Breast Cancer Day. World Breast Cancer Day. Pregnancy and breastfeeding affect the risk of breast cancer


For support purposes world day fight against breast cancer, the Okha Central District Hospital held a preventive campaign on November 21 and November 28. During this event, the oncologist spoke about the main methods of diagnosing and preventing breast cancer and taught the rules of self-examination. Memos were prepared for all those present and an educational video on this topic was shown.

On the day of the breast cancer prevention campaign, women were able to undergo a breast examination or mammography (depending on age). It was also possible to get advice from a gynecologist or psychologist. 77 people took part in the action.

The problem of cancer has become last years especially acute not only in Russia, but throughout the world. More than 10 million people are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. According to WHO experts, by 2020 this figure will increase to 15 million. More than 6 million women die from breast cancer every year.

The most likely risk factors for breast cancer are:

  1. Age. You should be especially attentive to yourself after the age of 30. These are, first of all, monthly self-examinations, ultrasound of the mammary glands preferably once a year. Pay attention to underlying diseases (mastopathy, cysts in the mammary gland), consult a doctor in time and treat correctly, following all recommendations. Remember that older women have a higher risk of getting the disease, but this is not a reason not to think about it at a young age. After 40 years, mammography once a year, especially for women whose mother or grandmother had breast cancer in the family.
  2. Hereditary factor. By being aware of your predisposition, you can be more attentive to your health.
  3. Hormones. Uncontrolled use of hormone-containing drugs can lead to undesirable consequences. You should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not self-medicate.
  4. Late onset of menopause after 55 years.
  5. Late first birth. This is a group of women who had their first child after age 30.
  6. Refusal of breastfeeding.
  7. Chest injuries. Any chest injury requires close monitoring.
  8. Artificial termination of pregnancy.
  9. Obesity. The risk especially increases when obesity develops in women after menopause. Although it should be noted that obesity is dangerous throughout life and at any age, as it is a risk factor for the development of various diseases.
  10. Nature of nutrition. Fast foods, snacks, not balanced diet It is also a background for the development of breast cancer.
  11. Radioactive radiation in adult childbearing years. As a rule, this is job-related, if you cannot change it, then you should take all the precautions that can be used in your workplace.
  12. Cystic fibrous mastopathy. It is imperative to treat this condition and be observed by a mammologist, following all his recommendations, since this benign breast disease increases the risk of developing breast cancer.
  13. Increase thyroid gland(with a decrease in its function);
  14. Previous postpartum mastitis, especially treated conservatively.

It should be noted that a combination of several factors increases the risk of breast cancer.

There is currently no specific prevention, but there are measures that will help you reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, especially if you are at risk:

  • Breast-feeding. The positive effects of breastfeeding on a woman’s body have been proven. Therefore, if there are no objective reasons, try to save breast-feeding as long as possible.
  • Proper balanced nutrition. Our eating habits are formed from childhood, so readjust and teach your children to eat right.
  • Physical activity, helping to maintain the body in good physical shape. You can choose exercises according to your age and perform them regularly. There is new evidence that regular exercise physical culture throughout life they play a protective role and prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. Exercise is also beneficial when women start exercising after menopause. Daily moderate exercise stress for 30-60 minutes will help keep your breasts healthy.
  • Quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Elimination of direct exposure sun rays on mammary gland. You need to remember this when going to the beach or while in the solarium.
  • Monthly self-examination should become a habit. If you find something new in your breast (lump, knot, strange spots on the skin, discharge from the nipple, “lemon peel” skin), consult a doctor immediately. Remember early diagnosis this is almost 100% treatment success.
  • Annual preventive examination by a gynecologist. As a rule, in its early phase the disease is asymptomatic. If a woman does not undergo regular mammological and mammographic examinations, then most often she does not notice the onset of the disease and discovers it at a late stage.
  • Timely diagnosis breast cancer saves lives. If the diagnosis is made at stage 1, 98% of women recover. Regular visits to a mammologist allow you to detect the disease at an earlier stage. Timely examinations help to identify violations at an early stage. Therefore, women after 40 years of age should undergo an X-ray mammography examination. Up to 40 years of age, ultrasound of the mammary glands is performed.

Doctors keep repeating: any woman, even if there are no health complaints, should be seen by a specialist at least once a year.

Breast or mammary cancer is one of the most terrible cancer diseases, the risk zone of which is mainly women. In 1993, WHO declared October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and October 15 as World Breast Cancer Day. Events take place in many countries around the world, including Russia. Traditionally, on this day women can undergo free breast diagnostics. Medical organizations distribute information materials about the symptoms and prevention of this disease.

In Russia, breast cancer is among malignant tumors ranks 1st, and the incidence is constantly growing. According to statistical data, the morbidity rate of the population of Russia malignant neoplasms breast cancer has more than doubled over the past 15 years. According to the Russian Oncology Research Center named after. N.N. Blokhin, about 50 thousand cases of breast cancer are detected annually in Russia, which is approximately a fifth of all tumors in women. Every year, almost 600 Tyumen residents are diagnosed with these diseases. And, unfortunately, more than 29% of cases are discovered in late stages.

More than 40% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed at advanced stages. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage: 1st gives a chance of recovery in almost 96% of cases, 2nd – 80-90%, 3rd – 60-80%. In Russia, more than 20 thousand women die from this disease every year. It is worth noting the rejuvenation of cancer: there are cases when it is diagnosed in women under 40 years of age. More than 12% of women are at risk of developing it during their lifetime. If we talk about the maximum incidence, it is noted in the range of 45-60 years, when hormonal changes occur, fraught with a decrease in the protective capabilities and stability of the hormonal system.

Most likely risk factors for breast cancer
· Age. You should be especially attentive to yourself after the age of 30.
· Hereditary factor. Keeping in mind your existing predisposition, you need to be more attentive to your health.
· Hormones. Uncontrolled use of hormone-containing drugs can lead to undesirable consequences. You should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not self-medicate.
· Late onset of menopause: after 55 years.
· Late first birth (women whose first child was born after 30 years).
· Refusal to breastfeed.
· Chest injuries. Any chest injury requires close monitoring.
· Artificial termination of pregnancy.
· Obesity. The risk especially increases when obesity develops in women after menopause.
· Nature of nutrition.
· Radioactive radiation in adult childbearing years.
· Cystic fibrous mastopathy. Mandatory treatment this condition and observation by a mammologist, following all his recommendations, since this benign breast disease increases the risk of developing cancer.
· Enlargement of the thyroid gland (with a decrease in its function).

· Previous postpartum mastitis, especially treated conservatively.

Measures to help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer:
* Breast-feeding. The positive effects of breastfeeding on a woman’s body have been proven. Therefore, if there are no objective reasons, try to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible.
* Proper balanced nutrition. Our eating habits are formed from childhood, so change your mind and teach your children to eat right.
* Physical activity that helps keep the body in good physical shape. You can choose exercises according to your age and perform them regularly. Daily moderate exercise for 30-60 minutes will help keep your breasts healthy.
* Quit smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
* Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. You need to remember this when going to the beach or while in the solarium.
*Monthly self-examination should become a habit. If you find something new in your breast (lump, knot, strange spots on the skin, discharge from the nipple, “lemon peel” skin), contact a mammologist immediately. Remember, early diagnosis is almost 100% successful treatment.
*Annual preventive examination. As a rule, in the early phase the disease is asymptomatic. If a woman does not undergo regular mammological and mammographic examinations, then most often she does not notice the onset of the disease and discovers it at a late stage. Women over 40 years of age should undergo an X-ray mammography examination every 2 years. After 50 years - annually. 1329

October marks the beginning of World Breast Cancer Month, which was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1993. In addition, World Breast Cancer Day is celebrated annually on October 15 in 44 countries around the world.

There is currently no specific prevention, but there are measures that can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, especially if you are at risk:

Breast-feeding. The positive effects of breastfeeding on a woman’s body have been proven. Therefore, if there are no objective reasons, try to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible.
Proper balanced nutrition. Our eating habits are formed from childhood, so change your mind and teach your children to eat right.
Physical activity that helps keep the body in good physical shape. You can choose exercises according to your age and perform them regularly. There is emerging evidence that regular physical activity throughout life plays a protective role in preventing breast cancer. Exercise is also beneficial when women start exercising after menopause. Daily moderate exercise for 30-60 minutes will help keep your breasts healthy.
Quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. You need to remember this when going to the beach or while in the solarium.
Monthly self-examination should become a habit. If you find something new in your breast (lump, knot, strange spots on the skin, discharge from the nipple, “lemon peel” skin), contact a mammologist immediately. Remember, early diagnosis is almost 100% successful treatment.
Annual preventive examination family doctor and a gynecologist. As a rule, in its early phase the disease is asymptomatic. If a woman does not undergo regular mammological and mammographic examinations, then most often she does not notice the onset of the disease and discovers it at a late stage.

Early diagnosis of breast cancer saves lives. If the diagnosis is made at stage 1, 98% of women recover. Regular visits to a mammologist allow you to detect the disease at an earlier stage. Women under forty should have an ultrasound scan once a year. Women over 40 years of age should undergo an X-ray mammography examination every 2 years. After 50 years - annually. Doctors keep repeating: any woman, even if there are no health complaints, should be seen by a specialist at least once a year.

In 1985, WHO declared October as the month to combat this cruel disease, and the date October 15 as World Breast Cancer Day.

The problem of cancer has become particularly acute in recent years not only in Russia, but throughout the world. More than 10 million people are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. According to WHO experts, by 2020 this figure will increase to 15 million.

Breast cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases among women. According to statistics, the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland in the Russian population has more than doubled over the past 15 years. According to the Russian Oncological Scientific Center them. N.N. Blokhin, about 50 thousand cases of breast cancer are detected annually in Russia, and more than 40% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed in late stages.

More than 20,000 Russian women die from breast cancer every year. The disease is rapidly becoming younger: it is increasingly being detected in Russian women under the age of 40. The maximum incidence is observed in the age range of 40-60 years. During this period, hormonal changes occur, which causes a decrease in the protective capabilities and stability of the hormonal system.

Unfortunately, in our mentality there is no culture of maintaining health: we hope for chance, we do not want to control our condition, we cite many reasons: being busy, lack of time and lack of opportunity to get diagnosed. Our person usually consults a doctor already in the third and fourth stages, when the process has progressed far. Early diagnosis of breast cancer saves lives. If the diagnosis is made at stage 1, 98% of women recover.

There is currently no specific prevention, but there are measures that will help you reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, especially if you are at risk:

· Breast-feeding. The positive effects of breastfeeding on a woman’s body have been proven, so if there are no objective reasons, try to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible.

· Proper balanced nutrition. Our eating habits are formed from childhood, so change your mind and teach your children to eat right. Fast foods, snacks, and unbalanced nutrition are also a background for the development of cancer.

· Physical activity. There is emerging evidence that regular physical activity throughout life plays a protective role in preventing breast cancer. Daily moderate exercise for 30-60 minutes will help keep your breasts healthy.

· Quit smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

· Avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the mammary gland. You need to remember this when going to the beach or while in the solarium.

· Monthly self-examination - this should become a habit. If you find something new in your breast (lump, knot, strange spots on the skin, discharge from the nipple, “lemon peel” skin), contact a mammologist immediately. Remember, early diagnosis is almost 100% successful treatment.

· Ultrasound of the mammary glands is preferably once a year.

· After 40 years, mammography is performed once every 2 years, and for women whose mother or grandmother had breast cancer in the family - annually.

· Annual preventive examination by a gynecologist and mammologist.

Doctors keep repeating: any woman, even if there are no health complaints, should be seen by a specialist at least once a year.

Be healthy and take care of your breasts! Remember - prevention is always easier than cure!

#ThisDayInHistory #personal_stories

World Breast Cancer Day is observed on October 15 as part of World Breast Cancer Month, which was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1993.

"Hello my Name Is Mark, and the previous years of my life I did not attach any importance to this. It seemed that the term “oncology” would never touch me, that it was somewhere far away and in myths. Of course, I had many acquaintances who were directly or indirectly related to oncology, but personally I never thought that I would end up in a hospital of this profile. Also because of my breasts, with which I have never had problems.

August changed a lot. Preliminary diagnosis, examinations, many queues at the oncologist’s office. Stories of people. It was here that I learned that such a thing as medical examination, which doctors vehemently encourage people to undergo, should not be trusted: tumors are not found there. It was here that I heard terrible dialogues:
– You look good for your diagnosis!
- This is all I have left.

And it was here that my opinion slowly began to crack that the oncologist was a doctor I would not see. One, two, three...

“Operation in May 2019, not earlier.”

What was most stressful was the unknown. Benign or not, what to do next, where to go, and why me.
Then, by being too arrogant, like in that scene with Vorobey and Galtsev “WELL TAKE ME,” sitting in the surgeon’s office, I managed to carve out a place in the sun for myself and schedule an operation for September 2018. That’s where it all started.

The cancer hospital greeted me with cold walls, people swimming for boiling water, mentions of chemotherapy and women diligently covering their heads after the last one. In the ward I heard stories, sobs of “Why me?” and trying to help each other.
“- Look, Tamara let it go, so everything was amputated to her. Her daughter told her that she should have gone earlier.
“Well, you’re lucky, they only took part of it from you.”
Lucky. “Lucky” regarding breast surgery.

At that moment I realized that this is not at all what should be called “lucky”.
“Lucky” - when it was detected at the first stage or not detected at all.

Seeing all the pain and torment, I thought every time that I wanted to protect him from this as much as possible. more people. You may be surprised to learn that breast cancer occurs in men too, and in general statistics indicate that up to 1 million cases are registered annually worldwide in both sexes.

Oncology is scary, painful and stressful.

I am not what you would call an impressionable person. I am quite skeptical about everything, I try to assess the situation objectively, but this time everything was different. The atmosphere was eating away the last bits of rational thinking and attempts to remain, as they say, well done.

In the hospital I began to attach a completely different meaning to oncology, and after discharge nothing changed. I still want to ask each person to be checked periodically, the more often the better (but not to the point of fanaticism, of course), follow the doctor’s recommendations and love yourself.

Today is a way to tell you my story that you shouldn’t naively believe that oncology can bypass you. As a way to ask you to get checked at least once a year and not put off long box some noticeable changes in the body. As a way to try to convey the idea that there are many such people, and they are nearby.

Love yourself, your loved ones, pay attention to changes in your body. Early stage any disease is easier to cure than a late disease, if it is treatable at all.”

If you would be interested in participating in an event dedicated to breast cancer (or oncology in general), then please take part in the survey below.