Mayra Nazarbayeva biography. The Kazakhs are indignant: why did Nazarbayev’s relative take a Malaysian as his wife? Dubious documents of Kurmangalieva's son Daniyar

“I received, as it were, management” of $15 billion from the brother of the President of Kazakhstan, spent $1 million on jeeps for classmates

Original of this material
© "Respublika", 10/29/2015, About brother Nazarbayev’s show-offs, Photo: via

Dulat Musataev

The brother of the Kazakh “leader of the nation” recently gave a luxurious gift to ten of his classmates. Bolat Nazarbayev. Each of them received a Toyota Land Cruiser 200 jeep. And this pleasure cost Bolat Abishevich a million bucks.

In a recently published article, we conveyed the “swag” about the specific “business” of the younger brother of the Kazakh “leader of the nation”, and today we will talk about how Bolat Abishevich Nazarbayev, to everyone’s surprise and envy, hits the “show-off”. The same ones that are one of the most favorite pastimes among representatives of the domestic elite, when someone acquires letters from Napoleon Bonaparte for their collection, and someone defiantly throws diamond dust in the eyes of their fellow tribesmen.

So, Elbasy’s brother belongs to the latter category. That is why he buys super-expensive apartments in New York, brings Ferraris, which there is no place to accelerate in Kazakhstan, and performs many other demonstrative actions. For example, recently Bolat Abishevich gathered his classmates for a joint event, and in order to please the guests and raise himself even higher in the eyes of others, he gave each of them a Toyota Land Cruiser 200 jeep.

All this happened, meaning a meeting of classmates, in the Madonna restaurant in Kaskelen. According to our sources, the cars cost the donor 105 thousand dollars per copy, and the number of recipients was ten people. So this “show-off” ultimately cost Bolat Nazarbayev a million bucks.

It is not surprising that in Kazakhstan everyone is trying to get a job in government, and if that doesn’t work, then to those who are close to this government. Agree, this is much more profitable than surviving by honest labor. Original of this material
© "Respublika", 10/26/2015, Photo:

How Bolat Nazarbayev bent investors

Dulat Musataev

Nazarbayev’s brother Bolat Abishevich continues to bend investors, taking away the business he liked from them. Moreover, the Elbasy himself is no longer able to cope with it. This is evidenced by a story told to us the other day by a source in the corridors of power.

Before we had time to tell the whole world about what luxurious gifts the deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Almaty region, police colonel Nurbol Bolatovich Nazarbayev, gives his father (read), we were informed about the next business success of Bolat Abishevich Nazarbayev himself. Unfortunately, we were never given any supporting documents, so we are retelling the information as a rumor.

It turns out that some representatives of the Kurdish diaspora in Kazakhstan, with the support of their foreign compatriots and with their money, built an entire vegetable growing complex, including large greenhouses and warehouses for long-term storage of finished products. And since all this happened in the Karasai district of the Almaty region, the brother of the “leader of the nation” soon found out about it.

Since Bolat Abishevich is the unofficial “tsar, god and military commander” in this region, whom not even a fly can fly past, he was outraged by such initiative of the newly minted businessmen. Elbasy’s brother personally showed up at their office and, without further ado, demanded that they give him half the share in the project. Just like that, free of charge, for, so to speak, general patronage.

Shocked by the “business” pressure of the closest relative of the head of state, entrepreneurs scratched their heads and turned to their foreign investors for support. After meetings and consultations with knowledgeable people, they decided to contact Nursultan Nazarbayev himself to ask him for protection from an insolent relative.

According to our source, this was done through diplomatic channels. As a result, the complainants and their partners were given personal assurances from the Kazakh “leader of the nation” that everything would be fine and that Nursultan Nazarbayev’s statements that the republic was waiting for foreign investors and investments, for which the country had created the most favorable conditions, were by no means an empty phrase.

Alas, literally a few days after the successful completion of correspondence with the administration of the head of state, Bolat Nazarbayev again showed up at the entrepreneurs’ office and stated that since they did not want to work with him in a good way, it means they would cooperate in a bad way. After which he demanded not half, but 60% of the project. And in the end I got them.

Plus, as moral compensation for wasted nerve cells, Kurdish entrepreneurs were forced to pay for an expensive charter flight from Kazakhstan to the United Arab Emirates and back, as well as renting a fashionable villa for the Elbasy’s brother and his dear guests, so that Bolat Abishevich could celebrate his birthday there.

All this cost investors a pretty penny, but where to go? When investors and their partners considered the possible losses as a result of the promised cancellation of all permits, raids by tax officials, firefighters, SES, power engineers and land surveyors, they were forced to give in. Now they are in painful thoughts: wouldn’t it be safer and more profitable for them to do business in their homeland?

Bolat Nazarbayev’s son Nurbol gave his dad a restaurant and hotel complex for $3.5 million on the territory of the reserve

Original of this material
© "Respublika", 10.20.2015, About Nurbol Nazarbayev and his gift to his father, Photo: via, via "Respublika"

Dulat Musataev

We have told readers many times about Bolat Abishevich Nazarbayev, the younger brother of the “leader of the nation” and the uncrowned khan of the Almaty region, the “hero” of many scandalous stories, not only in our country, but also abroad, for example, in the USA. In particular, his son Nurbol was often remembered.

This is the same Nurbol who first became scandalous at the age of 23, becoming the prosecutor of the city of Kapshagay, who was above the age limit, and now holds the position of deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Almaty region with the rank of police colonel.

So, it turns out that Nurbol Nazarbayev is not only the owner of a large estate in the upper part of Kaskelen, near Almaty, with a palace house and a two-hectare plot of land, but he also often travels with a personal chef. Well, the fact that Elbasy’s nephew has additional income to his salary, and also considerable shadow income, is evidenced by his recent gift to his own father. Nurbol gave Bolat Nazarbayevich the Sarbaz restaurant.

Almaty residents who have the financial opportunity to visit establishments of this level know this place very well.

The Sarbaz complex is located in the Alma-Arasan Gorge in the Almaty region and includes restaurants of Oriental and Japanese cuisine, three saunas, a mountain hotel, a pond with live trout, a large summer area with several gazebos and a huge parking lot for guests.

According to our source in Akorda, the former owner of the complex, businessman and deputy of the maslikhat of the Almaty region, Galym Sadibekov, received $3.5 million for it, part of which he used to buy a house in the Luxor complex on Dostyk Avenue.

As for Sarbaz itself, Bolat Abishevich wants to rename it NurBol. The fact is that the previous establishment under that name ceased to exist due to the construction of a new residential complex on the corner of Seifullin and Gogol.

["Respublika", 07/27/2015, "Nazarbayev's brother's scam schemes": There are two most famous markets in Almaty - "Green Bazaar" and Nikolsky Market. They stand out not so much because of their size, but because they have existed since time immemorial and are located in the city center. Nikolsky market belongs to Bolat Nazarbayev. He bought it several years ago from the former owners, who privatized the property in the 90s of the last century, but now, when Elbasy’s brother needed money, he put it up for sale.
There were plenty of people willing to purchase such a valuable product. The buyers paid Bolat Abishevich a tidy sum, estimated in millions of dollars, part of it by bank transfer, and the rest in cash in a suitcase. According to our sources, Nazarbayev’s brother needed the money to finance the construction of a residential complex on the corner of Seifullin and Gogol streets, where the NurBol restaurant complex was widely known in narrow circles.
However, having received money from the buyers of the Nikolsky market, Bolat Nazarbayev ordered his people to suspend processing the transaction at the Public Service Center, saying that he had changed his mind. But when the other party, since the purchase and sale did not take place, asked to return the money, the brother of the Kazakh “leader of the nation” suggested that they wait until 2050, when the “Kazakhstan - 2050” program will be completed.
At the same time, the Nikolsky market in Almaty was and remains a “gray zone” where tax officials and other government representatives do not go. - Insert]

“I received 15 billion dollars from my brother as if for management”

Original of this material
© "Respublika", 05/26/2015, Photo: via "Respublika"

Revelations of Bolat Nazarbayev

Dulat Musataev

Bolat Nazarbayev revealed the secret of his personal fortune. Allegedly, recently, in a circle of trusted people, he admitted that he received $15 billion from his brother, as if for management. Was he bragging or was it really true?

Those who are aware of the family and financial relationships of Mayra Kurmangalieva with the Elbasy’s brother Bolat Nazarbayev were probably very surprised that the second part of the wedding of Mayra’s eldest son Daniyar Kesikbaev with the daughter of the Prime Minister of Malaysia Nuriana Najwa took place in his homeland, in Almaty, with great fanfare - to the loud night fireworks that woke up the entire southern capital.

Daniyar Kesikbaev and Nuriana Najva
And this is after a loud, lengthy and scandalous showdown between Mayra and her ex-husband, the father of her youngest son, which spilled far beyond the borders of Kazakhstan. Enough to remember arrest of Ms. Kurmangalieva in the UAE at the request of the Kazakh authorities, her house arrest in her homeland, a trial between former relatives in New York, a showdown over the seizure of large real estate in Almaty that belonged to Bolat Nazarbayev. [...]

Judging by the fact that Mayra Kurmganalieva now calmly visits the country, without experiencing any problems with domestic law enforcement agencies, and the trials in foreign courts between her and her ex-husband, if not stopped, their participants prefer to hush them up, the president himself intervened in the matter. Why do we think this? Because Bolat Abishevich simply would not listen to another person, moreover, he would send him away, regardless of rank and age.

Another question is why Nursultan Abishevich decided to intervene? The answer to it is much more interesting than studying and commenting on his brother’s problems with his ex-wife, even at a cost of several tens of millions of dollars.

So, as a source told us, the other day Bolat Nazarbayev, having taken a large portion of alcohol on his chest in a circle of trusted persons, boasted to them that his personal fortune was 15 billion dollars, received from his brother as if for management.

If this is true, then it turns out that Mayra Kurmangaliyeva and her lawyers put pressure on the most painful place of Bolat Nazarbayev and his older brother - on the billions collected by “hard work”. Indeed, according to the law, in the event of a divorce, the spouse can claim half of the jointly acquired property.

Judging by the fact that Akorda dropped any claims against Mrs. Kurmangaliyeva and her eldest son Daniyar Kesikbaev, these arguments turned out to be effective.

By the way, Bolat Nazarbayev recently acquired an armored Bentley limousine, the price of which in its simplest configuration exceeds 250 thousand British pounds, so the life of Elbasy’s brother is really more valuable than any money. After all, if, God forbid, something happens to him, then Nursultan Nazarbayev will have to sue the same Maira Kurmangaliyeva, whom you shouldn’t put your finger in her mouth, for a 15 billion dollar inheritance.

["Republic", 10.30.2015, "Will Umbetov help?" : We were recommended to pay attention to Edgar Salduzi, who is considered in certain circles the most trusted person of the “brother of the nation” on monetary issues. He is known to Kazakhstanis from the high-profile story of his abduction by Bolat Abishevich’s ex-wife Mayra Kurmangaliyeva.
So, according to our “correspondent,” Salduzi, although he appears to be an Azerbaijani and a Muslim who performed the Hajj to Mecca, is in fact a purebred “son of Israel.” Allegedly, it is he who is now involved in Bolat Nazarbayev’s multimillion-dollar business projects in the United Arab Emirates and Russia, and also oversees all sorts of businesses controlled by Elbasy’s brother in Almaty. - Insert]

["Respublika", 02.11.2015, "Where does Nazarbayev's brother invest": According to readers, which we, of course, cannot verify, now the brother of the "leader of the nation" has begun to actively invest abroad, in particular in the UAE and Russia. In particular, we were named a certain development project with a budget of $2.5 million in Dubai and commercial real estate in the form of an industrial base and several land plots in the Moscow region. In addition, Salduzi allegedly acquired several plots of land in Almaty in the interests of his patron.
As for the property of the “brother of the nation”, registered in the name of Edgar Salduzi and under his operational control, it allegedly includes a multi-storey clinic with modern equipment in the area of ​​​​the former state farm “Mountain Giant” next to the Esentai (Vesnovka) river.
We were also named a recently closed chain of beer gardens called the Stout Restaurant, whose premises are for sale and are currently being rented. In particular, we are talking about a point in the Koktem microdistrict, where the Beauty Planet perfume store is now located, a store on the corner of Gagarin and Timiryazev, a grocery store and culinary store on the corner of Ablai Khan and Abay, a Green supermarket in the Koktem-1 microdistrict "
To all this we should add the Barys market, which is also supervised by Bolat Nazarbayev through Mr. Salduzi. And this is clearly an incomplete list, because, as I remember, Mayra Kurmangaliyeva demanded that much more valuable assets be transferred to her. - Insert]

["Respublika", 06.11.2015, "Four Brothers" is protected by Bolat Nazarbayev": It seems that our short article about Edgar Salduzi and his patron Bolat Nazarbayev found its grateful audience. After its publication, readers told us many new facts, and on the forum - The partner of Respublika received some very shocking information.
According to the commentator, Edgar Salduzi allegedly paid Maira Kurmangaliyeva one million dollars in cash for his release from “captivity,” where he, by the way, sat handcuffed to a heating radiator. Moreover, the intermediaries in this deal, according to the informant, were criminal authorities from Moscow. Through them, the ransom was transferred to the ex-wife of the brother of the “leader of the nation.”
As for the performers of this brigade contract, then, according to the commentator, Salduzi’s kidnappers were local brothers from the criminal OCG "Four Brothers". Mayra Nazarbayeva hired them at that time to knock out what she considered hers. By the way, let us remind you that, despite the loudness and scandalousness of the incident, the entrepreneur never wrote a statement to the police.
And also, according to the same commentator, Mayra Kurmangaliyeva contacted the brothers from the Four Brothers organized crime group very simply - it was her then husband, that is, Bolat Nazarbayev, who maintained close contacts with them and even provided protection. - Insert]

eurasiaorgru Mayra Nazarbayeva appeared in New York

Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Eileen Branstein demanded guarantees from the brother of Kazakh President Bolat Nazarbayev. In particular, that his ex-wife Mayra Nazarbayeva will not be arrested again upon returning from New York to Kazakhstan. The New York Post writes about this. Let us recall that in March of this year in New York, in a Manhattan court, Bolat Nazarbayev’s lawyer sought from Judge Eileen Branstein to force Mayra Nazarbayeva to enter into an agreement on the division of property, despite the fact that she was under house arrest in Kazakhstan.

The judge refused. And on May 6, Myra appeared in Manhattan court after being released from house arrest in Kazakhstan.

She looked, according to the publication, chic: “Wearing a top from Oscar de al Rent and platform shoes with an open toe from Louis Vuitton.” However, the judge was not embarrassed by her chic appearance.

The New York Post writes that Eileen Branstein said: “Despite the so-called cessation of criminal prosecution of Ms. Nazarbayeva, I would like stronger assurances that these charges will not be brought against her again when she returns home.”

Let us remember that Mayra Nazarbayeva was placed under house arrest last winter after she was charged with kidnapping and blackmailing victims.

“I think that we should discuss such guarantees before signing the final agreement between the parties,” the judge said.

The Kazakh oligarch's lawyer, John Snyder, insists that his client Bolat Nazarabayev is an ordinary citizen and does not have the ability to interfere with the criminal prosecution of his ex-wife in Kazakhstan.

Maira, speaking during the trial in Russian through an interpreter, told the judge of her intention to return to Kazakhstan, where her 12-year-old son is.

“From my point of view, the threat to the child in this case is quite obvious and it puts pressure on Mayra Nazarbayeva,” the judge admitted.

According to the text of the agreement, which Myra's lawyer opposes, she gives up real estate in New York (a luxury apartment in New York in the Plaza Hotel building worth $20 million and an apartment on Wall Street worth $3 million), as well as an apartment with an ocean view in Miami worth $5 million. In addition, according to the agreement, she must waive alimony in favor of herself and her son Bolat. In return, Bolat's ex-wife, who divorced her without her consent, will receive a house in New Jersey worth $20 million.

Judge Bransteen would like Myra to testify in Russian under oath through an interpreter before she approves the agreement. But so far the parties have not yet reached an agreement regarding the property in Cannes. The judge gave them two more weeks to reach an agreement. Then, perhaps, the scandalous division of foreign real estate of the brother of the President of Kazakhstan will be put to rest.

Celebrations on the occasion of the wedding of Bolat Nazarbayev's stepson Daniyar Kesikbayev and the daughter of Malaysian Prime Minister Nurian Najwe have been going on for almost a month. And the scandals accompanying this couple began several years ago and have not subsided to this day.

Recently, for example, Rosman Mansor, the mother of the bride and wife of Prime Minister Najib Razak, found herself at the center of anti-corruption proceedings over a diamond ring worth $6.5 million, writes

But despite the statements of the high-ranking lady, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Department nevertheless began an investigation against the prime minister’s wife. The head of the anti-corruption department, Abu Kassim Mohamed, has already even stated in this regard that he is not afraid of pressure due to the status of the person involved in the case.

However, the scandal clearly went unnoticed by the newlyweds, as did the tragedy that happened immediately after the celebration in Malaysia. VIP guests of the event, including members of the Cabinet of Ministers, were involved in a plane crash - a helicopter flying to the capital, Kuala Lumpur, crashed. Aide to the Prime Minister Azlin Alias, former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation and Member of Parliament Jamaluddin Jarjis were killed. The latter also served as Malaysia's ambassador to the United States from 2009-2012.

However, after a long wedding in Malaysia, the holiday moved to Almaty, where this weekend they “walked” at the luxurious Royal Tulip hotel. According to tradition, the groom needs to outdo the bride's wedding, so roads were blocked for the newlyweds, distinguished guests were invited, and a grand fireworks display was also arranged.

“Powerful volleys of fireworks woke up the residents of Almaty in the dead of night. “This especially affected the upper part of the city, but the roar of taking off pyrotechnics was also heard in the center of the metropolis. It happened on Sunday night at 02.40. Car sirens howled from the detonation, then this action continued with the barking of dogs.”

It is clear that ordinary Almaty residents hardly wished happiness to the young at this time. “The question arises: why does the fiery cannonade roar deep after midnight, when small children wake up in fright, and those suffering from various diseases grab medicine and call ambulances out of unexpected stress? Why does the loud happiness of a young couple turn into forced anxiety for hundreds of thousands of people?

But the newlyweds clearly have indulgence for everything: after all, as Kazakh media report, the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov, Akim of Almaty Akhmetzhan Yesimov, businessman Kenes Rakishev and the head of the NPP Timur Kulibayev were invited to their wedding. Perhaps the president of the country himself was present, because it was on the day of the celebration, April 18, that Nursultan Nazarbayev met in Almaty with the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Tun Razak.

“During the meeting, issues related to bilateral cooperation in trade, economic, investment, industrial, as well as cultural and humanitarian fields were discussed”

On the other hand, at Daniyar Kesikbaev’s wedding, Elbasy risked meeting his mother, his former daughter-in-law Mayra Kurmangaliyeva. We have no doubt, the fate of this woman will become the basis of an exciting series in the future.

Mayra Kurmangalieva - far left

A successful businesswoman in the 90s, in 2001 she married the brother of the President of Kazakhstan. They have a common son, Khanbolat Nazarbayev. However, in the fall of 2011, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic put Mayra on the international wanted list, accusing her of fraud, extortion, arbitrariness, kidnapping and illegal imprisonment. As you remember, it was this year that the engagement of Myra’s son and the daughter of the Malaysian prime minister took place.

As for the young people themselves, in general, the Kazakh young elite is doing very poorly with publicity. Closed profiles on social networks, rare information, celebrations that are then rumored for years. “Kanye West was in Kazakhstan,” “Beyoncé came to Almaty.” Only shiny Maybachs parked carelessly outside hotels and scraps of gossip give rise to conversations in taxis and the most incredible theories about who was celebrating a birthday when half the city was paralyzed by a hellish traffic jam. Inaccessible children of inaccessible parents do not understand that the lack of information gives rise to the wildest rumors, writes

Daniyar Kesikbaev took the risk of changing the tradition voluntarily or forcedly. Now, a month after the news of his marriage to the daughter of the Prime Minister of Malaysia was widely discussed, there is no need to even say who he is. That's what it's all about. Yesterday - an unknown student, and today - the search for “Daniyar Kesikbaev’s wedding” on Google is higher than “Danila Kozlovsky’s wedding”. A quick PR campaign with a 100% hit on target, and the price of the issue is just open information.

And such publicity always requires modesty. Don't believe rumors. When the press is invited to the celebrations, this excludes orgies, American pop stars, high-ranking guests and expensive gifts. It's either one or the other. There was no alcohol or domestic political elite at the international wedding. Only Mayra Mukhametkyzy and the dombra orchestra are on stage. Don't drink, don't gossip. The only question that torments me after this wedding is: will the tradition of a public celebration take root in our country? In the country of Mercedes with tinted windows and secret parties of their owners, closed from the press.