Scabies pubic pediculosis. Symptoms of pubic lice and methods of treating them. Risk of other sexually transmitted diseases

Fortunately, these insects are not carriers of dangerous diseases., in contrast to the clothes and head varieties. But any bites cannot pass without a trace. The consequences appear as:

  • and bite marks;
  • A bluish spot at the site of the bite.

Interesting! The appearance of a blue spot is associated with the breakdown of hemoglobin under the influence of saliva. The blue color is characteristic of decay products concentrated at the site of the bite.

  • Since the bites are scratched, many papules and pustular inflammations form in their place. And if the case is advanced, then pyoderma occurs.
  • If eyelashes and eyebrows are affected, blepharitis and conjunctivitis may develop.

Pubic lice (1), unlike their relatives - head (2) and body lice (3) have a more crab-like structure

Why and how does infection occur?

It is interesting that fashion trends, it turns out, can influence the development of certain epidemiological situations. The same thing happened with pubic lice. The fashion for shaving pubic hair has deprived people of their rightful place of residence. And there are fewer cases of infection.

The most difficult epidemiologically are poor countries, especially African ones, with unsanitary conditions and promiscuity. After all, the main routes of transmission of these types of lice are sexual contact. The situation is aggravated by the fact that signs of infection appear only after a month, and a person can be the source of the disease all this time without knowing it. Therefore, people who observe hygienic requirements for their body and clothing can become infected.

Main risk groups

Plasters are more likely to occur in crowded societies where people are in close contact with each other. More at risk:

  1. Homeless;
  2. Refugees;
  3. People in places of war;
  4. Bathhouse and laundry workers;
  5. Prostitutes;
  6. Hairdressers;
  7. Military personnel with barracks accommodation;
  8. Residents of dormitories;
  9. People who are in a pre-trial detention center or serving a sentence.

There is a small chance of infection through a public towel, hotel or train linen.

But still, if infection occurs, then soon a person will experience severe itching in the place where the lice has penetrated into the skin. Usually the pubis itches. The itching can be very severe, or it can be almost unnoticeable. It occurs due to insect saliva getting into the wound. And all people are different: with different reactions to external influences, with different manifestations of the immune response, and finally, with different patience. And what is unbearable for some, others can easily endure.

photo: 1 – large clusters of nits, visible to the naked eye; 2 – skin reaction at the site of the bites (often the rash acquires a characteristic bluish tint)

Constantly scratching the itchy area causes additional damage to the skin. It can peel off, crusts and dandruff form on it. The appearance of dermatitis or an eczema-like condition is possible. In severe cases, excoriations appear - areas of severe damage. Their the danger lies in the increased risk of bacterial infections (including STDs). It is much easier for bacteria to enter the bloodstream through damaged skin. As a result, inflammation develops.

Another symptom of phthiriasis is a rash, which is represented by numerous papules, blisters and bluish spots on the skin. The size of the spot is no more than 2–3 mm. In the area of ​​the bite, the skin thickens. It feels rough to the touch, with deep lines and wrinkles. The rash can be not only the result of a bite, but also an allergic one.

Localization of the area in the eyelash area leads to blepharitis.

Some of the methods used by doctors for detecting lice pubis can be tried at home, before going to the doctor:

It is necessary to differentiate lice pubis from microbial eczema, impetigo, neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis and, as noted above, seborrheic dermatitis and pyoderma.

Since ancient times, people used dust or kerosene to treat head lice (all types). For a modern person, such treatment is nonsense. Firstly, these substances will not completely destroy the insect, much less its nits. Secondly, they are simply dangerous for humans. Scientists have developed much more effective remedies for pubic lice that will help cope with the problem. Thanks to them, recovery will come quickly, safely, and most importantly, completely.

Pediculosis pubis can be cured with:

The main methods of prevention include:

  1. Early diagnosis. Timely identification of sick people and their sexual partners. These measures prevent the spread of the disease.
  2. Pickiness in sexual relations (but this applies to all STDs).
  3. Regular hygiene procedures: bedding and underwear must be washed on time, water procedures must be taken after sexual intercourse, and similar activities. The simplest means of prevention is shaving your pubic hair.

If there is a suspicion of a disease, it is necessary, putting aside false shame, to visit a dermatovenerologist and begin treatment.

Video of pubic lice in the program “Live Healthy!”

The causative agents of these diseases are scabies mites and pubic lice.


Scabies is a skin disease caused by the scabies mite. The length of the female scabies mite is 0.3-0.4 mm. She lives for about 1 month. Females make passages under the stratum corneum of the epidermis, laying 2-3 eggs there daily. The eggs hatch into larvae. Within 2 weeks. The larvae, after passing through several stages, turn into adults. The latter rise to the surface of the skin and mate. The males, having fertilized the female, soon die. The fertilized female implants itself into the skin of the previous or new host. Thus, the clinical picture of the disease is caused exclusively by females.

Outside the human body at room temperature, the scabies mite can live for 2-3 days. At a temperature of 60 C°, ticks die within 1 hour; when boiled or at negative temperatures, they die almost immediately.

How does scabies become infected?

Characteristic is a contact transmission mechanism. Infection occurs through sexual contact, as well as through household contact - through clothing and bedding.

How does scabies manifest itself? (symptoms of scabies)

Scabies manifests itself mainly as itching and scratch marks. The itching intensifies in the evening and at night.

Itching is not caused by the direct action of mites, but by an allergic reaction to mites and their excrement. Therefore, when you are first infected with scabies, itching appears after a few weeks; in case of re-infection - on the first day.

What areas of the skin are most often affected by scabies?

Favorite localization of rashes (in descending order of frequency): interdigital spaces, wrists, shaft of the penis, elbow fossa, feet, external genitalia, buttocks, armpits. The head and neck are not affected by scabies (with the exception of infants).

Despite the characteristic localization of the rash, itching with this disease can occur on any part of the body.

How is scabies diagnosed?

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture (itching, worsening in the evening and at night; the nature of the localization of the rash). If possible, the diagnosis should be confirmed by identifying scabies tracts and the mites themselves.

What treatment is indicated for scabies?

The main drugs for the treatment of this disease are:

  • Sulfuric ointment. The drug is rubbed into the entire skin (except for the head) once a day for 5 days in a row. During the treatment, underwear and bed linen do not need to be changed. 1 day after the last rubbing, wash with soap and change underwear and bed linen. The disadvantage of sulfur ointment is the unpleasant odor and the fact that it often causes skin irritation (especially with repeated treatment).
  • Benzyl benzoate. For instructions on how to use, see the instructions included in the package.
  • Spregal (aerosol). Spray once over the entire body (except for the head). After 12 hours, wash with soap and change underwear and bed linen. The drug contains very detailed instructions that should be read before use.

When treating with any of the listed methods, underwear and bed linen must be boiled and ironed on both sides. For treating laundry without boiling, as well as for treating outerwear, there is the drug A-PAR (aerosol).

Itching may persist for several weeks after complete treatment of scabies, which confirms the allergic nature of the itching.

Your sexual partners.

Risk of other sexually transmitted diseases

It should be noted that sexually transmitted skin diseases (scabies, lice pubis) are markers of other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if a person who is sexually active is diagnosed with scabies or lice pubis, it is necessary to be examined for other sexually transmitted diseases.

Pediculosis pubis

Pediculosis pubis (phthiriasis) is caused by pubic lice (pubic lice). The pubic louse attaches to the pubic hair. In order to survive, she needs to suck fresh blood twice a day. The female attaches the laid eggs (nits) firmly to the pubic hair and cannot be washed off with water.

How can you get lice pubis?

In most cases, infection occurs through sexual contact. However, it is possible to become infected through bedding, towels and clothing.

What areas of the skin are affected by pubic lice?

Pubic lice live mainly on hair located on the pubis, genitals, and around the anus. Sometimes they spread to other areas of the skin covered with hair - chest, abdomen, armpits.

How does pubic lice manifest? (symptoms of pubic lice)

Itching is characteristic and usually worsens at night. Sometimes the patient is not bothered by anything. In some cases, pubic lice bites cause an allergic rash in the affected area. Often, patients with lice pubis independently identify nodules on their pubic hair (nits).

How is lice pubis diagnosed?

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and identification of lice or nits.

What treatment is indicated for pediculosis pubis?

A good product is SPRAY-PAX (aerosol for external use). It is sprayed in the pubic area, genitals, around the anus and left for 30 minutes. Then the treated areas are washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly with water.

The drug is used 1 time. One bottle is enough to treat 2 people.

After using the drug, it is necessary to change underwear and bed linen. Old linen should be boiled and ironed on both sides.

Your sexual partners

Risk of other sexually transmitted diseases.

It should be noted that sexually transmitted skin diseases (scabies, lice pubis) are markers of other sexually transmitted diseases.

Therefore, if a person who is sexually active is diagnosed with scabies or lice pubis, it is necessary to be examined for other sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms of pubic lice

Good day. My young years, especially my student years, passed in such a way that some moments are sometimes inconvenient to remember.

Pubic lice

What is lice pubis? Pediculosis pubis (syn: phthiriasis) is caused by pubic lice (syn: lice). The pubic louse attaches to the pubic hair. In order to survive, she needs to suck fresh blood twice a day. The female attaches the laid eggs (nits) firmly to the pubic hair and cannot be washed off with water.

How can you get lice pubis? In most cases, infection occurs through sexual contact. However, it is possible to become infected through bedding, towels and clothing.

What areas of the skin are affected by pubic lice? Pubic lice live mainly on hair located on the pubis, genitals, and around the anus. Sometimes they spread to other areas of the skin covered with hair - chest, abdomen, armpits.

How does pubic lice manifest? Itching is characteristic and usually worsens at night. Sometimes the patient is not bothered by anything. In some cases, pubic lice bites cause an allergic rash in the affected area.

Often, patients with lice pubis independently identify nodules on their pubic hair (nits).

How is lice pubis diagnosed? Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and identification of lice or nits.

What treatment is indicated for pediculosis pubis? A good product is SPRAY-PAX (aerosol for external use). It is sprayed in the pubic area, genitals, around the anus and left for 30 minutes. Then the treated areas are washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly with water.

The drug is used 1 time. One bottle is enough to treat 2 people. After using the drug, it is necessary to change underwear and bed linen. Old linen should be boiled and ironed on both sides.

Risk of other sexually transmitted diseases. It should be noted that sexually transmitted skin diseases (scabies, lice pubis, molluscum contagiosum) are markers of other sexually transmitted diseases.

Therefore, if a person who is sexually active is diagnosed with scabies, lice pubis or molluscum contagiosum, it is necessary to be examined for other sexually transmitted diseases.


Epidemic of intimate lice

Pubic lice are controversial animals. On the one hand, they can live in suspended animation for months, finding themselves without a host, or rather his skin and hair. They can withstand pressure up to 1.3 kg, live under a 30-centimeter layer of sand for 4 days, and under water for 2 days.

On the other hand, they cannot tolerate hunger: if they are suddenly torn away from the body, then without food the lice suddenly die within 24 hours. In addition, they are lazy and if they cling to a hair, they do not get off it until their death. And lice live and reproduce well only at a temperature of +30-38 °C.

Scientists cannot yet explain this selectivity, but pubic lice do not eat all people. But if a person seems tasty, then the insect instantly crawls to the causal place and clings to a hair with three legs on one side of the body. If you try to tear a louse away from its home, it shows signs of life and clings to the hair even more tightly, which is why it can only be removed with great difficulty and most often together with the hair.

Routes of infection

“Ploschitsy” prefer the groin area, because there are the most apocrine glands there, which secrete a special sweat with a strong, “animal” odor.

But they can live not only “there”, but also on the hips, torso, and armpits. And if you kill them from these places, the lice can crawl onto your beard, mustache or eyelashes. It all depends on the degree of hairiness of the victim.

Self-diagnosis of intimate diseases

  • Itching. First, the lice inject a substance that thins the blood and causes a characteristic itching.
  • Stains. After lice settle on the host’s skin, blue or shadow spots up to 1 cm in diameter appear, which quickly disappear. This is either minor hemorrhages or deposits of secretions from the salivary glands of pubic lice.
  • Dark spots on underwear. Small dark spots appear on areas of underwear in contact with the groin area. This means that the lice have settled in: the spots are products of their vital activity.
  • Blisters. Scratching itchy areas leads to red bumps, blisters and eczema.
  • The lice themselves. As the hair grows, the nits, along with the hairs, rise above the surface of the skin and are easier to see. And by the height of their location, you can roughly estimate how long they have been “staying.”

Treatment of lice pubis

Obviously, a regular shower with soap does not kill lice or get rid of nits. But don’t douse yourself with kerosene; there are modern and trouble-free means.


If there is a lot of hair, it is better to shave it off. This will immediately eliminate many lice and nits and make it easier to inspect the affected areas. To dissolve the sticky substance that holds the nits on the hairs, you need to wash with hot water and vinegar.

Precautionary measures

Dirty laundry must be boiled with a soda solution for 25-30 minutes to kill nits, which can live there for another 6 days. Iron clothes with a hot iron, especially folds.

And, the most unpleasant thing, be examined for the presence of syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases. You never know whose blood these pests have sucked before?


What are pubic lice?

Typically, pubic lice live on the hairy areas of the body in the genital area, however, they can often be found on the eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits and beard.

Lice (another name for pubic lice) are inactive, but reproduce quite quickly by laying nit eggs. They feed exclusively on human blood and live for about 24 days.

Reasons for appearance

The fact is that pubic lice cannot live without a host for more than a day, but nits retain the ability to develop much longer.

It is for this reason that some caution should be exercised in swimming pools, saunas, solariums and public toilets, where the risk of catching unpleasant neighbors is highest.

What happens when infected?

Having moved to the body of a new host, pubic lice attach to the hair and begin their destructive activities. First, they pierce the host's skin and extract the first portion of blood. The salivary glands of insects produce a special enzyme that enters the wound and prevents the blood from clotting.

Because of this, pubic lice bites cause a lot of discomfort. Human skin is constantly itchy and itchy, and sometimes allergic reactions appear on the arms, legs and groin. A closer examination of the skin may reveal bluish bite marks.

After saturation and mating, pubic lice lay eggs (7-9 pieces). They are firmly attached to the hair with the help of secretions and therefore are not washed off with water during hygiene procedures. The nits take about two weeks to develop and then hatch into new pubic lice.

Pubic lice - symptoms and consequences

The first signs of pubic lice are observed a month after the first individuals appear. The most characteristic symptom is severe skin itching at the site of the bites.

It is most often noted in the pubic area, but sometimes the thighs, arms and torso also itch. People with a lot of hair are especially affected by it, since in their case pubic lice can live literally all over the body.

The intensity of itching depends on the individual anatomical characteristics of the person and the time of day.

If, upon diagnosis of pubic lice, treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, then minor damage to the skin develops into eczema and facilitates the penetration of secondary infections into the body.

A sign of pubic lice may also include an allergic rash or the discovery of lice eggs.

Since secondary infections easily penetrate through damaged skin, all patients with pediculosis pubis are tested for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of the disease

More recently, people got rid of lice using kerosene, dust, laundry soap and other improvised means. Fortunately, those days are already in the past.

Next, sulfur ointment or any ointment with benzyl benzoate is applied to the skin. You can also buy more convenient drugs in pharmacies, for example, Nittifor or spray pax. You can apply them directly to your hair without having to worry about shaving your private areas.

Because pubic lice can be found on bedding or clothing, soak items in hot water and add bleach.


Pubic lice

Much less often, pubic lice can be found in the mustache, beard, eyelashes, eyebrows or hair on a child’s head.

Infection with lice pubis occurs through sexual contact or through bedding.


The first manifestations of pubic lice will be severe, persistent itching in the pubic area and in the perineal area. This itching is caused by lice bites, and it leads to skin irritation in these places, which is the result of scratching.

In the center of each such spot there will be a barely noticeable point - the site of the bite. In appearance, these spots resemble syphilitic roseola. But these spots disappear on their own after two weeks and leave no traces.

In advanced forms of this disease, the patient experiences enlarged lymph nodes. As the disease progresses over many years, the patient’s skin becomes modified – rough, thick, hyperpigmented. And at the site of scratching, white scar marks remain.


Diagnosis of phthiriasis or lice pubis never causes difficulties. The doctor examines and interviews the patient, and if nits and lice themselves are found, he makes an accurate diagnosis.

In a more advanced state of the disease, the diagnosis is also made when glued hairs are detected during examination - this occurs with the help of serous-purulent discharge and is called a “tangle”.


Preventive methods for lice pubis or phthiriasis include constant medical examinations and individual sexual hygiene.

When lice pubis is detected and diagnosed, it is necessary to disinfect linen, clothing, and bedding not only of the patient himself, but also of all his sexual partners or those who had contact with his bedding.


The skin is washed with fairly hot water and medical soap. Nowadays in medicine the use of a spray - Pax, a drug that is an aerosol for external use, is widespread.

After using all these remedies, the patient needs to undergo water procedures quite often. All linen must be thoroughly disinfected.

If you follow all the rules of treatment and disinfection, complete recovery from pubic lice is guaranteed.


Description of the disease: pediculosis pubis

Such pubic lice preferentially settle in the genital area (pubes, perineum, scrotum), hair in the anal area, and armpits.

The reason for this choice is that a significant number of apocrine glands are located in such areas, and the sense of smell of pubic lice is specifically oriented towards them. Less commonly, they affect the eyebrows, mustaches, eyelashes, and hair on the heads of children.


Often, pubic lice are transmitted through sexual contact, then the insects jump from one partner to another.

In addition, according to research, a louse detached from a person lives only for no more than a day, but the larvae can remain viable for about a week.

Thus, you can become infected with lice pubis through towels, bedding, or clothing. Infection is possible in bathhouses, swimming pools, solariums and even toilets.


At first, there is an incubation period when there are no symptoms, but pubic lice are already settling on the human body, which lasts about a month.

Several symptoms then appear. The main one is itchy skin where the lice live. This is usually the itching of the pubic area, but other areas of the body can also occur, such as the thighs, torso (for example, in people with excessive hair growth) or the beard and mustache.


Sometimes a person may not even notice the itching, and sometimes, especially at night, such itching is unbearable. The patient begins to scratch the skin and irritation and redness appear, eczema occurs, and secondary infections penetrate through scratching.

Also, a sign of pubic lice is the appearance on the skin of blue or shadowy spots that quickly disappear with a diameter of up to 1 cm. They appear from small hemorrhages from lice sucking blood, or from the deposition of salivary gland secretions.

Symptoms of lice pubis include an allergic rash. An unconditional sign of pubic lice is the detection of pubic lice, as well as their larvae, on the skin or underwear.

How to treat

  • Bed linen and underwear must be thoroughly washed and ironed.
  • It is recommended to shave pubic hair.
  • The effect of treating pubic lice is very high, provided all the rules are followed.
  • It is necessary to treat clothes, upholstered furniture, bedding, mattresses - if you come into contact with them, you can get sick again.

Prevention of lice pubis

Maintain personal hygiene and avoid casual sex.


Since they are very small in size and often do not even reach 3 mm, they are quite difficult to detect. Most often, these yellow-brown lice, as seen in the photo, choose to live in the hairy groin area, but can be found on the armpits, eyebrows, beard, eyelashes, etc.

Young, sexually active people get sick more often, since promiscuous sexual relations contribute to infection. As a rule, a third of patients also have other venereal pathologies.


As stated earlier, pubic lice infection occurs through sexual contact, so the causes of the disease are associated with promiscuous sexual life.

But you can become infected through contact and household contact when visiting a solarium, swimming pool, sauna or bathhouse, as well as through underwear or bed. It often happens that pathology is epidemic in nature in places where a large number of people live, such as a hostel, barracks, hotel or on a train.

There is no need to remember grandmother’s antediluvian methods of treatment; today there are many remedies that have proven themselves to be effective in getting rid of pubic lice. To do this, it is enough to use the treatment product several times, following all the recommendations and rules.

To begin with, it is recommended to shave the hair in the areas where the pubic lice are found. This is already a treatment, since with the hair removed you will also eliminate lice and nits. In addition, treatment will be much more effective when ointment and other medications are applied directly to the skin.

If such a procedure is abhorrent to the patient, then it is not necessary to shave off the hair. For treatment, a product such as sulfur ointment is more often used, the treatment of which lasts no more than 3 days.

If pubic lice move to another habitat, then the treatment can be supplemented with shampoo, gel, spray, etc. To eliminate uncomfortable itching, a fairly effective remedy such as a saline or vinegar aqueous solution is recommended.

This product is simply rubbed into the skin. Pharmacies offer alternative medications such as Calamine lotion, which is also quite good at eliminating itching due to pubic lice.

When the treatment is completed, clothes, underwear and bed linen should be boiled, and after drying, be sure to iron. Since pubic lice are often accompanied by concomitant sexually transmitted pathologies, after completion of treatment, a preventive examination is desirable for the possible detection of sexually transmitted infections.


Pubic lice


Lice are quite tenacious - they can withstand pressure of up to 1 kg, a 30-centimeter layer of sand and survive in water for two days.

In European countries, the disease is widespread; lice mainly affect young people.

What does a pubic louse look like?

Lice live on average 27 days, during which time one individual lays a huge number of larvae.

How are pubic lice transmitted?

Pubic lice cause phthiriasis (pediculosis pubis), which is considered a sexually transmitted disease.

The main symptom of lice pubis is itching, which appears after the end of the incubation period. In addition to itching, bluish spots (bite sites) may appear on the body, which disappear quite quickly.

If the itching is not severe, then a person may not be aware of lice infestation for a long time.

In advanced stages, blisters and wounds appear on the skin, and eczema develops.

Pubic lice can be transmitted to children by sleeping with their parents, by using other people's towels, after visiting public baths, etc.

A patient with lice should wash bedding and underwear thoroughly, and they must also be ironed.

In addition to underwear and bed linen, it is very important to treat upholstered furniture, mattresses and other items with which the patient has been in contact with special preparations.


When pubic lice are detected, special medications are prescribed that quickly help destroy the insects.

The most popular drugs are:

Pubic lice spray. There are several types of sprays for lice pubis on the pharmaceutical market:

Ointment for pubic lice. In the pharmacy you can see a large selection of ointments for pubic lice.

The most effective are mercury sulfur ointment, xylene, nittifor, which contain a natural insecticide.

Before applying the ointment, you need to shave your hair or treat it with vinegar water. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Treatment at home

Sulfur ointment, which has a pungent odor but is almost 100% effective, shows good effectiveness. Tar soap is also used to treat pediculosis, which is used to thoroughly wash the affected areas.

Modern medicine allows you to get rid of lice quite quickly (some drugs can destroy parasites and their larvae after just one procedure), but there is a high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Clinical picture. The main symptom of scabies is widespread night itching, caused by the activity of mites at this time of day. In addition to scratching, there are small papulovesicles and “scabies ducts” pathognomonic for the disease in the form of small grayish, slightly elevated, straight or curved stripes with a vesicle at the end in which the female is located. Favorite localizations are areas with thin, delicate skin (interdigital folds of the hands, axillary cavities, radiocarpal folds, abdomen, penis, inner thighs, mammary glands). The skin of the face and scalp is not affected. Scabies is often complicated by pyoderma (boils, ecthyma, impetigo).

The diagnosis is based on typical symptoms, identification of scabies, and detection of scabies mites during laboratory testing.

Drug therapy

Drugs of choice:

Permethrin (nittifor). Thoroughly wipe the scalp with undiluted preparation, wait until the hair is dry (do not wipe or wash). After 2-3 weeks, the hair is washed, dried and, if necessary, re-processed.

–Reed shampoo is applied to the affected areas for 10 minutes, then washed with soap or regular shampoo. Hair treatment is carried out for 10 days.

–Anti-Bit shampoo. The hair is moistened with water, the preparation is applied and rubbed into the hair roots for 3 minutes, then washed and the procedure is repeated. A repeat course is carried out - just for 2 days.

-So. The lotion is applied to damp hair, rubbed in, then rinsed thoroughly, applied again, wait 5 minutes, then the hair is thoroughly washed and combed out with a fine comb. The next day the procedure is repeated. The aerosol is sprayed over the scalp 20-30 times, wait 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and comb out with a fine comb; the next day the procedure is repeated.

Precautionary measure: drugs that destroy lice are never used to treat eyelash lesions. Lice from eyelashes and eyebrows are usually removed with tweezers. Lice on eyelashes can be killed or weakened with simple Vaseline.

Course and prognosis. With adequate treatment, over 90% of patients are cured. Relapses are often observed with repeated infection and an incomplete course of treatment. Prevention - compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

15. Dermatomycosis. General characteristics, classification, epidemiology. Conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic fungi. Malassezia (keratomycosis) - pityriasis versicolor, trichosporia. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Mycosis of the feet and hands. Clinic, diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment. Inguinal athlete's foot. Trichophytosis is superficial and infiltrative-suppurative. Epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention. Trichophytosis as an occupational disease of livestock breeders. Microsporia. Epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Favus. Epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention. Lesions of the skin and mucous membranes caused by yeast fungi (candidiasis). Epidemiology, pathogenetic factors. Clinic, diagnosis, prevention, treatment.

TRICHOPHYTIA (ringworm) is a fungal disease of the skin, hair and nails. There are superficial (anthroponotic) and infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis.

Superficial trichophytosis is rare, usually in children. The causative agents are anthropophilic trichophytons (T. violaceum, Tr. tonsurans), affecting the stratum corneum of the epidermis and hair (of the “endothrix” type). The source is a sick person. Infection occurs through direct contact or through hats, brushes, combs, underwear and other objects. Numerous isolated lesions up to 1.5 cm in size appear on the scalp, having irregular outlines and blurred boundaries; the skin is slightly swollen and hyperemic, covered with scales. Many hairs in the lesions are broken off at a level of 2-3 mm above the surface of the skin (“stumps”) or immediately upon exiting the follicle (“black dots”); the preserved hair has a normal appearance or the appearance of thin twisted threads “running” under the scales.

On smooth skin there are swollen, sharply defined round spots with a sunken, pale yellow, flaky center and a raised juicy peripheral ridge of pink-red color, covered with blisters, nodules and crusts. The spots tend to grow centrifugally and merge with each other. Sometimes there is slight itching. Chronic trichophytosis usually occurs in women and is characterized by numerous “black spots”, foci of diffuse peeling and atrophic bald spots on the scalp; extensive erythematous-squamous spots with blurred boundaries on smooth skin; natural damage to vellus hair; changes in nails (usually on the hands), which become dirty gray in color, deformed, “eaten away” and sometimes even torn away from the bed.

Infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis. The pathogens are zoophilic trichophytons (Tr. verrucosum, Tr. mentagrophytes var. gypseum), affecting the epidermis, dermis and hair (of the “ectotrix” type). Sources are sick animals (cattle, especially calves, as well as mice, etc.), less often a sick person. The disease occurs at any age, most often in adults. It is characterized by acute inflammatory phenomena (up to suppuration) and a cyclic course, ending with complete recovery without a tendency to relapse. Predominant localization is open areas of smooth skin, scalp, beard and mustache area. Initially, the disease is practically indistinguishable from superficial trichophytosis of smooth skin. Then, as a result of increasing infiltration, the lesions transform into succulent plaques and nodes, sharply demarcated from the surrounding skin. Accompanying suppuration leads to the formation of deep follicular abscesses, when opened, liquid pus is released from the gaping hair follicles, especially when pressed. Regional lymphadenitis is possible. The result is scarring.

The diagnosis of trichophytosis should always be confirmed by microscopy and culture.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. Orally - griseofulvin, nizoral; local iodine ointment therapy. In case of chronic trichophytosis, correction of general abnormalities is mandatory; with infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis, acute inflammatory phenomena are first eliminated. The prognosis is usually favorable.

Prevention. Isolation of sick children. Thorough examination of all persons who were in contact with the patient. Use only individual skin, nail and hair care products. Prevention of infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis is carried out jointly with the veterinary service.

FAVUS (scab) is a fungal disease of the skin, hair and nails, characterized by a long course; in the USSR it was practically eliminated. Pathogen - Tg. Schonleinii, affects the epidermis (usually the stratum corneum), can penetrate the dermis, and hematogenous spread is possible. Contagiousness is low. The source is a sick person. Transmission of mycosis occurs more often in childhood, with close and long-term family contact. The predisposing factor is weakening of the body as a result of chronic diseases, various types of intoxication, malnutrition and insufficient nutrition. Occurs at any age.

Clinical picture. The most typical form is scuticular. The affected hair becomes thin, dry, dull and dusty, but it does not break off and retains its length. A pathognomonic feature is the scutula (scutellum) - a peculiar crust of yellow-gray color with raised edges, which gives it a resemblance to a saucer; hair will stand out from the center. The scutulae increase in size and merge, forming extensive lesions with scalloped contours. They consist of accumulations of fungal elements, epidermal cells and fatty detritus. A “mouse” (“barn”) smell emanating from patients is characteristic. As the scutulae fall off, an atrophic surface is exposed, easily gathering into small thin folds like tissue paper. - Sometimes regional lymphadenitis occurs.

The squamous form of the favus of the scalp is characterized by diffuse peeling, and the impetiginoid form is characterized by layering of crusts resembling impetiginous ones. Hair damage and outcome are the same as with scuticular favus.

On smooth skin, lesions of which are rare and usually combined with lesions of the head, there are clearly demarcated erythematous-squamous, slightly inflamed spots, usually of irregular shape, against which small scutulae can form. A purely scuticular form of damage to smooth skin is possible. Scar atrophy does not occur. Damage to internal organs is known, leading to death. The diagnosis of the scuticular form is simple. In other forms, it requires laboratory confirmation.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting; orally-grise-ofulvin, nizoral; local - iodine-ointment therapy: correction of concomitant diseases, nonspecific immunotherapy.

Forecast. Without treatment, the process can last indefinitely; if internal organs are affected, it is usually bad. Prevention. Thorough repeated examinations of all members of the patient’s family and his entourage.

MICROSPORIA is a fungal disease of the skin and hair that mainly affects children. There are anthroponotic and ceanthroponotic microsporia. Anthroponotic microsporia is very rare in our country. Pathogens - anthropophilic 1crooporum (Microsporon ferrugineum) - affect the horny part of the epidermis and hair; are highly contagious. The source is a sick person. Routes of transmission: direct and indirect (through hats, brushes, combs, clothing, toys and other items).

Zooanthroponotic microsporia is a common mycosis. Pathogens - zoophilic microsporum (in our country M. nis) - affect the stratum corneum and hair; In terms of contagiousness, they are inferior to anthropophilic ones. Sources are cats (especially gyata), less often dogs. Transmission routes are direct (main) and indirect (through objects contaminated with hair and scales containing M. canis). Relatively rarely, infection occurs from a sick person. Clinical picture. Manifestations of anthroponotic ooanthroponotic microsporia are of the same type and are similar to podiatric trichophytosis, in contrast to which it has characteristics: clearer boundaries, rounded outlines, larger sizes of lesions on the scalp; Tamping (usually continuous) hair at a level of 6-8 mm; 1 there are whitish sheaths around the “stumps”; absence of black dots; on smooth skin - multiple lesions; almost constant involvement of vellus hair, frequent enlargement of the neck, occipital and cervical lymph nodes. Changes in the type of infiltrative-suppurative hophytosis may occur.

The diagnosis of microsporia should always be confirmed by legal studies (microscopy, culture of affected hair or skin flakes). Fluorescent diagnostics (examination under a Wood's lamp) is important. Treatment is carried out in a hospital. The prognosis is favorable.

Prevention. Isolation of sick children; examination of those in contact with the patient (including pets) using a Wood's lamp; catching stray cats and dogs.


Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor) is a fungal skin disease.

Clinical picture. On the skin of the chest, back, neck, less often the shoulder girdle and scalp, small (3-5 mm in diameter) non-inflammatory yellowish-brown spots with clear, uneven boundaries appear, when scraped, slight pityriasis-like peeling is revealed. As a result of peripheral growth, the spots increase in size and merge into large foci of so-called geographical outlines. There are no subjective sensations. A diagnostic iodine test is used, for which the affected skin is smeared with iodine tincture and immediately wiped with alcohol: the stratum corneum, loosened by the fungus, quickly absorbs iodine and pityriasis versicolor spots stand out sharply, turning dark brown against the background of slightly yellowed unaffected skin. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays (in particular, during tanning), as a result of peeling, untanned spots remain at the sites of former rashes - pseudoleukoderma.

The diagnosis is based on characteristic clinical symptoms and a positive iodine test. In doubtful cases, a microscopic examination of skin flakes is performed to detect the pathogen. Differential diagnosis is carried out in some cases with syphilitic roseola, which does not peel off, does not merge into solid foci, the iodine test is negative, and serological reactions to syphilis are positive; there may be other manifestations of syphilis. Pseudo-leukoderma must be differentiated from true syphilitic leukoderma, in which small round (0.5-1 cm) or marbled hypopigmented spots without clear boundaries are located on the slightly pigmented skin of the posterior-lateral surfaces of the neck, sometimes spreading to the skin of the back; positive serological reactions and other signs of syphilis make it possible to distinguish it from pseudoleukoderma.

Treatment. Rubbing in Andriasyan's liquid (urotropine - 5 g, 8% acetic acid solution - 35 ml, glycerin -10 ml), 2-5% salicylic-resorcinol alcohol, Wilkinson ointment, 10% sulfur ointment, mycozolon, treatment using the Dem-method Yanovich (see Scabies) and other antifungal agents for 3-7 days, after which a general hygienic bath with soap and a washcloth is prescribed. To prevent relapse of the disease, it is advisable to treat the entire skin. For cosmetic purposes, ultraviolet irradiation is indicated to eliminate pseudoleukoderma after antifungal treatment.

TRICHOSPORY (from the Greek thríx, gender trichos - hair and spora - sowing, seed), piedra (from the Spanish piedra - stone), a fungal hair disease caused by many varieties of fungi of the genus Trichosporon; belongs to the group of keratomycosis.

It is manifested by the formation along the length of the hair of multiple, barely noticeable, spindle-shaped hard nodules, from whitish to dark brown in color, with a peculiar pungent odor; consist of fungal spores. The integrity of the hair is not damaged, there are no inflammatory phenomena on the skin. With the American variety of Trichosporia, predominantly women are affected: the hair on the head is affected. The European form of Trichosporia is usually observed in men (in the area of ​​the beard and mustache). The contagiousness of Trichosporia is low: infection is possible through sharing a towel, hat, comb, etc. with the patient. The development of Trichosporia is promoted by washing the hair with a decoction of flaxseed and lubricating the hair with burdock oil, which is a breeding ground for the pathogen.

Treatment: after shaving the hair, the affected areas are washed with hot water and soap, wiped with a 0.1-0.2% solution of sublimate. Prevention: compliance with personal hygiene rules.


This is a lesion of the mucous membranes, internal organs, and nails, caused by the exogenous introduction of fungi of the genus Candida. Candida does not form spores or true mycelium. Pseudomycelium consists of cells tightly adjacent to each other. They reproduce by budding and germination. Aerobes. Optimal conditions: t=30-37, pH=7.0-7.4, Sabouraud medium, MPA + glucose, beer wort. They withstand drying, freezing and thawing well. Sensitive to the action of phenol, formaldehyde, lysol, chloramine, iodites, borates, sulfates, aniline dyes. They live on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, most of them are not pathogenic.

The source of infection is a patient with an acute form of candidiasis. Infection by direct and indirect contact. Factors contributing to the disease: virulence of the pathogen, the state of the macroorganism (integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, skin contamination, the presence of chronic pathology, disruption of the central nervous system, edocrine and other systems), long-term use of antibiotics, cytostatics, glucocorticoids.



– mucous membranes; – skin; – nail folds and plates;

    Chronic granulomatous candidiasis;


    Secondary candidiasis;

5. Candidomylides;


Candidiasis of large skin folds- more often in childhood, combined with damage to the mucous membranes. The skin of the inguinal, femoral, intergluteal, and axillary folds is affected. The skin is hyperemic, the boundaries are clear, flabby gray blisters appear on the surface, after their opening smooth, shiny, moist surfaces of erosions are exposed. With a prolonged course, infiltration increases and deep, painful cracks form.

Candidiasis of small skin folds- neck, navel, interdigital spaces. Neck - clinical forms are easier to treat, the inflammatory process and infiltration are reduced.

Candidiasis of the toes- erythema with a clear border, accompanied by itching, blistering elements and erosions appear. Wearing shoes aggravates the process and cracks form. Sometimes the process begins with diaper rash - the lesion is covered with gray-white films and does not extend to the back surface.

Interdigital candidal erosion of the hands- the process is asymmetrical in nature, most often localized on the right hand between 3-4 fingers. The erythema is bright red, the epithelium is exfoliated along the periphery, and pain appears.

Differential diagnosis with herpetic infection. With herpetic infection: - deeper damage; - the edges of the lesions are polycyclic; - occurs after hypothermia.

Superficial candidiasis of the skin of the trunk (in children)- there is no clear clinical picture, it may resemble a scarlet fever rash, eczematous erythroderma. Damage to the palms and feet - against the background of erythema, scaly patches appear in the form of garlands. The skin is yellow-brown, deepening skin folds, hyperkeratosis.

Candidiasis of the nipple- more often in nursing mothers if the child has thrush. The skin is pink-red to dark red in color, and the skin peels off in small scales.

Nail damage- begins from the posterior edge of the nail fold, when pressed, liquid pus is released, shine is lost, destroyed, resulting in sharply painful swelling.

Damage to the skin of the head of the penis and foreskin- in persons suffering from diabetes mellitus. Skin - red with convoluted scaly patches, white-gray coating; a shiny eroded surface is exposed, itching develops.

Chronic generalized granulomatous candidiasis- begins in early childhood with damage to the oral mucosa, then the red border, corners of the mouth, and nail folds are involved; the skin in large areas is erythematous with scaly lesions, nodular elements appear, turning into infiltrated plaques, and the nodules into tumor-like formations. Their surface is covered with a gray-yellow crust, after removing which the vegetation opens.

Damage to the oral mucosa - candidal stomatitis.

Clinical forms:

1) limited damage to the tongue - candidal glossitis: the mucous membrane of the tongue is pink-red, longitudinal and transverse stripes appear, the tongue is covered with a white-yellow coating (at first easily, then difficult to remove with the opening of erosions), atrophy of the papillae.

2) on the mucous membrane of the gums - gingivitis, may be covered with a white coating.

3) mucous membrane of the tonsils - candidal tonsillitis, the color is natural, then pockets of white plaque appear, which are at first easily removed.

Thrush- on the affected areas there is a white coating, reminiscent of milk or semolina porridge.

Candidal cheilitis - the skin of the red border of the lips swells, deep radial folds appear, accompanied by dryness and discomfort.

Damage to the corners of the mouth- candidiasis - the corners are covered with a gray-white film, after peeling - erosion. Damage to the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract - vulvovaginitis: - more often during menopause; - those employed in the production of antibiotics; - with hormonal disorders. Severe itching appears, the mucous membranes are bright red, infiltrated, dry; the areas are shiny, smooth, a gray-white coating appears, liquid discharge with crumbly flakes appears.

DIAGNOSTICS. Material + 1-2 drops of 10% alkali solution. Under microscopy, yeast cells, pseudomycelium, budding cells. There is no natural post-infectious immunity.


1) prescription of anti-candidal antibiotics: nystatin 500,000 units 6-8 times a day, levorin 500,000 units 3 times a day, amphoglucomide 200,000 units 2 times a day, mycoheptin 250,000 units 2 times a day, course 12-14 days, amphotericin B 0.2- 1 mg/kg every other day IV on 5% glucose, nizoral 200 mg 2 times a day for 10-14 days.

2) external therapy:

    for skin lesions:

a) alcohol solutions of aniline dyes; b) Castellani liquid; c) ointments: levorin, nystatin, amphotericin, octateonic; d) nitrofungin with water 1:1; e) clotrimazole (cream, solution);

    in case of damage to the mucous membranes:

a) rinsing with 5% solution of baking soda, furacillin; b) treatment with aqueous solutions of aniline dyes;

c) ointments; d) Decamine cheek tablets every 2 hours; e) 10% borax on glycerin;

    for vulvovaginitis:

a) douching with KMpO4, furatsilin; b) ointments containing nystatin, levorin; c) clotrimazole (vaginal tablets). Feature: mainly internal organs, the central nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system are affected. Distributed in the subtropics and tropics.

Contributing factors:

    respiratory pathology pathways; – gastrointestinal pathology; – hypovitaminosis.

1.Coccidioidomycosis- internal organs, bones, skin are affected. Pathogen: coccidioides imitis. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, through damaged skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. After the disease - stable immunity. The incubation period is 1-6 weeks. At first it occurs like ARVI. X-ray: foci of pneumonia, abscess formation, frequent pulmonary hemorrhages. After 2-3 weeks, various rashes appear on the skin. Around large joints, nodes appear in the subcutaneous fat, which then disintegrate, forming ulcers with undermined edges, with a bottom covered with vegetation. After resolution - rough star-shaped scars. With a long course - increased ESR, leukocytosis, hypochromic anemia.

DIAGNOSTICS: 1) find spherules; 2) obtaining a pure culture on Sabouraud medium; 3) obtaining an experimental model (mouse); 4) skin allergy test (iv coccidioidin).

TREATMENT: 1) amphotericin B IV drip every other day, course - 30 injections; 2)a/b wide spectrum; 3) external therapy; 4) stimulation of healing; 5) iodine preparations; 6) antihistamines.

2. Histoplasmosis (Darling's disease)- damage to the reticuloendothelial system. Pathogen: Histoplasma capsulata. Infection is aerogenic, the reservoir of infection is soil. They begin with damage to the lungs and lymph nodes, every second person has skin damage: spots, nodules, nodes, erythematous-flaky patches, uniting into large infiltrates.


1) isolation of the pathogen; 2) obtaining a pure culture; 3) intravenous test with histplasmin.

3. Chromomycosis. Epidemiology has not been studied; burns, congestion, and mechanical injuries contribute; localized on the lower extremities, the incubation period is from 3 weeks to several months. At the site of penetration there is a pink-red tubercle with a bluish tint, prone to peripheral growth; numerous tubercles form a single infiltrate. If rejected, it results in an ulcer that heals very slowly and leaves a rough scar.

16. Tuberculous lupus. Scrofuloderma. Warty tuberculosis. Papulo-necrotic tuberculosis. Erythema induratum of Bazin. Disseminated miliary lupus of the face. Epidemiology, clinical manifestations. Lupozoria. Treatment and prevention.

Tuberculous lupus(lupus vulgaris) is the most common form of skin tuberculosis.

It is characterized by the formation of specific soft tubercles (lupas), located in the dermis, pink in color with clear boundaries, 2–3 mm in diameter. The main morphological element is a tubercle (lupoma), which is an infectious granuloma. The tubercles tend to grow peripherally and merge to form solid foci (flat shape). With vitropression (pressure with a glass slide), the color of the tubercle becomes yellowish (the “apple jelly” phenomenon), and when pressing on the tubercle, the button-shaped probe easily falls through, leaving a depression in the tubercle (Pospelov’s symptom). Gradually, the tubercles undergo fibrosis with the destruction of collagen and elastic fibers and the formation of scar atrophy. With the exudative nature of the process and under the influence of various injuries, the tubercles can ulcerate (ulcerative form) with the formation of superficial ulcers with soft, uneven edges and easily bleeding. Tumor-like, verrucous, mutilating and other forms of tuberculous lupus are also possible. The rash is usually localized on the face, but can also be on the torso and limbs. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, hard and soft palate, lips, and gums is often affected. The disease occurs more often in women. Lupus vulgaris is characterized by a sluggish, long-term course and can be complicated by the development of lupus carcinoma.

Scrofuloderma(colliquatic tuberculosis) - with hematogenous spread of mycobacteria into the skin, the disease is characterized by multiple lesions. When spreading per continuitatem, the process is most often localized in the neck, especially in the triangle under the lower jaw, on the cheeks, near the auricle, in the supra- and subclavian fossae; less often - on the limbs.

Scrofuloderma in children in 80% of cases is caused by mycobacteria of cattle (M. bovis), with which the child becomes infected primarily, as a rule, by consuming infected milk. Sometimes the primary site of tuberculosis is the lungs.

Scrofuloderma in adults and old people occurs due to hematogenous introduction of mycobacteria into the skin. Lesions in these cases can appear on any part of the body, most often on the neck, chest and abdomen, in the groin folds, on the buttocks and tongue. There are usually many lesions.

Clinically, the disease is characterized by the appearance in the subcutaneous fatty tissue of one or several dense, clearly defined nodes, the size of a large pea or hazelnut. Gradually increasing, the nodes can reach the size of a chicken egg and become fused with the surface layers of the skin, which turns bluish-red. Subsequently, the nodes soften and turn into cold abscesses, opening with one or more holes, from which liquid, crumbly pus with scraps of necrotic tissue is released. Enlargement of the perforation leads to the formation of ulcers with thinned, soft, overhanging edges of a bluish color and an uneven bottom with flaccid yellowish granulations that bleed easily. The ulcers heal slowly, leaving behind uneven scars with webs, verrucous and keloid protrusions. With secondary scrofuloderma associated with lymph nodes, the ulcers are deeper, penetrating into the tissue of the lymph node. After healing, a retracted, dense, uneven scar also remains. In some cases, scrofulodermal ulcers tend to grow peripherally and can reach a very large size.

Scrofuloderma is often combined with damage to bones and joints, as well as with active but benign pulmonary tuberculosis, sometimes with other forms of cutaneous tuberculosis (lupus, warty tuberculosis). Tuberculin reactions are usually positive.

The course of scrofuloderma varies; in some cases, the disease is limited to the formation of a single node and ends with recovery relatively quickly, in others, due to the appearance of new nodes, it can drag on for months.

Differential diagnosis should be made with syphilitic gummas, lymphogranuloma venereum, actinomycosis and deep mycoses.

Warty tuberculosis skin, as a rule, occurs as a result of exogenous infection in people who come into contact with the corpses of animals or people with tuberculosis (pathologists, medical workers, butchers, etc.); sometimes the disease occurs due to autoinoculation. The lesions are localized mainly on the back of the hands and fingers, less often on the feet. They can be single or multiple.

At the site where the pathogen invades the skin, a dense, painless, bluish-red papule appears, or less commonly a papulo-pustule, the size of a pea (“cadaveric tubercle”). The papule gradually grows and turns into a dense, flat plaque, on the surface of which, starting from the center, warty growths and massive horny layers are formed, as a result of which the surface of the plaque becomes uneven and rough. Only along the periphery does a violet-red border remain, not covered with horny layers. Sometimes new papules and plaques form near the main focus, gradually merging.

The process progresses very slowly (over years). Gradually, cicatricial atrophy forms in the center of the lesion, sometimes the lesion acquires a ring-shaped or even serpiginating shape. No tubercles characteristic of lupus vulgaris develop, and the “apple jelly” symptom is negative. There are no subjective sensations. Sometimes warty skin tuberculosis is complicated by lymphadenitis.

The cause of warty skin tuberculosis when infected from animals is M. bovis. The disease is usually occupational and is observed in slaughterhouse workers, butchers, farmers, and veterinarians. The skin lesion is localized; pronounced hyperkeratosis is observed on the surface of the lesion; the course of the disease is long.

Tubercular tuberculosis of the skin, caused by M. tuberculosis, is usually observed in medical workers who become infected during autopsies of the corpses of patients (“cadaveric tubercle”, “postmortem tubercle”, “verruca necrogenica”). The lesion on the skin develops quickly, is characterized by the severity of the inflammatory reaction and the rapid formation of a warty infiltrate. The skin process is often complicated by regional lymphadenitis; sometimes lymph nodes undergo caseous necrosis.

Warty skin tuberculosis should be differentiated from warts vulgaris, verrucous lupus vulgaris, bromoderma, pyoderma vegetans, keratoacanthoma, cancer and blastomycosis.

Papulo-necrotic tuberculosis occurs hematogenously in young people with tuberculosis, more often girls. On the extensor surface of the limbs and on the buttocks, small nodules with necrosis in the center appear, which leave behind a depressed scar. The nodules appear in spurts, in bursts, as a result of which one can simultaneously see rashes at different stages of development.

Indurative tuberculosis (erythema induratum of Bazin) is a hematogenous tuberculosis farm, more often affecting young women. Localization: flexor surfaces of the legs. Deeply located nodes emanating from the subcutaneous tissue are covered with purple-bluish skin, often located symmetrically. When opened, the nodes form flaccid, long-term non-healing ulcers.

A disease such as pediculosis pubis has become a very common disease of the dermis, the causative agent of which is pubic lice. And today we will look in more detail at the symptoms and causes of pubic lice in women and men, its treatment and diagnosis.

  • crotch;
  • pubis;
  • scrotum.

They also live on:

  • hairs that grow around the anus;
  • armpit hairs.

Read below about the causes of lice on the pubic area.

A specialist will tell you about the features of pubic lice in the video below:

Infection with pediculosis pubis can occur much less frequently through:

  • towels;
  • bed sheets.

You should be extremely careful when visiting swimming pools, solariums, saunas, and public toilets.


The development of lice pubis is indicated by itching on the pubis, sometimes it is felt on the thighs, legs, upper body, mustache, and beard. The spread of this type of lice over a significant part of the body occurs more often in those who suffer from increased hair growth.

Skin itching can occur in different patients with varying intensity. Some are bothered by a slight feeling of discomfort, while others suffer from severe itching during the day and at night. In some cases, an infected person may not even feel symptoms of the disease.

Diagnosis of pubic lice is carried out without any difficulties. Patients turn to the doctor with characteristic complaints. In addition, upon visual inspection of the underwear and the affected area of ​​the body, it is easy to detect lice and nits. Therefore, examination of the patient is considered the main method of diagnosis. If necessary, health care workers use a magnifying glass. The insects are clearly visible after they have drunk blood.

This video will tell you about the treatment of a new and advanced form of lice pubis:

Treatment of lice pubis


After an accurate diagnosis is made, treatment for pubic lice begins. Treatment involves the use of such means as:

  • medicated shampoos;
  • ointments;
  • sprays.

During the treatment period, it is important to maintain personal hygiene. It is necessary to change underwear and bed linen. It is advisable to boil dirty, worn clothes or at least wash them in a machine at maximum temperature. After washing it must be ironed. It is advisable to treat the mattress, bedding, and upholstered furniture.

Read below about ointments and other medications for the treatment of lice pubis.


Drug treatment involves the use of special products, which are made in the form of shampoos, solutions, emulsions, and soaps. Quite effective are:

  • "Veda-2".
  • "Spray-pack".
  • "Vitar".
  • "Pedillin."

We will tell you further about how to treat lice pubis at home.

At home

To treat pubic lice, you can treat with the following means:

  • vinegar;
  • kerosene. This product is rubbed into the skin;
  • sulfur ointment;
  • kerosene with soap;
  • cranberries The acid of these berries has a deadly effect on lice.

The most effective treatment at home is shaving your head. This destroys both the adult individuals and their eggs, which are firmly attached to the hairs.

Disease prevention

The main preventive method of pediculosis in this area is considered to be early diagnosis of the disease, as well as subsequent immediate treatment. Both the patient and his sexual partner should be treated. This should be done to prevent recurrence of the disease.

To avoid infection with pubic lice, you should carefully conduct your intimate life and be careful when choosing a sexual partner. Personal hygiene rules must be strictly followed. Underwear and bed linen should always be washed and ironed.

If symptoms of the disease are detected, you should contact a special service for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. A dermatologist will make the correct diagnosis and recommend the most effective means for treatment.


Due to the incessant itching, the patient constantly scratches the bite sites. This is how scratching occurs and allergic reactions can occur. May form on the affected areas of the skin.

Scratching increases the likelihood of secondary infection. This complication complicates the course of the disease and its treatment.

When infected with lice pubis, the dermis often ceases to act as a natural barrier. This allows various infections to enter the body, especially sexually transmitted diseases. For this reason, a patient with this type of lice is recommended to undergo additional examination for the presence of the following diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.


The prognosis for pubic lice is good, provided that the disease is detected early and treated with special means.

It is now possible to get rid of pubic lice even in one day. Special anti-lice products are very effective for treating skin, hair, bedding, and underwear.

Elena Malysheva will tell you about pubic lice in even more detail in this video: