of this zodiac sign will be remembered for a long time and only from the best side.

Each zodiac sign has its own unique and interesting characteristics. Cancers are no exception. We will tell you about the 10 most interesting features of people born under the influence of this constellation.

People born under the Cancer Zodiac Sign are often called the most unsolved by astrologers. The time patronized by the constellation Cancer lasts from June 21 to July 22. Very often, the descriptions of the representatives of the Cancer Sign differ, conflicting with each other, since they are sometimes assigned opposite characteristics. What makes them so mysterious, and what important conclusions have astrologers come to today?

To understand the representatives of the Sign Cancer, you first need to understand what controls them. The characteristic is made on the basis of the patron planet, the elements of the Zodiac Sign and the specific position of the heavenly bodies in the natal chart. Cancers have a common set as follows:

patron planet: moon
planet in exaltation: Jupiter
element: Water

In order to more accurately understand the nature of the representatives of the Cancer Zodiac Sign, you need to understand what qualities the Moon endows people with - after all, it patronizes this constellation.

The moon is associated with several goddesses of ancient Greece at once. This comes from the fact that we see how the reflection of our satellite in the sky is constantly changing. Goddesses who represent the Moon:

  • Artemis (Diana)- in mythology has always been considered a virgin hunter.
  • Hera (Juno)- the wife of the Thunderer Zeus (Jupiter), the goddess in charge of the hearth and the patroness of families.
  • Persephone (Proserpine)- the wife of the god of the dead Hades (Pluto). She is directly associated with transformation, since during the period she is on the earth, everything blooms, and when she returns to Hades, the earth does not bear fruit. This is how the ancient Greeks explained the changing of the seasons.
  • Hecate (Trivia)- a mysterious goddess who was represented as fluttering with the souls of dead people. She associated with illusion, deception, mystery and could bestow wisdom.

It is not surprising that with such a complex astrological patron, the character of Cancers is difficult to read. Nevertheless, it is possible to describe it at least to a certain extent closely, if we proceed from such an understanding of the influence of the Moon on people.

Zodiac sign Cancer: 10 interesting facts

  1. These people are really dependent on the lunar phases, like water. This means that at different times they have different qualities, but if you look closely, you can see some cyclical nature of these changes. Therefore, they first of all need to be monitored.
  2. Cancers always remain an unsolved mystery, and completely for everyone. Except myself, perhaps. They have a principle: keep everything to yourself. Therefore, true feelings and their depth are almost completely unknown to others. There are reasons for this.
  3. The feelings of the representatives of the Cancer Sign are very easy to hurt, so they keep them to themselves. This is not to say that they absolutely do not trust absolutely anyone. But they do it in a very limited form, which can be explained by the following interesting fact.
  4. Whatever Cancers do, they do in such a way as to protect themselves and those closest to them. First of all, so as not to suffer ourselves. The moon is associated with protective energy, which is very necessary, since the sensual sphere of Cancers is always extremely vulnerable.
  5. Feelings and emotions can almost directly affect the physical health of the representatives of this Sign. By the way, in the first place, their digestion usually suffers, and the lymphatic system is also considered weak.
  6. Best of all, representatives of the Cancer Sign feel among the family. They are often the most attached to home and parents. These wards of the Moon themselves become wonderful parents.
  7. Cancers are great at achieving their goals. But they do it rather slowly. On the one hand, in this way they save themselves from many major failures, on the other, they do not undergo unnecessary worries.
  8. The past is very significant for the representatives of this Zodiac Sign. At the very least, they learn from it. Their character, inclinations and habits can be largely attributed to the influence of the past.
  9. Perhaps only Taurus can be more thrifty than Cancer. Natural caution and the ability to hold what was obtained in the hands of these people are so obvious that sometimes one can only envy. This allows them to create a good material foundation for the family.
  10. Habits are often very pronounced in those born during this period. It may not be very pleasant for them to change their established way of life, therefore, when the need arises, they have to be pushed.

Look in often: this way you will always be fully armed, regardless of your Zodiac Sign. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.09.2016 05:12

All signs of the Zodiac in the horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac Signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. ...

Endowing them with a subtle, sensitive, excitable, vulnerable nervous system, rich in intuition, emotionality, romance.

Cancer people love to dream, fantasize, often they need privacy. They preserve children's perception of the world around them until maturity, they are interested in everything, which is incomprehensible, mysterious, strange, although it is quite possible that they will hide it from others. At the same time, Cancers are by no means fruitless dreamers - they are real realists.

They are very impressionable and therefore vulnerable people. It is very easy to hurt them, especially since they have a heightened perception of the slightest nuances in the change in the spiritual atmosphere around them, they notice a change in people's moods that is not visible to others, they feel a change in attitudes towards them. They are especially sensitive to negative emotions directed at them, to ill will, sidelong glances, hostility. They are hurt by someone else's callousness, a carelessly thrown word addressed to them, a mockery, an unsuccessful joke - everything that can hurt their pride. Moreover, it may even be a trifle, but Cancers perceive everything that is directed against them, so sharply that they can be seriously offended because of a trifle, make a tragedy out of it.

Thus, Cancer's imagination can drive them to depression. They can get sick from feeling unnecessary, superfluous, unloved, from the fact that it seemed to them that they were treated badly. And from real, real troubles, people of this sign can also become seriously ill. Positive emotions, a feeling of joy, happiness can suddenly heal them, diseases disappear as if they did not exist. They really need a pleasant, kind attitude, so that they will perk up again.

Cancers are constantly looking for a friendly society. They need only friends everywhere.

These people avoid troubles, hide from adversity in their "shell", hide there, and no storms of life will be afraid of them if they did it in time. And their constant alertness and intuition, the desire to protect themselves and prevent what can harm them, lead to a breakdown, helps them to fence themselves off in time. So sensitive Cancers know how to avoid collisions in life, their vulnerable heart is not as defenseless as it might seem. They themselves believe in good luck, in a happy future, in pleasant surprises.

Naturally, people who are acutely aware of other people's moods are themselves susceptible to mood swings. They are sometimes cheerful, sometimes sad, sometimes friendly, sometimes gloomy, laughter gives way to tears, and again they joke, and again cry in their souls. And all these feelings are sincere. If Cancer laughs, he is really happy and cheerful. If he cries, something really touches him to the depths of his soul. You can never blame Cancer for being an artist, "playing for the audience."

The "audience" is just as susceptible to Cancer's mood as they react to their surroundings. The mood of Cancers is transmitted to others instantly, so their feelings are strong. If Cancers are irritated - everyone around them is also excited, the atmosphere of the relationship can be tense. If Cancers are sad, their waves of melancholy envelop those around them, plunging them into despondency too. Therefore, it is rather difficult to live with these people - they seem to permeate everyone around them with their nerves, and control this environment, as if pulling people by the strings, like puppeteers. And people obey the will of Cancers, unwittingly, being constantly in an atmosphere of nervous tension. Leaving, Cancers cause a sigh of relief - people become masters of their feelings and moods. Therefore, it is not surprising that often people are irritated only by the very presence of Cancer and can involuntarily come into conflict with him.

Cancers are secretive people. They can hide both feelings and thoughts deeply, and experience resentments in solitude and loneliness, leaving for a long time in themselves. Their reproaches are silent. Cancers are distrustful of outsiders, do not allow them to penetrate into their lives. They are careful and reluctant to share their impressions and thoughts: this can reveal them to others. So it is not surprising that Cancers remain not fully recognized even by their loved ones.

However, friends, acquaintances, even unfamiliar people willingly talk, communicate with people of this sign, share griefs with them, because Cancers know how to be friends, they are very patient people, they can wait for years. Cancers love to help others and keep other people's secrets as securely as their own. They are endowed with the gift of attracting those around them, disposing them to themselves, delving deeply into their spiritual world, intuitively finding the right word, giving them their participation and sincerity. Their empathy is genuine, sincere, and people feel this and are grateful and faithful friends with them.

Cancers are not only ready to help, but also know how to do this, because they are wise, they never repeat their mistakes, they are taught by their own experience, and over the years they become wiser, as they always take into account the lessons of life. Cancers never forget about them, they control today's situations and are alert to the future.

This alertness, the analysis of future consequences, often make Cancers hesitate. They can wait for someone to get ahead of them and come to the rescue earlier. You should not, noticing this, accuse them of callousness, selfishness or laziness. This speaks to the instinct of self-preservation in them, forcing them to be prudent, calculating, to keep changing situations under control.

Cancers are the kind of people who don't like to obey. They have a very developed desire for self-affirmation, strong self-esteem, they want to dominate others. To everything that they want to achieve, they go adamantly and do not stop there. They always need more and more of everything than they have. They always lack something, and they have a goal - to achieve. Let it be success, or someone's love, or a position, or material wealth. However, this desire is hidden from those around them, Cancers hide their goals from prying eyes. But their goals are definite, and their grip is tenacious, their "claws" will not miss their goal.

They hold on just as tightly to what they have. Cancers are characterized by hoarding and thrift. This applies equally to their possessions, money, food, and family traditions. Cancers don't throw away old things, books; they are connoisseurs of good food and gourmets, they stock up on food for future use; will never be left with a penny in their pocket. Home and family are dear to them, they love their parents and children, keep family foundations and traditions. They are adherents of everything that has been tested, old, reliable, familiar and do not like to change either their appearance or their tastes, they do not tolerate rearrangements in the house, nothing sudden, no innovations and changes in anything.

The past is dearer and more valuable to them, they are distrustful of the new. History occupies and attracts them, they delve into it and remember everything. They are real patriots of their land, city, village.

Cancers - and nature lovers, passionate travelers, know how to see beauty around - this sense of beauty is strongly developed in them. They love solitude by the water, in general they love water, boating, sports, swimming.

With age, Cancers do not lose their romance, they believe in success, luck. Their hopes are not in vain: the older they get, the more successful they are, the less grief they have, the more fortune accompanies them.