Effect of ghrelin on sleep. Ghrelin and leptin: two hormones that a bodybuilder must know. Limit fructose intake

The protein ghrelin is produced primarily by cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Intensive release into the blood begins after the supply of food has stopped. This stimulates a person to search for products and process them.

Elevated ghrelin levels cause obesity, but when a high body weight is reached, its concentration in the blood decreases. Ghrelin increases when you lose weight, This is what explains eating disorders when following a diet. Normally, after food intake, the level of the hormone decreases, but in obese patients and with eating disorders, such a decrease does not occur. In such cases, the patient does not feel full and eats more than required.

The hormone is responsible for the following processes in the body:

  • changes the secretion of pancreas (, adrenocorticotropin, insulin, prolactin), sex steroids;
  • protects heart cells from destruction due to insufficient oxygen supply;
  • inhibits tumor growth;
  • activates the immune system;

Indications for determining ghrelin in the blood are obesity, arterial hypertension, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In these cases, it is most often reduced.

High levels of the hormone occur:

  • with a hereditary disease - Prader-Willi syndrome;
  • with anorexia nervosa (refusal to eat);
  • at night, in thin people, ghrelin synthesis increases, but in obesity, this effect is absent;
  • With chronic lack of sleep, appetite increases due to the release of ghrelin, which is one of the risk factors for obesity.

Normal ghrelin concentration ranges from 45 to 75 µg/l. It is not stable and depends on the time of the last meal, its volume and calorie content, and is also subject to daily fluctuations. More often taken in large clinical settings to determine the results of obesity treatment.

  • portions should not exceed 300 g in volume, be sure to have a first course for lunch, and a salad of fresh vegetables for dinner;
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to take a fermented milk drink;
  • daily duration of physical activity – at least one hour;

If it is impossible to lose weight on your own, gastric bypass surgery is performed. The surgery helps reduce the number of active cells that produce the hunger hormone.

Due to the property of the hormone to increase the production of growth factors in sports medicine, synthetic analogues are used - “Ipamorelin”, “Pralmorelin”, “Hexarelin”. They are used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass. Under their influence, the synthesis of growth hormone increases without a significant increase in appetite, exercise tolerance improves, muscle strength indicators increase, muscle relief increases, and bone tissue strengthens.

A vaccine has been created based on the hormone ghrelin.. Fragments of the hormone molecule were placed in weakened viral particles. After the vaccine is administered, the formation of antibodies begins in the body. The anti-obesity drug is undergoing clinical trials, but it has already been established that the use of the vaccine reduces body fat and body weight without making changes to the diet.

Read more in our article about the hormone ghrelin.

Read in this article

How does the hormone ghrelin work?

This protein is produced primarily by cells in the gastrointestinal tract, most of which are found in the fundus of the stomach. Intensive release into the blood begins after the supply of food has stopped. This stimulates a person to search for products and process them.

Elevated levels of ghrelin cause obesity, but when high body weight is reached, its concentration in the blood decreases. When you lose weight, it increases, which is what explains eating disorders when following a diet. Normally, after food intake, ghrelin decreases, but in obese patients and with eating disorders, such a decrease does not occur. In such cases, the patient does not feel full and eats more than is required to compensate for energy losses.

Role in the body

As the biological effects of ghrelin have been studied, it has been discovered that its functions in the body are much broader than increasing hunger and stimulating food seeking and consumption. This hormone is responsible for the following processes:

  • coordinates the motor activity of the stomach and intestines;
  • suppresses the activity of the reproductive system;
  • regulates circadian rhythms (sleeping at night and staying awake during daylight hours);
  • changes the release of pituitary and pancreatic hormones (somatotropin, adrenocorticotropin, insulin, vasopressin, prolactin), sex steroids;
  • protects heart cells from destruction due to insufficient oxygen supply (ischemia);
  • inhibits tumor growth;
  • activates the immune system;
  • reduces blood pressure without changing heart rate;
  • improves myocardial contractility, increases cardiac output;
  • has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes the attachment of the placenta during pregnancy;
  • improves memory and intelligence;
  • stimulates the growth of bones and muscle tissue (indirectly through growth hormone).

Hunger hormone test

Indications for determining ghrelin in the blood are obesity, arterial hypertension, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In these cases, it is most often reduced. There is a hereditary disease - Prader-Willi syndrome, in which high levels of ghrelin are detected. Patients with this pathology have mental retardation, short stature, weak skeletal muscle tone and obesity.

With anorexia nervosa (refusal of food), ghrelin in the blood is also increased, so the body sends signals about the need for food, but due to a mental disorder, the brain does not respond to them. At night, ghrelin synthesis increases in thin people, but in obese people this effect is absent. It has also been proven that chronic lack of sleep increases appetite due to the release of ghrelin, which is one of the risk factors for obesity.


Normal ghrelin concentration ranges from 45 to 75 µg/l. It is not stable and depends on the time of the last meal, its volume and calorie content, and is also subject to daily fluctuations. The study of venous blood for the hunger hormone is carried out using the enzyme immunoassay method. This analysis has not yet received widespread use; it is most often used in large clinical institutions to determine the results of treatment for obesity.

How to lower the hormone ghrelin

In order to normalize the formation of the hunger hormone, it is recommended:

  • eat often, at least every 2-3 hours;
  • portions should not exceed 300 g in volume, be sure to have a first course for lunch, and a salad of fresh vegetables for dinner. Before going to bed, it is recommended to take a lactic acid drink containing beneficial bacteria;
  • daily duration of physical activity - at least one hour;
  • Night sleep should be 7-8 hours, and during the day you need proper rest for about 30 minutes;
  • refusal to take alcohol, pills to reduce hunger;
  • exclusion from the menu of simple carbohydrates (sugar, premium flour, fructose), animal fats.

If the diet is completely ineffective and physical activity increases, and more often if the patient is unwilling to adhere to recommendations for proper nutrition, gastric bypass is performed. A small cavity is created in the upper part of it to accommodate a small amount of food. This operation helps reduce the number of active cells that produce the hunger hormone.

Watch the video about the hormone ghrelin:

Ghrelin-based drugs

Due to the property of the hormone to increase the production of growth factors, its synthetic analogues are used in sports medicine - “Ipamorelin”, “Pralmorelin”, “Hexarelin”. They are used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass. Under their influence, the synthesis of growth hormone increases without a significant increase in appetite. Physical exercise tolerance improves, muscle strength and muscle relief increase, and bone tissue strengthens.

Obesity vaccines

A vaccine has been created based on the hormone ghrelin. Fragments of the hormone molecule were placed in weakened viral particles. After the vaccine is administered, the formation of antibodies begins in the body. They bind to their own ghrelin, inactivate (interfere with the action) of it or prevent it from crossing the blood-brain barrier and entering the brain.

The anti-obesity drug is undergoing clinical trials, but it has already been established that the use of the vaccine reduces body fat and body weight without making changes to the diet.

The hormone ghrelin is produced in the cells of the digestive system during interruptions in food intake. Normally, its secretion stops after eating. Increased concentration in the blood leads to overeating. In obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, the hormone level is low. Ghrelin not only regulates body weight, but also modifies the synthesis of pituitary and pancreatic hormones.

Ghrelin has been found to influence the heart, memory, growth, and immunity. Based on the hormone, drugs have been created to stimulate the formation of growth hormone and a vaccine against obesity.

Obesity has become a real scourge of modern society and it seems that nothing can be done about it. Attempts to fast or at least reduce the amount of food consumed are met with brutal hunger, which is almost impossible to cope with. A person endures, restrains himself from an extra portion of delicious food, but in the end he breaks down and begins to eat more than before! Such attempts to get rid of extra pounds only worsen the existing situation. Perhaps we are doing something wrong?

According to nutritionists, it is impossible to lose weight without knowing the processes that affect our appetite and cause hunger. For example, did you know that 2 hormones are responsible for the process of food absorption: the hunger hormone - ghrelin and the satiety hormone - leptin? Moreover, the main one in this chain is ghrelin, which, when actively produced, sends a signal to the brain about a developing feeling of hunger.

In this regard, many call ghrelin the real “enemy” of weight loss. Nutritionists, on the contrary, tend to consider it our friend, explaining that this ghrelin teaches us to eat right, which means that by learning its lessons, you can achieve success in losing weight, maintaining a great figure and, of course, improving your health.

9 Ways to Tame the Hunger Hormone Ghrelin

1. Switch to fractional meals

Initially, you need to understand that the hormone ghrelin begins to be actively produced at the moment when the stomach is completely empty. With its production, it informs the brain about the likelihood of hunger. And the faster food is digested, or the longer the breaks between meals, the more intensely ghrelin is produced, which means the stronger the hunger we experience. Thus, the easiest and most correct way to tame ghrelin is to switch to small meals, preferably every 2-3 hours. Isn’t this what all the nutritionists in the world are saying?

Moreover, it is recommended to eat in small doses, which does not seem entirely logical due to the fact that a larger volume of food is digested much longer, without provoking the production of ghrelin. But this is only at first glance. The fact is that eating large portions of food inevitably stretches the stomach, and it doesn’t matter what, fatty meat, potatoes or herbs! And the larger the area of ​​the stomach, the more ghrelin the body produces. On the contrary, regular eating in small portions gradually reduces the stomach, thereby pacifying our “obstinate” hunger hormone.

2. Eat foods that nourish your body for a long time

Products that nourish our body for a long time are real helpers in the fight against extra pounds. And it doesn’t have to be fatty or carbohydrate-rich foods. There are dishes that can linger in the stomach for a long time due to their structure, without harming the body in the least. We're talking thick smoothies and creamy soups. You will be surprised, but ordinary soup is digested 2 times faster than the same soup, crushed and whipped to a puree! That is why you always keep a blender in the kitchen and make it a rule to eat pureed vegetable soup once a day. In this case, long-term saturation with low calorie content is guaranteed!

3. Maintain Digestive Balance

As can be understood from the above, for the normal process of food digestion it is necessary to maintain a balance between the production of ghrelin and leptin. But this balance is not always disrupted by fasting or eating large portions. Gastrointestinal problems may interfere with this process. To eliminate them, it is necessary to constantly maintain the intestinal microflora, filling it with beneficial bacteria. In this regard, the body constantly needs products with probiotics, such as yoghurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, sauerkraut, pickles and kvass. Moreover, in parallel with them, you should consume foods with prebiotics - substances that help probiotics to be absorbed. To do this, you should add bananas, garlic, regular onions and leeks to your diet.

4. Eat Appetite Suppressants

It turns out that there is a peptide hormone, cholecystokinin, which helps suppress appetite, which means it helps us not overeat, which is especially important in the evening hours. To synthesize this hormone, first of all, it is necessary to consume foods containing linolenic acid and other Omega-3 fatty acids, namely sea fish (salmon, halibut, mackerel and regular herring), seafood (scallops, mussels and shrimp), as well as eggs, flax seeds, olive and sunflower oil. In addition, pine nuts, almonds and walnuts, spinach, pumpkin and soybeans contain a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids. Don't forget to also drink green tea in the evenings. It contains a special antioxidant - epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which promotes the production of cholecystokinin, thereby suppressing evening hunger.

5. Reduce your intake of unhealthy fats

Nutritionists point out that the imbalance of hormones responsible for increased production of ghrelin is affected by the consumption of fatty foods, or rather easily digestible fats. They not only contribute to the rapid appearance of hunger, but are also deposited in the body in the form of fat, which is so difficult to get rid of. In addition, it is these fats that “clog” blood vessels, causing cardiovascular diseases and significantly shortening life. That is why if you dream of having a beautiful figure and good health, and also living a long time, give up fatty meat and fish (large quantities), lard and butter, fried foods and sugar, sweets, baked goods and confectionery. In addition, it has been proven that fatty foods lead to a decrease in taste sensitivity over time, which also does not have the best effect on digestion.

6. Reduce your intake of fructose foods

Fructose, like easily digestible fats, activates the production of ghrelin, which causes a brutal appetite. Moreover, this sugar substitute inhibits the production of leptin, interfering with the brain's signal of satiety, which means it deals a double blow to the digestive system. It is with large amounts of fructose consumed that doctors associate overload and intoxication of the liver, which means obesity and the development of certain diseases. To prevent this, make it a rule to drink less carbonated drinks, store-bought fruit juices, and especially energy drinks. At the same time, fructose entering the body with fruits will not cause harm, and even on the contrary, will contribute to the process of losing weight.

7. Avoid stress

It is no secret that during chronic overexertion or severe stress, the body begins to intensively produce the stress hormone - cortisol. This “harmful” hormone suppresses the production of ghrelin and significantly increases cravings for high-carbohydrate and fatty foods. In such a situation, you can be advised to protect yourself from stressful situations, not communicate with people who cause negative emotions in you, and normalize the rhythm of life. Moreover, you should learn to cope with stress, which means spending more time in the fresh air, listening to soothing music, chatting with friends and starting an exciting hobby.

8. Stay physically active

Regular physical training is exactly what a healthy body and beautiful figure need. Physical exercise not only improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism, helping to burn fat deposits, but also activates the production of the hormone leptin. And this allows you not to experience nagging hunger for quite a long time. In this regard, think about visiting the gym or swimming pool, go for a bike ride or light jogging, the main thing is to do it regularly and you won’t have any problems with your figure!

9. Don't forget about proper rest

Rest is no less important for the body than full-fledged physical activity. Scientists have proven that regular lack of sleep leads to increased production of the hunger hormone and decreased synthesis of the satiety hormone. This is why people who sleep less than 7 hours a day are prone to overeating and eating dry food, which means obesity. Take care of resting your body and extra pounds will not be a problem for you. Taming the hormone ghrelin is not that difficult. With the help of our tips, you will be able to keep it under control, which means you will always have a beautiful figure and a healthy body! Remember, proper nutrition is your path to health!

Food is a basic human need. The body signals a lack of nutrients and energy deficiency by feeling hungry. This reaction of the body is ensured by the hormone ghrelin. The higher the need for food, the more active the secretion of the substance occurs. This is not the only effect of the “hunger hormone.”

Hormone functions

About existence hunger hormone became known in 1999. It belongs to the active peptides (proteins). The name of the substance is translated “growth”. Most of the substance is synthesized by the gastric mucosa; smaller amounts are produced by the small intestine, hypothalamus and other organs.

Ghrelin and leptin are interrelated hormones that regulate food signals. Its main manifestations are hunger and satiety. With prolonged absence of food, the level of the hormone ghrelin increases, and after eating, its secretion stops. A person experiences a feeling of satiety under the influence of another active substance - leptin.

The functions of the hormone are not limited to stimulating appetite. The active substance has a versatile effect:

  • responsible for energy distribution;
  • coordinates peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • affects carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • suppresses the activity of the reproductive system;
  • dilates blood vessels and stabilizes blood pressure;
  • regulates circadian (daily) biorhythms;
  • affects the secretory activity of the pancreas;
  • has a cardioprotective effect;
  • prevents the development of tumors;
  • participates in immune reactions;
  • affects the production of other hormones - prolactin, adrenocorticotropic, antidiuretic, growth hormone, dopamine.

Feeling of hunger, mechanism of action

When the stomach is empty, ghrelin levels increase. Receptors in the brain perceive this signal, a response is formed - feelings of hunger arise (appetite appears). The active peptide is called an indicator of energy deficiency.

The study of the active substance continues to this day. Scientists are looking for ways to manipulate the hormone to help people suffering from eating disorders. The mechanism of action of this peptide cannot be considered without connection with leptin. The receptors that perceive signals of hunger and satiety are the same, therefore both substances are involved in the regulation of homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment).

Obesity and anorexia

The balance between ghrelin and leptin is very important in the body. Today, many extreme diets have been developed to quickly get in shape. Unfortunately, instead of leading a healthy lifestyle, most cannot deny themselves culinary excesses, and then begin a painful struggle with excess weight.

Calorie-restricted diets cause the body to produce large amounts of an appetite-stimulating substance, while secretion of the satiety hormone is reduced to a minimum. Even if weight has been effectively reduced, the imbalance of these hormones will persist for a long time as a protective reaction.

A certain amount of adipose tissue and the duration of this indicator determines the comfort point for the body. This is an individual meaning. Weight loss is a deviation from the usual comfort of the body itself. The body slows down its metabolism, high levels of leptin help to retain fat, so in the process of losing weight there is a period when the weight stands still. Extreme diets imitate extreme hunger, leptin decreases, ghrelin increases. This leads to stress and breakdown.

A prolonged imbalance in the direction of reducing the satiety hormone inevitably leads to obesity. When food enters the stomach, the secretion of ghrelin decreases gradually. At the very beginning of the meal, the appetite is even stronger; under the influence of the substance, a person enjoys eating food, it affects its perception, which causes a desire to eat more and more satisfyingly. It takes about 20 minutes before the saturation signal is returned.

In patients with anorexia nervosa Ghrelin levels are very high in comparison with thin people whose weight is within the normal range. This phenomenon is paradoxical with the strictest restrictions on food. Doctors call this reaction "ghrelin-specific resistance." Due to a lack of nutrients, metabolic processes, reflex signals, and hormonal regulation are disrupted, so patients do not experience hunger.

The immune system

Ghrelin receptors are found in the cells of the immune system. This gives grounds to talk about the immunoregulatory properties of the hormone. The powerful anti-inflammatory effect of ghrelin has been experimentally proven. When the substance was introduced into the blood of laboratory animals with certain pathologies, a decrease in inflammation of the joints and kidneys was observed. It has been suggested that ghrelin may prevent cardiometabolic disorders caused by systemic inflammation.

Hunger hormone receptors are found in the muscular lining of the heart and in the walls of large blood vessels. The effect of ghrelin on the circulatory system has been described. Hormone injections increase cardiac output and improve cardiac function.

How to lower ghrelin levels?

Following simple rules will help you achieve optimal ghrelin levels, maintain health and be in excellent physical shape:

  1. The interval between meals should not exceed 3 hours. Active secretion of the hormone begins after the stomach is completely empty.
  2. Monitor the serving size. The more the stomach is stretched, the more hunger hormone is secreted by its mucous membrane.
  3. Eat foods that stay in the stomach for a long time without harming it. We are talking about thick cocktails and pureed soups.
  4. The balance of ghrelin and leptin is maintained by normal intestinal microflora. Her health requires probiotics (foods and preparations containing live cultures of beneficial bacteria) and prebiotics (food components that are necessary for the functioning of intestinal microorganisms). The first group includes pickled vegetables, lactic acid products, and natural kvass. For the second - onions, garlic, bananas.
  5. Omega-3 rich foods will help reduce your appetite (especially in the evening). They promote the synthesis of cholecystocoin (a hormone that suppresses hunger). These are eggs, seafood, flax seeds, olive oil.
  6. An imbalance of hunger and satiety hormones causes a large amount of fatty foods, sweets, and confectionery products.
  7. Fructose promotes the active production of ghrelin and inhibits the secretion of leptin, causing a “brutal” appetite. It is necessary to minimize foods and drinks containing this monosaccharide.
  8. Avoid stress. In a stressful situation, ghrelin levels increase, which can lead to uncontrollable hunger.
  9. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep causes increased secretion of ghrelin and decreased secretion of leptin.
  10. Not to starve. Severe calorie cutting leads to hormonal imbalance, overeating and weight gain.

  • Scientists at the University of Oxford have concluded that children who are fed when they feel hungry are more intellectually developed than those who eat on a schedule.
  • Researchers at Yale School of Medicine concluded that high concentrations of ghrelin improve perception and memory, making learning more effective on a relatively empty stomach.
  • When there is severe brain stress, ghrelin protects against the development of depression.
  • Stress increases hunger, but ghrelin reduces anxiety by stimulating dopamine production.

What to do if you constantly want to eat? This is a pressing problem for many women and men. But few people know that it is the hormone ghrelin that plays an important role in controlling hunger. The more ghrelin in the human body, the stronger the appetite. It becomes difficult to resist the desire to eat, since people are still powerless against nature. But there are several tricks that will help control hunger by influencing the physiological processes of the body. By following a few simple rules, you can take control of your appetite.

Suppressing hunger

Many people who have the problem of excess weight are interested in what the hormone ghrelin is? How to reduce and with what? As it turns out, consuming certain foods and drinks can trigger the body's active production of the hunger hormone. As a result, a person develops a brutal appetite that is simply impossible to ignore. People often talk about feeling hungry despite having recently eaten a big snack. Thus, a person not only becomes overweight, but also has constant heaviness in the stomach and even serious health problems.

Foods that will help you get full quickly

To quickly get enough of a small portion of food, you need to know what foods to eat. Foods that are high in fiber will help stretch the stomach walls, resulting in a decrease in the level of the hormone ghrelin. It is necessary to prepare dishes from fruits, vegetables, whole grains or seeds. Such products trigger a hormonal reaction, thanks to which a person quickly becomes full. It is necessary to avoid products such as pasta, cakes, cookies, and anything else that contains white flour. Such foods will not help stretch the walls of the stomach and lower the level of the hunger hormone.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids plays an important role in improving the body's metabolic function. Tuna, trout, pine nuts, cabbage, and flax seeds are high in these acids. Eating these foods will help control the hormone ghrelin. In addition, they help strengthen the connection between brain cells and leptin (the satiety hormone).

Balanced digestion process

It is important to remember that if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then first of all it is necessary to normalize the balance of bacteria. Eating foods containing probiotics will help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The best assistants in this difficult task are a variety of natural yoghurts, onions, bananas, garlic and pickled vegetables. They help the stomach digest food faster and also control the peptide hunger hormone, which is responsible for the metabolic and endocrine functions of the human body.

and elimination of fats

To normalize stomach function, it is extremely important to drink a lot of water. It not only removes harmful toxins from the body, but also helps reduce hunger. In addition to ordinary water, nutritionists advise drinking green tea. It contains an important antioxidant that can help increase the level of cholecystokinin (a hormone that reduces appetite). In addition, you should not overuse fats, as the hormone ghrelin “loves” them very much. If fats predominate in a person’s diet, the result is an increased feeling of hunger and a decrease in the sensitivity of taste buds.

Long lasting foods

To constantly be in good shape, you need to know about such helpers as long-lasting foods. They stay in the stomach much longer than others. These products include meat, but you should not abuse it, as it puts quite a heavy load on the digestive system. There are many dishes that remain in the stomach for a long time due to their special structure. They do not harm digestion in any way and control the peptide hunger hormone. Such dishes include pureed soups, as well as a variety of cocktails made from vegetables and fruits. It is important to know that if you take the same products and cook them in two different ways, the result will be completely different. Dishes prepared in the usual way will be digested by the body twice as quickly as those that have been pureed. The best way is to blend soups and cocktails with a blender.

Limit fructose intake

Foods that contain large amounts of fructose interfere with the production of leptin, which promotes rapid satiety. As a result of eating such food, a person develops a strong feeling of hunger, which is difficult for him to cope with. As a result, the body receives many more calories than required. But fructose cannot be completely eliminated. You just need to monitor the amount of it in the vegetables and fruits you consume.

Quality sleep is an important part of a healthy diet

Studies have shown that the hormone ghrelin can increase as a result of lack of sleep. A person should sleep at least seven hours a day, then the digestive processes will not malfunction, and the feeling of hunger will significantly decrease. Those people who are constantly lacking sleep often overeat and also feel heaviness in the stomach.

Sport is the key to health

The problem of excess weight, unfortunately, does not cease to be relevant. Many people either go on strict diets or exhaust their bodies with intense physical activity. Whereas it is very important to maintain balance in everything: both in nutrition and in sports. Regular exercise will help keep the hormone ghrelin under control. How to reduce and how to stop the increase in its level in the body? First of all, you need to exercise every day. You should spend at least half an hour on exercises. A balanced diet and frequent exercise will help satisfy your appetite and reduce the size of your stomach, which will lead to weight loss without harm to your health.

Let's say no to stress!

Scientists have proven that cortisol, which causes a person to crave foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. Often people try to relieve nervous tension by consuming a lot of sweets or starchy foods. But the result is just one more problem associated with excess weight. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor not only your physical but also your moral condition. Hiking in nature, calm quiet music, meditation, and relaxing massages will help relieve stress. You need to take care of yourself and not let stress take control of your mind.

Ghrelin - friend or foe?

The appetite hormone ghrelin causes negative associations for many people. But he is an indispensable mentor in those things that relate to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. You just need to listen to your body. Losing weight and maintaining great, toned shape is easy. There is no need to make exorbitant efforts and strictly limit the consumption of any products, or exercise to the extreme. Such actions will not lead to good results, because everything in life should be harmonious. With a balanced diet, as well as regular and light physical activity, an excess of the hormone ghrelin does not threaten a person.

The hormone ghrelin signals to the central nervous system that the body is exhausted and needs to recuperate, that is, it is a hunger hormone. After eating, the hormone leptin is produced, signaling to the brain that the body is full. Ghrelin and leptin regulate feelings of hunger and satiety, with this mutual balance, a person does not suffer from obesity or anorexia. An imbalance between these hormones leads to the mentioned pathologies, so the ability to control these hormones can make a person’s life long and happy.

The hunger hormone is produced in the cells of the stomach, which is quite logical. A small part of it is also produced by the cells of some parts of the small intestine. And a very small part of the hormone is released from the hypothalamus, which is also understandable, since this part of the brain is a continuation of the endocrine system. But it is in it that all hormones in the human body are synthesized.

Receptors that respond to the hunger hormone are found in almost all organs of the human body - in the bronchi, lungs, heart, and large vessels, as well as in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. By activating these receptors, ghrelin causes cells to release calcium and slow down potassium channels.

The functions of ghrelin are so diverse that it is simply impossible to imagine the body’s functioning without this hormone:

  1. The hormonal activity of ghrelin causes the synthesis of hormones such as prolactin, which is responsible for milk production in nursing mothers, and somatropin, which is otherwise called growth hormone.
  2. In addition, kidney function without ghrelin would be impossible, since it affects the production of vasopressin, the hormone that causes the kidneys to remove water from the body.
  3. The hormone ghrelin can interact with the hippocampus, this is the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and intelligence, as well as a person’s ability to adapt to the environment.
  4. The hormone, interacting with the heart, regulates blood pressure, which prevents ischemic diseases of the brain and heart.
  5. Fights inflammatory processes in the body.
  6. Takes part in regulating the reproductive system.
  7. Normalizes sleep.
  8. Takes part in regulating human behavior.

Ghrelin is a hunger hormone

The main function of ghrelin in the human body is to signal exhaustion to the brain, as well as participate in the digestion process. Ghrelin regulates the digestive process and promotes synchronous functioning of the stomach and intestines. It takes part in regulating energy metabolism in the body, which increases after eating.

In fat people, the hunger hormone is extremely low, so the body tries to fight the danger that threatens it caused by obesity. And in people who are underweight, on the contrary, there is a lot of ghrelin in the blood; the body, by increasing appetite, tries to save itself from starvation. Ghrelin as a separate hormone became known in medicine only at the end of the twentieth century, so its effect on the body has not yet been fully revealed.

There are syndromes in which ghrelin and leptin levels are unbalanced. For example, Prader-Willi syndrome. This is a congenital disease characterized by constantly high levels of ghrelin in the blood. A person with this syndrome is constantly hungry, and satiety does not bring relief. This situation quite predictably leads to significant obesity and associated pathologies. This syndrome is accompanied by mental disability, short stature, and weak muscles. Truly an unhappy man.

Treatment with hormones

Ghrelin's ability to induce hunger is widely used to treat both anorexia, which is understandable, and obesity. In the case of anorexia, intravenous injections of the hormone make the patient feel hungry for a long time. As a result of this therapy, the patient very quickly accumulates the desired body weight.

As for obesity, a vaccine has been developed that breaks down ghrelin in the blood and a person does not feel hungry. As a result, he may become distracted by other activities, such as sports, and begin to lose weight dramatically.

Regulating hormones in the body

It is clear that if the body’s natural process of suppressing ghrelin is disrupted, this will lead to unpleasant consequences. You can cope with this situation on your own, however, you should first consult a doctor. After all, the desire to reduce the level of ghrelin in the blood can lead to anorexia.

Here are a few ways to suppress the hormone ghrelin on your own:

  1. You need to eat small meals 5-7 times a day. The fact is that the hormone begins to be released by a completely empty stomach. Therefore, this situation should not be allowed to happen. The portion should be small, sometimes it is enough to drink a glass of plain water to slow down the production of ghrelin and thereby suppress hunger. In addition, we must not forget that a large portion of food will certainly stretch the stomach and you will need more and more of it to fill it.
  2. To keep your stomach busy longer, you need to eat complex carbohydrates and fiber. For example, a small piece of lard, in this regard, will replace a huge portion of fried potatoes. You cannot eat only fast carbohydrates, that is, quickly digested foods that are widely sold in fast foods.
  3. Fructose may interfere with lowering ghrelin levels. A hormone is produced from this substance, so when fructose levels increase, ghrelin increases accordingly. Since there is a lot of fructose in syrups and sweet carbonated drinks, it will be enough to give them up to regulate the hormone in the blood to an acceptable level. You cannot completely give up fructose, this is also harmful, so you need to get it from fresh fruits - 2-3 apples a day or 1 orange completely satisfy the daily need for fructose.
  4. Increased activity and exercise regulate and normalize metabolism and, accordingly, leptin and ghrelin. Research by scientists in this direction has shown that ghrelin is broken down as a result of active athletic training lasting 60 minutes.
  5. Ghrelin almost completely stops being produced during sleep. Reducing hormone levels in this way is simply necessary. In addition, healthy sleep has a positive effect on the psyche, so it can also reduce nervousness. It has long been noticed that a person who sleeps less than 7 hours a day constantly experiences hunger, and is forced to nervously chew something dry during the day, which is understandably not very good for the stomach.
  6. Appetite is well suppressed by a hormone such as cholecystokinin. It is produced in the body under the influence of iodine and other substances contained in marine organisms. Therefore, doctors recommend eating sea fish and other seafood. In addition, they are beneficial for the entire human endocrine system.

It is worth noting that stress causes a suppressive effect on ghrelin, this is due to the fact that cortisol is released during stress. It is this hormone that suppresses ghrelin, but it also causes an uncontrollable craving for fast carbohydrates. And such a situation inevitably ends in obesity. So you need to avoid stressful situations in principle, and if this is not possible, then you need to master methods that relax your psyche. This could be yoga, walking in nature, doing your favorite hobby, and so on.