The structure of the male genital organs. The structure of the penis and other organs of the male reproductive system What is the male reproductive organ

For most men, the most important and significant part of the body is the penis. What do the advantages depend on?

This issue is of interest not only to the stronger sex, but also to the bulk of the female population. There are a huge number of beliefs and signs that supposedly explain what determines the size of the penis in men. Below we will consider the most common conjectures and will either receive confirmation or refute them.

How does the male reproductive system work?

The reproductive organs of the stronger half are divided into internal and external. The former consists of the testicles, vas deferens and seminal vesicles, while the latter consists of the scrotum and penis, or penis. Their main function is reproductive.

Properties of the penis

Male flesh is a sexual organ that is designed to transport sperm into the vagina during copulation, as well as remove urine from the body.

The phallus consists of a base, a body and a head. The base consists of 2 parts, or two bodies - cavernous and spongy, containing many lacunae filled with blood. At the end of the corpus spongiosum there is a thickening - the head, the edge of which covers the ends of the cavernous bodies. It is covered with the most delicate skin (foreskin), which has an abundance of glands responsible for smegma.

The appearance of each man's penis is unique; at rest it is straight, but during an erection it has a strong bend.

Penis size standards

The size of the reproductive organ in men in an inactive state is small - from 5 to 10 cm, but during arousal it reaches 14-16 cm, which corresponds to the size of the female vagina. Interestingly, shorter phalluses grow larger during erection than longer ones. But the shape and slope during this period are individual. A penis whose length in an erect state ranges from 16 to 18 cm is considered large, and one that reaches 18-20 cm or more is considered a giant. The diameter of this organ usually varies from 3 to 4 cm.

At the time of birth, the length of the penis in boys is from 2.5 to 5.5 cm, about 6 cm, then this organ actively grows until adulthood, and after 18 to 25 years it does not increase much.

At the moment of arousal, the size of the phallus increases from 2 to 8 times due to a decrease in venous outflow with the contraction of special muscles near the base.

So what determines penis size in men?

Basic misconceptions

The most common mistake is the opinion that the size of manhood depends on the length of the nose. But this is absolutely not true. Scientists have proven that the main respiratory organ has nothing to do with the size of the penis. It is also generally accepted that the length of the penis in men is directly proportional to the length of the foot, which is also completely false.

Another misconception is comparing the distance from the base of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger with the length of the penis. This judgment has long been refuted by scientists and is completely groundless.

Also, the researchers could not prove that there is any relationship between a man’s height and the size of his reproductive organ. Therefore, this criterion is also considered erroneous.

Recently, there has been an opinion that representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation have a more impressive phallus than heterosexuals, but this is absolutely not true, as proven by Richard Edwards, in whose study 1,768 people took part.

Does weight category matter?

The next common question is: “Does penis size depend on weight?” Let's figure it out.

When a man has a large amount of fat deposits accumulate in the pelvic area, this causes the visible size of the penis to decrease. But when returning to normal body weight, the size of the phallus also becomes the same. So what does the size of a man's penis actually depend on?

Factors affecting male flesh size

First of all, the length and thickness of the male penis (as well as other parts of the body) is determined by heredity! Genes are the most important factor influencing the appearance and structural features of the body as a whole.

Of course, the characteristics of growth and development also play a role. If even before the birth of a boy or at the time of puberty there was a failure in the formation of testosterone, then the formation of the genital organs may not proceed correctly.

The causes of a small penis can be injuries, surgeries, epispadias, hypospadias.

The infamous professor conducted a very interesting study and gave his answer to the question of what determines the size of the penis. It turns out that it depends on race!

Thus, according to the test results, the leading position is occupied by residents of Africa, namely men from In this country, the majority of the stronger sex has a phallus length of 18.0 cm. Next come Ecuadorians - 17.77 cm. In third place are men from the country of Ghana.

Europeans follow only from the 10th line in this list, and the Hungarians are in the lead (16.50 cm). And in Russia, the average penis size is 13.21 cm. This figure is generally an indicator of standard penis sizes throughout the world. So to speak, the golden mean. Residents of North and South Korea, or rather the male part of them, have “dignity”, the length of which does not exceed an average of 9.66 cm. Asians took all the last places in Richard Lynn’s table.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the researcher is right, and the nationality of the man plays a significant role in the size of such an important organ.

A sexologist's opinion on this issue

From the point of view of sexologist Pavel Pavlovich Salov, the main factor on which the size of the penis depends is still considered to be genetics. He also explains the desire of men to have “great dignity” by the fact that for the stronger half of the population, the phallus is their pride and ego. This perception is present in every son of Adam on a subconscious level, and this state of affairs has existed from time immemorial.

It’s just that men with outstanding sizes are more ambitious, which is why they are so popular among women. In fact, the sexologist assures, there is nothing wrong with a small penis (if it is not a pathology), the main thing is to be confident in yourself and your abilities, then there will definitely be no problems with the fair sex.

And finally, let’s discuss whether men should worry about amorous affairs, and whether orgasm depends on the size of the penis.

Is more better?

Most women answer without hesitation that the size of their partner’s “dignity” does not play a special role in delivering pleasure. The main criteria are skills and abilities!

As you know, Grigory Rasputin and Casanova were owners of phalluses of very modest size, but women, nevertheless, went crazy for them. Why? The whole secret is in the ability to bring your beloved to orgasm!

Sexologists assure you: you just need to find the right approach to your partner, and not be shy during intimate games and the act itself. The psychological factor plays a huge role in such a delicate situation: the less a man has complexes about the size of the penis, the more relaxed he behaves in bed, pays more attention to the lady, feels relaxed and conquers the woman with his skills.

It’s not for nothing that the penis is called manhood. After all, the size of this organ often affects the self-esteem of a male representative, and its small size can cause serious psychological discomfort. But does the current idea of ​​the normal size of the reproductive organ in men always correspond to strict scientific data? Perhaps this issue needs to be thoroughly understood.

Penis structure

The structure of the penis is determined by its main functions. Firstly, this is the function of childbirth, participation in sexual intercourse and the removal of sperm, and secondly, the excretion of urine.

The penis has a cylindrical shape. Its main parts are the base, head and trunk. In an erect state, the volume of the organ increases several times. This function is provided by the special formations that make up the penis - the cavernous and spongy bodies, connected into a single whole. When sexually aroused, blood fills these bodies, resulting in an erection. Inside the corpus spongiosum there is a urethra, the end of which is located in the middle of the head. However, the function of the canal is not only to remove urine, but also to remove sperm.

To supply the penis with blood, a developed network of arteries and veins located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity is intended. The male genital organ is innervated by the dorsal nerve, which branches off from the pudendal nerve.

Penis size

Penis length can vary between men. Here we must keep in mind that we can talk about both the length of the penis in an inactive state and the length in an erect state. If we talk about the length of the penis at rest, then it should fall within the range of 7-10 cm. If the penis is less than this value, then this may indicate a deviation from the norm. But exceeding the value is also not considered normal. The average value is considered to be 8.5-9 cm. Of course, there are also microscopic members 2 cm long. The cause of such an anomaly can be various pathologies, for example, an insufficient amount of testosterone in the body during puberty.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that measurements of the penis must be carried out according to a certain technique. It is necessary to measure the length of the penis from where its base attaches to the groin. The end of the penis should be considered the tip of its head. It is also important to consider the measurement conditions. Even in a calm state, in the absence of sexual arousal, the penis does not have a constant length. In cold air, blood flows out of the cavernous bodies, and the penis shrinks slightly in size, while in warm air, on the contrary, its size increases. Therefore, it is best to measure penis length in a state of comfort, at room temperature and normal humidity.

The length of the penis changes at different periods of a man's life. In newborn children, the penis is tiny in size, but starting from the age of 12, it begins to grow rapidly and within three years practically reaches adult length. After 18 years, the length of the penis may increase, but only slightly. The penis reaches its maximum length towards the end of puberty, at approximately 20 years of age. It has been established that in adult men who have reached the age of andropause, it tends to decrease. Also, the length of the penis depends on the body mass index - the higher it is, the shorter the length of the male genital organ. Thus, excess weight usually leads to a decrease in manhood. But tall men are more likely to have large penises than short men. There is also some, although relatively weak, relationship between penis length and race. Residents of Africa have the greatest length of the penis, and Asia has the shortest. Europeans are somewhere in the middle in this regard.

At the same time, it is worth noting the important circumstance that the dimensions of the penis do not in any way affect the process of urine or sperm excretion. In addition, another parameter is much more important for sexual life - the length of the erect penis. As a rule, this parameter is located between the values ​​of 12 and 16 cm. The average length is approximately 14 cm, and only 4% of men have a penis length of 18 cm or more. The maximum recorded length of an erect male penis is 30 cm.

And here an amazing fact is revealed. According to numerous studies, there is no obvious relationship between the length of the penis in an inactive state and its length in an erect state. In other words, the owner of a modest-sized manhood at the time of erection may be among the leaders in terms of its length. Conversely, many men do not experience significant lengthening of the penis during erection.

These circumstances indicate that many representatives of the stronger half of humanity attach unjustifiably much importance to the length of their reproductive organ in a passive state. It has very little impact on the ability to lead a full sex life. Not to mention the fact that the small size of dignity does not indicate insufficient potency and lack of masculine qualities in an individual male individual.

Enlargement surgery – is it necessary or not?

Meanwhile, many surgeons involved in operations on the genital organs very often encounter men who have complexes about the supposedly small size of their penis. And, based on these complexes, insisting on surgery to increase it.

But male enhancement surgery is not always simple and safe, and may not always lead to the desired consequences. Some types of operations, despite a visible increase in the size of the penis, can negatively affect erection. Experts also have a negative attitude towards the use of silicone or other types of fillers. The operation is indicated only for those men who actually have a small penis size - 5 cm or less in a calm state (8 cm or less in an erect state). There are actually only a few fractions of a percent of such men. For the rest, consultations with a psychologist and sexologist are recommended, who should convince the patient that his problem is far-fetched.

However, according to surveys, more than 45% of the stronger sex believe that their penis is significantly smaller than the average parameters. This leads to a large number of operations that are completely unjustified in medical terms. This situation is also explained by the aggressive advertising campaign carried out by many manufacturers of pharmaceutical products offering products to increase the size of manhood.

It is also necessary to take into account elementary psychological self-deception. After all, when looking at their own penis from top to bottom, many men think that it is smaller than it actually is. Meanwhile, if you look at it from the front or in the mirror, then such an effect is not observed.

A woman's view of the problem

Most women do not have such high demands on penis size compared to men. According to research, the majority of women (85%) are satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis.

In addition, in this regard, another question arises - is the length of the penis so important for a successful sex life? As it turns out, here too many representatives of the stronger half of humanity find themselves victims of misconceptions. After all, many people believe that the longer the penis, the more successful they are with women. But actually it is not. Research shows that women are not nearly as concerned about the length of their partner's penis as they are about the thickness of their penis. The greater the thickness of the penis at the time of erection, the more pleasure a woman receives from coitus. Meanwhile, the relationship between the thickness of the penis and its length is also far from obvious. There are several types of penis - some men may have a long and thin penis, while others may have a thick and short one. The proportions of the penis may vary. In some, the penis has a cylindrical shape, in others it is thickened at the base, in others the thickest part is located near the end of the penis.

What are the average parameters of the width of the penis? The average circumference of the non-erect penis in most men is approximately the same - 9-10 cm. The average circumference of the erect penis is 12 cm, and the maximum recorded circumference reaches 18 cm.

It should also be borne in mind that most of the problems on sexual grounds and divorces occur not because of the insufficient size of the male genital organ, but because of the illiteracy of partners in sexual matters.

At home. Unfortunately, the cavernous and spongy bodies that make up the reproductive organ consist of a dense tunica albuginea: they cannot be “pumped up” as is the case with muscle tissue, nor can they be stretched by hanging various weights. The only solution for men who lack self-confidence is surgery, which not everyone will decide to undergo. Of course, there are also very extravagant ways to increase size, for example, Botox injections. However, the consequences of such “cosmetic” procedures frighten the patient rather than bring pleasure.

The cult of the phallus is a well-known component of many cultures and religions. For example, representatives of African tribes either decorate their genital organ with various metal rings, or measure the size of the hollow tubes attached to it, or even perform surgical operations that bifurcate the head of the penis so that it becomes similar to a similar organ of a male kangaroo. Modern men, fortunately, have moved away from ancient traditions, but the same level of excitement associated with ill-fated centimeters is still preserved.

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There are many differences between men and women, and they are most pronounced in the genitals. In guys, the reproductive and urinary functions are performed by the penis. The structure of the penis is the same in all men, unless there are deviations from the norm. Now let’s look at what this organ consists of, as well as what processes it is responsible for.

Features of the structure of the penis

Considering the structure of the male penis, we can distinguish three main components: the base (also called the root), the body and the head. The base is firmly attached to the pubic bones. The widest part can be called the head area, but the neck, on the contrary, is considered the narrowest.

The shaft of the reproductive instrument is formed from the cavernous and spongy bodies. They contain a large number of depressions that can be filled with blood fluid. The bodies, called cavernous bodies, are located along the edges of the penis. And the spongy is located below, in the groove between the cavernous ones. Its diameter is approximately 1 cm.

The structure of the male genital organs includes the head, and it is at the end that the spongy body turns into a cone-shaped thickening. This part is covered with cavernous bodies, from which the corolla is formed (it is a thickening around the circumference). Immediately behind it there is a coronal groove.

The skin of the head is very thin and delicate, it has many glands that produce smegma. There are nerve endings in this area, due to which it becomes very sensitive to touch. The trunk of the organ, especially the area near the head, has a similar property. At the very top of the penis there is a small hole through which urination is performed and seminal fluid is released. This channel is a hollow tube, the end of which is closed.

If the structure of the male penis is the same in all people, then the appearance may differ. It all depends on individual characteristics and genetic data. As a rule, in a state of erection the penis is slightly curved, but when at rest it appears straight.

Some representatives of the stronger sex who have recently entered adolescence may notice a small amount on their skin. They shouldn't be painful. This can be explained by the fact that the penis has sebaceous glands. If a person adheres to the rules of personal hygiene, then their work will be invisible. But, if the glands become clogged due to hormonal changes or poor care, then their size increases significantly.

The structure of the male genital organs allows for the presence of moles or hairs on the surface. However, if other formations appear, for example, or a growth, then you should contact a specialist. Normally they shouldn't be there.

About the foreskin

In the area of ​​the head of the penis there is a thickening of the skin that looks like a fold. It is called the foreskin. At the bottom there is a connection using a bridle. It is she who does not allow the flesh to move beyond a specific border.

It is worth understanding that newborn babies have physiological phimosis - they cannot open the head. But with age, it begins to become naked painlessly and easily. If this does not happen, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Some ethnicities consider it normal to have the foreskin surgically removed. As a rule, this is due to the climate, as well as the fact that inflammation often occurs due to this part of the organ. Religion also comes into play; in some faiths, circumcision is a mandatory action.

Having examined the structure of the penis, it should be separately noted that it cannot normally perform its function without a blood supply. It reaches the organ through a group of vessels. There are anterior scrotal arteries that arise from the external genitalia. There is also a dorsal artery, which originates in the internal pudendal artery. It is these structural elements that provide blood to the outer part of the organ.

As for the internal formations, their blood supply system consists of the deep and dorsal arteries. It is also worth mentioning the outflow of blood fluid. It is performed by the deep vein and the vein of the bulb, which pass into the vesical plexus, and then into the internal genital vein.

It is thanks to blood that the penis is able to become erect and perform the function of fertilization.

What you need to know about size?

The structure of the male penis is the same for all people, however, the size is individual. Each person has his own, but are there certain standards? We can say which parameters are considered normal and which deviate from the generally accepted ones.

What sizes are there:

  1. As a rule, if the reproductive organ is in a calm state, then its length will be from 5 to 10 centimeters. We are talking about a sexually mature person.
  2. When erect, the length increases significantly. The average is considered to be 14-16 cm. However, if the parameters are at around 10 cm, then this is also in the order of things, and not a deviation from the norm.
  3. An organ that is 18 cm or longer is considered large. This happens quite rarely.
  4. If during an erection the length is no more than 8 centimeters, then this will already be considered a pathology. In this situation, you should consult a doctor and, together with a specialist, consider what can be done in this case. Penis enlargement surgery may need to be considered.
  5. There is also such a deviation as micropenis. In this case, the length of the penis is up to 2 centimeters.

If we talk about the diameter, then on average it is from 3 to 5 centimeters. But deviation is possible, both upward and downward.

At birth, in boys, the length of the organ is usually from 2 to 5 cm. However, by puberty it increases to 6 cm. In subsequent years, until about 17 years old, the penis grows rapidly. It also continues to increase until age 25, but slowly and almost imperceptibly.

There is an opinion that the size of the penis is directly related to the size of the nose or fingers. However, such guesses have not received scientific confirmation. We can only say that there is a connection with human growth.

About the functions

The purpose of the penis is clear to most people, but it’s worth looking into it again. The male reproductive system is directly involved in the production of germ cells, which are called sperm. In the future, they participate in the fertilization of the egg, which leads to the birth of a child. Male dignity is directly involved in the release of seminal fluid into the vagina during intercourse. This is what subsequently leads to fertilization. The organ is also responsible for the production of sex hormones.

As already mentioned, active formation of sperm occurs in mature men. They are updated approximately every two months. If a man has bad habits, the quality of the seminal fluid will deteriorate. For this and other reasons, it can be observed, which leads to difficulty or impossibility of conception. Sometimes it can be cured, but sometimes you just have to accept infertility as a fact.

The reproductive system includes the testicles, which are a paired oval-shaped organ. In size they can be compared to a walnut. They are located in the scrotum. Considering that they have many nerve endings, the testicles are extremely sensitive to any influence.

The testicles are directly responsible for the production of seminal fluid. It occurs in the seminiferous tubules. This organ also manages hormones, directly testosterone.

As for the scrotum, it looks like a leather pouch that is located right near the base of the penis. The skin is quite delicate, with sparse hairs. The scrotum is divided into two parts by a septum. Its size can change depending on the temperature.

If the body functions normally, a man will be able to perform his sexual function. However, if pathologies exist, problems may arise with sexual intercourse, conception, and the production of hormones and sperm. That is why, in case of any deviations, you should contact a specialist. Moreover, pathologies can be detected both in childhood and in adulthood.

What diseases are there?

It is useful to know not only the structure of the glans penis and the reproductive system itself, but also existing diseases. There are a lot of ailments, and they can have different etymologies. Considering the number of diseases, let's look at the most common ones.

If the problem is not congenital, then, as a rule, its appearance can be provoked by low physical activity, poor environmental conditions, decreased immunity, promiscuity or lack thereof. Trauma and surgery can also lead to problems.

If we talk about infectious diseases, their symptoms are in many cases clearly visible. Among the signs:

  1. Burning and itching.
  2. Unnatural discharge.
  3. Pain, redness, swelling of the penis.
  4. The appearance of skin rashes.

Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoan microorganisms. Most often they are transmitted through sexual contact, less often when sharing the same personal hygiene item with a sick person.

There are many types of diseases, and among them the leader is thrush, which occurs in both sexes. Patients are also often diagnosed with syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. For diagnosis, you should take tests and undergo a professional examination. If the disease is not treated, serious consequences, including infertility and death, are possible.

If we talk about pathologies, then a representative of the stronger sex can. In this case, a person is able to participate in sexual intercourse, but his sperm are inactive. As a result, fertilization is impossible.

Among the inflammatory ailments, balanoposthitis and vesiculitis can be noted, which manifest themselves as unpleasant sensations. If left untreated, a man may become infertile.

We often hear about impotence, but it can occur not only in old age, but even at 30 years old and earlier. It can be triggered by either a mental factor or an unhealthy lifestyle or disease. As a result, a man has no sexual desire, he cannot participate in sexual intercourse, there is no orgasm and satisfaction. Treatment is possible with timely consultation with a doctor.

There are other pathologies, for example, ejaculation disorders, paraphimosis, cystitis, prostate adenoma, delayed ejaculation, etc. If a man suspects certain deviations from the norm, he should immediately see a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate.

The penis can be called the main organ of the male genitourinary system. It is an external male genital organ designed to provide the functions of urination, ejaculation and sexual intercourse. Any representative of the male half of the population needs to have an idea of ​​​​what the structure of the penis is and what its features are - this will help maintain the condition of both the urinary system and the entire body in proper shape.

Features of the structure of the penis

What does the penis consist of? The male penis (phallus, penis) has many structural features. All elements of the reproductive system of the male body can be divided into external and internal. The external elements include the penis, which consists of the following parts:

  • Base (root);
  • Trunk (body);
  • Head.

How does the penis work? The base of the penis is attached to the bones of the symphysis pubis. Two types of bodies are involved in the formation of the trunk: spongy and cavernous. They contain a large number of depressions that can easily fill with blood. At the end of the phallus, the corpus spongiosum is expressed by a cone-shaped thickening - the head of the penis. Its edge covers the ends of the corpus cavernosum, merging with it. Thus, a thickening around the circumference (corolla) is formed, followed by a coronal groove. The head has a delicate covering of thin skin called the foreskin, on which there are a large number of glands that produce smegma (a secretion that acts as a lubricant).

The head of the penis is equipped with many nerve endings, which gives it increased sensitivity when touched. The shaft of the penis is also highly sensitive. In the upper region of the head there is an opening - the exit of the urethra, through which urine and sperm are excreted.

The foreskin of the penis can partially or completely cover the head. On the back of the penis there is a junction between the foreskin and the head of the penis through a longitudinal fold - the frenulum. Between the foreskin and the head of the phallus there is a slit-like cavity, the formation of which usually ends by the age of two. It is where smegma most often accumulates.

As the penis grows older, signs of hair follicles appear on the body, and later hair develops from them. The penis contains a large number of veins, blood vessels, bulbourethral glands, and the prostate - all this ensures the normal functioning of this organ. Most of the internal parts of the genitourinary system are hidden, but palpation can reveal the prostate and testicles.

Blood supply to the penis

After it has become clear what the male penis consists of, it is worth understanding the features of its blood supply. The anatomy of the male penis is quite complex. The abdominal aorta divides into a pair of iliac arteries, from each of which the internal iliac artery arises. Large vessels branch from it to the gluteal muscles, after which this artery is usually called the internal genital artery. Branches extend from it to the perineum, rectum and bladder. Passing further through the urogenital diaphragm, this blood vessel becomes the artery of the penis, located in the horizontal plane. The last branches of the penile artery are the urethral, ​​bulbous, dorsal and deep arteries. Each of them is a pair; they are connected together by deep and superficial anastomosis, which ensures effective blood supply to the penis.

Having entered the penis, the bulbous artery divides into several branches, one of which goes into the corpus spongiosum, and the rest remain at the beginning. In the place where the spongy body of the phallus fits into the lower groove, the urethral artery penetrates it. Then it passes inside the corpus spongiosum to the head of the penis, where it connects with the branches of the dorsal artery. First, the urethral artery passes into the capillaries that form the venous plexuses of the mucous membrane of the urinary canal, and then goes into the cells of the corpus spongiosum. This is how the tissues of the urethra and the spongy body of the penis are supplied with blood.

The most significant of all the blood branches in the penis are the deep arteries.

Deep arteries penetrate the phallus at the junction of the cavernous bodies into the shaft of the penis. These blood vessels act as the basis for the supply of arterial blood to the erectile tissues of the cavernous bodies, which are something like dilated capillaries. As the deep artery moves through the corpus cavernosum, it gradually becomes thinner, giving off lateral branches. In the upper part of the cavernous body, this artery merges with the vessel of the same name on the opposite side and the last branches of the dorsal artery.

The diameter of the dorsal artery is equal to the deep one; it acts as a direct continuation of the artery of the phallus. It runs along his back from the unpaired vein of the same name on both sides, located under the fascia. So it reaches the head, where it forms anastomoses with its terminal branches. Throughout their entire path, these blood vessels have many branches: to the membranes of the penis, branches give rise to vessels that go into the spongy tissue, as well as arterial trunks that supply blood to the cavernous and spongy bodies and the skin of the phallus. The skin of the penis is partially supplied with blood from the external pudendal artery, which arises from the femoral artery, which, in turn, is a continuation of the external iliac artery.

Venous outflow is carried out through the deep and superficial veins of the penis, the structure of which implies their communication.

The superficial vein collects blood from the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The vein is located immediately under the skin, at the base of the penis it bifurcates, then flows into the large saphenous vein or directly into the femoral vein on each side. From the spongy and cavernous bodies, the outflow occurs for the most part through the systems of the deep dorsal and deep central veins. From the center of the cavernous bodies, the outflow occurs into the deep veins, leaving this area at the divergence of the bodies, then they flow into the urogenital venous plexus. The bulbous veins of the cavernous bodies also flow into the same place.

Important! The largest vein of the penis is the deep dorsal vein; it has a well-developed valve system.

During sexual arousal, the penis increases in size several times, and it also becomes very dense. By reducing venous outflow, maintaining an erection is ensured. This is facilitated by the contraction of special muscles located at the root of the penis. When the excitement subsides, the muscles relax and the blood that has filled the organ begins to flow out. This is how the penis takes on its normal size and ceases to be hard. In a state of erection, the head of the penis is always less elastic and more elastic than its shaft, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the female genital organs.


The structure of the male penis implies considerable diversity in its sizes and shapes. The penis in boys is noticeably different from the penis in men. The normality of the size of the male organ can only be judged by comparing the average values. According to research by scientists, the size of an erect penis varies on average from 12 to 18 cm. The length of the penis in a relaxed state varies from 6 to 10 cm. It is worth understanding that deviations in both directions are periodically observed, but they are quite rare. During puberty, measuring the size of the penis does not make much sense, since at this time the penis is actively growing. An important parameter when measuring the phallus is its width. Its average size usually varies from 7 to 16 cm in girth when excited.

Important! The size of a man's penis is influenced by hormone levels during adolescence. If there is a high level of hormones, the size of the penis will be larger than with a reduced level. Leading a healthy lifestyle also significantly affects the formation of the body in adolescents.

Penises also differ in shape. There are 3 main forms: cylindrical (head and base are approximately identical), mushroom-shaped (massive head and thin base) and pointed (wide base). Quite often, curvature is observed, which can only be attributed to aesthetic shortcomings.

As can be seen from the above, a man’s penis is a very complex mechanism, with many nuances of structure and perception, which is a rather subjective question. If there are any suspicions arising about the health of the male genitourinary system and the penis in particular, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help.