How to quickly learn tickets. Nose exam. How to learn tickets in three days? How to learn 50 questions in one day

Ecology of life. Life hack: It’s the end of November, which means that the exam session will begin at universities very soon. University teachers always urge you to prepare for exams from the first of September, and, in general, they are right: if you read all the dregs that they wrote in an extremely chaotic, and sometimes clumsy language, then remembering all this will really take no less several months.

In the courtyard - the end of November, which means that very soon the exam session will begin in universities. University teachers always urge you to prepare for exams from the first of September, and, in general, they are right: if you read all the dregs that they wrote in an extremely chaotic, and sometimes clumsy language, then remembering all this will really take no less several months.

But which of the adequate students teaches all this nonsense all the time - and six months before it is tested? It even happens that you don’t want to study until the last moment, that is, until the very last moment, when there is a day before the exam, or even the last sleepless night, and you don’t want to use “spurs” or don’tknows how. It is these heroes who are not gnawing, but storming the granite of science, and I want to help.

At the same time, it would probably not be superfluous to make a reservation: I have experience in successfully preparing schoolchildren and students according to these methods - specifically in the humanities (social science, law, history, literature). What is going on in biology, mathematics, astronomy and physics with chemistry - I have no idea.

But here in relation to the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, the recommendations presented work like iron, always with a stamp - and for any acceptable rating, up to "five". True, only if you do not suffer from memory problems, and if you have at least a little developed associative thinking.

Here we take as an example a school textbook on social studies. We look at what sections this very social science includes. We write out the names of these sections on a piece of paper - and memorize them (just the names of the sections). Write out, I emphasize, be sure!

Next, we look through the sections themselves and make sure that they include chapters and paragraphs, on the basis of this we understand what they generally want from us (well, let's say the "economics" section studies production, distribution, exchange and consumption, everything else is derivative).

Next - work on each individual section: we memorize and try to understand the key terms and other information highlighted in bold in the textbook, we generally ignore everything else.

By the way, the main problem of students is that they are trying to learn unnecessary dregs, of which there are usually 95 percent in a textbook. So this mistake should not be repeated, especially many times. "Water" is not worthy of attention.

As a result, you will be surprised that any thick book, being squeezed to the drop, like a lemon, fits in a notebook, four times smaller than even your lecture notebook. And the content required for the "five" in the exam is much more than in your lecture book.

As soon as we turned to social science and to the section "economics", then let's see what we got in this section. And here's what happened: you need to remember what the economy is, what types of economic systems are, what are the factors of production, well, and three or four more laws in bold.

With proper concentration, this is an hour, a maximum of one and a half - and you will know it all from the teeth. No one will ask more of you, believe me. Exactly the same - for all other sections. It is highly desirable at the end to leave forty minutes - an hour to speak and settle the written phrases, diagrams and, possibly, some sketches. Everything, you are ready for the exam, go ahead!

Pitfalls can be on subjects of historical and literary sense. There is a lot of information in them, which, it would seem, is difficult to fit into some kind of schematic sketches. Names, plots, dates… All this makes my head swell! There is always a risk of confusing Mamai with Batu, and Bolkonsky with Lensky. Therefore, when memorizing history and literature, a slightly different method works.

If you don’t understand point-blank and don’t see causal relationships between dates, events, names and facts, and even if you confuse one with the other every now and then, then you need to draw a table with a couple of vertical stripes and a lot of horizontal.

Vertical columns- “name of the actor”, “what did you do?” (we write it down literally in a few words), in relation to history - also a “date”, you can allocate a separate plate for some difficult-to-remember peace treaties.

Then horizontally you should get a plot that you understand. As a result, an extremely compact tablet emerges for any work that has not been read, but which needs to be forced to know and remember, and for each block of historical events (well, there is serfdom, revolutions, world wars, collectivization, the "thaw", Gorbachev-Yeltsin democracy and others in the same vein).

If confusion still arises, we highlight each horizontal strip with a certain color- and associatively bind this color to a person and an event - within the table. For example, you associate Kolchak with blue, Wrangel with white, and Lenin with red, you can do it the other way around - it’s more convenient for someone to perceive it. The main thing is the principle itself, and it works flawlessly.

Someone may argue that this is a very long time, and you won’t have time the night before the exam. Yes, nothing like that! As soon as you start doing this, you will see that in literature you need to remember only a dozen and a half basic literary works (with a very simple plot, as it turns out), and in history - only a few large blocks of events and facts that are easily depicted and linked schematically.

All these frightening and seemingly disordered dates, plots and names are again compact, exhaustive and, importantly, quickly fit into a small notebook.

Well, again, if you choose the most essential and do not get confused with the unnecessary: ​​for example, in relation to literature, with Pushkin, Gogol, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Sholokhov, you will have to strain, and Shalamov, Rubtsov or Vampilov can be completely ignored.

It is necessary to memorize according to the tables-sections - and again, you need to leave forty minutes - an hour in order to speak all this in general terms and not get confused in the exam. And if you tense up for just a few hours, then combat readiness is again guaranteed!

I repeat and emphasize: such schemes are guaranteed to be suitable for all humanitarian subjects without exception. And the indicated methods will allow you to memorize and for some time memorize in detail a textbook of any complexity - a maximum of 6-7 hours before the X hour.

That is, a few hours before the exam, he was "zero" and "wooden", and having prepared according to these recommendations, he came - and received "excellent" (or some other maximum score), answering all the tricky questions of a grumpy and picky examiner. I give a tooth, this is more than real! If you, I repeat, do not have pathological problems with memory, and if you do not completely lack associative-figurative thinking.

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At the same time, do not expect that the information learned in this way will linger in your head for more than a month. Your goal is exclusively "five" in the exam, in an honest way, without headphones and "spurs". If you want long-term memory, follow exactly the same scenarios, just give the process not 6-7 hours, but, say, a couple of days - for each relevant item.

And one more moment, and an important moment ... I still would not recommend resorting to forced technologies too often: one, two, three per session is still nothing, but the psyche is really overloaded from such systematic feats. Such intellectual marathons, with all their temporary effectiveness, are permissible only when there is a very great need. And just before the exam, it is highly desirable to get enough sleep.

Good luck with the session! published

The situation when three days before the exam you need to learn a large amount of material is familiar to many. We will tell you how to develop memory and assimilate the necessary information within a short period of time. It doesn’t matter if you have to take the exam, GIA or traffic rules.

Proper organization of the process

From how well you plan the process of preparing for the exam, its result directly depends. Therefore, approach this issue systematically:

  • if during the semester you rarely attended lectures and did not consider it necessary to make up for what was missed, then two or three days to master the material will not be enough. Start preparing for the exam at least a week in advance, then you will have a chance to remember most of what you read;
  • Set up a ticketing schedule and stick to it. Divide the number of exam questions equally by the number of days left until the test, and learn the daily norm without putting off until tomorrow. Otherwise, on the last day before the exam, you will have a hard time. Agree, there is a difference - to learn 25 or 50 questions a day, because the memory of an ordinary person has its limits;
  • set aside time intervals for preparation from 7.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00. During these hours, our brain is highly active, and it is able to easily absorb and quickly memorize material. Take a 10 minute break every 40 minutes. Walk around the apartment, warm up, go out into the yard - disperse the blood that has stagnated while sitting and feed the brain with the oxygen it needs so much;
  • do not be distracted by watching TV, or computer games, or telephone conversations. Do not even think about checking social networks to find out how your friends are doing - postpone communication until the evening when the daily ticket rate is over;
  • take breaks for breakfast and lunch. Remember: the brain needs food, otherwise its efficiency will decrease significantly, and memory will deteriorate. Although they say that glucose stimulates the brain, do not go to extremes by eating an incredible amount of candy. Better eat a bar of dark chocolate - it has much more benefits;

  • do not stay up at the computer until late at night. Remember: in the morning the head must be fresh, otherwise all attempts to assimilate the material will go to waste.

You may have to limit communication with friends and stop going to nightclubs for the duration of the session. In our opinion, this is a small price to pay for a good grade in the test book. And you can catch up by hanging out with friends at parties after the exam.

Techniques for quick assimilation of material

Alas, not all of us are endowed with the ability to quickly memorize large amounts of material, and therefore, we think, everyone is interested in how to develop memory. Mnemonics can help with this - a technique that facilitates memorization. Here are a few tips that may come in handy while preparing for the exam.

  1. Do not cram the material, but try to understand, then it will be easier to reproduce what you read. Mechanical memory is ineffective.
  2. Divide large texts into parts and learn gradually. The assimilation of small passages is much easier, because it does not overload the untrained memory.
  3. If you need to memorize several materials, start with a larger one. The same applies to exam questions: while you are not tired yet, learn more complex ones, and leave simple ones “for a snack”.
  4. Learned should be repeated. After reading the topic, make a mental plan for the answer and briefly retell what you have learned. The rule "Repetition is the mother of learning" has not been canceled, only the teaching must be conscious - see point 1.
  5. Retell what you read to your family. When we voice and explain to someone what we previously said mentally, knowledge is systematized and deposited in memory, so it will not be difficult to extract them to the surface during the exam.
  6. Write cheat sheets. Not so much to use them, but to better remember. It has been proven that information that has been read and written down is remembered much better.
  7. Starting to prepare just a day before the test, you greatly reduce your chances of getting a good grade. However, there is still a chance of a successful outcome. Read the material "diagonally" - visual memory will catch the main thing, and during the exam you will be able to fish out the necessary thesis from the back streets of the brain and reveal the topic.

Good luck!

Take it, tell your friends!

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We are all different, so our strategies for preparing for the exam will be different. Start from your individual characteristics. If you are auditory, read textbooks and notes aloud, if you are kinesthetic, write according to your notes and plan your answer.

Another effective method is the mind map. This is a great way to structure information, refresh knowledge and quickly get to the heart of the subject even after a long time. We talked about how to make mental maps and how to work with them in more detail.

What questions to learn first? If during the semester you have a good understanding of the subject, proceed to the questions about which you have at least some idea.

If each new block cannot be understood without the previous one, then there is only one option: learn everything strictly in order.

It also makes sense to start with difficult questions, allocating enough time to study them. It's best to deal with them before you get tired and lose focus. Save the easy questions for later.

And be consistent. Stick to the chosen strategy, even if you start to panic with the approach of the exam.

Seek understanding, not memorization

Delve into the ticket, and do not try to memorize it. Memorization is a deliberately losing strategy, which also takes more time. Find logical connections in questions, invent associations.

Of course, in each subject there is information that you need to know by heart: dates, formulas, definitions. But even they are easier to remember if you understand the logic.

Do not tell the material in your own words, speculate so that the answer is more detailed.

Method "3-4-5"

A good method when you need to prepare for an exam in a short period of time. It will only take three days, but there is a lot of work to be done. Every day you need to work through all the material, but at a different level, constantly deepening.

On the first day, you read your entire abstract or training manual so that knowledge on the subject, roughly speaking, gets involved. We conditionally believe that you can already pass the exam for a triple.

On the second day, you deal with the same questions, but already from the textbook, in order to learn more details and subtleties. If you prepare diligently, you can already count on the four.

On the last day, you bring your answers to the ideal: repeat, fill in the gaps, remember. After the third day, you are ready to pass the exam with excellent marks.

Two days to study, one to review

The system is very simple: all the material must be divided into two identical parts and learned in two days. The third day is entirely devoted to repetition.

Set a time limit

You can delve into each topic indefinitely, so do not try to remember all the subtleties. From a large chapter in the textbook, highlight the main thoughts: structured material of a small volume is easier to perceive.

In we divided all the tickets between classmates and each prepared a short summary of his part. If your group does not develop mutual assistance, you can ask for materials and cheat sheets from senior students.

Don't get stuck

If you feel like you're sitting on one question for too long, skip it. The best motivator when preparing is a timer. Decide how much time you can spend on one ticket, such as 30 minutes, and when the time expires, move on to the next one. Set aside a few hours before the exam to deal with missed questions.

Make a ticket response plan

Any, even the most extensive question can be described in a few words. Moreover, each thesis should evoke associations.

Such a plan can be quickly reviewed before the exam to tune in to the working mood. There is a well-known method of three sentences: write out for each question a problem, a main idea and a conclusion.

Study depends on the subject

Not only you have individual characteristics, but also the subject under study. For example, the exact sciences - physics - require practice. For the humanities, it is important to be able to process large amounts of information, remember dates, names, definitions.

But, I repeat, the study of any subject must be approached actively: to delve into the issue and strive for understanding.

The format of the exam is also important. If you are preparing for an oral exam, say your future answers out loud. My favorite tactic is to retell the material to someone at home or, when they are not enthusiastic, to myself in front of a mirror. Even better, if someone will not only listen to you, but also ask questions when something is not clear.

If you are preparing for testing, it is worth solving a dozen typical tests, writing out your mistakes, repeating problematic topics and solving everything again.

If the exam is written, you need to think over the structure of the answer in advance.

Prepare for two or three

Write down the most difficult, in your opinion, topics - the collective mind will help you deal with them faster. It is better to cooperate with classmates who are determined to study, otherwise the preparation for the exam can turn into an ordinary pleasant meeting with friendly conversations.

No, this does not mean that joking and relaxing is forbidden. Just remember the main purpose of the meeting.

Viktor Kiryanov/
  1. Take breaks. This will help you relax and sort out new information.
  2. Turn off your phone, stay away from social media, stay away from the TV. If you can't resist the temptation, read up on dealing with distractions.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Do not forget about food: it will give extra strength to your body. However, you shouldn't overeat. Usually, after an overly heavy lunch, he begins to sleep, and he doesn’t want to study at all.
  5. Avoid negativity from other people. The atmosphere during classes should be as favorable as possible.
  6. Don't rely too much on cheat sheets and cheating. And if you don’t know how to write off well (you must agree, you also need to be able to do this), you shouldn’t even start.
  7. Arrange a place for classes: bright, comfortable, with all the necessary materials at hand. The bed is not the best option: there is a high probability of falling asleep on a boring topic.
  8. Make bulleted lists: they are easier to remember.
  9. Sports will help to relax and stretch the muscles that have become stiff during prolonged sitting. In addition, while running, cycling, or similar physical activity, you can slowly reflect on complex issues.
  10. If you feel that you are not in the mood to study, start with the topic that seems most interesting to you. This will help you get on track.
  11. Walk in the evening. During preparation, the nerves are usually on edge, so you need to relax a little.
  12. Make a clear preparation plan.

Tomorrow is an exam and you didn't prepare for it because you didn't have time or you put off studying until later? You can prepare for the exam in one day if you are disciplined and attentive. It is better to prepare in advance, for example, a week before the exam, but there are situations when this cannot be done. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare for the exam in one day.



    Find a suitable place to practice. Nothing and no one should distract you - neither friends, nor any objects in your bedroom. Find a study area where you can focus on the material you are learning.

    • Study somewhere quiet and peaceful, such as a private room or a library.
  1. Prepare everything you need. Before you begin to study the material, prepare everything you may need, such as textbooks, notes, markers, a computer, a light snack and water.

    • Remove everything that will distract you.
  2. Turn off your phone. If you don’t need your smartphone to study, turn it off so that it doesn’t distract you from studying the subject. So you can focus solely on the material being studied.

    Consider whether you should study on your own or in a group. Since time is limited, it's probably best to study on your own, but sometimes it's helpful to study the material in a small group to better understand the concepts and terms. If you decide to work in a group, make sure that it consists of people who are as prepared as you are; otherwise, the efficiency of work in the group will not be very high.

    Learn to work effectively with a textbook. You will not remember the material if you just read the textbook (especially if your time is limited). As you read your textbook, pay particular attention to the chapter summaries and key information in bold type.

    • Find the questions that are given after each chapter (or at the end of the textbook). Try to answer these questions to test yourself and understand what you should learn.
  3. Create a study guide. It will allow you to better understand the material and quickly review it on the day of the exam. In the study guide, fill in the most important concepts, terms, dates, and formulas and try to state the main concepts in your own words. Self-formulation of concepts and writing them down on paper will allow you to better understand and remember the material.

    • If you don't have time to create a study guide, ask a friend or classmate for one. But it will be better if you create your own study guide, as stating and writing down the main concepts will help you remember the information better.
  4. Prepare for the appropriate exam format. If you are pressed for time, be sure to keep the format in mind when preparing for the exam. Ask your teacher about the format of the exam or look in the curriculum, or ask your classmates.

Lesson plan

    Create a lesson plan. Include material that will definitely be on the exam, such as important dates, certain scientific concepts, math formulas or equations. If you don't know what will be asked on the exam, ask your classmates. To pass the exam successfully, it is important to know what material you need to learn (especially when time is limited).

    Create a class schedule. Schedule the whole day leading up to the exam and determine the hours that you will devote to studying the material. Don't forget to make time for sleep.

    Create a list of topics to study. Review the textbook, study guide and notes and write down the topics that will be present on the exam.

No wonder the student proverb says:

"It's either an eternity or one night before the exam."

Very, very many people like to put off all their affairs until the last moment, when it’s impossible to continue pulling the cat by the tail.

By the way, it’s better not to do this with writing a diploma - you can easily retake the exam.

What to do if folk wisdom was confirmed in your case?

Get ready to stay up all night

In order for the brain to work optimally, stock up on chocolate. In general, sweet in any case affects mental activity, but it is better to choose bitter chocolate. Doctors also advise eating fish, but here you need to observe the measure, because after a hearty dinner you always want to sleep.

If coffee doesn't work for you, brew very strong green tea. It contains a lot of caffeine and other invigorating substances. Of course, you can turn to energy drinks for help, but it’s better not to abuse such an amount of chemistry - more than two cans of a drink can adversely affect the work of the heart. It is better to choose a natural option, for example, eleutherococcus extract. It is quite inexpensive, tolerable in taste, and you only need to drink a tablespoon at a time.

Protect yourself from unnecessary distractions

Since there is no time to read books anymore, the search engine will help you. Immediately look for ready-made answers to your question, and where to write. For better memorization, you can make a short summary. Then it will be useful to re-read it several times, so the most key points are better deposited in memory.

Write cheat sheets

If any questions cause difficulty, write cheat sheets. Firstly, it is easier to remember this way, and secondly, they will add self-confidence. Write briefly, shorten the text to the maximum, leave only the main formulas and concepts.

Take breaks

In preparation, it is necessary to take breaks. Allocate time in the best way for you, make a schedule. For example, you work for an hour and a half without being distracted by anything, and then you rest for 30 minutes. By the way, it is better not to rest in front of the monitor. Walk to the kitchen, drink coffee, call the same night owls as you. At worst, wash the dishes or tidy up the room - physical work of such a plan will unload the brain well.


Try to get at least two hours of sleep before the exam. The material will be better remembered, and you will feel better. After rest, repeat the information again and boldly go to the exam.

The main thing is not to worry.

Even if it seems that you have forgotten everything, the mind will prompt the right answer in time. And the spurs won't let you down.