Adult baptism rite. Questions about the sacrament of baptism. Choosing a confessor and conversation with him

Elena Terekhova

Features of the baptism of adult

Differs Lie baptism of an adult From baptism baby? Yes. An adult should have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Orthodox faith. It is necessary to read the new covenant and know what Trinity is, for which the Son of God is embodied, why did the godfather of the sacrifice, why Christ was risen and what is the church.

You should also know why such ordinances are needed as baptism, worldware, communion. There are temples in which special conversations are held for those who want to be baptized. They must be visited.

If there is no such conversation in your temple, you need to talk to the priest - he will tell everything.

With the basics of Orthodox fault, read on your own, besides, you need to know by heart the prayer of the Lord "Our Father", "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice." They are in any prayer.

Before the baptism of an adult, it is desirable to pay for three days. This means that there is no meat, dairy, not drinking alcohol, do not smoke.

Also, before the sacrament of baptism, it is necessary to reconcile with those with whom they were in a quarrel, not to watch pleasure programs, to the marriage of marriage, for this time, abandon the marriage relationships with his spouse or spouse.

The sacrament consists of the ranks of the announcement, the sanctification of water and lodge, the baptism, the vestments of the bachers in white clothes, after which the mystery of the milk-building is performed above it.

Before you start reading a public prayer, the priest blows three times a person who is baptized. He makes it symbolically to show how God created a man from the dust and breathed life into him. Then the priest blesses the baptized and read prayers.

After the prohibitive prayers are read (they are needed to ban evil spirits), Adult baptism man Suitable for the stage of questions and answers. This means that you have to turn to the West, then east, answer questions of the priest, renounce Satan.

Then the baptism should read the symbol of faith - the Orthodox Christian prayer, in which the Orthodox fault was concluded.

After this prayer, the priest again sets questions, and it repeats three times. Now the announced can take holy baptism. The consecration of water begins. The priest also dresses in white clothes. If there are goddes (they can be in adults), they are given in the hands of burning candles.

Anointing is performed. Then - a triple immersion in the font. The baptized and priest three times bypass the font, which is an eternity symbol.

With the baptism of an adult, he, like a baby, cut off a piece of hair. It symbolizes the transfer of your life to the will of God. Remember that the orthodox currency cross is constantly. You can take it only in exceptional cases.

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Usually, a person is sacred in childhood, shortly after birth, choosing a mother's mother and father to him, who will have to follow how child honor God's laws and fulfills them during their terrestrial path. But in the history of our country there was a period when excessive religiosity was not only not encouraged, but also could become a serious interference in relationships with relatives and colleagues. Someone believed, not posted her preferences, someone persistently tolerated the share of censure and criticism.

Therefore, most of those born at that time people were not able to pointer. More and more people in adulthood understand that they would like to turn to God and repent of their sins, leave the last life with the booties behind and to upgrade.

Baptism of an adult

The rite of baptism of an adult person is definitely different from the baptism of the child. First of all, the fact that an adult is a conscious choice, and therefore the requirements for it are presented more than to the child.

Many churches hold meetings for those who wish to pointer people who are talking about the Bible, about the relationship of man and the highest strength, the requirements for the slave of God.

Baptism is not a guarantee of a place in paradise!

It should be understood that I wonder once, no one will be able to make a place to earn a place in paradise after death. From baptism only begins a long and difficult path on the way to unity with the Divine Entity. Taking Orthodoxy, a person takes an obligation to live in his covenants, including a compulsory frequent visit to the church and diligent heart prayers.

Nowadays, the requirements imposed by the Church to those who want to dove are rather soft, but earlier the priest could test a person by checking his faith's strength.

So, how should it be prepared for baptism?

The main preparation takes place in the head: you need to withstand the post within three days before the sacrament. During this post, it is impossible to use meat, oily food, salty and acute, you need to abandon alcohol and smoking, it will not be superfluous and sexual abstinence.

But it should be remembered that baptism is primarily the cleansing of the soul, and therefore during these three days it is necessary to focus on peaceful and friendly thoughts, not allowing malice and anger. Mandatory is considered to be the knowledge of the "Symbol of Faith" - you will need to read this prayer by heart during baptism.

Things for baptism

It is worth getting a set of things for baptism. This set necessarily enters a baptismal towel - a new, before white, beautiful and large so that you can wipe out, rising from the font with consecrated water. Another indispensable subject is a baptismal shirt, in a male version it is a spacious shirt, in the female there are variations in the form of shirts to the floor.

Even the clothes will need baptizing slippers, as you have to go out and some time is without sock and shoes. Still in the sets are baptized candles and a native cross.

Where to buy baptismal clothes?

All these items are sold in church shops, but it is worth taking care of their acquisition in advance. The native cross is worn until the end of life, it cannot be removed, so it is worth choosing one that will be convenient and unnoticed throughout the time. In addition, the choice in the shops is not rich, the stock of the goods is limited, so you just may not get the right thing.

If you cook such a set in advance, the day of baptism in your thoughts will query a peace, and not a fuss, besides, craftsmen can decorate the embroidery shirt - on the back, the image of the Orthodox Cross. Women should think about the scarf, as finding in the church with a uncoated head is strictly believed, even during the sacrament. The clothes in which you were on baptism cannot be worn and better not to wash.

How is the baptism rite

The sacrament of baptism begins with the fact that the priest blows on the face three times: it symbolizes the moment of human creation, the moment of inhaling the new life by God in man. After that, the blessing follows and the reading of prayers begins, at the end of which a person must go through the rite of renunciation from Satan.

The symbol of evil and dark forces is considered to be the West, so the sick turns turns into the other side, and the priest, conducted by the rite, begins to ask questions to which the conscious answer should be given. Belowd from Satan, you need to turn to the east and confess in devotion to Christ: the questions will also be asked for which three times will need to answer and read the "symbol of faith", which is a very brief statement of the entire Orthodox moral.

After again, questions come from the priest, and now the time of dipping into water comes.

The priest moves into bright clothes that personify the purity of the lives of Christ and begins to consecrate the fastement. First, the candles light up, after the firings are consecrated, which are embraced: everything inside a person going to God must be cleaned of sins. Then, special baptismal prayers are read over the subsidized people.

After that, leaving the water, you suck in that very baptismal shirt, symbolizing the beginning of a completely new, cleaned of old sins, life.

Under the reading of a special prayer on the neck of each out of the fastener put on a native cross. After that, they together with the priest make three circles around the font - such a pass symbolizes eternity. Then there comes a series of chants, at the end of which the messages of the apostles are read. The final action is symbolic hair compatination.

Mother and father

Estimation of the centuries The church advised to take one godfather for the boy and one godfather for the girl, but most often the child had both godparents. They could not have blood parents, just the monks and nuns were forbidden to be the godfather.

Nevertheless, in the absence of live relatives in the child, the godfather became a priest, conducted by the rite. Do you need a congestion to an adult person? It is believed that there is no, since at this age everybody himself make decisions and respond to his acts and thoughts before God, and he does not require mentors.

But if you have baptized close relatives or friends who sincerely wish you good, they may be present when rising as a godfather and keep a candle during diving in the font.

How to behave after the rite

After baptism, a person must observe the 10 commandments of the Law of God. So he will show God that he accepted his covenants and strives for eternal life, ready to pray for himself and other people. Now the main thing becomes not love for yourself, but the love of loved ones and to God promising peace on earth. Communication with God is prayers that exist for every moment of life. People pray during illness, vital troubles when they have, for which thank God and what to repent.

Sincerity of desires

If you decide to fuck, think about your desire: Is it not a tribute to fashion, or are you going to concessions of relatives, want to kill for the company for a check mark? It happens that the husband or wife goes to the church only for the sake of another spouse, indifferent to the values \u200b\u200bof Orthodoxy.

If there is no sincere desire to recognize God in your heart, you should not commit this rite. Wait until it appears in you inside. And it's not worthwhile, on the contrary, put pressure on a person so that he takes the baptism - what makes it better and happier than your life, can make a tasy in the worldview of the other. Everyone must come to God himself and independently make a decision to pursue. Then everything will go smoothly, and the soul will be reached by peace.

How to baptize a child? What are the rules of the rite of baptism? How much does it cost? These and other questions will answer you the editorial board of the Portal "Orthodoxy and the World".

Baptism of the child

When to baptize - different families decide this question in different ways.

Most often, sacrifice on +/- 40th day after childbirth. The 40th day - and from a religious point of view it is significant (in the Old Testament Church on the 40th day of the child, they were brought to the temple, a prayer was read on the born of a woman). 40 days after childbirth, a woman does not participate in the sacraments of the church: it is connected with the physiology of the postpartum period, and in general, quite reasonable - at this time, all the attention and strength of the woman should be focused on the child and their health.

After the expiration of this period above it, it is necessary to read a special prayer that the priest will make it before or after baptism. Little children behave much calmerly on baptism and are not frightened when someone else is on their hands (godfather or priest). Well, you should not forget that up to three months, children are easier to carry dipping with their heads, because they preserve intrauterine reflexes that help detain their breath.

In any case, the choice of moment remains behind the parents and depends on the circumstances and the state of the child's health. If the baby in resuscitation and there are health problems, you can baptize the baby in resuscitation. To do this, you can invite a priest or mom can baptize the child herself.

You can baptize and after 40 days.

If the child's life is in danger

If the baby is in intensive care, then you can invite a priest to dub child. From the hospital church or from any temple - no one will refuse. Only you must first find out what kind of baptism's orders in this hospital.

If there is no permission to be intensive care, or if the situation is different - an accident, for example, a mother or father (and a resuscitation sister at the request of the parents and in general anyone) a child can paint themselves. You need a few drops of water. With these drops, you need to cross the child three times with the words:

The slave (a) of God (s) (name)
In the name of the Father. Amen. (for the first time the baptizer and splashing the driver)
And son. Amen. (second time)
And the saint spirit. Amen. (third time).

Child is baptized. When it is discharged, in the temple it will be necessary to make the second part of the baptism - the world-building - joining the church. To explain in advance the father that they baptized themselves in resuscitation. It is possible to take the baby at home, having agreed on this with the priest in the temple.

Capture whether in winter

Of course, in the temples heat, in the font water warm.

The only thing - if in the temple one door and the temple itself is small, someone from relatives can be pressed at the entrance, so that all if the door does not open up at all.

How much to pay? And why pay?

Officially in the temples there is no fee for the sacraments and demands.

Christ said: "Darus took, let's give a gift" (MF, 10: 8). But only here the apostles believers were killed, they were allowed for the night, and in modern realities a donation for baptism is one of the main types of income temples, from which they pay for light, electricity, repair, fire-fighting work and a priest who has many more children. In the temple is the estimated amount of donation. If really there is no money, you must write for free. If they refuse - the reason to turn to the adolescent.

Is it necessary to call on the sacraticles

Who wants like. Someone calls on the sacnesses, someone in honor of his beloved saint or someone else. Of course, if the girl was born, January 25, then the name Tatiana is very asking for her, but the name of the parents of the child choose themselves - there is no "necessary" here.

Where to baptize?

It is unlikely that this question will stand in front of you if you are already the parishioners of some temple. If not - choose the temple in the shower. There is nothing wrong with looking into several temples. If the employees are inconvenient and rude (it happens, yes), you can search the temple where you will be understood benevolently from the very beginning. Yes. In the temple, we come to God, but there is no sin to choose the church of the temper. Well, if the temple has a separate christening. In it, as a rule, heat, there are no drafts and there are no strangers.
If in your city there are few temples and all of them with big arrival, then definitely learn in advance how many children are usually on baptism. It may be so that at the same time will be baptized with a dozen babies, each of which will be accompanied by a whole brigade of relatives. If you do not like this mass, you can agree on individual baptism.

Photographing for baptism

If you decide to hire a photographer on the christening, be sure to find out in advance whether it will be allowed to remove it, use an outbreak. Some people are very negative about the shooting of the sacraments and you can wait for an unpleasant surprise.
As a rule, anywhere photos and video shooting are not prohibited. Photos from baptism - a big joy for many years for the whole family, so if you can not remove the temple in the temple, then you need to search the temple where you can shoot (but even in old-owned churches allowed to shoot in christening)
In some cases, the child can be baptized at home. The main thing to agree on this with the father.


Who can and cannot be a godfather is the most frequent question. Is it possible to pregnant / unmarried / unbeliever / childless baptize a girl, etc. - The number of variations is infinite.

The answer is simple: the godfather must be a man

- Orthodox and church (he is responsible for raising the child in faith);

- not the parent of the child (the godfall should be replaced by parents);

- It is impossible to be a husband and wife of the godfather of one kid (or those who are going to get married);

- The godfather cannot be monastic.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary that the godfather was two. Enough and one: women - for girls and men - for boys. .

Conversation before baptism

Now it is necessary. For what? To baptize those who believe in Christ, and not those who come to "the child_bole_to_s_no_t_a_to_tela_a_a_a_zh_vusski_y_a_a_a_zh_vusski_y_a_a_y_?

You need to come to the conversation, this is not an exam. Usually the priest tells about Christ, the Gospel, reminds that the Gospel must be read independently looks like this.

Often, the need for a conversation causes indignation from relatives and many are trying to "get around". Someone, complaining about the lack of time, and even just desire, looking for priests who can neglect this rule. But first of all, this information is needed by the human himself, because bypassing them to become a godfather of their child you impose a big responsibility on them and it would be nice to know about it. If the godfather do not want to spend at this time, then this is a reason for you to think, and whether the child needs perceptions who cannot sacrifice the whole pair of their evenings.

If the goddes live in another city and can come only on the day of the sacrament, then the conversations they can go through any temple in which it is convenient. At the end, they will be given a certificate with which they will be able to participate in the sacrament anywhere.

Very well, the godfather, if they still do not know, learn - this prayer is read three times during baptism and, it is likely that the godfather will ask her to read.

What to buy?

For baptism, the child needs a new baptismal shirt, a cross and a towel. All this can be bought in any church shop and, as a rule, is the task of the godfather. The baptismal shirt is then stored along with other memorable things. In foreign stores there is a whole line of amazingly beautiful clothes for baptism, you can use some beautiful set on an extract.

Name with baptism

Find out in advance what the name will be baptized. If the child's name is not in the saints, pick up a close in advance (Alina - Elena, Jeanne - Anna, Alice - Alexander) and tell the priest about it. And sometimes the names are given strange. One familiar Jeann was baptized by Evgenia. By the way, sometimes there are unexpected names in the saints, say. Edward - there is such an Orthodox British Saint (although then all the employees of the temple will not believe that there is such an Orthodox name). In church notes and when performing other sacraments, it will be necessary to use the name given during baptism. Based on it, it will be determined when a child has an angel's day and who he has a heavenly patron.

We arrived in the temple, what's next?

In the church shop you will be asked to pay a donation for baptism. Before the sacrament, the baby is better to feed, so that he was more comfortable and calmer.

To feed in the temple It is good for this to be in a firing clothes or have apron with you. If you need privacy - you can ask someone from the Temple's employees to find a secluded place.
The only thing is if the kid feeds for a long time, it is better to have a bottle-syringe bottle with me, so that it doesn't work out that the baby was hung in the middle of the service and it is necessary or waiting for half an hour while he will take or he will cry from hunger.

During the sacrament of the child, they keep the goddes on the hands, parents can only observe. The duration of baptism is usually about an hour.

It is useful in advance to familiarize yourself with what will happen in the service to understand the meaning of what is happening. Here.

But Moms on baptism are not allowed everywhere - it is better then to clarify this question in advance.

Cold water?

In the font water warm. At first, hot water is usually poured, in front of the sacrament it is diluted with cold. But the water in the car was warm :)

The fact that the water is warm will take care of the employees of the temple, who are gaining it - they do not want to do it, so that the child is frozen. After perching the child, it will not be immediately able to wear, and here again it is worth mentioning that it is very small to baptize well in some rooms and not in the temple itself, where it is cool even in the summer. In any case, do not worry, everything happens quickly and freeze the child will not have time.

Should a child wearing a cross constantly?

Often parents are concerned about the security of the child wearing a kaptist. Someone is afraid that the child may suffer from a rope or a ribbon, on which the cross hangs. Many are worried that the kiss child can lose or can steal it, for example, in the garden. As a rule, the cross is worn on a short-lived ribbon, which cannot be confused anywhere. And for kindergarten, you can prepare a special inexpensive cross.

And they say that ....

Baptism, like a lot more in our life is surrounded by many stupid superstitions and prejudice. Senior relatives can add worries and excitement by stories about bad signs and prohibitions. Any dubious questions better clarify with the priest, not trusting, even if it is very experienced, grandmothers.

Is it possible to celebrate baptism?

It is quite logical that relatives who will gather on baptism will want to continue the holiday at home or in a restaurant. The main thing is that during the holiday did not forget the reason because everyone gathered.

After baptism

When the sacrament is over, you will give you a testimony about baptism, where it will be indicated when the baptism is committed, who will also be written the day when a child has a birthday. After baptism, you will definitely need to go to the temple again to grab the baby. In general, kids must be adjusted regularly.

Value of preparatory rituals

The Russian Orthodox Church is a unique historical stage. Today, as in the Ancient Christian Church, adults who formed personality come to baptism. That the sacrament, which for the last few centuries, before the tragedy of the 20th century, was performed almost exclusively over the babies, at the turn of the 20-21 centuries it became the lot of adults.

In this regard, according to the logic of things, the institution of announced, that is, persons consciously preparing for joining the church should be restored. Indeed, in an ancient church, those who were preparing to accept, gradually introduced into her life. For a long period of time, which in different years ranged from 40 days to three years, they studied the truths of faith, they read the Holy Scriptures, took part in common prayers. It is noteworthy that the bishop, to which the wishing to be baptized, was experiencing his moral qualities and the sincerity of the desire to become a Christian.

It is clear that much of this practice of the early Christian church in modern conditions for various reasons is impossible. But the public conversations before baptism, reading the Holy Scriptures, Orthodox literature, participation in worships, common prayers in the temple, not only available, but must be mandatory.

The sacrament of baptism should not be understood and become an ethnographic rite committed with the goals that have nothing to do with the essence of Christianity. Moreover, the preparatory rites that had significant importance for the early church, and compiled specifically for the baptism of adults, did not disappear and did not subsequently become "infant" (due to the age of brought to baptism), but until this day, the "adult" was preserved the quinuse , which is always an integral part of this sacrament.

Consequently, the baptism of an adult must precede preparation, which, in fact, will be his gradual entry into church life.

Before baptism

An adult man who wants to be baptized must have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe most important components of the Orthodox faith. It is necessary to read the New Testament, as well as to know the main part of the dogmatic teaching about the Holy Trinity, about the incarnation of the Son of God, his godfather and resurrection, about the Church of Christ, about the sacraments - communion, baptism, and militia.

In many temples, a public conversation is held, and those who are written on baptism, their visit is necessarily. If there is no such practice in the temple, you can talk to the priest and find out everything you need about baptism ritual. The basics of Orthodox feedback will need to be studied independently. In addition, who wanted to be baptized to know the most important Christian prayers - a symbol of faith, the prayer of the Lord "Our Father", and the "Virgin Delo, rejoice." These prayers are in any prayer.

An adult to the rite of baptism is desirable, if possible, prepare with a three-day post, that is, the refusal of eating meat, dairy, eggs, alcoholic beverages, smoking. Before proceeding with the sacrament, Christians, according to the word Jesus Christ, should be reconciled with everyone, with whom they were in a quarrel. The post also implies a refusal of entertainment and viewing entertainment television. Persons who are married, during this period need to abandon married relations.

Rite baptism adults

The worst of the sacrament of baptism consists of the rank of announcement, the submissions of saint baptism, which includes several rites: the sanctification of water, the consecration of gods, the baptism and the vestment of the newest in white baptismal clothing. After baptism, the sacrament of the world conjunction is performed.


Before reading the published prayers, Ieria makes the following priesthoods: three times blowing in the face of Khfezhemma, it is symbolically connected with the moment of the creation of a person when God took the earthly man created from the dust, and blown his breath of life in his face. 2; 7) .. Then the priest blesses the baptized three times, and putting his hand on the chapter of him, starts reading a prayer.

After reading the prohibitive prayers (prayers for the prohibition of evil spirits), a rite of renunciation from Satan is committed. The taking baptism turns face to the West - the symbol of darkness and dark forces, the priest will ask him questions, and he must consciously answer them. After renunciation from Satan, the bachesthae professes loyalty to Christ (combined with Christ), now face east, as well as in the previous rite, answers questions repeated three times. Then the announced reads aloud the Symbol of Faith - one of the main Christian prayers containing in a brief form, all Orthodox creed. This prayer must be known by heart. After reading the prayer, the priest's questions are followed, it repeats three times. Now the announced is ready to adopt holy baptism.

The follow-up of baptism begins to consecrate water. Before this, the priest is in white clothes, a symbol of a new life brought to Earth by Jesus Christ. Candles are lit, if the goddes are involved in the rite, which is permissible for adults, they are also given in the hands of the candle. Behind the consecration of water should be consecrated by a lodge, it is enacted by the baptized: his man (forehead), chest, back between the blades, ears, hands and legs, the meaning of anointing in that. To consecrate the thoughts, desires and actions of a person. entering the covenant with God.

After anointing, the baptism of a triple immersion in the font, with the pronouncement of securitory words, that is, the baptic prayer. But the outlet of the font, the new church member is closed in white clothes frombaptismal set - Symbol of purified, updated human nature.

For men, this is a baptismal shirt, for women - a long shirt, such as a nightgown, must with sleeves, or a baptismal dress. The baptismal wear should be new, pure white.

The newly-standing priest puts on the neck of a native cross, with the pronunciation of a special prayer. After that, the sacrament of the world-formation is committed. Then the priest with the newest three times by the font, which is an eternity symbol. After solemn chants, the message of the apostles and the gospel is read. In conclusion, there is a rite of hair metering, this is a sign of the tradition of Christian Wheel of God.

What is needed for the baptism of an adult?

To participate in the baptism rite, you need to buy a baptismal set in advance: a baptismal towel is a new, white towel, quite large enough to wipe out after the font, a baptismal shirt. A native cross, a few candles and slippers (shale), because at a certain point of the sacrament, a person should be without shoes, without socks, stockings, etc. - to enjoy the saints.

Practice of commit Baptism adults Differs in different temples. In some temples, with the baptism of women and girls, the fonts are wagged. Then the dive is accomplished without clothes, the priest only sees the head of the baptist. In other temples, women are baptized in shirts or long shirts. Women, in all cases without exception, should be in the temple in a scarf or a friend's headdress. Recording on baptism, you can find out all the details of the sacrament in this temple in the candle shop.

Online store "" gladly offers clothes for the baptism of different sizes, for adults and adolescents, as well as all the necessary accessories: terry towels, scarves, festive sets of candles. We can also buy a native cross, gold or silver, white or black silver 925 samples.

Climbing clothes can be purchased in the church shop, or sew on their own, on the back of the baptismal shirt traditionally embroidered the Orthodox cross, the baptismal towel can also be decorated with Orthodox symbols. The baptismal clothing is not used in everyday life and, as a rule, is not erased.

It is desirable that everything you need for baptism are cooked in advance, you will be much calmer on the day of the sacrament, since at the last moment in the church shop may not be shirts of the desired size or suitable in the form and the magnitude of the cross.

The mere cross believers wear all their life without taking off, except in special circumstances (at the request of the doctor, etc.)