Vitaprost: treatment and reviews about the drug. Vitaprost tablets - a potent drug to combat prostate diseases. Vitaprost suppositories.

Prostatitis is a serious disease that can affect any man. It is associated with inflammation. Under the influence of certain pathological factors, the development of the inflammatory process begins in the organ. The causes of the problem are various: infection, congestion with weakened urination, allergies, autoimmune processes and much more.

According to statistics, prostatitis is the most common urological disease.

Men over 30 years of age have a 30% risk of developing this pathology. After 40 years, the likelihood of acquiring prostatitis increases to 40%. Every second older representative of the stronger sex suffers from one degree or another of prostatitis. According to numerous surveys, the drug “Vitaprost” is very popular in the treatment of prostatitis, reviews of which from men indicate its real effectiveness.

Why does prostatitis occur?

In most cases, the disease is caused by two reasons:

  • development of an infectious process in the pelvis;
  • congestion in the prostate area.

There are a great many factors for the development of both forms of pathology. Among them there are internal reasons that do not directly depend on a person’s lifestyle. These include:

  • genitourinary infections;
  • bacterial nature;
  • untreated chronic bacterial diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • age-related changes;
  • anatomical features in the structure of the prostate;
  • the presence of chronic sacrolumbar radiculitis.

There are also external prerequisites for the onset of the disease, which are directly related to a man’s lifestyle and the presence of some bad habits.

Here are the most common:

  • local hypothermia;
  • nervous and physical stress;
  • physical inactivity, sedentary work;
  • irregular sex life;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • poor quality food.

All these factors are present to a greater or lesser extent in the life of a modern man. Therefore, urologists note a tendency towards an increase in the incidence of prostatitis. Doctors also note the fact that this pathology also affects young men.

Treatment of prostatitis with Vitaprost

The disease begins with the onset of acute prostatitis. Its symptoms are quite pronounced: frequent, difficult and painful urination, fever, heat, intoxication, deterioration in general health. If these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help. If prostatitis is not cured at this stage, it will certainly become chronic. Therapy for this type of disease is more complex and lengthy.

Currently, traditional medicine uses anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, antispasmodics, as well as physiotherapy and complex vitamin preparations to treat prostatitis. Preparations based on peptides isolated from the prostate gland of bovines have proven to be the most effective in combating the disease.

One of the most famous is “Vitaprost” (tablets). Reviews from men about this product confirm the effectiveness of its biological substances in the fight against prostatitis. Studies of drugs, the main active component of which is bovine prostate extract, have shown excellent results in the treatment of many diseases. Among them: adenoma, chronic prostatitis, sexual disorders, infertility. These medications are suitable not only for treatment, but also for preventing the occurrence of genitourinary pathologies.

The drug Vitaprost (tablets) is very popular among men with prostate diseases. This medicine has positive reviews, which allows many doctors to recommend it for the complex treatment of urological diseases.

The medicine is domestic. It is produced by Nizhpharm OJSC.


The drug "Vitaprost" in tablet form contains the active ingredient prostate extract in an amount of 100 mg.

Additional components: lactose monohydrate, sucrose, calcium stearate monohydrate, crospovidone.

Shell composition: talc, sodium bicarbonate, triethyl citrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, acrylic, indigo carmine, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Release form

The drug "Vitaprost" (tablets), reviews of which indicate its great effectiveness, is a cardboard box in which 1, 2 or 3 contour packages are placed. The tablets themselves are coated and have a biconvex shape. Color - blue, there are inclusions.

The drug "Vitaprost" has a prostatotropic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Pharmacodynamics is expressed in a combination of organotropic and antiplatelet properties.

This drug is characterized by organotropic effects. Shows activity against the prostate gland. Reduces swelling, relieves infiltration of the prostate with leukocytes, normalizes the secretory activity of epithelial cells, increases the number of lecithin grains in the secretion of acini, increases the muscle activity of the walls of the bladder. The formation of blood clots is reduced, microcirculation in the gland is intensified.

The drug has antiplatelet properties, which reduces the formation of prostate vein thrombosis.

Studies have shown the drug's effectiveness in moderately reducing prostate volume, symptoms of irrigation and obstruction in the case of benign hyperplasia.

By using Vitaprost, you can reduce the risk of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis without changing the data of urine and blood tests.

The drug normalizes the quality of ejaculate and the condition of the gland, relieves pain and discomfort in chronic prostatitis, eliminating dysuria and stimulating copulation.

The manufacturer has not provided data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Indications for use

The drug "Vitaprost" (tablets), reviews of which indicate its considerable popularity, has clear indications for use:

  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • for chronic prostatitis of non-bacterial origin to prevent exacerbations;
  • before and after surgical intervention in the prostate gland.


There are restrictions on taking this medicine. The drug "Vitaprost", whose contraindications are associated with the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug in some people, should not be prescribed to allergy sufferers.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may accompany taking Vitaprost tablets. Side effects include swelling, redness and itching. In this case, treatment with this drug should be stopped. You should urgently seek medical advice.

Instructions for use

The drug should be taken orally twice a day, one tablet. The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis.

For benign cases, the course of taking the drug is at least a month.

To treat chronic prostatitis, you should take the medicine for two weeks.

In order to prevent exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, you should take a course of medication, one tablet twice a day for a month. Such treatment must be organized once or twice a year.

To date, there have been no reports of drug overdose.

Drug interactions

The medication increases the activity of oral anticoagulants and enhances the toxic effect of NSAIDs when used simultaneously.

When additionally taking medications that reduce tubular secretion, there is a delay in drug elimination.

Terms of sale

This medication is available for free sale in pharmacies. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Conditions and shelf life

The medicine should be stored in a dry, cool and dark place at an air temperature not exceeding 20˚C. The storage location must be out of reach of children. the drug is two years.

Special instructions for use

The drug "Vitaprost" is recommended as part of complex therapy for chronic prostatitis in patients of a wide age group. The medication is also applicable in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia; it is recommended for rehabilitation after acute prostatitis.

It should be noted that therapy for chronic prostate inflammation, preparation for prostate surgery and the rehabilitation process after it must be comprehensive. Therefore, along with the use of tablets with prostate extract, it is necessary to include pharmaceuticals from other groups and alternative methods of therapy.

Studies conducted with the participation of the drug "Vitaprost" showed its positive effect on the process of spermatogenesis in patients with infertility against the background of chronic inflammation of the prostate.


The drug "Vitaprost", the price of which is reasonable, is available to a wide range of patients. The high effectiveness of the drug, combined with its low cost, makes it very popular. Vitaprost tablets, the price of which depends on the region of Russia, can be purchased in the range of 775-880 rubles.


The accumulated experience in using this drug gives clear confidence in its high effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis. The drug "Vitaprost", reviews of which are positive from men, allows doctors to recommend it to their patients without fear of side effects.

This is what representatives of the stronger sex indicate in their comments:

  • An obvious reduction in pain and discomfort in acute and chronic prostatitis after just a few days of using the drug.
  • Gives a good effect in preventing exacerbations of chronic inflammation with regular use. Men claim that after following all the rules of administration, they forgot about prostatitis.
  • Restores and improves the quality of sexual function.
  • If you take Vitaprost in a timely manner in case of acute prostatitis, the risk of developing a chronic disease is reduced to zero.
  • No significant side effects.
  • Availability in pharmacies and reasonable price.

All these positive aspects noted by men in reviews make Vitaprost treatment for prostatitis highly effective and affordable for many patients.

"Vitaprost" (suppositories)

In addition to the tablet form of the drug, the company OJSC Nizhpharm also produces the drug Vitaprost in another form. Candles, the price of which is significantly lower and amounts to 625-781 rubles depending on the region of Russia, are no less effective than tablets.

The suppositories also contain the main active ingredient - bovine prostate extract, but in a dosage of 50 mg. The pharmacodynamics of the suppositories is identical to the tablet analogue. There are also no serious side effects, except for possible allergic manifestations. The indications for taking suppositories are the same, but the method of application is different.

The suppository is inserted into the anus after a cleansing enema or spontaneous bowel movement in the amount of one suppository once a day. After this, the patient needs to remain in a horizontal position for 30-40 minutes. The course of taking suppositories is at least 10 days.

The drug "Vitaprost" (suppositories), the price of which is reasonable and the effectiveness is high, is very popular among men with prostate disease.

"Vitaprost Plus"

For the treatment of prostatitis caused by a bacterial infection, doctors recommend the drug "Vitaprost Plus". Tablets and suppositories under this name contain the antibiotic lomefloxacin. In this regard, the drug is contraindicated for use in patients under 18 years of age. Lomefloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones. It is effective against bacteria that cause genitourinary diseases.


Among the drugs that are similar to Vitaprost, one can note Prostatilen. This pharmaceutical product is domestic and is produced by ZAO MBNPC Cytomed.

Contains the same active substance - bovine prostate extract.

But in addition, the developers included arginine, glycine and zinc. This made the drug even more effective and provided a wider spectrum of action.

Laboratory tests were conducted in which male rats participated. The experimental animals were divided into four groups of ten animals each. The first group was the control group. The remaining animals were injected with a solution of dimexide, which provoked the manifestation of prostate diseases. As a result, one group of healthy animals and three groups of rats with prostatitis were obtained.

The second group was observed without treatment, the third group was administered Vitaprost, and the fourth group was administered Prostatilen in the amount of a daily dose. After the 58th day of the experiment, the results were summed up. Compared to the second group, the percentage of males with prostate inflammation in group No. 3 decreased by 40%, in group No. 4 - by 50%. Thus, in the confrontation between the drugs Prostatilen and Vitaprost, the former won with a margin of 10%.

Another popular medicinal analogue of Vitaprost is Prostamol Uno. This medicine contains extract of the fruits of the finely serrated sabal.

The drug is a gelatin capsule for chewing. According to its pharmacological action, it belongs to anti-inflammatory drugs that produce antiexudative and antiandrogenic effects. Relieves pain and discomfort in prostate hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, eliminates polyuria.

This medicine is the brainchild of the AG Berlin-Chemie company; its cost is up to 1047 rubles per package. Reviews from men about Prostamol Uno can hardly be called flattering. Many people talk about the low effectiveness of this drug, as well as the need for long-term use for its positive properties to manifest itself.

"Vitaprost" or "Prostamol" - which is better? Judging by the reviews, preference should be given to the first medication. According to many indicators, the domestic drug has proven to be much more effective in treating prostate disease. Vitaprost not only eliminates the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland, but also helps to reduce its size. This feature explains the fact that doctors and patients choose Vitaprost.

Diseases associated with the prostate gland have become more frequent in recent years. According to statistics, 40-50% of men suffer from reproductive system disorders. Urologists and sex therapists are concerned about the increasing number of male diseases.

Prevalence of prostate diseases

There is a lot of fiction around this problem, dubious data intertwined with the truth. The words “prostatitis” and “adenoma” are heard in advertisements quite often. Treatment of prostatitis has become like a commercial activity. The consumer is offered a huge variety of methods and medications to eliminate ailments associated with men's health.

The difficulty lies in the fact that they advertise drugs about which there is still no reliable information, for example, about their effectiveness and safety. Advertising through the media is aimed at a potential patient who is not able to evaluate all the benefits or disadvantages of the proposed treatment method. Some medical centers that promote cures for prostatitis do not even have a urologist on staff.

All this leads to complications in the patient’s decision-making and quality treatment. Having experienced the ineffectiveness of various methods, taking often expensive drugs that hit the budget, the patient is in a difficult situation.

Therefore, before agreeing to treatment, it is necessary to consult with a doctor and ask questions related not only to taking medications, but also to the effectiveness of their use. If possible, collect reliable information about the disease itself. Consultations with different doctors will help to create an overall clinical picture.

What is prostatitis?

Men who have never had intimate problems before do not fully understand what is meant by the word “prostatitis.” When a doctor, after an examination, diagnoses “inflammation of the prostate gland” or “adenoma,” the patient may be at a loss about the seriousness of his illness.

The prostate gland is a male muscular organ located in the pelvis. She produces a special secretion that is included in the sperm. The urethra passes through the prostate gland, as well as the ducts through which semen is released. The shape of the prostate is similar to a chestnut.

The prostate gland produces secretions all the time. But it enters the urethra only during ejaculation. The composition of sperm contains 40% of this secretion. Thanks to its function, sperm are motile and fertilization of the egg is possible.

In addition to producing secret fluid, the prostate gland ensures the exchange of hormones in the male reproductive system. This process is very important for the normal life of the body as a whole and the full functioning of the reproductive system.

Prostatitis refers to a combination of diseases in the prostate gland. This disease affects the lower urinary tract. Several types of prostatitis are classified:

  • bacterial, having an acute stage;
  • bacterial - chronic course;
  • non-bacterial;
  • stagnant;
  • atony (prostate neurosis).

Prostatitis can develop in men starting at the age of 20. But most often this disease manifests itself in men after 45 years of age. Therefore, doctors recommend that everyone undergo examinations once a year, and those over 40 should do so without fail. Timely detection of a problem helps to eliminate it completely.

What are the symptoms of prostatitis?

Symptoms of prostatitis may vary depending on its type. Most often present:

Such symptoms of prostatitis in the acute stage can appear simultaneously or one at a time. But erectile dysfunction always exists. But a man, having experienced this, may not seek help. And it's very bad.

After 4-5 days, acute prostatitis gradually turns into a chronic form. The symptoms weaken, the pain becomes less or completely subsides, and the man can be sure that everything has gone away on its own. Being in this state, the inflammatory gland ceases to function normally. Treatment of chronic prostatitis may require a long time.

In advanced stages, prostatitis can lead to BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and prostate cancer. Acute prostatitis, as a rule, is manifested by elevated body temperature up to 39 degrees, pain can be very severe, radiating to the groin and penis. When defecating, pain often occurs in the anus, which may suggest hemorrhoids.

The very phrase “bacterial prostatitis” reminds us that the disease is caused by bacteria. Living a promiscuous sex life, a man can become infected with chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and ureaplasmosis. Over time, pathogenic bacteria lead to inflammation in the genitourinary system and damage to the prostate gland.

At first, bacterial prostatitis may not cause severe pain. Discomfort when urinating, slight pain in the perineum, and discharge will not particularly cause alarm. Therefore, in most cases, viruses that are harmful to men’s health multiply unhindered.

After some time, difficulties with erection begin. The inflammatory process affects the nerves responsible for the erectile function of a man. General health begins to deteriorate. The patient may become more irritable, nervous, and dissatisfied with his health. Psychological problems arise.

A man, feeling weak in his intimate life, may be afraid of failing in bed. This sometimes leads to a refusal of sexual intimacy. Therefore, urologists who treat male problems must also be good psychologists. It is necessary to explain to the man the cause of erectile dysfunction and convince him that men's health can be stabilized with proper treatment.

Causes of prostatitis

The most common causes of inflammation in the prostate gland with subsequent negative manifestations are:

This is just some description of the causes and types of prostatitis. An examination at a medical institution will help the doctor tell you in more detail about the disease that has arisen and the cause of each individual case. Some patients are ashamed to seek advice from a doctor. They read discussions on these sensitive topics on various forums.

But this approach will not solve the problem, but will only worsen the condition. Self-medication offered by forum visitors can even be dangerous. Traditional methods offered by those who allegedly experienced their effects themselves are only the opinion of people who do not have a medical education.

By agreeing to dubious procedures, a man can aggravate his illness so much that it will be quite difficult to restore his health, and treatment will be expensive and lengthy. Therefore, you need to show common sense in this matter and, putting aside shame, get examined by a specialist using modern equipment.

Review of release forms of the drug Vitaprost

Vitaprost is a drug for the treatment of the male genitourinary system. Due to the fact that the number of patients suffering from prostate inflammation is growing, you can read the instructions and description of Vitaprost. This instruction is given for the purpose of general familiarization with the medicine.

Composition and release form of the drug. The active substance of Vitaprost is prostate extract with the addition of Vitepsol. The name of the drug may be Vitaprost plus or Vitaprost forte. The release form offers several options.

Vitaprost tablets: the composition contains Samoprost powder. It is produced from bovine prostate tissue. The drug is dosed in 50 and 100 g doses. The tablets are filled with auxiliary additives: sucrose, lactose, cellulose, calcium stearate. The tablets are coated, which easily dissolves in the stomach.

Vitaprost tablets are blue in color due to dyes. The tablet preparation is available in 10 pieces in one cardboard package. One tablet contains 0.01 g of samoprost.

The second form of release is offered in the form of rectal (inserted into the anus) suppositories (suppositories). Contains 0.05 g of samoprost. Vitaprost suppositories are placed in special cells of 5 pieces. There are two cells in one package. Total quantity 10 pieces.

The color of the candles can be white, sometimes with a yellow or gray tint.

Therapeutic effect. Vitaprost has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces inflammation, improving blood supply. Prevents vein thrombosis. Normalizes prostate function. Improves processes in the urinary tract.

This remedy, eliminating congestion in the prostate and inflammatory processes, prevents the urge to frequent urination, while reducing discomfort and pain in the perineum and groin.

Therefore, when taking Vitaprost, the male reproductive system is restored.

Vitaprost is used in the treatment of:

There is evidence that the use of Vitaprost helps in the treatment of infertility, as the quality of sperm and their motility improves.

Instructions for using tablets: Vitaprost is taken one tablet 2 times a day. Treatment should be at least 10 days.

Vitaprost suppositories are administered into the anus 1 time per day after a colon cleansing enema or natural bowel movement. It is necessary to administer the suppository at night. But if this is not possible, then after administration you should be in a horizontal position for 40-50 minutes for the best effect. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Candles must be kept in a cool place to prevent them from dissolving. Can be put in the refrigerator. They must be in solid form, otherwise it will be impossible to introduce them.

Contraindications: Vitaprost suppositories or tablets should not be used by persons under 18 years of age or with hypersensitivity to the components of this product.

Additional information: the use of suppositories is acceptable in combination therapy in the treatment of prostatitis. Taking Vitaprost can reduce concentration and affect reaction speed. This is important to remember for those working with controlled vehicles or at heights. For epilepsy, it is prescribed with caution after consultation with your doctor.

The drug Vitaprost cannot kill pathogenic bacteria. When treating infectious inflammation of the prostate gland, it is necessary to include antibacterial therapy. The patient himself cannot do this, so a consultation with a urologist is indicated.

Side effects. When treated with Vitaprost forte and Vitaprost plus, side effects rarely occur. But sometimes, with special sensitivity, allergic reactions, dizziness, lability of the emotional system, hypotension (low blood pressure), and arrhythmia may occur.

What is better to take to enhance the effect: suppositories or tablets? A specialist can answer this question after examining and analyzing the patient’s complaints. The composition of tablets and suppositories is the same. But sometimes, due to diseases of the digestive system, the use of suppositories is more advisable.

Many men have resorted to treatment with Vitaprost. Their positive reviews of Vitaprost Forte show that the drug is highly effective. Each review is based on personal use of the drug. Below are several reviews from those who, on the advice of doctors, used Vitaprost.

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 13.09.2019

Filterable list

Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images


Description of the dosage form

Rectal suppositories: from white to white with a yellowish or grayish-brownish tint, torpedo-shaped.

Enteric-coated tablets: from blue to light blue, round, biconvex, inclusions are allowed.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- anti-inflammatory, prostatotropic.


The drug Vitaprost ® has an organotropic effect on the prostate gland. Reduces the degree of edema, leukocyte infiltration of the prostate gland, normalizes the secretory function of epithelial cells, increases the number of lecithin grains in the acini secretion, stimulates the muscle tone of the bladder, improves microcirculation in the prostate gland by reducing thrombus formation, antiplatelet activity, and prevents the development of venule thrombosis in the prostate gland.

The drug Vitaprost ® reduces pain and discomfort, eliminates dysuria, improves copulatory function, and normalizes the parameters of the prostate gland and ejaculate.

Based on clinical trial data, it has been proven that Vitaprost ® in the form of enteric-coated tablets moderately reduces the volume of the prostate gland. The drug reduces the severity of obstructive and irritative symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is expressed in an increase in the maximum and average volumetric flow rates of urine and a decrease in the volume of residual urine.

Data from clinical studies have proven that the use of Vitaprost ® in the form of enteric-coated tablets reduces the likelihood of developing exacerbations of chronic abacterial prostatitis, does not cause changes in clinical and biochemical blood tests, and general urinalysis. The effectiveness of the drug for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic abacterial prostatitis, according to medical researchers, is 97.5%.

Indications of the drug Vitaprost ®

Rectal suppositories

chronic prostatitis;

chronic abacterial prostatitis;

prevention of exacerbations of chronic abacterial prostatitis;

benign prostatic hyperplasia;

conditions before and after surgical interventions on the prostate gland.


For both dosage forms

hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

For enteric-coated tablets, additionally

deficiency of lactase, sucrase/isomaltase, lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (the drug contains lactose and sucrose).

Side effects

Extremely rare - allergic reactions.


Cases of interaction or incompatibility with other drugs have not been described.

Directions for use and doses

Rectal suppositories

Rectally, 1 sup. 1 time per day after spontaneous bowel movement or cleansing enema. After administering the suppository, it is advisable for the patient to remain in bed for 30–40 minutes. The duration of treatment with Vitaprost ® is at least 10 days.

Enteric-coated tablets

Inside, 1 table each 2 times a day.

The duration of treatment with Vitaprost ® for BPH is at least 30 days; for chronic prostatitis - at least 10 days.

In matters of impact on problems associated with prostatitis, an integrated approach is important. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to lifestyle and proper physical activity, competent drug prevention is also necessary.

An example is a course of use based on animal prostate extract. Thus, on the recommendation of the attending physician, prostatitis prevention with Vitaprost may be indicated.

Despite the fact that the drug has no contraindications and no cases of overdose or side effects have been identified with its use, a specialist should prescribe the dosage, course duration and type of medication.

Effect of the drug Vitaprost

The product of animal origin is aimed at stimulating the functioning of the prostate in a healthy manner. First of all, it improves blood circulation. It is poor blood circulation that leads to stagnation and the inability to independently fight infection using immune resources.

Vitaprost for prostatitis promotes the renewal of muscle tissue, which for the most part consists of the prostate organ. The contraction of muscle fibers stimulates the timely and complete release of prostate secretions into the vas deferens.

This eliminates the possibility of creating conditions for the life of bacteria. Moreover, the healthy functioning of the prostate allows you to control the biological processes in it without the use of aggressive drugs of the antibiotic class.

At the same time, Vitaprost does not affect the chemical composition of the blood, that is, it does not accumulate in it. And, therefore, the occurrence of side effects is impossible. This is confirmed clinically.

Vitaprost for prostatitis can not only effectively prevent it, but also influence its particular manifestations. In the chronic course of the disease, the remedy can eliminate the possibility of exacerbation. It relieves swelling of the prostate and has a positive effect on the inflammatory process, gradually reducing its activity.

What is special about Vitaprost?

The biological nature of the drug allows it to be prescribed to a wide range of patients. It has no contraindications, except for an individual allergic reaction to samprost, an extract of animal origin. In all other cases, the drug is well tolerated and has a high percentage of positive responses.

Prevention of prostatitis with Vitaprost can be carried out at any age. Of course, the drug works most effectively in combination with a healthy lifestyle. Inadmissible during the period of taking a prophylactic drug. Beer has a particularly depressing effect on the activity of the genitourinary system. Therefore, the entire result of preventive measures can go down the drain literally because of one evening.

The effectiveness of the drug in preventing the disease has been proven clinically. This makes it possible to be confident in the result. However, it would also be wrong to consider the remedy a panacea.

Individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle always affect the effectiveness of medications. Therefore, the prescription of Vitaprost as a preventive measure should be carried out by the attending physician.

Prevention of prostatitis with Vitaprost is carried out due to the targeted action of the drug. This is, first of all, the normalization of biological functions in the prostate organ. Stimulation of blood circulation improves tissue respiration and normalizes metabolic processes. This means that the body receives strength for the natural regeneration of healthy cells.

Timely and regular ejaculation is very important for prostate health. Even with an active sexual life, functional changes in the prostate gland are possible, which leads to weak erection and delayed release of prostate secretions into the vas deferens. Vitaprost solves this problem by stimulating the contractile movements of muscle tissue in a healthy manner.

Release form and price

Tablets, coated with a soluble coating from blue to light blue, biconvex, inclusions are acceptable. Available in packs of 10 and 20 pcs. The price of the drug is from 1200 rubles per package.

Rectal suppositories are white to white with a yellowish or grayish-brownish tint, torpedo-shaped. Available in packs of 5 pieces. Price per package from 900 rubles.

Vitaprost intake course

Vitaprost is used for the prevention of prostatitis once a year (maximum twice) - in a course lasting 30 days. These can be tablets (1 piece in the evening and in the morning). They are covered with an easily soluble coating, which releases the active components when they enter the stomach. But it is also possible to use rectal suppositories (1 piece per day for 1.5 weeks).

However, the application is associated with some inconveniences. Before using them, a cleansing enema is indicated, and after administration it is recommended to spend 30-40 minutes exclusively in a horizontal position, preferably on the back.

Vitaprost is available in several formats. Most often, regular Vitaprost is prescribed. To prevent exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, the doctor may prescribe Forte suppositories. The course of their use is longer - as a rule, it is 20 days.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Vitaprost is a drug made from natural components of animal origin, used in urological practice for the treatment of prostate pathologies.

The action of the active substances is aimed at improving blood circulation in the prostate gland, which in turn facilitates urination and eliminates inflammatory and congestive processes.

On this page you will find all the information about Vitaprost: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Vitaprost. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug of animal origin used for prostate diseases.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Vitaprost cost? The average price in pharmacies is at 1,100 rubles for tablets, and 950 rubles for suppositories.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of enteric-coated tablets Vitaprost, rectal suppositories Vitaprost, Vitaprost Forte and Vitaprost Plus.

The tablets contain:

  • Additional components: lactose monohydrate, sucrose, calcium stearate monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone.

The tablet shell is made of acrylic, which includes a copolymer of methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate (in a 1:1 ratio), sodium lauryl sulfate, triethyl citrate, titanium dioxide, colloidal silicon oxide, talc, indigo carmine and sodium bicarbonate.

Tablets are sold in 10 pcs. in blister packs, 1, 2 or 3 pcs. in cardboard boxes.

Vitaprost suppositories contain:

  • 50 mg of prostate extract (in terms of water-soluble peptides – 10 mg);
  • Solid fat (supposir and vitepsol) as an auxiliary component..

Vitaprost Plus suppositories contain:

  • 100 mg of prostate extract, which in terms of water-soluble peptides is 20 mg;
  • 400 mg lomefloxacin hydrochloride;
  • Solid fat.

Vitaprost Forte suppositories contain:

  • 100 mg of prostate extract, which in terms of water-soluble peptides is 20 mg;
  • Solid fat (supposir NA15 and NAS50, vitepsol H15 and W35).

All three types of suppositories are sold in 5 pcs. in blister packs, 1 or 2 pcs. in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological effect

Vitaprost is a drug that has an organotropic effect on the prostate gland.

By improving blood microcirculation in the gland and having the ability to reduce platelet aggregation, it blocks the development of venule thrombosis in it. By reducing the degree of edema and leukocyte infiltration of the prostate gland, normalizing the secretory function of epithelial cells, the drug leads to a moderate reduction in prostate volume, improves the composition of the ejaculate, helps stimulate the muscle tone of the bladder and suppresses the development of a frequent urge to urinate.

Vitaprost Plus, thanks to the broad-spectrum bactericidal drug included in its composition, has not only anti-inflammatory, but also antimicrobial properties directed against gram-negative aerobic bacteria, staphylococci, mycobacteria, chlamydia, protea, etc.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe Vitaprost to men for the following indications:

  1. Preoperative treatment of the prostate gland;
  2. Postoperative recovery period;
  3. Chronic abacterial prostatitis;
  4. Benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  5. Overactive bladder in women.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Additionally for tablets: deficiency of lactase, sucrase/isomaltase, lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (the drug contains lactose and sucrose).

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Vitaprost tablets should be taken orally, 1 tablet. 2 times/day. The duration of treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia is at least 30 days; for chronic prostatitis – at least 10 days. To prevent exacerbations of chronic prostatitis, use 1 tablet. 2 times/day for at least 30 days – 1-2 times/year.

Rectal suppositories should be used after spontaneous bowel movement or a bowel cleansing enema, 1 soup each. 1 time/day After administering the suppository, the patient should remain in bed for 30-40 minutes. The duration of treatment with Vitaprost suppositories is at least 10 days.

Side effects

Undesirable effects relate primarily to the drugs Plus and Forte:

  1. Cardiovascular system: myocardiopathy, drop in blood pressure;
  2. Nervous system: dizziness, nervousness, anxiety, asthenia;
  3. Digestive system: , ;
  4. Hypersensitivity reactions: skin itching, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, increased sensitivity to sunlight;
  5. Blood system: inflammation of the lymph nodes, bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, increased activity of the blood anticoagulant system.


In case of overdose, symptoms may appear:

  • convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • hallucinations;
  • photophobia;
  • psychoses;
  • stupor.

If symptoms appear, it is prohibited to use suppositories; it is recommended to consult a doctor for medical help.

special instructions

The drug should be used with extreme caution in diseases such as epilepsy, central nervous system diseases with epileptic syndrome, cerebral atherosclerosis.

Treatment with Vitaprost is more effective with an integrated approach. Along with Vitaprost tablets, other medications are prescribed for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Treatment with medicinal herbs and traditional medicine methods is also used.

The use of Vitaprost Plus does not require dosage adjustment for liver cirrhosis, but exposure to sunlight should be done with caution. Photosensitivity manifests itself in the form of hyperemia, burns, the appearance of blisters on the skin, changes in general well-being, including nervous excitement, hand tremors, and confusion. In these cases, the use of the drug must be immediately discontinued.

The drug affects concentration, so it is recommended to be careful when driving vehicles, working with moving parts of machinery and other hazardous activities.

Drug interactions

Features of interaction with other drugs have not been studied.