Precautions after hymenoplasty. Consequences of restoring virginity: is the operation dangerous? Cost of long-term hymenoplasty

Carrying out long-term three-layer hymenoplasty implies restoration of the integrity of the hymen that has undergone natural defloration during the first sexual intercourse, as a result of mechanical injuries, during emergency medical procedures, etc. The operation has a long-term prolonged effect.


Long-term hymenoplasty surgery requires only the patient's desire and is not performed for medical reasons. Hymenoplasty is carried out in cases where the patient wishes to maintain the effect of the integrity of the hymen for a long, necessary time, up to 3-5 years. Many patients undergo this intervention to diversify their sex life and make it brighter. In many cases, prolonged hymenoplasty is a salvation for women who were sexually abused at an early age. There is also a congenital absence of the hymen - aplasia. In such situation many resort for long-term hymenoplasty. Carrying out a three-layer variation is more preferable for women who have given birth than for those who have not given birth.


Every operation has a series restrictions. For long-term hymenoplasty there is a certain list of prohibitions:

  • Inflammatory process in the female genitourinary system.
  • Hemophilia.
  • HIV, hepatitis B and C and other infectious diseases.
  • Chronic diseases at the moment of exacerbation.
  • Oncological neoplasms.
  • Mental or neurological disorders.

Preparing a woman for long-term hymenoplasty

Before carrying out Three-layer refloration must be completed:
  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Hemostasiogram.
  • Establishment of blood group and Rh factor.
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Examination of a smear of cervical cells to identify oncological pathology.
  • Determination of the presence of markers of particularly dangerous infections, such as HIV, HBV, HCV, syphilis.
  • Consultation with a cardiologist, gynecologist, neurologist, mammologist.

Hymenoplasty requires making some changes to your usual lifestyle:

  • Shower while standing.
  • Do not swim in bodies of water.
  • Refrain from going to saunas, baths, ponds, and swimming pools.
  • Avoid intimacy.
  • Stick to a diet, do not eat fatty foods, give preference to easily digestible foods.
  • Do not use tampons.
  • Carry out hygiene measures daily (douching with antiseptics, etc.).

Carrying out three-layer long-term hymenoplasty

The vaginal wall has three layers: internal (mucous membrane), middle (smooth muscle component), adventitial (a layer of connective tissue with elastin fibers. Therefore, all layers of the wall are used to carry out the intervention. The operation of the three-layer variation itself is quite simple to perform: the remains of the hymen are compared with the walls vagina and are sutured, forming a single barrier. Everything takes no more than an hour and a half. The period of suture resorption is long-term, up to 35 days. During this time, complete fusion of all sutured edges occurs, resulting in a long-term effect.


The postoperative period of long-term hymenoplasty differs little from other similar surgical interventions. After the operation, the patient is under the supervision of doctors. Postoperative complications may include swelling, hematomas, and loss of sensitivity for a short period of time. Therefore, you should follow the list of instructions issued by the surgeon for a month, to maintain long-term effect from the operation. Do not allow physical tension in the pelvic area because of danger intra-abdominal pressure and suture dehiscence, after which the operation “hymenoplasty” will not make sense.


The result of long-term hymenoplasty is a restored hymen for 3-5 years. The reconstructed hymen will not differ at all from the natural one.

Virginity restoration is a temporary surgical reconstruction of the hymen. Some may be surprised by such an operation as a service, but many representatives of the fair sex ask this question.

Various reasons can push a woman to undergo such an operation. This could be for religious reasons or a desire to please a partner.

Surgery to repair the hymen is called hymenoplasty. What kind of procedure is this? How much will you have to pay for it?

What is hymenoplasty?

The hymen is a thin layer of tissue, a membrane that is usually intact in young women (virgins), forming a barrier to the vaginal opening. In some cultures, it is very important to keep the hymen intact. Sometimes surgery is required to restore it.

Once lost, virginity can never be replaced. But modern medicine now offers women an almost perfect physical simulation of their lost innocence - hymenoplasty, the surgical reconstruction of the hymen damaged during a woman's first experience of "communication" with a man.

Quite often, women think that after such an operation their hymen will be restored. But this is a mistaken opinion if we take it in the literal sense of the word.

Hymenoplasty involves creating an imitation of virginity. To do this, the edges of the hymen are sutured using special threads.

After such an operation, the result does not last long. It will take about a week and the threads will dissolve. For a more lasting effect, you need to choose triple hymenoplasty. The result after it lasts for 2.5-3 years.

Even temporary hymenoplasty provides a complete illusion that the girl is innocent. During the penetration of a man's sexual organ into the vagina, he will feel an obstacle. A little blood will also appear.

If a woman comes to the clinic with a desire to restore her virginity, the doctor will examine her and send her for additional tests to rule out contraindications.

Short-term hymenoplasty

In order not to bother too much and save money, it is better to lean toward short-term hymenoplasty. The doctor performs plastic surgery for approximately half an hour. But it is important to understand that such virginity will last about 7 days.

You need to understand that the hymen cannot be sutured indefinitely. Systematic operations will lead to the disappearance of tissue remnants, so it will not be possible to restore virginity once again.

The first few days there may be nagging painful sensations. Doctors strongly advise visiting a clinic after sexual intercourse to make sure there are no contraindications.

Triple hymenoplasty

But it is not always convenient to restore virginity for several days. In this case, it is recommended to lean towards triple hymenoplasty. The advantage of this operation is that it can be performed many times, although, of course, doctors do not advise getting too carried away.

Triple hymenoplasty is a surgical intervention during which the vagina is excised and the mucous membrane is sutured in 3 layers.

Taking this into account, doctors advise performing the operation 4-5 days before the start of menstruation so that the tissue can recover a little.

If you perform triple hymenoplasty, then during intimacy more blood will appear than during the first natural sexual intercourse. In addition, the pain is also more pronounced.

A highly qualified doctor must perform triple hymenoplasty, as this is a complex surgical procedure.

Also, the patient must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations after the operation. Otherwise, you may encounter complications.

Rehabilitation period

For the first time after restoring your virginity, you should not take a bath or visit the sauna. You also need to postpone playing sports and lifting heavy things. After such an operation, a woman should refrain from using tampons until her first intimate relationship.

Serious swelling of the mucous membrane persists for about 3-5 days. With complete hymenoplasty, there are difficulties with movement.

A woman cannot sit, only stand or be in a reclining position. Quite often, a urinary catheter is left in place for 24-36 hours. Considering all this, it is recommended to take a short vacation of 3-4 days for such operations.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Systematically carry out douching using special means.
  2. Don’t forget about personal hygiene and maintain proper nutrition.
  3. As after any operation, visit a doctor. In this way, complications can be detected in a timely manner.
  4. This surgical intervention is painless, but after it the woman will feel slight discomfort. It’s worth mentally preparing yourself for this.
  5. It is necessary to protect yourself from overheating and hypothermia.
  6. You need to abstain from intimate life.

When can you have sexual intercourse after triple hymenoplasty? Sexual life is possible when the hymen is completely healed.

This often happens after 3-5 weeks. A doctor can tell you the answer to this question, and you should visit him periodically for examination.

Restoring virginity - advantages of surgery

The following are the advantages of the operation:

  1. Hymenoplasty can be done at any age, as there are no specific age restrictions.
  2. Even women who have already given birth or experienced an abortion can regain their virginity.
  3. After the operation, virginity is guaranteed until sexual intercourse. In addition, during such first intimacy, blood will appear.
  4. Together with hymenoplasty, it can be performed, which will restore the elasticity of the walls.

A good doctor will definitely tell you about all the intricacies of this plastic surgery. You should be prepared for some minor discomfort after surgery.


Hymenoplasty has one indication. This is the desire of a female representative to restore her virginity.

But such an operation has some contraindications. This surgery is contraindicated in some situations.


  1. if an infectious disease has worsened, an inflammatory process has appeared in the genital area;
  2. if a person suffers from mental disorders;
  3. if a woman is prone to open bleeding.

After surgery, the patient may experience hematomas, swelling, discomfort, bleeding, and pain.

But such side effects disappear after a certain period of time. To speed up this process, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Question answer

This intervention is carried out after adulthood.

The surgery itself is painless, as anesthesia is used. But after the operation there will be pain for 2-3 days.

Such a procedure is not excluded, but you need to understand that it will be more difficult to carry out. In addition, you should wait some time after giving birth.

Alternative methods (capsules, hymens and alum)

Not all women decide to undergo surgery to restore their virginity. Often there is not enough finance or courage to do this.

But what to do if the need arises? For this, a variety of pharmaceutical products come to the rescue.

Capsules and gemens will help create the illusion of innocence in front of a man. You need to understand that they are not able to restore virginity, but with their help you can deceive your partner. But how do they work?

On pharmacy shelves you can find the following products:

  1. Capsules that help simulate virginity. They have artificial blood inside. They must be immersed in the vagina an hour before planned intimacy. During this period, the capsule will swell. During intercourse, it ruptures and the filler leaks out. This process looks natural, and the partner will believe in the woman’s innocence.
  2. Artificial hymen. With the help of such a device, one can more realistically imitate deflowering. The hymen is a thin film that is immersed in the vagina a third of an hour before sexual intercourse. It will swell. During intimacy, the man’s genital organ rests against the artificial film, tearing it. In this case, traces of red paint will also appear.

If you compare the cost of such devices, then you will notice that their price is significantly lower than the price of hymenoplasty. The average cost of capsules is about 20 USD, and hymen - about 50 USD.

If your financial situation does not allow you to purchase such funds, then you can use alum. This is the cheapest option for simulating virginity. They are also sold in pharmacies.

They are diluted in water for douching, which is carried out before sexual intercourse. This solution will narrow the vagina, and after sexual intercourse, marks that resemble blood stains will appear on the bed.

This method is suitable for deceiving an inexperienced man who has not dealt with innocent girls.


But how much does it cost to undergo a full-scale operation to restore virginity? Where is this surgery performed?

Prices for short-term and triple hymenoplasty differ. If a woman needs to quickly sew her hymen using special threads, then she will have to pay about 8-14 thousand rubles. But we must not forget that such an operation shows a short-term effect.

Those who want results that last longer should opt for three-layer hymenoplasty. Its average cost is about 30 thousand rubles.

After the rehabilitation period, it is difficult to distinguish the result from the natural hymen.

You don't have to worry about anyone finding out about the operation. Doctors at the clinic are required to keep everything confidential. They do not disclose the names of their patients.

You need to understand that prices are different in each. For example, in Moscow, the highest price for hymenoplasty is requested from Mont Blanc. Here, a short-term operation is carried out for 30,000 rubles. And three-layer hymenoplasty costs 2 times more.

Such an operation will cost a little less at the Platinental clinic. Here they pay 55,000 rubles for it. Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

To prepare for surgery (hymenoplasty), you need to undergo all the necessary tests to exclude any contraindications. The operation is carried out 7 days before menstruation. Local anesthesia is used (its effect lasts up to an hour), so the woman does not feel anything.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Hymenoplasty can be classified as simple surgical interventions. After it, women recover quickly; a couple of days are enough. During rehabilitation there is pain and swelling, but this is normal. To speed up recovery, do not overload your body, do not move sharply, and eat healthy food.

In the modern world, a large number of women want to restore their virginity, which is influenced by various reasons. To do this, you can perform a full-fledged operation or use inexpensive alum, but the result will be noticeably different. The final decision rests with the woman.

Hymenoplasty is a popular plastic surgery procedure to restore virginity. This operation is not performed according to indications, but only at the request of the client.

What is hymenoplasty

The hymen is a fold of mucous membrane that covers a woman for protection. During the first sexual intercourse, the hymen is torn. There are situations when a woman needs refloration, that is, restoration of the hymen.

  • disruption of internal organs;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • poorly tolerated.

Such an operation cannot be performed if a woman has pathologies in the field of oncology or seasonal exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Therefore, it is important to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and surgeon before undergoing hymenoplasty in order to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision.

Types of hymenoplasty

Now they are used in clinics two methods to restore virginity. This is stitching and restoration using tissue at the entrance to the vagina.

When stitching the hymen restoration of virginity occurs in about two weeks, the operation and postoperative period take place in a few days. Parts of the hymen are stitched with special absorbable threads so that such delicate areas are not damaged when the sutures are removed. The downside is that the result will be short-lived; the stitched areas will not grow together forever.

Second way will be more complex and take longer, but the result will last for two or three years. This is the so-called long-term hymenoplasty. In this case, the tissue of the hymen is recreated due to the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina. This operation is called three-layer hymenoplasty. The nuances of the operation should be discussed with a gynecologist, including which anesthesia is best for you, local or general.

Preparation for hymenoplasty surgery

Regardless of which surgery you choose, short-term or long-term, you need to be well prepared. Before the operation, you need to ask all the questions that interest you to the doctor, and you also need to prepare for the operation mentally.

Before the operation, the doctor examines the woman and looks at her medical record.

Before the operation you must pass:

The doctor may also prescribe additional tests. You definitely need to do a cardiogram.

That is, after the doctor has an idea of ​​​​the health of his patient, he can begin the operation. If there are controversial issues, the doctor can refer the woman for a consultation with a urologist, therapist, or allergist.

In some cases, short-term hymenoplasty surgery can be performed on the day the patient comes to the clinic.

Recovery after hymenoplasty

Short-term hymenoplasty surgery has almost no negative consequences. Immediately after the operation, the girl can live a normal, full life. For four days there may be an unpleasant sensation, as if there is a tugging at the bottom. But the pain disappears quite quickly.

You can read a few more unpleasant reviews about three-layer hymenoplasty. There may be severe pain and you will need to take painkillers. Therefore, and for some other reasons, after surgery it is better for a woman to stay in the hospital for three to four days.

One of the most common complications may be menstrual irregularities. This is due to the fact that the woman experiences these events very strongly, also due to the medication she is taking.

Also, three-layer hymenoplasty should be performed on certain days of the menstrual cycle, namely the twentieth after the start of the cycle.

Hymenoplasty surgery is not performed in public hospitals; you need to go to a plastic surgery clinic where there are doctors with the necessary knowledge and experience. The cost of surgery to restore virginity depends on the type of clinic, the level of professionalism, and the doctors working there.

When deciding to undergo an operation to restore virginity, a woman needs to think carefully and weigh the positive and negative consequences, because this is a surgical intervention that also affects the immune system.

First of all, you need to think about your health, and not about the pleasure of your partner. You need to be prepared for surgery, first of all, mentally.


In the arsenal of modern aesthetic medicine there are many methods and techniques that allow solving intimate problems of people. Like other plastic surgery, intimate surgery is aimed at improving a woman’s quality of life.

It relieves a woman not only from physical problems, but also from psychological discomfort. One of the branches of intimate surgery is a procedure for restoring the hymen, medically called “hymenoplasty”.

Hymenoplasty (before and after photos are presented below) is a medical procedure to restore the hymen by suturing the remnants of the hymen. The applied sutures dissolve over time, thereby leaving no signs of surgical intervention.

The first operation of this kind was performed in the early 60s of the last century by the Italian gynecologist Bernoulli. His first patient was his own daughter.

A successful experiment made it possible to restore the hymen of about 35 thousand women in just 1 year, which became a new milestone in aesthetic intimate surgery of that time.

Hymenoplasty techniques, their features and differences

Aesthetic gynecology has 2 main techniques: a simpler one involves short-term restoration of the hymen, and a more complex one – long-term.

The first technique is characterized by short-term preservation of the hymen (no more than 2 weeks). Long-term hymenoplasty is accompanied by a reliable and natural result, including the natural process of breaking the integrity of the hymen during intimate contact.

Short-term hymenoplasty

This technique is based on the principle of connecting the remnants of the hymen (hymenal papillae). The process of connecting the papillae allows you to create a kind of barrier that protects the vagina from infection.

Short-term refloration is considered a minor surgical intervention and is characterized by the following advantages:

  • No trauma during hymenoplasty, photos of which before and after are presented below.
  • Almost complete absence of blood loss.
  • A quick recovery period, which is accompanied by the absence of swelling and pain.

This process has one drawback - it does not last long.

It is quite understandable that if short-term hymenoplasty gives a short-term effect, then long-term one lasts until sexual intercourse.


This technique is based on recreating the hymen from vaginal epithelial tissue. During the operation, a small fragment of tissue is isolated and then transported to a part of the female genital organs. This is necessary to reconstruct the hymen in its original form.

The final stage involves stitching the tissues together with special threads with absorbable action. This kind of intervention is called three-layer hymenoplasty.

The technique has the following advantages:

  • Long-term preservation of the integrity of the hymen until sexual intercourse.
  • The most natural result in terms of aesthetics.

Despite the obvious advantages, three-layer hymenoplasty has a number of disadvantages, including the following:

  • Compared to the first method, three-layer hymenoplasty causes significant trauma to the vaginal tissue.
  • Long recovery period (from 7 days).
  • The early postoperative period is characterized by the presence of swelling, discomfort and pain.

Many women are concerned about the naturalness of the final result. Modern hymenoplasty is characterized by the use of absorbable suture materials.

As for postoperative traces, they are absent. An artificially created hymen is no different from a natural one. It is worth noting that during sexual intercourse a woman feels the same as at the time of her first sexual experience.

Hymenoplasty can be performed multiple times. Before and after photos confirm the effectiveness of the procedure.

Indications for surgery

When deciding on a procedure, a woman can be guided by both religious and moral views.

According to statistics, most often people decide to undergo long-term hymenoplasty:

  • 40% of women - for the upcoming wedding;
  • 20% - after sexual violence;
  • 25% - to restore the intensity of sexual life in marriage;
  • 15% - respectively, for religious and ethnic reasons.

Factors that are the basis for the operation:

  • desire to restore the hymen;
  • loss of virginity due to negligence;
  • the need to restore the hymen after a sports injury;
  • requirements of some nationalities.

The procedure is carried out only with the consent of the woman.


Like any other surgical intervention, hymenoplasty has a number of limitations.

The contraindications are as follows:

  • pathologies of internal organs, inflammation.
  • angina;
  • ARVI;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • poor blood clotting.

In addition to the above contraindications, restoration of the hymen is not carried out during the menstrual cycle.

What tests need to be done

This operation is not on the list of complex ones, but the preparation is characterized by a thorough approach. This is due to the fact that the lack of a preparatory stage can have unpredictable consequences. It is for this reason that preoperative examination is of great importance.

  • The most appropriate moment for the operation.
  • Type of hymenoplasty.
  • Cost of the operation.

The patient is prescribed a preoperative examination, which includes:

  • Consultation with a therapist and other specialists.
  • Performing radiography, electrocardiogram and video colpography.
  • Taking urine and blood tests.
  • Blood test for clotting.
  • A test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis must be performed.
  • This list also includes taking a smear for microflora.

The list of procedures can be supplemented with additional laboratory and instrumental procedures. If necessary, it is appropriate to consult with specialists of a narrow specialization.

If problems or diseases are detected, the operation is postponed until relief. Ideally, hymenoplasty is performed 7 days before the start of menstruation.

Preoperative examination is aimed at reducing the risk of complications and choosing the right type of anesthesia.

After completing the examination and tests, the specialist makes a decision on the possibility of performing the operation.

Preparation for the operation

A few weeks before the scheduled date of surgery, doctors recommend that women limit their consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. In addition, you should avoid medications that negatively affect the function of the blood coagulation system.

How the operation goes. Stages and timing

Surgery is performed a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. If general anesthesia is necessary, the doctor briefs the woman and describes the type of anesthesia chosen. The type of anesthesia is selected in accordance with the chosen technique. Moreover, the choice is also influenced by the patient’s general indications. The operation time varies from 10 to 15 minutes.

As a rule, after surgery, the patient’s time in the clinic is limited to 3-4 hours.

After surgery, for some time the woman is obliged to follow medical recommendations and adhere to the regime.

Rehabilitation and recovery

Based on reviews from numerous patients, we can come to the conclusion that this operation is characterized by simplicity and quick recovery. During the recovery period, doctors make adjustments to the woman’s diet. They exclude spices, vegetables, fruits and black bread from their diet. All of these foods cause bloating and constipation. Moreover, physical activity is prohibited after the operation.

Rarely, there are cases in which fusion of the restored hymen occurs. This, in turn, risks locking the liquid inside. This kind of problem is characterized by pain during the menstrual phase.

To relieve these manifestations, doctors resort to the method of surgical defloration along with a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating fluid. To avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes, doctors recommend treating the area with antiseptic agents.

Feeling after surgery

After surgery, as a rule, the woman feels well, so she can return home and lead her usual lifestyle.

What is possible, what is not

After hymenoplasty, a woman must adhere to simple rules. The basic rule is careful and regular care of the intimate area.

Depending on the surgical procedure, the time of abstinence from sex varies. After short-term hymenoplasty, you can have sex the next day. As for long-term, sexual intercourse will take place after several months. Long-term hymenoplasty prohibits the use of tampons.

In addition, long-term hymenoplasty prohibits the use of vaginal suppositories and tampons. After surgery, adjustments are made to the diet to delay bowel movements. Physical activity, sudden movements and prolonged sitting are prohibited.

Possible complications and side effects

However, complications and side effects after hymenoplasty cannot be ruled out. As a rule, the side effect is represented by such problems as minor hematomas, mild bleeding, discomfort and numbness in the area of ​​​​the operation.

However, this kind of phenomenon is considered a natural response of the female body to interventions.

Bleeding and hematomas require specialist help. In most cases, a condition such as numbness is the body’s reaction to anesthesia. In case of prolonged numbness, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The complexity of the postoperative period is influenced by the characteristics of the female body. If a woman trusts a modern clinic combined with the latest equipment and follows instructions, then the risk of complications will be minimal.

Where is hymenoplasty performed?

In Moscow, hymenoplasty, the result of which is visible in the before and after photos, can be done in many medical institutions. However, when choosing a medical institution, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

The first important nuance is the guarantee of confidentiality.

The second nuance is the doctor’s professionalism and high level of service. The high cost of the operation in Moscow may indicate that the woman pays not only for the operation itself, but also for additional services.

At the same time, the low cost should alert you, since most likely the operation will be performed by an inexperienced doctor.

When choosing a surgeon, you need to focus on reviews of a particular specialist.

The cost of the operation in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the regions of Russia

The operation to restore the hymen is one of the publicly available. The cost of this type of surgical intervention is influenced by the status and location of the clinic, and the doctor’s experience.

The price for restoring the hymen varies from 10 to 35 thousand rubles. The cost of the operation depends on the chosen technique. For example, three-layer hymenoplasty will cost more due to the fact that it requires more complex manipulations. Moreover, long-term hymen restoration is characterized by unlimited retention of the result.

The price of short-term hymenoplasty is 10-12 thousand rubles, while the cost of a three-layer hymenoplasty starts from 20 thousand.

What is important to know about hymenoplasty

Is it painful to have surgery?

When deciding to undergo hymenoplasty, women are afraid to feel pain. In most cases, the operation is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not experience pain.

What anesthesia is it performed under?

The operation to restore the hymen is performed under anesthesia, which can be either local or general. In most cases, the doctor uses local anesthesia, which allows the patient to remain conscious and not feel pain, only discomfort.

Durability of the effect of the operation

The durability of the result depends on the type of surgery. Short-term hymenoplasty is effective for 2 weeks, while the effect of long-term hymenoplasty lasts for years.

Is it possible to do it after childbirth?

Even after childbirth, effective hymenoplasty is possible. The recovery process in this case will be more difficult. In addition, for the operation to be performed, the female body must fully recover.

What is laser hymenoplasty?

A technique such as laser hymenoplasty, the result of which is visible in the before and after photos, involves the use of a laser. Using a laser, sections of the tissue of the vaginal lining are isolated and then stitched together.

The use of a laser allows the operation to be performed without loss of blood. This makes the operation less traumatic, eliminates scarring and speeds up the recovery process.

The modern method of restoring the hymen allows a woman to normalize her inner world and continue to enjoy life.

Videos: hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty - what is it? Photo. Is it possible to restore virginity with plastic surgery?

How is hymenoplasty performed:

It would seem that in 2018 there is no point in restoring virginity - all around is feminism, freedom, equality and sisterhood. But in reality, women continue to subject themselves to this unpleasant procedure in order to please their boyfriend or husband, to comply with religious norms, and sometimes to erase memories of the violence they experienced. The Village Belarus talked to a psychologist, a plastic surgeon, a woman who underwent hymenoplasty, and a potential client to understand why all this is needed.

“Sometimes you can hear that this restoration is not the first or even the second”

Dmitry Ladutko


In state institutions in Minsk, hymenoplasty costs from 61 rubles (in the City Clinical Maternity Hospital No. 2) to 193 rubles (in the city gynecological hospital). In private clinics, of course, prices are higher. For example, at the Sante medical center, restoration of virginity costs 453 rubles, while chemical defloration will cost almost one and a half times less - 264 rubles. At AntesMed, hymenoplasty from a surgeon of the highest category costs 1,540 rubles, and from the director - 1,760.

“I agreed for my boyfriend”

One of the patients told The Village Belarus on condition of anonymity about how the operation itself goes.

I agreed to the operation for the sake of my boyfriend - when we met, I was no longer a virgin, I had relationships with other men before him. No, he didn’t blame me for this, but I wanted to give him a special gift: to give him the feeling that he was my first. I think this is very important for a man because it empowers him sexually and being a mentor elevates him in his own eyes.

First, I was sent for examination to a gynecologist and tests. I chose long-term hymenoplasty (when the mucous membranes are sewn together) because I had not been a girl for a long time, and by that time I clearly had no hymen left. The operation was performed under general anesthesia, so the day before I was told not to eat anything. Everything lasted about an hour, and when I recovered from the anesthesia, the doctors kept me on the couch for another couple of hours. As they said, “just in case.”

When I was discharged from the clinic, I was given recommendations like - not to play sports for two weeks, not to swim in the pool, not to sit on my butt (I should have half-sided or on a “donut” pillow), but it’s better to lie down for the first two days. Do not eat solid foods (to avoid constipation) and fruits (to avoid bloating), wash your face three to four times a day. And don’t use tampons or have sex for another month.

The first day everything between my legs seemed numb, but when the anesthesia wore off, I climbed onto the wall in pain, it felt like something was stabbing from the inside. It’s good that the hymen was sewn up with self-absorbing threads; I don’t know how I would have endured it if they had also taken them out. But our “first time” justified everything. My boyfriend was delighted! There was a little more blood than I remembered from last time, but it was worth it. It's magical to feel like you've lost your virginity with the person you love.

“If I were a virgin, I wouldn’t have to go so deep.”

Minsk resident Natalia is 33 years old, and she dreams of restoring her innocence:

I would like to restore my virginity so that the man with whom I want to tie the knot and marry will be my first. So that I learn to recognize my body and desires only with a loved one, so that he teaches me to be desirable for him, experienced, the one that he likes and that he wants. This is somehow all purely on a spiritual level, in pairs. But I understand perfectly well that at the age of over 33, virginity can be perceived by society and the male sex as a deviation, since the girl still did not want intimacy with anyone. But even a non-virgin in adulthood is perceived as already a fully experienced woman, which also saddens me, this generally changes the attitude towards a partner.

Since I am not currently married or in a relationship, I understand that I already need a family. I want to get married and have a child. This means that I need to look for a partner, try, live, we are suitable or not suitable, and suddenly I “try” ten partners and still don’t find my own. If I were a virgin, I wouldn’t have to go so deep, I would look at the attitude towards me, at behavior, at character, at the development of relationships, and not purely animal instincts, which often arise earlier than relationships.

“Someone fries herring, someone pickles apples, and someone restores virginity”

Pavel Zygmantovich


There can be several reasons to restore a woman’s virginity, and almost all are related to men. Still, virginity is important specifically for men: after all, it is with them that women have sex - if she has sex with herself, then virginity does not play any role for her.

First, in this way she wants to please her partner. Secondly, she wants to relive “those sensations”, and this does not always have to do with BDSM. Everyone has different preferences: some fry herring, some pickle apples, and some restore virginity. Third, a woman can restore her virginity after sexual assault.

If we move on to men, then for them virginity plays a slightly different role. Thus, a man may be an adherent of telegony - the belief that the appearance of the unborn child is determined by the genes of the woman’s first sexual partner. In this case, virginity is very important to him, and he purposefully looks for an “innocent” partner. Or it is very important for him to be “first”, to feel what it is like to deprive a woman of her virginity. If a man has not encountered virgins before, he finds this a very exciting activity. In this case, a woman can simply go for hymenoplasty without hiding her past.

Also, many men have a “Madonna-Whore” complex. In the mass consciousness, women are still divided into two types: madonnas keep the hearth, give birth and raise children, and harlots have numerous affairs. How can one determine whether a woman is “pure”? By the presence of the hymen.

Nowadays there is a very popular theme (and at the lowest level, in social networks) that women are stupid, act solely under the influence of emotions, but are at the same time calculating and insidious. How they manage to combine all this in themselves is absolutely incomprehensible. Based on this attitude, a man may decide that a woman changes lovers for a long time in search of a better one, and then marries a weak-willed man: “If she is not a virgin, then she wants to make me henpecked.” Or it will become ingrained in his mind that the woman is comparing him to previous lovers, and nothing can convince him otherwise.

No, I don’t think that these are complexes - rather, a lack of culture or scientific knowledge. Modern science is, in principle, not easy to understand even for scientists, let alone ordinary people.

Myths about virginity

There are still many misconceptions around the hymen, such as that a woman is “sealed” before the first sexual intercourse or that sex turns the hymen into rags. We have collected a selection of facts from the book “Viva la Vagina. Stop glossing over the hidden capabilities of an organ that is not usually called “to debunk some of them.

Myth: If there is no bleeding after intercourse, it means you are not a virgin.

“Even the word “hymen” itself contributes to the persistence of such myths. When we hear it, we imagine something similar to a stretched film that bursts if a hole is made in it. But if you've looked at your genitals in the mirror, you know that there are no films in the vagina, even if you haven't had sex yet. However, let's not replace one myth with another. Lately you can often hear that the hymen does not exist. Indeed, there is no seal covering the vagina, but this does not mean that there is no anatomical structure that is the source of all misconceptions.

Near the entrance to the vagina there is a ring-shaped fold of mucous membrane, which frames the walls of the vagina like a wreath. This is what is traditionally called the hymen, hymen, and so on. Some people prefer to use the phrase “vaginal crown,” but it depends on what’s convenient for you. Both hymen, hymen and vaginal crown mean the same thing, however hymen is a misleading term so it is best to avoid it.

All women are born with a hymen, but this does not mean that it is needed for anything. The hymen is an analogue of male nipples. It does not perform any functions and is just a useless vestige preserved from the period of intrauterine development.”

Myth: The first time you have intercourse, the hymen breaks.

“During the first vaginal sex, the hymen stretches along with the entire vagina. For many women, it is so elastic that this happens without problems, but for others it can tear and begin to bleed. In other words, some people bleed during the first sexual intercourse, while others do not. It all depends on how elastic the hymen is...

It is very difficult to say exactly how many women bleed during the first sexual intercourse. Statistics, of course, exist, but the numbers given are different. Thus, the two studies we examined stated that bleeding during the first voluntary vaginal intercourse occurs in 56 and 40% of all women, respectively. That is, not for everyone, but for many.

However, it is worth noting that both studies were based on women's reports of their first sexual intercourse. Thus, it is impossible to say with certainty whether the blood came specifically from the hymen, even though it is the narrowest place in the vagina. As we have already mentioned, small cracks in the vaginal walls themselves can also bleed if sex was a little rough and the vagina was not wet enough, or the woman was unable to relax out of excitement and tensed her muscles. And this is quite possible during the first sex.”

Myth: A gynecologist can tell if a girl is a virgin.

“ is impossible to notice the difference in the hymen of girls who have already had sex and those who have not yet had sex. And therefore, all these virginity tests are completely absurd. Yes, due to strong tension, the hymen can be damaged during sexual intercourse, but this does not mean that the damage will remain forever. Most often the hymen heals without any visible scars.

Many studies of the hymen and its changes after sexual debut are based on examination of women who have been sexually assaulted.

According to one Norwegian study, what was once considered a suspicious change in the hymen in children (eg, a wide opening in the hymen or a narrow hymen margin) is now characterized as normal and not evidence of sexual abuse.

Similar differences in the hymen can be found in girls who have not been sexually abused. At the same time, the authors of the article emphasize that the absence of traces does not prove that violence was not committed.

It is impossible to tell whether a woman has had sex by looking between her legs. Not only those who have not had sex have a hymen. Like other body parts, it has many individual variations. Virginity tests don't work."

Text: Tamara Kolos