The temperature of the child does not knock on the red throat. Red throat and temperature in a child. Photo Gallery: Folk Remedies

The red throat and the temperature of the child is one of the most common complaints of parents when contacting the pediatrician. Indeed, children under 12 years old often suffer from pharyngitis and tonsillitis. It is not surprising, because the tissue of the throat is in contact with thousands of microorganisms daily, to some of which the child has no immunity.

Over time, the immune system of the child "gets acquainted" with respiratory infections and becomes able to confront them.

Test: Find out what you have a throat

Did you have an increased body temperature in the first day of the disease (in the first day of the appearance of symptoms)?

In connection with the sore throat you:

How often have the last time (6-12 months) you experience such symptoms (sore throat)?

Purchase the neck area immediately under the lower jaw. Your feelings:

With a sharp increase in temperature, you used the antipyretic preparation (ibuprofen, paracetamol). Thereafter:

What sensations are you experiencing, opening your mouth?

How would you estimate the effect of fruitful lollipops from the throat and other painting agents of a local character (candies, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone from close to the throat. To do this, rinse your mouth with clean water for 1-2 minutes, open the mouth wide. You can highlight your assistant to highlight yourself a flashlight and look into the oral cavity by pressing the root of the tongue.

In the first day of the disease, you clearly feel an unpleasant putthous bite in the mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence of unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to pain in the throat you are worried about cough (more than 5 attacks per day)?

Adults can also catch the throat, but the disease proceeds from them significantly easier, in most cases - without fever and complications.

Especially often the souls of the throat are bothering in the cold season and offseason. Pain pain in a child may appear after active games on the street, walks in light clothes in raw weather, consuming cold drinks.

The supercooling is a factor that significantly enhancing the risk of developing sharp respiratory infections. When inhalation of cold air / consumption of cold food, the nasophaling and almonds are especially suffering, as well as the larynx.

Red throat - ARZ symptom

High temperature and red throat - typical symptoms of sharp respiratory diseases (i.e. ores). In particular, such a clinical picture is characteristic of some ORVI (acute respiratory viral infections).

We list the common ORZ, in which the throat redness is observed and the temperature rise:

  1. Acute pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. With pharyngitis, the baby's throat turned red, body temperature elevated or high. Children often complain about unpleasant feelings during swallowing, poor appetite.

Acute viral pharyngitis in most cases is the cause of redness of the language in children.

With pharyngitis, redness is especially noticeable on the visible part of the pharynx, behind the almonds. The mucous pharynx may look loose, buggy; Often it is covered with a mucous-purulent raid.

  1. Acute tonsillitis, i.e. Angina - the inflammation of the almonds (GRAND). Redness and edema of the tonsils testify to the development of the catarrhal form of an angina. With the catar tonsillite, almonds are covered with a transparent bloody, while with a purulent sinks of a white, with a greenish yellow tint. The inflammation of the almonds is always accompanied by a strong pain in the throat and fever (in children the temperature is 38-41c). A child with redfish, restless, eats badly.
  2. Localized diphtheria form. Acute infectious disease. From the first day of the disease, a fever is observed, strong weakness, symptoms of inflammation of almonds. Despite the fact that the child has a high temperature, its skin is pale (for comparison - with an angina, the skin has an unhealthy bright blush).

With a catarrhal form of diphtheria infection, the characteristic film flap in the throat is missing. Almonds and chucks are eaten, reddened, have a blue shade.

Sluting, voices voices, difficulty breathing, increase temperatures up to 40 C - symptoms of toxic flow of diphtheria. It is necessary to call an ambulance. Turning diphtheria with antitoxic serum. It is useless to treat it with local funds or antibiotics.

  1. Infectious mononucleosis. Often, symptoms of infectious mononucleosis are taken for another disease, for example, tonsillitis.

Despite the fact that many have never heard of infectious mononucleosis, this disease is extremely common. About 50% of children under five years old are familiar with this disease.

Symptoms of infectious mononucleosis - high body temperature, swelling and redness of tonsils, an increase in lymph nodes on the neck and throughout the body, general weakness. The child hurts the throat, but less intensively than with acute tonsillitis. Infectious mononucleosis has a favorable forecast. In rare cases, the disease gives complications to the liver, spleen, secondary ear and other organs.

As you can see, the causes of hyperemia throat and fever set. At the same time, the treatment of listed throat diseases is significantly different: so, the ARVI is treated with antiviral, streptococcal angina - antibiotics, diphtheria - antitoxic serum, and in mononucleosis all of the above preparations are ineffective. That is why, with any disturbing symptoms, the child should inspect the pediatrician.

Treatment - general and local

How to treat red throat? It all depends on the causes of the disease. Since the red throat in most cases turns out to be a Bulletin of ARVI, its treatment starts with local therapy, which includes rinsing, sore irrigation, resorption of candy and tablets. The listed procedures allow:

  • reduce painful sensations when swallowing, conversation, etc.;
  • remove swelling and reduce redness;
  • get rid of all
  • prevent the reproduction of bacteria in the mucous membrane on the throat and almonds;
  • reduce the risk of developing complications - otitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, purulent infections.

Thus, local procedures are an indispensable part of the treatment of ARZ. Let's talk more about the methods of local throat.

Rinsing is very simple and affordable, but this is no less effective method of treating infectious diseases of the throat.

For rinsing, it is possible to use warm salted water, a solution of soda (a teaspoon on a glass of water), water with the addition of several droplets of the propolis tincture or chlorophilipte (not recommended to children prone to manifestations of allergies). The procedure can be carried out 4-6 times a day, must after each meal and before bedtime.

After rinse, the child's throat can be treated with antiseptic sprays ("Orept", "Hexoral", "Inhalipt"). Always read the instructions for the drug - many of them have age limitations or differences in the frequency of applications for children of different ages. After the irrigation of the throat, the spray should not be drunk and there are 20-40 minutes.

Leddery resorption is a favorite medicine of many children. Most lollipops have a pleasant taste (for example, "grammidine", "Strepsils", "Dr. MOM", etc.). However, parents often do not perceive such treatment seriously, and completely in vain. First, the resorption stimulates the production of saliva, which contains natural antiseptic substances, first of all - lysozyme. Secondly, lollipops contain antiseptic substances that depress the livelihood of microorganisms. Some pills for resorption contain components activating the immune system (for example, tonsonoten, IMUDON).

If local treatment does not give results, the use of systemic drugs will be used. Their choice depends on the causes of the disease. To form an accurate diagnosis and appointment of effective treatment, laboratory studies may be required - a general blood test and bacteriological sowing of the ozo microflora.

Antipyretic - how and when to apply them

When a child has an elevated body temperature, and the throat is red, most parents immediately give the antipyretic drugs. Often, at the same time, the hydraulic indicators barely reach the mark of 37.5s. This approach is absolutely wrong, and even can harm.

It is important to understand that to bring down the temperature and destroy the infection - not the same thing. So that the temperature is normalized, it is necessary to destroy the infection. Antipyretic do not affect the cause of the disease, however, they are capable of removing the heat that in some cases it allows you to preserve the child's life. At the same time, take the antipyretic, like any other medicines, follows only if necessary.

It is known that when the temperature approaches 37.5 s, blood circulation is accelerated in the body, the division of leukocytes, the production of interferon and other immune substances is activated. Artificial temperature rigoring blocks these natural protective mechanisms, do not allow to form immunity.

However, very high temperature is dangerous to health, especially when it comes to a small child. Parents need to control the body temperature of the patient child, measuring it every 3-4 hours. It is necessary to be prepared for the use of antipyretic. You should choose in advance and purchase the antipyretic preparation for children.

Modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of antipyretic for children. Many of them are produced in a comfortable form - in the form of syrups, suspensions, rectal candles. Each form has its advantages. So, syrups and suspensions are easy to use, moreover, they usually have a pleasant taste. The indisputable advantage of rectal candles is a quick action. Candles are also recommended to infant children.

The most secure antipyretic agent for children is paracetamol. This substance is non-toxic (when used in a normal dosage) and safely even for babies. In addition to the antipyretic effect, paracetamol has an anesthetic and light anti-inflammatory effect. Paracetamol is a very common medicine. This is the active component of the drugs such as Effergangan Children, Panadol Bebi, "Acetal", "Acetalgin", "Waintola" and many others.

If the child's temperature does not come down with paracetamol, call a doctor. Do not use stronger antipyretic independently.

Temperature 39 and red throat in a child often accompany an angina, the treatment of which is not necessary without antibiotics. For 1-2 days, they normalize the body temperature, affecting the cause of the disease - the focus of infection.

If in parallel with antibiotics to take the antipyretic, it seems to impress the condition of the patient, which is not always true. In this case, it is impossible to trace how efficiently the chosen antibiotic is struggling with infection. That is why when using antibiotics, the reception of the antipyretic should be limited.

Receiving antibiotic therapy is resorted to receiving antibiotic therapy if the temperature reaches 39C.

Is it possible to cure throat at home?

Children and their parents are rarely in a hurry to contact the hospital, even with pronounced SMZ symptoms, preferring to hurt at home. There are a lot of reasons for this - some are afraid to become infected with other infections from the chamber's neighbors, others believe that home furnishings are more favorable for recovery. In addition, many are confident that you can cure a sick child yourself without referring to a specialist. But is it always that?

Walled throat diseases associated with ORVI, usually proceed relatively easily, and indeed, they can be successfully treated at home. At the same time, homework implies adherence to the recommendations of the doctor and compliance with the beddown. Abundant drinking, frequent rinsing, antiseptic throat treatment.

If the patient's sick, local treatment is not enough. An antibiotic rate is needed effective in relation to streptococcus.

Angina in a child can also be cured at home. However, in this case, parents must ensure that it takes the antibiotic in time. It is necessary to constantly observe the patient - to control the body temperature, follow nutrition, well-being.

On the second-third day of reception of the antibiotic, the child's well-being is significantly improved. This indicates the effectiveness of the chosen drug, but not about the fact that the child is cured. To destroy the infection and fully cure the child requires a full course of antibiotic therapy (7-10 days, depending on the selected drug).

All mothers are familiar such situations: the baby knocked her legs, frozen on a walk, sweated in the car, drunk cold. And in the evening, the child has a high temperature, snot, cough, red throat. And this means sleepless nights, mountains of medicines and many questions.

We will try to answer the most frequent of them together with the most famous children's Dr. Evgenia Olegovich Komarovsky.

Why is the child again fell ill?

The cause of frequent inflammatory diseases, according to Komarovsky, is the children's age, or rather the imperfect immune system of the child. Immunity is a kind of "memory" of our organism, "Archive", which contains information about a certain infection and methods of combating them. It develops and strengthens only with a direct meeting with one or another microorganism. The more often the child's body faces harmful microbes, the faster its immune system begins to react.

Diseases are an integral part of the formation of healthy immunity.

Why does the throat blush and hurts?

The mucous membrane of the throat contains a large number of blood vessels, so it looks like pink even in a healthy state. If infection and the development of inflammation, the vessels are expanding, the inflow of blood to the patient, the throat becomes bright red and edema.

Another important feature of the throat is a large number of nervous endings. Thanks to them, when the mechanical stimuli is hit by the nasophack and larynx mucous membrane, a person can clean the respiratory tract with sneezing and cough. This is an important protective mechanism. But with inflammation and swelling of the mucous throat, these nerve endings can cause severe pain when swallowing and even inhalation of cold air.

It is important to remember that the "red throat" is not a disease, but just a symptom.

What are the reasons?

The reason for the inflamed throat, most often, are a variety of viruses and bacteria. They enter the body along with the inhaled air and settle on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and almonds. It is here in large quantities there is a lymphoid fabric, the main function of which is to fight alien microorganisms. Therefore, this area is the first and most important barrier for infections transmitted by air-droplet.

Under normal conditions, such a barrier successfully copes with its task. It filters inhaled air, tens of thousands of viruses and bacteria destroys daily and does not give them the opportunity to penetrate further - bronchi and lungs.

Sometimes there may be failed in the work of local immunity, in which case the upper respiratory tract can be inflamed. Most often, inflammation and redness of the throat occurs when ARVI, flu and an angina.

ORVI, flu or angina?

The most frequent viral disease among children is an acute respiratory and viral infection (ORVI or ARS). The cause of ARVI is the pathogenic viruses in the air.
Influenza is one of the types of viral diseases. Influenza virus is more active. It quickly multiplies when the nasopharynx mucous membrane is hit, quickly penetrates into the blood, causing severe toxic manifestations. Due to a longer contagious period and high susceptibility, the flu becomes the cause of frequent epidemics.

Angina is inflammation of the skynings. Doctors are called angina tonsillitis. The cause of the anesthes is most often bacteria - staphylococci and streptococci, but the alarina may be viral. This is an acute infectious disease that requires proper and timely treatment.

Are there any other reasons?

Sure! The causes of pain in the throat may also be such acute infectious diseases of scarlet nature, diphteria, cortex, herpetic infection. All of them are contagious and demand immediate treatment!

Do not forget about other causes of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It can be allergic reactions, microtraums, reactions to sharp, cold or hot food, sharp smells and dirty air.

And what to do?

The most obvious answer is to consult a doctor! Only the doctor will be able to spend a thorough inspection, to identify the disease, whether to determine whether there is complications and appoint adequate drug treatment.

When do you need to call an ambulance?

According to Dr. Komarovsky, urgent help must be called in case:
Temperature of the body is above 39 ° C, and does not knock on more than 30 minutes
Increase under 3 months
The temperature is accompanied by a strong chills, pallor
The child has shortness of breath, breathing difficult, it became difficult to do inhale or exhale, not enough air
Any strong pain appeared
The child has lost consciousness or whether it is in a seven consignment
appeared convulsions or muscle twitching
Headache is accompanied by nausea or vomit
There appeared rash on body, face, legs or hands
appeared swelling of a face or neck

What else can parents make to help the baby?

Komarovsky stands out the following important conditions for recovery:


High temperature is the most frequent symptom of inflammation and the necessary factor in combating infection. It is not recommended to shoot down the temperature if it is below 38 ° C. The body temperature ranging from 37 - 38 ° C is called productive. The fact is that at such a temperature of the body in the body, interferons are produced - substances that can withstand infections.
However, different kids are in different ways to increase body temperature. If the child happened in the past, convulsions or high temperature strongly weaken the baby - it is desirable to give antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol). Do not wait for the lifting of body temperature up to 38 ° C in babies.
Dr. Komarovsky categorically does not recommend to reduce high temperatures to carry out various wraps, alcohol or acetic wraps.

Sparing mode.

Bed regime requires a child during periods of high temperature, with severe weakness. During the rest of the time Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky advises to observe the gentle regime: quiet classes, board games, drawing, reading. For the entire period of the disease, it is necessary to reduce physical activity, exclude sports and active games.

Voice rest.

Warm drink.

Abundant drink will help get toxins from the body faster, reduce body temperature and moisturize mucous membranes. The fluid must be warm, the same as the body temperature of the child. Hot and cold drinks will only enhance the sore throat.

Regular ventilation.

First, it reduces the concentration of viruses and bacteria in the room, and secondly, it supports the optimal air temperature in the room, not more than 20 ° C.

Moisturizing air.

Wet air is the main condition for the normal operation of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. In addition, dry air can contribute to discomfort, enhance pain in the throat, the feeling of dryness and irritation in the nose, drying the nasal mucus. It is desirable to maintain air humidity at 50 - 60%. For this purpose, air humidifiers, steam generators, wet towels or any water container are used.


Usually, in the acute period of illness, the child's appetite is significantly reduced. Do not force a child to eat against the will. Kinder feed preferably soft, thoroughly crushed food: mashed potatoes, porridge, broths, soups-puree, souffle, etc.

Sycola, acute, salt or hot food helps to enhance the pain in the throat!


Stripping by salt solution, braveraging of herbs, antiseptic solutions will help to fit pain, reduce swelling and inflammation in the throat. If the child does not know how to do this, you can carry out the irrigation of the throat with medicinal sprays. Contraindication in this case will be nausea and a pronounced vomit reflex, as well as the strengthening of the reflex cough.

The most difficult moments for any mom - when her favorite chalunca is ill. Just he ran throughout the house and suddenly saddled. With any ailments of the child, contact a doctor, but each parent should understand the symptoms and the treatment of common childhood diseases.

High temperature in a child

Increased temperature in the kid can be for many reasons. In itself, this is not a disease, but a symptom, manifestation of the struggle of the child's immune system with a viral or bacterial infection. The seriousness of the disease does not depend on the temperature value. When analyzing an elevated temperature, the child's age is of great importance. In children under two years old, the body only "builds" their own immunity, so the temperature can increase quite often. In some cases, the elevated temperature may be the only symptom of infection and passes in three days.

The temperature can increase even from the fact that the child is too hung or it is in a hot, stuffy room. This is especially dangerous for newborns, as their body is not yet able to regulate the temperature independently, and long-term overheating is able to cause dehydration.

Doctors do not advise to shoot down the temperature below 38.5 degrees, since at high temperatures, viruses and microbes die, the protective forces of the body are increasing, the interferon is produced. But it is necessary to remember that children who have ever had convulsions at elevated temperatures having chronic respiratory diseases, neurological diseases, hereditary metabolic diseases, the kids of the first three months of life the temperature should be started to shoot down from 37.3 degrees.

If the fever is holding more than three days, a bacterial infection (otitis, angina,) has already joined.

Many children, despite the increased temperature, remain vigorous and continue to run and play. But if the child's temperature does not exceed 39 degrees, and he suddenly began the chills, the pallor of the skin, muscular pain, then the antipyretic drugs need to be given immediately.

To reduce the temperature, child, first of all, it is necessary to provide coolness. In no case can you warm the child with an elevated temperature with warm blankets, sweaters, heater, heater. All these measures can lead to the fact that the temperature will rise to a dangerous limit and a heat blow will occur. The temperature in the room must be no higher than 21 degrees.

At elevated temperatures, the child needs to drink as much liquid as possible. It can be juices, compotes, tea with raspberries, with linden color, with lemon and honey, cranberry and brushing juice.

You can wipe the baby with a sponge moistened with a little warm water. Alcohol and vinegar apply undesirable. If it is in advance to freeze water in small tanks, then you can wrap them with a diaper and apply to inguinal and axillary regions - large vessels pass there.

The safest antipyretic drugs for children are ibuprofen and paracetamol. After ibuprofen, a longer decrease in temperature is noted than after paracetamol. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) cannot be given to children under 15 years old, and Analgin is undesirable due to the fact that it can coagulate blood formation and cause allergic reactions. Analgin children are shown only intramuscularly and under the supervision of the doctor.

Choosing the shape of the antipyretic drug, it should be remembered that the effect of the drug in the syrup comes faster than from the candles, but also its action passes faster. Allergic reactions may also arise from syrup.

How to treat red throat?

Redness of the throat or hyperemia is one of the main signs of inflammation in the body. The throat blossoms due to the fact that the influx of blood to the tissues is intensified, while the vessels and capillaries are overwhelmed with blood. This is due to viruses, bacteria or due to adverse environmental impacts.

If the cause of the red throat has become an ARZ, then you can do proven home methods of treatment. First of all, it is necessary to drink abundant drinking, rinse and humidification.

You can rinse the throat with a decoction of eucalyptus, calendula, sage, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother. A well helps a solution of soda, salts and a droplet of iodine. It is necessary to conduct a procedure every half hour. If the kid refuses to rinse the throat, you can offer him sucking pills with lemon, honey, sage, chamomile. They have a sweet taste and enjoy the child. Take these tablets is necessary between meals, keeping them under the tongue until complete dissolution.

It is necessary to moisturize the room where the child is. If at home there is no moisturizer, you can place the room with water and hang on the batter wet sheets.

Well helps with throat pain Warm drinking: roshinka, tea with honey, milk with honey or soda.

At night you need to make inhalation. Boil the potatoes in the uniform, cover the baby with a towel and let's breathe over the ferry for 10 minutes. Instead of potatoes, you can use hot water with a drop of Balzam "Star".

A good effect can be achieved by wrapping the throat for the night of the child with a cab in a cabbage sheet. You can also put a vodka compress.

Aerosols with antiseptic and antibacterial effects are well helped when reddening the throat, but they can only be used to treat children over three years.

You can lubricate the throat of sea buckthorn or eucalyptus oil, chlorophilite or a solution of lugol. It is necessary to do it with a cotton swab, before taking food.

If after several days of treatment does not occur positive effect, you must necessarily call a doctor. Viral infection may complicate bacterial, and it threatens otitis, sinusitis, angina and pneumonia. In this case, it is no longer able to do without antibacterial drugs that only a doctor can assign.

It is always more effective to immediately determine the reasons for the red throat in a child than to treat the neglected disease. This symptom can be a sign of many different diseases, from allergies to dangerous infections.

In such a situation, the baby should be given even more attention than usual, and as soon as possible to proceed to treatment.

Causes of redness and methods of treatment

To find out how to quickly cure the red throat, you need to diagnose as early as possible. It is important to carefully examine the almonds, a soft sky and language.

Moreover, parents should know what the baby's throat looks like when he is healthy to compare with what they saw. With a visual examination of children over 5 years, there will be no problems.

If you need to know how to determine the red throat to the child, it is enough to follow such instructions:

  1. Take a small flashlight and medical spatula. In extreme cases, it can be replaced with a spoon, but it is necessary to act very carefully, since its improper use can lead to vomit or even to the injury of the oral cavity.
  2. Ask a child to open your mouth and direct the lantern included there. If the review is bad, slightly press the spatula protruding language.
  3. No need to make efforts, everything should be done very carefully, so as not to scare and not injure the baby.

Breast-age children such a procedure will not please at all. If there are difficulties with inspection, you first need to calm the baby, try to distract it with your favorite toy or conversation.

Squeeze the child in arms, press to yourself and slightly devastate with him back. When the kid opens the mouth, gently hold the language with a medical spatula or a small spoon.

These actions are enough to determine whether redness or other symptoms are. It is not necessary to force a child to turn the tongue, as this can provoke a vomit reflex.

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if the redness of the throat is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • difficult, noisy breath;
  • the presence of wheezing (with or without coughing);
  • strong pain when swallowing;
  • for a long period, the temperature is kept 38ºC and above;
  • the kid hurts not only the throat, but also other parts of the body (back, arms or legs).

With such symptoms should not be engaged in self-treatment, as it can be dangerous for the life of the baby.

And when the red throat appears, the child has 6 months and the signs listed above should necessarily call for ambulance.

Farrygit and Angina

Because of the even rapid immunity, children are more often adults. Therefore, when reddening occurs, especially if it is accompanied by a high temperature, it is necessary to exclude pharyngitis.

It begins with hoarse, laid nose and cough. There may be an allocation, pain when swallowing, yellow spots on the glands and white colors in the child's tongue.

Parents must definitely know how to cure the red throat quickly so that the pharyngitis does not move into a chronic form. For this, it is necessary to carry rinsing with various antiseptic solutions.

Make them very simple. You need to take a glass of warm water and mix with one of the following components:

  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1 tsp. salts;
  • 1 tbsp. l. apple vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 tsp. Calendula tincture.

Such procedures can be implemented only if children can rinse the throat. Heavy warm drinks are appointed baby and early children.

You can irrigate the throat with an antiseptic, but before this should be consulted with your doctor. Most often, Miramistin, inhalipte, proposol, hyvalex are prescribed with pharyngitis.

If the child often hurts the throat, attention should be paid to the pupin and lollipops. Most of these modern funds have a pleasant taste, so even small children will be happy to take them.

Such preparations have an antibacterial effect and reduce pain. The most popular - Imudon, Strepsils, Faringosept, Falimint, Septol. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed with pharyngitis. Most often prescribe bioparox, bispetol, hexoral.

Very red throat can be a sign of angina. It always begins sharply. The child has increased temperatures, weakness and headache may appear.

The front cervical and submandibular lymph nodes become painful. Almonds are also inflamed, they increase and blush. They may appear at them.

If the child has a red throat and the temperature is caused by an angina, an antibiotic is required.

If a doctor selects the right medicine (most often prescribed preparations based on penicillin or erythromycin), then in 2-3 days there will be visible improvements. But it is impossible to interrupt the course of treatment, sometimes relapse may occur.

If a child has a temperature of 39 ºC, it is necessary to stick to its normalization to its normalization. With acute disease, it is impossible to force children.

It is better to wait until your appetite appears. Food should be soft and not injured almonds, so it is recommended to give only broths and mashed potatoes.

Abundant warm drinking is needed. You can give water, tea, herbs champs or dried fruit compote. If the high temperature does not pass, it is possible to give antipyretic (paracetamol).

To improve well-being, you should rinse the throat from 4 to 6 times a day. At home, you can use chamomile or sage decoction.

Soda or salt is also suitable. For the preparation of solutions, it is necessary to stir in a glass of warm water 1 tsp. Food soda or 0.5 h. Salt salt.

If the child is small and rinse the throat can not, you need to give it to drink a chamomile decoction for 1 h. several times a day.

Scarlet fever

With a red throat, scarletin should be excluded. Most often, children are sick from 2 to 10 years. In case of improper treatment, purulent otitis, pneumonia, arthritis and other complications may occur.

Therefore, if a child is about 3 years old, then you should make sure that it does not have such symptoms:

  • the throat is red, close to the raspberry shade;
  • sky loose;
  • the angularity of the lymph nodes increase;
  • temperature 38 ºC and more, rises sharply;
  • it may appear nausea, vomiting, rash and redness of the cheeks.

If the red throat and the temperature of the child are called scarletina, you need to immediately consult a doctor so that it prescribed antibiotics as soon as possible.

If a child is about 3 years old, then after the day after the start of their reception, an improvement will come. Almost always treatment is held at home. During the week, bedding must be observed.

Allergic reactions

If the throat is red, not only infections can lead to this, but even allergies. If it is food, then it can flow with hoarse voice, dry cough and a runny nose. The causes of allergy may be very much.

The most common allergens are dust, food, flowering plants, animal wool and even medicines. If the child swells the larynx, breathing is hampered and a confusion is observed, then an ambulance should immediately cause.

If the red throat is a sign of allergies, then first of all it is necessary to determine its cause as soon as possible.

A pediatrician or immunologist will help this. For the treatment of allergies, preparations of asthymizol, claritine, ketotifen, suprastin, Tuevela are most often used.

The cause of the redness of the throat can serve even the teething of the teeth. Often this process passes completely painlessly, but some children carry it painfully, especially if they are weakened by immunity.

Every parent must know how to treat the red throat to a child if the problem arose due to teething. It is necessary to prevent infection, since at the site of the appearance of the tissue tooth is easily traumatized, which can lead to strong inflammation.

To avoid this, the oral hygiene should be observed. It is necessary to use antiseptic sprays Miramistin, Akwalor, Camment and many others.

led with a lid and insist for 30 minutes. The lean drink can be used to rinse the throat or drink to 3 times a day. Every time it is recommended to prepare a new infusion.

Other reasons for redness

Parents should learn as early as possible to treat the red throat in a child, despite the fact that there are many reasons due to which this symptom occurs.

For example, if it is accompanied by a reduced appetite, a runny nose, sneezing, a flip of throat and lethargy, then it can be an ARVI. Temperature can increase, but sometimes it remains normal, especially in older children.

If the temperature and red throat are caused by ARVI, then in this case there is often no need for medication treatment. The bed mode should be followed, ensure normal humidity in the room and can be used as often.

Red chuck can for various reasons. Most often, adults and children begin to root, as soon as the cold is coming. Red Lane is not an independent ailment. As a rule, it is a symptom of a more serious disease that struck the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to determine the true causes of this feature.

Viral diseases

The inflammatory process in the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx always accompanies the colds - diseases whose causative agents are viruses. The accompanying symptoms of this phenomenon are not only red throat, but also cough, runny nose, as well as high body temperature - 39 or more degrees. With such indicators, parents should immediately take action, otherwise inflammation can lead to complications. As a result, the child will develop bronchitis or pneumonia.

There is also such a disease as pharyngitis. At the same time, viral infection affects the throat, it becomes red, inflates and worried about the patient. The development of the illness flows in soft tissues of the pharynx and goes to lymph nodes. Additional symptoms are:

  1. Painfulness in the larynx.
  2. Hoarseness voice.
  3. Dry cough.
  4. Nasal congestion.
  5. Increase the thermometer.
  6. Headache.
  7. Increased lymph nodes.

Chronic forms of disease

It happens that the disease passes from the aggravation stage in chronic. Then redness of the pharynx and the temperature of the child will be observed constantly. Sometimes aggravation can be traced. As a result, parents advise not to waste time in vain and immediately after identifying the first symptoms to apply to the children's doctor. It diagnoses diseases, appoints adequate, effective treatment.

There are other viral diseases with similar symptoms, in particular.