Burns: burns of burns and degrees, treatment of burns by balsam keeper. Types of burns and their classification on etiology, degrees and lesion zones. A characteristic feature of thermal burns of the II degree


The burn is the thermal damage to the tissues due to the impact of external factors. Depending on the intensity of the lesion, 4 degrees of injury are distinguished. Each degree requires various medical care measures.

Factor striking

According to the medical classification, the burns are classified depending on the striking factors:

  1. Thermal Damage. In case of fires, a person is mainly affected by the face and upper respiratory tract. If other parts of the body were injured, the consequences are complicated by the need to remove burnt clothing and the infection risk associated with this risk. The lesion of boiling water has a small area, but differs in depth. Hot steam causes basically shallow tissue damage. When contacting an unprotected body surface with hot objects, serious burns with clear boundaries remain.
  2. Chemical impact. The strength of the lesion depends on the concentration of the substance. In most cases, acids cause shallow lesions. When contacting the skin with acid in a short time, a burning crust appears that prevents further damage. Salts of heavy metals more often cause superficial injuries. The most dangerous and deep lesions cause caustic alkalis.
  3. Electrical impact. There is a depth of defeat, but a small square in the form of an entry point and exit. Electrical injuries are classified three types: super-volt, high-voltage, low-voltage.
  4. Radiation impact. Infrared rays injury skin and eyes (especially the cornea and retina). The degree depends on the duration and intensity of the impact. Ionizing radiation is striking the epidermis and shallow arranged organs. Ultraviolet skin lesion is characterized by a large area and a shallow depth, mostly spread in the summer.

What does the degree of burn

The classification of burning degrees is based on the residual level of the epidermis ability to natural regeneration without medical support. This principle allows standardizing the scheme and the amount of urgent medical measures.

The ability of the skin to restore is due to the preservation of the microcircular bed and the sparkle. With their defeat, independent healing occupies a long time with the appearance of a pronounced cosmetic defect. Immediate surgical events are needed.

Clinical manifestations of burns depending on the degree

Each degree of lesion during burns is manifested by its symptoms. Their description:

Characteristics of the lesion

Redness, small skin swelling. Recovery comes 4-5 days.

The appearance of bubbles on the redneous skin (not immediately formed) filled with transparent yellowish liquid. When breaking bubbles, the red painful surface of the skin of the skin is exposed. If infection has joined the burn, healing occurs after 10-15 days without the formation of a scar.

Skin sacrifice, grip formation of gray or black.


Donation, necrosis, charred skin, muscles of tendons and sometimes even bones. Fabrics are melted, rejected in a few weeks. Healing slow, in place of lesions are formed by coarse scars, in the joints of the joints - scar contractures.

Burn 1 degree

At the first degree, the top layer of the burdulum epithelium is affected. The reasons are the sun rays, hot fluids, weak acids, alkali. Burning is manifested by redness of the skin, swelling, pain, after 2-4 days heals, not leaving traces. Not accompanied by pronounced structural rearrangements of the skin, microcirculatory disorders.

Touching the injured skin plots enhances burning sensation. Medical measures are minimal.

Loose 2 degree

With a second degree, the buried epithelium is amazed to a spike layer, bubbles with serous content are formed. At the same time, deeper layers of the skin are affected, microcirculation in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage and the surrounding sites is slightly disturbed. Such burns are encountered more often than the rest. Characterized by a favorable course even with large areas.

The defeat heals due to the regeneration of the sprout layer in 1-2 weeks. With a secondary cut, the papillary layer is not damaged, capillaries, but their function is temporarily disturbed while maintaining pain. Patients suffer from burning, edema. With a large surface of the damage, there is a threat of infection and dehydration.

The third degree is divided into species - a and b (differ in the severity of symptoms). With it are affected by all layers of epidermis, dermis. The main difference of the third degree from the second is the absence of pain when touched to the surface. This indicates the defeat of the nerves, subcutaneous fiber. Full self-recovery does not occur, microcirculatory disorders are expressed as much as possible.

Due to the large amount of damage, the disintegration products of dead tissues are actively absorbed into the blood, cause severe intoxication. The possibility of skin infection, sepsis development. Recovery lasts a few months, often requires operations. After the rude scars remain.

Degree 3A.

The degree 3a can cause thermal, chemical burn. At the same time, the dermis is partially affected, the bottom of the wound serves as an intact part of the dermis with saline, sweat glands, follicles of hair. Immediately after the burn, the place becomes black or brown, looks with a paper. Sometimes large, prone to merge, bubbles with serous-hemorrhagic content.

Pain sensitivity is reduced, but due to its preservation it is possible to self-restoration of the skin. If the infection does not join, and the wound will not be afraid, due to granulation and edge epithelialization, the affected areas will be lit.

Degree 3B

The thermal burn of degree 3B leads to total leather leather, including a layer of subcutaneous fatty fiber and apparent formations. This makes it impossible to its independent recovery. Stage is characterized by the formation of thick-walled bloody bubbles or dense stuffing from dead skin.

The skin around blushes, swells, a person has symptoms of intoxication, dehydration. Symptoms serve frequent breathing, tachycardia, increasing body temperature, pressure drop. With such burns, the patient is immediately delivered to the hospital for operational and drug treatment.

Burn 4 degree

The death of the muscles, bones of the tissues, the charging, bones and subcutaneous fiber is characterized by burning 4 degrees. This is the most severe defeat of all, regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bdamage. If the burn is distributed within one segment, it can lead to patient death or limb loss.

The reasons may be flame, hot objects, acids, alkalis, electricians. Deep lesion, the vessels, nerves, sometimes bones are affected. Changes are distributed circulatory around the affected places, which leads to the formation of a dense crust of necrotic tissues. The preserved elements are squeezed, blood supply is broken.

On the site of the fabrics is formed a dense thick-walled brown or black stamp, patients can fall into a shock or to whom. At large defeats, the burn disease develops in a few hours. The restoration of small lesions lasts a few months, extensive - years.

How to help the victim at 1 and 2 cuts

The first and second degree is considered superficial, so you can do without medical ambulance. The exceptions are cases of lesion of large areas or severe human condition. Algorithm for help or self-help:

  1. Cool skin - put the burned area into cool water for 10-15 minutes. You can not use ice.
  2. Treat the defeat by special means - decantenol-based aerosols.
  3. In the absence of special means, the affected place can be lubricated with raw protein, aloe juice, make a compress from raw potatoes or pumpkins.
  4. Under the prohibition of applying oils, fatty creams, sour cream.
  5. With chemical burns, it is necessary to wash or neutralize the active substance (acid - soda solution, alkali with a solution of acetic acid), during electrical lesion - interrupt contact with the source of the current.
  6. With severe pain, you can take an anesthetic tablet - ketoprofen, ketorolac, perfochan. In extensive lesions, Promedol is prescribed, Obanopon.
  7. In the second stage, the doctor flaps the epidermis drains or removes bubbles, covers the surface by a hygroscopic aseptic bandage to eliminate the injury infection.

What to do with burns 3 and 4 degrees

The third and fourth degree is very dangerous, so in the burns of such a stage, they will immediately be sent to the hospital. Algorithm help:

  1. Processing of the skin around the stamp with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of furaciline, chlorhexidine, overlaying the wound of a sterile dressing.
  2. Daily crust treatment with ointments, antiseptic solutions.
  3. Operational intervention - necrotomy (with deep circular burns on the body), necritectomy (excision, strip amputation, is shown to purify the wound), dermatoplasty (to compensate for cosmetic defects).
  4. Infusion therapy - to replenish fluid loss, protein. With it, colloidal, crystalloid solutions are administered parenterally. Anti-shock treatment includes entering glucose, rheological solutions, cardiovascular preparations.
  5. Wound healing is the drying of the stamp, applying protein coagulants. The use of infrared emitters, fans to exclude microbes in the wound. Antibiotics are applied - they are impregnated with bandages.
  6. Decompression - can be carried out at stages of shock. Reduces the severity of the patient's condition, prevents the development of edema, which lead to the ischemia of nerves and muscles.
  7. Cell therapy is part of the complex treatment, in which allofibroblasts or keratinocytes are introduced on the affected surface. They accelerate homeostasis, heal damage.


Under the influence of high temperatures, chemicals, electricity, radiation on the skin or mucous meal is formed. To select the assistance tactics for these injuries, the separation of damage to the degree of burns is used. The gradation is carried out in accordance with the appearance, area and depth of injury.


Since 1960, there is a generally accepted classification of any burns, which takes into account the severity of the state of the baked person. In the international classification by thermal and chemical defeats on the Code of the ICD 10, the numbering from T20 to T32 is assigned.

In degree

In total, four degrees of burn injuries. They have gradation from the easiest form to the hardest. Depending on this, the tactics of treatment is determined.


The first, or initial, degree is developing with a short-term impact of a temperature or other factor. There is a redness of the skin in its upper layer. The doctor makes a diagnosis of "Burn of the 1st degree" if there is a small edema and light pain.

There is such a fortune in 3-4 days. The skin is a little shrinking and dries, then he darkens slightly. Scar changes after recovery is not noted, and the color is gradually restored.


With a second degree with a longer or intensive action of an affecting factor, a violation occurs in the entire surface layer of the epidermis. Against the background of hyperemia, bubbles are formed different sizes with transparent content.

When the 2nd degree of burn is developing, man is experiencing severe pain. After bubbles open, erosion appears in their place. It has a brilliant bright red surface and can be infected. Recovery is celebrated for 10-14 days, the scars are extremely rare.


Accompanied by a difficult state and requires room in the hospital. With degree III and changes relate to all layers of epidermis, and sometimes dermis. A solid or soft light brown stamp is formed on the skin. Due to the extensive delay of the epidermis, large bubbles are formed, which can merge among themselves. After opening, a wound is formed with white, gray and pink stains.

With III B, a deeper lesion is noted with the capture of the epidermis, the dermis, and sometimes hypoderms, subcutaneous tissue. This degree is characterized by the appearance of a dark brown solid. In the field of violation, the sensitivity is reduced, independent healing is impossible.

Epithelization with degree III and occurs on 6-8 weeks. Pronounced inflammation can lengthen this period to several months. For chemical burns are characterized by long and difficult healing.


The most severe 4th degree is stated in the charging of all layers of skin cover, subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscle tissue and bones. Often leads to the death of the patient.

Surface types of burns are restored without scars. These include 1, 2 and 3 and degrees. Deep (3 b and 4) lesions will not heal independently and therefore require skin transplantation.

Burn degrees table and their characteristics

Power Zone defeat Local signs
I. Epidermis Moderate pain, hyperemia, swelling
II. Epithelium to Rostova Zone Pronounced pain, redness, swelling, bubbles with serous fluid
III A. Defeat epithelium and surface of the dermis Blishers with blood content, wound at the opening of a bright red shade, hemorrhage, swelling, redness
III B. Necrotic changes of all layers of dermis, including sweat and sebaceous glands The appearance of a shape of dark color and dense consistency, extensive adjacent swelling, loss of sensitivity
IV Necrosis of all types of fabrics, including fiber, fascia, muscles and bones Grip brown or black, tight to the touch, charring

By Square

When examining a burnt person, multiple violations that are characteristic of various degrees of lesion can often be seen. But gravity estimate also depends on the area of \u200b\u200bchange.

Based on this burns are divided into such groups:

  • extensive (from 15% or more);
  • unborn.

Against the background of pronounced disorders, the burn disease is quite often developing. It is a complex of symptoms associated with the destruction of tissues and isolation to the blood of toxic and bioactive substances.

Burn shock

The first stage of the disease is characterized by the development of shock. It is also divided according to severity:

Etiology and pathogenesis

Treatments of treatment depend on the type of burns. Depending on the etiology, they are:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • electrical;
  • radi.

The pathogenesis of the appearance of disorders is the inflammatory response in response to the impact. First, the vessels begin to be sharply spasked, and then expand. Their permeability increases, the exit of inflammation activators (histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins) occurs. They are the cause of redness and edema.

How to determine the severity

In medicine there are several ways to determine the area of \u200b\u200bdefeat. Usually applies:

Palm rule

Used to determine the area with minor damage. For 1%, the palm of the victim is taken conditionally and according to this, the desired value is calculated.

Rule nine

This method of diagnostics is based on the separation of the entire surface of the body of an adult in terms of 9%:

  • neck with head;
  • each upper limb separately;
  • chest;
  • stomach;
  • top of the back;
  • zone area;
  • the shin and stop separately;
  • the thigh is one of the lower extremities.

Method B. N. Postnikova

Posters offered a more accurate measurement by applying sterile gauze to the body. It retains traces in the lesion zone, then it is applied to millimeter paper. This allows you to make an accurate calculation.

Method G. D. Vilyavin

Surgeon Vilyavin proposed to measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe extensive burn in each patient by painting the areas of lesion on a specially developed scheme depicting the human body. The color of the color is selected depending on the degree of burn, this approach allows you to at the same time and evaluate the dynamics of changes during therapy.

How to give first aid and treat injury

The principles of assistance depend on the area and the depth of tissue necrosis. Types of burns are also important, so the doctor before starting therapy studies the history of the disease.

Principles of first aid

The first degree burns can be treated at home. Deep downward damage require a qualified approach, only in this case can be prevented by severe consequences. Before appealing to the doctor or before the emergency arrival, measures should immediately take action.

The correct first assistance provided allows you to prevent the deterioration of the state of the victim and facilitates the work of the doctor in the future.

For this make the following:

  1. It is necessary to eliminate the reasons for the appearance of the burn. To this end, you need to withdraw a person from the fire, when burning clothes on it, throw the blanket. Stop contact with boiling water, ferry, chemical liquid or hotstone.
  2. Cool the damage zone. Proponial assistance at 1 and 2 degrees is to wash the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bdisruption of cool running water. When exposed to acid, it is necessary to use a weak solution of soda for washing, and with a burn with a bodging - diluted citric acid.
  3. Impose a sterile bandage. It is not recommended to clean the wound from sticking clothes or resins. You should not open the resulting bubbles. It is impossible to process the wound with green, iodine, a solution of manganese or fat-containing ointment.
  4. It is necessary with a lot of pain to give analgesic or NSAID (ibuprofen, paracetamol), and if possible, make an anesthetic injection.
  5. After first aid, cause physicians according to the testimony.

The doctor makes a decision on the tactics of the patient's treatment, taking into account the degree of necrotization of tissues and its area.

When can be treated at home

Only light shaped forms should be treated at home. It usually happens enough first aid. With 3 and 4 degrees, as well as the extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion, it is dangerous to be without the care of qualified specialists.

Calling a doctor immediately follows in this case:

Most of the burns occur in everyday life or production. Their prevention lies in compliance with security measures and increased attention when using boiling water and hot objects.

Fir-switched injuries are classified on the basis of severity, each of them is characteristic of their characteristic features and symptoms. Specialists suggest that the generally accepted categorization of these types of damage is not today. On the territory of each country, the gradation of the pathological state is selected on the basis of certain standards. In this article, the degrees of burns and their characteristics will be considered.

Burn is damage to human body tissue due to external influence

In case of burning injury, the first severity, all therapy measures are applied at home. Skin damage data does not require labor-intensive procedures. Basically, when treating this form of burns, local ointments are used to treat damaged tissues. In addition, in order to prevent the development of inflammatory processes, it is recommended to use grafs based on medicinal herbs.

The second severity of the burn is characterized by the appearance of small blisters containing inside the transparent liquid. This form of skin damage requires a particularly careful approach in therapy. The lack of a competent approach can lead to infection and other complications.

With the third and fourth severity of the pathology, tight blisters are formed on the skin of the patient. In this case, pathology therapy is carried out by surgical methods. When processing affected fabrics, blisters are opened and cleaned from the content available in them. During the operation, specialists remove dead tissues and are carried out with antiseptic solutions. With extensive damage to the surface of the skin, the patient may require a transplant of this body.

Classification of burning herbs in Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation used its own gradation gradation classification. The severity of pathology is determined by the nature of the lesion of the skin surface, as well as the blood flow system. With damage to the blood system, the regeneration processes are completely braked. In a similar case, even the surgery does not provide a guaranteed result of the absence of burns.

The most frequent cases of lesion are the burns of the upper and lower extremities

Let's learn what kind of burns are and how they are expressed. More describing all the steps:

  1. First degree - Shallow lesion of the skin, accompanied by erythema, edema and bounty pains.
  2. Second degree - Small blisters containing transparent or yellow liquid are formed on red-free skin areas. Under the lesions of individual elements of the vascular system, this liquid can be painted in a burgundy shade. Since this form, the injuries are not affected by the spark layer, the regenerative processes in cells completely restore damaged tissues.
  3. Third degree - Under this severity of injury, the defeat affects the sprout layer of the epidermis. The destruction of tissues leads to the formation of necrosis.
  4. Fourth degree - One of the most difficult types of burns. These injuries destroy fabrics, muscles and even bones. In addition, this type of burning injuries most often amazes the huge areas of the human body.

Such a classification applies not only in Russia, but also many other countries. This gradation is considered the most convenient for the selection of therapy methods.

Many are interested in how to determine the degree of burn at home. Determine the nature, degree of gravity, as well as the possible consequences of the injury gained, can be possible only after twenty-four hours. It is during this time that a peculiar border appears, dividing dead sections with healthy tissues. Despite this nuance, first aid measures should be taken in the first minutes after exposure to the skin of various aggressive factors.

The first degree of burning injuries of the skin

This category of injuries affects only the top layer of the epidermis. The correct approach to therapy makes it possible to reduce the risk of scar formation and complications of the recovery process to a minimum. Among the factors leading to the emergence of such damage, contact with hot metal, faulty wiring, as well as a short-term effect of ultraviolet rays to open areas of the skin should be selected.

The main danger of this type of pathologies is the risk of poisoning to toxins formed by the destruction of tissues and dehydration. The main symptoms are peculiar to similar injury - itching, erythema and peeling.

Regeneration processes in damaged tissues proceeds several days. At the last stage of the restoration of fabrics, small scales and hyperpigmentation are formed on the affected body.

If the depth of tissue damage is large and the burn is very extensive, it can represent a greater danger to the life of the victim

Second degree of burning injuries of skin

These types of skin integrity damage lead to the formation of small bubbles, filled with serous discharges on the affected areas of the body. The formation of blisters begins to approximately the second day after the injury is obtained, which significantly complicates the early diagnosis of the nature of the pathology. Among the various factors that entail similar injuries should be allocated:

  • impact on the skin of chemical components;
  • exposure to high electrical stress;
  • long-term stay in rooms with a temperature exceeding seventy degrees Celsius;
  • interaction with open fire or steam.

The second degree of thermal burn is much more difficult to treat, in comparison with the rest. The duration of the restoration of tissues with this nature of the burns is about three weeks.

Third degree of burning injuries of skin

This type of burns is divided into two categories "3a" and "3b". There are several ways to develop pathology. Among them should be highlighted with a wet and coagulation form of necrosis, as well as fixing changes, under the influence of dry type heat.

Coagulative necrosis develops when opening with an open flame or heated objects, as well as with prolonged steam exposure. The skin of the victim changes its color, acquiring red and dark shade. The lesion itself is painted in black, and the fabrics bordering the damaged area, in red. Inflammatory processes that create the border between damaged and healthy tissues are formed closer towards the end of the first month.

With the third category of gravity injuries, they independently heal only those burns whose diameter does not exceed two centimeters. When conducting first aid measures, it is very important to stop the process of damage to deep tissues, thereby preventing toxins and dehydration poisoning. The removal of serous contents, and the normalization of blood circulation is carried out only surgically.

With independent regeneration processes, the boundaries of the damaged layers grow into the wound, which contributes to the formation of scars and scars.

Depending on how deeply amazed fabrics are isolated four degrees of burns

The wet form of necrosis is formed when burning clothes. The affected fabrics originally swell, staining in a gentle pink shade. The skin surface resembles torn lobs. Such a situation is often complicated by the addition of infection.

"Fixation" of the skin is formed under the infrared radiation. During the first three days, local body temperature changes, the color, swelling and redness appear. Strup dry shape is formed about the fourth day, after injury. Next, the clinical picture has similarities with coagulation type necrosis.

Often, burning injuries lead to partial loss of skin sensitivity on the lesion focus. In the event that muscle-binding tissues affect, the mobility of the damaged limb is limited. The formation of coarse scars and scars violates the elasticity of the tissues. When the injury strikes the extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the poisoning of toxins formed during combustion is observed. Such injuries can lead to a fatal outcome, due to the strongest irritation of receptors with poisoning products.

How long does the burn of the threshold? In most cases, such factors such as first aid, the accuracy of therapy, the nature and area of \u200b\u200binjury affect the formation of new tissues.

Fourth degree

When injured by the fourth severity, the defeat spreads to the entire depth of the affected area. In many cases, tissue decay products poison internal organs, which leads to a shock state. The therapy of this type of pathology is considered the most time consuming, as the defeat accounts for more than sixty percent of the area of \u200b\u200bskin. Also make it difficult to therapy pronounced dehydration and intoxication. The treatment itself of such a form of burn injuries is carried out under the intensive care unit.

Often, in order to save the life of the patient, the specialists have to resort to complex surgical operations, including the transplant of donor bodies. Since burn affects huge areas of leather, in many cases the skin transplant is required. Necrosis is accompanied by the appearance of purulent exudate, which increases the risk associated with the advent of sepsis.

Having considered how many burns there are burns, you need to say about the following. Many burn injuries belonging to the third and fourth severity are caused by internal changes incompatible with life. Only warning dehydration, intoxication and other pathological processes will allow you to save the life of the victim. Unfortunately, today's level of the pharmaceutical industry does not allow to create high-speed medicines that affect the body at the molecular level. That is why the main way of burning burns is to conduct a surgical operation.

Below are the photos of the degrees of burns.

Each degree has its own characteristic, determining the depth of lesion of the skin and subject to tissues.

Features of the course of necrosis

Deep damage to the tissues leads to the appeal of poisoning components into the composition of the blood. Against this background, various violations of the functioning of the internal organs occur. When the shape on the surface of the skin, a thickness of more than ten millimeters can be traced as far as the fabrics, tendons and muscles are affected. In such a situation, excision by surgical methods allows to prevent toxins poisoning. In rare cases, in order to avoid death, an amputation of the affected limb may be required.

Important! When excised extensive areas, the probability of infection increases several times.

Nuances of anti-skin therapy

Classification of burns in degrees and characteristic symptoms for each form of pathology were considered. Let's talk about the peculiarities of treatment aimed at eliminating burns. Clinical practice shows that these types of injuries are not stable formations. Most often, burns are inclined to deepen, which leads to the defeat of the vascular system and the formation of swells. Such changes in the tissues lead to the death of the sprout layers of the skin and hair follicles.

Statistics show that in thirty percent of cases, the burns of the third category of gravity can be heated independently (subject to lesion less than fifty percent of the area of \u200b\u200bskin). In order to disappear all traces of injury, it will take about ninety days.

Burn injuries related to the first and second severity degree are healing without noticeable cosmetic defects. During the recovery period, there is a slight peeling and hyperemia. In this case, symptomatic therapy is used, aimed at improving the health of the patient. A special role in therapy is played by first aid measures, which was provided to the patient upon receipt of injury.

Quite often, the deformation of the tissues is observed in the improper use of means for outdoor treatment, and, in particular, when using occlusal dressings. The main task of doctors in the treatment of burns, prevent an increase in the affected area. Antically therapy in combination with actions aimed at restoring microcirculation, allow you to speed up regeneration processes.

In contact with

The classification of burn injuries according to the degree of burns was introduced into medical terminology so that the doctors make it easier to determine the severity of this kind of injury and appoint the correct treatment. In fact, the burning degree indicates the severity of injury from burning.

The burn is damage to the field of tissues of the human body, which directly affected the high temperature. In the presentation of the alternate, the burn can be caused only by fire, but in fact there are many kinds of burns, each of which has its own characteristic features of the defeat and methods of their treatment. Causes of burns can be:

  • thermal;
  • electrical;
  • chemical;
  • radi.

Thermal burns are the most common type of similar injury. This type includes injuries resulting from careless handling of open fire, boiling water or hot steam, as well as due to the impact on the human body of hot objects.

Injuries derived from electric shock are classified as electricity. With such injuries, in addition to external visible damage, internal organs are affected by electric field. Burns obtained due to careless handling of chemicals: acids, alkalis, electrolyte, etc. Qualifies as chemical burns. Burning ultraviolet and injury caused by the action of radiation, solar rays, radiation radiation - relate to the type of radiation.

But such a list, the number of harm injuries is not limited. For example, it is possible to obtain a similar injury from the wrong use of warming ointments or mustard, you can get a burn from garlic, using bodia or chillium juice - such injuries, although they are not hazardous to life, but this does not become less painful.

It would not be correct to think that only skin burns represent the danger. No less dangerous in their consequences may be a lobby burn or retina. In addition, it is much more difficult to treat such injuries, since there is no replacement technique on these bodies of damaged areas, as it is practiced on skin burns.

See also:

Classification of burns by severity

All types of burns, regardless of the cause of their appearance, are divided into 4 degrees. Such a classification is so convenient and practical that even the specialist can definitely determine the type of injury gained, for this it is enough to know the main characteristics of each degree of burns.

The severity of the injury obtained depends on many factors:

  • values \u200b\u200baffecting the body of temperature;
  • her term of its impact on the body;
  • the nature of the injuries obtained (which part of the body or body is burned);
  • square and depth of lesion.

To make it easier to apply the classification to the burns obtained, throughout the world, doctors adhere to a single ratio of damage to individual organs to the entire body. For example, a burned hand is 9% of the whole body, the head is also 9%, leg, chest or spin - by 18%. To approximately define a damaged area, use the following rule: human palm area approximately equals 1% of the total area of \u200b\u200bits body.

According to statistics, most often people get burns or legs, as well as face and eyes. Head and torso injuries are much less common, but such defeats are much more dangerous for life, since the wound in such cases is large not only in the area, but also in the depth of the lesion of the tissues.

Characteristics of burns

Burn 1 year is characterized by redness of the skin and small tissue edema. This is the easiest surface type of injury. Most often, for 4-5 days, such a wound heals even without the use of special medicines. Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of such cases, victims do not consider it necessary to even contact the doctor.

However, in some cases, even such minor, at first glance, the symptoms of burns require hospitalization of the victim. It is necessary when the skin or eye leather is injured, or more than 10% of the body or more than 1% of the body are damaged if it is a palm burn or foot burn. It is also desirable to hospitalize the victim also in the case when such a burn is located on the face, unless, of course, the victim is not indifferent to its appearance after recovery.

The burn of the 2nd degree also refers to easy injuries. Such damage affects the two top layers of the skin - epidermis and dermis. The main signs of the burn of this type: severe redness and swelling of the skin, the appearance of blisters filled with transparent liquid. People who received him require hospitalization only in the same cases that during injuries 1 degree.

However, in the treatment of such injuries, it is necessary to know that it is impossible to disobey the blisters on yourself and it is impossible to remove the liquid from them, it is better to endure until the disorder of the integrity of the shell occurs in a natural way or to seek help.

A 3rd degree burn is a serious injury that requires the victim immediate medical care, regardless of its location and sizes. The 3rd degree of burns are separated by 2 subspecies - 3a and 3b. For burns 3A degree characterized by the defeat of deep layers of epidermis, dermis, the rise of swelling of soft tissues. At the initial stage, the victim feels acute pain, but in the future, because of the oversonomation of soft tissues in the wound, it almost completely subsides.

In place of damage to the 3rd degree, the blister practically do not occur, appearing only at the edges of the wound, where damage is usually smaller - 2 or even 1 degree. If, when healing wounds 1 and 2 degrees, scars and scars remain poorly, then for burns 3 degrees are characterized by the appearance of rigid scars. This will especially be noticeable on hand brushes. The scars appear because the replacement of damaged dead tissues with new ones.

All of the above is characteristic and for the burns of 3b, but with it there is a deeper lesion of tissues with the formation of an embarrassment of the stamp. The duration of treatment of such burns often exceeds the month, and the first 10-12 days after the injury is obtained, the death tissue is rejected, and only after that the wound healing itself begins.

When a fourth degree burn, the fourth degree occurs, not only the skin, but also the muscles and tendons under it, and in particularly complex cases - even bone tissues. The 4 degree burn is automatic hospitalization, since damaged tissues under the influence of high temperature are melted. Therefore, their rejection and substitution with healthy tissues occurs very slowly - rejection can last a few weeks. After healing in damaged places there are rude ugly scars, and on the neck and joints - scar contractures.

First assistance in burns

For a speedy recovery, it is very important and correctly rendered immediately after the burn first assistance to the victim. The nature of such aid depends on the type of damage. With thermal damage, which in everyday life happens most often, you first need to isolate victims from damaging factors: to protect from open fire, hide from sunlight, redeemed, and if possible, and remove burning clothes, etc.

If body damage is not more than 2 degrees, then you need to quickly rinse the damaged area of \u200b\u200bcold (15-18º) water to cool damaged tissues. Such a procedure should be performed for 15-20 minutes, and then cover the damaged area with a clean cloth in cold water.

If the victim received a strong burn (3 degree), it is impossible to wash the wound with cold water, in such cases it is necessary to cover the wound with a clean damp cloth and immediately call "ambulance". If the hands of the hands or foot feet are burnt, it should be immediately removed from them all bracelets, rings and other items. Then you need to isolate the contact between your fingers, paving the wet pure rags between them. And in any case, it will not be superfluous to give a victim an anesthetic agent containing paracetamol or ibuprofen.

With electrical burns, you first need to isolate the victim from the source of the lesion, while observing the personal safety rules. After that, damaged places to close the bandage and appeal for help in the "ambulance", since this type of lesion is the most cunning of all, since internal organs may be seriously damaged in the skin.

With different types of chemical burns, first aid can vary significantly. With lesions with acids (with the exception of sulfuric acid), the wound must be washed in conventional cold water for 15-20 minutes. During the damage to sulfuric acid, the burn is needed to rinse with soapy water or treat 3% soda solution. If the source of damage was alkali, the wound should be thoroughly rinsed with water, and then process with 2% lemon or acetic acid solution.

Regardless of the type of burn received, there are general rules for assistance.

If the injury is not too serious (1-2 degrees), then the victim need to try to reassure as much as possible. It is not bad in this case to drink it with warm (but not burning) tea.

If the victim lost consciousness, then you need to try to give his body the most convenient position, while it is very important to provide the most free access of fresh air, for which it is necessary to unbutton tightening clothes, and if necessary, turn the head side to release the respiratory tract.

Having a first help victim from burns, it is important not only to know how to do it right, but also know what you can not do in any way:

  • tear clothes sticking to the wound;
  • process the burn with iodine or hydrogen peroxide;
  • lubricate damaged areas with oil, creams or sprinkle with suit;
  • purify blisters and squeeze their contents;
  • applying ice, cotton wool, binting them or sticking them with a plaster.

Treatment of burn injuries at home

For the treatment of small burn wounds, Panthenol or sea buckthorn oil is most often used today. "Panthenol" can be purchased without a recipe in any pharmacy. It is produced in the form of ointments, spray or cream. Its basis is an active substance of Decogentenol, which has remarkable healing, regenerating properties and anti-inflammatory effects.

The most effective results of the treatment "Panthenol" gives when applied to a fresh wound. After first aid, the wound need to be treated with an antiseptic agent, and then inflicted a thin layer on the damaged Panthenol section. During the day, it is possible to apply this tool every 6 hours, and with acute necessity and more often.

Sea buckthorn oil has unique healing and reducing properties, besides, it significantly reduces painful sensations from the burn. The wounds are treated with sterile sea buckthorn oils impregnated with sterile waken, which are stacked directly to the treated wound and are binding to a sterile bandage.

If there is no complications in the healing process, the bandage changes every 72 hours. But for the state of the wound, you need to observe daily, and in case of detection of signs of suppuration, you must change the bandage. Finally, the bandage is removed by 8-10 days.

Treatment of the house is justified when receiving small household burns of 1-2 degrees. With favorable circumstances, with permission and under the control of the doctor at home, treatment and superficial burns of 3 degrees are possible. In all other cases, treatment should be carried out in hospitals of specialized institutions.

In any case, even upon receipt of an extensive burning of 2 degrees, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible by a doctor, since a person who received such wounds inevitably experiences the strongest pain shock and can even go to whom.