Uterine rabies causes. Symptoms of uterine rabies in an unmarried girl. What is uterine rabies, symptoms, methods of treatment. What causes uterine hysteria. What are the causes of nymphomania

A woman - the keeper of the family hearth, mother, lover, friend, daughter - has been worshiped at all times. She is able to give new life, create a positive world around herself, in which everyone who enters it is comfortable. Only under one condition - if she is healthy. One of the diseases that can destroy this world is nymphomania.

Types of uterine rabies

A woman’s disease, which is manifested by increased sexual desire, is called nymphomania, or, in common parlance, rabies. Medicine classifies it as mental, it is quite rare. This term was introduced by Plato, based on myths that endowed beautiful nymphs with hypersexual capabilities.

Scientific research has confirmed that a predisposition to nymphomania can be genetically determined (congenital) and acquired.
Signs of a congenital disease:

  • Appears at an early age
  • It proceeds quickly and violently
  • Difficult to adjust
  • Leads to degradation

The causes of acquired nymphomania are usually mental or somatic disorders.

Menopausal nymphomania is also diagnosed as a result of hormonal disorders and tumors of the female genital organs. This disease is poorly tolerated and difficult for women.

Women with low self-esteem and hidden and obvious complexes are susceptible to pseudonymphomania. In this case, increased libido compensates for low self-esteem, being a stepping stone for its increase.

Theoretical knowledge in this matter will help provide a woman with the necessary psychological support in each specific situation.

Symptoms of nymphomania

Uncontrollable sexual desire and obsessive fantasies are the most important symptoms. Even in ancient times, they were looking for ways to cure hypersexuality, which, despite the repeated number of sexual acts, did not bring the expected satisfaction.

How different women suffering from this disease differ from healthy ones depends on their upbringing and personality traits. Discreet women suffer from the disease, try to hide it and dress strictly. And many sexually liberated women cannot tell the doctor that they have uterine rabies.

Women of a different level of education, due to promiscuity, are susceptible to various sexually transmitted diseases and become carriers of sexually transmitted infections.

For nymphomaniacs it does not matter:

  • Age of potential partner
  • Does he have AIDS, drug addiction?
  • Possibility of protection

Nymphomaniacs are not interested in the desires of men and pleasure; they need sexual intercourse as a process, and not its quality and fullness.

Hysteria and the desire for constant sex significantly reduce the social level of women, lowering them to the bottom. All life values ​​come down to constant sexual intercourse, while women do not feel unhappy.

There is a line between the natural need for sex and hypersexuality. Much is known about rabies from the animal world. In an overexcited state, animals can harm a person, bite, and cause infection. In men, uncontrolled sexuality is called satyriasis. If men and women suffering from this disease are not allowed to satisfy their needs, then their behavior can become uncontrollable.

Correct assessment of the behavior of patients with nymphomania and understanding of the problem will help to avoid various unpredictable situations.

Causes of uterine rabies

Official medicine has identified the main causes of nymphomania:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Mental abnormalities
  • Nervous disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Pituitary gland diseases
  • Tumors
  • Various infections

The causative agents of diseases such as neurosyphilis, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, Epstein-Barr virus overcome the protective barrier and damage brain structures with all further consequences. Risk factors that contribute to infection are abortion and colds. Their presence and hysteria, combined with hormonal imbalances, increases the possibility of manifestation of this disease.

It is important to choose the right medications, especially hormonal ones, which can also provoke increased sexual desire.
The reasons for the development of nymphomania have not been deeply studied. Some scientists have suggested that one of them is a violation of some stage of sexual development. If this disorder occurs in early childhood, then it cannot be corrected.

A psychophysiological theory of the cause-and-effect basis of nymphomania has been developed. A system is formed in the brain that produces pathological excitation impulses, which, in combination with genetics and late development, can provoke neurophysiological changes.

Following a healthy lifestyle will allow you to avoid many problems that can interfere with the state of comfort in your personal life and society.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose nymphomania, you will need a medical report from an oncologist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, or sexologist. Symptoms of this disease can be combined with mental disorders, which complicates the diagnosis.

Brain cancer can be ruled out using MRI. In the presence of a mental disorder and its proper treatment, the manifestations of nymphomania decrease. Endocrinology will track hormonal imbalances and level out the background. An integrated approach to treating the disease will certainly lead to the desired result.

In making a diagnosis, it is important to distinguish between certain manifestations of symptoms. Uterine rabies is a disease that does not allow a woman to live a full life, negatively affecting professional activities, relationships and communication, and recreation. Such manifestations as a high level of excitability, numerous orgasms, increased libido and love for sex are inherent in a sexually uninhibited woman, but are not symptoms of nymphomania.

We can talk about a disease or a predisposition to it when:

  • Compulsive behavior lasts about 6 months
  • There are no other signs of mental disorders
  • The woman's behavior does not fit into society
  • Immense drug use
  • Uncontrollable behavior with awareness of all its consequences

Compulsive behavior is characterized by a lack of rational goals; actions are carried out under internal compulsion and bring temporary satisfaction. Refusal of this kind of behavior causes alarming tension, leading, in part, to their lack of control.

The use of alcohol and drugs is considered the norm of social behavior.

Correct diagnosis will allow you to select the necessary treatment.

Basics of treating the disease

After diagnosis, antibiotics are immediately prescribed, since the disease causes inflammation in the uterus. Inflammations of this nature are very resistant to treatment. Douching is recommended; physiotherapeutic procedures provide a good therapeutic effect.

Not all cases require drug treatment. If there are no serious diagnoses from specialized medical specialists, but there is a problem, the woman needs to remember that she is an individual, turn on her willpower and focus her attention on sports and other interesting activities. As an addition, sedatives work well in this case.

Another simple recommendation. It is advisable to avoid wearing tight clothing on the upper body. Medical experts suggest that such clothing promotes blood flow to the genitals, which can affect increased libido. Many cases are known from the history of bygone times, when women wore tight corsets and suffered from nymphomania.

Uterine rabies sometimes affects pregnant women and is associated with hormonal fluctuations. In this case, psychological support is necessary, given the increased vulnerability of the women’s psyche during this period.

Traditional medicine suggests using your experience of treatment with herbs in the treatment of illness: tannin, marshmallow and others.

While watching the video you will learn about the bicornuate uterus.

By summarizing all the accumulated experience and knowledge in the treatment of nymphomania, adding to it all the qualities that give us the right to be called people, we can promote the treatment of the disease by directing the woman to entrust her problem to medical specialists and providing her with psychological support.

People sometimes hear the expression “rabies of the uterus.” The name certainly sounds terrible. What is it? In this article, we invite you to find out the scientific definition of this phenomenon, as well as read interesting facts related to it.

The symptoms of uterine rabies are difficult to miss. A woman cannot concentrate on anything except her strong desire; she is haunted by continuous erotic fantasies.

Another name for this condition is hysteria of the uterus, but it is almost never used in medicine. Pathological nymphomania, or in common parlance, uterine rabies, is a constant sexual preoccupation, dissatisfaction, and excitement. Moreover, this is not just increased sexual desire, but a huge problem. There are cases when, due to painful sexual tension, women took their own lives.

What Causes Uterine Hysteria

Hypersexuality can occur for one of the following reasons:

  1. Nervous disorders;
  2. Mental illnesses;
  3. Hormonal imbalance;
  4. Tumor of the ovaries, pituitary gland;
  5. Low self-esteem.

Signs of uterine rabies are as follows. Women suffering from it:

  • Constantly experience strong sexual tension;
  • Indiscriminate in choosing sexual partners (perhaps the most striking of the symptoms of uterine rabies - a woman in this state allows sexual intercourse with absolutely any person, without paying attention to his appearance, position in society or attitude towards her);
  • It is not enough for them to have one permanent partner;
  • They do not enjoy sex, which only brings short-term relief from their suffering.
  • Sometimes uterine rabies is simply meant as immoral behavior, thus expressing their condemnation of a woman’s lifestyle. For example, talking about a girl who often changes partners and leads a wild lifestyle. But nymphomania is not always the reason for this.

    When it comes to treating uterine rabies, things are not that simple. Still, it is better not to rely on folk recipes and seek help from a specialist. First of all, you need to find out what the nature of the disorder is - organic, i.e. any processes in the body (tumor, dysfunction of the endocrine system), or psychological (low self-esteem, etc.).

    For treatment of uterine rabies to be successful, this disorder must be taken seriously and responsibly. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your problem or blame yourself, because this condition is amenable to medication and psychotherapy.

    The Greek word for uterus is histera. In ancient times, the philosopher Plato put forward the version that this reproductive organ, like a predatory beast, goes berserk if a woman does not want to continue her race. The consequences of this fantasy are still alive today. So the diagnosis of uterine hysteria is just a play on words. This is such an interesting confusion.


    Uterine rabies is a phenomenon that has been known to mankind since ancient times. This disease was attributed to Cleopatra, Catherine II and other women known for their unbridled temper and hot temperament, and the legendary Hippocrates spoke about its symptoms. In the 18th-20th centuries, this concept was considered an official medical diagnosis, and doctors diagnosed it to approximately 25% of women. The most interesting theory regarding uterine rabies was put forward by Plato - he believed that the reproductive organ of a woman who does not want to continue her family literally turns into a wild animal, resulting in strange behavior. This is where the popular name for this disease comes from.

    Today, such a diagnosis does not exist in the list of medical diseases - it was replaced by nymphomania, which is considered a type of hysteria. Its name comes from the word nymph - according to Greek mythology, these forest creatures lured men into the forest and forced them to have more and more sexual intercourse until the partner died of exhaustion. What are the symptoms of nymphomania, and how to get rid of this disease?

    Uterine rabies in women: symptoms

    What is uterine rabies, or nymphomania?

    First of all, it should be noted that such a diagnosis can only be made by a specialist - do not confuse mental illness with hypersexuality, or even more so with a dissolute lifestyle. True nymphomania occurs in only one woman out of 2,500 and is expressed in the inability to manage and control one’s sexual needs. Perhaps some of the stronger sex may find this feature an advantage, but men who have encountered nymphomaniacs remember them as a real nightmare. One partner will not be able to satisfy her, because such a woman needs about 10-15 sexual acts daily. According to statistics, thin, short women with dark hair most often suffer from nymphomania, but there is no clear connection between the appearance of patients and this mental disorder. The age of most patients with nymphomania is 20-30 years, and also from 45 years (menopause).

    Nymphomania is expressed in the inability to manage and control one’s sexual needs

    Reasons why a woman may develop nymphomania include:

    • mental disorders, including schizophrenia, psychopathy, psychosis, depressive-manic states, etc.;
    • constant sexual tension;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • ovarian tumors;
    • a side effect of taking certain medications or abuse of libido-enhancing drugs;
    • low self-esteem, the need to constantly prove to oneself the fact of one’s own sexual attractiveness.
    • Nymphomania may occur due to ovarian tumors

      Sometimes uterine rabies develops due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, but this occurs very rarely.

      Nymphomania can manifest itself in two main directions.

    1. A constant obsessive desire to obtain satisfaction from sexual intercourse. No matter how strange it may sound, almost all nymphomaniacs suffer from frigidity, that is, from the inability to experience an orgasm. The lack of a sense of satisfaction forces a woman to demand superhuman endurance from her partner, as well as resort to unconventional forms of sexual intercourse. This behavior negatively affects the psychological state of both women and men, since representatives of the stronger sex always suffer from the thought that they cannot satisfy their partner. The result of the relationship is usually a breakup, and the nymphomaniac after it falls into severe depression.
    2. The desire to constantly change sexual partners. In this case, a woman needs to have sex with different partners as often as possible. The selection criteria do not include the partner’s appearance, age or financial situation - the main thing is that he is sexually wealthy.
    3. The desire to constantly change sexual partners is one of the signs of nymphomania

      In addition, nymphomania is manifested by hysterics, psychosis, frequent causeless tears and other psycho-emotional manifestations. The condition is further aggravated by the fact that the woman feels condemned by society, and her relationships with relatives and close people deteriorate significantly.

      As for appearance, nymphomaniacs may not differ at all from ordinary women - they often dress modestly and behave quite adequately with others, and the disease can only be identified by sexual behavior.

      How to distinguish nymphomania from other conditions?

      As mentioned above, the signs of nymphomania are often similar to other conditions, so you need to know the features that distinguish this disease from others:

    • a woman cannot control her desires;
    • thoughts about sex cannot be suppressed for a long time;
    • the nymphomaniac is interested in partners solely as a sexual object, and she does not pay attention to other factors;
    • a woman enters into intimate relationships literally with the first people she meets, often with complete strangers or asocial individuals;
    • Nymphomaniacs direct all their energy to satisfying their needs, not disdaining any means, including manipulating people, paying for sexual services, and lying.
    • With nymphomania, a woman can have sexual intercourse with the first man she meets

      Living with women who suffer from uterine rabies is no different from living with mentally ill people, and the partner risks undermining his health by trying to satisfy the needs of a nymphomaniac. A man who has sex with a nymphomaniac should also remember that in this case there is a high risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

      But the following phenomena, on the contrary, are not considered signs of mental illness:

      • increased excitability, tendency to multiple orgasms;
      • increased sexuality without pathological manifestations (clear criteria for selecting partners, etc.);
      • obsession with sexual relations among a couple in love;
      • a woman’s self-affirmation through intimate relationships after a breakup with a regular partner.
      • In other words, nymphomaniacs differ from hypersexual and promiscuous women in that they not only allow themselves promiscuous or multiple sexual relations, but simply cannot do anything else.

        Classification of nymphomania

        Doctors identify several variants of this disease, each of which has its own characteristics.

        What is uterine rabies, symptoms, treatment methods

        Uterine rabies in women is the popular name for the disease, which, in other words, is also called female nymphomania, hypersexuality or excessive sexual desire. Translated from Greek, this means “the mad passion of the bride.” But, in our time, nymphomaniacs are also called those representatives of the fair sex who lead an immoral lifestyle, often changing sexual partners. What kind of disease is this? How does it manifest? Is treatment required?

        Characteristics of the disease

        A disease called “uterine rabies” in women does not exist in official medicine. But among the people the disease was known several thousand years ago. In Plato's works there are references to the fact that the female reproductive organ is like a wild beast that becomes enraged if a woman does not want to think about procreation.

        Possessing hypersexuality, a woman becomes the dream of any man. For a woman, another sexual partner is another adventure that helps her at least a little to calm down her whim.

        The name “nymphomania” also did not appear by chance. According to legend, nymphs, inhabitants of the forest, hunted men, luring them into the very thicket, where they were used for love orgies. When the man came to his senses, he could no longer think about anything else but nymphs. Men left their families and, like madmen, returned to the forest in order to experience sexual satisfaction at least once more in the arms of the beautiful inhabitants of the forest. Whether this is true or a myth, no one knows for sure.

        In reality, women suffering from uterine rabies cannot control sexual desires. A woman strives to have as many sexual partners as possible, and it does not matter at all: what gender, age he will be, and whether his appearance is beautiful or not. Frequency matters more here. As a rule, during sexual intercourse, a nymphomaniac does not achieve sexual release (orgasm), so they do not receive any pleasure from the act. Women who have a disease in the uterus want sex not so much from what they experience from excitement, but from the obsessive thought of having crazy sex; in other words, the disease is more of a psychological nature.

        If we talk about the impact of the disease on a woman’s personal life, it is negative. Immediately after sex, even if there was an orgasm, the woman is already ready for the next sexual intercourse. Conventionally, uterine rabies in women can be divided into two categories: for some, it is important to get release from sex, while for others, orgasm is not important, but the number of sexual acts is very important.

        Why does uterine rabies occur in women?

        The main reasons for the appearance of hypersexuality are the following factors:

      • hormonal imbalances in the female body;
      • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs;
      • endocrine diseases;
      • psychological illnesses;
      • tumor of the ovaries or pituitary gland;
      • presence of complexes.
      • The development of nymphomania can also be caused by psychological disorders, such as schizophrenia. In some cases, the cause of nymphomania may be rape or parental cruelty in childhood.

        If a woman feels a strong sexual desire, regardless of whether the object of desire is a man or a woman, this should be a signal to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

        Symptoms of the disease

        The main symptom that may signal the disease “rabies of the uterus” may be constant sexual desire, when it is impossible to concentrate on anything else. In this state, a woman is looking for new sexual sensations and new partners. The appearance of the disease may also be indicated by the appearance of erotic fantasies. If a woman can have sex up to 15 times a day, and she does not experience sexual satisfaction, then this is nymphomania or uterine rabies in women.

        Traditional Treatments

        Official medicine today can offer therapeutic measures that help identify the factors causing nymphomania, as well as eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Before prescribing a course of treatment, it is very important to undergo diagnostics in order to understand what exactly triggered the development of the disease. To exclude the presence of a tumor, a brain tomogram is necessary. To determine whether hormonal levels are disrupted, it is necessary to take hormone tests and also examine the glands. It is also important to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and get tested for infections that can be sexually transmitted. For nymphomania, treatment is complex and selected individually in each individual case.

        The prescription of hormone-containing drugs is justified only if malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system are diagnosed.

        If you have sexually transmitted diseases, they must be treated immediately. Only this will help improve immunity and metabolic processes in the body, which will reduce obsessive sexual desire, relieve nervous excitement and improve the overall well-being of a woman. To improve the mental state, sedatives, tranquilizers, and antipsychotics are prescribed. You will definitely have to visit a psychologist, which will help correct your behavior.

        Folk remedies in treatment

        In folk medicine there are many recipes that can regulate sexual disorders, in particular, reduce increased sexual excitability and eliminate inflammatory processes in the genital organs. As a rule, folk recipes provide for a course of treatment lasting up to 1.5 months with a break of two weeks. But, it is better to coordinate any folk remedy with your doctor in order to avoid possible negative reactions of the body.

        Here are some folk remedies:

        Pour 500 ml of boiling water over willow catkins (1 tablespoon). Leave for an hour, then strain. Drink 1 tbsp before meals. 3 times during the day.

        Hop cones, peppermint and melima leaves, meadowsweet flowers, 1 tsp each, should be placed in a container and poured with 500 ml of beer. Leave for 12 hours, stirring occasionally, then strain. Take 3 times a day? Art. The course of treatment is 7 days.

        It is also important that the nutrition is correct. Avoid various aphrodisiacs as much as possible, such as nuts, chocolate, cheeses, and seafood. Various soothing decoctions and mood have a beneficial effect on the condition.

        If uterine rabies in women does not go away and the woman cannot overcome the obsessive sexual desire, she should immediately contact a sex therapist to select another treatment option. In any case, consultation with a specialist is very important to normalize your mental state.

        Uterine rabies: signs of the disorder, consequences and treatment

        Increased female sexuality and constant sexual desire have been known in medicine for a long time. Hippocrates also described this condition as hysteria (which means “uterus” in Greek). In official medicine there is a diagnosis of “nymphomania”, which is listed in the ICD as a mental disorder. However, the people still have the concept of uterine rabies. Let's consider what it is and does this deviation need treatment?

        What is uterine rabies?

        In the time of Hippocrates, any behavioral disorders in women were attributed to diseases of the reproductive system and its main organ - the uterus. Hysteria, or a mad uterus, was characterized as a demonstrative emotional reaction to any event; its leading symptoms were brain fog and sexual promiscuity.

        An interesting explanation of the nature of the disease was given by Plato. He believed that if there is no desire to continue the birth, the uterus becomes literally mad, that is, it wanders around the body, causing breathing spasms, a state of melancholy and anxiety. Hence the strange behavior.

        Today, uterine rabies has received an official name - nymphomania. This is a pathological desire for sexual intercourse, which forces a woman to often change her partners. The name of the disease was also not chosen by chance. According to Greek legend, beautiful nymphs lived in the forests, who lured men and forced them to copulate until they were completely exhausted.

        Uterine rabies is a mental or psychological disorder in which women are unable to control their sexual desires and behavior.

        An interesting fact is that uterine rabies most often affects thin, dark-haired girls 20-30 years old and menopausal women (over 45 years old).

        The following factors can cause nymphomania:

      • Mental illnesses (manic psychosis, schizophrenia);
      • Endocrinological disorders;
      • Taking medications, especially those that increase libido;
      • Low self-esteem in a woman;
      • Tumors of the pituitary gland and gonads;
      • Chronic drug poisoning (cocaine).

      Sometimes nymphomania develops due to severe psychological shock, for example, a woman experienced rape or abuse as a child.

      Characteristic features of the disease

      Patients with uterine rabies constantly strive for sexual contact, and one partner is not enough to satisfy the needs. This forces a woman to look for new sexual adventures and have sexual intercourse with the first person she meets. In this case, the appearance, age, intelligence or wealth of a man does not matter. The main selection criterion for a nymphomaniac is the partner’s ability to perform sexual intercourse.

      At the same time, the woman does not experience excitement and does not receive satisfaction from intimacy; rather, she has obsessive thoughts about orgasm. Uterine rabies is a disease and it belongs to the category of psychopathological disorders.

      The hypersexuality of a partner becomes a real punishment for a man; sometimes such women demand 10-12 sexual acts from him per day. This not only devastates a man, but also instills in him self-doubt. He begins to suffer due to the inability to satisfy all the needs of the nymphomaniac.

      Uterine rabies has 2 variants:

    • Obsessive desire to have an orgasm. It is a surprising fact that almost all women with uterine rabies suffer from sexual dissatisfaction. It is she who makes them endlessly demand copulation from their partner in any, even perverted, form. Such relationships cannot last long; the couple eventually separates.
    • The desire to regularly change partners. In this case, the nymphomaniac is constantly looking for new acquaintances, not realizing the immorality of her behavior. All sorts of tricks are used, including lying and paying for sexual services.
    • Starting any relationship with a nymphomaniac is dangerous, as it affects your health. Promiscuous sex life leads to sexually transmitted diseases, which sooner or later a woman becomes infected with.

      Such behavior of a woman, and even more so of a wife, mother of a family, causes sharp condemnation from others. Over time, close people turn away from the nymphomaniac: husband, friends, relatives.

      Uterine rabies in women is characterized by obsessive thoughts about sex, and both a man and a girl can be the object of desire. Nymphomaniacs spend all their energy potential searching for their next partner.

      Do not confuse the riot of the uterus with increased sexuality. Mentally healthy girls may have a high degree of excitability and a desire for multiple orgasms, but they carefully select men for intimacy. They do not stoop to promiscuous sex life, unlike nymphomaniacs.

      Doctors identify several types of psychological disorders in nymphomaniacs.

      This is what is called increased sexual desire. Its signs manifest themselves in the form of erotic fantasies, excessive passion for pornographic films and photos. If an erotomaniac suffers from a mental disorder, he can convince himself that he is loved by a famous person. The person is convinced that he is receiving secret signs from his chosen one, messages that are encrypted from prying eyes.

      love addiction

      This is the desire for a connection with one man, while other members of the opposite sex are not of interest. All a woman’s thoughts are devoted to her loved one, he becomes the meaning of her life. However, the love affair does not bring satisfaction. A dependent person constantly feels melancholy, disappointment, and reproaches his partner for a lack of feelings.

      Love addiction usually ends with a break in the relationship. The partner ultimately cannot stand the obsessive adoration, endless claims, hysterics and leaves. If help is not provided, the suffering woman falls into deep depression or makes a suicide attempt.

      The disease is characterized by sexual dissatisfaction, a tendency to constantly search for a sexual partner, and disinhibited behavior. Such women are turned on by one look at a man, his smell.

      Before treating nymphomania, it is worth finding out the cause of the behavioral disorder. In a woman, tumors of the genital organs and brain, and sexually transmitted diseases should be excluded. For this purpose the following are appointed:

      • Tomography of the head;
      • Ultrasound of the genital organs;
      • Hormone tests;
      • Blood testing for infections: hepatitis, HIV, papillomaviruses.
      • The woman must be examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist. When infections are detected, antibacterial drugs, immunostimulating agents, and vitamins are prescribed. This helps strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolic processes and relieve increased excitability during nymphomania.

        Note: Some infections (Epstein-Barr virus, toxoplasma, syphilis) can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and damage brain structures. That is, sexually transmitted infections become provocateurs for the development of nymphomania.

        Hormonal drugs are prescribed by an endocrinologist depending on the identified disorders - ovarian dysfunction, hypothalamus. The doctor determines how to treat nymphomania based on test results.

        In some cases, they resort to prescribing replacement therapy with the drugs Femoston, Divina, which somewhat reduce sexual desire. However, they cannot be used without medical advice, since these are hormonal drugs and they have serious side effects.

        Traditional medicine recipes will help reduce increased sexual excitability. However, they will not replace the help of a psychotherapist, because it is mental deviation and neurosis that cause uterine rabies.

        They contain phytoestrogens - plant analogs of female hormones that help relieve sexual tension during nymphomania. Hops are also considered a good sedative. To treat sexual addiction and uterine rabies, an infusion of cones is used; for this, the plant material is thoroughly crushed.

        A tablespoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 1-2 hours. It is recommended to drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals, and also drink a glass of infusion at night. The product has contraindications: pregnancy, inflammatory diseases of the genital area, lactation period.

        The plant has long been used to combat female diseases, including the treatment of uterine rabies. An infusion is prepared from the herb: 1 tbsp. spoon is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and left for a couple of hours. Used by? glasses before meals. It follows that oregano is an abortifacient plant, so the infusion should not be taken during pregnancy.

        This is a plant with a strong hallucinogenic effect, so you need to be careful when using the tincture. In therapeutic dosage, it helps with gynecological problems, as well as mental disorders. Therefore, Datura is one of the effective plants for getting rid of nymphomania.

        A 20% tincture is used for medicinal purposes and can be purchased at a pharmacy. For uterine rabies, take 3-4 drops diluted with a small amount of water. You need to drink the tincture 3-4 times a day before meals. Datura is contraindicated for glaucoma.

        Psychological assistance and behavior correction

        If there is no schizophrenia or manic disorder, the woman can benefit from sessions with a psychotherapist. The following techniques are used to treat nymphomania:

      • Correction of behavior using physical activity. If a woman is busy with work, especially physical work, this distracts her from seeking sensual pleasures. A good way to relieve uterine rage and tension is yoga; during exercise, relaxation and calm comes, muscles relax, and breathing normalizes.
      • Picture-in-picture technique. Many nymphomaniacs are loving mothers; using this feeling, you can try to cause shame for your behavior. For example, a psychotherapist invites a woman to look at the situation through the eyes of her daughter.
      • Watching films. Girls with mental disabilities love to watch films with erotic content. The doctor advises the nymphomaniac to familiarize herself with paintings where overly frivolous women become victims of a rapist.
      • Hypnosis. During the session, the specialist puts the woman into a trance and, through leading questions, finds out the reasons for the behavioral anomaly. In the future, this helps the doctor build a treatment regimen individually for the patient.
      • Consequences and complications

        Since nymphomania is associated with numerous sexual contacts, this certainly affects health. A woman is diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections: syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis, gonorrhea. The consequence of a promiscuous life is numerous abortions or pregnancies.

        As a result of dissolute behavior, a woman develops social deviations: drug addiction, alcoholism. In the absence of specialized help, suicide attempts and severe depression are possible.

        Nymphomania can be successfully treated with medications and psychological techniques. You should not be ashamed of uterine rabies and avoid medical help. With the help of a specialist, many women return to their families, find a permanent partner for a stable relationship, and get rid of sexual addiction and uterine rabies.

        Uterine rabies symptoms

        In our century, the diagnosis of “uterine rabies” does not exist. The most correct condition understood by Uterine Rabies is usually called Nymphomania. Nymphomania (literal translation - Crazy Bride) is pathological hypersexuality and excessive sexual desire, as the official diagnosis is enshrined in ICD-10 in the block of psychological disorders and behavioral disorders. This suggests that one should not confuse banal promiscuity and promiscuity in sexual relations with a painful condition that requires serious treatment. Only a sex therapist or psychiatrist can diagnose Nymphomania.

        Most men secretly dream of meeting a woman who would not only be beautiful and talented in bed, but would also ardently and passionately desire sex all the time, regardless of what the object of her desires looks like or how he behaves. However, the chance of meeting such a woman is not very great. According to statistics, for every 2,500 women there is only one nymphomaniac.

        Nymphomania, from a medical point of view, is a pathology of sexual desire in which a woman cannot control her sexual needs. The behavior of such a woman is unpredictable and dangerous. Men who happened to meet a nymphomaniac on their way remember life with her as a bad dream. To satisfy her needs, the average nymphomaniac requires 10-15 sexual intercourses a day. One partner is not able to provide her with satisfaction. This is explained by the hyperfunction of the ovaries, which produce sex hormones. After sexual intercourse, the level of these hormones in the blood of a nymphomaniac is restored very quickly and desire awakens in the woman again. Sex for her is something like drugs.

        The Russian Empress Catherine II the Great (1729-1796) had a huge sexual appetite. Tickling her feet and slapping her buttocks gave her such pleasure that special services were created for this. At the age of 60, she chose the young 25-year-old dragoon lieutenant Zubov, who, after the necessary testing of sexual capabilities, began to act as a lover.

        According to statistics, thin, short women with dark hair most often suffer from nymphomania.

        Endocrine dysfunction;

        Reaction to pharmacological drugs;

        Tumor of the ovaries, pituitary gland;

        Constant strong sexual tension;

        Indiscriminate choice of sexual partners (perhaps the most striking of the symptoms of uterine rabies - a woman in this state allows sexual intercourse with absolutely any person, without paying attention to his appearance, position in society or attitude towards her);

        No permanent partner;

        There is no pleasure in sex, which only brings short-term relief from suffering.

        Women with low self-esteem may exhibit external signs of nymphomania. Such women use sexual relationships to assert themselves. They constantly change partners, although they do not get much pleasure from it. This style of behavior may be the result of psychological trauma, difficult relationships with the father, etc. They are looking for love and attention, but instead they earn a reputation as Don Juans in a skirt. As a rule, they take great care of their appearance (which is not typical for clinical nymphomaniacs), sincerely want and know how to please their partner. If such a woman finds a man who can surround her with the care and affection that she is looking for, her “nymphomania” comes to an end. If she fails to find an ideal partner, the number of her complexes grows every year, which often leads to depression and false frigidity.

        It is quite easy and painless to treat; you need to see a doctor and strictly follow his instructions.

        Uterine rabies - symptoms, photos, causes and symptoms of the disease.

        Uterine rabies - symptoms, photos Uterine rabies - symptoms, photos, characteristic features of the disease. In modern times, there is no such diagnosis as uterine rabies; such a condition of a woman is usually called nymphomania (literally translated - crazy bride). “Uterine rabies” refers to pathological female hypersexuality and increased sexual desire. The official diagnosis of this disease was established under the guise of psychological and behavioral disorders. That is, one should not confuse ordinary promiscuity and banal promiscuity in sexual partners with a truly painful condition that requires serious treatment. Only a psychiatrist or sex therapist can diagnose uterine rabies (scientifically called nymphomania)..

        As a rule, nymphomania is often observed in short, thin women with dark hair.

        How does uterine rabies manifest itself? Symptoms, videos, causes of the disease.

        The main reasons for the development of uterine rabies include:

        nervous disorders;

        disturbances in endocrine function;

        reaction to taking pharmacological drugs;

        tumor of the pituitary gland or ovaries;

        decreased libido and self-esteem.

        How does uterine rabies manifest itself? The symptoms are as follows:

        A woman feels strong, undying sexual tension (and constantly).

        A woman is indiscriminate in choosing her sexual partners. The most pronounced symptom of nymphomania is considered to be that in such a state a woman allows intimate relationships with absolutely any person, regardless of his appearance, social status, etc.

        Lack of a regular sexual partner.

        A woman does not get pleasure from sex, it only brings her short-term relief.

        How does a nymphomaniac feel? What happens to a girl with uterine rabies?

        Plato gave a mythical explanation for this disease. Then people recognized that there were forest spirits (nymphs), whose sexuality and beauty men could not resist. The Greeks believed that beautiful women lured men into the forest and persuaded them to have sex, an infinite number of times, as a result of which the men simply could not stand it and died from exhaustion.

        Many representatives of the fairer sex simply do not have the courage to admit to a doctor, that they have uterine rabies (photos and descriptions of nymphomania are presented in the article). The point is that not everyone feels the line between a natural, regular need for intimacy and hypersexuality. Many people know what rabies means based on the example of animals. Even men have a disease similar to nymphomania. Uncontrolled sexuality in the stronger sex is called satyriasis.

        If a person suffering from such a disease is not given the opportunity to meet his needs, then the condition can disable his control over his behavior. Nymphomania is not an infectious disease, but a woman who suffers from uterine rabies, due to her promiscuity, can become a carrier of all kinds of infections.

        Modern doctors classify nymphomania as a mental illness. There are cases when the disease itself, or a predisposition to it, is inherited by a woman. Representatives of the fairer sex who suffer from nymphomania strive to obtain sexual pleasure, and therefore agree to have indiscriminate sex with anyone, just to get the long-awaited satisfaction.

        Uterine rabies is an outdated name for Nymphomania. It is an excessive sexual desire in women, one of the types of hypersexuality. Sometimes this term “nymphomania” is also used in a figurative sense to designate a form of sexual behavior in women that is not approved by society, or to express a negative moral attitude towards a woman’s increased sexual activity.

        Basics and background of uterine rabies

        The ability to control their behavior when selecting sexual partners distinguishes people from those suffering from nymphomania. This pathology, which in the past was considered a direct consequence of “rabies of the uterus,” manifests itself in a pronounced impulsive, often uncontrollable, obsessive desire for varied and numerous sexual contacts with various partners. At the same time, there is usually a high degree of so-called indistinguishability of the sexual object: often the gender, age and appearance of the sexual partner have little meaning for such persons. Uterine rabies or nymphomania is usually associated with the inability to achieve orgasm (the so-called nymphomanic frigidity). In connection with this, any sexual contacts usually do not bring complete satisfaction. At the same time, sexual arousal in the true form of nymphomania is only subjective in nature, without any adequate physiological reactions from the reproductive system. The pronounced obsessive nature of the manifested sexual desire, not accompanied by the involvement of the genital organs in the processes of excitation, directly indicates the presence of psychopathology in patients, as opposed to pathological hypersexuality with various organic lesions in the brain area. It is mainly these circumstances that distinguish nymphomania from promiscuity, which comes from other reasons (such as concomitant mental retardation, asociality, schizophrenia, and others).

        For women, this diagnosis brings great inconvenience in the area of ​​sexual life. This fact is explained by the fact that women with nymphomania are unable to receive full pleasure from sex. Their alternating orgasms cannot bring them any satisfaction, which is why, on a psycho-emotional level, they require continued sexual intercourse.

        Causes of uterine rabies

        This condition can develop as a result of hormonal imbalance, the presence of a number of diseases, the use of certain medications, an existing inferiority complex, lack of self-confidence, and so on. Frequent causes of so-called uterine rabies can be tumors of the ovaries or pituitary gland. The cause of uterine rabies can be pregnancy.

        Symptoms of uterine rabies

        Women with nymphomania are characterized by constant sexual dissatisfaction and regular erotic fantasies, an ongoing constant search for new sexual partners and, as a result of the disinhibition of their sexual behavior, as well as frequent casual sexual intercourse.

        Treatment methods for uterine rabies

        The most appropriate treatment for “uterine rabies” is the use of medications that have a calming effect.

        The information provided is not a recommendation for the treatment of nymphomania, but is a brief description of the problem for the purpose of familiarization. Do not forget that self-medication can harm your health. If signs of illness appear or are suspected, you should immediately consult a doctor. Be healthy.

        Many people have heard about the existence of uterine rabies. Teenagers whisper about women with mysterious disabilities and men dream about them. Many legends surround him with something like a halo. But few people know that neither a disease nor any other disorder with this name is recognized by official medicine.

        This concept dates back to the time of Herodotus, who described nymphs living in the forest, luring men there, and then killing them with an endless number of sexual acts.

        Nymphomania is the name of the disease by which uterine rabies is popularly known. Its symptoms can manifest in different ways. In most cases, nymphomaniac women, experiencing a huge number of orgasms during sex, still cannot get satisfaction. In an effort to get it, women are ready to have sex again and again. Their aggressiveness and dissatisfaction are so high that one partner cannot cope with the growing lust of the chosen one. In an effort to obtain satisfaction at any cost, nymphomaniacs begin to rapidly change partners or increase the number of sexual acts.

        For another category of nymphomaniacs, orgasm is not important; they simply strive to increase the number of partners. Such women cannot think of anything else. There are known cases where nymphomaniacs participated in 17 sexual acts a day.

        This behavior really looks like uterine rabies. But what really happens to a nymphomaniac?

        Nymphomania is a mental illness, a type of hysteria. It is very different from increased libido. People suffering from this deviation are uncritical of their sexual needs. Chasing satisfaction, they stop thinking about their own safety.

        If the disease is not treated, then gradually the nymphomaniac is able to descend. In medical practice, there are cases when wealthy, quite intelligent women, in search of new partners, began to visit dens for drug addicts and homeless people, without thinking about the terrible consequences of such adventures.

        Like any disease, uterine rabies has causes.

        Often the disease develops against the background of hysteria or sometimes the deviation is provoked by ovarian or brain tumors, hormonal imbalance, or endocrine disorders. There are cases when the disease developed during pregnancy.

        Interestingly, men also suffer from uncontrolled hypersexuality, but among them this deviation is called satyriasis.

        Promiscuous sexual intercourse often leads to concomitant diseases, not the most severe of which is inflammation of the uterus. Treatment for nymphomania exists, but only a doctor can provide the right help.

        Usually, complex treatment is prescribed, combining lifestyle changes, diet, medication, consultations with a psychiatrist and sexologist. Uterine rabies is curable.

        Inflammation of the uterus occurs from many other reasons. The most popular of them, besides promiscuity, are colds, consequences of abortion, contamination with unclean instruments, hormonal imbalances, etc.

        Only a gynecologist can determine what type of inflammation is bothering the patient. After determining the diagnosis, he prescribes treatment. These could be antibiotics, douching, physiotherapy.

        Traditional healers recommend taking it with melted lard or douching with a decoction of tannin or St. John's wort as an auxiliary remedy for inflammation. Such treatment methods do exist, but only a gynecologist can say which folk recipe is suitable for a particular case.

        Untimely uterine replacement can lead to surgery or the development of cancer. That is why women are recommended to regularly visit a gynecologist.

        Uterine rabies has been known to medicine since ancient times. This disease is expressed in unbridled sexual desires and the desire to have many partners. Today, medicine uses the modern scientific name for this disease - nymphomania. It is believed that the disease develops against the background of a woman’s mental or other disorder and has many causes. To treat uterine rabies, both drug treatment and psychocorrection methods are used.

        Reasons for the development of nymphomania

        Do not confuse nymphomania with simple promiscuity and hypersexuality. Only a specialist can diagnose nymphomania. The disease occurs in only one woman out of several thousand.

        It is expressed in the inability to control one's sexual needs. One partner is never enough for a woman; to get satisfaction she will need 10 partners every day. Most often, women aged 20 to 35 years and after forty years suffer from nymphomania, when hormonal changes occur in the body.

        The main reasons why a woman can develop this disease are:

        • mental disorders;
        • sexual tension;
        • hormonal disorders;
        • ovarian tumor;
        • side effect of taking certain drugs to increase libido;
        • low self-esteem;
        • the desire to constantly prove one’s sexual worth.

        It is extremely rare that nymphomania develops against the background of hormonal imbalance during pregnancy.

        Symptoms of the disease

        Most often, the disease develops in two directions, accompanied by the main symptoms:

        • A constant obsessive desire to enjoy sexual intercourse. But a woman most often does not get what she wants because she develops nymphomaniac frigidity or the inability to get an orgasm. The inability to obtain sexual satisfaction forces a woman to demand more and more stamina from her partner or to resort to unconventional sex. Such behavior negatively affects the psychological state of both women and men. After all, a man begins to think that he is not able to satisfy his partner, which leads to the development of impotence and many complexes.
        • The desire to change partners as often as possible. It is vital for a sick woman to have sex with as many men as possible. His appearance, financial condition and other criteria do not play any role, the only important thing is that he is sexually wealthy.

        No matter how the disease develops, the woman feels severe psychological discomfort, which is expressed in frequent breakdowns, hysteria, and tears. The conditions that arise from nymphomania are also dangerous because the woman completely loses critical perception of her behavior. In turn, this leads to infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

        Distinctive features of nymphomaniacs

        The disease is similar in its external manifestations to other mental conditions, so its distinctive features should be highlighted:

        • inability to control your desires;
        • inability to suppress sexual desire;
        • interest in a man as a sexual partner and nothing more;
        • having sexual contact with the first man you come across, regardless of his social status and position;
        • all the energy of a nymphomaniac is directed to satisfying her own needs, not disdaining any means, even paying for sexual services.

        In general, nymphomaniacs differ from simply promiscuous women in that they cannot do without multiple sex. Most women suffering from this disease are embarrassed by it and do not go to the doctor, trying in every possible way to hide the existing problem. This is absolutely impossible to do, since numerous sexual contacts lead to serious diseases, including HIV infection.

        Treatment of the disease

        Treatment of “uterine rabies” consists of an integrated approach to eliminating the problem, which consists of the use of drug therapy and psychocorrection. But before you start fixing the problem, you need to figure out what caused the disease itself. To rule out physical diseases, the doctor prescribes a complete examination of the body. It includes:

        • MRI, which allows you to determine the presence of a tumor in the brain;
        • Ultrasound of the ovaries to detect the presence of a tumor;
        • blood test for hormones;
        • analysis for the detection of sexually transmitted infections.

        Based on the test results, specific therapy will be selected. The patient is recommended to take sedatives to help reduce excitability. Valerian tincture or Novo-Passit, Persen are perfect for this.