Salad with pollock liver, potatoes and egg. Classic pollock liver salad. Pollock liver salad

Pollock liver is not a cheaper substitute for cod liver, as many people think. This is a tasty and very healthy product that contains vitamins and microelements.

What makes pollock liver especially valuable is the vitamin B3 it contains, which is not widely distributed at all, but is extremely important for human health. It relieves depression and other severe nervous and mental conditions, supports the brain, treats insomnia, eczema, psoriasis and vitamin deficiency.

Like any fish, pollock and its liver are rich in phosphorus and vitamin A - both of which are very important for our health. Contains both Omega 3 and antioxidants. Regular consumption of pollock liver treats the thyroid gland and vision. And if so, pollock liver salad will be most welcome on our table.

Pollock liver salads with photos are presented on almost all culinary sites, which proves the popularity of this dish. For example, pollock liver salad with egg and rice is actually a classic. It is hearty and tasty and can serve perfectly as a family dinner or as one of the lunch dishes.

So, pollock liver salad: a classic recipe


  • Pollock liver – 1 jar
  • Eggs – 3 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers – 3 pieces
  • Sweet corn – ½ can
  • Boiled rice - half a cup
  • Green onions, parsley - a little
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Place pollock liver on napkins and let drain
  2. Hard-boil the eggs, cool and remove the shells.
  3. Chop the eggs with a knife. Finely chop the cucumber. Break the pollock liver into small pieces with a fork. Chop the greens with a knife.
  4. In a bowl, mix liver, eggs, rice, corn, cucumber and herbs, season with mayonnaise.
  5. This is one of the simplest pollock liver salad recipes, and it can be prepared in a matter of minutes if you have boiled eggs. Meanwhile, it is very tasty and can even be used for a festive table. But then, of course, you need to come up with an original version of serving this salad from canned pollock liver.
  6. For example, you can use iceberg lettuce leaves: cut off the hard part of the leaves and wrap the lettuce in the leaves, making a tube or envelope.
  7. Or spread the salad among tartlets or valovans (“cups” made of puff pastry).

Layered liver salad

Pollock liver salad, laid out in layers, has a spectacular and festive look. It is quite suitable for a special occasion and can become a table decoration.


  • Pollock liver – 1 jar
  • Onions, preferably salad onions – ½ onion
  • Leek – ½ piece
  • Eggs – 5 pieces
  • Pitted olives – 10-15 pieces
  • Cheese – 200 gr
  • Lettuce leaves – 5-6 pieces
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Remove the pollock liver from the jar and shake off excess oil. Mash with a fork.
  2. Finely chop the onion with a knife and mix with the liver.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Cut the leek into thin rings.
  5. Line a dish or shallow wide salad bowl with lettuce leaves. Place half an egg on them, lightly grease with mayonnaise and press down. Place half of the leek rings as a second layer. Then the liver, mixed with onions, is again greased with mayonnaise. Make a layer of eggs again, then leeks, generously grease with mayonnaise and cover with cheese. Place an olive in the center in the form of some kind of figure and decorate with mayonnaise.

In general, unlike cod liver, which is considered an exquisite delicacy, pollock liver is perceived by most people as everyday food. Even the layered salad (and layered salads are usually prepared for a special occasion) uses only the most common, inexpensive ingredients. But they are all useful.

  • Olives contain anthocyanins, which increase immunity, and also help with depression and loss of strength.
  • Leeks help with allergies, improve immunity, and contain antioxidants.
  • Cheese saturates the body with calcium, and onions and lettuce with vitamins.

So this salad is a real blow to the factors that destroy the human body. Of course, if you wish, you can use pollock liver in all those salads that are prepared based on cod liver. The taste will simply change slightly, almost imperceptibly, but the nutritional value will remain high.

Salad with liver and pollock caviar

Unusual salads include salad with liver and pollock caviar.


  • A jar of pollock liver and caviar – 1 jar
  • Onion – 1 small, can be used as a salad
  • Fresh champignons – 4-5 small pieces
  • Eggs – 5 pieces
  • Tomatoes – 2 pieces
  • Chopped greens - heaped tablespoon
  • Lemon juice - tablespoon


  1. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut into slices.
  2. Tomatoes, too, in slices or halves of slices, if they are “cream”.
  3. Wash the champignons thoroughly with a brush and pour over boiling water. Cut into thin slices, lightly moisten with lemon juice.
  4. Cut the onion into rings.
  5. Remove the pollock liver and caviar from the jar and let the oil drain. Cut into slices.
  6. Mix all ingredients carefully.
  7. Mix the remaining lemon juice with a spoonful of oil from a jar, add black pepper or half a teaspoon of any mustard if desired, and season the salad.

Pollock liver is not a cheaper substitute for cod liver, as many people think. This is a tasty and very healthy product that contains vitamins and microelements.

What makes pollock liver especially valuable is the vitamin B3 it contains, which is not widely distributed at all, but is extremely important for human health. It relieves depression and other severe nervous and mental conditions, supports the brain, treats insomnia, eczema, psoriasis and vitamin deficiency.

Like any fish, pollock and its liver are rich in phosphorus and vitamin A - both are very important for our health. Contains both Omega 3 and antioxidants. Regular consumption of pollock liver treats the thyroid gland and vision. And if so, pollock liver salad will be most welcome on our table.

Pollock liver salads with photos are presented on almost all culinary sites, which proves the popularity of this dish. For example, pollock liver salad with egg and rice is actually a classic. It is hearty and tasty and can serve perfectly as a family dinner or as one of the lunch dishes.

Classic recipe

So, pollock liver salad: a classic recipe

  • Pollock liver - 1 jar
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pieces
  • Sweet corn - ½ can
  • Boiled rice - half a cup
  • Green onions, parsley - a little
  • Mayonnaise

  1. Place pollock liver on napkins and let drain
  2. Hard-boil the eggs, cool and remove the shells.
  3. Chop the eggs with a knife. Finely chop the cucumber. Break the pollock liver into small pieces with a fork. Chop the greens with a knife.
  4. In a bowl, mix liver, eggs, rice, corn, cucumber and herbs, season with mayonnaise.
  5. This is one of the simplest pollock liver salad recipes, and it can be prepared in a matter of minutes if you have boiled eggs. Meanwhile, it is very tasty and can even be used for a festive table. But then, of course, you need to come up with an original version of serving this salad from canned pollock liver.
  6. For example, you can use iceberg lettuce leaves: cut off the hard part of the leaves and wrap the lettuce in the leaves, making a tube or envelope.
  7. Or spread the salad among tartlets or valovans (“cups” made of puff pastry).

Layered liver salad

Pollock liver salad, laid out in layers, has a spectacular and festive look. It is quite suitable for a special occasion and can become a table decoration.

  1. Remove the pollock liver from the jar and shake off excess oil. Mash with a fork.
  2. Finely chop the onion with a knife and mix with the liver.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Cut the leek into thin rings.

Line a dish or shallow wide salad bowl with lettuce leaves. Place half an egg on them, lightly grease with mayonnaise and press down. Place half of the leek rings as a second layer. Then the liver, mixed with onions, is again greased with mayonnaise. Make a layer of eggs again, then leeks, generously grease with mayonnaise and cover with cheese. Place an olive in the center in the form of some kind of figure and decorate with mayonnaise.

In general, unlike cod liver, which is considered an exquisite delicacy, pollock liver is perceived by most people as everyday food. Even the layered salad (and layered salads are usually prepared for a special occasion) uses only the most common, inexpensive ingredients. But they are all useful.

  • Olives contain anthocyanins, which increase immunity, and also help with depression and loss of strength.
  • Leeks help with allergies, improve immunity, and contain antioxidants.
  • Cheese saturates the body with calcium, and onions and lettuce with vitamins.

So this salad is a real blow to the factors that destroy the human body. Of course, if you wish, you can use pollock liver in all those salads that are prepared based on cod liver. The taste will simply change slightly, almost imperceptibly, but the nutritional value will remain high.

Salad with liver and pollock caviar

Unusual salads include salad with liver and pollock caviar.

  • A jar of pollock liver and caviar - 1 jar
  • Onion - 1 small, can be used as a salad
  • Fresh champignons - 4-5 small pieces
  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces
  • Chopped greens - heaped tablespoon
  • Lemon juice - tablespoon

  1. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut into slices.
  2. Tomatoes, too, in slices or halves of slices, if they are “cream”.
  3. Wash the champignons thoroughly with a brush and pour over boiling water. Cut into thin slices, lightly moisten with lemon juice.
  4. Cut the onion into rings.
  5. Remove the pollock liver and caviar from the jar and let the oil drain. Cut into slices.
  6. Mix all ingredients carefully.

Mix the remaining lemon juice with a spoonful of oil from a jar, add black pepper or half a teaspoon of any mustard if desired, and season the salad.

Pollock liver salad

Today, good housewives prepare salads not only on holidays; you can pamper your loved ones on any day, the main thing is desire, and it takes a minimum of time to prepare simple salads.

Quick salad recipes have already become firmly established in our modern rhythm of life. It is also very important that the dish is not just tasty, but also healthy, containing useful substances, vitamins, and microelements.

Simple pollock liver salad

Pollock liver salad is an ideal dish that can be prepared in a hurry, it does not take much time, and is an excellent addition to main dishes. Pollock liver is often replaced with cod liver, and the taste does not suffer from this.

Ingredients for a simple salad:

One can of canned pollock liver;

3 boiled eggs;

Chop all the above products, mix, season with mayonnaise - the pollock liver salad is ready.

I offer another option for the holiday table. To surprise your guests, you can prepare tartlets in advance or bake small puff pastry baskets. Cut eggs, potatoes, onions, canned cucumbers, boiled carrots, pollock or cod liver into cubes. Mix all the ingredients except the greens, season with mayonnaise, place in baskets and decorate with greens, the festive dish is ready! In addition, this salad looks great in small individual salad bowls. Guests will definitely love this beautifully presented dish.

The baskets can be baked in the oven using ready-made puff pastry bought in a store, or you can prepare the dough yourself. It’s good if the dough is yeast-free, since the baskets should be as thin as possible.

Options for more complex salads

Pollock liver is a very healthy product that can be harmoniously combined with many other foods. That is why there are many options for preparing delicious and healthy pollock liver salads.

A very tasty and original dish is a salad that includes potatoes, cucumber, egg, pollock liver, green onions, black pepper, onion, salt and mayonnaise. First you need to boil and cool the eggs and potatoes. After this, you need to cut these ingredients into cubes. Next, open the pollock liver and drain the oil from it. This product, together with fresh cucumbers, is also cut into cubes. After this, you need to add mayonnaise to the salad, add salt, pepper and mix. Even the most picky gourmets will appreciate the incredibly delicate taste of this salad.

It is also possible to prepare a light and balanced salad for connoisseurs of piquant taste.

For this salad you will need:

Tomatoes must be cut into four parts, peeled and cut into cubes, the size of which is 1 centimeter. The pollock liver must be removed from the jar and wrapped in paper napkins to remove the oil. The onion is cut into very small cubes and sprinkled with lemon juice. The tomato is salted and peppered, and onion and garlic squeezed through a garlic press are added to it. This mixture must be placed on the bottom of the plate. Cod liver cut into cubes is laid out on top. Next, you need to lay out a layer of finely chopped eggs. The next step is to prepare the sauce. To do this, you need to add eggs and a few drops of lemon juice to the tomato seeds. This whole mixture is whipped in a blender, salted and egg yolks are added. The salad is poured with the resulting sauce. This wonderful appetizer is ready to serve.

Another very beautiful, tasty and healthy salad, which is laid out in layers, is pollock liver salad “Lebedok”. The original shape of the swan not only makes this dish appetizing, but also arouses interest in it.

The ingredients of this salad are:

The salad is laid out in layers. For the first layer, boiled potatoes are used, which are grated on a coarse grater. To lay out the second layer, you need to mash the pollock liver with a fork. To ensure that it is not too dry, you need to leave a little oil. Next, you need to lay out the onion, cut into half rings and pickled in vinegar. All this is topped with mayonnaise. The next layer is coarsely grated cheese, which is also covered with mayonnaise. Next, you need to lay out the grated yolk and cover it with mayonnaise. We lay out the layers in the shape of a swan and fill it with grated egg white.

Pollock liver salads are not only very tasty, but also healthy. Moreover, they are very easy to prepare. Any housewife can easily cope with such a task.

Be sure to try making a delicious cod liver salad: Culinary recipes

Simple and quick salad recipes are more profitable and fit much more confidently into our modern lifestyle. After all, it is important that the prepared salads are only healthy. This means that they should be prepared from natural ingredients, which in turn are rich in beneficial vitamins and microelements.

If you need to prepare a quick salad that doesn’t take much time, then it is best to choose pollock liver salad. This salad will be ideal not only as an excellent appetizer, but will also be an excellent addition to the prepared main dish. There are a great many options for preparing pollock liver salads, so every housewife can easily find her favorite version of the salad, which will become her signature dish. Of course, every salad contains fairly simple ingredients, for example, eggs and potatoes, which can be found in every housewife’s refrigerator. Don’t be afraid to experiment and then you will definitely succeed!

Delicate pollock liver salad

To prepare this salad you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 boiled chicken eggs
  • Half an onion
  • Small piece of mackerel

Boiled eggs must be cut into small cubes and finely chopped onion. Add canned pollock liver and cut the mackerel into small pieces. Mix everything and serve! The most delicate salad is ready!

The salad can also be prepared without a piece of mackerel, and the pollock liver can be replaced with cod liver. An excellent addition to onions in a salad can be green onions, which will perfectly highlight the taste of pollock liver, and will also become a summer decoration for the salad.

Hearty pollock liver salad

In order to complicate this salad a little and make it even more satisfying, you need to add the following ingredients:

  • Potatoes 2-3 pieces
  • Carrots 1-2 pieces
  • Pickled cucumbers 2-3 pieces
  • 3 boiled chicken eggs
  • 1 can of canned pollock liver
  • Half an onion
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Greens for salad decoration

Potatoes and carrots must be boiled in their skins and then peeled. Cut potatoes, carrots, pickles into small pieces and mix in a salad bowl. Chop the onion and add to the vegetables. Add canned pollock liver and season with mayonnaise. Add pepper and salt to taste. Then we decorate the salad with greens.

Pollock liver salad with green peas

Having mastered the previous recipes, you can safely find interesting additions to the salad. One such unique additional ingredient could be canned green peas. To prepare this salad you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 can of canned pollock liver
  • 3-4 eggs
  • 1 can of canned green peas

First boil the eggs, and then cut the whites into small cubes. After that, remove the pollock liver from the oil and grind it with the yolks using a fork. We combine all this with yolks, liver and canned green peas, and then season with the oil that contained the pollock liver.

In order for the dish to look great on the holiday table, you can not crumble the egg whites, but cut them into halves. Then fill them with salad. In this case, you will need more boiled eggs based on the number of people and the volume of such a snack.

Light pollock liver salad

To prepare the salad you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 pieces boiled potatoes
  • 200 grams of canned pollock liver
  • 3-4 pieces boiled eggs
  • 1 piece spinach
  • Salt, pepper, lemon juice to taste
  • Greenery

Place any greens on a plate, and then cut boiled potatoes into slices. The next step is to cut the pollock liver into fairly large pieces and place it with the potatoes. Then pour pollock sauce from a jar over the potatoes and liver. Cut the eggs into slices and place on a plate. You can sprinkle herbs and spinach on top. Salt, pepper and add lemon juice according to your preferences.

You can also grate cheese and sprinkle it on our salad. There is no single cut for all the ingredients in this salad, and therefore you can cut everything the way you like.

Each of us can appreciate the benefits and beauty, as well as the amazing taste of pollock liver salad. The salad can be served not only in a regular salad bowl, but it can also be spread on bread and served as a sandwich. This versatile salad can also be used as a topping for baked potatoes. To make the salad tasty and beautiful, do not forget about the greens. It could be green onions, dill or parsley.

Of course, the taste of pollock is quite specific, but not only adults, but also children adore it. Therefore, the salad will look great on the holiday table, as a filling for pancakes, on sandwiches, in canapés or in baskets.

Be sure to try making a salad not only from pollock liver, but also from cod liver, as shown in this video:

Salad with pollock liver (3 recipes)

Pollock liver is a tasty and very healthy product that contains vitamins and microelements, and not a cheaper substitute for cod liver, as many people think. What makes pollock liver especially valuable is the vitamin B3 it contains, which is not widely distributed at all, but is extremely important for human health. It relieves depression and other severe nervous and mental conditions, supports the brain, treats insomnia, eczema, psoriasis and vitamin deficiency. Like any fish, pollock and its liver are rich in phosphorus and vitamin A - both of which are very important for our health. They contain both Omega-3 and antioxidants. Regular consumption of pollock liver treats the thyroid gland and eyesight. Therefore, a salad with pollock liver will come in handy on your table.

Recipe 1. Salad with pollock liver and melted cheese

The fastest salads are made from canned fish and vegetables. These are always great dishes before the main course. As a rule, they are so easy to do that even a child can do it.


✵ pollock (or cod) liver - 1 jar;

✵ chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;

✵ processed cheese “Druzhba” - 100 g;

✵ green onion - 5 feathers;

✵ parsley sprigs - for decoration.



2. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater.

3. Cool the processed cheese and grate it on a coarse grater.

4. Wash the green onions and chop finely.

5. Open the can of pollock liver, place in a bowl and mash with a fork.

6. Add eggs, carrots, onions, cheese to the pollock liver and mix gently. Taste and add salt if necessary.

7. Serve in portions and garnish with parsley sprigs.

Recipe 2. Salad with pollock liver and rice

Pollock liver salads are presented on almost all culinary sites, which proves the popularity of this dish. For example, pollock liver salad with egg and rice is actually a classic. It is hearty and tasty and can serve perfectly as a family dinner or as one of the lunch dishes.


✵ pollock liver (canned) - 1 jar;

✵ chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;

✵ fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.;

✵ corn (canned) - half a can;

✵ boiled rice - half a glass;

✵ mayonnaise - to taste;

✵ green onions - to taste;

✵ parsley - to taste.


1. Hard boil the eggs, cool in cold water, peel and chop.

2. Cut the cucumber into small cubes.

3. Finely chop the green onions and parsley.

4. Open the can of pollock liver, drain the liquid, place in a bowl and mash into small pieces with a fork.

5. Add eggs, cucumber, boiled rice, corn, green onions, parsley, mayonnaise to the pollock liver and mix gently.

This is one of the simplest pollock liver salad recipes, and it can be prepared in a matter of minutes if you have boiled eggs and rice. Meanwhile, the dish is very tasty and can even be used for a festive table. But then, of course, you need to come up with an original design for this salad. For example, you can use iceberg lettuce leaves: cut off the hard part of the leaves and wrap the salad in them, making a tube or envelope. Or spread the salad among tartlets or valovans (“cups” made of puff pastry).

Recipe 3. Salad with pollock liver and tomatoes

Canned pollock liver has a special delicate taste. Supplemented with a bouquet of summer vegetables, a chicken egg and dressed with olive oil, pollock liver salad can be served at the holiday table not only for the sake of variety, but also as a healthy and nutritious snack dish.


✵ pollock liver (canned) - ½ jar;

✵ fresh tomatoes ‒ 3-4 pcs. (small size);

✵ fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs. (small size);

✵ onions (white salad) - 1 pc.;

✵ chicken egg - 1 pc.;

✵ olive oil - to taste;


1. Peel the onion, rinse with cold water and cut into half rings.

2. Rinse the cucumbers with cold water and cut into thin strips.

3. Hard-boil the egg, cool in cold water, peel and chop in any way.

4. Rinse the tomatoes with cold water and divide each into six boats.

5. Open the jar of chilled pollock liver immediately before use. Place the contents of the canned food into the salad using a small portioned spoon (it is impossible to cut pollock liver, as it is too tender).

6. Carefully place the sliced ​​vegetables into serving salad bowls, alternating with pollock liver. The resulting salad is not mixed.

7. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with pollock liver with chopped egg, season with salt and olive oil to taste just before eating.

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Hello, my dears, I bring to your attention today a salad that will allow you to eat a healthy product with the least fear. As you know, fish liver is a fairly high-calorie product, and that is why our choice fell on pollock liver. After all, it is one and a half times poorer in calories compared to cod liver, and two times cheaper, which is nice. Well, a little more information for those interested. Cod liver is the most popular on the Russian food market, although pollock liver is in no way inferior to it in terms of its medicinal properties. Pollock liver contains many more vitamins than cod liver. In addition, in addition to micro- and macroelements, also inherent in cod liver, pollock liver contains copper, sulfur, cobalt, manganese, etc. Its beneficial qualities make up a huge list. The benefits of pollock liver have been known to doctors since ancient times. It was prescribed to patients to restore vision, since pollock liver contains a large amount of vitamin A (more than cod liver), which improves the condition of the retina and sharpens the so-called twilight vision - the ability to see the details of objects in poor lighting. It is precisely because of this high Containing this vitamin, liver is recommended for smokers and those recovering from a serious illness. This vitamin also regulates the production and deposition of cholesterol, is responsible for cell regeneration, and therefore gives us a healthy appearance and improves heart function. By the way, it is vitamin A that helps us fight diseases, protecting us from genitourinary, viral and fungal infections. The benefits and harms of pollock liver, according to scientists, are its rich phosphorus content, which is responsible for the formation of bone tissue and provides us with healthy teeth. In addition, it contains potassium, which normalizes metabolic processes, cardiac activity, and relieves swelling.
If consumed daily, it can normalize thyroid function.
The product contains the famous vitamin B3. It is known to us as nicotinic acid. Its medicinal properties are so great that they are recognized by doctors along with medications. The benefit of pollock liver, if you pay attention to this ingredient, is the ability to prevent psychosis and pathological states of consciousness. B3 successfully treats eczema and psoriasis, saves a person from severe vitamin deficiency caused by poor and irregular nutrition. In medicine, this disease is called pellagra. The harm to the liver of pollock, a product that has incredibly beneficial properties, is unknown today. The only thing that can overshadow its use is the expired expiration date. Allergies to canned food do occur, but are extremely rare. Paying attention to the iodine content in the product, the concentration of which is quite high, it is impossible to even think that there could be any harm from pollock liver. There are doctors' indications for restricting the use of the product. It is not advisable to eat it for people with inflammatory diseases of the esophagus. In addition, damage to the pollock liver is possible due to pressure surges. In this case, the product should be consumed in minimal quantities. So allow me to treat you... and in some places, improve your health
Pollock liver salad... light


pollock (cod) liver 120 g
bulb onions 1/2 pcs
garlic 1 clove
green onion, dill
fresh champignons 1 PC
boiled egg 4 things
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
salt taste
ground black pepper

Canned pollock liver has a special delicate taste. Supplemented with a bouquet of summer vegetables, a chicken egg and dressed with olive oil, pollock liver salad can be served at the holiday table not only for the sake of variety, but also as a healthy and nutritious snack dish.

To prepare pollock liver salad with egg, take the products according to the list. Fresh cucumbers and fresh tomatoes must be washed well and cooled. Boil the egg. Pollock liver must also be well cooled before use. Olive oil, salt and onions do not need special preparation.

Prepare the salad 30 minutes before serving.

First, the cutting is prepared. White onions are peeled and chopped into half rings.

Cucumbers need to be cut into thin bars.

The egg is passed through a grater.

The tomatoes must be divided into six parts, turning into boats.

Open a jar of chilled pollock liver immediately before use, otherwise it will spoil. The contents of the canned food are placed into the salad using a portioned teaspoon. Pollock liver cannot be cut as it is too tender.

Carefully place the sliced ​​vegetables into serving salad bowls, alternating with pollock liver.

Sprinkle with grated whites and yolks, and then serve immediately. The resulting salad with pollock liver is no longer mixed, but seasoned with salt and olive oil before eating.