No pills help with headaches. What to do if you have a headache and pills don’t help? We tell you what to do if you have a severe headache and pills don’t help.

The causes of headache discomfort are varied. In most cases, they are associated with psycho-emotional shocks, physical fatigue or stress.

A person just needs to take pills that help eliminate pain. After this, my head doesn't hurt.

However, there are other causes of headaches associated with the progression of various pathologies.

If a person’s headaches do not go away after 2-3 days, there is a high probability that he is sick. In this case, painkillers do not help him.

Why does pain occur that cannot be relieved with medications? What needs to be done to eliminate it? Let's figure it out.

Reasons for this phenomenon

There are several types of headaches that cannot be treated with painkillers. The causes of their occurrence are associated with internal ailments.

Usually, discomfort with such ailments accompanies the patient even on the 3rd day. So, the main reasons for a very severe headache are:

  • Tension pain.
  • Migraine.
  • Cluster pain.
  • Hangover.
  • Brain cancer.
  • Temporal arteritis.
  • Intracranial bleeding.

If a person has a severe headache, which even on the 2nd day does not help with painkillers, there is a high probability that he suffers from one of these ailments. Let's talk about each of them.

Tension pain

Tension causes of headaches are the most common. The difficulty in treating such discomfort is that it is difficult to diagnose the source of its occurrence.

In most cases, the reasons why tension pain occurs are associated with psycho-emotional shocks.

In today's fast-paced life, it is sometimes difficult to maintain multifunctionality.

With this disease, a person experiences severe discomfort, mainly in the upper part of the forehead. The eyeballs and upper facial muscles become very tense during a tension headache.

When the patient tries to relax his face, he does not feel better. The pain is very strong, sometimes throbbing. Attempts to stop it with medications do not bring results.

How long does this discomfort last? Usually, he makes himself known at lunchtime. It lasts about half an hour. If the patient is under stress, his discomfort increases.

What to do if it doesn’t go away on the second day? Unfortunately, painkillers rarely help eliminate this kind of discomfort.

Therefore, taking them, in this case, is not effective. To help the patient feel better, you should create a relaxing environment for him. It is important that nothing disturbs him.

A person suffering from this disease is recommended to take a lying position and apply a cold compress. The room in which it is located must be well ventilated.

If tension headaches do not go away on day 3, the patient should be given light painkillers, such as Paracetamol or Analgin.

However, if the process occurs in a chronic form, there is no point in taking these medications, because it will not alleviate the patient’s condition.

If the disease is chronic, he must undergo a medical examination. The doctor will determine the cause of the discomfort and also suggest a way to relieve it.


Migraine is one of the most common causes of headaches. This disease affects mainly women.

During a migraine, the patient experiences a throbbing headache. She is the cause of his suffering. Discomfort can be localized in the temples, back of the head, and also in the forehead.

Migraines are often accompanied by nausea, dizziness and hallucinations. In most cases, these symptoms do not go away even on the third day.

A person suffering from this disease develops photophobia. He cannot be in a room where sunlight penetrates.

Before a painful attack begins, many migraine sufferers see various abnormalities, such as streaks of light. They also experience numbness in their limbs and a tingling sensation throughout the body.

Why does such a disease occur? The cause of migraine is a dysfunction of the brain.

This disorder causes blood vessels to dilate, which contributes to abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

Many external factors provoke this process. For example, a person often gets a headache if he listened to music too loudly, breathed cigarette smoke, or spent a long time in a room that smelled unpleasant.

What to do to get rid of migraines? On the first day of symptoms, the patient should distance himself from the irritating factor.

For example, if a person who is at a noisy concert has a headache, he should leave the event.

Can migraines be treated with analgesics? No, such pain cannot be relieved with analgesics. This pathology is treated with triptans.

Cluster pain

This is a fairly rare type of headache. Its appearance brings real suffering to the patient. Cluster discomfort is very difficult to bear. Most people suffering from this disease are men.

Characteristic signs of cluster pain:

  • Severe headache, which is localized mainly on the right side.
  • Discomfort in the eye area.
  • Runny nose.
  • Redness of the eyes. This symptom is explained by an increased amount of blood flowing to the eyes.
  • The patient is unable to move and talk.

Many people, during a cluster pain attack, begin to scream loudly, unable to withstand the agony. Such headaches occur mainly at the same time. This attack lasts from 15 to 45 minutes.

What should the patient do to alleviate the condition? Unfortunately, this disease is difficult to treat. A person who suffers from it can take painkillers, such as analgesics.

For cluster discomfort, such drugs can only help with a placebo effect.

How long does the attack last? Cluster pain can last from 15 to 60 minutes. The exact reasons for its occurrence have not been established. Does such an attack pose a danger to human life?

Yes, there is such a danger, because during an attack, the patient experiences severe difficulty breathing. Therefore, if the patient is hospitalized, an oxygen mask is put on him.

After this, the attending physician prescribes appropriate pain medications to the patient.


People whose bodies have been exposed to alcohol intoxication suffer from hangover syndrome. How does this happen? When a person drinks alcohol, a toxin enters his stomach.

Typically, toxins are eliminated from the body after 3-5 hours. However, if a person does not comply with the “drinking culture,” intoxication may occur.

Alcohol intoxication leads to poor health. A person experiences a severe headache, nausea, weakness, trembling in the hands, etc.

This process is difficult to eliminate with conventional tablets. Even traditional medicine does not always effectively remove hangover symptoms. What to do to improve your well-being when you have a hangover?

The person needs to be induced to vomit. In most cases, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, because the body strives to export the pathogenic toxin that has settled in the stomach.

But if there is no vomiting, they need to be provoked. To do this, a person is advised to drink plenty of water.

Excess fluid in the stomach contributes to vomiting. After vomiting, the patient will feel better and the headache will disappear.

A migraine attack during alcohol intoxication is explained by the fact that alcoholic drinks contribute to dehydration of the body.

Some antipyretic pills, for example Paracetamol, help relieve discomfort caused by a hangover.

Brain cancer

With brain cancer, a person does not always have a headache. But if such a symptom makes itself felt, the disease is very difficult.

Headache caused by a brain tumor occurs due to increased intracranial pressure. The faster the tumor grows, the more pressure increases.

This discomfort occurs mainly in the morning. It is almost always accompanied by vomiting.

As the disease progresses, the frequency of pain attacks increases and the discomfort becomes stronger.

This leads to the patient quickly losing weight and having seizures. If you have symptoms of brain cancer, you should immediately contact an oncologist.

If the disease is diagnosed in time, the patient has every chance of recovery. However, if the cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage, the chances of successful removal of the malignant tumor are very low.

Intracranial bleeding

The headache with intracranial bleeding hurts very much. Discomfort occurs suddenly. It is localized mainly on the right side of the head.

With this type of bleeding, other symptoms also appear:

  • Nausea.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Difficulty speaking.

The occurrence of such a headache is associated with injury to the blood vessels of the brain. Trauma causes bleeding in the brain.

This is a very painful process, and it is impossible to stop it with any medications at home.

It is worth noting that discomfort from intracranial bleeding may appear several hours after injury. This is explained by the fact that the walls of the damaged vessel do not immediately become thinner.

A person with intracranial bleeding should be urgently hospitalized even if he does not have a headache. What help will he get?

First, the hospital will remove the blood that has accumulated in the person’s skull. This must be done first, since the hematoma will put pressure on the brain.

After this, the doctor will begin to find out the cause of the hemorrhage, for this the patient will need to undergo appropriate examination.

Temporal arteritis

The occurrence of headaches with temporal arteritis is particularly intense. Symptoms of temporal arteritis:

  • Loss of appetite. As a result, the patient suddenly loses weight.
  • Insomnia.
  • Lack of strength, fatigue.
  • Depression, depressed psychological state.

The headache with this disease hurts so much that even the strongest painkillers do not help the person. It is the strong discomfort that contributes to the depressed psychological state of the patient.

A complication of temporal arteritis can be discomfort in the neck and shoulders. What factors provoke the occurrence of this disease?

In most cases, temporal arteritis occurs due to infection.

It can also appear with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and with an overdose of medications.

If treatment for this pathology is not started in a timely manner, the patient may go blind.

Useful video

We also don’t think much about the causes of headaches. Everyone knows that headaches can be caused by the weather, from overwork, from the neck, or from high and low blood pressure. Many people know firsthand about migraines. In principle, everything is clear - we eliminate the cause, and the headache should go away.

However, frequent use of painkillers in itself can provoke headaches!

Have you ever wondered how often you take headache pills? If you suffer from frequent headaches and take painkillers more than 2-3 times a week, you are at risk of developing so-called drug-induced headaches.

Treatment is at a standstill

Abuse pain is unpleasant because, in fact, it is a variant of drug addiction. That is, while you take the pills, the pain subsides. Once you stop taking it, the pain returns with renewed vigor. But that's not so bad. It turns out that abusive pain is characterized by a gradual decrease in the effect of the painkiller! The result is the following picture: frequent headaches, regular use of analgesics, but no effect. At the same time, do not forget about the side effects of the tablets, which will not take long to appear with long-term regular use (problems with the gastrointestinal tract, changes in peripheral blood, etc.).

But how often do we hear about headaches from pills? Unfortunately, not often. Many patients and even doctors do not think about the amount of painkillers consumed and turn to the doctor when the situation has reached a dead end, or rather, revolves in a vicious circle “painkiller - headache - painkiller”. But overuse headaches are the third most common after tension headaches and migraines!

Who is guilty?

Most often, this special type of headache is provoked by combination drugs (containing painkillers of different classes, benzodiazepines, opioids, etc.), as well as triptans (special painkillers used for migraines), which, by the way, are the most effective at first relieving headaches. It is known that frequent use of these drugs changes our pain management system, which ultimately leads to the formation of a new headache, in addition to the existing one, and the inability to cope with headaches without medications.

What to do?

Be sure to consult a doctor, preferably a cephalologist (neurologist, headache specialist). Moreover, it is necessary to consult a doctor if you have regular headaches of medium and low intensity, before taking painkillers has become habitual. If you still missed the moment and you can no longer cope with headaches with the help of pills, then you shouldn’t put off visiting a doctor.

It is known that the duration of abuse of painkillers affects the effectiveness of treatment: the longer the abuse of analgesics, the more difficult it is to stop, since there is not only physical, but also mental dependence on the drug taken.

Be healthy!

Maria Meshcherina

Main photo

Headaches are one of the most common ailments in humans. As soon as they feel this symptom, many rush to take various painkillers, most often in the form of tablets. However, sometimes situations arise in which a headache occurs, pills do not help, and most people do not know what to do.

The reason why nothing helps is that headaches are often just a symptom of more serious illnesses. In this regard, it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the source of the problem, that is, with the cause of the disease.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of a headache - from simple fatigue to problems requiring surgical intervention. Most often, a headache does not go away for the following reasons:

  • stress caused by conflicts or anxiety;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • rheumatism in the neck;
  • excessive use of alcohol or tobacco;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • allergies or poisoning;
  • drug exposure;
  • weather dependence.

Coping with most of these factors is not difficult - a person just needs to change his lifestyle a little, react more calmly to difficulties and balance his diet.

However, in some cases this will not be enough and you will need to take specialized medications or the help of a qualified specialist. The latter is especially important, since self-medication can lead to a worsening of the condition or loss of valuable time for medical care.

Doctors note that headaches may be one of the symptoms of the following health problems:

There are also types of headaches that are not associated with other pathologies. These include:

  • migraine;
  • cluster headache.

As you can see from the list, the diseases are serious. That is why, if you have a severe headache (and especially if) and pills do not help, diagnosis is necessary as early as possible in order to prevent complications in the future.


This disease has a long duration - from several hours to several days and is often hereditary. Most often women suffer from the disease. The causes of migraines are mainly sleep problems, hormonal changes, unbalanced nutrition and vascular pathologies. With a migraine, the pain usually has a pulsating nature and is focused on one side of the face.

The disease can be recognized by the symptoms that precede it:

  • irritability;
  • isolation;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • aversion to bright light and noise.

In order for the headache to go away, some changes in diet are needed. Thus, experts recommend giving up alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits, smoked products, chocolate, eggs and cottage cheese. It is best to immediately consult a specialist when symptoms appear and undergo a full diagnosis of the body, based on the results of which a further course of treatment will be proposed. If this is not possible, then the following folk remedies can help:

  • lemon peel, which is applied to the temporal areas;
  • freshly squeezed potato juice;
  • tincture based on clover leaves;
  • blackcurrant juice, take 3-4 times a day;
  • massage of the temporal areas using mint oil.

Cluster pain

The disease resembles the previous one, but differs in a smaller area of ​​​​the painful area. As a rule, it occurs at one point of the head. Most often found in men with an athletic build. Characteristic features of the patient's appearance are usually: a square face shape, a cleft chin and light eyes. This type of headache does not occur in children.

Cluster pain is more acute than migraine pain. In addition, there is a burning sensation in the head in the eyebrow area and pain in the eyes. The pain may eventually spread to the ears, jaw, or temples. The duration of pain varies from several tens of minutes to several hours. In some cases, attacks may disappear for a long time. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • irritability;
  • eyes water and turn red;
  • pallor;
  • nausea;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sweating

A possible cause of pain is a change in hormonal levels associated with impaired functioning of the hypothalamus.

Brain tumor

This tumor appears in the brain tissue and can be either malignant or benign. The latter can be cured without surgery. A malignant tumor grows very quickly and metastasizes. Therefore, the disease is difficult to treat, especially in the later stages.

With this disease, pain is felt constantly, and only intensifies during movement. The most severe pain occurs in the morning and at night due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. The nature of the pain is pressing, throbbing.
In addition to the headache itself, other symptoms gradually appear:

  • bouts of vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • vision problems;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • memory impairment;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • persistent signs of fatigue.

Treatment carried out at the initial stage has a much greater chance of success than in later stages. This is why it is recommended not to delay visiting your doctor. Sometimes the patient’s life depends on this. As a rule, radiation therapy and certain medications are prescribed. In some cases, surgery cannot be avoided. Treatment based on folk remedies does not help here. The maximum that can be achieved is to reduce the symptoms.

Sometimes pain occurs due to intoxication. You can be poisoned, for example, by fumes of toxic substances contained in clothing or furniture. To relieve pain, it is enough to get rid of problematic household items. However, the most common cause of headaches is food poisoning. If you suspect this disorder, you should:

  • rinse the stomach;
  • take activated carbon;
  • drink a laxative.

These measures will help remove harmful substances from the body, as a result the pain will decrease or stop completely. In case of poisoning, headache pills do not help. In case of alcohol poisoning, it is recommended to drink some orange juice or mineral water.

Pressure drops

Unstable blood pressure, in addition to headaches, can lead to dizziness or even a stroke. If this problem occurs, be sure to contact a specialist. Having found the cause of blood pressure changes, he will prescribe appropriate medications.

In some cases, a headache is added to the toothache over time. Of course, first of all you need to solve your dental problem by visiting a good dentist. Decoctions based on the following herbs will help:

  • fragrant mint;
  • Linden;
  • sage;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • yarrow.

Before taking the tincture, you should cool it to room temperature, as too hot or cold liquid will only worsen the symptoms.

Stress and depression

Stressful and conflict situations, anxiety, and depression almost always lead to headaches. The main thing in this case is to calm down, try to get rid of the problem and relax. Sometimes it will be enough to take a mild painkiller and valerian tincture. But the main thing is to get a good night's sleep.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to ventilate the premises more often, change your working position every half hour, and also do exercises. A head massage helps a lot. It would be a good idea to seek psychological help from a specialist. After an appointment with a psychologist, a person sometimes completely reconsiders his views on problems. In particularly advanced cases, antidepressants or sleeping pills may be prescribed.

If the result is positive, appropriate medications and measures will be prescribed. Trying to self-medicate can lead to dire consequences, as some remedies can worsen the situation.

Treatment methods

When you have a headache, you don’t always need to rush to take medications. This can be addictive and in some situations will only make the pain worse. The best solution would be to do a light head massage, namely the forehead, temples and back of the head. Then it is advisable to go for a walk in the fresh air. Herbal tea with the addition of mint or motherwort will have a beneficial effect on the condition. But drinking coffee is not recommended.

When working, you need to change positions more often, use table lamps if necessary, and ventilate the room more often. Upon returning home, you should take a contrast shower and drink a glass of honey and milk. If all this does not help, then you need to take painkillers. However, remember that this should be done no more than once a week, so as not to become addictive.

  • the head should not get too cold, so you need to wear a hat or other headgear;
  • try to find out the cause of the disease by consulting a specialist;
  • try not to get depressed and maintain a positive attitude no matter what;
  • healthy sleep is the key to your health;
  • do not forget about periodic walks in the fresh air;
  • in case of severe pain, avoid sudden movements and unpleasant odors;
  • Take painkillers less often.

Folk remedies

Hawthorn and oregano with the addition of lemon are good for headaches. The decoction is prepared by adding a tablespoon of one of the herbs, lemon and a spoon of honey (optional) to a container of boiling water. Next, you need to let the product brew, then take it 50 ml 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a whole day. A popular folk remedy is taking baths with infusions of aromatic herbs and lemon balm.


If you experience frequent headaches and regular painkillers do not help, you should definitely make an appointment with your doctor. Correct and timely treatment using appropriate medications will help avoid problems and complications in the future. Of course, most often pain appears due to stress and overexertion, but it’s still not worth the risk, because your health, and in some cases even your life, is at stake.

Sometimes a person has a severe headache, pills do not help. This occurs due to the fact that we make our own decisions and use painkillers that are in our home medicine cabinet. But it is impossible to treat it yourself without determining the causes of its occurrence.

Why does my headache not go away?

More than half of spastic head pain occurs due to nervous fatigue. Often the cause of pain is stress, poor nutrition, colds, hypertension or hypotension, and alcohol intoxication. In these cases, we take any painkiller, and in case of hypertension we begin complex treatment. But what to do if you have a severe headache or the pain is chronic? This may be due to a serious illness.

Doctors conventionally divided characteristic headaches into:

  • tension pain;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • intracranial bleeding;

The source of tension pain is a stress factor or injury to the muscle tissue of the head and neck. At the same time, squeezing is felt. These characteristic symptoms appear after lunch and after applying the usual they disappear within an hour.

Pain that is localized in one part of the head can be caused by migraines. This chronic type of pain is accompanied by nausea, dizziness and an aversion to harsh bright light. A person can remain in this state for up to four hours. This is due to a disruption in the blood flow to the head. For migraines, self-treatment is ineffective. Treatment needs to be comprehensive: medications and herbs.

Cluster headaches most often affect men. Signs of such pain are similar to functional disorders associated with a cold: throbbing pain localized in one part of the head, red eyes and a runny nose. They occur periodically and last for 20 minutes. The sources of this type of pain have not been established.

Intensely increasing headache, insomnia, and depression are characteristic of temporal arteritis. This pain symptom most often affects older people and is associated with uncontrolled use of medications and viral infections. The danger of such pain is that it can lead to loss of vision. Steroid drugs are used as treatment. Characterized by increasing headaches, then nausea appears, speech becomes unintelligible. The cause of this condition may be injury to the blood vessels of the brain. If you experience such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

A small number of tumor processes in the head are accompanied by pain (). But if pain occurs, it is a consequence of an enlarged tumor that puts pressure on the brain tissue. The pressure in the blood vessels increases and pain appears. Naturally, in this case you cannot take any therapeutic measures on your own. This functional disorder is associated with serious cancer and is treated in a hospital setting.

Mild functional disorders of the brain cause spasmodic headaches. The causes in this case may be nervous disorders and overwork.

If painkillers, traditional medicine and preventive measures do not help, then most likely the headaches are associated with serious pathologies.

If no means bring relief, then the patient should be treated in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors.

What to take if pills don't help

If the cause of the pain has already been clarified and the pain symptom is associated with mild fatigue or anxiety, then, in addition to a simple painkiller, you should take valerian tincture and get a good night's sleep. For preventive purposes, ventilation of the room, changing posture after 15-20 minutes during sedentary work, and neck exercises will help. After using medications, a light head massage may be an additional help.

If you have high blood pressure, taking medications prescribed by your doctor and resting your body will help. In this case, you can lie down with a warm scarf tied to your head. Headaches with low blood pressure can be relieved by drinking coffee. Medicines based on eleutherococcus and lemongrass can help. A few drops (usually 10) of these products should be diluted in 30 g of water. Massaging the active point under the occipital protuberance can also help.

Pain of varying intensity and frequency can be treated using traditional medicine. St. John's wort and blue cyanosis herbs and valerian root are suitable as medicines. To prepare the infusion, take one tablespoon of chopped herbs and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 3 hours. Pharmacy forms of medicines will also help: alcohol tincture of peony, motherwort or valerian. The course of such treatment is 2-3 weeks.

A reliable method of treatment for migraines is to bandage the head for pain. So far, medicine cannot offer medications to completely cure migraines. However, it is worth remembering that there is nothing better as a preventative measure than:

  • leisure;
  • good sleep;
  • physical education classes;
  • balanced diet (in this case, migraine “provocateurs” should be avoided: mayonnaise, cheeses, smoked meats, spicy foods).

The following methods and means can provide relief from migraine pain:

  • apply the lemon peel to your temples with the wet side;
  • attach a cabbage leaf, drink freshly squeezed potato juice;
  • prepare an infusion of clover flowers (one tablespoon of dried clover flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour, use 50 g 3 times a day);
  • take 30 g of blackcurrant juice 3-4 times a day;
  • rub peppermint oil into the temple area of ​​the head.

As a preventative measure, you should also drink a glass of yogurt or whey daily on an empty stomach.

For cluster pain and temporal arteritis, scented pillows made from mint and lemon balm herbs, and the use of aromatic lamps with lemon, mint and lemon balm oils are helpful. These herbs can be brewed together or separately and applied as compresses to the frontal part of the head. To prepare a tincture for a compress, add 1 tbsp. l. mixture of these dry herbs and leave for 3 hours. The product is filtered. The solution can be used orally, 50 ml 3 times a day for pain.

The herbs hawthorn and oregano with lemon give an excellent effect in treating headaches. To prepare such a decoction, take one tablespoon of herbs and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for an hour and drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Add lemon and, if desired, a little honey to this tincture.

Baths using lemon balm tincture and aromatic herbs have beneficial properties. The effect of such a water procedure is enhanced by the use of oriental tea. To prepare tea, take cumin, half a cinnamon stick and an anise star on the tip of a knife. The components are poured into 200 g of boiling water and infused in a ceramic bowl.

Therefore, you should not endure unpleasant sensations, but you should immediately contact a specialist. There are both medicinal methods for treating headaches and traditional medicine that help cope with prolonged migraines.

Causes of long-term headaches

There are many reasons why headaches appear. Long-term unpleasant sensations may be associated with organic lesions of certain areas of the cerebral cortex. What causes of pain exist?

  • Migraine. This disease is especially common among women over 30 years of age.
  • Tension headache.
  • Meningitis or encephalitis.
  • Severe injuries leading to concussion.
  • Diseases of the vascular system.
  • Changes in intracranial pressure, etc.

Headache can occur with post-alcohol syndrome. But in such cases it does not last long and usually goes away in a few hours. When ARVI begins to develop, patients also notice pain in the back of the head or temples. They can be observed during the first few days of the onset of the disease. Unpleasant sensations are eliminated with the help of medications and usually disappear completely after effective treatment of the infection.

First aid for headaches

If you have a headache for several days, this is a danger signal. Immediate medical attention is especially important in the following cases:

  • Pain of an unknown nature, new in sensations.
  • The pain occurs only in the morning, for several days in a row, and goes away in the evening.
  • Associated symptoms appeared: numbness of one part of the body, shortness of breath, vomiting, weakness, etc.
  • The pain only gets worse over time.

If you have any of these symptoms, you need to consult a specialist (neurologist or therapist). To obtain reliable results, you will need to do a computed tomography or MRI. In the presence of severe diseases associated with brain lesions, diagnostics will help to identify them in a timely manner.

In the case when you have a headache for the third day and high blood pressure, then both of these conditions are interrelated. Vasospasm causes discomfort, which can be accompanied by nausea and weakness. If this is the cause of your migraine, you should do the following:

  • First, you need to measure your blood pressure so as not to doubt that it is really elevated.
  • If this is the case, then you will need to take an antispasmodic and rest a little.
  • A hot foot bath helps relieve spasms and promotes blood flow from the head.

Adenovirus infection may be accompanied by pain. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and has several symptoms:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Nasal congestion or thick mucus discharge;
  • Sore throat, etc.

With this disease, headaches can occur throughout the course of the disease. They are treated symptomatically; conventional medications (analgesics) are usually sufficient.

Types of headaches

Headache (cephalgia) comes in various types:

  • vascular,
  • neuralgic,
  • associated with muscle tension, etc.

Each of them manifests itself differently. The duration of the unpleasant sensations is also associated with this. Some patients complain that the migraine does not go away for the second day, for others it can drag on for a month or even longer.

When the walls of blood vessels are stretched, various diseases occur:

The pain syndrome manifests itself as pulsating dull blows. Unpleasant sensations are often accompanied by:

In these situations, long-term treatment of the disease itself, prescribed by a doctor, is necessary. One of the causes of the disease is severe stress. This is especially true for people with a sedentary job and lifestyle. Sitting in an uncomfortable position and snacking lead to the brain not receiving enough oxygen.

This is manifested by headaches that appear in the late afternoon. In such cases, it is not necessary to take the pills immediately. A simple walk in the fresh air, yoga or aerobics can help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Migraine: causes and treatment

Migraine is often the reason why you have a headache for the third day. It is not difficult to distinguish this disease from others.

  • Firstly, as a rule, pain is felt only on one side.
  • Secondly, the pain is throbbing.

Any physical activity only increases the discomfort. A walk in the fresh air will not help in this case.

It is believed that women are more likely to experience migraines than men. This is due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body. Taking contraceptives only makes the situation worse. Migraine can depend on the cycle, often starting on a certain day of the week (for example, the day before menstruation, etc.). Severe stress can be a factor that provokes an exacerbation of the disease.

What will not help with migraines:

  • taking antispasmodics;
  • analgesics (they are effective only for mild manifestations of the disease);
  • walks in the open air;
  • physical activity.

Neoplasms in the brain

Any tumors in the brain lead to headaches for a long time, for example, a month.

If you have a headache for a month, the cause may be inflammatory diseases. In most cases it is encephalitis or meningitis. The pain is characterized not only by duration, but also by strong intensity. Analgesics will not help in such a situation, which can make treatment very difficult.

The pain may last a week or longer due to the constant use of painkillers. In such a situation, a secondary syndrome is identified. Headaches of low and moderate intensity, however, differ in frequency. Sometimes a person awakens with the appearance of unpleasant sensations. This situation can develop into chronic cephalalgia, which is difficult to treat. On average, after stopping the medication, the pain syndrome should disappear over time.

Treatment of cephalgia

Regardless of whether the headache continues for the third or fourth day, you should not tolerate it. Often it is a sign that indicates problems in the body, especially in the brain.

Self-therapy with analgesics should not exceed three days. If the condition does not improve, you should consult a specialist.

The effectiveness of the prescribed treatment depends on timely and high-quality diagnosis. The following methods are used in combination:

  • manual therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • compresses;
  • medicines;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture, etc.

Headaches should never be tolerated. Especially if they bother you for several days. After all, this syndrome often hides a rather dangerous disease.

Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist, after a thorough diagnosis and identification of the cause of the disease.

With this disease, you should contact a neurologist, who will determine how harmless cephalgia is for the patient’s general condition and methods of therapeutic influence on it.

What should you do if pills don’t help with a severe headache?

Sometimes a person has a severe headache, pills do not help. This occurs due to the fact that we make our own decisions and use painkillers that are in our home medicine cabinet. But it is impossible to treat a headache on your own without determining the causes of its occurrence.

Causes of pain syndrome

More than half of spastic head pain occurs due to nervous fatigue. Often the cause of pain is stress, poor nutrition, colds, hypertension or hypotension, and alcohol intoxication. In these cases, we take any painkiller, and in case of hypertension we begin complex treatment. But what to do if you have a severe headache or the pain is chronic? This may be due to a serious illness.

Doctors conventionally divided characteristic headaches into:

  • tension pain;
  • migraine;
  • cluster pain;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • intracranial bleeding;
  • brain tumor.

The source of tension pain is a stress factor or injury to the muscle tissue of the head and neck. In this case, compressive pain is felt in the upper part of the head. These characteristic head spasms appear after lunch and after using regular analgin, they disappear within an hour.

Pain that is localized in one part of the head can be caused by migraines. This chronic type of pain is accompanied by nausea, dizziness and an aversion to harsh bright light. A person can remain in this state for up to four hours. This is due to a disruption in the blood flow to the head. For migraines, self-treatment is ineffective. Treatment needs to be comprehensive: medications and herbs.

Cluster headaches most often affect men. Signs of such pain are similar to functional disorders associated with a cold: throbbing pain localized in one part of the head, red eyes and a runny nose. They occur periodically and last for 20 minutes. The sources of this type of pain have not been established.

Intensely increasing headache, insomnia, and depression are characteristic of temporal arteritis. This pain symptom most often affects older people and is associated with uncontrolled use of medications and viral infections. The danger of such pain is that it can lead to loss of vision. Steroid drugs are used as treatment. Intracranial hemorrhage is characterized by increasing headaches, then nausea appears, and speech becomes unintelligible. The cause of this condition may be injury to the blood vessels of the brain. If you experience such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

A small number of tumor processes in the head are accompanied by pain. But if pain occurs, it is a consequence of an enlarged tumor that puts pressure on the brain tissue. The pressure in the blood vessels increases and pain appears. Naturally, in this case you cannot take any therapeutic measures on your own. This functional disorder is associated with serious cancer and is treated in a hospital setting.

Treatment of functional disorders

If the cause of the pain has already been clarified and the pain symptom is associated with mild fatigue or anxiety, then, in addition to a simple painkiller, you should take valerian tincture and get a good night's sleep. For preventive purposes, ventilation of the room, changing posture every minute during sedentary work, and neck gymnastics will help. After using medications, a light head massage may be an additional help.

If you have high blood pressure, taking medications prescribed by your doctor and resting your body will help. In this case, you can lie down with a warm scarf tied to your head. Headaches with low blood pressure can be relieved by drinking coffee. Medicines based on eleutherococcus and lemongrass can help. A few drops (usually 10) of these products should be diluted in 30 g of water. Massaging the active point under the occipital protuberance can also help.

Pain of varying intensity and frequency can be treated using traditional medicine. St. John's wort and blue cyanosis herbs and valerian root are suitable as medicines. To prepare the infusion, take one tablespoon of chopped herbs and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 3 hours. Pharmacy forms of medicines will also help: alcohol tincture of peony, motherwort or valerian. The course of such treatment is 2-3 weeks.

A reliable method of treatment for migraines is to bandage the head for pain. So far, medicine cannot offer medications to completely cure migraines. However, it is worth remembering that there is nothing better as a preventative measure than:

  • leisure;
  • good sleep;
  • physical education classes;
  • balanced diet (in this case, migraine “provocateurs” should be avoided: mayonnaise, cheeses, smoked meats, spicy foods).

The following methods and means can provide relief from migraine pain:

  • apply the lemon peel to your temples with the wet side;
  • attach a cabbage leaf, drink freshly squeezed potato juice;
  • prepare an infusion of clover flowers (one tablespoon of dried clover flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour, use 50 g 3 times a day);
  • take 30 g of blackcurrant juice 3-4 times a day;
  • rub peppermint oil into the temple area of ​​the head.

As a preventative measure, you should also drink a glass of yogurt or whey daily on an empty stomach.

For cluster pain and temporal arteritis, scented pillows made from mint and lemon balm herbs, and the use of aromatic lamps with lemon, mint and lemon balm oils are helpful. These herbs can be brewed together or separately and applied as compresses to the frontal part of the head. To prepare a tincture for a compress, add 1 tbsp. l. mixture of these dry herbs and leave for 3 hours. The product is filtered. The solution can be used orally, 50 ml 3 times a day for pain.

The herbs hawthorn and oregano with lemon give an excellent effect in treating headaches. To prepare such a decoction, take one tablespoon of herbs and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for an hour and drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Add lemon and, if desired, a little honey to this tincture.

Baths using lemon balm tincture and aromatic herbs have beneficial properties. The effect of such a water procedure is enhanced by the use of oriental tea. To prepare tea, take cumin, half a cinnamon stick and an anise star on the tip of a knife. The components are poured into 200 g of boiling water and infused in a ceramic bowl.

As a conclusion

Mild functional disorders of the brain cause spasmodic headaches. The causes in this case may be nervous disorders and overwork.

If painkillers, traditional medicine and preventive measures do not help, then most likely the headaches are associated with serious pathologies.

If no means bring relief, then the patient should be treated in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors.

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What to do if you have a headache and pills don’t help

Rarely does anyone immediately consult a doctor when a headache occurs. Often in the home medicine cabinet there is already a drug that relieves discomfort. You can alleviate the condition using improvised methods - self-massage, shower, herbal tea. But if you have a severe headache again, the pills do not help, what to do to eliminate the pain syndrome will be advised by a neurologist. and determine the cause of the discomfort.

Causes of headaches

Headache (cephalgia) is not a separate disease, but most often a symptom accompanying certain diseases. Pathology specialists are divided into several groups depending on the factor that provokes the appearance of discomfort:

  • Infectious-toxic: colds and infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, food, alcohol and drug poisoning.
  • Vascular: hypotension, arterial hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Liquorodynamic: increased intracranial pressure caused by a growing tumor and impaired outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Tensions: inflammation of the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle. This also includes pathologies caused by stress and emotional fatigue.
  • Neuralgic: damage to nerve nodes.

If severe pathology develops, only a doctor can find out the cause. Particular attention is paid to accompanying symptoms. If a person has a tumor growing in the brain and a headache, pills do not help in this case to relieve pain.

Why do pills stop helping?

Upon examination, the patient may be diagnosed with migraine. The neurologist prescribes the drug and the patient takes it with each attack, eliminating unpleasant sensations. At some point, a person notices that the medicine does not act as quickly as before. And then a situation arises when the drug does not eliminate the discomfort at all.

Increasing the dosage of the drug may temporarily help relieve headaches during an attack. But after a certain period of time, the medicine ceases to be effective. And when the next attack begins and the head hurts badly, the pills do not help even in a double dose.

If the pain does not go away for more than a day, you should consult a doctor.

Why is the headache not eliminated by prescribed medications? There may be several reasons:

  • Bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine reduce the positive effect of the drug.
  • Improper regulation of work and rest. The patient sleeps too little and overloads himself with work.
  • The drug is taken in combination with fatty foods.
  • The effect of an anesthetic drug is counteracted by another drug.
  • A person develops another disease that provokes the development of cephalgia.

Is it worth enduring unpleasant sensations by haphazardly taking medications that do not bring relief? When you don’t know what to do, if you have a severe headache and pills don’t help, it’s best not to self-medicate, but to undergo an in-depth examination.

Headache from taking medications

Long-term use of medications can also cause regular headaches. Experts define the pain syndrome as abusive (drug-induced).

Abuse headache is believed to be a symptom of drug addiction. The patient literally every week experiences an unpleasant pulsation in the head or a feeling of severe fullness, and he can eliminate the pain with the help of medication. If you don’t take the medicine, the headache does not go away, although previously, for example, a short rest saved you from discomfort.

A characteristic sign of the development of drug dependence is the need to increase the dosage of the drug, regardless of the patient’s weight gain. Abuse pain is provoked by analgesics, combination drugs and drugs of the triptan group.

A vicious circle arises: taking an analgesic, experiencing discomfort, taking the drug. The patient is not helped by headache pills, but he continues to take them.

The longer the ineffective use of medications lasts, the stronger the physical dependence on them. If the patient does not see a doctor for many months, mental dependence on analgesics may develop.

How to get rid of pain?

If a long-term headache is caused by a cold or poisoning, the patient can get rid of it by recovering, eliminating the main cause of the pain syndrome.

For migraine attacks, at first, people treat themselves on their own, relying on the recommendations of pharmacists in pharmacies. But the sooner the patient consults a doctor, the easier it will be to choose the optimal treatment regimen. It is advisable to visit a neurologist when a mild headache is replaced by unpleasant sensations of moderate intensity.

If the patient suffers from a headache and the pills do not help, first of all the doctor will suggest taking general tests to determine whether a serious disease is developing in the patient’s body, accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Since a regularly occurring headache that cannot be treated with analgesics may be a sign of tumor growth in the brain, the patient will have to undergo a comprehensive examination:

  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head.
  • CT and MRI of the brain.
  • X-ray of the head

If a malignant tumor is detected, the patient is prescribed chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery may also be required.

If the cause of discomfort is that a person is accustomed to using a certain drug, a treatment regimen will be selected together with a neurologist. When a patient constantly has a headache and pills do not help relieve it, he may be offered a set of therapeutic measures. Appointed:

  • Sedatives that relieve anxiety.
  • Massage sessions to relieve tension.
  • Physiotherapy – to restore normal blood circulation.

Some patients who constantly have headaches are advised to consult a psychotherapist. Together with your doctor, you can identify the main cause of headaches and eliminate it.

Eliminating discomfort using traditional methods

The classic recipe for combating migraines is to wrap your head in a warm woolen scarf, lie down in a dark room in absolute silence and sleep. Ask your relatives in advance so that they do not disturb you. Recovery takes from a couple of hours to two days.

For prolonged migraines, when headache pills do not help, you can reduce pain by performing a set of exercises to relax and stretch the muscles of the cervical spine.

  • Sit on a chair, relax your shoulders, close your eyes. Slowly tilt your head forward towards your chest, listening to how the skin on your spine stretches. Then back, left, right.
  • Perform circular movements with your head.
  • Raise your shoulders, press firmly to your neck, trying to reach your ears as much as possible. Drop your shoulders and relax.
  • Raise one shoulder and lower the other.
  • Stand up, stretch your arms up, bend back.
  • Perform circular swings with your arms.
  • Sit down again, relax and stretch.

After exercise, you can drink hot mint or chamomile tea with honey.

I still have a headache, pills don’t help, what should I do? If the pain syndrome does not go away for more than a day, the pain becomes unbearable, accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, and fever, you should call an ambulance and get help from a doctor at home.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and cannot replace consultation with your attending physician.

We tell you what to do if you have a severe headache and pills don’t help.

A headache that cannot be eliminated with painkillers can be the result of many reasons: from ordinary stress to cancer. You should not take several tablets in the hope of getting rid of migraines. This can aggravate the disease or waste precious time for treatment.

If nothing relieves pain, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of pain

This disease is hereditary in nature, usually manifests itself in females, less often in males. There is no cure for it, but it is possible to temporarily suppress the symptoms. It can be triggered by lack of sleep, hormonal problems, poor diet, and vascular pathologies.

Painful sensations are localized in one part of the head, they seem to pulsate. The nature of the pain is severe. The patient feels nauseous, possibly vomiting, photophobia, and intolerance to sounds.

Treatment is prescribed by a therapist.

The doctor will be able to diagnose migraine in a patient based on the symptoms described during the conversation with the patient.

Patients should change their diet. Alcoholic drinks, oranges and other citrus fruits are completely excluded from the menu.

Eating eggs and cottage cheese also provokes headaches. It is recommended to eat dishes made from these products as little as possible.

The patient should give up coffee. The maximum amount of coffee a patient should drink is one mug.

Cluster pain

The disease is similar to migraine, but the pain is more localized. Most often it happens at the same point. Its nature is also hereditary, like migraine. Both men and women are usually susceptible to cluster pain. Often observed in men with an athletic build and bad habits. Scientists have determined that the portrait of a sick person usually looks like this: light eye color, square face, cleft chin.

The nature of the pain is acute. The head can burn and furnace. Typically, pain is localized in the area of ​​the brow ridges and is accompanied by pain in the eyes. Painful sensations can irrigate into the auricle, temple, jaw.

Nervous tremors of the eyeball may begin, and the patient sweats heavily during a painful attack. His skin turns pale, the person feels nauseous and has a stuffy nose.

The more severe the headache, the more watery and red the eyeballs become. The patient is constantly irritated by pain, and the quality of life changes. Sometimes people suffering from this disease even have suicidal tendencies.

The pain can be short-term for 10–15 minutes, two or more times a day, and then may not bother the person for almost a year. Doctors do not know the reasons for this “going and coming” of cluster pain, so treatment is aimed at prolonging the period of remission.

The root cause of the pathology can be many reasons, ranging from jaw and skull injuries to high blood pressure.

For diagnosis, MRI, vascular angiogram, and X-ray of the cervical spine are used.

Treatment of the disease is complex and includes:

  • Medicines (triptans, sprays and nasal drops based on dihydroergotamine, painkillers, steroid blockers and hormonal drugs, tranquilizers);
  • Oxygen inhalations;
  • Use of cooling compresses with ice;
  • Acupuncture;

This is a rare vascular pathology involving the carotid artery. Usually manifests itself in the form of temporal arteritis. When the disease occurs, the blood supply is disrupted due to narrowing of the aorta.

The headaches are pulsating in nature and often radiate to the jaw. The patient feels constant fatigue, has a fever, weight loss, and muscle pain.

Oxygen starvation of tissues occurs due to narrowing of the arteries. The consequence may be blindness and stroke. When the blood vessels are inflamed, the hands often hurt.

Treatment is carried out by surgeons and phlebologists.

Diagnosis of the disease occurs using a blood test and artery biopsy.

Direction of treatment: elimination of the inflammatory process in the arteries.

  • The pathology is treated with cortisone therapy (orally or by injection). This therapy has many side effects, for example, heavy sweating, bruising, swelling, and weight gain.
  • Aspirin. It thins the blood, prevents it from clotting in the arteries, and reduces the risk of stroke and blindness.
  • Frequently administered therapy provokes osteoporosis. Therefore, the patient needs to take calcium and vitamins. For women, additional treatment with estrogen, actonel, etc. is necessary.

Brain tumors

These are neoplasms localized in brain tissue. Can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors do not metastasize, have clear growth boundaries, are treated non-surgically, and do not have relapses.

Malignant tumors are characterized by rapid growth into other tissues with their subsequent transformation. In this case, metastases can be observed in several areas of the brain at once.

The nature of the pain is constant; as the disease develops, the duration of the attacks progresses. When a person moves, the pain intensifies. First, they are localized in the area of ​​the tumor, then, as intracranial pressure increases, they move to the frontal and occipital parts. The discomfort is worst at night and in the morning due to fluid accumulation. The veins cannot cope with the outflow of blood, so swelling and stagnation are added to the pain. The pain is pressing, bursting, throbbing.

Vomiting is then added to the headaches. With physical activity or coughing, the pain intensifies, double vision appears, and at times vision disappears. The patient feels dizzy and loses coordination of movements. Limbs may go numb, muscle tone is weakened.

The help of a therapist, neurosurgeon, oncologist, or oncologist-radiologist is needed.

Brain MRI, PET, brain CT, angiography and other methods are used for diagnosis.

  • To relieve pain in the early stages, doctors recommend diuretics and corticosteroids, which can partially relieve swelling and normalize blood supply to the affected area.
  • Tumor removal using laser, endoscopy and ultrasound.
  • Excision of the tumor. The method is traumatic. Excision methods: craniotomy or removal of bone fragments.


A headache can occur under the influence of toxic substances contained in alcohol, alcohol, and chemical compounds. You can be poisoned by using furniture that is not made to standards; food and drinks of inadequate quality, etc.

The nature of the pain is intense and aching. In addition, the patient feels malaise, weakness, and drowsiness.

We need the help of a therapist, who then refers the patient to an infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist. In severe forms of poisoning, the patient is provided with emergency care by toxicologists and resuscitators.

The disease is diagnosed through a conversation with the patient, urine and blood tests. The analysis helps to determine the substance that caused the poisoning, which facilitates the correct diagnosis.

  • The patient requires emergency gastric lavage to remove toxins from the body. As long as they are present, treatment with pain-relieving pills will do nothing.
  • Taking absorbent agents. The best option: activated carbon, which will restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxins from the body.
  • Laxative. Along with gastric lavage, they will help remove toxic substances from the body as quickly as possible.
  • In case of alcohol poisoning, anti-hangover will help.
  • If a person is unconscious, he is given a drip with medications that will eliminate the activity of toxins and quickly remove them from the body.

Which doctor should I contact?

Initially, the patient should come to an appointment with a therapist, who, after talking with the patient and conducting simple tests, will diagnose the disease and refer him to the right specialist.

When should you see a doctor immediately?

  • Sudden pain with nausea and vomiting. If the patient is dizzy, then it is also necessary to consult a doctor;
  • Urgently consult a doctor when, in addition to pain, the body or limbs become numb, there is double vision, coordination of movements is impaired, vision problems arise, and the temperature is elevated;
  • If at first the pain sensations have one-time episodes, and over time they become more frequent or sharply intensify;
  • If pain is felt in one place of the head or radiates to the back of the head;
  • If the patient is over 50 years old;

What else can you do to alleviate the condition?

If it is determined that the cause of the pain is overwork or stress, then it is recommended:

  • To sleep more
  • Ventilate the room more often
  • Avoid staying in static positions for a long time
  • Massage your head
  • Conduct exercise therapy.

There is no need to lock yourself at home after work; try to walk more in the fresh air and give your body physical activity. It is important to take walks in the park, and not near polluted roads. You can use cycling and swimming to relax your body.

Pain often occurs when a person does not allow himself to rest and get enough sleep. Adequate sleep should last at least seven to eight hours a day. A pillow filled with buckwheat hulls will be a good help.

You can massage your head at home yourself, without disturbing your household. We place two fingers in the dimples behind the back of the head and gently, without pressing, massage for a couple of minutes. If the pain is strong, then we place our fingers on the temples and massage the temples with active movements. For chondrosis of the cervical spine, massage the cervical-collar area should be performed.

To eliminate acute pain and reduce anxiety, rub 2-3 drops of peppermint oil into the temples for 60 seconds.

Modern people spend a lot of time at the computer. If the day is hard and the eyes are constantly strained, then a headache often occurs. Adjust the flicker frequency of the monitor and its brightness. From time to time, give your eyes a rest, blink more often, close your eyes for a couple of minutes from time to time.

  • Sitting on a chair, completely relax your neck and let your head tilt towards your chest under its weight. We hold our head in this position for 20 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
  • We get up and clasp our hands. We press our thumbs to the arches of the cheekbones, the remaining fingers cover the back of the head. The gaze is directed upward. After this, we tilt our head back, overcoming the resistance of our fingers. Keep your head thrown back for 10 seconds. Then we tilt our head to the chest as much as possible, while the head is relaxed. The exercise is repeated 5 times.
  • Using our fingers, we feel the points where the pain is localized in the back of the head. Gently massage these points clockwise 15 times, then press them for 1-2 minutes.
  • We move on to the base of the nose, pressing the point in the place where the bridge of the nose swells and the eyebrows begin. Press it for 1-2 minutes.
  • Massage the point between the index finger and thumb for 1-2 minutes.

Additionally, the following video will be very useful:

Medicines easily mask the symptoms of the disease, and the patient loses time that could be spent on treatment. The number of reasons causing pain is extensive; if the discomfort does not go away or occurs intermittently, then the patient needs to visit a doctor.

Editor and expert of the site Specialization: general practitioner. More than 10 years of experience. City clinic, Smolensk. Graduated from the Smolensk State Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine. I really love my profession.

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