Kvitko, Lev Moiseevich. Kwitko Lev Moiseevich Crossword "Legends about colors"

Lion Kvitko!
How could I forget about him!
From childhood I remember: "Anna-Bath, our squad wants to see piglets!"

Good, charming poems!


On the leg stands on the track
Fluffy silver ball.
He does not need sandals,
Boots, colored clothes,
Although it is a little bit and sorry.
It glows with light radiant,
And I know for sure,
That he and round and fluffy
Any manual animal.
Will be held for a week week
And the rain will thunder in the drum.
Where and why flew
Liche seed squadrons?
What routes attracted you?
After all, a clearly deadline
You left without parachutes -
They were further taken by the breeze.
And again comes back
From the sun we hide in the shadow.
And - Woven from the lunar light -
Sings dandelion: "Thin-trap!"

I knew nothing about the fate of the poet - that's just now read on the Internet:

Lev Quitko is the author of a number of transfers to Yiddish from the Ukrainian, Belarusian and other languages. The poems of Kvitko himself are translated into Russian A. Akhmatova, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, E. Blaginina, M. Svetlov and others. On the text of the poem L. Kwitko "Violin" (translated by M. Svellova) written by the second part of the sixth symphony of Weinberg Moses.

I broke the box -
Plywood chest, -
Quite similar to violin
Baskets of barrel.
I adjusted to the branch
Four hairs, -
No one has yet
Similar bow.
Glued, set up,
Worked day-day ...
Such a violin came out -
There is no such one!
In my hands, obedient,
Plays and sings ...
And the chicken thought
And the grains do not peck.
Play, play, violin!
Sounds in the garden music,
Lose away away.
And sparrow tweet
Scream in vain:
"What a pleasure
From music! "
She pulled the kitten's head,
Horses rush to drag
Where is he from? Where is he from -
Unprecedented violinist?
Try-la! Salted violin ...
Fourteen chickens
Horses and Vorobushki
Thank me.
Did not break, not evaporated,
Carefully carry
Little violin
I'm in the forest.
On a high tree,
In the midst of the branches
Quietly sleepy music
In my violin.
Translation M. Svellova

Here you can listen:

By the way, Wainberg wrote music to the movies "fly cranes", "Tigrov's" tigers, "Afonya" and - to the cartoon "Winnie Pooh", so "where we go with a patch - a big-big secret!" Winnie Pooh sings Winberg's music!

Kwitko Lion (Lab) Moiseevich


Poet of big soul ...

The charm of the outside world made it a children's writer; On behalf of the child, under the larva, the mouth of five year old, six-year-old, seven-year-old children it was easier for him to express her love for life, his simple faith in what life was created for infinite joy.

He was so friendly, ruddy and white, that the children rejoiced before he started to read poems. And the poems of Leo Kvitko are very similar to him - the same bright. And what is not only in them: horses and pigets, shoes, violins, beetles, butterflies, birds, beasts and many, many different people - small and adults. And over all this shines the sun of love for everything that lives, breathes, moves, blooms.

The Jewish poet Lion, or Liebe (on the Yiddish, is the "lion"), Quitko was born in the village of Golotone, that in Ukraine, in Clay, White house on the very coast of the South Bug River. The exact date of birth is unknown - 1890 or 1893 (October 15 or November 11). In the autobiography, wrote: "I was born in 1895."

The family was big, but unhappy: she was a lot. Yes, his father was a master for all his hands: joiner, bunting, a sharp on a tree, but he rarely visited at home, wandered around the villages - Missed. All the brothers and sisters of the little laba died from tuberculosis, and parents died from the same disease. During ten years, the boy remained orphan. Like another famous writer, Maxim Gorky, his contemporary, he went to the "People" - worked on Maslobyn, at the Tanelik, in Malar; Wandered in different cities, the floor of Ukraine came on foot, I traveled to Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa. The owners did not hold him for a long time: he was scattered.

And the houses of Libe waited for her grandmother - the main man of his childhood and his youth (again resemble with bitter!). "My grandmother was extraordinary in the strength of the Spirit, the purity and honesty of a woman," recalled the poet. - And the influence of it on me and gave me perseverance and perseverance in the struggle with the difficult years of my childhood and youth. "

Liebe never studied at school. I saw her "only outside", a diploma - Jewish, and then Russian - mastered on his own, however, I first tried to read the Russian alphabet to right to left, as was customary in Jewish writing.

Lion's friends had a lot, he loved. According to numerous memories, he was surprisingly located to himself: a calm, friendly, smiling, never hurried, never complained that someone came to him or called not in time - everything was done for him and by the way. Perhaps he was simple.

From 12 years, the lion "spoke poems", but since it was not very competent, he could not really write them. Then, of course, he began to record them.

Poems most often obtained for young children. Quitko showed them in the town of Uman, that in 60 worst from Golocov, local writers. Poems were successful, so he entered the circle of Jewish poets. I also met my future wife. The girl from a wealthy family, a pianist, she shocked the surrounding her choice: a beggar rustic parenchy with a notebook of poems. He dedicated her poems where he compared his beloved with a wonderful garden, tightly closed. He spoke to her: "A marvelous flower flourishes in my heart, I ask you, do not bear it." And she slowly wore him bottles with sunflower oil and bags with sugar. In 1917, young got married.

At the same time, Lev Quitko came out the first collection of poems. He was called "Lidelah" ("Songs"). This and all other books of Lev Quitko were written in the language "Yiddish".

The beginning of the 20s in Ukraine is hungry, heavy, disturbing time. Kwitko has a wife and little daughter, unnecessary poems, dream of getting an education. They live in Kiev, then in Uman, and in 1921, on the proposal of the publisher, they move to Berlin. Quitko is not bought on the bourgeois temptations: he, "liberated by the revolution", loyal and his country, enters the German Communist Party, leads propaganda among the workers in the Hamburg port. All this leads to the fact that in 1925, fleeing from arrest, he returns to the Soviet Union.

Living in Kharkov, Quitko sends the book of his children's poems to the root Ivanovich Chukovsky. This is how "Children's Classic" writes about this: "Jewish letters I did not know any. But, realizing that the author's surname of the author should be put on the title sheet, and that, it means that this sketchy letter is TO, But these two sticks - IN, but this comma - AND, I began to bravely overflow the whole book. Inscriptions over the pictures gave me about a dozen letters. It was so overwhelming me that I immediately set out to read the warehouses of individual poems, and then the poems themselves! "

The elegance, melodiousness, skill of verse and sunny, joyful world, captured in them, captured Chukovsky. And, discovering a new poet, he anxicated about his opening of everyone who is involved in childhood poetry, and convinced them that all children of the Soviet Union should know the verses of Lev Kvitko.

It sounded in 1933 at the conference in Kharkov. Since then, the book of Lev Quitko began to leave huge circulations in Russian translations. His with great love was translated by the best Russian poets - M. Svetlov, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, N. Fiction and the most - E. Blaginina. They retained the sound and imagery, lyricity and humor of wonderful poems of the poet of a big soul.

Lev Quitko was a man with a child's heart: the world of his poetry is surprisingly cozy and bright. In the poems "Kyonka", "Dudovy", "Violin" all fun and love each other: a cat is dancing with mice, a horse, kitten and chicken listening to music and thank little musician. Some poems ("swing", "rod") are written as gaming. They can be counted, they are easy to shout, dancing and bouncing:

River - Burnochka,

Split wand -



For a child in life, everything is new and considerably, from here - his close attention to simple, everyday things and bright, visible perception.

"See - look" - appeals to the guys poet and teaches in everything to see the wealth of details and shades:

Dandelion silver,

How wonderful he was created:

Round-round and fluffy,

The sun washed away.


Here is another surveillance in the garden (Pilot poem): a heavy, horned beetle, "lying", like a motor, falls to the ground. Having woken up, he tries to crawl into a blade - and falls again. Again and again climbs on a thin pointer, and the hero follows him with a sympathetic excitement: "How does this fat man hold? .. again it does not happen - will break!" In the end, the beetle gets to a green tip and ... takes off.

So, where is the randration of excite

So that's what a pilot craved -

High place for start

To straighten your wings to the flight!

A child observed behind the beetle, but the final lines belong to, of course, an adult poet.

In verses, Quitko does not imitate children, he does not entertain them, he is a lyric, he feels like they, about it and writes. So he learns that small bursucas live in Nore, - and surprised: "How can they grow underground and boring life under Earth lead?" He sees small flies on the leaf - and again surprised: what do they do - learn to walk? "Or maybe looking for food?" Here he opened the clock - and froze, admired by the tooths and the springs, admires them not breathe and, knowing that Mom does not tell them, hurries us to assure: "I didn't touch the watch - nor! I did not disassemble them, did not rub them. " Here I saw the neighboring twin kids: well, it is necessary, "such good kids! And as each other looks like! ", And straight away from delight:" I adore these guys! "

Like any child, he lives in a fairy tale. In this fairy tale, the berry strawberries dreams to eat it, - otherwise three days later she dries without any benefit; Trees beg: "Children, River Ripe Fruits!"; Corn and Sunflower will not wait: "At least we would have grown their hands!" Everything sniffs at the sight of a person, everyone is good and joyful to serve him. And the man is a child - also joyfully enters this world, where they are still beautiful: beetle and pussy, boy and sun, puddle and rainbow.

In this world, the miracle of life is constantly surprised. "Where are you from, white, like snow, unexpected, like a miracle?" - drawn poet to the flower. "Oh Miracle! A frog sits on his hand ... "He welcomes the marsh beauty, and she answers him with dignity:" Want to look like I sit quietly? Well, what, look. I also look. " The hero was planted by the grain, and he grown out of it ... Carrot! (The poem is called "Miracle"). Or chicory ("... I don't know, believe it or not ...")! Or watermelon ("What is it: a fairy tale, a song or wonderful dream?")! After all, it is really a miracle, just adults to these miracles have already looked at, and Quitko, as a child, continues to exclaim: "Oh, blasting!"

A grave test for the poet's sunshine was a war with fascism - in 1945, L. Kvitko writes: "I will never now never!" How can you be the same, having learned about concentration camps, about the murder of children erected into the law? .. And yet, referring to a small world, who lost in the war and family, and childhood, and faith in people, the poet tells her: "How blazed the world In your eyes, the poor thing! " Outlined because, in spite of everything, the world is not as it seems in long days of war. Poet - child - an adult man, he knows that the world is beautiful, he feels it every minute.

i remembered how they were walked from Quitko to the Crimea, in the Koktebel Mountains: "Quitko suddenly stops and, prayerfully folding his palms and looking at us somehow enthusiastly amazingly, almost whispering:" Could something be more beautiful! - And having packed: - no, I will certainly have to return to these places ... "

But on January 22, 1949, Lev Quitko, as well as other members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, was arrested on charges of "in underground Zionist activities and cooperation with foreign intelligence". At the trial, after three years of the dysproying of the testimony, none of the defendants did not recognize themselves guilty of either treason or in espionage or in bourgeois nationalism. In the last word, Quitko said: "It seems to me that we have changed roles with investigators, because they are obliged to accuse the facts, and I, the poet, create creative works, but it turned out the opposite."

In August 1952, "spies" and "traitors" were shot. (Leo Kvitko rehabilitated posthumously.) In the book "The Liberty and Creativity of Lev Kvitko", published in 1976, nothing was said about his death, and only on the tragic tone of the memories of friends can be guessing: something terrible happened.

In the memoirs of Agnya, Barto, you can read about how Quitko showed her little Christmas trees, growing at the fence, and repeated with tenderness: "Look at them ... They survived!" Later, obviously, after the death of Quitko, Barto visited the covenants of Ilyich, where the dacha of the poet was located past the familiar fence. They did not survive these Christmas trees. "

The Christmas trees survived in verses, as music in a violin lives from the poem of Leo Quitko, how the boy and the sun are every day every day. This is the only possible victory for the poet over the enemy.

Quiz "Poetic World of Lev Kvitko from" A "to" I "

According to passages, try to determine what we are talking about and remember the names of the poems of Leo Kvitko.

What is this: fairy tale, song

Or wonderful sleep?

... (Watermelon) Heavy

From a seed born.


Where neither look - an exclusion,

Sawdust, crushed stone, dirt.

And then suddenly ... ( birch)

From somewhere took.

At the goat, between Brön,

Arranged to live.

Like silver and level

Like a lok trunk it!


Runs among colors and herbs

Garden path,

And, to the yellow sand of the passage,

Cat sneaks quietly.

"Well, I think anxiously, -

There is something wrong! "

I look - two shumbers ... ( sparrow)

Dinner on the garden.

"Bold Sparrows"

... (Gander) I got angry:

Hey, chickens, now

It's time to dine -

Once-Z-Z-Budimat door!

He pulled the neck,

Shesize, just snakes ...


... (Daughter) Water wears

And rattle a bucket ...

What grows there, ... ( daughter),

In kindergarten?


Forest dark wall.

In green more often - MB

Just... ( yelochka) one

From the forest moved away.

It is worthwhile to all winds,

Trembling quietly in the morning ...


He is cheerful and happy

From fet to the top -

He managed

Run away from the frog.

She did not have time


And eat under the bush

Golden ... ( zhuka).

"Merry beetle"

The berry is ripe on the sun -

The blush was done, juicy.

Through the tribal something

She strives to look like.

And the leaves gently shifted

Green shields over it

And any poor frighten:

"Look, backwater back!"


The tail told the head:

Well, the Nudgeon itself,

You are always ahead,

I am always behind!

With my beauty

Do me come in the tail? -

And heard in response:

You're handsome, no dispute

Well, try to lead,

I'll go behind.


Here the defortion escaped:

You swung - we are time! -

Right to the cloud!

The city moved away,

Broke away from the ground ...


What does it mean,

I can not understand:

Who is jumping

On a soft meadow?

About Miracle! ... ( Frog)

Sits on hand

As if she

On a marsh leaf.

"Who is it?"

Immediately quietly became quiet.

Snow lies like a blanket.

Entire evening fell ...

And where to ... ( bear) Did you miss?

Anxiety ended -

Sleeps in his Berorga.

"Bear in the Forest"

I've got... ( knife)

About seven blades,

About seven brilliant

Acute languages.

Another such

No longer in the world!

He is on all questions

I am answered.


... (Dandelion) silver,

How wonderful he was created:

Round-round and fluffy,

The sun washed away.

On its high leg

Waving to blue

It grows on the track,

And in the hollow, and in the grass.


The dog is just barking

I, ... ( cock) I sing.

On four he acts

And I stand on two.

Two standing, I go the whole century.

And for me on two runs and man.

And for me and the radio sings.

"Proud rooster"

... (Rodöke) - garbage,

Split wand -


Goat hoofers -

Barbean Bar!

Good to get drunk

Jump jump!

Dipped the muzzle -



But someday the bold poet

ABOUT... ( plum), which is more beautiful;

About gentle thoughts in her blue

About how she was attached in foliage;

About pulp sweet, about smooth cheek,

About the bone Sleeping in a cross-cutting ...


He stunned into the wood,

As noodles crumble aspens


Miracle - not ... ( ax)!

About such, to say truth,

I dream of a long time.



pull up!

As soon as

wake up!

Day after

a long time ago,

It makes a knocking noise

in your window.

Herd Penteo

Red Sun.

And on greens

Drying large


The moon rose highly over the houses.

I liked Lemle she:

To buy such a plate mom,

Put on the table at the window!

Oh, the ball - ... ( lamp),

... (Flashlight) - Kubar,

Good moon!


I really wanted here,

Where are the days cool bloom,

Among the birrors white

Sprouts wait for small -

... (Chicory) burly

Dense, present,

With fuel goat milk

(Pancakes, calans!),

What in the morning and evening

Cooked grandchildren grandmother!


... (Hasiki) New

I've got.

Lid open -

Under the lid from:

Teeth and circles,

Like dots, nails,

And stones like dots.

And it shines all this

Shines, trembles,

And only Cherno

Spring one -

On Negritenka

She looks like.

Live, Negritinok,

Swing, tremble,

Fairy tale

White circles

Tell me!


Why, aspen, you make noise,

Nod everyone like a river reed?

Bend, change the view, posture,

Turn the leaves inside out?

I am noise

To hear me,

To see

So that

The medium of other trees were distinguished!

"Noise and silence"

It happened in Sunny,

Shining day:

Look... ( power station)

Pareny led us.

I wanted victim to us

Rather see

How can electricity can

River water to give.

"Power station"

Michurinskaya ... ( apple tree)

It is not necessary to wrap up.

She and ambulance

Frost is only glad.

Athletes do not scare


Like these winter ... ( apple)

Fresh proleukhan!

"Winter apples"

Crossword "Legends about colors"

In the highlighted cells: the poet, whose poems are similar to him, are the same bright and nicknamed "Leo-flower".

Lion (Lab) Moiseevich Kvitko - Jewish (Yiddish) poet. Wrote to Yiddish. Born in the town of the voice of the Podolsk province (now the village of Golotovo Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine), according to the documents - November 11, 1890, but did not know the exact date of his birth and called alleged 1893 or 1895. Early orphaned, brought up a grandmother, she studied for some time in Header, since childhood was forced to work, changed many professions, self-taped, mastered the Russian diploma, was self-education. Poems began to write from 12 years (or, perhaps before - because of the confusion from the date of his birth). The first publication in May 1917 in the Socialist newspaper "Dos Fraai Vort" ("Free Word"). The first collection is "Lidelah" ("Songs", Kiev, 1917).

Representatives of Joynta with leaders of Kiev Cultur League. Sit (from left to right): Artist M. Epstein, Poet L. Kitko, Artist I.-B. Fisherman, artist B. Aronson, artist I. Girl. Stand: Literary critic Ba'al-Mahashavot, Unknown, E. Vurzanger (Joint), Philologist Baal-Dimyen (N. Stifi), Ch. Spivak (Joint), Philologist Z. Kalmanovich, writer D. Bergelson, former minister According to Jewish affairs in the Government of the Central Rada V. Lartsky-Bertoldi. Kiev. May-June 1920. From the book of M. Beser, M. Mitzlyl "American brother. Joint in Russia, USSR, CIS "(without a year and place of publication).

The revolution

In 1917, Quitko settled in Kiev. The publication of his poems in the collection "EIGNS" put forward him to the triad (together with D. Corrugestein and P. Markishe) the leading poets of the so-called Kiev group. Written in October 1918, the poem "Royter Sturm" ("Red Burya", the newspaper "Dos Vort", 1918, and the magazine "Baginen", 1919) was the first work for Yiddesk about the October Revolution. However, in the collections of "Trit" ("Steps", 1919) and "Lirik. Gaist "(" Lyrics. Spirit ", 1921) Next to the youth of the perky perception of the revolution sounded anxious confusion in front of gloomy and mysterious in life, which Rodnilo, according to Sh. Niger, the work of Quitko and der Nister.

In verses, Kvitko these years were combined simply an open look at the world (empowering all his creativity for children), the refined depth of the worldview, poetic innovation, expressionistic quest - with the transparent clarity of the folk song. Their language strikes wealth and idiomatics.

From mid-1921, he lived and published in Berlin, then in Hamburg, where he worked in the Soviet trading office, he was published both in Soviet and in Western periodicals. It also entered the Communist Party, the communist agitation among the workers was conducted. In 1925, fearing arrest, moved to the USSR. He released many books for children (only in 1928 17 books).

At the end of the 20s, he became a member of the editorial board of Di Royte Valt, in which his cycle of stories about life in Hamburg "Riogrander Fel" ("Riogranda skin", 1926; Separate edition 1928), Avtobiographical story "Lyam Unn Petrik "(" Lyam and Petrik ", 1928-29; a separate edition of 1930; in Russian translation 1958) and other works. Only in 1928, 17 Kvitko books were published for children. Quitko's satirical poems in "Di RooTe Valt", which then made up the "Cartoon" section ("Cartoi") in his collection "Gerangle" ("Fight", 1929), and especially the poem "der Schtinklfoyagl Moili" ("Moil's stinking bird" , that is, my [neck] Lee [Tvakov] / See M. Litvakov /) against dictate in the literature of Esecration figures, caused a crushing campaign, during which the "proletarian" writers accused Kwitko in the "right slope" and achieved exclusion from the editorial board magazine. At the same time under the administrative repression writers- "fellow travelers" - D. Gofstein, editor of the state publishing house H. Kazakevich (1883-1936) and others.


For the caustic satirical poems, published in the journal "Di Rohete Velt" ("Red World"), was accused of "the right slope" and excluded from the editorial board. In 1931 he entered the workers on the Kharkov Tractor Plant. Then continued his professional literary activities. Only after the liquidation in 1932, the literary associations and groupings Kwitko took one of the leading places in the Soviet literature for Yiddish, mainly as a children's writer. His poems that made a collection of "Hecliben Verk" ("Selected Works", 1937), already fully responded to the norms of the so-called socialist realism. The auto-solesee affected his novel in the verses "Jung Yorn" ("Yung Yong"), whose signal copies appeared on the eve of the invasion of German troops into the territory of the Soviet Union (the novel was published in Russian in 1968; 16 chapters for Yiddish were published in 1956-63 in the Paris newspaper "Parizer Zaytshrift"). From 1936 he lived in Moscow. In 1939 he joined the WCP (b).

The lion of Lion Kwitko considered the autobiographical novel in verses "Jung Yorn" ("Yong Yown"), over which he worked on thirteen years (1928-1941, the first publication: Kaunas, 1941, in Russian, came out in 1968).

Creativity of military years

the years of war was a member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the editorial board of the Eynight newspaper ("Unity"), in 1947-1948. - Literary and artistic almanac "һaymland" ("Motherland"). Its collections of poems "Fayer Oyf di Sonym" ("Fire on the enemy", 1941) and others called for the fight against the Nazis. Poems 1941-46. A collection of "HEZANG FUN MINE GEMIT" ("Song of My Soul", 1947; in Russian translation 1956). Poems Kvitko for children are widely published and translated into many languages. They translated them into Russian

Lev Moiseevich Kvitko
yiddish לייב קוויטקאָ.
Birth name:

Liebe Kvitko

Full name

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a lion (Lab.) Moiseevich Kvitko (Yiddish לייב קוויטקאָ; October 15 - August 12) - Soviet Jewish (Yiddish) poet.


Born in the town of the voice of the Podolsky province (now the village of Golotov of the Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine), according to the documents - November 11, 1890, but did not know the exact date of his birth and called alleged 1893 or 1895. Early orphaned, brought up a grandmother, she studied for some time in Header, since childhood was forced to work. Poems began to write from 12 years (or, perhaps before - because of the confusion from the date of his birth). The first publication - in May 1917 in the Socialist newspaper "Dos Fraee Vort" ("Free Word"). The first collection is "Lidelah" ("Songs", Kiev, 1917).

From mid-19921 he lived and published in Berlin, then in Hamburg, where he worked in the Soviet trading office, he was published both in Soviet and in Western periodicals. Here I entered the Communist Party, there was a communist agitation among the workers. In 1925, fearing arrest, moved to the USSR. I released many books for children (only for 1928 17 books came out).


Lev Quitko is the author of a number of transfers to Yiddish from the Ukrainian, Belarusian and other languages. The poems of Kvitko himself are translated into Russian A. Akhmatova, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, E. Blaginina, M. Svetlov and others.

On the text of the poem L. Kwitko "Violin" (translated by M. Svellova) written by the second part of the sixth symphony of Weinberg Moses.


  • To visit. M.-L., Childness, 1937
  • When I grow up. M., Childish, 1937
  • In the forest. M., Childish, 1937
  • Letter Voroshilov. M., 1937 Fig. V. Konashevich
  • Letter Voroshilov. M., 1937. Fig. M. Rodionova
  • Poems. M.-L., Childness, 1937
  • Swing. M., Childness, 1938
  • Red Army. M., Childness, 1938
  • Horse. M., Childness, 1938
  • Lyam and Petrik. M.-L., Childness, 1938
  • Poems. M.-L., Childness, 1938
  • Poems. M., True, 1938
  • To visit. M., Childness, 1939
  • Lullaby. M., 1939. Fig. M. Gorshmana
  • Lullaby. M., 1939. Fig. V. Konashevich
  • Letter Voroshilov. Pyatigorsk, 1939.
  • Letter Voroshilov. Voroshilovsk, 1939.
  • Letter Voroshilov. M., 1939.
  • Mikhasik. M., Childness, 1939
  • Conversation. M.-L., Childness, 1940
  • Ahahi. M., Childness, 1940
  • Conversations with loved ones. M., Goslitizdat, 1940
  • Red Army. M.-L., Childness, 1941
  • Hello. M., 1941.
  • Military game. Alma-Ata, 1942
  • Letter Voroshilov. Chelyabinsk, 1942.
  • To visit. M., Detgiz, 1944
  • Horse. M., Detgiz, 1944
  • Sledging. Chelyabinsk, 1944.
  • Spring. M.-L., Detgiz, 1946
  • Lullaby. M., 1946.
  • Horse. M., Detgiz, 1947
  • History about the horse and about me. L., 1948.
  • Horse. Stavropol, 1948.
  • Violin. M.-L., Detgiz, 1948
  • To the sun. M., Der Emen, 1948
  • To my friends. M., Detgiz, 1948
  • Poems. M., Soviet writer, 1948.

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Excerpt characterizing Kvitko, Lev Moiseevich

- Come on! We, apparently, a lot of concepts will be different. This is normal, though? - "Noble" reassured his baby. - Can I talk to them?
- Speak, if you can hear. - Miard turned to a wonder-Savia, and showed something.
The wondrny creature was cared and approached us closer, the rest of him (or her? ..) Friends are all easily paristered right above us, sparkling and shimmering in bright sunlight.
- I am Lilis ... Fox ... Is an amazing voice of the past one. It was very soft, and at the same time very ringing (if you can connect to one such opposite concepts).
- Hello, beautiful Lilis. - happily welcomed the creature of Stella. - I am Stella. But she is Svetlana. We are people. And you, we know, Savia. Where did you come from? And what is Savia? "Questions were rewinded again, but I didn't even try to stop her, as it was completely useless ... Stella just" wanted to know everything! ". And always that remained.
Lilis approached her very closely and began to consider Stella with their bizarre, huge eyes. They were brightly raspberry, with golden specks inside, and sparkled like precious stones. The face of this miracle creature looked surprisingly gentle and fragile, and had the form of the petal of our earthly lily. She said, without revealing his mouth, at the same time smiling to us with their little, round lips ... But, probably, they had the most amazing hair ... They were very long, almost reached the edges of the transparent wing, absolutely weightless and without having a permanent color, all the time flashed the most different and unexpected shiny rainbows ... Transparent Bodies Savi were punches (as the body of a small earthly child), and from the backs went to the "Petals wings", which really made them similar to Huge bright flowers ...
"We flew from the mountains ..." There was a strange echo again.
- Can you tell us faster? - asked Miarda impatient Stella. - Who are they?
- They were brought from another world once. Their world died, and we wanted to save them. First thought - they will be able to live with everyone, but could not. They live very high in the mountains, no one can get there. But if you look at the eyes for a long time - they will take them with them ... and you will live with them.
Stella hung around and slightly moved away from Lilis standing nearby ... - What do they do when they take?
- Nothing. Just live with those whom they take. Probably they were different in the world, and now they make it just a habit. But for us they are very valuable - they "clean" the planet. No one ever acted after they came.
- So you saved them not because they regret, but because they needed you?! .. Is it good to use? "I was afraid that Miard would be offended (as they say - they don't climb into someone else's hut with boots ...) And he strongly pushed Stella in his side, but she did not pay any attention to me, and now turned to Savia. - Do you like to live here? Are you sad in your planet?
- Not worth ... Here is beautiful-svovo-Ivo ...- the same mild voice. - And good-oh ...
Lilis suddenly raised one of his sparkling "petals" and gently stroked Stella on his cheek.
- Baby ... good-seamy ... Stella-la-a ... - And Stella has a fog chalk over his head, but this time he was multi-colored ...
Lilis smoothly waved with transparent lobes and began to slowly rise, until he joined his. Savia was worried, and suddenly, very brightly flashed, disappeared ...
- And where did they go? - Surprised baby.
- They're gone. Here, see ... - And Miarda showed at the very far away, in the side of the mountains, smoothly wandering in the pink sky illuminated by the sun of wondrous creatures. - They went home ...
Suddenly, VEY appeared ...
"You're time," said the "star" girl sadly. - You can not be here for so long. It's hard.
- Oh, but we haven't had anything else anything else! - Stretched Stella. - And can we come back here, cute posi? Goodbye good Miard! You're good. I will definitely come back to you! - As always, turning to everyone immediately, Stella said goodbye.
VEY waved his handle, and we again jerked in a mad whirlpool of sparkling marines, through a short one (and maybe it seemed short?) For a moment "Two" us on our usual mental "floor" ...
- Oh, how interesting is there! .. - I was delighted with Stella.
It seemed that she was ready to endure the greatest loads, just once again return to the colorful Wayin world who loved her. Suddenly I thought that he really had to like her, since he was very similar to her own, which she loved to create here, on the "floors" ...
I have a little enthusiastic, because I have already seen this beautiful planet for myself, and now I wanted something else for me! .. I felt that dizzying "taste of an unknown one," and I really wanted to repeat it ... I already He knew that this "hunger" would poison my further existence, and that I would not be enough all the time. Thus, wanting to remain even a little happy person, I had to find some way to "open" for myself the door to other worlds ... But then I still hardly understood that it was not so Just ... And that there will be a lot of winters, while I am free to "walk" where I want, and that it will open this door for me. Someone else ... And this other will be my amazing husband.
- Well, what will we do next? - I broke me out of my dreams of Stella.
She was upset and sad that could not see more. But I was very glad that she again became her own herself and now I was quite sure that from this day she would definitely stop Handing and will be ready for any new "adventure" again.
"You'd sorry me, please, but I probably will not do anything more today ..." - apologizing, I said. - But thank you very much, which helped.
Stella Zasia. She loved to feel necessary, so, I always tried to show her how much she means for me (which was absolute truth).
- Okay. Let's go somewhere another time, she agreed complacently.
I think she, like me, was a little exhausted, just as always, she tried not to show it. I waved her hand ... And it turned out to be at home, on my favorite sofa, with a bunch of impressions, which now calmly needed to comprehend, and slowly, slowly "digest" ...

To my ten years I was very much attached to my father.

4 888

Notes about L.M.Qyvitko

Becoming a sage, the child remained ...

Lion Ozerov

"I was born in the village of Rogo Podolsk Province ... Father was a twist, teacher. The family was loved, and all the children at an early age were forced to go to earnings. One brother became a dyeman, another loader, two sisters by porn, the third teacher. " So wrote in his autobiography in October 1943, the Jewish poet Lev Moiseevich Kvitko.

Hunger, poverty, tuberculosis - this ruthless Beach of the inhabitants of a settling feature fell to the share of the Kvitko family. "Father and mother, sisters and brothers died early from tuberculosis ... From ten years he began to earn money for himself ... He was a dyeer, a raw, a porter, a cruel, a blank ... I never studied at school ... I didn't learn to read and write with self-taught. But hard childhood not only did not voiced him, but also made wiser, kinder. "There are people who radiate light," the Russian writer L. Panteleev wrote about Kwitko. Everyone who knew Lion Moiseevich said that benevolence and vitality proceed from him. Everyone who met him seemed to live forever. "He will certainly live to a hundred years," said K. Chukovsky. - It was even strange to imagine that he could ever get sick. "

On May 15, 1952, he would say about himself: "I lived before the revolution with the life of a broken dog, a penny was the price of this life. Starting from the Great October, I lived thirty years of wonderful overwhelmed labor life. " And immediately after this phrase, "the end of my life is here in front of you!"

Poems, on their own admission, Lev Quitko began to compose at the time when he was not able to write yet. Invented in his childhood remained in memory and later "turned out" on paper, included in the first collection of his poems for children, appeared in 1917. "Lodella" ("Songs") was called this book. How old was the young author then? "I don't know the exact date of my birth - 1890 or 1893" ...

Like many other recent inhabitants of a settling feature, Lev Quitko met the Oktyabrskaya Revolution with delight. In his early poems, a certain anxiety is captured, but the faithful traditions of the revolutionary poet-romance of Osher Schwarzmann, he chants the revolution. His poem "Royter Sturm" ("Red Storm") became the first work on Eidis about the revolution called Great. It so happened that the release of his first book coincided with the revolution. "The revolution broke me out of hopelessness, like many millions of people, and put on his feet. They began to print in newspapers, collections, and my first poems dedicated to the revolution were printed in the then Bolshevik newspaper "Comf" in Kiev. "

He writes about it in his verses:

We have not seen childhood in orphanage,

We wandered around the world, children of adversity.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And now we hear the invaluable word:

Come, whose childhood stole enemies,

Who was deprived, forgotten, robbed,

Little life returns debts.

One of the best poems of Kvitko, written in the same period, keeps the eternal Jewish sadness:

I was taken early in the morning early

And only in the foliage of chestnut

Getting a rapid running.

Missed, leaving a bit:

Only dust smoke at the threshold,

Abandoned forever.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And the evening rushes towards.

Where do you slow down?

In whose doors of the rider will knock

And who will give him the night?

Does he know how to join it -

I, my home!

Translation T. Spendiaova

Remembering the first post-revolutionary years, Lev Moiseevich confessed that he perceived the revolution rather intuitively than consciously, but she changed a lot in his life. In 1921, he, like some other Jewish writers (A. Bergelson, D. Gofstein, P. Markisch), the Kiev Publisher offered to go abroad, to Germany, to learn, get an education. It was a long-standing dream of Quitko, and, of course, he agreed.

Jesuits with Lubyanka shot a lot more recognition about this from Quitko: leaving to Germany, they forced him to recognize him from the country, since "the national question regarding the Jews was allowed by the Soviet government incorrectly. Jews were not recognized as a nation that, in my opinion, led to the deprivation of any independence and suffered legitimate rights compared to other nationalities. "

Life abroad was far from simple. "In Berlin, I hardly interrupted" ... Nevertheless, in Berlin, two of his collection of poems was published - "Green Grass" and "1919". The second was devoted to the memory of those who died in the pogroms in Ukraine before and after the revolution.

"In early 1923, I moved to Hamburg and began to work in the port of South American South American Sovereign for the Soviet Union, he wrote in his autobiography. "In the same place, in Hamburg, I was entrusted with a responsible Soviet work, which I also spoiled up to my return to my homeland in 1925."

We are talking about the propaganda work, which he led among the German workers as a member of the German Communist Party. He left there, most likely, due to the threat of arrest.

L. Kvitko and and. Fisherman. Berlin, 1922

At the trial in 1952, Quitko will tell how from the Hamburg port under the guise of dishes sent a weapon to China for Chan Kaishi.

The second time in the Communist Party, WCP (b), the poet entered in 1940. But this is another party and the other, another story ...

Returning to his homeland, Lev Quitko took up literary work. In the late 20s - early 30s, his best works were created, not only poetic, but also in prose, in particular, the story "Lam and Petriks".

By that time, he had already become a poet not only beloved, but also generally accepted. He was translated into Ukrainian Poetina poets, Maxim Rylsky, Vladimir Sosyr. In Russian in different years, A. Aakhmatova, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, Ya.Helhemsky, M. Svetlov, B. Slutsky, S.Mikhalkov, N. Nydenova, E. Blaginina, N. Ushakov. Translated in such a way that it became the phenomenon of Russian poetry.

In 1936, S. Marshak wrote K. Chukovsky about L. Kwitko: "Well, if you were, the roots of Ivanovich, something translated (for example," Anna-Bath ... ")". She translated it some time later by S. Mikhalkov, and thanks to him, this poem entered the secretary of the World Children's Literature.

It is appropriate to recall that on July 2, 1952, a few days before the sentence, Lev Moiseevich Kwitko appealed to the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court with a request to invite to court as witnesses who can tell about him the true truth, K.I . Chukovsky, K.F. Piskunova, P.G. Tychin, S.V. Mikhalkov.The court rejected the petition and, of course, did not bring him to the attention of Friends of Quitko, in support of which he believed until last minute.

Recently, in a telephone conversation with me, Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov said that he did not know anything about it. "But he could still live today," he added. - Smart and good poet. Fantasy, fun, in fiction, he involved in his poetry not only children, but also adults. I often remember him, I think about him. "

... From Germany, Lev Quitko returned to Ukraine, and later, in 1937, moved to Moscow. They say that Ukrainian poets, especially Pavlo Grigorievich Physy, persuaded Kvitko not to leave. A poetic poet of the poet "Selected Works", who was a sample of social realism, came to Moscow. In the collection, of course, there were excellent lyrical children's poems, but "tribute time" (we will remind, the year in the courtyard stood in the courtyard), found a "decent reflection" in it.

At about the same time, Quitko writes his famous poem "Pushkin and Heine". An excerpt from it in the translation of S. Mikhalkov is below:

And I see a young tribe

And thoughts dangling flight.

How never lives my verse.

Blessed this time

And you, free my people! ..

In the dungeons do not change freedom,

Do not turn the people into the slave!

My wife's struggle is called me!

I'm leaving, the fate of the people -

Singer of People's Fate!

Shortly before the Patriotic War, Quitko graduated from the novel in verses "Years," he was evacuated in Almaty at the beginning of the war. In his autobiography it is written: "I left the Kukryniks. We went to Almaty with the goal to create a new book, which would correspond to that time. There was nothing worked there ... I went to the mobilization point, I was examined and left to wait ... "

L. Kwitko with his wife and daughter. Berlin, 1924

One of the interesting pages of memories about the stay of L. Vitko in Chistopol during the war left Lidia Korneevna Chukovsky in his diaries:

"Comes to me Quitko ... Quitko I know closer than the other local Muscovites: he is a friend of my father. The roots of Ivanovich one of the first noticed and loved the poems of Kwitko for children, achieved them to transfer them from Yiddish to Russian ... Now, two or three days stayed in Chistopol: here his wife and daughter. I came to me on the eve of departure, ask for more details that send me a father from me if they meet somewhere ...

About the Tsvetaeva, about the disgrace, the final lithfond, spoke. After all, it is not exile, but the same evacuated as we all, why don't she live, where she wants ... "

On bullying, weary, who had happened to survive Marina Ivanovna in Chistopol, about the humiliation, who had fallen into her share, about the meaningful, unforgivable indifference to the fate of Tsvetaeva, from the "writing leaders", - about everything he led Marina Ivanovna to suicide, we are known today enough. None of the writers besides Leo Quitko did not dare, did not dare to stand up for Tsuela. After referring to him Lydia Chukovsky, he went to Nikolay Aseev. Promised to contact the rest of the "writing functionaries" and assured with his optimism characteristic: "Everything will be fine. Now the most important thing - every person must specifically remember: everything ends well. " So spoke in the most difficult times this kind, responsive person. He consorally and helped everyone who appealed to him.

Another evidence of this is the memories of the poetess of Elena Blaginina: "All the war splashed in different directions ... in Kuibyshev lived, suffering fair disasters, my husband is Egor Nikolaevich. They occasionally met, and, according to My husband, Lev Moiseevich helped him, sometimes giving work, and then just sharing a piece of bread ... "

And again to the topic "Tsvetaeva-Kvitko".

According to Lydia Borisovna Lybdition, the only of prominent writers, who was even worried about the fate of Marina Tsvetaeva, was Kvitko. And his hassle was not empty, although Aseev did not even come to a meeting of the commission, who considered the request of the color to take it to work in the dishwasher in the writing dining room. Aseev "fell ill", Trenev (the author of the notorious play "Love Yarovaya") was categorically against. I admit that the name of the Tsvetaeva Lion Moiseevich heard from Lydia Chukov for the first time, but the desire to help, defend a person, was its organic quality.

... So, "there is a folk war." Life has become completely different and poems - others, unlike those wrote Kwitko In peacetime, and yet - about children who were victims of fascism:

Here from the forests, from there, where in the bushes

Go, closer than hungry mouth,

Children from Uman ...

Persons - Sen of Zhaltie.

Hands - bones and veins.

Six seven-year-old elders

Saved from the grave.

Translation L. Lake

In the current Army Quitko, as was said, did not take, he was called in Kuibyshev to work in the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. Apparently, it was a tragic chance. Unlike Izica Fefe, Rada Markysh, and Mikhoels, Quitko was far from politics. "I, Glory Gd, I do not write a play, and I was guarded by the Gl from a connection with the theater and Mikhoels," he declared in court. And at the interrogation, telling about the work of the EAC: "Mikhoels dried out most. Epstein and Fefefer were practically the work, although the latter was not a member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. " And then he will give a strikingly accurate definition of the essence of I. Fefe: "He is such a person that if he is appointed even by the courier ,. . In fact, it will become the owner ... Fafer put on the discussion of the Presidium only the questions that were beneficial to ... "

Kvitko's speeches are known at the EAK meetings, one of them, on the III Plenum, contains such words: "The death of fascism will be a holiday for all freedom-loving humanity." But in this performance, the main thought - about children: "unheard of torture and the extermination of our children are such methods of education developed in German headquarters. Sweetbey as a week, everyday phenomenon - such is the most famous plan, which was carried out by the Germans temporarily captured by their Soviet territory ... The Germans of Jewish children exterminate to one ... "Quitko worries the fate of children of Jewish, Russians, Ukrainian:" Return to all the children their childhood - a huge feat. Red Army. "

L. Kwitko performs on the III Plenum of E.

And yet, work in the EPA, politics - not a feet of the poet of Lev Kvitko. He returned to the writer's business. In 1946, Quitko was elected chairman of the trade union committee and children's writers. Everyone in touch with him, at the time, remember with what desire, he helped with the writers who returned from the war, and the families of writers who died in this war. He dreamed of publishing children's books, and for money received from their publication, to build a house for writers who were without housing due to war.

About Kwitko of that time of the roots Ivanovich writes: "In these postwar years, we often met. He had a talent of disinterested poetic friendship. He was always surrounded by a tightly cohesive cohort of friends, and I proudly remember that he turned on this cohort and me. "

Already gray, aged, but still clear-eyed and benevolent, Quitko returned to his favorite topics and in new verses began to still put the spring shower, and the morning twitters of birds.

It should be emphasized that neither ultimate beggar childhood, nor complete anxiety and difficulties of youth, nor the tragic years of war could destroy the delightful attitude towards life, optimism sent by Kvitko heaven. But the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky was the roots, when he said: "Sometimes Quitko himself was aware that his children's love in the surrounding world would take him too far from painful and cruel reality, and tried to curb his diffirable and ODD good-natured irony on them, submit them to humorous form. "

If the Optimism of Quitko can be arguing, even arguing, the feeling of patriotism, of the true, not tired, not false, and high patriotism, was not only inherent in him, but he was largely the essence of the poet and a person Kvitko. These words in confirmation do not need, and yet it is advisable to bring the full text of the poem written in 1946 "with my country", the wonderful translation of which was made by Anna Andreevna Akhmatova:

Who dares to separate my people from the country,

There is no blood - replaced with water.

Who separates my verse from the country,

That will be fed and the shell is empty.

With you, the country is great.

Allow everything - both mother and children

And without you - in the MGL people

Spruce all - both mother and children.

People worked for the country's happiness,

Gives my poems of the rim.

My verse - weapons, my verse - servant of the country,

And only she belongs right.

My verse will die without a homeland

Alien and mother and children.

With you, country, whiminching my verse,

And his mother reads children.

The year 1947, as well as 1946, it seemed, did not succeed with the Jews of the USSR, nothing bad. There were new performances in Gostel, and although the spectators became less and less, the theater existed, the newspaper went out on Yiddish. Then, in 1947, few Jews believed (or were afraid to believe) into the possibility of reviving the state of Israel. Others continued to fantasize that the future of the Jews in the creation of Jewish autonomy in the Crimea, not guessing and not assuming what tragedy already wakes around this idea ...

Lev Quitko was a true poet, and he did not accidentally told his friend's friend and translator Elena Blaginin: "He lives in the magic world of magic transformations. Lion Kwitko - Poet-Child. " Only such a naive person could write a few weeks before arrest:

How not to work by these

When the palms are squeezed, burn.

Like a strong jet

carries stone

Wave work will be done

like a waterfall pipe!

blessed by labor

How to work well for you!

Translation B. Slutsky

On November 20, 1948, a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CSP (b), who approved the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, according to which the MGB of the USSR was commissioned: "Not Medload to dissolve the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, since this Committee is the center of anti-Soviet propaganda and regularly supplies anti-Soviet information to foreign intelligence authorities" . There is an indication in this ruling: "While you cannot arrest anyone." But by the time the arrested were already. Among them, Poet David Gofstein. In December of the same year, Izik Fefefe was arrested, and a few days later, a seriously ill patient of Veniamine Zuskin was brought from the Botkin Hospital on Lubyanka. Such was the situation on the eve of the new, 1949.

Valentin Dmitrievich read the poems of Chukovsky by memory, warning that the accuracy does not swear, but the essence is saved:

How would I be rich

If the money paid the children.

I would send friends

Million telegrams

But now I am ruined to the thread -

Children only brings losses,

And fall, cute kvitka,

Congratulations to send you in the postcard.

Whatever the mood, in January 1949, as Elena Blaginina writes in his memoirs, the 60th anniversary of Quitko was celebrated in the central office of the writers. Why in the 49th 60th anniversary? Recall that the lion Moiseevich himself did not know exactly the year of his birth. "Guests gathered in the oak club of the Writers Club. Many came to the people, the anniversaries were welcomed by heart, but he seemed (he didn't seem, but was) concerned and sad, "Elena Blaginina writes. Chaired at the evening Valentin Kataev.

Few of those who were at this evening today are alive. But I was lucky - I met with Semyon Grigorievich Symkin. At that time, he was a student of theatrical technical school at Gostel. That's what he told: "The Oak TsDL was crowded. The entire writer elite of that time - Fadeev, Marshak, Simonov, Kataev - not only honored the jubilee of honor with their greetings, but also talked about the warmest words about him. What is remembered most is the performance of Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky. Not only did he say about Kwitko as one of the best poets of modernity, so he still read in the original, that is, on Eidis, several poems Kvitko, among them "Anna-Bath".

L. Kvitko. Moscow, 1944

January 22, Quitko arrested. "Go. Is it? .. / This is a mistake. / But from the arrest, alas, it does not save / confidence in innocence, / and the purity of thoughts and actions / N E argument in the era of the abuse. / Simple at the same time with wisdom / unconvincing for the investigator, / nor for the executioner "(Lion of Ozerov). If this day, day on January 22, it was possible to finish the vicinity of the poet of Lev Quitko, whatever happiness was and for him, and for me, writing these lines. But from this day begins the most tragic part of the poet's life, and it lasted almost 1300 days.

In Lubyanka's dungeons

(Chapter almost documentary)

From the protocol of a closed court session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

Secretary of the Court - Senior Lieutenant M. Afanasyev said that all the accused were delivered to the court session under the convoy.

Chairman-Lieutenant-General Justice A. Cepets is certified in the self-presidency of the defendants, and each of them talks about himself.

From the testimony of Kvitko: "I, Kwitko L Yeb Moiseevich, 1890 year of birth, a native of the village of Note Odessa region, according to the nationality of the Jew, in the party consisted of 1941, before that, before any parties were not (as is known, Quitko consisted before In the Communist Party of Germany. - MG). Profession - Poet, marital status - married, I have an adult daughter, home education. I have awards: the Order of the Labor Red Banner and Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Arrested on January 25, 1949 (most of the sources on January 22. - MG). A copy of the indictment received on May 3, 1952. "

After the announcement of the indictment pre-sedental It turns out that if his wines are clearly understood. The answer is "understandable" uttered everything. Some recognized themselves guilty (Fefefer, Teamumin), others - completely rejected the charge (Lozovsky, Markish, Shimeliovich. Dr. Shimeliovich exclaim: "I never recognized and not recognize!"). There were those who recognized their guilt partially. Among them are Kwitko.

Prev [session]: The defendant Kvitko, what do you recognize yourself guilty?

Kvitko: I recognize myself guilty to the party And before the Soviet people in the fact that I worked in the Committee, who brought a lot of malignor. I also recognize myself guilty that, being some time after the war, the responsible secretary or the head of the Jewish section of the Union of Soviet writers, I did not set the question of closing this section, did not set the question of promoting the acceleration of the process of assimilation of Jews.

Prev [session]: The guilt is that in the past, the nationalist activity in the past, do you deny?

Kvitko: Yes. I deny it. I do not feel this guilt. I feel that I wanted happiness with all my heart and all my thoughts, which I am born, which I consider my homeland, despite all these materials of the case and the testimony of me ... My motives should be listened, since I will confirm them with facts .

Prev [session]: We already heard here that your literary activities were devoted to the entire party.

Kvitko: If I had just made it possible to calmly reflect all the facts that took place in my life and which I justify me. I am sure that if there was a person who would know how to read thoughts and feelings well, he would say the truth about me. I considered myself a Soviet man all my life, more than one, let it sound immodestly, but it is so - I was always in love with the party.

Pre [session]: All this diverges with your testimony on the investigation. You consider yourself in love with the party, but why then argue a lie. You consider yourself an honest writer, but were far from being tuned.

Kwitko: I say that the parties do not need my lie, and I only show what can be confirmed by facts. As a result, all my testimony was distorted, and everything was displayed on the contrary. This also applies to my trip abroad, as if she was with a bad goal, and this applies to the same extent that I broke into the party. Take my poems 1920-1921. These poems are collected in the folder in the investigator. They speak at all about each other. My works printed in 1919-1921 were published in the communist newspaper. When I told the investigator about it, he answered me: "We don't need it."

Prev [session]: In short, you deny these testimony. Why did you lie?

Kwitko: I was very difficult to fight with the investigator ...

Pre [session]: Why did you sign the protocol?

Kwitko: Because it was difficult not to sign it.

The defendant B.A. Shimeliovich, the former chief physician of the Botkin hospital, said: "Protocol ... signed by me ... with an unclear consciousness. This state of mine is the result of a methodological beating within a month daily day and night ... "

Obviously, they tied on Lubyanka not only Shimeliovich.

But back to the interrogation Kwitko in that day:

Pre [session]: So, do you deny your testimony?

Kwitko: Absolutely denial ...

How not to remember the words of Anna Akhmatova? "Who did not live in the era of terror, he never will understand" ...

Presiding Returns to the reasons "flight" Quitko abroad.

Prev [session]: Show the motifs of flight.

Kvitko: I do not know how to say you to believe me. If the religious criminal is facing the court and considers himself an incorrectly convicted or wrong guilty, he thinks: Well, I don't believe me, I am convicted, but at least Gd knows the truth. I certainly have no God, and I never believed in God. I have the only God - the power of the Bolsheviks, this is my God. And I say before this faith that I did the hardest job in childhood and youth. What kind of job? I do not want to say what I did 12-year-old. But the hardest work is to be in front of the court. I will tell you about the flight, about the reasons, but let me tell me.

I sit two years old in the chamber, it is in my own desire, and for this I have a reason. I do not have a living soul to consult with someone, there is no more experienced person in judicial affairs. I am alone, I think with me and worry ...

A little later, Quitko will continue his testimony on the issue of "escape":

I admit that you do not believe me, but the actual position of things refute the above nationalist exit. Then in the Soviet Union created many Jewish schools, orphanages, choirs, institutions, newspapers, publications and the whole institution " Cultures League"Abundant materially supplied with Soviet power. Estimated new foci of culture. Why did I need to leave? And I didn't go to Poland, where terry Jewish nationalism flourished, and not in America, where many Jews live, and I Hal in Germany, where there was no Jewish schools or newspapers and nothing else. So this motive is deprived of any meaning ... If I fled from my native Soviet land, I could write then "on a foreign one" - poems that curse the stormy stagnation of life, poems of deep longing in their homeland, by her stars and for her affairs? Do not be a Soviet man, would you have enough strength to deal with slandering at work in the Hamburg port, to undergo mocks and swearing "honest unlity", who masked complacency and morality, covering predators? If I were not a devotee of the party, could I take over the voluntary secret load associated with the dangers and persecution? Without remuneration after severe low pay Labor day I performed the tasks necessary to the Soviet people. This is only part of the facts, part of the material evidence of my activities from the first years of the revolution until 1925, i.e. As long as I returned to the USSR.

Chairmanly returned to the question anti-massimiliation EAC activities. ("Blood is accused" - Alexander Mikhailovich Borschagovsky calls his outstanding book about this process and, perhaps, will give the most accurate definition of everything that happened on this conviction.) Regarding assimilation and anti-massimilation gives the testimony of Kvitko:

What am I accused of? What am I feel guilty? The first is that I have not seen and did not understand that the Committee is greatly harmful to the Soviet state, and in the fact that I also worked in this committee. The second, what I consider myself guilty, it is hanging at me, and I feel that this is my charge. Considering the Soviet Jewish literature ideologically healthy, Soviet, we, Jewish writers, and I, including (maybe I am more to blame for), at the same time did not put the question of promoting the process of assimilation. I'm talking about the assimilation of the Jewish mass. Continuing to write in Jewish, we involuntarily became a brake for the process of assimilation of the Jewish population. In recent years, the Jewish language stopped serving the masses, since they are masses - left this language, and he became a hindrance. Being the head of the Jewish section of the Union of Soviet writers, I did not set a question about closing the section. It's my fault. To use the language that the masses were left, which was removed from his age, which separates us not only from the whole great life of the Soviet Union, but also from the majority of Jews, which have already been assimilated, to use this language, in my opinion, is a peculiar manifestation of nationalism.

Otherwise, I do not feel guilty.

Pre [session]: all?

Kwitko: everything.

From the indictment:

The defendant Kwitko, returning to the USSR in 1925 after the flight abroad, joined the mountains. Kharkov to the nationalist Jewish literary group "Fight", headed by Trotskyists.

Being at the beginning of the Organization of the EAC, the Deputy Responsible Secretary of the Committee, entered the criminal conspiracy with the nationalists of Mikhoels, Epstein and Fefer, contributed to them in the collection of materials about the economy of the USSR for me to send them to the United States.

In 1944, fulfilling the criminal instructions of the EIC leadership, went to the Crimea to collect information about the economic situation of the region and the state of the Jewish population. It was one of the initiators of the formulation of the issue to government bodies on the allegedly having discrimination against the Jewish population in the Crimea.

Repeatedly performed at the meetings of the Presidium of the EA with the requirement to expand the nationalist activities of the Committee.

In 1946, he established a personal connection with the American intelligence of Goldberg, who informed about the situation in the Union of Soviet writers, and gave him consent to the release of the Soviet-American literary yearbook.

From the last word Quitko:

Citizen Chairman, Citizens Judges!

Before the joyful audience with pioneer ties, I spoke tens of years and chasing the happiness to be a Soviet man. I finish my life with a performance before the Supreme Court of the Soviet people. Accused of grave crimes.

This fictional accusation hit me and causes me terrible flour.

Why every my word, said here in court, saturated with tears?

Because the terrible accusation of treason is unbearable for me - a Soviet person. I declare a court that I am not guilty of anything - neither in espionage or in nationalism.

While my mind is still not completely dimming, I believe that for the accusation of treason, one must make some act of treason.

I ask the court to take into account that in the charge there is no documentary evidence of my alleged hostile activities against the WCP (b) and the Soviet government and there is no evidence of my criminal connection with Mikhoels and Fefer. I did not change my homeland and not a single amount of charges with me ...

It is easier for me to be in prison on the Soviet Earth than "Freedom" in any capitalist country.

I am a citizen of the Soviet Union, my homeland is the birthplace of the geniuses of the party and humanity of Lenin and Stalin, and I believe that I can not be accused of grave crimes without evidence.

I hope that my arguments will be perceived by the court as it should.

I ask the court to return me to the honest work of the Great Soviet people.

The verdict is known. Kwitko, like the remaining defendants, except for academician Lina Stern, sentenced to VMN (the highest punishment). The court makes a decision to deprive the Kwitko of all the earlier government awards. The verdict is performed, but for some reason, with a violation of traditions existing on Lubyanka: he was submitted on July 18, and was represented on August 12. This is another of the unsolved secrets of this monstrous farce.

To end with these words, the article about the poet Quitko cannot and I do not want. I will return the reader to the best days and years of his life.

L. Kwitko. Moscow, 1948


It is unlikely that someone will challenge the idea that the Jewish poet Lion Kwitko would have received recognition not only in the Soviet Union (his poems were translated into Russian and 34 of the people of the Peoples of the USSR), but also around the world, do not be brilliant translators of his poems . "Opened" Kvitko for Russian readers of the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Evidence how highly appreciated Chukovsky poetry Quitko, a lot. In his book "Contemporaries (portraits and etudes)" Korean Ivanovich Along with portraits of such outstanding writers, like Gorky, Kubrin, Leonid Andreev, Mayakovsky, Block, placed the portrait of Leo Quitko: "In general, in those distant years, when I met him, He could not be able to be unhappy: unusually comfortable and the good was the world around ... This charm the world around the world and made it a children's writer: on behalf of the child, under the child, the mouth of five year old, six-year-old, seven-year children it was easier for him to pour out his Own beating through the edge of life, his own simple faith that life is created for endless joy ... A different writer, when he writes poems for children, trying to restore the tagged memory of his long forgotten children's feelings. Lero Kvitko was not needed such a restoration: between him and his childhood there was no barrier of times. He, in whim, could turn into the baby-boy, covered by the boyish coachable azart and happiness ... "

Curious was the ascent of Chukovsky to the Jewish language. It was held thanks to Kvitko. Having received poet poets on Idisch, Ivanovich's roots did not manage to overcome the desire to read them in the original. Deductively, decrypting the name of the author and signature under the pictures, he soon "let him go to the warehouses of the title of individual poems, and then the poems themselves" ... Chukovsky reported this to the author. "When I sent my book to you," Kwitko wrote to him, "I had a double feeling: the desire to be read and you understand and the annoyance that the book will remain closed for you and inaccessible. And so you unexpectedly so miraculously overturned my expectations and turned my annoyance to joy. "

Korea Ivanovich, of course, understood that Introduce Kwitko In large literature, you can only organize a good translation of his poems into Russian, a recognized master among translators in the pre-war season was S.Ya. Marshak. Chukovsky appealed to Kvitko verses to Samuel Yakovlevich not only as a good translator, but also as a person who knew Yiddish. "I did everything that I could, in order for my translation, the reader, who does not know the script, learned and loved the poems of Kvitko," wrote Marshak Chukovsky on August 28, 1936.

Lev Quitko, of course, knew the "price" of the transfers of Marshak. "I hope to see you in Kiev soon. You must come. You will pay us, help us a lot in the struggle for quality, for the flourishing of children's literature. We love with us, "wrote L. Kwitko Marshak on January 4, 1937.

Poem Kvitko "Letter Voroshilov" translated by Marshak superpopular.

For three years (1936-1939), the poem was translated from Russian more than 15 languages \u200b\u200bof the Peoples of the USSR, printed in dozens of publications. "Dear Samuel Yakovlevich! With your light hand "Letter Voroshilov" in your workshop, the translation went around the whole country ... ", - wrote Lion Kwitko on June 30, 1937.

The history of this translation is such.

In his diary of the roots of Ivanovich on January 11, 1936, he wrote that on that day he had a quitko and a poet-translator M.A. Frond. Chukovsky thought that no one better than the froman translates the "letter of Voroshilov." But another happened. February 14, 1936 Chukovsky called Marshak. About this root Ivanovich reports: "It turns out that he had no wonder he kidnapped two Kwitko books in Moscow - half an hour. He took these books in the Crimea and there they translated them - including "Tov. Voroshilova ", although I asked him to do this, because Fromoman has been sitting over this work for a month - and for the froman to translate this poem - life and death, and for Marshak - only a laurel of thousands. I still tremble your hands from the excitement. "

Then Leo Moiseevich with Samuil Yakovlevich tied up mostly creative friendship. They, of course, met at the meeting on children's literature, on the holidays of the children's book. But the main thing that Marshak did, - he joined the Russian reader to the poetry of Kwitko.

Quitko dreamed of cooperation with Marshak not only in the field of poetry. Even before the war, he turned to him with a proposal: "Dear Samuel Yakovlevich, collecting a collection of folk Jewish fairy tales, I already have a lot. If you did not change my mind, we can start work in the fall. Waiting for your reply". In the archives Marshak answering this letter I did not find. It is only known that the plan of Quitko remained unfulfilled.

The letters of Samuel Yakovlevich are preserved to L.M.QKivko, full of respect and love for the Jewish poet.

Marshak translated only six poems Kvitko. Their real friendship, human and creative, began to develop in the post-war time. His congratulations to the 60th anniversary of Marshak Kvitko finished owls: "I wish the t e b e (allocated by me. - MG) many years of health, creative forces on the joy of all of us. " On "You" Marshak allowed to contact him very few.

And about the attitude of Marshak to the memory of Kvitko: "Of course, I will do everything that depends on the publisher and printing to pay tribute to such a wonderful poet as an unforgettable Lion Moiseevich ... Poems Kvitko will live for a long time and delight the real connoisseurs of poetry ... I hope What I will succeed ... to achieve the books of Lev Quitko occupied a worthy place ... "This is from the letter Samuel Yakovlevich to the widow of the poet Berth Solomonov.

In October 1960, the evening of memory L. Kwitko took place at the office of the writer. Marshak was not present at the evening. Before that, he sent a letter to Widow Quitko: "I really want to be on the evening dedicated to my dear friend and your favorite poet ... And when I get better (now I am very weak), I will certainly write at least a few pages about the big person who was a poet and in verses, and in life. " Make it Marshak, Alas, did not have time ...

There is nothing accident that Chukovsky "presented" Kwitko Marshak. Of course, it is possible to believe that sooner or later Marshak himself would notice the poems of Kvitko and, probably, would translate them. The success of the Duet "Marshak-Quitko" decided on the fact that both of them were in love with children; Probably, therefore, the translations of Marshak from Kwitko turned out so fortued. However, to speak only about the "duet" - unfairly: Chukovsky managed to create a trio of children's poets.

L. Kwitko and S. Marshak. Moscow, 1938

"Once in the thirties, he wrote in his memoirs about Kwitko K. Chukovsky, - walking with him from far away in the outskirts of Kiev, we unexpectedly got under the rain and saw a wide puddle, to which the boys escaped from everywhere, as if it was not a puddle, And delicacy. They so relatively climbed in the pool with barefoot legs, as if deliberately tried to flas off to the most ears.

Quitko looked at them with envy.

Every child, he said, "believes that the puddles are created specifically for his pleasure.

And I thought that, in essence, he talks about himself. "

Then, apparently, poems were born:

How much dirt is spring

Ludu deep, good!

How to split here

In shoes and caloes!

Every morning getting closer

Spring approaches us.

Every day all stronger

In the puddles the sun sparkles.

I threw a stick in a puddle -

In water window;

How Glass Glass,

Split suddenly the sun!

Great Jewish literature on Yidiš, originating in Russia, literature, rising to Mendele-Moyeher Sphorim, Sholome Aleyhem and completed his existence by the names of David Bergelson, Rada Markisha, Lev Kvitko, died on August 12, 1952.

Prophetic words uttered the Jewish poet Nahman Bialik: "The language is a crystallized spirit" ... Literature on Idisch died, but did not go to the abyss - her echo, the eternal szvuk will live, while the Jews are alive on earth.

Poetry without comment

In conclusion, we will give the floor of the poetry itself L. Kwitko, present the work of the poet in the "pure form", without comment.

In translations of the best Russian poets, it became an integral part of Russian poetry. I said exactly about the Jewish poet a wonderful writer Rouvim Fraerman: "Quitko was one of our best poets, pride and decoration of Soviet literature."

Obviously, Quitko is extremely lucky with translators. In the proposed attention of readers of the selection - poetic poems in Translation S. Marshak, M. Svellova, S. Mikhalkov and N. Founded. The first two poets knew Yiddish, and Sergey Mikhalkov and Nina were found to be found a miracle: not knowing the native language of the poet, they managed to transfer not only the content of his poems, but also the author's intonations.

So, poems.


Did not hear at night

Behind the door of the wheels

Did not know that dad

The horse brought

Horse crowned

Under the red saddle.

Four horseshoes

Shine silver.

Sound in room

Dad passed,

Horse crowned

Put on the table.

Lights on the table

Lonely fire

And looks into the bed

Sedded horse.

But behind the windows

It became light

And the boy woke up

In his crib.

Woke up, brought,

Leaning on the palm

And sees: worth

Wonderful horse.

Elegant and new,

Under the red saddle.

Four horseshoes

Shine silver.

When and from

He came here?

And how I managed

Close on the table?

On tiptoe boy

Suitable for the table,

And now the horse is

Stands on the floor.

He strokes her mane,

And back, and chest,

And on the floor sits down -

To look at the legs.

Takes under the boil -

And the horse runs.

Puts it on the side -

The horse lies.

Looks at the horse

And he thinks:

"I fell asleep, I must have

And I dream dream.

Where horse goes from

Appeared to me?

Probably horse

I see in a dream ...

I'll go and mom

His wake up.

And if you wake up

I'll show the horse. "


Pushes bed

But mom is tired -

She wants to sleep.

"I'll go to a neighbor

Peter Kuzmich,

I'll go to the neighbor

And I will knock on the door! "

Discover me the doors,

Let me!

I'll show you

Rorn horse!

A neighbor answers:

I saw him,

Has long seen

Konya your.

I must have seen

Another horse.

You were not with us

Since yesterday!

A neighbor answers:

I saw him:

Four legs

At your horse.

But you did not see

Neighbor, his feet,

But you have not seen

And could not see!

A neighbor answers:

I saw him:

Two eyes and tail

At your horse.

But you have not seen

Nor eye or tail -

It is behind the door,

And the door is locked! ..

Yawns lazily

Behind the door neighbor -

And no longer a word,

Neither sound in response.


Over the city of Liven.

All night long.

On the streets - rivers,

Ponds - at the gate.

Shake trees

Under frequent rain.

Dog wet

And ask for a house.

But through the puddles,

Rather like a top

Crawl clumsy

Horned bug.

Here it falls back

Trying to get up.

He burned down

And he got up again.

To the place of dry

In a hurry to do

But again and again

Water on the way.

He sails on the puddle,

Not knowing where.

Carries it, circling

And drive water.

Heavy drops

Panciry beat,

And harbor and waly

And they do not swim.

That's - that choral -

Gul-Gul! - And the end ...

But boldly playing

With the death of swimmer!

Would disappear forever

Horned bug

But here it turned up

Oak bitch.

From the grove of distant

He sailed here -

He brought him


And by making it in place

Steep turn

To the bug

He quickly goes.

Hurry up to grasp

Swimmer for him,

Now it is not afraid

Bug nothing.

He floats in oak

His shuttle

On stormy, deep,

Wide river.

But approach

House and fence.

Bug through click

Purked into the courtyard.

And in the house there lived

Small family.

This family is dad

And mom and me.

Bug I caught

Put in boxes

And listened how

About the wall of the bug.

But the shower ended,

Clouds gone.

And in the garden on the track

I took the beetle.

Kwitko Translated by Mikhail Svetlova.


I broke the box,

Plywood chest.

Quite similar

on violin

Baskets of barrel.

I adjusted to the branch

Four hairs -

No one has yet

Similar bow.

Glued, set up,

Worked day-day ...

Such a violin came out -

There is no such one!

In my hands, obedient,

Plays and sings ...

And the chicken thought

And the grains do not peck.

Play, play,



Sounds in the garden music,

Lose away away.

And sparrow tweet

Scream in vain:

What a pleasure

From music!

She pulled the kitten's head,

Horses rush to drag.

Where is he from? Where is he from,

Unprecedented violinist?

Try-la! Walked

violin ...

Fourteen chickens

Horses and Vorobushki

Thank me.

Did not break, not evaporated,

Carefully carry

Little violin

I'm in the forest.

On a high tree,

In the midst of the branches

Quietly sleepy music

In my violin.


Those horses shawls

With wet eyes

With necks like arcs

With strong teeth

Those horses lungs,

What are the obedient

At your feedushki

In a light stable,

Those horses are sensitive

What are disturbing:

Only shy fly -


Those horses are fast,

With light legs,

Just open the door -

Hammered with herds

Jump, run away

Unbreakable jump ...

Those lung horses

I can't forget!

Silent horses

His oats chewed,

But, envy grave,

Joyfully rusted.

Borrowers, bugs,

With rigid mustache

In wadded jackets,

With warm hands!

Borrowers, Konyuh

With expressing strict

Give out oats to friends


Horses horses,

Cheerful and full ...

Konyums are none

Not terrible hooves.

Go - are not afraid

All they are not dangerous ...

These most Konyukhov

I love terribly!

And when I grow up, -

In long pants, important

I will come to the glasses

And I will say bravely:

Five children with us

Everyone wants to work:

There is a poet-brother

There is a pilot sister,

There is one weave

There is one student ...

I am the youngest -

I will rider racing!

Well, cheerful guy!

Where? Afield?

And what muscles!

And which shoulders!

Are you from Komsomolia?

Are you from pioneer?

Choose a horse yourself

Go to the cavalry!

So I rush like the wind ...

Past - pines, maples ...

Who is this to meet?

Marshal weekly!

If I am an excellent job

So I tell him:

"Tell me, in cavalry

Calculated to be I? "

Marshal smiles

Speaks with confidence:

"Capture a little -

Let's enroll in the cavalry! "

"Ah, Comrade Marshal!












He is cheerful and happy

From fet to the top -

He managed

Run away from the frog.

She did not have time


And eat under the bush



















































































































