The main types of wobblers and their characteristics. Wobblers - what is it, how to choose, and what are there? Wobbler word meaning

Terminology in the hobby world is often incomprehensible to the layman. Fishing is also a whole world, interesting and diverse. Some names of tackle and lures may not be familiar to beginners. In our article, we are going to consider one of the fisherman's best friends - Almost everyone could hear this name in advertising, but not everyone decided to take an interest in this interesting little thing. So what is a wobbler and what is its exclusivity?

What is a wobbler

A wobbler is one of the types of artificial lures. It is made of special plastic, sometimes it is made independently from wood.

The name of such a bait comes from the English verb to wobble, which means "swing to the sides, shake, roll over from side to side." In other countries, special thin spinners are also called so.

The shape of the wobbler imitates the shape of a fish, sick or injured, that is, easily accessible prey for Individual models are equipped with tongues. The tongue of a wobbler is a larger or smaller blade located in the head of a bait fish. The degree of penetration depends on the size of the tongue: the larger it is, the more the bait deepens.

Wobbler manufacturing companies try to give the baits such a color and play so that they bring a good catch to fishermen.

Let's continue our acquaintance with a special bait called a wobbler. This photo will give us an idea of ​​what different colors it can have.

Characteristics of wobblers

Many models of wobblers have been developed. Certain characteristics necessary for various fishing conditions are emphasized. There are such features of baits-wobblers:

1. Body shape - as close as possible to the one that the predator's favorite food has. It is given a certain flaw that will betray a disease or a wound in it. "Non-ideal" is what attracts fish.

2. Color is a very difficult criterion, since the preferences of the fish change according to the mood, that is, they depend on the weather, season, water properties, depth, fish activity.

3. Buoyancy - the criterion by which the three main classes of wobblers are determined, which we will discuss later.

4. - is created by the shape of a wobbler and a spatula located at the "head" of the bait. On this basis, wobblers are low-, medium- and high-frequency, as well as those that do not fluctuate at all.

5. Deepening, that is, the depth in the water column at which a certain wobbler model works. Depending on this criterion, baits can be surface, shallow, deep water and those that work at an average depth (2-3 m).

6. Casting distance - is provided by the weight of the wobbler itself and a special system, which is balls that roll into the tail of the bait when the rod is swung.

7. Noise chamber - the bait has a rattle or does not make any sounds.

Types of wobblers

There is no single strict one, because it would be too difficult a task. Due to the variety of models, we will only give a classification by buoyancy, perhaps this is the best way to somehow generalize our knowledge.

1. Floating

The floating wobbler remains on the surface of the water. It is best used in the shallows, because it will not collect debris and bottom algae. Such lures will allow you to bypass snags and other obstacles if they appear on the way, without clinging and without creating a risk of breaking the line and losing the bait.

2. Sinking

Wobblers that go to the bottom when cast. They take some time to descend. It is worth using this bait only in reservoirs with a clean bottom, since the biggest disadvantage of sinking wobblers is frequent breaks when hooked on snags and algae.

3. With neutral buoyancy

Such wobblers have another, more well-known name - suspenders. This group of baits goes apart from the others, so we will consider it separately.

Wobbler Suspender: what is it?

A special group of baits are suspension wobblers. They are neutrally buoyant, meaning they can float in the water column. The name comes from the English suspend - to hang.

The peculiarity of the suspender is its ability to stay in the place where the dribble stopped. That is, if we lead the bait, quickly or slowly, smoothly or in jerks, and decide to pause, then the bait will remain in the same place.

Suspenders are used in cases where the fish does not even pay attention to the moving bait. By holding a wobbler-suspender in the water column and making pauses in movement, we act on the fish's nerves. This encourages her to attack possible food frozen in her reach.

The manufacture of suspenders is complex, so not all firms undertake it.

Where are wobblers used

As for the geography of use, wobblers will be relevant both in stagnant and running water, in the sea and in a small pond. Wherever predatory fish are found, one or another wobbler model can be used with benefit.

What gives the color of the bait

The colors of wobblers can be found in a wide variety. The most versatile are gold, silver and green.

By colors, wobblers can be conditionally divided into two types: annoying and natural. It is easy to understand that wobblers that are natural in color are those that have natural discreet shades.

Natural - the natural color of hunting objects (fry, tadpoles, frogs, etc.) that are in the reservoir (or can get there). Our predator almost always reacts stably to such colors, but with annoying ones it’s a completely different matter. You can get an unforgettable bite that will surpass natural colors, or you can not even see a bite.

How to choose wobblers

A beginner in fishing is more likely to get confused trying to pick up the right wobbler in a store without preparation. There are specific signs by which you can choose the right bait. So, it is worth deciding what are:

1. The depth at which we fish.

2. Water transparency.

3. The speed of the current.

And also we need to decide who we are going to catch.

It is also worth relying on other factors: bright wobblers will work better in deep muddy water. In strong currents, it is better not to use a bait with a large paddle, as it can interfere with the game.

Fish also have their own preferences: zander like elongated baits, pike like large slow-moving baits, but perch will like almost any small but actively moving bait.

The quality of the wobbler matters. Cheap Chinese goods from pluses have only accessibility. They often do not have even a tenth of the features needed to attract a catch.


So, in our article, we examined a topic that is relevant for a novice fisherman and just a curious reader - wobbler bait. It is, as we have seen, an effective predatory fish bait, mimicking the form and behavior of a weak, easily accessible individual.

There are many types of wobblers. Among them, we have identified three classes according to the nature of buoyancy: floating, sinking and with neutral buoyancy. The last group of wobblers differs from others in complexity and wide application.

Thus, we learned that a wobbler is a must have for a professional fisherman. Mastering spinning fishing using wobblers is worth every person who is captured by fishing. No tail, no scales for lovers of quiet hunting!

Good afternoon fellow hobbyists.

And I want to say right away that I have been fishing only for wobblers for many years, I will by no means say that in such fishing I know everything ... no and again no ... A wobbler is a very versatile bait, which from time to time fishing will make you turn on your brain, and this is the most interesting thing, in my opinion ... This is me to the fact that you don’t need to take everything I wrote as the ultimate truth, there is always a place for experiment, and perhaps in your conditions and places, something will work completely differently ...

How is a wobbler different from other fishing lures? Basically, the fact that a wobbler can work in the water column, at any depth horizon, and not just along the bottom. The wobbler allows you to make very long pauses, very slow wiring, play with the bait practically without moving it from its place. It is simply impossible to do this with a jig or a spinner. This type of bait is designed for short-range fishing, the casting distance rarely exceeds 40-45 meters.

How to use a wobbler correctly - or rather, in which places its use is more justified: these are shallow bays, channels, lakes, shallow sections of the river, rifts, small rivers .... At the same time, I will by no means say that in other places the wobbler is not it works, it’s just in such places that it’s worth starting the development of wobbler fishing, and already when the understanding of the behavior of the bait begins to occur, you can complicate the conditions. In no case should you start learning to fish with a wobbler in the fairway, in high water in broad daylight from the shore, most likely you will not catch anything, and you will be disappointed in the bait. My advice - to start, find a shallow "pike" place with the most transparent water, so that you can see how the wobbler behaves, what happens to it during your spinning manipulations, try different wires, not neglecting even uniformity ... then understanding will slowly begin come by itself, the main thing is not to forget to "turn on" the brain. As for the Ob and OVH, there are practically no places for wobbler fishing from the shore, therefore it is simply necessary to have a wading suit or a boat. Then analyze "your" places where you fish, what are your depths, what is the topography of the bottom, how cluttered it is, and based on this, already purchase baits. There is not the slightest point in buying wobs that do not fit your conditions, well, if only for the collection, but that's a completely different story. A small example - the average depth is 1.5 meters, the bottom is rocky (respectively hooky), then a pair of wobs would be the best choice - with a depth of 0.5 meters and 1 meter, respectively, with greater depth, the wob will cling to the bottom, and sooner or later you will if you tear it off, at a smaller one, the fish standing at the bottom will most likely simply ignore it. And approximately according to the same logic, you select an arsenal for your main conditions.

And in no case should you start with the purchase of frankly "Chinese" products, they do not always catch, often requiring refinement and "file processing", and this is by no means for beginners ... I will take it out as a separate paragraph, my IMHO is this point is very important. Do not be afraid of the high price of a wobbler (relative to silicone, for example), with a properly selected bait for a place, it is impossible to tear it off, well, almost ... For example, I lose 5-7 baits per season on average, which is financially compared with jig fishing, for fishing, on average, a pack or two of silicone comes off, very, very not much. It's better to have ten wobs from trusted brands than fifty who knows what... This is a very common mistake among anglers.

Now a little about the types of wobblers, there is a lot of information about this, so I will try briefly and about the main

1) The most common type - minnow - a long narrow-bodied bait - the most versatile type of wobblers, but at the same time the most difficult to master and understand.

2) Krenk - a short-bodied thick bait - usually with a very active game, in my opinion the easiest bait to understand, which often does everything by itself, without requiring any super skills from the angler. But it doesn’t always work for fish, mostly only for active fish, so it’s necessary to have it, but it won’t become a panacea for anyone.

3) Shad - a "flattened" crank, or a minnow stretched "along the height", to be frank, not completely "understandable" bait for me personally, there are several pieces in the boxes, sometimes they shoot, but they don’t really like it, because because of shape features generally do not fly very well, although there are a couple of exceptions.

4) Compiled - maybe even a minnow, even a crank, even a shad, the essence of such a wobbler is in a more natural, "live" game. But in such wobs, the long-range casting system is either “cut down” or absent, precisely because of the multi-component body, because they almost always fly worse than the same, but solid-body wob, and at the same time require some skills when retrieving, therefore at the beginning they didn’t I would advise you to acquire a large number of such baits.

5) Popper - a surface bait with a "squish", which, when jerking, makes a gurgling sound and splashes. You need to have at least one, sometimes it is the popper that brings the perch to the zhor, and the pike out of a stupor.

6) Walker - again, a surface bait that slides on the water surface from side to side on the wire, giving the impression of floating living creatures.

7) You can still list - jerks, swimbaits, ratlins, propbaits, chatterbaits, various hybrids of popper and minnow, walker and popper and so on. My opinion is that this is not at the very beginning of the "wobbler" path, these are all very interesting and effective baits in skillful hands, but I repeat, not for a start ...

1) Floating - that is, on a pause, the wob will pop up, on the wiring it will go in the horizon set by the manufacturer and the fisherman, namely, it will float on the pause. For what? If we omit the fact that fish often throw themselves at the bait at the very moment of ascent, this is still very useful when bypassing underwater obstacles during wiring - any kind of underwater vegetation, hill, stone in the end. Having brought the bait to the obstacle, you let it float, and calmly bypass the obstacle, further deepening the wob again to the desired horizon. Or it simply allows you to draw a bait with a depth of, say, 1 meter at a depth of 50 cm, just making slow wiring with long pauses.

2) Suspender - that is, on a pause, the wob "hangs" in the water column, ideally it should not float or sink, but as a rule, in practice, such a wob either slowly sinks or slowly floats up. What is it for? For the possibility of holding the bait in a specific place for as long as possible, in the field of view of our prey. My favorite type of bait, most of the time the fish are cautious and it is the behavior of the suspender in the water that they like the most.

3) Sinking - on a pause, the wob is sinking, at different speeds, but sinking. BUT he does it only on a pause, during the rewinding, the wob goes in a given horizon. Why such behavior? I will give a simple example - the background depth at the place of fishing is 1.5 meters, but in the middle there is a hole with a depth of 2.5 meters. We take a sinking plow with a given depth of 1.2 m, we drive at an average pace, catching the background depth, bring it to the edge of the pit, give a pause, deepen the plow into the pit, and catch the relief. That is, the behavior and tasks are absolutely opposite to the floating bait. This time. And secondly, it is sinking wobs that are simply necessary in places with a strong current, as a rule they cannot be brought to the surface, and they work stably, without breaking down, in these difficult conditions.

Another important factor is the size of the wobblers, which is also selected in relation to the season, place and intended production. You can argue for a very long time on the topic of the size of the wobs, for a start I propose to limit ourselves to sizes of 70-110 millimeters, and in the future you yourself will understand what you prefer and in which direction to move further, to decrease or increase. Personally, I liked the light more, so most of the wobs in the box are 50-90 mm. The general principle is to gradually increase the size of the bait from spring to autumn, as the natural prey of predatory fish grows. But this is far from a dogma, it happens that the hundredth size works in the spring, and in the fall, a 50mm bait turns out to be held in high esteem.

You can still argue for a very long time that there are wobblers with an active game, with a passive one, purely twitch (jerk), which, on the contrary, work only on a uniform, but my IMHO, that these are more secondary factors, it is much more important to choose the right wob for specific conditions, and already on a properly selected wob to select the required pace of the game ... and not vice versa ...

That's probably all the information that is needed to start mastering wobbler fishing, analyze your main fishing spots, purchase baits consciously for certain conditions, try, think and you will succeed, not immediately of course, but with due perseverance, be sure ...

I didn’t specifically talk about any specific lures, everyone has their favorites, there are a lot of worthy companies, and it won’t necessarily be something expensive .... I really hope that this information will be useful, for me everything written seems simple and understandable , but for a person who has recently become interested in wobbler fishing, I hope this information will help you avoid mistakes and quickly master this fascinating type of fishing.

Good luck on the waters.

Sincerely, Igor.

The English suspending (“stopping” or “hovering”) gives a hint about the suspender wobbler - what is this fishing device that does not fall to the bottom and does not float to the surface of the water, but stops in one place. This effect is achieved through a special balancing system. Each suspender consists of a plastic body, inside of which there is an air gap and several balls that serve to weight the bait.

Wobblers of this type are divided into shallow and deep water.


The first model of shallow water suspender that proved to be catchy and popular with anglers is called the RAPALA Husky Jerk. This bait requires getting used to, it may take some time to master it. If you use simple uniform wiring, then predatory fish will rarely pay attention to the wobbler.

Particles that are in any liquid form a suspension if they have a similar density. An example is liquid paint. To achieve this effect, suspenders are made from materials so that their density is close to that of water.

During a pause, it hangs in one place, after which it may slowly begin to sink (this depends on its marking). In this case, the balance can be easily upset. If you tie a pop-up wobbler to a metal leash, it will turn into a sinking one. Some anglers deliberately overload the suspender so that it goes deeper and attracts the attention of fish that are holding near the bottom. The effectiveness of this tactic can be questioned, since such a wobbler sinks too slowly.

deep sea

Over time, deep-sea baits appeared on the market. The popular models DUEL 3D-100 and 3D-150 differ only in blade length. The longer the blade, the deeper the wobbler goes. Model 3D-100 descends to a depth of 1 m and adheres to it throughout the wiring. Compared to the Husky Jerk, this wobbler is equipped with a larger blade, raised in relation to the body.

Model 3D-150 descends to a depth of 1.5 m and adheres to it stably. If the average depth of the reservoir is approximately 2 m, then this wobbler will move near the bottom. The RAPALA Shad Rap RS Suspender features an even larger paddle that allows you to dive to a depth of 3m. The RAPALA Down Deep Husky Jerk model descends to over 3m.

To fish with such baits, the angler must have an idea of ​​​​the depth of the reservoir. Each model has its own trajectory, which can only be changed within small limits.

Varieties and marking of baits

Suspender manufacturers can equip them with 2 different markings: SP or SSS. Marking SP (Suspending) means that the wobbler has neutral zero buoyancy. During a pause in the wiring, it hangs in the water column, without floating up or sinking. Marking SSS (Super Slow Sinking) means that the wobbler will slowly sink after stopping.

As practice shows, baits do not always correspond to their markings. The wobbler is affected by many different factors, such as water temperature, salt concentration, the weight of the leash and the main line. All these factors can change the behavior of the wobbler in the water column.

Some manufacturers indicate on the packages the conditions necessary for the normal operation of wobblers. In this case, baits receive additional markings SP + or SP-, which indicate that the bait has a tendency to sink or rise.

There are also hybrid lures that combine the characteristics of 2 different classes (eg Suspender and Crank Suspender). Such hybrids expand the capabilities of the spinner and allow him to choose the optimal bait for certain fishing conditions.

How to make a suspension from a wobbler?

To make a suspender from another type of wobbler, you will need the following components:

  • syringe without a needle;
  • a small automatic drill (for example, a manicure);
  • cork from a water balloon or squeaker toy;
  • tub or any similar container filled with water.

The back of the wobbler must be drilled so that the hole matches the selected plug. Using a syringe, water is poured into the hole. After filling the wobbler, the hole is closed with a cork and the homemade suspender is placed in a container of water. If it sinks too quickly, then the amount of liquid inside the case needs to be reduced.

If desired, the wobbler can be supplemented with a load, which is attached with resin. If the suspender is too “playful” (twitches a lot to the sides during the wiring), then it can be made more balanced by placing a weighting agent near the blade.

And when the wobbler is not playful enough, the weight must be placed near the center of gravity. Tungsten alloy beads can be used as weights for small suspenders. Lead is used to make large wobblers sink.

How to tie?

Some anglers believe that there must be a metal leash between the wobbler and the main line. Others do not agree with this statement, since a rough metal leader negatively affects the quality of the suspender's play.

Wobbler manufacturers recommend using fishing line. But the problem lies in the fact that in our reservoirs there is an abundance of pike, which easily bites fishing line and even braided thread with sharp teeth. For this reason, anglers who do not use metal leaders often lose expensive lures.

According to statistics, approximately every fourth pike bite on a wobbler tied with a fishing line ends with a break in the bait.

The use of line leashes is justified only in those reservoirs where pike for some reason is not found, but there are other varieties of predatory fish, such as asp and chub. On the other hand, a metal leash can ruin the game of a wobbler, especially a small one. If a small suspender is used, which should hang in the water column, then when using metal, it may begin to go deep. The game of large wobblers is less dependent on the weight of the leash.

metal leash

Advantages of fishing with suspenders

Predatory species of fish perform the functions of orderlies of the reservoir. First of all, the predator tries to catch a wounded or sick fish, because it is easier to catch up with it. For this reason, pike and other species look best for lures that move slowly and stop intermittently.

Anglers often observe how a predator pursues a lure or a wobbler for a long time, but after a while, for some reason, it turns around and swims away in the opposite direction. This pattern is most often observed in late autumn or early spring, when the water is still too cold.

The mobility of fish directly depends on the temperature of the water. In the cold season, pike, even with all the desire, will not be able to catch up with prey that moves too fast.

The peculiarity of the suspender lies in the fact that during a pause in the wiring process, it realistically freezes in one place, like a tired or injured fish. The predator perceives such a bait as an easy prey, for the capture of which it is enough to make a few movements. The big disadvantage of jerky baits in general is that they make sudden movements, because of which they cling to snags or algae.

Wiring technique

Suspenders such as the ZIPBAITS Ridge 90 are best suited for even hauling with stops. In most cases, the bite occurs at the moment of stopping. After several quick turns of the coil, we pause, lasting no more than 1 second, or a slow half-turn. These actions must be repeated until the wobbler reaches the shore or boat.

The fish will not bite on the wobbler, if at the moment of stopping it seems to her not realistic enough. For this reason, the color of the suspender is of great importance. Lures with bright "tropical" colors that imitate small perches show the greatest effectiveness.

During the hot summer months, predatory fish (especially pike) sometimes become so lethargic that they only react to bait that swims right next to their noses. Experienced anglers recommend looking for summer pike in the gaps between clusters of underwater plants and on the borders of reeds.

It should be borne in mind that the predator at this time of the year does not experience acute hunger due to the abundance of fry. She will react to such a bait as Strike Pro or Herman only if she does not have to leave her herbal shelter for this. The angler must take this into account and bait in those places where, in his opinion, the pike is sitting in ambush.

Suspension Rating

  1. The rating of the best suspenders is headed by the 8 cm RAPALA Husky Jerk model. This lure is well suited for fishing at the border of aquatic vegetation, as well as for small rivers. This suspender is suitable for uniform hauling with stops and twitching. Experienced spinners have in their arsenal 2-3 copies of such a wobbler with different colors, since the color of the Husky Jerk can play a decisive role in attracting predatory fish.
  2. In second place are similar models DUEL Hardcore JB-90 and 65SP. These baits are interesting in that during the wiring they bend down and fall a few centimeters, after which they return to their original depth. For these baits, it is best to use twitching, but in some cases, uniform wiring with stops also shows efficiency.
  3. The third place is occupied by a miniature lure ZIPBAITS Khamsin 50SP DR designed for twitching. This model proved to be especially good as a bait for catching small pike in small reservoirs. But there were cases when large fish also reacted to such a suspension, which means that this bait is universal.

As promised, I present to you a new, detailed material about the lure - a wobbler, in the article we will consider some types of wobblers, their characteristics and classification.

If you do not know how to choose a wobbler, how to deal with its designations and which of the many types of baits to use to catch a particular fish - this page of the site is for you.

Lure History

We owe the origin of this amazing bait to the American James Heddon. As a beekeeper, he somehow, on one of the sunny days, planed boards on the river bank for his apiary, and after completing the work, he poured all the waste into the river. What was his surprise when he saw how the local largemouth bass greedily grabbed the wood shavings floating down the river.

This incident prompted him to think about creating a wooden artificial lure. After lengthy experiments, lasting about eight years, in 1902 a patent was received for the invented innovation. In 1920, the wobbler he created was a huge commercial success, and in 1932, James organized the James and Sons company, which was the first to produce plastic wobblers.

With the advent of plastic artificial baits, the number of wooden wobblers produced has been significantly reduced. Until now, they have not ceased to exist, moreover, they have stood out in a separate category - “handmade baits”, significantly different in price from their plastic brothers.

Wobbler description

A wobbler is a kind of bait used for catching predatory fish by spinning or trolling. It has a fairly solid body with a relatively large volume. A wobbler, like no other bait, has a very great resemblance to a natural fish.

The verb "to wobbler", from which the name of artificial bait comes, in translation from English means: "stagger when walking, limp, roll over from side to side." The movement of a wobbler in the water, imitating the behavior of a lame - wounded or sick fish individual, is called "play".

The wobbler's own game is determined by the uniform translational movement provided by the usual uniform wiring. Wobbler game can be pronounced, moderate and weakly expressed.

Sluggish wobblers with a weak game need special animation to ensure their natural mobility. Lures with a pronounced game do not require special handling skills, they are available for beginners, as they play well and attract fish even with the simplest wiring technique.

Wiring- these are actions performed by the angler with the help of a rod, forcing the bait to move along a given trajectory at a certain pace and at the same time resemble the simulated object as much as possible. The most common wiring that does not require special equipment is winding with pauses , called - stopandgo (stop and go) And uniform. In the first case, cyclic rotations of the reel handle, alternating with pauses, make the bait move with a hang, in the second case, the constant movement of the wobbler is generated by the continuous rotation of the reel.

Marking on wobblers - buoyancy and deepening

The main criteria for classifying wobblers is their buoyancy and depth.

Buoyancy- determines the ability fixed bait stay afloat, being at a certain level of immersion.
Z deepening characterized by the maximum depth to which the bait can dive during forward movement.

Wobblers have three types of buoyancy, indicated on the body of the lure in Latin letters :

  • Floating - F;
  • Neutral buoyancy (Suspend) - SP;
  • Sinking - S.

Skipping floating and sinking baits, the very names of which speak for them, let's move on to wobblers with neutral buoyancy - " suspenders”, from the English word "suspend" - suspended, weighing. In the aquatic environment, suspenders do not sink and do not float, they are in a suspended state, as in weightlessness, they stay at the level at which they were loaded.

A more detailed description of how quickly wobblers float or sink is introduced by the degree of their buoyancy, which does not apply only to suspenders. The degree of buoyancy is abbreviated by the first letter of the term characterizing it, for example; F - Fast- fast, S-Slow - slowO and serves as a prefix to the main designation.

For example:

  • fast floating - FF (Fast Floating);
  • slowly floating - SF (Slow Floating);
  • fast sinking - FS (Fast Sinking);
  • slowly sinking - SS (Slow Sinkig).

For those baits that have special properties, use the letter "S" from the word "Super"- “very”, and the buoyancy marking already consists of three letters and looks like this:

  • very slow floating -SSF (Super Slow Floating);
  • very fast floating - SFF (Super Fast Floating);
  • very slowly sinking - SSS (Super Slow Sinking);
  • very fast sinking - SFS (Super Fast Sinking).

Depth value

The depth value is calculated in meters and is tied to a specific symbol, which, like buoyancy, is indicated in Latin letters on the body of the bait - a condition observed by well-known manufacturers of fishing accessories. On Chinese fakes, if there is a designation, it is only for resemblance to the original.

It is possible to extract the maximum potential inherent in the wobbler only if it is used in accordance with the marking.

Deepening conventions used:

  • Very shallow diving (super shallow runner) - SSR up to 0.5 meters.
  • Shallow runner - SR up to 1 meter.
  • Medium runner - MR up to 1.5 meters.
  • Deep diving (deep runner) - DR up to 2.5 meters.
  • Medium deep runner - MDR up to 3 meters.
  • Very deep diving (super deep runner) - SDR - divers up to 12 meters.

Lure penetration- an important criterion in the selection and acquisition of wobblers. Incorrectly selected depth or ignoring this parameter in most cases leads to fruitless fishing.

For example: a person catch an inactive pike in a certain place of the reservoir, in which the depth corresponds to 2.5-3 m with a floating wobbler with an SSR depth of up to 0.5 m.

The pike sits in a shelter, if not at the very bottom, then close to it, and since it is inactive, you can provoke it to attack only by holding the bait next to it.

A wobbler with a depth of SSR - 0.5 m, in fact, works only at the surface and is not able to descend to the desired depth.

Conclusion: the choice was made incorrectly - the result is zero.

What is the mistake: for this case, you need an artificial fish with the MDR marking capable of diving to 3 m or SDR diving at least 6 m.

What hides the shape of a beautiful fish

It would seem that the form of a wobbler, simple at first glance, pursues the only goal - to resemble a live fish as much as possible, but in reality this is not so. The design and construction of the bait - the wobbler solves not the only problem of the external similarity of the bait. The design of the wobbler takes into account its ballistic and aerohydrodynamic characteristics, which are necessary to ensure a stable position in the water and the best flight qualities in the air.

For these purposes, I supply many baits with metal balls, which allow the body of the bait to have a dynamic balance, depending on its position. In some cases, these balls have a magnetic system that ensures their forced movement when the position of the bait changes. Thus, they solve several tasks: improve flight performance; enhance the game weight the bait; create an acoustic effect from rolling balls, which attracts predatory fish. In addition to metal balls and a magnetic system, bait designers have other tools to “manage” it in their arsenal. Let's dwell on one of them - a shoulder blade, similar to the continuation of the nose or an elongated tongue of the bait.

Why is a wobbler a shovel and is it possible without it.

Type of wobblers of different shapes

The shape of the body of the bait, as well as the presence of a blade in it, indirectly affect the functionality of the wobbler. According to these and other features, they are conditionally divided into lobed and lobed and are combined into single groups - categories with one common name: sheds, fats, cranks, minnows, ratlins, gliders, and etc.

The blade, located in the bow of the wobbler, serves as the keel of the hull, which, by reducing its frontal resistance, contributes to a stable and confident movement when immersed, which does not allow the bait to fall sideways.

The level of penetration is set by the size of the blade and the angle of its inclination to the body of the bait. Wobblers with a large blade and a minimum angle of inclination have a significant depth. Deep-sea wobblers manage to dive, when trolling, to a depth of up to 12m. The stable position provided by the paddle and the balance of the bait allows it to realize its own game, in some cases, supplementing it with vibration. The nature of the game and how pronounced it is depends on the shape (width) of the shoulder blade.

Maximum capacity of deep sea lures" divers"are implemented only by the method of towing them - trolling, since the slightly inclined trajectory of the lure's immersion requires passing a certain path and efforts to reach great depth. When fishing by casting (casting), divers do not fully reveal their potential. resistance of these lures, they require more powerful rods.

Floating bladeless wobblers that do not have a blade and are not capable of diving over long distances work only on the surface, which is why they are called surface or topwater.

Sinking bladeless wobblers, as a rule, are not endowed with their own game, and the imitation of the movement of a wounded fish is achieved by various methods of jerking, due to which the artificial fish “comes to life”, turning in different directions.

Fats, sheds, rolls, minows - children of the same galaxy

Basic information about the important characteristics of paddle wobblers (with a paddle) will help to clearly distinguish them by body shape and assign them to the appropriate group of baits, each of which is preferred by certain types of predatory fish for their special qualities that are unique to them.

Very often, unselfish advice from store sellers confuse newcomers to fishing, forcing them to buy unnecessary baits that have been lying in boxes for years without feeling a single fish on them.

Fats - wobblers for chub

Wobbler - fat

They got such a name for their swollen shape, which, translated from English, means thick, fat. The rounded shape of the artificial fish improves its flight qualities, but limits the depth of immersion. As a rule, fats are produced with a small and wide shoulder blade, with a depth of up to 1.5 m. Their game resembles a heavyweight waddling from side to side.
Very often, for weighting, the hollow body of the bait is “stuffed” with metal balls, thus endowing it with a noise effect. Fatties work well with uniform wiring.

Why do many publications emphasize the fact that the lure works well or does not work well on a uniform line? uniform wiring- indicator of the bait's own game.
If the wobbler demonstrates a game with uniform movement, then any other combinations can be used with it; using pauses, pull-ups and jerks, combining them in different sequences, ensuring that the movements of the bait resemble the behavior of a sick or injured fish, and at the same time, the sagging of the fishing line is eliminated in time. To do this, it does not hurt to observe the behavior of juvenile fish, how a sick or injured fry behaves.

Fats are used to catch an active predator or fish feeding in the upper layers of the reservoir, and are also used in cases where bottom vegetation interferes with the use of other baits. They are suitable for beginner anglers, as they do not require much skill in animating them.

Shedy - wobblers for perch

Wobbler - shed

The name of the wobbler owes its American origin to a fish named shad - a shed that lives in the local area. Such an outlandish animal is not found in our waters, therefore, domestic fishermen attribute the similarity of the bait to an ordinary herring. Flattened from the sides, the high body of the shed really resembles a herring or roach.

This bait is released floating and sinking, both in shallow and deep water versions with an impressive shovel. They are mainly preferred by perch and chub, less often by pike, so do not try to buy large sheds. Wobbler size from 43 mm to 70 mm. having a weight of 3.8g to 10g. accordingly, it is considered the most optimal for catching pike, perch, zander and chub.

In my opinion, this is a specific type of wobbler, not endowed with a bright game, and if it is necessary for a novice spinning player to acquire it, then not in the first place, taking into account the fact that sheds, first of all - wobblers on

Deep-sea sheds behave well in the current, stay on the jet while other types of wobblers throw to the surface. The flat shape of the bait worsens its flight qualities. It is better to purchase a wobbler - a shed with an internal system of balls that increases the range and accuracy of casting. In still water, the bait works on any wiring; uniform, stop and go, twitching and any others, the main thing is not to overdo it.
A rod is required to use lures in the current.

Cranks drive the trout crazy

Wobbler - krenk

They have a convex, oval body, tapering towards the tail, similar to a drop. The opinion of experts about roll is very different. Some consider it one of the most versatile types of wobblers, while others treat it with prejudice.

For the first time the lure was released for trout and bass fishing. Since bass is not found in our area, trout is the only object of industrial use for krenka. Other fish also respond well to it, but still, for most anglers it is considered a trout bait, although there are those who consider rolls wobblers for perch because of their high-frequency vibrations, to which the perch is so not indifferent.

Wobblers of this type produce different buoyancy and penetration. They can be caught in calm waters and in currents. The best characteristics are shown by floating banks with a large depth in a weak current.

A high-speed bait that can withstand high rates of wiring in the current follows a strictly predetermined trajectory and does not go to the side, creating a high-frequency vibration. With uniform wiring, the drop-shaped bait depicts a rattling sound, similar to the convulsions of a wounded fish. The high-frequency vibrations emitted by such actions, and amplified by the dense water environment, often provoke a predator to attack.

Krenki fish well for trout in mountain rivers, both in backwaters and in small streams. The flight qualities of the roll classify it as a long-range bait. Many people confuse shad fats and cranks that are similar to each other, while each of these wobblers has some features that characterize the bait in different ways. They do not differ much from each other, with the exception of some features.

Such a characteristic feature of the roll is its ability to float perfectly with the flow. The method, when the bait is not thrown, but floats freely, is fused by the current to the right place, and only then “on a leash” by the angler, it starts its journey in the opposite direction. This method allows you to quietly, without unnecessary noise, apply the bait right under the nose of a shy trout and is very convenient in places where the coastal landscape makes it difficult to cast the bait.

Many professional anglers use bright cranks, which are better perceived in murky water and in cloudy weather - they can be seen from a decent distance. The standard size of such a bait is 5-8 cm, weight up to 10 grams. The maximum immersion depth is up to 2.5 m.

Minnow - wobblers for pike.

Wobbler - minnow

Best wobblers for pike minnow forms are produced. They are considered the most catchy wobblers for pike and are very easy to distinguish from others.

Wobblers - minnow have an elongated spindle-shaped round body, gradually tapering towards the tail, as well as a small shoulder blade located at 45 degrees. The name of the minnow wobbler, translated from the language of their inventors into their native Russian, means minnow- small fish of the carp family, very similar to minnow, reaching a maximum of 15 cm and 100 g of weight.

One of the most common and popular forms of wobblers, despite the fact that it has a weak game and sluggish flight characteristics. The popularity of the bait is explained by its catchability and the ability, in the process of selecting the wiring, to realize the creative potential of the spinner. The elongated body of the bait is very fastidious about the wiring technique, which requires the angler to have certain skills in handling spinning and a spinning reel.

Minnow wobblers are produced with different buoyancy, with a depth of up to 2 m. The most popular of them suspenders, due to neutral buoyancy, they are able to catch different horizons of the reservoir. By making suspenders heavier or lighter by changing tees, they can quickly be reoriented from neutral to floating or sinking.

The most effective suspender wiring technique is jerking (twitching). When using jerking technique, it is important to observe pauses more often, since most bites occur during them. The jerk focuses the attention of the predator on the bait, and the pause allows him to catch up with her and attack.

The elongated shape of the minnow is most often used in bait on, perch, pike perch, asp, and wobbler for perch the size is considered to be from 50 to 70 mm, and the most popular pike caliber is from 70 mm to 100 mm. Lures smaller than 50 mm are limited in casting distance due to their low weight.

It is advisable to use them with an ultra - light rod with a test of 1 - 7 g, fast or medium - fast action, optimal for small lures (read articles on the class and action of spinning rods) and corresponding to the class. It is advisable to switch to small baits and rods of this class, having a certain experience in spinning fishing.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to fit an overview of all types of wobblers into the regulations of one article. Bladeless wobblers not covered in this article will be described in the next post in the near future. If you want to learn how to quickly master spinning, read the articles on our site, follow the new publications on the "Articles" page or in the RSS subscription.

Video clip of the program: "Secrets of Fishing" with the participation of V. Struev and A. Vyunov will help you understand the classification of wobblers and how to wire them.


The creation of the prototype of the modern wobbler is attributed to the American beekeeper James Heddon. One day in 1894, Heddon, resting near the dam of an old mill, was planing wood. Having gathered home, he threw the waste into the reservoir and noticed how large-mouthed American perches (bass) pounced on shavings oscillating on the surface of the water. Intrigued by this, Haddon began experimenting with wooden lures. On April 1, 1902, he received patent No. 693,433 for a new fishing bait (fish-bait) - "Dowagiac". Translated from the language of the Indians, "Doe-Wah-Ge-Ack" means "a lot of fish." . Created in 1920, the Heddon Lucky 13 was a huge commercial success in the American market. In 1932, the world's first plastic wobbler was manufactured by Haddon and Sons, named "spook" - a ghost because of the transparent body. At the beginning of the 20th century, a significant number of companies were already engaged in the commercial production of wobblers.


Due to the huge number of volumetric lures (wobblers) created over the past 100 years, their classification seems difficult. In general, wobblers can be classified according to physical properties (buoyancy), appearance (body proportions), size, weight, color and nature of the game.

  • According to the degree of buoyancy, the following types of wobblers are distinguished.
    • floating (Floating);
    • weakly floating (Slow Floating);
    • having neutral buoyancy - suspenders (Suspending);
    • slowly sinking (Slow Sinking);
    • sinking (sinking)
    • fast-sinking (Fast Sinking).

There are many varieties of wobblers in shape. The main ones are:

  • popper (surface wobbler without a blade)
  • jerk-bait (bladeless wobbler for jerky wiring at shallow depths)
  • minnow
  • shad (mostly for fast flow)
  • krenk (a wobbler with a wide laterally flattened body, a transitional form between a shad and a fat)
  • fet (drop-shaped form)
  • rattlin (bladeless very flat wobbler with a rattle inside with a fastening ring closer to the back of the head)

Now there has been an unspoken classification of wobblers of the classical form (“stick with a spatula”) according to the game:

  • minnow - a classic wobbler in the form of a "stick" without its own game, or with a weak game
  • krenk - a wobbler with an active game (both deep and shallow, the shape is fat, shad is not critical, the main thing is the presence of a strongly pronounced game)


A typical wobbler with its shape imitates the objects of hunting of predatory fish: a fish, an amphibian or an insect. Comprises:

  • body (body)
  • blades for deepening and more intense vibrations (“games”),
  • one, two, three, very rarely four three-hook hooks,
  • loops (eye) for attaching fishing line.


It is made from solid wood (mainly balsa, pine, hazel, oak) or various plastics are used for these purposes. In the case of using plastics such as ABC, polystyrene or polycarbonate, the body can be hollow inside, and when using foamed plastics (eg expanded polystyrene), the body can be one-piece. The coloring of a wobbler can both imitate real-life prey objects of predators, and be fantasy.

High-quality wobblers often have a holographic coating on the surface, which increases the reflective properties of the wobbler. There are models of transparent, slightly colored wobblers filled with oil with sparkles floating in it (imitating the fall of fish scales). In addition, wobbler cases can be two- and three-piece.

To create additional effects that attract fish, rattles, balls of various materials (glass, metal, plastic) sounding at different frequencies can be placed inside the case.

Blade (tongue)

The blade (otherwise the tongue) is the main working body of the wobbler. Causes the bait to oscillate and go deep to a predetermined depth. Attaches to the front of the lure. The paddle may be part of a plastic body or may be embedded in the body of the lure. Made from plastic or metal. The first blades on Rapala wobblers were made of tin, but it soon became clear that the unnatural appearance of the blade often alarms the fish, so the manufacturers switched to subtle blades made of transparent plexiglass. Metal (often duralumin or titanium) blades are mainly placed on powerful wobbler models where strength is required for extreme loads.

In general, the longer the blade, the greater the working depth of the wobbler. However, this significantly increases the lateral perturbing forces. With insufficient stability, the bait deviates to the side, up to the exit to the surface. In order to balance such a wobbler, to maintain the stability of the game and the deepening ability, the line loop is moved approximately to the middle of the blade.

The area of ​​the blade determines the intensity of the "game" of the lure. The greatest swinging effect is achieved when the blade is perpendicular to the direction of motion. As the angle decreases, the perturbing effect of the incoming water decreases, and the intensity of the game decreases. In the general case, the projection of the blade area perpendicular to the oncoming flow works on the "game".

Of no small importance for the subtleties of the behavior of the wobbler is the configuration of the blade. For better interaction with the oncoming water flow, the front surface of the blade is usually made slightly concave or with a slight depression. The wider the blade, the more intense the game of the wobbler. But at the same time, the bait can “fall over” and go astray. To increase the stability of the game on wide and almost perpendicular blades, a special bend is sometimes made.

There are also models of wobblers without deepening blades. This class of baits in Russia is most often called "rattlin" (Eng. rattlin). On Japanese models of bladeless wobblers, the name is usually found "bladeless crank"(English) Lipless crankbaits).


As a rule, wobblers are equipped with three-hook hooks, tees. The number of hooks is from one to three on large models. Very rare models of wobblers may contain four tees. An important characteristic that affects the buoyancy of a wobbler is the total weight of the hooks. When changing the weight of the hooks, the floating wobbler can become sinking and vice versa. Some wobblers from different manufacturers are also supplied with double hooks or even single hooks, including single hooks without barbs. Barbless single hooks are most often used on miniature wobblers designed for catching delicate fish on a catch-and-release basis.

Hooks on the bait can be decorated with feathers, down or synthetic materials.


A wire eyelet (eyelet) for attaching the bait to the fishing line can be located both in the bow of the bait and on the shoulder blade. The place of attachment of the fishing line affects both the stability of the bait as a whole and the depth of the wiring. Some models of wobblers have several attachment points for fishing line for different fishing conditions.

It must be remembered that carabiners and swivels used to attach a fishing line or leash disturb the balance and affect the game of the wobbler. The greater the influence, the smaller the mass of the wobbler in relation to the mass of the carbine.


  • Rapala knot - recommended by Rapala lure manufacturer
  • Double loop - recommended by Rapala lure manufacturer
  • Improved clinch - recommended by the manufacturer of fluorocarbon line "Kureha" (Seaguar)



  • The Rapala Knot (Rapala Knot) (eng.). Animated Knots by Grog. Archived from the original on February 13, 2012. Retrieved October 8, 2008.
  • How to properly tie Rapala lures (eng.) (pdf). RAPALA ( (unavailable link - story) Retrieved October 9, 2008.
  • "Encyclopedia of Wobbler Analogies" (in 3 parts) (Russian). minfo47. Archived
  • How a wobbler is created (Russian). Fedor1968. Archived from the original on February 13, 2012.
  • Making wobblers with your own hands (Russian). Archived from the original on February 13, 2012.
  • Rapala color system (Russian) . Archived from the original on February 13, 2012.