Charter of the NP "Sports Club May". MAI and Mayovites IV. scientific activities of the university

Students at the university have the right:

1. To elect and be elected to the Academic Council of the University.

2. Participate in the discussion and resolution of issues related to the activities of the university, including through public associations and governing bodies of the university.

3. Use the university’s libraries, information collections, services of educational, scientific and other departments of the university for free in the manner established by local acts of the university.

4. Take part in research projects, conferences, symposiums.

5. Submit your works for publication, including in university publications.

6. Appeal orders and instructions of the university administration in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. For moral and (or) material encouragement for special academic success and active participation in the research and social work of the university.

8. For training within the limits of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements, as well as educational standards and requirements established by the university independently, on individual curricula in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the faculty.

Students at the university are required to:

1. Comply with this charter, internal rules, rules of residence in the dormitory and other local acts of the university.

2. Complete all types of tasks provided for in the curriculum in a timely manner, acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. It is mandatory to attend all types of training sessions determined by the curriculum, unless otherwise provided by local regulations of the university.

4. Perform other duties provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Lesson No. 2

Task No. 2. Methods of psychology

Task No. 3. Pedagogical methods


1. Study of literary sources, documents, the purpose of which is to explore pedagogical phenomena and processes according to their description and content in various


2. Observation

3. Study of documents

4. Questioning is a method of studying the results of training and education of people

5. Test method

6. Conversation method

7. Biographical - results of training and education based on information from biographical characteristics

8. Photographs, films, sound recordings

9. Experiment

10. Methods of statistical information

Psychological Sciences have their own special methods, which are complementary to pedagogical methods:

11. Method of worldly knowledge

12. Scientific knowledge

In psychology, experimentation is divided into laboratory, natural, ascertaining, and formative.

There are auxiliary methods in psychology:

· Methods of generalizing independent characteristics (surveys, interviews)

· Research method - analysis of activity results (testing) - projective, psychocorrectional.

Pedagogical methods are aimed at training and education:

§ Methods of communicating knowledge

§ Methods for consolidating knowledge

§ Methods of knowledge control

§ Methods of persuasion

Task No. 1

Lesson No. 3

1) Give examples of people who were geniuses in different eras of the development of human society.

2) The makings of a person’s abilities, which develop into talents.

Task 1. Give examples of people who were geniuses in different eras of the development of human society.

Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci (Italian: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci; April 15, 1452, the village of Anchiano, near the town of Vinci, near Florence - May 2, 1519, Clos Luce castle, near Amboise, Touraine, France) - a great Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect ) and scientist (anatomist, natural scientist), inventor, writer, one of the largest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance, a vivid example of the “universal man” (lat. homo universalis). Leonardo was interpreted in subsequent tradition as the person who most clearly outlined the range of creative quests of his era. Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist.

Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great painter, sculptor and architect, but also a brilliant scientist who studied mathematics, mechanics, physics, astronomy, geology, botany, anatomy and physiology of humans and animals, consistently pursuing the principle of experimental research. His manuscripts contain drawings of flying machines, a parachute and a helicopter, new designs and screw-cutting machines, printing, woodworking and other machines, accurate anatomical drawings, thoughts related to mathematics, optics, cosmology (the idea of ​​the physical homogeneity of the universe) and other sciences. About seven thousand pages of surviving manuscripts (written in Italian, most of them from right to left in reverse) were later separated and are now kept in the libraries of London, Windsor, Paris, Milan and Turin.

Science and Engineering

His only invention that received recognition during his lifetime was a wheel lock for a pistol (started with a key). At the beginning, the wheeled pistol was not very widespread, but by the middle of the 16th century it had gained popularity among the nobles, especially among the cavalry, which was even reflected in the design of the armor, namely: Maximilian armor for the sake of firing pistols began to be made with gloves instead of mittens. The wheel lock for a pistol, invented by Leonardo da Vinci, was so perfect that it continued to be found in the 19th century.

Leonardo da Vinci was interested in the problems of flight. In Milan, he made many drawings and studied the flight mechanism of birds of various breeds and bats. In addition to observations, he also conducted experiments, but they were all unsuccessful. Leonardo really wanted to build a flying machine. He said: “He who knows everything can do everything. If only you could find out, you’ll have wings!” At first, Leonardo developed the problem of flight using wings driven by human muscle power: the idea of ​​​​the simplest apparatus of Daedalus and Icarus. But then he came to the idea of ​​​​building such an apparatus to which a person should not be attached, but should maintain complete freedom in order to control it; The apparatus must set itself in motion by its own force. This is essentially the idea of ​​an airplane. In order to successfully build and practically use the device, Leonardo lacked only one thing: the idea of ​​a motor with sufficient power. He got to everything else. Leonardo da Vinci worked on a vertical take-off and landing apparatus. Leonardo planned to place a system of retractable staircases on the vertical “ornitottero”. Nature served as an example for him: “look at the stone swift, which sat on the ground and cannot take off because of its short legs; and when he is in flight, pull out the ladder, as shown in the second image from above... this is how you take off from the plane; these stairs serve as legs...” Regarding landing, he wrote: “These hooks (concave wedges), which are attached to the base of the ladders, serve the same purposes as the tips of the toes of the person who jumps on them, and his whole body is not shaken by it, as if he I was jumping on my heels." Leonardo da Vinci proposed the first design of a telescope with two lenses (now known as the Kepler telescope).

Anatomy and medicine

During his life, Leonardo da Vinci made thousands of notes and drawings on anatomy, but did not publish his works. While dissecting the bodies of people and animals, he accurately conveyed the structure of the skeleton and internal organs, including small details. According to clinical anatomy professor Peter Abrams, da Vinci's scientific work was 300 years ahead of its time and in many ways superior to the famous Gray's Anatomy.

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton (eng. Sir Isaac Newton, December 25, 1642 - March 20, 1727 according to the Julian calendar, which was in force in England until 1752; or January 4, 1643 - March 31, 1727 according to the Gregorian calendar) - English physicist, mathematician and astronomer, one one of the founders of classical physics. The author of the fundamental work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,” in which he outlined the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. He developed differential and integral calculus, color theory and many other mathematical and physical theories.

By the age of 23, the young man had mastered the methods of differential and integral calculus, derived Newton's binomial formula, formulated the fundamental theorem of analysis (later called the Newton-Leibniz formula), discovered the law of universal gravitation and proved that white is a mixture of colors, using a glass prism. proved to members of society that white light is not primary, but consists of basic (non-decomposable) colors at different angles of refraction. All this was done with the help of short notes in diaries. Judging by them, Newton's thoughts freely jumped from optics to mathematics and vice versa. The silence of the village provided him with an unlimited amount of time for reflection. He himself explained his success by thinking constantly.

Newton was the first to establish the oblateness of the Earth at the poles (earlier opinions were expressed that the Earth has elongated poles and is more like a lemon). The equatorial diameter of the planet is 43 km larger than at the poles. Because of this, the most distant point on the surface from the center of the Earth is not Everest, but the summit of the Chimborazo volcano (Ecuador).

Newton related the law of gravity (a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance) and explained the nature of planetary motion. Before the advent of the theory of relativity, there were no amendments to this model. Newton's famous thought experiment with a cannon (if you put it on the highest mountain, aim it horizontally and fire the cannonball at a certain speed, it will revolve around the Earth like the Moon) actually laid the first stone in the foundation of astronautics.

The scientist also explained the tides by the gravity of the Moon and, having data on the height of the rising water, calculated the mass of our planet’s satellite.

In December 1671, Newton became a candidate member of the Royal Scientific Society, founded ten years earlier. It was an elite organization of geniuses, masons and alchemists who were interested in all types of knowledge, including the occult.

The work was published in 1686 under the title “Mathematical principles of natural philosophy” (that is, physics). The book, which describes in detail - no more, no less - the basic laws of nature, was sold out in 4 years and went through 3 reprints during the author's lifetime. The whole of learned Europe was on ears. Some researchers literally worshiped Newton, others called him a charlatan. Invisible and immaterial gravity was considered something like magic, and Newton himself could not explain its origin (and even admitted that gravity had a supernatural nature).

Newton went down in history as a physicist and mathematician. However, these sciences occupied only about half of his horizons. In addition, the great rationalist was interested in... alchemy and theology. Little is known about his mystical views. Newton never declared himself a supporter of one faith or another. He believed in God, but, as appears from his treatise, An Historical Tracing of Two Famous Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures, he denied the Trinity - although he studied at Holy Trinity College. It can be assumed that Newton's views were close to Arianism*. Newton wrote the Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms and a commentary on the Apocalypse. At the end of the 17th century, he tried to find the “secret code” in the Bible and use it to extract scientific information. The scientist calculated that the end of the world will come no earlier than 2060.

Newton was interested in alchemy. In London he had a large laboratory where the search for the philosopher's stone was carried out.

In 1695, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Montagu, a former student of Newton, invited the scientist to the post of keeper of the mint with an annual salary of 600 pounds. Newton, depressed due to the lack of material recognition of his achievements, agreed to move to London.

At that time the country was flooded with counterfeit coins. Montague conceived a complete recoinage of all cash and counted on Newton’s knowledge of metallurgy and mechanics. Isaac showed himself to be an excellent administrator and, despite strikes and denunciations, established the accelerated issuance of new money. For this he was made director of the mint with an annual salary of about 1,500 pounds.


Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) - a great Greek philosopher who systematically developed all branches of knowledge of his time, first established the laws of so-called formal logic and laid the foundation for the natural-historical study of nature. Aristotle's philosophy had a tremendous influence on all subsequent development of philosophical thought and in the late Middle Ages acquired in European countries the significance of indisputable authority in all matters of scientific knowledge.

Having analyzed the theory of knowledge in detail and deeply, Aristotle created a work on logic that retains its enduring significance to this day. Here he developed a theory of thinking and its forms, concepts, judgments and inferences.

Aristotle is also the founder of logic.

Aristotle's cosmology

Aristotle, following Eudoxus, taught that the Earth, which is the center of the Universe, is spherical. Aristotle saw evidence of the sphericity of the Earth in the nature of Lunar eclipses, in which the shadow cast by the Earth on the Moon has a rounded shape at the edges, which can only be if the Earth is spherical. Referring to the statements of a number of ancient mathematicians, Aristotle considered the circumference of the Earth to be equal to 400 thousand stadia. Aristotle was also the first to prove the sphericity of the Moon based on the study of its phases. His essay “Meteorology” was one of the first works on physical geography.

The influence of Aristotle's geocentric cosmology continued until Copernicus. Aristotle was guided by the planetary theory of Eudoxus of Cnidus, but attributed real physical existence to the planetary spheres: The Universe consists of a number of concentric spheres moving at different speeds and driven by the outermost sphere of the fixed stars.

Doctrine of the State

Aristotle criticized Plato's doctrine of a perfect state, and preferred to talk about a political system that most states could have. He believed that the community of property, wives and children proposed by Plato would lead to the destruction of the state. Aristotle was a staunch defender of individual rights, private property and the monogamous family, as well as a supporter of slavery.

Having carried out a grandiose generalization of the social and political experience of the Hellenes, Aristotle developed an original socio-political teaching. When studying socio-political life, he proceeded from the principle: “As elsewhere, the best way of theoretical construction is to consider the primary formation of objects.” He considered such “education” to be the natural desire of people for living together and for political communication.

According to Aristotle, man is a political being, that is, a social one, and he carries within himself an instinctive desire for “cohabitation together.”

Aristotle considered the first result of social life to be the formation of a family - husband and wife, parents and children... The need for mutual exchange led to the communication of families and villages. This is how the state arose. The state is created not in order to live in general, but to live mainly happily.

According to Aristotle, the state arises only when communication is created for the sake of a good life between families and clans, for the sake of a perfect and sufficient life for itself.

Aristotle's mature works are traditionally divided into eight groups:

1. Logical works (“Organon”): “Categories”, “On interpretation”, “Analytics” first and second, “Topics”, “On sophistical refutations”.

2. Philosophy of nature: “Physics”, or “Lectures on Physics”, in 8 books, “On Heaven” in 4 books, “On Origin and Destruction” in 2 books, “On Heavenly phenomena" (“Meteorology”) in 4 books; the latter is apparently not authentic. The works of natural philosophy also include the pseudo-Aristotelian treatise “On the World,” probably written already in the 1st century. BC e.

3. Psychology: “On the Soul” in the 3rd book, as well as “Small works on natural science” (Parva naturalia), including treatises: “On perception and the perceived”, “On memory and recollection”, “On sleep”, “On insomnia”, “On inspiration [coming] in a dream”, “On the duration and brevity of life”, “On life and death”, “On breathing”. Also included here is the inauthentic work “On the Spirit,” which apparently belongs to the middle. III century BC e.

4. Biological works: “On the parts of animals”, “On the movement of animals”, “On the movement of animals”, “On the origin of animals”. These authentic works of Aristotle are usually supplemented by a number of treatises written in the school of Aristotle, the authors of which are not identified. The most important of them is “Problems,” which examines various issues of physiology and medicine, as well as mathematics, optics and music.

5. First philosophy: an essay in 14 books, called “Metaphysics”. In Becker's edition it is preceded by the treatise "On Melissa, Xenophanes and Gorgias."

6. Ethics: “Nicomachean Ethics” in 10 books, “Great Ethics” in 2 books, “Eudemic Ethics”, from which books 1-3 and 7 are printed, books 4-6 coincide with 5-7 books of the Nicomachean Ethics. Chapters 13-15 of book 7 are sometimes considered book 8 of the Eudemian Ethics. “Great Ethics” is recognized as inauthentic, and the treatise “On the Virtuous and the Vice,” dating back to the time between the 1st century, is also inauthentic. BC e.-I century AD

7. Politics and economics: “Politics” in 8 books, “Economics” in 3 books. is usually considered not authentic, and book 3 is available only in a Latin translation. The school of Aristotle described the government structure of 158 Greek city-states. In 1890, a papyrus with the text of Aristotle's Athenian Polity was found.

8. Rhetoric and poetics: “The Art of Rhetoric” in the 3rd book, followed by the inauthentic treatise “Rhetoric against Alexander” - an early peripatetic work.

Named after Aristotle:

· Aristotle University of Thessaloniki;

· Aristotle Square in Thessaloniki;

Aristotelian plant;

· crater on the Moon;

· asteroid (eng. 6123 Aristoteles).

Timothy John Berners-Lee

Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM, (eng. Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee; born June 8, 1955) is a British scientist, inventor of URI, URL, HTTP, HTML, inventor of the World Wide Web (with Robert Cayo) and the current head of the World Wide Web Consortium. Author of the concept of the semantic web. Author of many other developments in the field of information technology.

In 1989, while working at CERN, Berners-Lee proposed a project known as the World Wide Web. The project implied the publication of hypertext documents interconnected by hyperlinks, which would facilitate the search and consolidation of information. The Web Project was intended for CERN scientists and was initially used on the CERN intranet. To implement the project, Tim Berners-Lee (together with his assistants) invented URIs (and, as a special case, URLs), the HTTP protocol and the HTML language. These technologies formed the basis of the modern World Wide Web. Between 1991 and 1993, Berners-Lee refined the technical specifications of the standards and published them.

As part of the project, Berners-Lee wrote the world's first web server, "httpd", and the world's first hypertext web browser, called "WorldWideWeb". This browser was also a WYSIWYG editor (English WYSIWYG from What You See Is What You Get, “what you see is what you get”), its development began in October 1990, and was completed in December of the same year. The program worked in the NeXTStep environment and began to spread across the Internet in the summer of 1991.

Berners-Lee created the world's first website at (the site is now archived). This site went online on the Internet on August 6, 1991. This site described what the World Wide Web was, how to set up a web server, how to get a browser, etc. This site was also the world's first Internet directory, because Tim Berners-Lee later posted and maintained a list of links there to other sites.

Berners-Lee's main literary work is Weaving the Web: Origins and Future of the World Wide Web, Texere Publishing, 1999, ISBN 0-7528-2090-7 ). In this book, he talks about the process of creating the Web, its concept and his vision of the development of the Internet. In this seminal work, the author talks about several important principles:

The ability to edit information on the Web is no less important than the ability to simply surf it. In this sense, Berners-Lee is relying heavily on the WYSIWYG concept, although Wiki is also a step in the right direction.

Computers can be used for "background processes" that help people work together.

Every aspect of the Internet should work like a web, not a hierarchy. In this sense, a very unpleasant exception is the Domain Name System (DNS), managed by the ICANN organization.

Computer scientists have not only a technical responsibility, but also a moral one.

Another book by Berners-Lee is called Spinning the Semantic Web: Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential, The MIT Press, 2005, ISBN 0-262-56212 -X). In this book, he reveals the concept of the semantic web, in which he sees the future of the Internet.

Stephen William Hawking

The eighth genius from the list of “100 geniuses of our time” is the English physicist, Stephen William Hawking. He studies the fundamental laws that govern the Universe. He is called the “modern Einstein” and his research is recognized today as close to the creation of the Unified Field Theory. The entire scientific world, and not only, knows this extraordinary scientist, a luminary in the field of physics, a courageous man with unbending willpower, chained to a special chair with a special, a computer speaking instead.

Many are familiar with his bestsellers “The Brief History of Time” and “Black Holes”, written in a simple, very interesting form, accessible to any reader, even one unprepared for the perception of complex physics.

Hawking would subsequently head the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, which was once headed by Isaac Newton.

Hawking's main scientific activities are in the field of cosmology and quantum gravity. The scientist applied thermodynamics to describe the phenomenon of black holes, developed the theory of “evaporation” of black holes, studying the phenomenon named after him - “Hawking radiation”.

There are two known scientific bets that Stephen Hawking lost. One - in 1974 about the star Cygnus X-1, which he did not consider a black hole, but it turned out to be one. This was discovered only in 1990. The second bet lasted a little less, about seven years, its subject was the question: is information about matter that is captured by a black hole and then emitted by it again preserved?

Hawking, according to his theory of the “evaporation” of black holes, believed that such information cannot be detected due to its absolute unknowability and inaccessibility, since, in his opinion, information is budding into a parallel Universe.

But in 2004, the brilliant Hawking admitted at the International Conference on General Relativity and Cosmology in Dublin, presenting his new, revolutionary theory of black holes, that he was wrong. Information about matter still escapes from the embrace of a black hole, and is distorted at the same time, but does not disappear in parallel space. Hawking admitted that his opponent was right in that we cannot read this information.

Professor Hawking has been awarded twelve honorary academic titles. He was awarded many medals, prizes and awards. He is a member of the Royal Society and the US National Academy of Sciences.

Task 2.

Any activity requires a person to possess specific qualities that determine his suitability for it and ensure a certain level of success in its implementation. In psychology, these individual psychological characteristics are called personality abilities, and only those abilities are distinguished that, firstly, are of a psychological nature, and secondly, vary individually. All people are capable of walking upright and mastering speech, but they do not belong to the actual abilities: the first - because of non-psychology, the second - because of generality.

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics related to the success of performing any activity, not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities of an individual, but explaining the speed and ease of their acquisition.

However, the development of ability must have some kind of “beginning”, a starting point. Inclinations are a natural prerequisite for ability, anatomical and physiological characteristics that underlie the development of abilities. There are no abilities, both outside of activity and outside of inclinations. Inclinations are innate and static, in contrast to dynamic abilities. The deposit itself is not defined, is not aimed at anything, and is ambiguous. It receives its certainty only by being included in the structure of activity, in the dynamics of ability.

Perhaps, from some natural inclination, a person will develop, for example, mathematical abilities, and perhaps others. The problem is that, contrary to popular and simplified everyday ideas, there is no unambiguous and clear localization of higher mental functions in the human brain. From the same physiological “material” different psychological abilities can develop. This is definitely the orientation of the individual and the effectiveness of the activity.

A person has many different abilities: elementary and complex, general and special, theoretical and practical, communicative and subject-related.

A person’s abilities not only jointly determine the success of activity and communication, but also interact with each other, exerting a certain influence on each other. Depending on the presence and degree of development of individual abilities, they acquire a specific character.

The development of abilities occurs in the process of socialization of the individual, under the influence of social circumstances in the broad sense of the word. Strong, virtuoso, flexible, thin fingers are equally necessary for a highly qualified neurosurgeon, a pianist, and a pickpocket (“plucker”). But what a child with such fingers will become will largely be predetermined by social circumstances.

The foundation for the development of abilities is the inclinations

Inclinations create the prerequisites for the development of abilities. They are very diverse and multi-valued (features of mental cognitive, emotional-volitional processes, mental properties and states, formations).

Abilities are determined by inclinations, but in no case are they predetermined by them.

The makings themselves are not aimed at anything. They contribute to the formation of abilities in the process of human life. According to the vast majority of psychologists, a person does not fully realize his inclinations in the process of his life.

Every child has special inclinations, those that contain “above average” qualities. It could be anything: sensitive hearing, a nervous system susceptible to overload or a very excitable nervous system, vision that captures hundreds of shades of the same color, light bones and elastic muscles, larger lungs, sensitive skin (tactile analyzers) or a special structure of the hand - long phalanges of the fingers. . But the makings are a collapsed, embryonic state of abilities; they are not visible and unknown immediately after birth. That's why sometimes it seems like they don't exist. But they exist. Believe me, they simply cannot exist!

The same person may have developed different abilities for different types of activities, but one of them, as a rule, will be more significant than the others, on the one hand, on the other hand, different people have the same abilities, but they differ in their level of development.

To measure the level of development of abilities, different methods are used: Eysenck, Cattell, Spearman, Binet, etc. At the same time, it should be emphasized that more objective results are provided by methods for identifying the dynamics of success in the process of activity. The success of an individual is largely predetermined not by a single ability, but by a combination of a number of abilities. The combination of abilities is purely individual.

It should be emphasized that sociocultural factors have a decisive influence on the development of abilities.

By decision of the general meeting of the Founders
Specialized formation fund
endowment capital of the Moscow Aviation Institute
dated February 16, 2015
(Minutes No. 01 dated February 16, 2015)




Russian Federation,


1.1. Specialized fund for the formation of endowment capital of the Moscow Aviation Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) is a unitary non-profit organization - a specialized organization for managing endowment capital, created in the organizational and legal form of a foundation based on a decision of the general meeting of founders dated February 15, 2015.

1.2. In its activities, the Foundation is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated January 12, 1996 “On Non-Profit Organizations”, Federal Law No. 275-FZ dated December 30, 2006 “On the Procedure for the Formation and Use of endowment capital of non-profit organizations", Federal Law No. 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”, other laws and regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and this Charter.

1.3. The fund has:

full name in Russian:

§ Specialized fund for the formation of endowment capital of the Moscow Aviation Institute;

abbreviated name in Russian:

§ MAI Endowment Fund;

full name in foreign (English) language:

§ Moscow Aviation Institute Endowment Fund;

abbreviated name in foreign (English) language:

§ MAIEndowmentfund.

1.4. Location of the Foundation – Russian Federation, Moscow city.

1.5. The fund was created without any limitation on the period of activity.

1.6. The Fund acquires the status of a legal entity from the moment of state registration, has separate property, has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in credit institutions, including in foreign currency, a seal with its name, stamp, forms, as well as a duly registered emblem and other details of the legal entity.

1.7. The Fund has the right, on its own behalf, to make any transactions that do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Fund, acquire property and non-property rights, bear obligations, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

1.8. The Fund is liable for its obligations in the manner and within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The founders are not liable for the obligations of the Fund, and the Fund is not liable for the obligations of the founders.

1.9. The sources of formation of the Fund’s property may be:

Property received for the formation and replenishment of endowment capital (endowment capital);

Income from endowment capital (endowment capital);

Regular and one-time income from the founders of the Fund, voluntary property contributions;

Property received under donation agreements or by inheritance for purposes not related to the formation and replenishment of endowment capital (endowment capital);

Other receipts not prohibited by federal laws.

1.10. The Fund does not have profit making as the main purpose of its activities and does not distribute the profits received to the founders.

1.11.The Fund has the right to create branches and open representative offices.

1.12.To achieve its statutory goals, the Foundation has the right to establish and join other non-profit organizations, their unions and associations.

1.13.The Foundation can participate in international activities through the following activities:

Opening of its branches and representative offices in foreign countries and neighboring countries in accordance with the current legislation of these countries;

Exchanging experience on issues within the scope of the Fund’s activities;

Other forms of international contacts that develop the statutory goals and objectives of the Foundation.

1.14. The Foundation may join international organizations in accordance with current legislation.

2. GOALAND DE fund activities

2.1. The Fund was created exclusively for the formation, replenishment of endowment capital (endowment capital), use and distribution of income from endowment capital (endowment capital) in favor of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)" for use in in the field of education, science, healthcare, culture, physical culture and sports (except for professional sports), art, archival affairs, social assistance (support), environmental protection and other areas determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The formation of endowment capital, the use and distribution of income from endowment capital for other purposes is not permitted.

2.2. The target capital of the Foundation is a part of the Foundation’s property, which is formed and replenished through donations and (or) from property received under a will, as well as from unused income from the trust management of the specified property and transferred by the Foundation to the trust management of the management company for the purposes of receiving the income specified in clause 2.1 of this Charter in the manner provided for by this Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3.The main areas of activity of the Fund are:

Public and individual collection of funds for the formation and replenishment of endowment capital (endowment capital);

Transfer of endowment capital(s) into trust management of a management company in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Use and distribution of income from endowment capital (endowment capital) in favor of the recipients of income from endowment capital specified in clause 2.1 of this Charter;

Other activities related to the formation, replenishment of endowment capital (endowment capital), use and distribution of income from endowment capital (endowment capital).

3. order of formation (replenishment)

endowment capital of the fund

3.1. The formation and replenishment of the endowment capital (endowment capital) of the Fund is carried out in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. The Fund does not have the right to transfer its own property for the formation (replenishment) of endowment capital (endowments), except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. The Foundation has the right to form several endowment funds on the basis of separate donation agreements, wills, and also if the donation agreement or will defines different purposes for the formation of endowment capital.


4.1.The founders of the Fund are legal entities and individuals with full legal capacity and citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18.

4.2. Each founder of the Foundation, an individual, makes a voluntary property contribution or donation to the Foundation’s property for the formation of the Foundation’s target capital in the amount of at least 500,000 (Five hundred thousand) rubles.

4.3. The founders of the Fund upon its creation:

Approve the Charter of the Foundation;

Form the initial composition of the Foundation Council;

The first Director of the Foundation is appointed.

4.4.The competence of the founders of the Fund includes:

Formation of the Foundation Council and early termination of powers of a member (members) of the Foundation Council;

Formation of the Board of Trustees, approval of the numerical and personal composition of the Board of Trustees, amendments to the numerical and personal composition of the Board of Trustees, early termination of powers of a member (members) of the Fund's Board of Trustees.

4.5.The founders of the Fund have the right:

Convene an extraordinary meeting of the Foundation Council;

Require the Fund Council to conduct an unscheduled audit of the financial and economic activities of the Fund;

Receive all necessary information about the activities and access to the Foundation’s documents;

Make proposals for improving the activities of the Fund;

Be a member of the Fund's management bodies;

Apply to the court for liquidation of the Fund in cases provided for by law.

4.6.The founders are obliged to provide assistance to the Foundation in achieving its statutory goals.

4.7.Decisions of the founders on the issues specified in paragraphs. 4.3-4.4 of this Charter are adopted by the founders unanimously at the general meeting of the founders of the Fund.

4.8.Decisions of the founders of the Fund are formalized in. Minutes of general meetings of the founders of the Fund are drawn up within 5 (Five) working days from the date of the meeting and signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting.

4.9. The founder of the Fund has the right to refuse to perform the functions of the founder specified in paragraphs. 4.3-4.4 of this Charter. A written statement of refusal to perform the functions of a founder is sent by such founder to all other founders, as well as to the Council of the Fund through the sole executive body - the Director of the Fund. The founder’s application cannot be withdrawn

4.10. The founder has other rights provided for by this Charter, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1.The governing bodies of the Fund are:

The highest collegial governing body of the Foundation is the Foundation Council;

The sole executive body of the Fund is the Director of the Fund;

The supervisory body of the Foundation is the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

The Foundation Council may create a collegial executive body - the Foundation Board, which is headed by a Director who is accountable to the Foundation Council.

6. FOUNDATION council

6.1.The Foundation Council is the highest collegial governing body.

6.2.The formation of the Foundation Council is carried out by the founders of the Foundation in the manner prescribed by Section 4 of this Charter. The founders have the right to early terminate the powers of all members of the Foundation Council at any time. Simultaneously with the decision to terminate the powers of members of the Foundation Council, the founders are obliged to form a new composition of the Foundation Council.

6.3.The Foundation Council must include at least 3 (three) people. The term of office of members of the Foundation Council is 3 (three) years with the right to be repeatedly re-elected for a new term.

6.4.The Chairman of the Foundation Council is elected from the members of the Foundation Council by a simple majority of votes. The term of office of the Chairman of the Foundation Council is 3 (three) years with the right to be repeatedly re-elected for a new term. The Chairman of the Foundation Council represents the Foundation Council in interaction with the founders, the Board of Trustees and the Director of the Foundation.

The powers of the Chairman of the Foundation Council include:

Convening a meeting of the Foundation Council, including an extraordinary meeting;

Formation of the agenda for the meeting of the Foundation Council;

Conducting a meeting of the Foundation Council;

Signing protocols and documents adopted by the Foundation Council;

Other powers that may be established by the Regulations on the Foundation Council, which is adopted by the founders of the Foundation.

If, due to illness or other reason, the Chairman of the Foundation Council is unable to perform functions related to convening and holding a meeting of the Foundation Council, these functions are performed by another member of the Foundation Council in accordance with the Regulations on the Foundation Council.

6.5. A meeting of the Foundation Council is considered valid if more than half of the members of the Foundation Council are present. If there is no quorum, the meeting is postponed, but not more than 15 calendar days.

Members of the Foundation Council must participate in the meeting in person, and if such participation is impossible, issue a power of attorney to represent their interests at the meeting or send their opinion on the issues under consideration in writing to the Chairman of the Foundation Council.

6.6. The Foundation Council meets as needed, but at least once a year. Z meetings of the Foundation Council are convened by the Chairman of the Foundation Council on its own initiative, at the written request of at least half of the members of the Foundation Council, the Chairman of the Foundation Board of Trustees, the Director of the Foundation, the founder of the Foundation within 15 calendar days from the date of receipt by the Chairman of the Board of the Fund of the corresponding written request.

6.7. Each member of the Foundation Council has one vote.

6.8. Decisions of the Foundation Council are made by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting of the Foundation Council. Decisions of the Foundation Council on issues of its exclusive competence are made by a qualified majority of votes of 2/3 of those present.

6.9. The decisions of the Foundation Council are formalized in in writing in the form of protocols indicating the issues considered and decisions made, the date and place of the decision , signed by the Chairman of the Foundation Council or in the manner that may be established by the Regulations on the Foundation Council. The preparation of minutes based on the results of the meeting is organized by the Chairman of the Foundation Council within 5 working days from the date of the meeting Foundation Council. Members of the Foundation Council

6.10. The Foundation Council has the authority to make decisions on any issues of the Foundation’s activities. The exclusive competence of the Foundation Council includes:

1) determination of priority areas of the Fund’s activities, principles of formation and use of its property;

2) making a decision on the formation, dissolution of endowment capital and determining the goals for the achievement of which the Fund has the right to form endowment capital;

3) formation of a collegial and (or) sole executive body of the Fund and early termination of its powers; formation of a temporary sole executive body of the Fund;

4) amendment of the Foundation's Charter;

5) making decisions on the creation of other companies by the foundation and (or) on the participation of the foundation in them;

6) making decisions on the creation of branches and (or) opening representative offices of the fund;

7) approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet of the Fund;

8) approval of the financial plan for the use, distribution of income from the Foundation’s endowment capital and amendments to this financial plan;

9) approval of financial plans, financial reports and the annual budget of the Fund;

10) approval of the annual report and annual financial statements on the formation and replenishment of endowment capital(target capital) , on the use, on the distribution of income from the endowment capital(target capital);

11) determination of the management company and audit organization;

12) making a decision on the public collection of funds and approving the standard form of the donation agreement concluded with donors during the public collection of funds to replenish the formed endowment capital;

13) approval of transactions whose price exceeds the higher of the following amounts: a) 5,000,000 (Five million) rubles, b) an amount equal to 5% of the target capital amount as of the date of the transaction;

14) other issues provided for by this Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.11. Termination of powers of a member of the Foundation Council is carried out in the following cases:

Based on a written application submitted to the Chairman of the Foundation Council;

In connection with the death of a member of the Foundation Council, declaring him dead or recognizing him as missing, incompetent in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

In cases of harm caused by the actions of a member of the Foundation Council to the reputation and property of the Foundation;

In other cases, by decision of the founders of the Fund.

6.12. Issues related to the activities of the Foundation Council may be determined by the Regulations on the Foundation Council, which are adopted by the founders of the Foundation.


7.1. By decision of the Foundation Council, a collegial executive body of the Foundation, the Board of the Foundation, may be created.

7.2. If there is a collegial executive body, it is managed by the Director of the Fund.

7.3. The Foundation Board is accountable to the Foundation Council.

7.4. The Board of the Foundation consists of at least 3 (three) people.

7.5. The Foundation's Board makes decisions on issues of the Foundation's activities that are not within the competence of the Foundation's Council by this Charter.

7.6. The procedure for the formation, competence and order of functioning of the Fund's Management Board is determined by the Regulations on the Fund's Management Board, which is adopted by the Fund's Council.


8.1. The sole executive body of the Fund is Director of the Foundation, appointed to the position at the time of state registration by the general meeting of the founders of the Foundation, then appointed and dismissed from the position by decision of the Foundation Council. The term of office of the Director of the Fund is 3 (three) years with the right to be repeatedly re-elected for a new term.

8.2. The Director of the Foundation is accountable to the Foundation Council. The employment contract with the Director is signed by the Chairman of the Foundation Council.

8.3. The Director of the Fund carries out the current management of the activities of the Fund. The Director of the Foundation performs the following functions:

Without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the Foundation and represents its interests in relations with third parties;

Concludes civil transactions on behalf of the Fund, taking into account the restrictions established by clause 6.10, clause 13 of this Charter;

Ensures the implementation of decisions of the Foundation Council and the Board of Trustees;

Signs documents on behalf of the Foundation and issues powers of attorney on behalf of the Foundation;

Opens (closes) on behalf of the Fund settlement and other accounts in credit institutions;

Concludes (terminates) on behalf of the Fund an agreement on trust management of property constituting the endowment capital (endowment capital) of the Fund with the management company;

Concludes (terminates) on behalf of the Fund employment contracts with the Fund's employees, approves the staffing table and job descriptions of the Fund's employees, determines the terms of remuneration for the Fund's employees, issues orders and instructions that are binding on all employees of the Fund;

Manages the property and funds of the Foundation in accordance with the financial plan for use, distribution of income from the Foundation’s endowment capital, financial plan and annual budget of the Foundation;

Exercise other powers assigned to him by the Foundation Council, this Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. The Director of the Fund has the right to independently make decisions on all issues of the Fund’s activities that are not within the competence of other governing bodies of the Fund by this Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.5. The Director of the Foundation bears, within the limits of his competence, personal responsibility for the use of the funds and property of the Foundation in accordance with its statutory goals.

8.6. The Director of the Foundation has the right to attend meetings of the Foundation Council and the Foundation Board of Trustees.

8.7. The Director of the Foundation manages the Board of the Foundation and presides over meetings of the Board of the Foundation.

8.8. During his temporary absence, the Director assigns the performance of his duties to another employee of the Fund on the basis of an order agreed in writing with the Chairman of the Council of the Fund.

If it is impossible for the Director to permanently perform his functions, the Fund Council may decide to form a temporary sole executive body of the Fund - the Director. The temporary sole executive body - the Director - manages the current activities of the Fund within the competence defined by this Charter.

9. Board of Trustees FOUNDATION

9.1. The Fund’s Board of Trustees exercises supervisory functions, as well as the functions of a council on the use of endowment capital. Issues related to the activities of the Foundation's Board of Trustees may be determined by the Regulations on the Foundation's Board of Trustees, which are adopted by the general meeting of the Foundation's founders.

9.2. In the event of the formation of several target capitals, the Fund has the right, in addition to the Fund’s Board of Trustees, to create additional councils for the use of the second and each subsequent target capital. Moreover, such councils for the use of endowment capital perform only those functions that are related to the endowment capital in respect of which such councils were created, and do not perform other functions of the Fund’s Board of Trustees. The provisions of this Charter concerning the procedure for forming and organizing the work of the Board of Trustees apply to additional advice on the use of endowment capital. The provisions of these Charter regarding the rights and powers of the Board of Trustees apply to additional councils for the use of endowment capital to the extent that such rights and powers are related to the performance of their functions. Issues related to the activities of such councils may be determined by the Regulations on the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, which is adopted by the general meeting of the founders of the Foundation.

9.3.The Foundation’s Board of Trustees must include at least 5 (five) people. The term of office of members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees is 5 (five) years. The numerical and personal composition of the Foundation's Board of Trustees is determined and approved by the founders, taking into account the restrictions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.4. The Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees is elected at the first meeting by a majority vote for a period of 3 (three) years with the right to be re-elected multiple times for a new term. The Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees represents the Board of Trustees in interaction with the founders, the Foundation Council, the Board and the Director of the Foundation.

The powers of the Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees include:

Convening a meeting of the Board of Trustees, including an extraordinary meeting;

Formation of the agenda for the meeting of the Board of Trustees;

Conducting a meeting of the Board of Trustees;

Signing protocols and documents adopted by the Board of Trustees;

Other powers that may be established by decisions of the Board of Trustees, as well as the Regulations on the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

If, due to illness or other reason, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees is unable to perform functions related to convening and holding a meeting of the Board of Trustees, these functions are performed by another member of the Board of Trustees in accordance with the Regulations on the Board of Trustees.

9.5.The Foundation's Board of Trustees makes decisions at its meetings, which are convened as needed, but at least once a year. Meetings of the Foundation's Board of Trustees are convened on the initiative of the Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees, at the written request of the Chairman of the Foundation's Council, at least half of the members of the Board, Director or founder of the Foundation.

9.6. A meeting of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees is valid if more than half of the members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees are present at the said meeting. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting of the Foundation's Board of Trustees is postponed, but for no more than 15 calendar days.

Members of the Board of Trustees must participate in the meeting in person, and if such participation is impossible, issue a power of attorney to represent their interests at the meeting or send their opinion on the issues under consideration in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

9.7. Decisions of the Foundation's Board of Trustees are made by voting by a simple majority of votes. Each member of the Board of Trustees has one vote.

9.8. Decisions of the Board of Trustees Funds are registered in in writing in the form of protocols indicating the issues considered and decisions made, the date and place of the decision signed by the Chairman Board of Trustees Fund or in the manner that may be established by the Regulations on Board of Trustees Fonda. The preparation of minutes based on the results of the meeting is organized by the Chairman Board of Trustees Fund within 5 working days from the date of the meeting Board of Trustees. Members of the Board of Trustees have the right to familiarize themselves with the protocol and receive a copy of it.

9.9.The competence of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees includes:

Supervision of the activities of the Fund, the adoption of decisions by other management bodies of the Fund and ensuring their execution, the use of the Fund’s funds, the Fund’s compliance with legislation, approval of documents necessary for the implementation of such supervision;

Making proposals to the Foundation Council on the directions of the Foundation’s activities;

Preparation of proposals on the powers of the Foundation's Board of Trustees and their submission to the Foundation Council for approval;

other powers in accordance with the Regulations on the Board of Trustees of the Foundation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.10. The Fund’s Board of Trustees, when performing the functions of a council on the use of endowment capital, has the following powers:

Preliminary approval of the Fund’s financial plan and changes to it;

Preliminary approval of the standard form of donation agreement concluded with donors when publicly collecting funds to replenish the target capital;

Preliminary approval of a donation agreement, on the basis of which securities and real estate are transferred to replenish the endowment capital, and decisions on accepting an inheritance, as part of which securities and real estate are transferred by will to replenish the endowment capital;

Determining the purpose and purposes of using income from the endowment capital, as well as the recipients of income from the endowment capital, the period for which the endowment capital is formed, the volume of payments from income from the endowment capital, the frequency and procedure for their implementation in cases where the donation agreement or will is not specified specified conditions;

Submission for approval by the Foundation Council of a decision on the use of the remaining part of the property constituting the endowment capital in the event of dissolution of the endowment capital, unless the donation agreement or will determines the procedure for disposing of the property constituting the endowment capital in the event of its dissolution;

Approval of an internal document defining the procedure for monitoring the implementation of the Fund’s financial plan, including the procedure and timing for consideration of incoming complaints, appeals and applications, forms and timing for the submission of reporting documents;

Monitoring the implementation of the Fund’s financial plan and preparing proposals for changes to it;

Other powers provided for by this Charter, the Regulations on the Board of Trustees of the Fund and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.11. To exercise its powers, the Board of Trustees has the right to:

Attend meetings of the Foundation Council and the Foundation Board;

Gain access to any documents of the Foundation;

Receive clarifications from officials and employees of the Fund on issues of its activities.

9.13. Termination of powers of a member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees is carried out in the following cases:

Expiration of his term of office;

Based on a written application by its member submitted to the founders of the Fund through the Director of the Fund;

In connection with the death of a member of the Board of Trustees, declaring him dead or recognizing him as missing or incompetent in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

In cases of damage to the reputation and property of the Foundation;

In connection with the liquidation of a legal entity in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

In other cases, by decision of the general meeting of the founders of the Fund.

9.14. A member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees cannot be appointed to the position of Director of the Foundation.

9.15.The Foundation's Board of Trustees operates on a voluntary basis.


10.1. The Fund maintains accounting, tax and other types of records in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Fund submits reports to state statistical authorities, tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds, as well as other persons in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.2. The Foundation annually publishes reports on the use of its property on the Foundation’s website on the Internet and (or) in another manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal documents of the Foundation.

10.3. The Fund publishes reports on the formation and replenishment of endowment capital (endowment capital), on the use, on the distribution of income from endowment capital (endowment capital) on the Internet website in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.


11.1. Amendments and additions to this Charter are made by adopting an appropriate decision by the Foundation Council.

11.2. Changes and additions to this Charter are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by law and come into force from the moment of state registration.


12.1. Liquidation of the Fund is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

12.2. The decision to liquidate the Fund is made by the court at the request of interested parties in the following cases:

If the Fund's property is insufficient to achieve its goals and the likelihood of obtaining the necessary property is unrealistic;

If the goals of the Foundation cannot be achieved and the necessary changes to the goals of the Foundation cannot be made;

In case the Foundation deviates in its activities from the goals provided for by this Charter;

In other cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

12.3. Upon liquidation of the Foundation, the property constituting the endowment capital is used for the purposes specified by the donation agreement or will, and in cases where such purposes are not specified by the donation agreement or will, for the purposes determined by the decision of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

12.4. Upon liquidation of the Fund, the property remaining after satisfaction of the creditors’ claims is directed to the purposes specified in the Charter of the Fund.

12.5. Documents on the liquidation of the Fund are submitted to the body that made the decision on state registration of the Fund in order to make a decision on the exclusion of the Fund from the unified state register of legal entities.

12.6. The liquidation of the Fund is considered completed, and the Fund is considered to have ceased to exist after making an entry to this effect in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

MAI Charter This University Charter is a new edition of the University Charter adopted by the university conference on December 20, 1996, approved by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation on July 20, 1998 and registered by the Moscow State Registration Chamber of the Moscow Government on October 7, 1998 under number 74309.

The Charter of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University)" was adopted by a conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of employees and students of the Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) December 20, 2001
Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation April 1, 2002
Registered by the Moscow Registration Chamber April 11, 2002 behind the number 74309 .


1. Moscow Aviation Institute (state technical university) state educational institution of higher professional education of federal subordination, hereinafter referred to as the “university”, organized by decree of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 23, 1930 No. 40/237 as the Moscow Aviation Institute.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/15/1993 No. 549, by order of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated 07/05/1993 No. 55 it was renamed the Moscow State Aviation Institute (Technical University). By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 2001 No. 647, it was renamed the Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University).

Full official name of the university: state educational institution of higher professional education “Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University)”.
Abbreviated name MAI.

Location (legal and actual addresses): 125993, GSP-3, Moscow, A-80, Volokolamskoye sh., no. 4.

According to its organizational and legal form, the university is a state educational institution of higher professional education. The University is a legal entity and has separate property under its operational management; it can acquire property and other non-property rights on its own behalf, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The university has an independent balance sheet, a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and its name.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the university is subject to state registration on the basis of the approved Charter, additions and amendments to it.

2. The founder of the university is the Government of the Russian Federation. The powers of the founder are exercised by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Relations between the founder and the university that are not regulated by the Charter are determined by an agreement concluded between the founder and the university.
Founder location: 115998, Moscow, Lyusinovskaya st., 51.

3. The university includes the following branches:

Branch "Sunrise"(Baikonur) was established by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR, the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the Ministry of General Engineering of the USSR dated October 24, 1974 No. 140/0186/338с as a branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute.
By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2002 No. 1004, it was renamed into the Voskhod branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) in Baikonur.
Branch location: 468320, Republic of Kazakhstan, Baikonur, st. Gagarina, 5.

Branch "Takeoff"(Akhtubinsk) was established by order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated January 24, 1995 No. 82 as a branch of the Moscow State Aviation Institute (Technical University).
By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2002 No. 1004, it was renamed into the “Vzlet” branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute (Technical University) in Akhtubinsk.
Branch location: 416510, Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region, st. Dobrolyubova, 5.

Branches independently carry out all the functions of the university or part of them.

University branches are created, renamed and liquidated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. In its activities, the university is guided by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, the Model Regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation and this Charter .

5. The University independently forms its structure, with the exception of the creation, reorganization, renaming and liquidation of branches.

The main structural divisions of the university are created, reorganized and liquidated by decision of the Academic Council of the university. Regulations on them are developed by the university and approved by the rector. An institute and (or) research institute, as well as educational and educational-research centers may be created as a structural unit that carries out autonomous activities within the framework of the statutory activities of the university.

The university includes departments in branches of knowledge and faculties in areas of specialist training.

A university may have branches, representative offices, research units, design bureaus, graduate school, doctoral studies, structural units of additional professional education, extracurricular and educational work, preparatory departments and courses, industrial and social infrastructure facilities, dormitories and other structural units.

The structural divisions of the university are not legal entities.

6. The vesting of structural units, in whole or in part, with the powers of a legal entity is carried out with the approval of the Academic Council of the university through a power of attorney signed by the rector.

7. The university is a center of education and science in the field of aviation, rocket and space technology, the main objectives of which are:

  • meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through obtaining higher and postgraduate professional education;
  • meeting the needs of society and the state for qualified specialists with higher education and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel;
  • organization and conduct of fundamental and applied scientific research, as well as scientific, technical and development work;
  • training, retraining, professional retraining and advanced training of specialists and managers;
  • accumulation, preservation and enhancement of moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society;
  • dissemination of knowledge among the population, increasing its educational and cultural level.
8. The functions of protecting state secrets and information are carried out by specially created structural units, the provisions of which are approved by the rector of the university in accordance with the license and other regulatory documents approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. The university’s responsibilities for conducting and supporting mobilization preparation and civil defense activities are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation through the structural divisions of the university: the military registration department and the headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations.

10. The University and its branches implement educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education, basic general, secondary (full general, secondary vocational education), as well as additional professional education upon receipt of the appropriate licenses in the prescribed manner.

The activities of the university in implementing these programs (including the development of requirements for the admission of citizens, the content of education and the organization of the educational process, the issuance of documents on education, the provision of rights, social guarantees and benefits to students and employees) are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, standard provisions on educational institutions of relevant types and types.

The university receives the right to conduct educational activities and to benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation from the date of issuance of its license.

The university’s rights to issue its graduates a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education, to use a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as the university’s right to be included in the centralized state funding scheme arise from the moment of its state accreditation, confirmed by a certificate of state accreditation.

The University has the right to voluntarily join and unite in associations (unions), which are created and operate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


11. The University independently develops and approves admission rules to the extent that they do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the admission procedure established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The rules for admission to the university are approved by the Academic Council of the university.

The university is obliged to familiarize the applicant with the Charter, the university’s license to conduct educational activities, as well as a certificate of state accreditation for each of the areas of training (specialty), giving the right to issue a state document on higher professional education. Familiarization of the applicant with the certificate of state accreditation in his chosen field of study (specialty) or the fact of the absence of this certificate is recorded in the admission documents and certified by the applicant’s signature.

Admission to the university is carried out in Russian on a competitive basis based on applications from applicants. The conditions of the competition must guarantee respect for the rights of citizens to education and ensure the enrollment of the most capable citizens prepared to master educational programs of the appropriate level and (or) stage.

Outside the competition, subject to successful passing of entrance examinations, categories of citizens provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation are accepted.

Persons who have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, as well as a diploma of primary vocational education, if there is a record of receipt of secondary (complete) general education, are accepted for the first year.

For the period of entrance examinations and enrollment at the university, an admissions, subject examination and appeal commissions are created, the formation procedure, composition, powers and activities of which are regulated by regulations approved by the rector of the university.

During admission to the university, transparency and openness of the work of the admissions committee, and objectivity in assessing the abilities and aptitudes of applicants are ensured.

12. The deadline for accepting documents from applicants for the first year of full-time university education is established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The University announces admission to educational programs only if there is a license to carry out educational activities under these programs.

13. The number of citizens admitted to the first year of university study at the expense of the federal budget, and the structure of their admission are determined within the limits of assignments (control figures) established annually by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The University has the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, to admit citizens in excess of the established tasks (control figures) for training on the basis of contracts with payment of the cost of training by legal entities and (or) individuals. At the same time, the total number of university students should not exceed the number of students established in the license for educational activities.

The university can allocate places within the assignments (control figures) for targeted admission on the basis of agreements with state and municipal bodies and organize a separate competition for these places.


14. Education at the university is conducted in Russian. Certain lecture cycles may be taught in a foreign language with the consent of students.
Training is conducted in full-time and part-time (evening) forms.

15. The academic year for full-time and part-time (evening) students begins on September 1 and ends in accordance with the work plan for a specific field of study (specialty).

By decision of the Academic Council of the university, the beginning of the academic year may be postponed for a period of no more than two months.

The time frame for mastering educational programs at various levels is determined by standard regulations on educational institutions for the corresponding types and types or by relevant state standards.

16. The duration of study for the educational program of higher and postgraduate professional education in full-time education is established in accordance with the state educational standard.

The duration of full-time and part-time (evening) studies, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of study during the implementation of basic educational programs of higher professional education, can be increased by up to 1 year compared to the duration of full-time study based on a decision of the Academic Council of the university.

17. The maximum workload for full-time students, including all types of classroom and extracurricular work, is determined by the curriculum and, as a rule, should not exceed 54 hours per week.

18. Study sessions at the university are conducted in the form of lectures, consultations, seminars, practical classes, laboratory work, tests, colloquiums, independent work, research work, practice, course design (course work), as well as by performing qualifying work (thesis projects or work, master's thesis). The University may establish other types of classes.

The university, through the purposeful organization of the educational process, the choice of forms, methods and means of teaching, and the use of distance learning, creates conditions for the development of educational programs of a certain level and focus. The use of inhumane, as well as dangerous to the life and health of students, teaching methods is prohibited.

For all types of classroom training, the academic hour is set at 45 minutes.

Educational programs are implemented at the university at the appropriate levels and stages of education or continuously, taking into account their relationship.

19. The university offers the following levels of higher professional education: “bachelor”, “certified specialist”, “master”.

Persons who have received state-issued documents on higher professional education at a certain level have the right, in accordance with the direction (specialty) received, to continue their education in the educational program of higher professional education at the next level.

20. The organization of the educational process at the university in educational programs of higher professional education is regulated by the working curriculum in the area of ​​training (specialty) and the schedule of training sessions for each form of education, which are developed and approved by the university independently on the basis of the state educational standard of higher professional education, model educational programs, training plans for the area of ​​training (specialty) and discipline programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, while the sample curriculum and discipline programs are of a recommendatory nature.

21. Training according to individual curricula is organized for persons with secondary vocational education of the relevant profile and higher vocational education of various levels based on the decision of the Academic Council of the university on the abbreviated educational program of higher vocational education, as well as for persons who are able to fully master the main program of higher vocational education in a shorter period of time. The conditions for mastering the basic educational programs of higher professional education by these persons in a shortened time are determined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Students have the right to master additional academic disciplines taught at the university that are not included in the curricula in their chosen field (specialty).

22. The University, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its Charter, has the right to carry out, in addition to the established tasks (control figures) for the admission of students, the training of specialists of the appropriate level of education with payment of the cost of training, to provide paid additional educational services (training in additional educational programs, teaching special courses and cycles of disciplines , tutoring, classes with students in in-depth study of subjects and other services) not provided for by the relevant educational programs and state educational standards under contracts with legal entities and (or) individuals.

Paid educational services cannot be provided in return and within the framework of educational activities financed from the budget.

The cost of training and the amount of payment for the provision of additional educational services are established by the rector of the higher educational institution, taking into account the approved cost estimate.

23. The University evaluates the quality of educational programs through ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification of students and final certification of graduates.

Interim certification of students at the university is carried out in the form of exams and tests. For disciplines and types of academic work for which the form of intermediate certification of students is an exam, the grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory” are established; if the form of intermediate certification of students is a pass, the grades are set: “passed” and “passed”. uncredited."

Conducting tests and exams: oral, written, testing, defense of work (project), etc. is established by the department.

Tests are carried out according to a schedule approved by the dean of the faculty, without allocating a special time budget.

The time allocated for the examination session is included in the working curriculum. Examinations are conducted according to the schedule approved by the rector or vice-rector for academic affairs. Students are given at least 3 days to prepare for the exam. As an exception, by decision of the Faculty Academic Council, individual exams may be held during the period of theoretical training upon completion of teaching the discipline. In this case, students are also given at least 3 days to prepare for the exam.

A grade or credit can be given without a survey based on the student’s work during the semester. If a student disagrees with the grade, the latter has the right to take a test or exam on a general basis.

Failure to appear without a good reason for a test or exam according to the schedule announced by the dean of the faculty is equivalent to a negative result.

A student who has not passed the tests established for the semester, as a rule, is not allowed to take part in the session.

Retaking an unsatisfactory exam result (test) is allowed upon the direction of the dean of the faculty and no more than two times.

By decision of the dean of the faculty, the exam (test) can be accepted by the commission. The replacement of the examiner, if there are valid reasons, is carried out by the head of the department with the consent of the dean of the faculty.

Persons studying at the university in higher professional education programs with intermediate certification take no more than 10 exams and 12 tests during the academic year. This number does not include exams and tests in physical education and elective disciplines.

Students studying in a shortened period of time and in the form of external studies, during intermediate certification, take no more than 20 exams during the academic year.

The regulations on ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students are approved by the Academic Council of the university.

24. For persons (students) admitted to the university for the simultaneous parallel development of two main educational programs of higher professional education, the conditions for attending training classes, conducting internships and certifications may be established in orders for enrollment as students.

25. A student may be expelled from the university at his own request, including due to illness; in connection with a transfer to another educational institution; upon receipt of three or more unsatisfactory grades, upon non-liquidation of academic debt within the time period established by the dean, for violation of the University Charter, Internal Regulations, Rules of residence in the hostel, in violation of the terms of the concluded agreement (for persons studying on a paid basis).

For violation by a student of the duties provided for by the University Charter, its Internal Regulations, and the Rules of Residence in the Dormitory, disciplinary sanctions may be applied to him, up to and including expulsion from the university. A disciplinary sanction, including expulsion, may be imposed after receiving a written explanation from him, no later than a month from the date of discovery of the offense and no later than six months from the date of its commission.

Expulsion of students during their illness, vacation, academic leave, maternity leave is not allowed.

Expulsion is made by order of the rector (vice-rector) on the proposal of the dean of the faculty.

26. The final certification of a university graduate is mandatory and is carried out after mastering the educational program in full by the state certification commission in accordance with the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The University issues state documents on the level of education and (or) qualifications to persons who have passed the final certification.

After passing the final certification, the student, upon his personal application, may be granted vacations within the period of mastering the main educational program of higher professional education, after which he is expelled from the university student body.

27. The university is obliged to inform students about the employment situation in the Russian Federation, to assist students in concluding agreements with enterprises, institutions and organizations for their education and employment.

28. A personal file is created for each student at the university. A university graduate and a student who dropped out before graduation are issued a document from their personal file on education, on the basis of which he was enrolled in the university. A certified copy of the document remains on file. All other documents (extracts from orders of enrollment, graduation or withdrawal, grade book, student ID, etc.) remain in the personal file.


29. The main objectives of the university's scientific activities are the development of science through scientific research and creative activities of scientific and pedagogical workers and students.

30. The main scientific directions of the university are:

  • aircraft manufacturing;
  • aerospace thermal engineering;
  • weapons and military equipment;
  • humanities and social sciences;
  • engine building and power plants;
  • cybernetics, computer science, automation and computer technology;
  • quality control and management;
  • space technology and rocket science;
  • mathematics and applied mathematics;
  • mechanical engineering and mechanical science;
  • Medical equipment;
  • Mechanics;
  • scientific and scientific-methodological support for the development of science and education;
  • instrument making;
  • physical and chemical foundations of applied research;
  • ecology and rational use of natural resources;
  • economics and management;
  • electronics, radio engineering, communications;
  • energy, electrical engineering.
31. The University organizes and conducts fundamental, applied scientific research and experimental developments aimed at ensuring the training of specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel at the level of world qualification requirements; as well as the effective use of the scientific and technical potential of the university for the development of the economy and solving the country’s social problems.

32. Sources of funding for scientific research conducted by the university are:

  • funds from federal and local budgets; funds received through grants;
  • funds received under contracts from customers of work (including foreign ones);
  • funds from various funds;
  • the university's own funds;
  • other sources, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
33. The thematic plan of the university's scientific research, carried out on the instructions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, is annually formed on a competitive basis, taking into account the results of the annual defense and examination, and is approved by the Academic Council of the university.

Scientific research conducted by the university is financed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, regardless of the funding of educational activities.

Scientific or scientific-technical activities at the university can also be carried out at the expense of grants, which are transferred in the prescribed manner to scientific and pedagogical workers or the university.

Recipients of grants dispose of them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or, in the case of their use on the territory of foreign states, in accordance with the legislation of this state and in the manner prescribed by the legal entity or individual providing the grants.

All open research projects financed from the federal budget are subject to state registration in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documentation.

The results of research activities are subject to annual discussion at the University Academic Council.

The University promptly submits an annual report on research work to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, ensuring the reliability of the information provided in the established forms.


34. The University is independent in the selection and placement of personnel, the implementation of educational, scientific, financial, economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation and this Charter, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Possessing autonomy, the university is responsible for its activities to each student, society and the state.

The management of the university is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation, this Charter and the agreement with the founder on the principles of a combination of unity of command and collegiality.

35. The competence of the founder is determined by an agreement between the university and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

36. University employees take part in the management of the university, sending their delegates to the conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of employees and students of the university (hereinafter referred to as the conference), to the Academic Council of the university and faculties.

The procedure for electing delegates to the university conference is determined by the Academic Council of the university with the participation of all categories of employees, students and representatives of public organizations.

The representation of members of the University Academic Council at the conference should not be more than 50% of the total number of delegates.

University conference:

  • adopts the University Charter, amendments and additions to it;
  • elects the Academic Council of the university;
  • elects the rector of the university;
  • adopts a Collective Agreement between the administration and the university staff;
  • elects employee representatives to the labor dispute commission.
The University Charter, amendments and additions to it after adoption by the conference are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The university must create conditions for all employees and students to familiarize themselves with the current Charter, proposals made for its amendment or addition, and to discuss these proposals.

The University Charter, amendments and additions to it are subject to registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The conference is considered valid if at least 2/3 of the list of its delegates took part in it.

The conference decision is considered adopted if more than 50% of the delegates participating in the voting vote for it.

37. The general management of the university is carried out by an elected representative body: the Academic Council of the university, headed by the rector (chairman).

The Academic Council of the University includes, ex officio, the following: rector, vice-rectors; by decision of the University Academic Council deans of faculties. Other members of the Academic Council are elected at the university conference by secret ballot.

The standards for representation in the Academic Council from employees of university departments and students are established by the Academic Council of the university. Representatives of departments and students who received more than 50% of the votes of delegates are considered to be elected to the Academic Council or recalled from it, if there is a quorum of at least 2/3 of the list of conference delegates.

The composition of the Academic Council of the university is announced by order of the rector of the university. In case of dismissal (expulsion) from the university of a member of the Academic Council, he automatically leaves the Academic Council.

The rules of work of the Academic Council are determined by the Academic Council itself. The Scientific Secretary is elected by the Academic Council itself from among the elected members of the Council.

The term of office of the University Academic Council is 5 years.

Early re-elections of members of the University Academic Council are carried out at the request of at least half of its members.

The number of members of the University Academic Council cannot exceed 121 people.

The Academic Council of the University works in conditions of openness. Working commissions are created under the Academic Council, the Regulations of which are subject to approval by the Academic Council and approved by the chairman of the Academic Council of the university.

38. The Academic Council of the University makes decisions:

  • on the creation, reorganization, liquidation of the main structural divisions of the university;
  • on convening a university conference;
  • on increasing the duration (up to 1 year) of full-time and part-time (evening) education;
  • on reducing the period of study for persons with secondary vocational education of the relevant profile or higher vocational education at various levels, as well as persons who are able to fully master the basic educational program of higher vocational education in a shorter period of time;
  • on postponing the start of the academic year;
  • on the possibility of including deans of faculties in the Academic Council of the university without electing them at a university conference;
  • upon presentation to scientists and honorary titles;
  • on the directions of use of financial resources and execution of the university budget;
  • university structure;
  • Regulations on ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students;
  • terms (date) and procedure for holding elections of the rector of the university, the procedure for nominating candidates for the position of rector and requirements for them;
  • procedure for electing deans of faculties and heads of departments;
  • the procedure for providing scholarships to students studying full-time and receiving education at the expense of the federal budget;
  • the amount of additional payments and allowances, bonuses and other payments to university employees;
  • Regulations on the procedure for forming thematic plans for research work (R&D) on the instructions of the Ministry of Education of Russia, reporting on the implementation of R&D, as well as accepting the results of R&D;
  • volume and structure of admission of first-year students to study at the branch at the expense of the federal budget;
  • the procedure for terminating an employment contract with a teacher due to his insufficient qualifications;
  • the procedure for training in basic and additional vocational education programs applied for licensing;
  • the procedure for leasing property and land plots, and also gives its consent to leasing property and land plots;
  • procedure for the creation and activities of the university board of trustees.
The Academic Council of the University resolves other issues within its competence in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To coordinate individual areas of activity in university departments, elected representative bodies Academic councils (councils) may be created by decision of the Academic Council of the university.

The procedure for the formation, composition, and powers of these councils are determined by the Academic Council of the university. These councils carry out their actions on the basis of the Regulations adopted by the Academic Council of the university and approved by the rector.

39. The university is directly managed by the rector.
The current rector of the university is elected at a conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of employees and students of the university for a period of 5 years by secret ballot based on the results of discussion of his report for the previous period of activity. The election is considered valid if a simple majority of the conference delegates votes for the election in the presence of a quorum of at least 2/3 of the list of conference delegates.

If the current rector is not elected for a new term based on the results of the report and if there is a vacancy, the rector of the university is elected on a competitive basis by secret ballot at a conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of employees and students of the university for a period of 5 years based on the results of discussion of the programs of the applicants (applicant) . The candidate who received the largest number of votes, but not less than 50% + 1 vote, is considered elected, if there is a quorum of at least 2/3 of the list of conference delegates.

The timing and procedure for the election of the rector, the procedure for nominating candidates and the requirements for them are determined by the Academic Council of the university.
The approval of the candidate elected to the position of rector is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
If there is a vacant position of rector, the performance of his duties is assigned to one of the vice-rectors by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The rector of the university has the following powers:

  • manages the educational, scientific, production, economic and financial activities of the university in accordance with this Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • disposes of property in the prescribed manner, including that acquired from funds received from permitted types of activities and accounted for on a separate balance sheet;
  • carries out hiring, dismissal, conclusion and termination of employment contracts with university employees in accordance with current labor legislation, including the conclusion of fixed-term employment contracts with vice-rectors and scientific and pedagogical workers;
  • suspends decisions of the Faculty Council if they contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;
  • forms the composition of the rector's office (advisory body) and appoints heads of structural divisions, determines the powers of the university's management staff, approves job descriptions and staffing schedules;
  • resolves issues of rewarding and bringing to disciplinary liability university employees;
  • resolves issues related to the conclusion of contracts, agreements on the extension of obligations and other conditions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;
  • approves the university, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of university employees;
  • approves or changes the Rules of residence in the hostel, regulations on structural divisions and other local acts that do not contradict this Charter;
  • represents the university in all domestic and foreign organizations, institutions, enterprises, courts;
  • signs decisions of the Academic Council of the university as its chairman;
  • approves the composition of the Academic Council of the university;
  • issues orders and instructions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the University Charter; decisions of the Academic Council of the university, mandatory for all employees and students at the university;
  • issues and revokes powers of attorney to exercise the powers of a legal entity (in whole or in part) to structural divisions of the university;
  • bears personal responsibility to the university staff and the founder for the activities of the university;
  • determines the job responsibilities of university employees.
The rector may delegate part of his duties to vice-rectors and other senior university officials. Vice-rectors exercise direct leadership and are responsible for a certain type of university activity in accordance with the order of the university rector on the distribution of responsibilities between them and other senior officials, which is communicated to the entire university staff.

The rector does not have the right to combine the position with another paid leadership position (except for educational, scientific and scientific-methodological leadership) inside or outside the university.
The rector cannot perform his duties part-time.

The rector in his activities is guided by the Regulations on the status of the rector of a state higher educational institution of the Russian Federation of federal subordination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 1996 No. 695.

40. The relationship between public student organizations and the university administration is determined by collective agreements concluded between them.

The Academic Council of the University considers and takes into account in its activities the recommendations of public organizations of students.

41. The main educational and scientific divisions of the university are faculties and departments.

The faculty is headed by a dean, elected on a competitive basis by the Academic Council of the faculty for a period of 5 years by secret ballot from among the most qualified and authoritative employees of the university who have an academic degree or title.

The candidate who receives the largest number of votes from members of the Academic Council, but not less than 50% of the votes + 1 vote, is considered elected, in the presence of a quorum of at least 2/3 of the list of the Faculty Academic Council.

The department is headed by a head elected by the Academic Council of the university for a period of 5 years by secret ballot from among the most qualified and authoritative specialists in the relevant profile, who, as a rule, has an academic degree or title.

The candidate who receives the largest number of votes from members of the Academic Council, but not less than 50% of the votes + 1 vote, is considered elected, in the presence of a quorum of at least 2/3 of the list of the Academic Council of the university.

The procedure for electing the dean of the faculty and the head of the department of the university is approved by the Academic Council of the university.

Elected deans and heads of departments are confirmed in office by order of the rector of the university. The approval is preceded by the conclusion of fixed-term employment contracts for the period of election.

42. The positions of rector, vice-rector, director of a branch (institute) and dean of the faculty can be occupied by persons under the age of sixty-five years, regardless of the time of conclusion of employment contracts.

Persons who no longer meet these requirements are dismissed from their positions and transferred, with their consent, to other positions corresponding to their qualifications.

In accordance with the legislation, upon the proposal of the Academic Council of the university, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has the right to establish the term of office of the rector until he reaches the age of 70 years.

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Council of the university, the rector has the right to extend the term of office of the vice-rector, dean of the faculty, head of the branch (institute) until they reach the age of 70 years.

43. Direct management of the activities of the branch is carried out by the head (director), appointed by order of the university rector, who, as a rule, has experience in scientific, methodological and (or) scientific, organizational work in a higher educational institution and acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the university rector.

44. Students can participate in the discussion and resolution of the most important issues of the university's activities through trade union organizations, student councils, councils of elders, etc., as well as through their representatives in the Academic Council of the university and at the University Conference.


45. Students studying at the university include undergraduates, graduate students, trainees and other categories of students.

A student is a person who, in accordance with the established procedure, is enrolled by order of the rector at the university to study in an educational program of higher professional education.

A university student is given a free student card and a standard grade record book.

University students have the right:

  • obtain knowledge that corresponds to the modern level of development of science, technology, and culture;
  • choose elective classes and elective courses offered by the relevant faculty and department;
  • participate in shaping the content of their education, subject to compliance with the requirements of state educational standards of higher professional education;
  • in addition to academic disciplines in selected areas of training (specialty), study any other academic disciplines taught at the university, as a rule, on a paid basis (such services are provided free of charge upon the request of the faculty in which the student is studying), as well as taught in other higher educational institutions (in agreement with their managers);
  • receive education in a military specialty in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • take part in all types of research work in the prescribed manner;
  • submit your works for publication, including in university publications;
  • elect and be elected to the Academic Council of the university (faculty) and to the Conference of the university (faculty) staff;
  • Full-time students have the right to work in enterprises, institutions and organizations of any legal form in their free time;
  • unite into public organizations that protect their rights and interests.
University students are required to:
  • comply with the requirements of this Charter;
  • acquire knowledge, complete all types of tasks provided for in the curriculum and educational programs within the established time frame;
  • comply with internal regulations at the university and in dormitories;
  • treat the property of the university with care, bear financial responsibility for the property, literature and equipment entrusted to them for use in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • be disciplined, neat and polite at the university and in public places;
  • maintain cleanliness and order in all areas of the university.
University students are persons studying:
  • in preparatory departments;
  • in structural units for advanced training and retraining of specialists;
  • in another higher educational institution, if they simultaneously receive a second higher professional education.
The legal status of students in relation to receiving educational services corresponds to the status of a university student of the corresponding form of study.

46. A student has the right to free use of the library, information collection, and services of medical, sports, cultural and educational departments of the university upon presentation of a student card and compliance with the rules for using the services provided by these departments.

47. Admission of persons from another higher educational institution to continue their studies at the university is carried out in accordance with the procedure for admission to the university, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Students expelled from the university for a valid reason, including at their own request, have the right for 5 years from the date of expulsion to be reinstated while maintaining the basis of education (free or paid) in accordance with which they studied before expulsion, if available university vacancies.

Students expelled for an unexcused reason can be reinstated within 5 years upon the recommendation of the faculty, subject to the elimination of academic debt within the time frame established by the dean of the faculty, if there are vacancies.

The transition of students studying on a contractual basis from one educational program and form of study to another and the transition from one higher educational institution to another may be limited if this is stipulated in its contract.

The student receives higher professional education in the chosen area of ​​training (specialty) within the relevant state educational standard by mastering the corresponding educational program of higher professional education.

The student is guaranteed the freedom to transfer to another higher education institution with the consent of this higher education institution and successful completion of certification.

The transfer of a student from one higher educational institution to another is carried out in the manner established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the student retains all rights as a student studying for the first time at this level of higher professional education.

In state higher educational institutions, fees for restoration, transition and transfer are not charged if a person has received or is receiving higher professional education for the first time at the expense of the federal budget.

48. The transfer of students from a paid basis to free education is carried out by the decision of the rector if there are vacant budget places at the request of the faculty leadership and, as a rule, with excellent and (or) excellent and good academic performance for at least the last two semesters.

49. University students studying full-time and receiving education at the expense of the federal budget are provided with scholarships in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the manner determined by the Academic Council of the university. For special merits in their studies and active participation in research work, students can be nominated to receive a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

The University, within the limits of available budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, develops and implements measures of social support for students.

50. For full-time and part-time students, vacations with a total duration of at least seven weeks are established at least twice in the academic year.

Nonresident full-time students in need of living space are provided with a place in a dormitory in accordance with sanitary standards within the existing housing stock. The amount of payment for accommodation in a hostel is established in accordance with current legislation. For additional services, with the mutual consent of the parties, the payment may be increased. An agreement is concluded with each resident of the hostel, the standard form of which is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Students have the right to other social guarantees and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

51. Faculty positions include the positions of dean of the faculty, head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior lecturer, teacher and assistant.

All positions of scientific and pedagogical workers at the university are filled under an employment contract concluded for a period of up to five years. When filling positions of scientific and pedagogical workers at the university, with the exception of the dean of the faculty and the head of the department, the conclusion of an employment contract is preceded by a competitive selection.

The regulations on filling positions of teaching staff and researchers in higher educational institutions were approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and pedagogical workers have the following rights and social guarantees:

  • to support their professional activities;
  • elect and be elected to the Academic Council of the university (faculty);
  • participate in the discussion and resolution of the most important issues of educational, scientific, creative and production activities of the university, including through public organizations and governing bodies of the university;
  • use the library, information collections, as well as the services of social, medical and other departments of the university free of charge in the manner prescribed by the Collective Agreement;
  • appeal orders and instructions of the university administration in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • choose methods and means of teaching and conducting scientific research that best suit their individual characteristics and ensure high quality of educational and scientific processes.
In order to facilitate their provision of publishing products and periodicals, teaching staff are paid monthly monetary compensation in the amount determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and pedagogical workers are obliged to:

  • ensure high efficiency of the pedagogical process, develop students’ independence, initiative, creativity, and careful attitude towards university property;
  • respect the personal dignity of future specialists, take care of their cultural and physical development;
  • conduct scientific research that ensures a high scientific level of educational content and actively involve students in it;
  • systematically improve your skills;
  • fulfill the requirements of this Charter and comply with the internal labor regulations;
  • participate in career guidance work carried out by the university.
52. For teaching staff of the university, a reduced working time is established - no more than 36 hours per week and an extended annual paid leave of 56 calendar days.

The teaching load for teaching staff is set by the university independently, depending on their qualifications and the profile of the department, up to 900 hours per academic year.

53. Teaching staff have the right to a long vacation of up to one year at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work at the university. Decisions on granting leave are made by the Academic Council of the faculty on the recommendation of the department and are formalized by order of the rector of the university.

Vacation may be paid in full, in part or unpaid depending on budgetary or extra-budgetary funds available at the university. Leave is granted, as a rule, for writing textbooks, scientific papers, for advanced training and in other cases and can be granted at any time of the academic year and (or) attached to the next leave.

54. The recruitment of university employees, except for the scientific and teaching staff and vice-rectors of the university, is carried out by concluding an open-ended employment contract between the employee and the administration.

University vice-rectors are hired under a fixed-term employment contract concluded between the university and the vice-rector, the expiration date of which coincides with the end of the powers of the university rector.

55. Dismissal of teaching staff at the initiative of the university administration due to staff reduction is permitted only after the end of the academic year.

56. The rights and responsibilities of administrative, economic, engineering, technical, production, teaching and support and other university personnel are determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the Internal Labor Regulations and job descriptions. Labor, socio-economic and professional issues are also resolved within the framework of the Collective Agreement, concluded in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

57. University employees for success in academic, methodological, scientific, educational work and other activities, and students for success in study and research activities provided for by this Charter, are provided with various forms of moral and material incentives provided for by labor legislation, internal regulations and others. local acts of the university.


58. The training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel at the university is carried out in the following forms: postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, as well as by attaching applicants for academic degrees, by transferring teaching staff to positions of researchers for the preparation of candidate and doctoral dissertations and granting sabbatical leave to complete work on dissertations on seeking the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences.

To complete a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences, employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations are granted leave with pay for a period of 3 or 6 months, respectively, in the manner established by the Regulations on graduate students, doctoral students, and applicants.

Regulations on the training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

A doctoral student is a person who has an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and is enrolled in doctoral studies to prepare a dissertation for the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences.

A postgraduate student is a person who has a higher professional education and is studying in graduate school and preparing a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences.

An applicant is a person who has a higher professional education, attached to an organization or institution that has postgraduate and (or) doctoral studies, and is preparing a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences without postgraduate training, or a person who has an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and is preparing a dissertation for competition for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science.

The University has the right to admit admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies beyond the established assignments on the basis of agreements concluded with legal entities and individuals on a paid basis.

Doctoral students and graduate students of the university studying at the expense of the budget are paid state scholarships and given annual vacations lasting two months.

Doctoral students retain all the rights at the place of work that they had before entering doctoral studies (the right to receive living space, to be awarded an academic title, etc.), as well as the right to return to their previous place of work.

Persons admitted to the entrance exams for graduate school are granted a vacation of thirty calendar days with the preservation of the average salary at the place of work.

Doctoral students and graduate students have the right:

  • participate in discussions of university activities;
  • use free of charge information funds, library, equipment, laboratories, educational and methodological classrooms, as well as the right to travel, participate in research work of the university on an equal basis with scientific and pedagogical workers of the university.
Postgraduate and doctoral students have the right to other social guarantees and benefits provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and other acts regulating the activities of the university.

Postgraduate and doctoral students are required to:

  • acquire professional knowledge and methods of conducting scientific research;
  • carry out an individual work plan;
  • comply with the internal regulations of the university.
Postgraduate and doctoral students undergo certification annually. In case of negative certification, they are subject to expulsion.

To complete a dissertation for the academic degree of candidate or doctor of science, university employees are granted leave with pay for a period of three or six months, respectively.

Persons who have completed postgraduate and doctoral studies are not provided with these vacations.

Applicants working on dissertations for the academic degree of Doctor of Science and having significant scientific results can be transferred to positions of scientific workers for periods of up to two years while maintaining the official salaries they receive and with the right to return to their previous place of work.

59. Advanced training of university scientific and pedagogical workers is carried out at least once every five years in educational institutions of the system of advanced training and professional retraining of personnel, in higher educational institutions, in leading Russian and foreign scientific and industrial organizations through training, internships, and participation in seminars , as well as using other types and forms of advanced training.

Advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers can be financed both from the federal budget and from legal entities and (or) individuals under agreements with the university.


60. In order to ensure the educational activities provided for by this Charter, the university is assigned in the prescribed manner, with the right of operational management, buildings, structures, property complexes, equipment, as well as other necessary property for consumer, social, cultural and other purposes, which are on its balance sheet and are federal property.

The university is assigned land plots allocated to it in accordance with the established procedure for indefinite free use.

61. State property assigned to the university may be alienated by the owner in the manner and under the conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

62. The University has the right to independently dispose of funds, property and other property transferred to it in the form of a gift, donation or bequest, as well as objects and property acquired from permitted types of activities, which are accounted for on a separate balance sheet.

63. The University has the right to act as a tenant and (or) lessor of property. The university leases the property assigned to it without the right of purchase with the consent of the Academic Council of the university at prices that cannot be lower than the prices prevailing in the region.

The funds received by the university as rent are used to support and develop its educational process.

64. The University bears responsibility to the owner and founder for the safety and effective use of the property assigned to it in operational management. Control of the university’s activities in this area is carried out by the owner and founder.

The University is liable for its obligations with the funds at its disposal, as well as with property recorded on a separate balance sheet. If they are insufficient, the founder bears subsidiary liability for the obligations of the university in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

65. The university's activities are financed through:
A) federal budget funds, as well as budget funds at various levels;
b) funds received from paid educational activities, entrepreneurial and other activities provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
V) voluntary donations and targeted contributions from legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones;
G) funds from other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The university's educational activities are financed from the federal budget, taking into account established admission targets (control figures) based on state and local funding standards.

66. The attraction of additional funds by the university does not entail a reduction in state and local funding standards and (or) the amount of its funding provided for in the relevant budget.

67. The University spends budget funds and funds from other sources of funding in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

68. The University, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its Charter, has the right to carry out, in addition to the established tasks (control figures) for the admission of students, the training of specialists of the appropriate level of education with payment of the cost of training, to provide paid additional educational services not provided for by the relevant educational programs and state educational standards, under contracts with legal entities and (or) individuals.

These types of activities cannot be provided in return and within the framework of educational activities financed from the federal budget.

The cost of training and the amount of payment for the provision of additional educational services are established by the rector of the university, taking into account the approved cost estimate.

The provision of paid educational services does not relate to entrepreneurial activity. Income from these services is reinvested into the university, including increasing salary costs, at its discretion.

69. The University independently resolves issues regarding the conclusion of contracts, determination of obligations and other conditions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

70. The University independently determines the directions and procedure for using funds received from the budget and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including funds allocated for wages and material incentives for its employees. Funds unused in the current period (year, quarter, month) cannot be withdrawn from the university or counted toward the university’s funding for the subsequent period.

71. The University has personal accounts opened in the prescribed manner to record operations for the execution of cost estimates of the federal and other budgets, to record funds received from business and other income-generating activities, and a foreign currency account in banking or other credit institutions.

72. The University has the right to conduct business activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • to carry out fundamental, applied and development work related to the creation of aviation, rocket and space technology;
  • on the implementation of the results of fundamental research and applied work in new special equipment;
  • to carry out work on installation, adjustment, fine-tuning, equipment, configuration, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, re-equipment, development of software and software packages in relation to computers;
  • to perform work as a developer of light civil aircraft intended for operation under visual flight rules;
  • for the implementation of work (services) for environmental purposes in terms of setting up and operating environmental equipment, measuring instruments and monitoring environmental parameters;
  • on carrying out work in the field of information security, including certification of protection and control means, their development, production, sales, installation, installation, commissioning, testing, repair and maintenance;
  • to carry out work related to the use of information constituting a state secret, as well as the implementation of activities and (or) provision of services in the field of protecting state secrets;
  • for the development and production of medical equipment;
  • for the manufacture and repair of measuring instruments;
  • on shared participation at the expense of funds and property at independent disposal in the activities of other institutions, organizations, enterprises;
  • for the acquisition, at the expense of funds at the independent disposal of the university, of shares, bonds, and other securities and the receipt of income from them;
  • for leasing fixed assets and property;
  • for the production of printed publications of any kind;
  • on publishing activities;
  • for transportation of population and goods using their own transport;
  • to provide services in restoring the performance of units of modern vehicles;
  • on obtaining and processing initial data for the design of construction and reconstruction projects;
  • for technical support of the project stage;
  • on the preparation of permits for the construction and reconstruction of facilities, on monitoring the validity periods of issued technical conditions for connecting utility lines;
  • to ensure the release of the construction area;
  • to ensure construction materials and equipment are supplied to the customer and their implementation;
  • on the organization of construction management, technical supervision, participation in working and state commissions, transfer of objects into operation;
  • to coordinate the activities of design, construction and installation, specialized and other organizations carrying out design, construction and reconstruction of facilities;
  • for the installation, repair and maintenance of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures;
  • for the provision of local telephone services;
  • for the provision of telematics services;
  • for the provision of data transmission services;
  • for repair and construction work of buildings and structures;
  • for the construction of centralized drinking water supply systems and sanitation systems for urban and other settlements;
  • for the production and sale of public catering products (services);
  • for resort, sanatorium and medical services;
  • for the production of consumer goods;
  • for the sale of goods converted into federal property;
  • for trade in purchased goods, equipment;
  • on certification of workplaces for working conditions and production control;
  • to inspect workplaces of residential and public buildings in residential, public, sanitary protection, industrial zones and development areas;
  • on monitoring environmental parameters and parameters affecting the natural environment;
  • on dosimetry and radiation control.
Activities that require licensing in accordance with the law are carried out only after obtaining the appropriate license.

In its business activities, the university is subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of business activities.

The activities of the university in the sale of products, works and services provided for in this Charter relate to entrepreneurial activities only to the extent that the income received from these activities is not reinvested directly into the university and (or) for the immediate needs of ensuring, developing and improving the educational process (in including wages) at the university.

The University has the right to participate in the authorized funds of partnerships (joint stock companies) and other organizations with funds and property at its independent disposal.

73. The minimum wage for university employees is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The University, within the limits of the funds available to it for remuneration, independently, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, based on the decision of the Academic Council of the University, determines the amount of additional payments and allowances, bonuses and other payments to University employees.


74 . The University carries out operational accounting, guided by the Federal Law “On Accounting” and the Instructions for Accounting in Budgetary Institutions.

The forms and procedures for maintaining accounting records are established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The deadlines for submitting quarterly and annual financial statements are established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

75. University statistical reporting forms, addresses, deadlines and procedures for their submission are established by state statistics bodies.

76. Control over the university’s compliance with financial and economic discipline is carried out by the relevant federal and regional authorities within the framework of their powers.


77. The University carries out international cooperation in the field of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education and scientific and technical teaching and other activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation through:

  • participation in bilateral and multilateral exchange programs for students, graduate students, doctoral students, teaching and research workers;
  • conducting joint scientific research, conferences, symposia and other events, as well as participation in congresses;
  • carrying out fundamental and applied scientific research, development and technological work on orders or grants from foreign legal entities and (or) individuals, as well as manufacturing and supplying products based on the results of research and work performed in accordance with concluded agreements (contracts);
  • participation in international programs for improving higher and postgraduate professional education;
  • training, retraining, professional retraining and advanced training of citizens of foreign countries;
  • participation in the work of international and national academies and foundations;
  • creating joint ventures and production facilities for the production of high-tech products;
  • advertising and information activities;
  • licensing and patenting;
  • organizing educational tours and exhibitions of educational services.
Admission, training, retraining, professional retraining and advanced training of citizens of foreign countries at the university, teaching and research work of university employees is carried out on the basis of interstate and interuniversity agreements, as well as under agreements (contracts) concluded by the university with foreign educational institutions, organizations or on the basis of individual agreements (contracts) on a compensation basis or at the expense of funds transferred to the university by specified organizations, higher educational institutions or foreign citizens.

Funds received by the university, as well as its branches, representative offices, and structural divisions as a result of foreign economic activities, are not subject to withdrawal and taxation, including mandatory sale, if they are spent on performing the main tasks defined for the university and its branches.


78. The University issues the following local acts in regulating its activities:

  • orders;
  • orders;
  • rules (admission of students, internal labor regulations, etc.);
  • regulations (on structural units, ongoing monitoring of progress, etc.);
  • decisions, including joint ones with public organizations.

79. The university may be reorganized into another educational institution by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in agreement with the legislative and executive authorities of Moscow, if this does not entail a violation of the obligations of the university or if the founder assumes these obligations.

When a university is reorganized, its Charter, license and certificate of state accreditation lose force.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation may, by its order, suspend the activities of the university until a court decision if the university violates the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and (or) this Charter.

Liquidation of the university can be carried out:

  • The Government of the Russian Federation in agreement with the legislative and executive authorities of Moscow;
  • by a court decision in case of carrying out activities without a proper license, or activities prohibited by law, or activities that do not correspond to its statutory goals.
When a decision is made to liquidate a university, the liquidation procedure is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When a university is liquidated, funds and other property belonging to it by right of ownership, minus payments to cover obligations, are directed to the development of education in accordance with this Charter.

In the event of liquidation of the university, the founder takes measures to ensure the safety of banks and databases of scientific and (or) scientific and technical information, as well as documented information with limited access.

During the reorganization of the university, all documents generated in the course of its activities, including documents on personnel, are transferred for storage to the legal successor, and in the event of liquidation, to the State Archive.


14. Education at the university is conducted in Russian. Certain lecture cycles may be taught in a foreign language with the consent of students.

Training is conducted in full-time and part-time (evening) forms. 15. The academic year for full-time and part-time (evening) students begins on September 1 and ends in accordance with the work plan for a specific area of ​​training (specialty).

By decision of the Academic Council of the university, the beginning of the academic year may be postponed for a period of no more than two months.

The time frame for mastering educational programs at various levels is determined by standard regulations on educational institutions for the corresponding types and types or by relevant state standards.

16. The duration of study for the educational program of higher and postgraduate professional education in full-time education is established in accordance with the state educational standard.

The duration of full-time and part-time (evening) studies, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of study during the implementation of basic educational programs of higher professional education, can be increased by up to 1 year compared to the duration of full-time study based on a decision of the Academic Council of the university.

17. The maximum volume of academic workload for full-time students, including all types of classroom and extracurricular academic work, is determined by the curriculum and, as a rule, should not exceed 54 hours per week.

18. Study sessions at the university are conducted in the form of lectures, consultations, seminars, practical classes, laboratory work, tests, colloquiums, independent work, research work, practice, course design (course work), as well as by performing qualifying work ( graduation project or work, master's thesis). The University may establish other types of classes.

The university, through the purposeful organization of the educational process, the choice of forms, methods and means of teaching, and the use of distance learning, creates conditions for the development of educational programs of a certain level and focus. The use of inhumane, as well as dangerous to the life and health of students, teaching methods is prohibited.

For all types of classroom training, the academic hour is set at 45 minutes.

Educational programs are implemented at the university at the appropriate levels and stages of education or continuously, taking into account their relationship.

19. The university offers the following levels of higher professional education: “bachelor”, “certified specialist”, “master”.

Persons who have received state-issued documents on higher professional education at a certain level have the right, in accordance with the direction (specialty) received, to continue their education in the educational program of higher professional education at the next level.

20. The organization of the educational process at the university for educational programs of higher professional education is regulated by the working curriculum in the area of ​​​​training (specialty) and the schedule of training sessions for each form of education, which are developed and approved by the university independently on the basis of the state educational standard of higher professional education, exemplary educational programs , curricula in the field of training (specialty) and discipline programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, while the sample curriculum and discipline programs are of a recommendatory nature.

21. Training according to individual curricula is organized for persons with secondary vocational education of the relevant profile and higher vocational education of various levels based on the decision of the Academic Council of the university on the abbreviated educational program of higher vocational education, as well as for persons who are able to fully master the main program of higher education vocational education in a shorter period of time. The conditions for mastering the basic educational programs of higher professional education by these persons in a shortened time are determined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Students have the right to master additional academic disciplines taught at the university that are not included in the curricula in their chosen field (specialty).

22. The University, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its Charter, has the right to carry out, in addition to the established tasks (control figures) for the admission of students, the training of specialists of the appropriate level of education with payment of the cost of training, to provide paid additional educational services (training in additional educational programs, teaching special courses and cycles of disciplines, tutoring, classes with students in in-depth study of subjects and other services) not provided for by the relevant educational programs and state educational standards under contracts with legal entities and (or) individuals.

The University independently resolves issues regarding the conclusion of contracts, determination of obligations and other conditions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

Paid educational services cannot be provided in return and within the framework of educational activities financed from the budget.

The cost of training and the amount of payment for the provision of additional educational services are established by the rector of the higher educational institution, taking into account the approved cost estimate.

The provision of paid educational services does not relate to entrepreneurial activity. Income from these services is reinvested into the university, including increasing salary costs, at its discretion.

23. The university evaluates the quality of educational programs through ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification of students and final certification of graduates.

Interim certification of students at the university is carried out in the form of exams and tests. For disciplines and types of academic work for which the form of intermediate certification of students is an exam, the grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory” are established; if the form of intermediate certification of students is a pass, the grades are set: “passed” and “passed”. uncredited."

Conducting tests and exams: oral, written, testing, defense of work (project), etc. - is established by the department.

Tests are carried out according to a schedule approved by the dean of the faculty, without allocating a special time budget.

The time allocated for the examination session is included in the working curriculum. Examinations are conducted according to the schedule approved by the rector or vice-rector for academic affairs. Students are given at least 3 days to prepare for the exam. As an exception, by decision of the Faculty Academic Council, individual exams may be held during the period of theoretical training upon completion of teaching the discipline. In this case, students are also given at least 3 days to prepare for the exam.

A grade or credit can be given without a survey - based on the student’s work during the semester. If a student disagrees with the grade, the latter has the right to take a test or exam on a general basis.

Failure to appear without a good reason for a test or exam according to the schedule announced by the dean of the faculty is equivalent to a negative result.

A student who has not passed the tests established for the semester, as a rule, is not allowed to take part in the session.

Retaking an unsatisfactory exam result (test) is allowed upon the direction of the dean of the faculty and no more than two times.

By decision of the dean of the faculty, the exam (test) can be accepted by the commission. The replacement of the examiner, if there are valid reasons, is carried out by the head of the department with the consent of the dean of the faculty.

Persons studying at the university in higher professional education programs with intermediate certification take no more than 10 exams and 12 tests during the academic year. This number does not include exams and tests in physical education and elective disciplines.

Students studying in a shortened period of time and in the form of external studies, during intermediate certification, take no more than 20 exams during the academic year.

The regulations on ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students are approved by the Academic Council of the university.

24. For persons (students) admitted to the university for the simultaneous parallel development of two main educational programs of higher professional education, the conditions for attending training sessions, practical training and certifications may be established in orders for enrollment as students.

25. A student may be expelled from the university at his own request, including due to illness; in connection with a transfer to another educational institution; upon receipt of three or more unsatisfactory grades, upon non-liquidation of academic debt within the time period established by the dean, for violation of the University Charter, Internal Regulations, Rules of residence in the hostel, in violation of the terms of the concluded agreement (for persons studying on a paid basis).

For violation by a student of the duties provided for by the University Charter, its internal regulations, and the Rules of residence in the hostel, disciplinary sanctions may be applied to him, up to and including expulsion from the university. A disciplinary sanction, including expulsion, may be imposed after receiving a written explanation from him, no later than a month from the date of discovery of the offense and no later than six months from the date of its commission.

Expulsion of students during their illness, vacation, academic leave, maternity leave is not allowed.

Expulsion is made by order of the rector (vice-rector) on the proposal of the dean of the faculty.

26. The final certification of a university graduate is mandatory and is carried out after mastering the educational program in full by the state certification commission in accordance with the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The University issues state documents on the level of education and (or) qualifications to persons who have passed the final certification.

After passing the final certification, the student, upon his personal application, may be granted vacations within the period of mastering the main educational program of higher professional education, after which he is expelled from the university student body.

27. The university is obliged to inform students about the employment situation in the Russian Federation, to assist students in concluding agreements with enterprises, institutions and organizations for their training and employment.

28. A personal file is created for each student at the university. A university graduate and a student who dropped out before graduation are issued a document from their personal file on education, on the basis of which he was enrolled in the university. A certified copy of the document remains on file. All other documents (extracts from orders of enrollment, graduation or withdrawal, grade book, student ID, etc.) remain in the personal file.



Non-profit partnership

"Sports Club MAI"

Moscow - 1997


This Charter regulates the procedure for the creation and activities of a non-profit organization in the form of a Non-Profit Partnership, guided by the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” of January 12, 1996, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.1 Non-profit partnership "MAI Sports Club", hereinafter referred to as "Non-profit partnership" is a voluntary formation of legal entities and citizens united on the basis of common interests and problems.

1.2 A non-profit partnership is created on the basis of voluntariness, equality of its members, self-government, legality and transparency.

1.3 From the moment of state registration, a non-profit partnership is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, separate property, a current account (ruble and foreign currency) in a bank, a round seal (in the center of the round seal is a shield with an airplane in the background and the abbreviation MAI, along the perimeter of the circle is indicated organizational and legal form of the enterprise "Non-profit partnership" and name - "MAI Sports Club"), corner stamp, emblem, forms, symbols and other details of the legal faces.

1.4 The non-profit partnership has complete independence in matters of determining the form of management, making decisions and other actions that do not contradict the law and this Charter.

1.5 A non-profit partnership on its own behalf, in order to achieve its statutory goals, has the right to enter into agreements and contracts, acquire property and other rights, bear responsibilities, to be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration.

1.6 Location of the Non-Profit Partnership: 125871, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, building 4.


2.1Goals of the Non-Profit Partnership:

2.1.1 Development of physical culture and sports among students, graduate students, teachers and staff of the Moscow State Aviation Institute (Technical University) MAI, and members of their families;

2.1.2 Promoting a healthy lifestyle, introducing physical education and sports into the study, work and leisure regime of students and staff of the institute;

2.1.3 Harmonization of physical and spiritual education of students.

2.2. Objectives of the Non-Profit Partnership:

2.2.1 Improving physical education and health work and sports among students and staff of the institute.

2.2.2 Providing organizational and methodological assistance in providing mass forms of physical education and developing new sports.

2.2.3 Organization of scientific and methodological work and professional applied research in the field of health-improving physical education and sports.

2.2.4 Creation of physical education and sports associations, clubs, sections, teams in sports, sports schools of various profiles.

2.2.5 Carrying out work on sports improvement of students of the institute,

preparing and sending MAI national teams to competitions at various levels.

2.2.6 Development of business relations and cooperation with sports organizations in our country and abroad.

2.2.7 Foreign economic activity of all types in accordance with the law.

2.2.9 Providing advisory services and practical assistance on managerial, financial, economic, contractual and legal issues, marketing of products and services, examination of investment projects.

2.2.10 Technical and service maintenance of exported and imported machinery, equipment, instruments and other products and goods.

2.2.11 Medical care.

2.2.12 Production, sale, as well as rental of sports equipment, souvenirs, sports symbols, consumer goods and products for industrial, technical and economic purposes.

2.2.13 Design, construction, reconstruction and repair of sports and general buildings and structures.

2.2.14 Issue of shares and other securities in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2.15 Research activities.

2.2.16 Editorial, publishing and printing activities, including replication of printed materials.

2.2.17 Organization of mass sports, concerts and cultural events, exhibitions, lotteries, festivals, tourist excursion trips, auctions and competitions.

2.2.18 Educational activities.

2.2.19 Organization and holding of sports competitions, championships, tournaments, cups, memorials, championships and sports days.

2.2.20 Trade and intermediary activities.

2.2.21 Participation in sports programs of other organizations.

2.2.22 Carrying out other activities consistent with the statutory goals of the Non-Commercial Partnership, not prohibited by law.


3.1 Members of the Non-Commercial Partnership can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons who have reached the age of 18, share the goals and objectives of the Non-Commercial Partnership, recognize the Charter and take an active part in its activities. Members of a Non-Profit Partnership can be legal entities.

3.2 Admission to membership of the Non-Commercial Partnership is carried out by decision of the General Meeting based on the application of the applicant. Admission to membership of the Non-Profit Partnership of legal entities is carried out on the basis of a decision of their governing body.

3.3Any member of the Non-Profit Partnership has the right to leave it at his own request. When leaving the Partnership, a member of a Non-Commercial Partnership does not have the right to receive (return) the membership fees paid by him, as well as property (the value of this property) transferred by a member of the Partnership to the ownership of the Non-Commercial Partnership.

3.4 A member of the Non-Commercial Partnership may be expelled from it in case of repeated violation of this Charter, for committing actions that resulted in material damage to the Non-Commercial Partnership, as well as if its activities have become ineffective.

3.5 The decision to exclude from the Non-Commercial Partnership is made by the General Meeting by two-thirds of the votes of its members.


4.1 A member of the Non-Commercial Partnership has the right:

4.1.1. Participate in the activities of the Non-Profit Partnership.

4.1.2And to elect and be elected to the elected bodies of the Non-Profit Partnership.

4.1.3In carrying proposals for improving the activities of the Non-Profit Partnership and its officials.

4.1.4Receive information about the activities of the Non-Profit Partnership in the prescribed manner.

4.1.5At your discretion, withdraw from the Non-Profit Partnership.

4.1.6To receive, in the event of liquidation of the Non-Commercial Partnership, part of its property remaining after settlements with creditors, or the value of this property within the value of the property transferred by the members of the Non-Commercial Partnership into its ownership, unless otherwise provided by the Federal Law or the constituent documents of the Non-Commercial Partnership.

4.2 A member of the Non-Commercial Partnership is obliged to:

4.2.1Comply with the requirements of this Charter and comply with the decisions of the governing bodies.

4.2.2 Timely pay entrance and membership fees in the amount and manner established by the General Meeting. .

4.2.3P take part in the activities of the Non-Profit Partnership.

4.2.4Provide material and other support for events conducted by the Non-Profit Partnership.


5.1 The supreme body of the Non-Commercial Partnership is the General Meeting of its members. Members of the Non-Profit Partnership have the right to send one representative with a casting vote to meetings.

5.2The exclusive competence of the General Meeting includes:

5.2.1 Approval of the Charter, amendments and additions to the Charter of the Non-Commercial Partnership;

5.2.2 Creation of a permanent collegial management body: the Board of the Non-Profit Partnership;

5.2.3 Appointment of the Board of Trustees of the Non-Profit Partnership;

5.2.4 Making a decision on the reorganization and liquidation of the Non-Profit Partnership.

5.2.5 Election of the Audit Commission;

5.2.6 Approval of reports on the activities of the Meeting and the Audit Commission;

5.2.7 The procedure for payment and the amount of entrance and membership fees;

5.2.8 Admission of new members, expulsion of members.

The General Meeting also has the right to accept for consideration any issue related to

activities of the Non-Profit Partnership.

5.3 The General Meeting meets as necessary, but at least once every two years. The meeting is valid if more than half of the members of the Non-Profit Partnership are present. Decisions on approval of the Charter, amendments and additions to the Charter are made by a qualified 2/3 majority of votes. Decisions on other issues are made by a simple majority of votes of the Meeting participants. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the presiding officer is decisive.

5.4 Members of the Non-Commercial Partnership must be notified in writing by the Chairman of the General Meeting of the Non-Commercial Partnership about the upcoming General Meeting no later than a week before it.

5.5 An extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by decision of the Board or on the initiative of more than half of the members of the Non-Profit Partnership.

5.6To exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the Non-Profit Partnership, the General Meeting of its members elects an Audit Commission for a period of five years, which carries out inspections of financial and economic activities as necessary, but at least once a year.

5.7In order to ensure the implementation of the programs of the Non-Profit Partnership, find funds for their financing and control the expenditure of funds, the General Meeting appoints the Board of Trustees of the Non-Profit Partnership. The Board of Trustees is formed from members of the MAI administration, famous and honored athletes and coaches, and representatives of public sports organizations. The decisions of the Board of Trustees are advisory in nature. Members of the Board of Trustees perform their duties free of charge.

5.8During the period between General Meetings, all work of the Non-Profit Partnership is directed and carried out by the Board of the Non-Profit Partnership, which is elected for a period of five years.

5.9 The Board of the Non-Profit Partnership elects the Chairman of the Board (by open or secret voting by a simple majority of votes) for a period of five years.

5.10The competence of the Board of the Non-Commercial Partnership includes resolving the following issues:

Approval of reports on the activities of the Management Board;

Approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet;

Appointment of the General Directorate of the Non-Profit Partnership;

Approval of the financial plan and amendments to it;

Creation of branches and opening of representative offices;

Participation in other organizations.

5.11 The Chairman of the Board manages the activities of the Non-Commercial Partnership, has the right to make decisions on all issues of its activities, except those relating to the exclusive competence of the General Meeting, and is responsible to the Meeting and the Board of the Non-Commercial Partnership for the implementation of decisions.

5.12 Meetings of members of the board are organized by the Chairman of the board as necessary, but at least twice a year. The board is competent to make decisions if more than half of the board members are present at its meeting. Decisions are made by open voting with a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the presiding officer is decisive.

5.13To conduct economic and entrepreneurial activities, the Board of the Non-Profit Partnership appoints the General Directorate, approves the General Director and the staffing of the Non-Profit Partnership.

5.14 The General Director directly manages the activities of the Non-Commercial Partnership, and within his competence performs the following functions:

Disposes of the property of the Non-Commercial Partnership in accordance with the general procedure and directions determined by the Board of the Non-Commercial Partnership;

Without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the Non-Profit Partnership, represents it in all institutions, enterprises and government bodies in Russia and abroad;

Responsible for the state of accounting, timeliness and completeness of reporting, including accounting and statistical, in established forms to the relevant authorities;

Delegates its powers to deputies and members of the General Directorate;

Negotiates and concludes agreements (contracts) and cooperation agreements with legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones;

Issues powers of attorney, opens current and other bank accounts;

Hires officials of the Non-Profit Partnership and signs employment agreements (contracts) with them, sets official salaries;

Gives instructions, issues orders and instructions that are binding on the staff of the Non-Profit Partnership;

Performs other functions arising from this Charter.

5.15 The General Director is responsible for violation of current legislation, failure to perform or improper performance of the functions assigned to him.


6.1 A non-profit partnership operates at its own expense.

6.2 The sources of formation of the property of the Non-Commercial Partnership in monetary and other forms are:

Entry and membership fees of members of the Non-Commercial Partnership, which together constitute the authorized capital of the Non-Commercial Partnership. The monetary value of the property paid as an entrance fee is determined by agreement between the members of the Non-Profit Partnership;

Regular and one-time income from the founders and members of the Non-Profit Partnership;

Voluntary property contributions and donations;

Revenue from economic activities (sales of goods, works, services);

Dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;

Income received from the property of a non-profit organization;

Other receipts not prohibited by law.

The profit received by the Non-Commercial Partnership is not subject to distribution among the participants (members) of the Non-Commercial Partnership.

6.3 A non-profit partnership, in the manner prescribed by law, may own fixed assets, buildings, structures, housing stock, equipment, inventory, cash, shares, other securities and other property necessary to materially support the activities provided for by the Charter.A non-profit partnership may own or in perpetual use enterprises, organizations created in accordance with the statutory goals and objectives of the Non-Profit Partnership, as well as land plots.

6.4. A non-profit partnership has the right to independently dispose of the funds and property belonging to it. The funds of the Non-Profit Partnership are spent according to estimates approved by the Board of the Non-Profit Partnership.


7.1 Any member of the Non-Profit Partnership has the right to make proposals for amendments and additions to the Charter. Proposals are submitted in writing to the Chairman of the General Meeting.

7.2 Changes (additions) to the Charter are considered adopted if more than half of those present at the General Meeting vote for them.

7.3 Changes (additions) to the Charter are subject to registration in the prescribed manner.


8.1 A non-profit partnership terminates its activities through reorganization (merger, accession, division) or liquidation.

8.2 The reorganization of the Non-Commercial Partnership is carried out by decision of the General Meeting and entails the transfer of the rights and obligations belonging to the Non-Commercial Partnership to its legal successor, in proportion to the volume of the Non-Commercial Partnership property acquired by them.

8.3 Liquidation of the Non-Commercial Partnership is carried out by decision of the General Meeting. After making a decision on liquidation, the General Meeting appoints a liquidation commission, from the moment of its appointment the powers to manage the Non-Profit Partnership are transferred to it. The liquidation commission evaluates assets, identifies creditors and settles accounts with them, draws up a liquidation balance sheet, and publishes an announcement of liquidation in the press.

8.4 A non-profit partnership can also be liquidated by a court decision.

8.5Upon liquidation of a Non-Commercial Partnership, the property remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims is subject to distribution among the members of the Non-Commercial Partnership in accordance with their property contribution, the amount of which does not exceed the amount of their property contributions, unless otherwise established by Federal laws or the constituent documents of the Non-Commercial Partnership.

The property remaining after the liquidation of the Non-Commercial Partnership and settlements with creditors is directed to the purposes provided for in this Charter, with the transfer of the remaining property to the legal successor.

8.6After the liquidation of the Non-Profit Partnership, its personnel documents are transferred in accordance with the procedure established by law for state storage.

8.7 The decision to liquidate the Non-Commercial Partnership is sent to the body that registered the Non-Commercial Partnership to exclude it from the unified state register of legal entities.