Dikul treatment of arthrosis. Dikul deep action balm for the spine and joints (massage, sports, winter, radiculin) - instructions for use and contraindications Dikul is the secret of healthy joints

As a result of many years of practice and selection of the most active and high-quality components, Dikul balm appeared. Its effectiveness is evidenced by numerous clinical trials conducted in his medical centers by academician, professor Valentin Ivanovich Dikul.

It took time to systematize and put in order my methodology and my experience. V. Dikul combined his efforts with the specialists of the Fora-Pharm company, and it was thanks to their common developments that the Valentin Dikul Forte balm appeared.

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Valentin Dikul's balm is successfully used to treat joints, spinal diseases, and lower back pain. For patients suffering from osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and radiculitis, this is, first of all, a chance for a healthy life with all its colors.

During its development, the professor tested Dikul ointment on patients with intractable forms of musculoskeletal diseases, as well as serious spinal problems. Valentin Dikul's balm is recommended for the treatment of gout, as well as for the prevention of diseases, in particular myositis and neuralgia.

What is the secret of action?

Valentin Dikul's balm is recommended due to the fact that it has an anti-edematous effect, helps cope with joint pain, under its influence inflammatory processes are stopped, salt deposits are removed, and cartilage tissue is regenerated and joint fluid is formed.

The use of balm forte helps to enhance the circulation of blood and lymph, activate metabolism, and also the formation of synovial fluid. With regular use of V. Dikul Forte balm, relief is observed even with significant damage.

The main properties of the balm include:

  • relieving inflammation and swelling of joints
  • reduction of pain syndrome
  • increasing the elasticity of tendons and ligaments
  • Metabolism and blood circulation are activated in the periarticular tissues

Balsam forte preserves the healthy functioning of joints, helps to inhibit destructive processes, and therefore returns to a person the joy of life in motion.


For preventive purposes, as well as to prevent exacerbation of diseases of the joints, spine and pain in the lumbar region, the balm is used several times a day, and it is necessary to rub the cream-balm into the risk area for 3 minutes.

If radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and neuralgic pain have worsened, it is necessary to apply Balm Forte with massaging movements for 2 minutes, repeating the procedure up to three times during the day. Movements should be light. In this case, after applying the balm, the sore spot must be wrapped warmly; woolen fabric or a down scarf is best. The course of treatment is thus carried out over a period of 1 to 6 weeks.

Using circular movements, they should be more intense than in the previous case, it is necessary to rub in the balm for arthritis, as well as gout and arthrosis. The procedure is repeated for 3-5 minutes several times a day. The painful area, as well as the lumbar region, must be wrapped in warm woolen cloth.

As for contraindications, the balm does not cause adverse reactions; the only exception may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The use of balm in the treatment of pain in the joints, spine and lower back can be both individual and complex. The balm consists exclusively of natural ingredients, but, nevertheless, before starting to use it, you should consult your doctor.

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant discomfort in your joints or annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones have encountered this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose clients! It was precisely this that Russia’s leading rheumatologists and orthopedists jointly opposed, presenting a long-known effective remedy for joint pain that actually heals, and not just relieves pain!

Among all the medicinal ointments and gels for joints that are currently being produced, Valentin Dikul’s balm stands apart. Whether this is connected with the name and authority of the famous circus performer and weightlifter, or with some other reasons, the medicinal ointment created according to his recipe is very popular.

Let's see what is included in this ointment, who makes sense to use it and how it should be used in order to recover as quickly as possible.

What diseases does the remedy help with?

Indications for use of the drug: arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, myositis, injuries of various types (sprains, fractures) and other diseases of the spine and joints, which are characterized by pain and destructive changes; The balm can be used both during the current illness and for its prevention.

The drug helps the body with these diseases in several ways:

1. Analgesic effect, which is especially important for fractures, sprains, exacerbations of arthrosis, etc.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect: the balm will help with ailments when you need to relieve inflammation - arthritis, injuries.

3. Strengthening metabolism: improving microcirculation, lymph and blood circulation, excretion, which is very useful for inflammatory (arthritis,) and destructive, degenerative processes in the joints and spine (osteoarthrosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis).

4. Increased regeneration of cartilage tissue and increased production of synovial fluid - with deforming osteoarthritis of the joints.

5. Restoration of movements in case of damage to joints, ligaments and muscles - in case of fractures and sprains.

Balm composition:

1. Highly purified water, enriched with silver ions. Has a pronounced disinfectant effect.

2. Healing oils: sea buckthorn oil, as well as Australian tea tree oil. These healing substances are well absorbed into the skin and have a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic effect, increase the rate of wound healing and reduce the incidence of complications.

3. Oil extracts of the following plants: chamomile, nettle, rose hips, ginkgo biloba, aloe, celandine. All these herbs have long been known for their healing properties; many of them are used and are part of various.

4. Bee products: mumiyo, propolis, beeswax and bee venom. All these substances are very useful for almost all degenerative processes of the spine - osteochondrosis, radiculitis, spondylosis, etc.

5. In addition, the medicine contains other useful substances: chaga extract, bear bile, collagen hydrolyzate, as well as vitamins A and E.

How to use this product?

This balm-gel for joints should be used as follows.

For prevention (in case of hypothermia and decreased immunity - to avoid exacerbation of the disease): 2-3 times a day for 2-4 minutes, vigorously rub the product into the area of ​​the affected joint, spine or muscles.

For exacerbations of osteochondrosis, neuralgia, radiculitis and other degenerative diseases: 2-3 times a day, rub the medicine into the affected area with gentle, gentle movements for two minutes. After this, you need to wrap the sore area in a warm woolen scarf.

For a sustainable effect, these procedures must be carried out over a course of one to six weeks.

Nowadays, joint disease is almost the most common disease that covers all age categories. To prevent and get rid of symptomatic pain that goes along with the disease, medications are used that have an excellent range of therapeutic effects.

Today, most patients choose Dikul ointment for treatment, which can cope with pain at the local level. It is impossible to find even one negative review; all patients who tried the medicinal medication on themselves were satisfied.


The widespread use of the drug is marked by the fact that it does not contain any components other than natural ones.

The instructions contain information about the following composition:

  • Oil hoods. This includes chamomile, rose hips, celandine, aloe and other plants that have long proven themselves in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, etc.
  • Bee venom and wax, as well as propolis, they eliminate pain, suppress inflammatory processes, and improve blood circulation.
  • Australian tea tree oil, sea buckthorn oil. These components are disinfecting and antiseptic, quickly restore damaged areas, and reduce the possibility of complications, for example, the spine.
  • Mumiyo contains a huge amount of microelements and organic matter. In osteochondrosis, this component accelerates the regeneration of diseased tissues, enhances adaptogenic properties, and strengthens the immune system at the local level.
  • Chaga extract, vitamins A, E, bear bile, which normalize the body's metabolic processes, provide diseased tissues with valuable and necessary elements.
  • The water has a significant level of purification and is enriched with silver ions. This water has a disinfecting effect.

Valentin Dikul is the founder of the miraculous ointment; he passed on his knowledge and techniques when he was able to independently recover and return to normal after a spinal fracture. The selection of all components of the drug is based on Tibetan medicine. The ingredients each have their own range of effects, but when combined they act as high-quality and effective complements to each other. Using Dikul ointment you can avoid negative effects on the body, since its composition is as natural as possible.

Release form

The product is available in the form of a balm and gel; the tube capacity can be 50, 75, 100 and 125 ml, depending on the form of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Dikul's medicinal ointment is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent that effectively combats not only joint problems and spinal ailments, but also performs the following functions:

  1. Blood microcirculation is normalized.
  2. Lymph and blood circulation increases.
  3. Metabolism is activated.
  4. Helps in the formation of synovial (articular) fluid in the joint.
  5. Salts and harmful deposits are removed from the body.
  6. Regeneration of cartilage tissue, for example, of the knee or the entire musculoskeletal system, is carried out.
  7. The source of inflammation resolves many times faster.

Among other things, the ointment has a positive effect on resisting swelling. Every patient who has used the drug writes exclusively positive reviews, because they quickly felt significant relief in movement, in addition, each leg and each joint received local immunity, since the product has this feature.

Indications for use

Dikul ointment for pain is used in the following cases:

  1. Osteoarthritis.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Bruises.
  4. Radiculitis.
  5. Fracture.
  6. Gout.
  7. Sports injuries.
  8. Sprain.
  9. Neuralgia.

According to academician Valentin Dikul, the balm is a natural medicinal product that does not cause side effects and has no prohibitions on use, except for intolerance to the components it contains.

Dikul ointment for joints: instructions for use for different patients, as well as analogues and prices

Among the varieties of the product, Dikul ointment for joints has 4 types:

  • directly for joints;
  • for massages;
  • sports variety;
  • Radiculin.

These balms are distinguished by their safety for the gastrointestinal tract, without analgesics, they cope with pain, and doubly protect the human motor system from radiculitis.

For joints, the ointment performs the following functions:

  • pain relief;
  • improving blood circulation, warming up;
  • acceleration of hematoma healing;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • production of synovial fluid;
  • regeneration and restoration of cartilage tissue.

The composition includes red pepper, golden root, cinquefoil. Sports balm can be used for any injuries, sprains, hematomas, dislocations.

It very quickly and permanently relieves pain in the musculoskeletal system and has an excellent effect on the human condition as an auxiliary remedy.

The unique composition of the drug is able to stimulate the movement of lymph, improve blood flow, and activate the restoration processes of damaged tissue.

A massage balm is recognized as a cosmetic product, which increases blood flow in affected areas, causes synovial fluid to be produced faster, and restores cartilage. Thanks to the use of this form of the composition, you can easily straighten the joints and significantly reduce the stiffness of the spine. Radiculin or radiculitis balm is effective in many situations.

Treatment is carried out for at least 2 weeks and can last up to 60 days. Helps with exacerbations of osteochondrosis in spring and autumn, with neuralgia, myositis, arthrosis and gout. It can serve as a single medicine or be used in combination.

Instructions for use (method and dosage) for joints

Dikul ointment for joints has the peculiarity of not only treating diseases therapeutically, but also helping to carry out preventive measures. For prevention, you need to rub the balm ointment into the sore spot every 8 hours with massage movements for 3-5 minutes.

In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, the treatment process is carried out as follows: the patient should apply the medication to the site of pain with careful, non-pressing movements 3 times a day and rub in for at least 5 minutes. After covering with ointment, you need to wrap the treatment area using a warm cloth, preferably wool. The duration of treatment can be up to 6 weeks.


It is worth understanding that a direct analogue of a particular medication is selected according to the active substance. Dikul ointment for the treatment of joints is a complex of oils, plant extracts, fats, so the drug has no direct analogue of plant origin.

Among the varieties of ointment there are several types of the drug:

  1. For joints and spine. It is used most widely. The composition contains components that have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Radiculin. A medication has been developed specifically to alleviate and cure sciatica. Plants added to its composition: nettle, chamomile, aloe, celandine and others.
  3. Tibetan gel-balm, which has a deep spectrum of effects, contains chondroprotectors that help not only overcome pain and inflammation, but also gives elasticity to cartilage tissues. In addition, intra-articular, cartilaginous fluid is formed. A medicine was created based on the basics of Tibetan medicine.

For children

Due to the fact that Dikul ointment for the treatment of joints causes practically no side effects, but has not been tested on children under 12 years of age, the use of the medication is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation

The use of ointment during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied. Therefore, the use of the medicine is not recommended. But if there is a special need to apply the product, you should be examined by a specialist for the presence of contraindications.

The naturalness of the components in some cases can also cause allergic manifestations, which include itching, redness of the dermis, etc. If symptoms suddenly appear, the course of treatment should be stopped.

Dikul balm is a homeopathic remedy for topical use for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It was created by weightlifter and gymnast Valentin Ivanovich Dikul on the basis of many years of clinical trials in medical and rehabilitation institutions, which he heads to this day.

A series of balms, developed by the great circus artist, helped patients in the Dikul centers who were undergoing a recovery period after serious illnesses and injuries get back on their feet.

The ointments effectively complemented the author's rehabilitation program and were recommended for use after patients were discharged from the hospital. The most popular use of Dikul balms is for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, osteoarthritis and myositis.

The history of the creation of the balm

Valentin Dikul has been interested in circus art since childhood and has performed in the arena with his own tricks and tricks since adolescence. While performing an aerobics routine, the safety rope broke and the boy fell from a height of 15 meters. As a result of the injury, doctors predicted that the young artist would be disabled for the rest of his life due to a compression fracture of the spine. Dikul did not agree with the cruel sentence and the end of his circus career. He developed a special rehabilitation program for himself, which, despite the skepticism of doctors, returned him not only to a full life, but also to the circus arena.

Subsequently, the artist decided to maintain his health using natural means. This is how the author’s first balm appeared. First he tried it on himself, then suggested it to his colleagues. The product turned out to be effective and quickly returned artists to work after professional injuries. A decade later, the balm was improved, thanks to official clinical trials on patients of the Dikul medical centers, which he opened and headed in Moscow.

Composition of the balm

The ingredients in Dikul balm are represented by products of natural origin. Plant and animal components have no absolute contraindications and have a harmonious effect on the body, eliminating the manifestations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The pharmaceutical industry produces several types of medicinal substances:

  • radiculin,
  • sports,
  • for joints,
  • massage,
  • Tibetan.

Balms differ in their intended use and combination of medicinal components. For example, the Tibetan Dikul balm contains a unique set of medicinal herbs that have been used in oriental medicine since ancient times. The sports cream includes withanol to quickly restore tissue after injuries that often occur during training. The massage contains active microcapsules that allow the healing components to penetrate deep into the tissue while rubbing the balm. Radiculin and ointment for joints include extracts of red hot pepper or bear bile, which have a powerful irritating effect, which effectively eliminates pain. However, all balms have a basic set of medicinal substances, which include:

  • highly purified water with the addition of silver ions – has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • bee waste products (bee venom, propolis, wax) – have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, normalize metabolism and blood flow in the area of ​​the affected joints;
  • base oils (tea tree, sea buckthorn) - are well absorbed into the skin, cause a disinfectant and antiseptic effect, accelerate the regeneration (restoration) of damaged tissues at the site of inflammation;
  • Shilajit is a substance of mineral origin, which contains a large number of useful ingredients that improve local immunity processes, metabolism and adaptogenic properties of the body;
  • oil extracts of medicinal plants (celandine, chamomile, gingko biloba, aloe, rosehip) - have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, normalize blood flow and lymph movement.

Due to their natural composition, the use of balms has no restrictions. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the ointment and skin defects at the site of application of the medicinal substance.

Purpose of the balm

Dikul balms are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by both inflammatory and degenerative processes in bone, cartilage or muscle tissue. Indications for use of the medicinal substance include:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine, protrusion and hernia of the spinal column;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • damage to periarticular tissues (ligaments, fascia);
  • myositis;
  • gout;
  • injuries (bruises, sprains, fractures, hematomas);
  • recovery period after operations on joints, bones, spine;
  • pain syndrome due to damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  • fatigue of the limbs during intense physical activity during work and sports;
  • prevention of age-related changes in joints and relapse of diseases of the axial skeleton.

In order to prevent the development or exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the balm is intensively rubbed into the affected areas of the body for 4-5 minutes three times a day in weekly courses. For the treatment of pathology of the joints, spine, and muscles, the ointment is applied with light massage movements to the area of ​​injury or inflammatory-degenerative process for 1-2 minutes 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and usually lasts 2-4 weeks. Instructions for use of the medicinal substance are included along with a tube of ointment, which is available in volumes of 75 or 100 ml.

The components in Dikul balm effectively eliminate the pathological process and prevent the progression of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The use of ointment shortens the therapeutic course of enteral (tablets) and parenteral (injections) drugs, reduces the likelihood of complications due to long-term prescription of medications. The use of balms has the following effects on the body:

  • elimination of the inflammatory reaction at the site of tissue damage;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • normalization of blood circulation and lymph outflow in the area of ​​pathology;
  • activation of metabolic processes, prevention of destruction of intra-articular cartilage:
  • optimization of synovial (intra-articular) fluid synthesis processes;
  • improving local immunity and regenerative capacity of damaged tissues.

An important advantage of Dikul balms is the price, which is in the range of 200-300 rubles. Medicinal ointments can be purchased at pharmacy chains or specialized online stores.

Reviews about the balm

The high effectiveness and availability of Dikul balms was reflected in positive reviews from patients who used the ointment to treat ailments of the musculoskeletal system. The real experience of patients in using the drug can help people suffering from diseases of the joints and spine.

Vasily Nikolaevich, 63 years old. Dikul balm is one of the main medicines in my medicine cabinet. I have been suffering from arthrosis of the knee joints for more than 15 years; with age, pain in my legs has become more frequent and difficulties have appeared when walking. I am periodically treated in the inpatient department of a regional hospital, and I use the balm constantly. The ointment relieves discomfort in the knees, improves joint mobility, and prevents exacerbation during cold seasons. He has not been hospitalized for the last few years. This is undoubtedly the merit of the balm.

Natalya, 28 years old. During my pregnancy with twins, I had severe lower back pain. Nothing helped: neither a bandage nor constant rest. Discomfort in the spine prevented me from performing basic household chores. The gynecologist advised me to try Dikul balm, which can be used while pregnant. After a week-long course of treatment, I felt obvious relief; the ointment literally put me back on my feet.

Ivan Artemovich, 36 years old. I regularly play sports and enjoy martial arts. During training, I often injure my limbs due to negligence, then it takes me a long time to recover and I miss classes. I heard positive reviews from friends about Dikul balm, which is designed specifically for athletes. After using the ointment, bruises and hematomas began to appear less frequently, and rehabilitation took much less time.

The effective use of Dikul balm for osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, myositis, and injuries allows the drug to be included in the complex treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Tibetan balm Dikul for joints and spine: reviews of use

Among all the ointments, creams and gels for joints existing today, Dikul balm stands apart. It is unknown why the drug is so popular. Maybe we need to pay tribute to the authority and name of the famous circus weightlifter, or perhaps the reviews of patients who had the opportunity to use this joint balm on themselves played such a role.

Tibetan balm by Valentin Dikul has helped many athletes and ordinary people whose joint system experiences heavy loads every day.

The balm has helped many athletes and people whose joints experience heavy loads every day.

Therapeutic effect

Ointment for joints and spine has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, restores microcirculation in tissues (read reviews on the Internet).

Using the balm:

  • stimulates an increase in lymph outflow;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood circulation;
  • increases the production of joint fluid;
  • promotes the breakdown and removal of salt deposits;
  • activates metabolic processes.

The ointment stimulates the regenerative processes occurring in cartilage and accelerates the resorption of inflammation. Under the influence of Dikul balm, ligaments and joints gain greater mobility.

The Tibetan drug contains cinquefoil extract, which eliminates aching joints. Chamomile has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

St. John's wort provides the drug with antibacterial and hemostatic properties, normalizes vascular tone and accelerates the healing process.

Collagen helps improve joint mobility.

In addition, this substance has anti-edematous and analgesic properties. Chaga extract provides a tonic and immunomodulatory effect.

What does ointment for joints and spine consist of?

The balm contains the following components:

  1. Purified water saturated with silver ions, which has a disinfecting effect.
  2. Tea tree and sea buckthorn oils. These elements are endowed with excellent ability to be absorbed into the skin, accelerate wound healing and provide an antiseptic effect.
  3. Oil extracts of celandine, aloe, ginkgo biloba, rose hips, nettle, chamomile. All these medicinal plants are used in traditional medicine to treat arthritis and arthrosis.
  4. Bee venom, beeswax, propolis, mumiyo are useful for any diseases of the spine (spondylosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis).
  5. Tibetan balm includes: collagen, bear bile, vitamins A and E, chaga extract.

When to apply the ointment

Valentin Dikul's balm is effective in complex therapy to prevent exacerbations of radiculitis, arthritis of any origin, osteochondrosis and other joint pathologies.

In addition, the ointment is used for neuralgia, myositis, fractures, sprains, bruises, if the knee hurts after a fall, and so on.


Reviews from doctors indicate that Dikul balm cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The components of the drug can cause allergies, itching and redness of the skin at the site of application. These facts are confirmed by patient reviews. If such symptoms occur, use of the balm should be discontinued.

Instructions for applying the balm

The medication should be used as follows:

To prevent diseases of the spine and joints: rub into the affected area for two minutes every day (3 times a day).

For exacerbations of neuralgia, osteochondrosis and other lesions: 3 times a day, rub the composition into the sore spot with light movements for 2 minutes. Then wrap the treated area with a warm scarf. For a sustainable effect, these manipulations must be performed for 1 to 6 weeks.

For arthritis and osteoporosis: actively rub the ointment in the area of ​​sore joints 3 times a day (3 minutes). Then wrap the treated area with a warm cloth.

Important! In order for treatment for these diseases to be effective, it is necessary to complete a whole course lasting at least 3-6 weeks (depending on the severity of the disease).

How much does the balm cost?

The drug can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. No recipe required for this. Release form: 75 ml tubes. The cost of the balm ranges from 145 to 170 rubles.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that after a certain age, articular disorders are present in every person. Here it is important not to miss the onset of the disease, but to nip it in the bud.

Reviews about Dikul balm are mostly positive, but this does not mean that this drug is the only and reliable remedy for joint diseases. With a competent approach to the problem and following all the doctor’s recommendations, the balm will definitely help restore the affected tissue.

Balm Valentin Dikul for joints and spine

Among all the medicinal ointments and gels for joints that are currently being produced, Valentin Dikul’s balm stands apart. Whether this is connected with the name and authority of the famous circus performer and weightlifter, or with some other reasons, the medicinal ointment created according to his recipe is very popular.

Let's see what is included in this ointment, who makes sense to use it and how it should be used in order to recover as quickly as possible.

What diseases does the remedy help with?

Indications for use of the drug: arthrosis, arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, myositis, injuries of various types (sprains, fractures) and other diseases of the spine and joints, which are characterized by pain and destructive changes; The balm can be used both during the current illness and for its prevention.

The drug helps the body with these diseases in several ways:

1. Analgesic effect, which is especially important for fractures, sprains, exacerbations of arthrosis and arthritis.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect: the balm will help with ailments when you need to relieve inflammation - arthritis, injuries.

3. Strengthening metabolism: improving microcirculation, lymph and blood circulation, removing excess salts, which is very useful for inflammatory (arthritis, synovitis) and destructive, degenerative processes in the joints and spine (osteoarthrosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis).

4. Increased regeneration of cartilage tissue and increased production of synovial fluid - with deforming osteoarthritis of the joints.

5. Restoration of movements in case of damage to joints, ligaments and muscles - in case of fractures and sprains.

Balm composition:

1. Highly purified water, enriched with silver ions. Has a pronounced disinfectant effect.

2. Healing oils: sea buckthorn oil, as well as Australian tea tree oil. These healing substances are well absorbed into the skin and have a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic effect, increase the rate of wound healing and reduce the incidence of complications.

3. Oil extracts of the following plants: chamomile, nettle, rose hips, ginkgo biloba, aloe, celandine. All these herbs have long been known for their healing properties; many of them are used in the folk treatment of arthritis and are included in various folk recipes for arthrosis of the joints.

4. Bee products: mumiyo, propolis, beeswax and bee venom. All these substances are very useful for almost all degenerative processes of the spine - osteochondrosis, radiculitis, spondylosis, etc.

5. In addition, the medicine contains other useful substances: chaga extract, bear bile, collagen hydrolyzate, as well as vitamins A and E.

How to use this product?

This balm-gel for joints should be used as follows.

For prevention (in case of hypothermia and decreased immunity - to avoid exacerbation of the disease): 2-3 times a day for 2-4 minutes, vigorously rub the product into the area of ​​the affected joint, spine or muscles.

For exacerbations of osteochondrosis, neuralgia, radiculitis and other degenerative diseases: 2-3 times a day, rub the medicine into the affected area with gentle, gentle movements for two minutes. After this, you need to wrap the sore area in a warm woolen scarf.

For a sustainable effect, these procedures must be carried out over a course of one to six weeks.

For osteoarthritis, arthritis and gout: two to three times a day, vigorously rub the balm into the skin in the area of ​​painful joints for 2-3 minutes. After this, it is also necessary to tightly wrap the sore area with a warm woolen cloth or scarf.

To get a good therapeutic effect, for these diseases it is also necessary to undergo a similar course of treatment with this cream-balm - from 2 weeks to one and a half months.

How much does this gel cost and where can I buy it?

Valentin Dikul's balm is freely sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription. It is produced in 75 ml tubes, and its current cost (summer 2016) averages from 250 to 350 rubles.

Buy Valentin Dikul balm in a pharmacy with delivery >>>

If you have already tried this medicine and want to write a review about this remedy, you can do so in the comments to this article below - other people who read this review will thank you!

And if you want to learn more about other medicinal balms, ointments and gels for the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis and diseases of the spine, we invite you to read our reviews about the Horse Power gel (Horse Force), as well as about the cream Gele Alezan.

Important fact:
Joint diseases and excess weight are always associated with each other. If you effectively lose weight, your health will improve. Moreover, this year it is much easier to lose weight. After all, a tool has appeared that...
A famous doctor tells >>>

The wide selection of joint creams and balms can confuse even the most enlightened person. Of course, if there is a need for urgent treatment of diseased joints, it is better to consult a doctor, but if you want to preventively support the body or assist it in speedy rehabilitation, you can recommend Dikul joint ointment.

  • Instructions
  • Reviews
  • Video on the topic


This drug can be used to prevent exacerbations and treat serious diseases such as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, gout and other diseases. There are known positive results from the use of the drug in the complex treatment of arthritis. For myositis and neuralgia, Dikul guarantees a quick recovery.

All components included in the drug are natural. A large number of herbal extracts, silver ions, healthy oils and vitamins help sick joints quickly recover from illness. The product is well suited for bruises and sprains, and can also be used for minor injuries. My patients use a proven remedy that allows them to get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.


The cost is very low. The recipe for this drug is not very complicated and all the components are not rare. The drug is available to all segments of the population and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The ointment is a medicinal product and can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. This drug has no contraindications or overdose. A very important positive aspect of the balm is the absence of allergic reactions in most cases.

Dikul ointment for joints is the price of health. Preventive treatment of joints during the cold season and autumn will help each person maintain mobility and flexibility for many years.


You can find a large number of references about each product on the Internet. Dikul balm did not escape this fate either. They say mostly good things about the drug; it is a rare case when the patient is dissatisfied. Most people use the product as an adjuvant therapy and are very pleased with the results. The ointment is especially good at restoring joint mobility.

Among the negative letters, one can highlight complaints about the weak effectiveness of the drug. But this is not the fault of the inventor; in case of complex degenerative disorders in the joints, as well as in case of serious diseases, the remedy is not effective. This is written in the instructions and on all websites.

In the case when a patient says that the remedy helped before, but now it doesn’t, you need to be wary and undergo an examination by a doctor. Perhaps the disease has progressed over a period of time and the consequences are beginning to show themselves.

Reviews of Dikul ointment for joints are mostly good, but this remedy should not be considered the only true and reliable one for treatment. Please note that only a good doctor can stop the disease, and Dikul will help you recover.

What is the secret of Dikul’s ointment for joints?

Dikul cream embodies professionalism, a meticulous approach and many years of work. During experimental studies, the high effectiveness of Dikul balms was clinically proven. The participants in such studies were patients with serious forms of musculoskeletal pathologies.

What other ointments can be used to treat joint diseases can be found here.

Interesting information about the creation of the drug

The creator of joint products himself is a supporter of a natural approach to the treatment of diseases. The doctor spent many years studying the characteristics and mechanisms of action of medicinal herbs, various formulations of traditional medicine, as well as the experience of Tibetan doctors.

It all started with the doctor making balms exclusively for himself. The thing is that he worked as a performer in a circus and was often injured. After a while, when the doctor saw a good effect for himself, he began to make an ointment for his friends and acquaintances. Then medical centers were opened, so the demand for Dikul cream began to grow. Mass production was established.

Areas of application

Dikul gel is used for various pathologies that are accompanied by the development of pain and serious disorders of the spine and joints. Among such diseases are:

  • cervical, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • myositis.

In addition, after injuries, the drug alleviates the clinical symptoms that arise in patients from the joints and spine.

What effect does the medicine have?

Reviews from those who have tried the product unconditionally prove its effectiveness. We can highlight the following range of effects that it has on the entire body:

  • fight against pain. This is especially important during remission;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • acceleration of recovery processes;
  • prevention of dangerous complications;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • improving the body's production of intra-articular fluid;
  • restoration of cartilage tissue.

Active ingredients

The medicine is rich in natural substances, among which are the following:

  • the water is enriched with silver ions and purified using high-quality technologies. The main function is the disinfecting effect;
  • sea ​​buckthorn and tea tree oil are good antiseptics that can accelerate the body’s regenerative functions and also reduce the risk of complications. These oils are quickly absorbed by the skin and do not have an irritating effect on the skin;
  • The medicine contains propolis, bee venom and wax. These bee products effectively cope with pain and inflammation. The components included in their composition help normalize blood circulation, lymph flow, and metabolism;
  • mumiyo. This active component of the drug is rich in organic compounds and trace elements. Shilajit strengthens local immunity and also helps enhance the regenerative properties of the body;
  • The vitamins included in the product enrich damaged tissues with useful substances.

Dikul drops are also highly effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also serve as a good prophylactic agent. They are used orally daily before each meal, diluted in water.

The ointment is sold at the pharmacy. You do not need a prescription to purchase it. The approximate price is 150 rubles.


The medicine is rubbed thoroughly and vigorously for several minutes three times a day, and then wrapped well in something warm. Massage movements should be done carefully and easily for no more than two to three minutes.

If you are hypersensitive to any component of the drug, it should not be used. If symptoms characteristic of an allergic reaction appear, you should consult a doctor.

Some patients, after using the drug, begin to complain of an exacerbation of clinical symptoms, in particular increased pain. What are the reasons? The problem is not with the medicine, but with the fact that such patients have salts in their joints. The thing is that the natural components of the drug are potent and help accelerate local blood circulation and metabolism. As a result, uric acid salts begin to come out, which irritate the nerve endings, thereby increasing the pain. If this happens, it is better to stop taking the medicine for a while.

The main advantage of the ointment is the absence of the need to use analgesics.

Unlike analgesics, Dikul balms are not addictive, and also act directly on the very cause of the disease. In addition, they have no side effects, which means they are absolutely safe.

It is worth understanding that natural ingredients do not begin to act as quickly as we would like, but the result is worth the patience. The medicine does not harm the gastrointestinal tract, and the effect, there is no doubt, will be lasting.

Considering all the information about Dikul balms, it should be said that they can be safely used for joint diseases without fear for your safety and health.

Dikul joint gymnastics: therapeutic exercises for joints and back

Today, the restorative technique of Professor Valentin Dikul is very popular in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Joint therapeutic exercises are used to restore and treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, even after severe injury.

Features of Dikul therapeutic gymnastics

Valentin Dikul’s joint gymnastics eliminates arthrosis of muscle tissue and joints, thereby restoring motor activity.

In particular, the professor’s technique is aimed at gradual daily restoration of the functioning of affected joints, maintaining healthy articular tissues and working muscle tone.

Physical therapy is used in the treatment of such common diseases as:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Violation of large joints and spine;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Hernia.

On the territory of medical centers there are special simulators with the help of which treatment takes place. An individual set of exercises is selected for each patient, according to the diagnosis and general condition. Joint exercise machines can also be used at home, as an addition to general treatment.

Among other things, Valentin Dikul has developed a basic set of exercises for joints that restore motor activity.

It is this gymnastics that can be used at home for independent practice.

The first set of exercises according to the Dikul system

Some exercises should be performed using simple devices that you can easily do yourself at home. The first part of joint gymnastics is designed specifically for patients undergoing rehabilitation.

The whole complex is divided into two parts. Rehabilitation exercises for the leg and back muscles are performed in the morning, and for the pectoral muscles, abdomen and upper limbs - in the daytime. It is important to do exercises regularly so that all the muscles of the body have a certain constant load.

After completing the general complex, the patient performs individual types of exercises throughout the day, which he chooses independently. The result can only be achieved if the patient works to restore motor function throughout the day.

  1. In the first three months, joint gymnastics is performed without the use of additional load.
  2. Each exercise is repeated at least 10-15 times without stopping, six approaches are done for each movement.
  3. Before you begin the next exercise, be sure to warm up.

It must be taken into account that you cannot hold your breath when doing therapeutic exercises.

To control the entire process and track the dynamics of changes, it is worth keeping a diary. Every day it shows the level of load, how many times this or that exercise was done.

The second set of exercises according to the Dikul system

The second complex is more complex, so it is started only after completing the first course of exercises, when mobility has already been restored. All exercises are also divided into two parts, the first is performed in the morning, and the second in the afternoon.

This gymnastics is aimed at training each muscle group. On the first day one muscle group is trained, on the second – another, and on the third day you need to take a break.

For the best effect, weight and counterweight are used, which are selected depending on the capabilities, degree of illness and general condition of the patient. It is important to accustom the body to stress gradually, while choosing the weight according to your capabilities.

One specific exercise is done several times. After some time, the frequency of exercises and the number of approaches can be increased. During exercise, it is important to perform full movements so that the muscles fully straighten and contract. And as a supplement, you can use Dikul balms for joints, which will help restore, warm up and nourish the joint.

Once muscle function begins to recover, the counterweight load is reduced and the resistance load is increased. It is necessary to monitor your breathing so that it is rhythmic and even; there is no need to hold it during movements. This includes taking regular breaks so as not to overwork your body.