Preparation for ultrasound of the spleen. Technique for performing an ultrasound of the spleen. Is it possible to do an ultrasound of the spleen?

It happens that a patient goes to the doctor, not knowing how to explain where he hurts. The phrase that your stomach hurts constantly (often) does not have much information for a specialist. However, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain, and the doctor prescribes tests, as well as an ultrasound of the spleen and other abdominal organs.

What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound examination is a method of obtaining information about the condition of a particular organ without instrumental penetration into the internal cavities of the body. The method is based on the piezoelectric effect associated with the influence of ultrasonic waves. The procedure allows you to display the organ being studied, find out its size, examine defects and determine its general condition.

Why is an ultrasound scan of the spleen performed?

There are quite a few indications for performing an ultrasound scan of the spleen. The doctor will definitely prescribe a procedure if there is a suspicion of organ injury and more. There is a whole group of diseases for which such examinations are carried out regularly. It is performed at intervals of 6 months or a year.

And spleens are prescribed regularly for the following pathologies:

  • abnormalities in organ development;
  • blood leukemia;
  • benign or malignant tumors or suspicion of their presence;
  • determining the exact location of metastasis formation;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • numerous infectious diseases.

The procedures are carried out without complex manipulations, but there are still some medical recommendations for the liver and spleen.

It is especially worth pointing out that it is impossible to carry out the usual procedure in children. Therefore, if there is any suspicion of injury or pathology, an ultrasound scan is prescribed. This is the only way to confirm or refute fears. Children are prepared for the procedure in almost the same way as adults.

Preparatory measures

If the patient is scheduled for an ultrasound scan of the spleen, preparation is as follows:

  1. It is better to sign up for an ultrasound in the morning. The last meal can be at least 9 hours before the examination. Patients with diabetes can drink some tea and eat some dried bread, since long-term fasting is contraindicated for them.
  2. 2 days before the ultrasound, a gentle diet is established. It excludes raw vegetables, dairy products, bread and legumes. Such restrictions are not a doctor’s whim; they help avoid fermentation in the intestines, which during an ultrasound of the spleen blocks the organ, preventing it from being examined.
  3. With increased gas formation, a person is additionally prescribed activated carbon. The dosage is calculated individually. For every 10 kg of body weight, take 1 tablet.

It is a little more difficult to conduct a quality examination in children. Children do not tolerate hunger well, especially infants and children under three years of age. When preparing for the study, the break in feeding the baby should be at least three hours. A child aged 2-3 years must wait 4 hours, and children over three years old must wait at least 6 hours. The remaining recommendations are followed in the same way as for adults.

When prescribing an ultrasound of the spleen, preparation for the examination will be better if you eat small meals for 2 days before the procedure. Food portions should be minimal; it is better to eat every 4 hours.

Preparing for a liver ultrasound is not very different from the steps described above. Only highly obese people take additional measures. They are recommended to carry out cleansing enemas in the morning and evening before the procedure.

Normal readings, interpretation

If the form indicates average echogenicity, a slight vascular network at the organ’s gate, the splenic vein is about 0.5 cm in diameter, the shape of the organ is smoothly curved, and its location is the upper left side of the abdominal cavity, then you can calm down. These are normal indicators.

During the examination, it is necessary to determine whether the spleen is enlarged. Ultrasound determines the size of the organ in an oblique section - within 12 cm, and in a transverse section - within 8 cm. The normal thickness of the organ is about four cm.

Determining the normal size of a child's spleen

If the doctor was able to palpate the child’s spleen, it means that the organ is almost 2 times enlarged. In addition, there is an approximate table linking the height of a child and the size that his spleen should have. Ultrasound determines sizes for adults visually, but the norm for children should be looked at using a special table. It states, for example, that with a height of 60-69 cm, the length of the spleen can vary from 47.8 to 61.3 mm. The thickness and width of the organ are also shown here. The table step is every 10 cm of growth.

Pathological indicators of the spleen

If a patient has leukemic infiltration, then examination of the spleen may show the following pathologies:

  • transformation of organ size (enlargement);
  • sharp edge of the spleen;
  • excessive convexity along the contour;
  • increased density;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the area of ​​the hilum of the spleen.

If there is an abscess, then ultrasound readings will reveal:

  • change in echostructure (mixed or hypoechoic);
  • the appearance of a cyst.

If an injury is caused and there is a hematoma or rupture of an organ, the examination will show:

  • change in echostructure (mixed or anechoic);
  • irregular, uneven contours;
  • the appearance of fluid in the peritoneum or under the diaphragm.

A timely examination will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and facilitate the patient’s treatment process.

Normal and pathological indicators of liver ultrasound

If the patient underwent an ultrasound of the liver, then the size of the right lobe can be considered normal - up to 12 cm, left - up to 7 cm, bile duct - up to 8 mm. The outer edges of the organ must be smooth, and its structure must be uniform.

Using ultrasound, cirrhosis, hepatitis are detected, metastases, hemangioma are determined, hepatoma, steatosis, cystic neoplasms and other pathologies are detected.

At the same time, the information content of the examination for the doctor is very high. He can draw accurate conclusions based on the data received. In many cases, it is impossible to do without liver ultrasound when making or clarifying the diagnosis.

To maintain your health, you should take good care of your body and consult a doctor if symptoms appear. Only a specialist can understand the problem. The doctor will prescribe tests, and may require an ultrasound to determine the diagnosis. Do not neglect medical help, as self-medication can harm your health.

In the human body, all systems and individual organs are interconnected and work together. If there is any problem, then several organs are involved in the process. This is especially true when it comes to the digestive organs.

The liver, as the most important element of the cleaning system, and the spleen, as a hematopoietic organ, quickly respond to the slightest problem. Most often, this reaction manifests itself in the form of swelling and increase in size. The enlargement condition is called hepatomegaly, and the spleen is called splenomegaly.

The existing enlargement of the liver and spleen may have different origins or be interrelated.

Often, a change in the size of the spleen is reactive, that is, an indirect manifestation of the inflammatory process in the liver, which affects the condition of all internal organs. This can occur with severe liver damage, injury, or dangerous diseases such as portal hypertension.

Since there are many reasons for changes in the size of the spleen and liver, it is very important to correctly determine its real source in order to prescribe the necessary treatment. Only in this case can we hope for a complete cure.

An enlarged liver and spleen is usually accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, discomfort, indigestion and other phenomena.

However, in some cases, especially at the very beginning of the process, this condition does not make itself felt. For many patients, the discovery of an increase in the size of these organs is an extremely unpleasant unexpected discovery.

Drug treatment

In some cases, liver enlargement is noticeable to the naked eye. The doctor palpates the right hypochondrium to determine the enlargement of this organ, but ultimately confirms the diagnosis with ultrasound. With help, you can detect enlarged organs and determine how significant this process is.

Having found out that there is an increase in the size of the spleen and liver relative to their normal proportions, the doctor sends the patient for further treatment, in particular, since an increase in itself is not a disease, but only indicates that there are various problems in the body that are dangerous for health processes.

When an enlarged liver and spleen is diagnosed, this condition in itself is not a disease, so treatment should be aimed at the true cause of the swelling of the organs. In this case, self-medication is strictly prohibited, as it can significantly aggravate the severity of the disease.

Only the attending physician can prescribe and select the necessary medications, who will accurately determine the real cause of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies and diet

In the event that the enlargement of the liver and spleen is caused by various abuses and poor nutrition, proper nutrition, as well as taking various herbs and homeopathic remedies, can help improve well-being and put these organs in order.

An inflamed liver suffers greatly from poor nutrition and heavy foods, so you need to follow a fairly strict diet.

  • The first thing you need to exclude from your diet is fatty, spicy, fried and smoked foods. Such food will have an irritating effect on an already unhealthy organ, increasing the patient’s suffering and aggravating the course of the disease. Reactive enlargement of the spleen may also increase.
  • Smoking, alcohol and medications, except those prescribed by a doctor, must be strictly prohibited.
  • In order to calm the internal organs, you also need to exclude strong decoctions, jellied and extractive dishes, jellies, remove mayonnaise, ketchup, fatty sauces and dairy products, sausages, spices, fresh baked goods and excess white sugar from the menu.
  • Lenten dishes, light porridges such as buckwheat, mashed potatoes with water, low-fat milk, if there are no others, will help cope with this condition.
  • The range of permitted products includes fruits, except those that enhance fermentation, vegetables, preferably boiled and stewed, boiled lean meat and poultry, and steamed sea fish.
  • You need to drink a sufficient amount of clean water per day, but the amount of strong tea, especially with sugar, as well as coffee, should be limited to a few cups. Carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones, are also prohibited.

Useful video - Proper nutrition for liver diseases.

If the patient has any other concomitant diseases that require a special diet, then this should be taken into account when drawing up your own nutrition plan. For liver damage associated with bile stagnation, it is allowed to take some herbal decoctions - bitters, which have a mild choleretic effect.

However, even taking herbal decoctions and tinctures should be carried out under supervision and on the recommendation of a doctor.

Possible complications of diseases

If an enlargement of the liver and spleen remains unnoticed and untreated for a long time, this can lead to the fact that the underlying disease that led to changes in the organs will develop and become chronic. This can affect the entire body.

If there is portal hypertension, without treatment it can lead to extremely dangerous conditions, for example, causing a hypertensive crisis and stroke. If the swelling of the organs is caused by an infection, the lack of treatment will lead to multiple inflammatory processes throughout the body.

All this suggests that regardless of what caused the condition of organ enlargement, the underlying cause should be mandatory, and dieting should be a highly desirable action. An increase in the size of the liver and spleen is an alarming symptom that requires careful attention to your own body.

The health of the entire body largely depends on the form in which the human liver is located. This organ controls not only cleansing and digestive functions, but the circulatory system and normal blood pressure are directly related to it. It is safe to say that the liver is the third most important organ of the human body after the heart and brain.

Successful treatment excludes self-medication and requires prompt consultation with a specialist at the slightest suspicion of a violation of the normal size of the liver and/or spleen.

Early diagnosis and, accordingly, timely treatment will help cope with even a very dangerous disease.

If a condition of enlargement of internal organs occurs, consult a doctor for appropriate treatment. This will help prevent the development of various dangerous diseases and protect your health.

The spleen is a human organ located in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium. It performs important functions of the body, such as: the formation of cellular and humoral immunity, the fight against pathological processes in the blood and bone marrow, and also participates in metabolism. Due to the functionality of the organ, it is important to perform an ultrasound of the spleen in children on time.

Due to the overall size of the child, his spleen is less protected from external factors, since the organ is closed imperfectly tightly by the ribs. Besides, the spleen can pathologically increase in size in both adults and children. In order to monitor the condition of the child’s spleen, you need to attend an ultrasound. With the help of an ultrasound examination, parents will be sure that their child is healthy, or they will immediately take any measures for treatment.

There are many indications for ultrasound examination of this organ. They are:

  • suspicion of the formation of malignant tumors;
  • injury to the body in the organ area;
  • leukemia and similar neoplastic pathological processes;
  • the presence of infectious diseases: typhus, various types of sepsis, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • abnormal factors in development or functioning;
  • suspected portal hypertension.

How to prepare

There are no special preparatory steps for an ultrasound examination of the spleen in a child. The basic preparation for this procedure is no different from preparation for any abdominal ultrasound.

Before undergoing the examination, the patient needs to comply with several factors.

2-3 days before the ultrasound, the child should adhere to a unique diet that excludes foods that cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

These products include:

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • legumes;
  • sugary sweets: cakes, desserts and pastries in particular;
  • black bread;
  • fresh vegetables and vegetable dishes prepared without heat treatment;
  • carbonated drinks.

Beyond diet a couple of days before the ultrasound, you should take a course of tablets that eliminate gas formation. This aspect must be taken into account, since gases in the body interfere with the correct performance of any ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Since the study is carried out on an empty stomach, the patient’s last meal should take place 8-9 hours before the procedure.

Important! Any preparatory actions must be taken under the supervision of the attending physician!

How to do it

An ultrasound of any abdominal organ is performed as a standard procedure. The patient assumes a supine position on the couch. A special gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen, which improves the passage of ultrasonic waves. Using a sensor, a specialist examines the patient’s abdominal cavity, and all information is instantly displayed on the screen.

The examination itself lasts no longer than 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you should remove the remaining gel from your stomach; for this, it is advisable to have a napkin, towel or diaper with you.


Ultrasound examination of an organ such as the spleen can help detect many and varied pathological formations and changes. These include:

  • cysts;
  • formations of a benign or malignant nature;
  • mechanical organ injuries;
  • inflammation of the spleen;
  • necrosis of organ tissue;
  • various abscesses.


An increase in the size of the organ, or so-called splenomegaly, can occur for several reasons. This pathological process is almost never a specific disease, but is considered only a symptom of a more serious illness. Let's consider what acute diseases a symptom of an enlarged spleen in a person may be:

  • heart disease;
  • acute bacterial infections;
  • pathological processes occurring in the blood;
  • liver diseases;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • cystic formations.


Lymphoma is a disease characterized by damage to lymph tissue. The threat posed by the presence of lymphoma is the tendency to develop tumors. But, most often, it is splenic lymphoma that does not pose a particular malignant threat.


Splenitis is characterized by inflammatory processes occurring in the spleen. This disease is difficult to identify in the early stages, since it has virtually no effect on the patient’s well-being.


A splenic cyst is a pathology in the form of a neoplasm with a cavity filled with fluid. The smaller the child, the less invisible the disease is, which makes it difficult to identify the disease.


A splenic rupture is the destruction of its integrity due to any injury. The disease is accompanied by acute pain and blood loss.

Decoding the results

The normal size of the spleen depends on the age of the child. If a teenager is examined, then the norms of his organ are as follows: length – 90-120 cm, width – 34-49 cm. The normal sizes for a one-year-old baby are different: width – 17-25 cm, length – 50-65 cm.

If in the picture the organ is lighter in color and has a homogeneous structure, then the patient has splenitis. Uneven outlines of the organ may indicate a hematoma. An abscess on ultrasound is characterized as a hypoechoic structure.

The cystic formation looks like an object with uneven contours. It is possible to detect an additional lobe - a small growth.

Doctors say that this is just a structural feature of the organ in some people.

Where to make and price

An ultrasound scan of the spleen is possible in any clinic in a big city. To do this, you only need the availability of specialists and equipment. The cost of the procedure may vary depending on the city, the quality of the equipment, and other things. In a big city, the cost of an ultrasound of the spleen is 800-1200 rubles.


The body of children is more fragile than that of adults. Whenever possible, you need to monitor the condition of the child’s organs. Any problems with the spleen are a serious reason for an ultrasound.

Ultrasound of the spleen is a study of pathological changes in the organ using ultrasonic echolocation. The examination is carried out routinely during standard diagnostics of the abdominal cavity. After all, the circulatory system of the spleen is connected to the vessels of other organs, especially the liver, and its parenchyma reacts to any abdominal pathology. But sometimes the study is done for individual indications.

Indications: who is the test prescribed for?

The spleen is difficult to detect during physical examination. With illness, its size increases. This condition is called splenomegaly. One of the reasons is portal hypertension - a syndrome of increased pressure in the vessels of the abdominal cavity.

The increase can also be caused by voluminous diseases of the spleen. These include tumors and cysts of various etiologies. Thus, the indications for ultrasound of the spleen are:

  • all types of blood diseases
  • infectious diseases of the intestinal group
  • cancer tumors and metastases;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • splenomegaly of unknown origin.

Ultrasound is especially important for abdominal injuries, falls from a height and transport accidents. Good blood supply to the organ is due to the dense vascular network of the spleen. Therefore, blood loss during rupture can be fatal.

Important: abdominal injuries are an absolute indication for an urgent ultrasound of the spleen.

What does the spleen look like on an ultrasound?

The ultrasound machine monitor shows the crescent shape of the spleen. Its ventral surface is convex, and its diaphragmatic surface is concave. In the middle of the latter there is a vascular arteriovenous bundle and lymph nodes. They are easily accessible for ultrasound diagnostics. Their size and shape are determined.

Parenchyma echogenicity

This is a measure of the reflection of a sound wave. Low echogenicity indicates a violation of the maturation of leukocytes in the blood. Foci of high echogenicity (white spots) form with metastases and abscesses.

Pathological foci

The splenic parenchyma looks heterogeneous on ultrasound. Foci of different sizes, contours and density indicate a specific disease. A dark lesion with smooth contours and uniform echogenicity indicates a benign splenic cyst.

Heterogeneous lesions with unclear contours should alert the researcher. This could be a life-threatening tumor (lymphoma) or an acute purulent disease - an abscess. Light, blurry spots will suggest foci of metastasis.

An increased size of an organ with a homogeneous structure and rounded edges will indicate an inflammatory process. If dark, small lesions appear against this background, then the disease has become chronic, and foci of dead cells (necrosis) have appeared in the parenchyma.

In the future, these “scars” in the tissues will become denser and remain light, uneven spots for life. Ultrasound gives a different picture of tissue necrosis due to vascular thrombosis. A wedge-shaped area of ​​low echogenicity (dark spot) will appear on the screen. Its structure will be homogeneous, and its contours will be blurred.

With splenic abscesses, the echogenicity levels of the lesions will undergo changes depending on the stage of the process. Light spots gradually appear on the dark lesion, and then a light capsule with a dark spot in the middle is formed.

Ultrasound can detect parenchymal rupture. The following picture is determined:

  • contour discontinuity;
  • the presence of layers - internal and external;
  • dark blood stains between layers.

Hemorrhage is defined as dark areas. As they dissolve, the spots lighten and then disappear completely.

How to prepare?

Correct interpretation is possible with a high-quality ultrasound of the spleen. This requires proper preparation. Three days before the examination, you should not eat foods that contribute to gas formation: legumes, milk, rye bread, raw vegetables. It is also recommended to take sorbents and enzyme preparations that stimulate digestion (mezim, meteospasmil).

The procedure is performed in a certain body position. The patient takes a position on his side, the left cancer is raised behind the head. In a state of inspiration, a sensor through the intercostal space visualizes the state of the organ.

Important: you should not do an ultrasound of the spleen immediately after an endoscopic examination or diagnostic x-ray. This may skew the results.

Preparing children for ultrasound diagnostics has its own particularities. Infants should not be fed before the procedure. Children from one to three years old should not eat for 4 hours before diagnosis, over three years old - 6 hours. You cannot drink for 1 hour.

How to decipher the conclusion?

Decoding the study data consists of assessing the parameters of the spleen. In the conclusion form, the doctor must indicate the size of the organ in three standard dimensions, as well as the diameter of the vessels. If the dimensions are outside the norm, experts calculate an additional value - the area of ​​the maximum oblique cut.

The size is determined by the ratio of the largest size/smallest. Normally 40-45 cm. Volume is calculated using the formula V = 7.5S -77.56. An increase in this indicator indicates splenomegaly.

Deciphering by a specialist identifies two main types of organ damage:

  • inflammatory;
  • traumatic;
  • tumor.

When deciphering, an experienced ultrasound specialist takes into account all the patient’s concomitant diseases.

What indicators are considered normal?

Pathology of the spleen is a deviation of ultrasound readings from the norm. The permissible fluctuations in the characteristics of a healthy organ are as follows:

  • length dimensions are 11-12 cm;
  • width can vary from 6 to 8 cm;
  • thickness is only 4-5 cm;
  • within normal sizes, the shape may be different;
  • the lumen of the splenic artery is 1-2 mm in diameter, and the vein is 5-9 mm;
  • the structure of the parenchyma is homogeneous, the contour is continuous.

In children, normal sizes change with age. The normal values ​​for children, depending on age, are presented in the table.

Important: If the conclusion contains more than one point of discrepancy with normal values, then there is a danger of serious illness.

It is customary to pay less attention to the spleen than to other organs. However, it is not only susceptible to pathology, but also sensitively reacts to many diseases of other organs. Considering the inaccessibility of the spleen for other examination methods, an ultrasound scan of the spleen is a must. To do this, you need to prepare properly, choose a qualified specialist and a clinic with decent equipment.

The spleen is not only susceptible to pathology, but also sensitively reacts to many diseases of other organs. Examination of pathological changes in the spleen is carried out using ultrasonic echolocation.

The spleen is an organ in the human body that few people think about. Until health problems begin. What exactly does this organ serve and what does it serve? The functions of the spleen are varied. But at the same time it is not a vital organ. Sometimes, in case of severe injuries, it is removed and the person can move on with his life.

Functions of the spleen

The main task of this organ is to filter blood and fill the body with a sufficient amount of it. There are other functions:

  • control of blood flow from overload - when running fast, it starts to prick in the side, this is how the spleen is triggered;
  • removal of outdated red blood cells;
  • protective function, neutralization and filtration of harmful substances and viruses;
  • immunoglobulin synthesis;
  • control of the metabolic process in which iron is produced in the body.

Most often, ultrasound of the spleen is performed in conjunction with an examination of the abdominal organs. But in some cases it is necessary separately. Why and for what purpose is an ultrasound examination of the spleen performed?

Indications for the study

  • the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity, unclear contours of the organ indicate damage, rupture of the spleen tissue;
  • the organ is enlarged in size, during examination it appears light, with a homogeneous structure - an inflammatory process, splenitis;
  • the presence of spots in the structure of the spleen - the inflammatory process ended with necrosis of the internal tissue;
  • uneven contour, uneven echogenicity of the organ - a sign of hematoma;
  • thickening/thinning of organ tissue - splenic infarction;
  • hypoechoic structure of the organ - inflammation of the organ;
  • the size of the organ is larger than normal, convex contours, a pointed edge, increased parenchyma density, enlarged lymph nodes in the area of ​​the organ's hilum - leukemic infiltration.

Here is only a small part of the information that is given when deciphering an ultrasound of the spleen. Only an experienced specialist can give an accurate explanation of the analysis, catch all the smallest changes in the structure of the organ, and determine this or that disease.

If it was deleted

If the spleen is removed, it is not the end of life. The human body can cope without it. In such cases, its functions are taken over by other organs.

The spleen can be removed in case of injury or illness. Some people are born without this organ. But this pathology is combined with defects of the cardiovascular system.


Diseases of other organs can provoke inflammation of this one. If during a cold there is pain under the rib on the left side, this is a distress signal from the spleen. That is, it is exhausted and cannot cope with its functions in the body.

In the case when spleen tissue ruptures, it is possible to save the organ in rare cases, in 1% out of 100. To avoid such situations, to prevent rupture:

  • heavy physical activity is contraindicated;
  • it is necessary to comply with bed rest for acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • you need to avoid stressful and emergency situations on the roads;
  • Do not lift heavy things;
  • Pregnant women are advised to wear a bandage to avoid injury to the spleen.

Even if the spleen does not cause concern, regular examination of the abdominal organs once a year will not be superfluous. This way you can protect yourself from late diagnosis of any ailments.

A little conclusion

Now you know what the spleen is and why it is needed. We also talked about how an ultrasound examination of this organ is performed and how to prepare. We named the norms of the spleen, and also indicated possible deviations in size and shape.