Nagging pain in the back: the main causes of the symptom. Pulls the lower back. Main causes Causes of nagging back pain

Bardukova Elena Anatolievna
neurologist, homeopath, work experience 23 years
✔ Article checked by a doctor

Famous Japanese rheumatologist:“IT'S MONSTERAL! Russian methods of treating joints and spine cause only bewilderment. See what doctors offer to treat your back and joints in Russia: Voltaren, Fastum gel, Diclofenac, Milgamma, Dexalgin and other similar drugs. However, these drugs DO NOT TREAT JOINTS and BACK, they only relieve the symptoms of the disease - pain, inflammation, swelling. Now imagine that...” Read the full interview"

Why does the lower back hurt in women? This can be affected by more than 50 different causes of malfunction of the body. Unlike men, the fair half of humanity experience pregnancy and menstruation, which can also cause lumbar pain. But these are not the only causes of back pain in women that are the most common.

Another common cause of lower back pain in women is diseases of the spine, for example, intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis. In this case, additional symptoms may appear: pain may radiate to the leg, numbness in the limbs and lumbago in the back.

If women have lower back pain before menstruation, then the reason is a manifestation of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). If morning nausea is added to this, then a pregnancy test should be done.


  1. Taking analgesics: Solpadeine, Nurofen, Paracetamol.
  2. If the pain is severe, then you can take NSAIDs: Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ketorolac.
  3. Homeopathic remedies: Belladonna, Remens, Zincum valerianicum 6.
  4. Diuretics (diuretics): Diacarb, Furosemide, Veroshpiron. They will help remove excess water from the tissues, which will improve the condition if the lower back hurts in women.
  5. It is not recommended to take antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Riabal), otherwise the muscles of the uterus will relax, which will lead to prolongation and increased bleeding during menstruation.
  6. Limit the consumption of salty foods and liquids.
  7. Lower back pain during ovulation lasts from 2-3 hours to 1-3 days and goes away on its own.

If you experience lower back pain during menstruation and your body temperature rises, it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist. Only he will be able to accurately determine what diseases cause pain in the lower back in women.


Stories from site readers:“My wife has long suffered from acute pain in her joints and back. Over the past 2 years, pain has always been present. Previously, I could not imagine that a person could scream like that in pain. It was terrible, especially in the middle of the night, when blood-curdling screams were heard in complete silence. According to her, it was like dogs chewing her legs and back. And there was nothing to help her, I just held her hand and reassured her. She injected herself with painkillers and fell asleep, and after a while everything happened again... In the morning, when she woke up, she cried more often. The smile completely disappeared from my face, the sun left our house forever. She also had difficulty moving - her knee joints and sacrum made it possible to even turn around. The first night after using this new remedy was the first time without screaming. And in the morning a cheerful woman came up to me and said with a smile: “But there’s no pain!” And for the first time in these 2 years I saw my beloved wife happy and smiling. She flutters around the house like a swallow, the rays of life play in her eyes.” Read more"

One of the causes of lower back pain in women is diseases of the spinal column. Most often it is lumbar osteochondrosis, which can lead to protrusions and intervertebral hernias. This compresses the blood vessels and nerve roots, which leads to sharp and severe pain and shooting pain in the lumbar spine.

Osteoarthrosis, arthrosis, spondyloarthrosis

Osteoarthritis is associated with deformation of the joint and cartilage tissue. Over the years, this disease becomes chronic.

If cartilage damage cannot be stopped, it will lead to deformation of bones and joints. This process is called arthrosis.


As a rule, antibiotics and hormonal drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets, suppositories and ointments. A surgical treatment method (laparoscopy) is often prescribed.

Pelvic infections

Infections in the pelvis can be a complication of diseases such as ulcerative colitis, pelvic inflammation, and appendicitis.

Pelvic infections may be accompanied by low blood pressure and fever. In severe cases, they can be fatal to humans.


Antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, rinsing and douching are prescribed.

Bleeding in the pelvic area

This problem practically occurs due to injuries and also in women taking blood thinning medications (Warfarin).

The spine and joints begin to receive few nutrients, which leads to diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, lumbar osteochondrosis or hernia.

Psychosomatics during menopause can also cause lower back pain. This applies to women with unstable psyche or neurasthenia.

Great article on the topic:

Additional symptoms of menopause in women:

  1. Feeling of a rush of heat to the face.
  2. Increased sweating.
  3. Blood pressure surges.
  4. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

After menopause ends, lower back pain goes away on its own.


  1. During menopause, a woman should regularly visit a gynecologist, since during this period the risk of pelvic organ diseases increases.
  2. To relieve the symptoms of menopause, hormonal medications are prescribed: Divina, Klimen, Klimonorm and homeopathic medications: Klimadinon, Remens, Feminal.

Excess weight

Women's bodies contain more fat tissue than men. Therefore, with age, women who are prone to obesity can gain a large amount of excess weight.
The spine begins to experience greater stress, especially the lower back. Lower back pain can appear on the right, left or central part.

Obesity can also negatively affect the condition of cartilage tissue and intervertebral discs. Therefore, obese women almost always have chronic joint disease. When a woman loses excess weight, she begins to be treated for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases.


It is necessary to reduce body weight. To do this, you need to adjust your diet by contacting a nutritionist, and also exercise regularly.

Sport can help you cope with obesity


A woman's lower back pain may occur due to back injuries, falls, or bruises. With injuries and microtraumas, swelling and local redness and hematomas appear.

Table: type of pain depending on the disease

  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Type of painDisease
    • Inflammation in the muscles
    • Constipation;
    • Intoxication.
    • Gastrointestinal ulcers.
    • Kidney and intestinal diseases.
    Shooting in the lower back
    • Radiculitis;
    • Intervertebral hernia;
    • Osteochondrosis.
    Drawing and aching pain
    • Gynecological diseases;
    • Gastrointestinal diseases;
    • Muscle inflammation;
    • Menstruation;
    • Ovulation
    Severe, sharp and sharp pain
    • Appendicitis;
    • Cholecystitis;
    • Ectopic pregnancy;
    • Stomach ulcer;
    • Diseases of the pelvic organs;
    • Hypothermia.
    Girdle pain
    • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
    • Pancreatitis;
    • Inflammation of the kidneys and gall bladder.
    Burning in the lower back
    Constant pain
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Ankylosing spondylitis;
    • Tumors.
    Heaviness in the lower back
    • Osteoporosis;
    • Intervertebral hernia;
    • Injuries of the lumbar spine;
    • Diseases of the urinary system: cystitis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis.
    Lower back pain
    • Various diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, vertebral fractures, etc.);
    • Stomach diseases;
    • Diseases of the pelvic organs and gynecological infectious diseases.
    Aches in the lower back
    • Beginning of menstruation and ovulation;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Gynecological diseases.
    Blunt pain
    • Lumbago;
    • Appendicitis;
    • Radiculitis.
    Pain when moving
    • Radiculitis;
    • Intervertebral hernia;
    • Crick.

    Good article to follow up:

    First aid for lower back pain

    It is important to understand that consultation with a specialist is necessary for prolonged severe pain in the lower back and back. Typically, this may indicate a serious illness, regardless of the location or type of pain.

    Video: Lower back pain in women

    Let's summarize. Back and lower back pain in women can be associated with various diseases. The most important causes of lower back pain in women are diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, lumbar hernia), as well as various gynecological causes (menstruation, pregnancy, pathologies of the internal genital organs).

    It is important to understand that in addition to lumbar pain, additional symptoms may occur that can identify a particular disease.

    In case of severe and prolonged pain in the back and lower back (more than 2-3 days), you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and timely treatment. At best, it could just be fatigue or hormonal imbalance, and at worst, it could be a serious illness that is best treated at an early stage of development.

    Conclusions and Conclusions

    What are our Russian doctors keeping silent about? Why in 90% of cases does drug treatment give only a temporary effect?

    Unfortunately, most of the remedies “treating” back and joint diseases that are advertised on TV and sold in pharmacies are completely divorce.

    At first it may seem that creams and ointments help, BUT in fact they only TEMPORARILY relieve the symptoms of the disease.

    In simple words, you buy a regular painkiller, and the disease continues to develop into more severe stage. Ordinary pain can be a symptom of more serious diseases:

    • degeneration of muscle tissue in the buttocks, thighs and lower legs;
    • pinched sciatic nerve;
    • development of arthritis, arthrosis and related diseases;
    • acute and sharp pain - lumbago, which leads to chronic radiculitis;
    • cauda equina syndrome, which leads to paralysis of the legs;
    • impotence and infertility.

    How to be?- you ask. We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested in practice most of the remedies for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints. So, it turned out that the only new remedy which does not remove symptoms, but truly cures - this is a medicine that is not sold in pharmacies and is not advertised on TV! So that you don’t think that they are selling you another “miracle drug,” we will not tell you what an effective drug it is. If you are interested, you can read all the information about it yourself. Here is the link" .

    List of used literature

    1. Evgeny Cherepanov "Healthy Spine School", 2012;
    2. Alexey Ivanchev "Spine. Secrets of Health", 2014;
    3. Victoria Karpukhina "Spinal health. Popov, Bubnovsky systems and other treatment methods", 2014;
    4. Yuri Glavchev “The spine is the provocateur of all diseases”, 2014;
    5. Stephen Ripple "Life without back pain. How to heal the spine and improve overall well-being", 2013;
    6. Galli, R.L., Speight, D.W., Simon, R.R. "Emergency orthopedics. Spine.", 1995

    Such a symptom as pain in the lumbar region is familiar to almost every person. The female part of the population faces it especially often. In some cases, nagging pain in the lower back is not dangerous, as it is associated with an uncomfortable body position during long periods of sitting or sleeping. But if unpleasant sensations bother you more and more often, then you should consult a doctor and find the cause of this symptom. A thorough examination is required for this purpose. Often, signs such as nagging pain in the lower back, lower abdomen or iliac areas indicate a chronic inflammatory process. Also, discomfort may be associated with pathologies of the spine. If you have lower back pain, you should not self-medicate, as there can be many reasons. First you need to find out why they appeared, and only then eliminate the cause.

    Where does nagging pain in the lower back come from?

    Complaints of pain in the lumbar region can be heard quite often. In most cases, they bother women, but are often observed in men. Most often, nagging pain in the lower back appears after a person has been sitting for too long. Then patients complain that they cannot straighten their back. Typically, such symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the spine, in particular osteochondrosis and arthrosis of the lumbar region. Less commonly, a pathology such as ankylosing spondylitis can be observed. Its other name is ankylosing spondylitis.

    In some cases, nagging pain in the lower back is associated with inflammatory processes in the kidneys. The most common of them is pyelonephritis. This disease usually begins at a young age, more often among the female population. Another kidney pathology is autoimmune in nature and difficult to treat - glomerulonephritis. It also causes pain in the lumbar region. In some cases, discomfort occurs due to pathologies of internal organs.

    Nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen in women

    Gynecological diseases are another cause of lower back pain. In this case, inflammation affects the pelvic organs. Usually these are the fallopian tubes and ovaries. But, despite the inflammation of the appendages, pain appears not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lumbar region. There are a lot of gynecological diseases. The cause can be both bacterial and viral infections of the genital tract. Typically, gynecological pathologies are transmitted through sexual contact, but this does not always happen. In some cases, urinary tract infections are caused by: poor personal hygiene, sitting on cold surfaces, and a weak immune system. Nagging pain in the lower back due to gynecological diseases can occur on one or both sides. They are not very strong in intensity and tend to appear suddenly and subside. When the bladder is involved in the inflammatory process, dysuric disorders appear. In addition to the lower back, discomfort always affects the lower abdomen. Dysuric disorders include: pain when urinating, pain, small portions of excreted fluid.

    Differential diagnosis for discomfort in the lumbar region

    In order to find out the causes of nagging pain in the lower back, you need to undergo an examination. Usually, unpleasant sensations are associated with pathologies of the kidneys or spine. The persistence, extent, localization and nature of pain play an important role. If they cover one side of the lower back, then the cause may be pyelonephritis, inflammation of the appendages in women, and frequent exposure to the same uncomfortable position. If the entire surface of the lower back is painful, spinal diseases, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, etc. are suspected. Also, discomfort may be associated with menstruation or pregnancy.

    Low back pain: laboratory and instrumental diagnostics

    The exact cause of lumbar pain can only be found out after an examination. Most often, the local doctor makes conclusions about the nature of the disease and then prescribes laboratory and instrumental examinations. If palpation of the kidneys reveals their pain, then a general urine test should be done. The presence of leukocytes or protein in it is an indication for an ultrasound examination of the kidneys. If sexually transmitted infections are suspected, the patient is referred to a gynecologist. Often, lower back pain is caused by osteochondrosis or arthrosis. In both cases, it is necessary to do an X-ray examination of the spine. For more accurate information, a computed tomography scan of the lumbar region is prescribed. Only after all diagnostic procedures can the cause of the pain be determined.

    How to eliminate pain in the lumbar region

    If you experience nagging pain in the lower back, you should consult a doctor. Only after the cause of the disease is determined, treatment is prescribed. For kidney pathology, drug therapy is used. Pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. For autoimmune infections, glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics are used. For the treatment of gynecological pathologies, combination drugs are used (Terzhinan, Polizhinaks suppositories). Spinal diseases require complex treatment. This includes massage, manual and reflexology, and anti-inflammatory drugs. To eliminate severe discomfort in the lumbar region, drugs with an analgesic effect (Diclofenac, Ketotop) are recommended. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed.

    Prevention of low back pain

    To avoid the appearance of lumbar pain, it is necessary to promptly treat chronic diseases of the genitourinary organs and sanitize foci of infection (for sore throat, sinusitis, caries). It is also important to take vitamins and immunomodulatory medications. Maintaining personal hygiene and protected sexual intercourse will help avoid infectious gynecological pathologies. For spinal injuries, arthrosis and osteochondrosis, heavy physical labor is contraindicated. If these diseases worsen, you should seek medical help.

    ​The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome of the disease.​

    Causes of discomfort

    ​Arises as a result of muscle spasm and can last from several days to 3 months. Soft tissue lesions include tendonitis, sciatic bursitis, myofascial syndrome, fibromyalgia.​

    1. ​This syndrome occurs due to degenerative and structural changes in the joints of the spine. It includes the following characteristic symptoms: movements in the legs are not limited, there are almost no sensory, motor and reflex disorders, pain occurs in the morning and intensifies with exercise. Acute severe pain in the lower back has the following causes: due to narrowing of the intervertebral canal, compression of the spinal cord root occurs.
    2. ​Diseases can remain in the human body for years, but not manifest themselves in any way. However, there are triggers that cause the external manifestation of the disease.​
    3. ​Honey has a good analgesic and healing effect. It is used as an independent rubbing, or mixed with other components. Only a natural product is suitable for treatment; it is better if it is honey from buckwheat or linden.​
    4. ​Radiating pain syndrome can come from anatomically distant organs. During a heart attack, a person feels not only unbearable pain in the heart, but also nagging pain in the lower back.​
    5. ​Why does my back hurt above the lower back?​
    6. Sciatica (during pregnancy, pain in the lower back radiates from one side);

    Painful sensations in the lower back often occur due to deformation of the vertebrae

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    ​First of all, you should call an ambulance, as discomfort may be a sign of a more serious illness. If there is an acute, severe or nagging pain in the left back, then you can give the patient an antispasmodic. If there are no contraindications, then you can do a light massage. At the same time, you should not put too much pressure on the sore spot. A massage will relieve back muscle tension. However, further treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Remember that massage is prohibited for some diseases.​

    ​Pneumonia may cause damage to the lower pleura. When breathing, the inflamed surfaces of the organs rub against each other. As a result, pain occurs on the left side of the back. If the disease is started, the temperature may rise, discomfort may intensify, and fluid may accumulate in the pleural cavity.​


    ​What to do if there is pain in the lower back? No one can answer this question unequivocally. First of all, it is necessary to find out why the unpleasant sensations appeared. In this case, the pain can be completely different in nature: aching, monotonous, constant, cramping or acute. Such sensations are a negative sign, causing moral and physical suffering to the patient and, of course, worsening the quality of life. What to do if there is back pain on the left side above the lower back?​

    Kidney diseases

    ​Severe pain in the lower back, often radiating to the lower extremities, in most cases occurs as a result of irritation of the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus. This occurs as a result of mechanical irritation by osteophytes, due to a herniated disc. Sometimes nerve fibers become inflamed as a result of a viral infection (shingles), epidural abscess, arachnoiditis, tuberculosis, tumor.​

    Heart ailments and back pain

    ​Acute pain in lumbar osteochondrosis or radiculitis occurs due to irritation of the spinal cord nerves caused by compression by intervertebral discs as a result of “wear” or injury. Sometimes the nucleus ruptures and a hernia forms. This syndrome is characterized by: unilateral localized pain in the lumbosacral region, sometimes radiating to the buttock or leg, tingling or loss of sensitivity that occurs after overload.

    Diseases of other internal and respiratory organs

    ​And the main symptom is pain. What could be the initial cause of discomfort in the lower back?

    ​Radish mixed with horseradish in equal proportions can be applied to the lumbar area. It should be held until a stable, tolerable burning sensation appears, after which the bandage is removed.​

    It has been noticed that with severe inflammation of the lungs, nagging spinal pain is observed after bouts of severe coughing. If a similar symptom occurs, then it is dangerous to delay a visit to the doctor.

    Back pain during pregnancy

    ​Firstly, due to thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis, as well as the consequences of these diseases.​

    1. ​Old spinal injuries that have not bothered you for a long time may come back to haunt you during pregnancy, etc.​
    2. ​. This disease involves deviation of the spinal column or any part of it from the physiological position. The pathology can be either congenital or acquired, but it is always accompanied by a nagging, aching ache in the back, which is most clearly felt in the area of ​​the deformity.​
    3. ​Many people know firsthand, and have experienced, what nagging pain in the lower back is. There are various reasons why this excruciating discomfort may occur. In most cases, the pain is temporary and goes away without complications. But sometimes their occurrence may indicate the development of certain diseases.​

    ​It is worth noting that the back may begin to hurt due to some diseases of the organs located in the abdominal cavity. In some pathologies, for example, intestinal obstruction or inflammation of the peritoneum, immediate surgical intervention is required. With these ailments, back pain under the shoulder blades may occur. Such sensations are also accompanied by tension in the abdominal muscles.​

    Who to contact for back pain on the left side

    ​Often, such unpleasant sensations indicate the presence of an advanced pathological process in the body. In this case, it will not be possible to cure the disease by taking your grandmother’s herbs or just taking a painkiller pill. To prevent pain on the left side of the back from recurring, complex therapy is required. Often surgery is required to solve the problem. Left back pain may be a symptom of the following ailments:

    Are tests needed?

    ​Most of the most important organs are under the “cover” of the spinal-costal frame. Many nerve fibers emerge from the spine and connect to all parts of the body. Therefore, a malfunction in any of them is projected onto the spine, and the pain can radiate to the lumbar region.​

    ​Lower back pain that occurs due to diseases of the internal organs is usually not accompanied by a feeling of stiffness in the back area, does not have a clear localization, and movements are not difficult.​

    Is it possible to use alternative medicine?

    ​Processes that trigger a pain response in the affected organ​

    ​It is useful to combine traditional and medicinal treatment with courses of therapeutic massage, which can easily be replaced with self-massage. Therapeutic exercise will help relieve stress on the spine and shorten the recovery time after illness.​

    ​Discomfort in the lumbar region, associated with pain in the groin or in the right side of the abdomen, may indicate appendicitis. Many intestinal diseases, cancer, metastatic processes in their symptom complex may have a symptom of pain in the lower back.​


    ​Secondly, as a result of injury to the spinal column in the thoracic region.​

    Causes of nagging pain in the lumbar region

    ​Back pain above the lumbar region​

  • ​Another common cause is infections that occur in the back area, forming hard, painful lumps. Shooting in the back occurs sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right and becomes stronger during active body movements. Unpleasant sensations are often accompanied by visible swelling.​
  • Causes

    ​2 Nagging pain in the lower back during pregnancy​

    • In pathological processes that proceed sluggishly in the stomach, pancreas and liver, chronic aching pain may be observed. The sensations are not intense. However, they may cause the patient to experience discomfort. Treatment of the back in this case largely depends on the underlying disease.​
    • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system that occur with damage to the spine. Such ailments include tuberculosis, a tumor of the spine that occurs as a result of a specific injury, curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis with displacement of the intervertebral discs.​
    • ​Lumbar pain with non-vertebral causes in women most often occurs due to pathologies of organs located in the pelvis. Deep diffuse pain is associated with the menstrual cycle, inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, and in men with chronic and tumor diseases of the prostate. Pulling or cramping discomfort is characteristic of endometriosis. “Dagger” pain can accompany an ectopic pregnancy.​
    • ​Nagging pain in the lower back that has such causes is most often periodic, sometimes becoming acute. For various pathological conditions, irradiation is observed in certain parts of the spine:
    • Physiotherapeutic procedures bring a good therapeutic effect. Some of them allow you to administer analgesics directly to painful areas in the lumbar region.​
    • ​Women may feel mild, characteristic nagging pain during pregnancy and gynecological diseases, before menstruation. Acute, unbearable pain syndrome begins after a tube rupture during an ectopic pregnancy or ovarian apoplexy.​
    • ​Thirdly, due to myositis, that is, due to inflammation of muscle fibers.​

    ​is familiar to many, quite young people. Elderly people more often suffer from pain localized specifically in the lumbosacral region. In young people, this condition can be aggravated by an irresponsible attitude towards their own health. Thus, taking analgesics without a doctor's prescription can aggravate the situation. Pain in the lumbar spine is a reason to see a doctor, and not a reason to self-medicate.​

    Spinal column injuries

    Inflammatory processes can also occur in the joints of the spinal column. As a result, the spine's mobility is impaired and it shortens in size. Symptoms of this pathology are mild nagging pain in the lower back, which is localized in the sacrum or groin. The patient often experiences attacks, which become more frequent as the disease progresses.​

    Vertebral deformity

    The causes of nagging acute pain in the lower back are classified into primary and secondary. Primary ones are associated with pathological changes in the structure of the spine: As for pregnancy, experts cannot answer with confidence why a woman may experience discomfort in the lower back during this period. Is this condition considered normal or pathological? In any case, bearing a child is a lot of stress for the body. As a result, all physiological processes are disrupted. A similar phenomenon can cause back pain on the left above the lower back. In such a situation, unpleasant sensations can be caused by several factors:

    Inflammatory process

    ​Kidney diseases, which are accompanied by the formation of stones in the pelvis.​

    Ankylosing spondylitis

    Sometimes problems arise if the kidneys are affected: causes of lower back pain

    Muscle spasm

    ​pain from the pelvic organs radiates to the sacral area;​


    ​overload (microtrauma). Many gardeners or novice athletes have encountered the fact that after a sharp attempt to achieve a record in their business, they “earned” a sore lower back;​

    Herniated discs

    ​Acupuncture and manual therapy are worthy alternatives to other types of treatment. By influencing biologically active zones, a natural process of relieving inflammation occurs, recovery occurs faster than with conservative drug treatment.​

    Kidney diseases

    ​Treatment of spinal pain should be comprehensive. You need to start it only after finding out the reason, for which you need to visit a neurologist or osteopath.

    Oncological diseases

    ​Fourthly, due to damage to the muscular and skeletal systems in this place. Damage may occur due to tuberculosis or tumors.​


    ​When your back hurts above the lower back, you don’t need to think that everything will go away on its own. It is imperative to understand the reasons, because pain can be caused not only by everyday causes (drafts, sprained muscles and ligaments), but also by serious diseases.​

    Diseases of internal organs

    ​After unusual physical activity, muscle spasms may appear in the lumbar area. It intensifies with changes in body position and hinders movement.​

    Nagging pain in the lower back during pregnancy

    ​in the joints of the vertebrae;​

    ​Compression by the uterus and displacement of some internal organs.​​Some heart ailments. These include myocardial infarction and angina.​

    • ​Pathologies of the organs of the lower part of the peritoneum are reflected by pain directly in the lower back;​

    Does back pain above the lower back prevent you from living peacefully? It's time to take action!

    ​injuries. Here are the obvious reasons: sharp pain in the lower back is the result of significant trauma to the spine or soft tissues; ​Other causes of lower back pain
    ​Drug treatment consists of prescribing non-narcotic or narcotic analgesic drugs. For pain relief use:

    What diseases can cause back pain above the lower back?

    If, with this type of pain, the pain is on the right side above the lower back, then the source of the disease is located there. In such cases, diagnosis is somewhat simpler.
    The causes of pain can be very different. The intensity of the pain syndrome, as well as its nature, directly depends on this. Sometimes painful sensations can intensify after and during physical activity, due to sudden or awkward movements, and sometimes pain in the back above the lower back intensifies even when breathing. Other cases are characterized by the unchanging nature of sensations that are not influenced by external and internal factors. Sometimes painful sensations of this type can be accompanied by cough, fever, nausea and other pathological signs.​

    • With this disease, acute pain usually affects the lower back. This disease most often affects older people. The pain becomes stronger when bending forward and any sudden movements.​
    • ​in the muscles;​
    • ​Increased intra-abdominal pressure.​
    • ​Myositis.​
    • ​may have such as pyelonephritis (dull, constant, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, painful urination), urolithiasis (if blocked by a stone - unbearable “renal colic”).

    ​with diseases of the organs of the upper abdominal cavity, irradiation occurs in the upper part of the lumbar region or the lower zone of the sternum;​

    Pain due to problems with the spine

    ​sedentary lifestyle. This most often happens when, for various reasons, a person limits his usual activity and the processes of nutrition of tissues and organs deteriorate;
    ​Many of us have encountered such a problem as “lower back pain”. However, the causes of lower back pain
    ​B vitamins (combilipen, neurobion, trigamma);​
    ​My back hurts a lot, what should I do? Of course, go to the doctor! The doctor will definitely diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment. Diagnosis must be comprehensive, since many of the diseases in which the back hurts just above the lower back are very serious.​
    ​Pain above the lower back in most cases is aching and pulling without clear localization. Most often, such sensations represent referred pain, being the consequences of the development of diseases in the internal organs. With this type of sensation, the reasons rarely lie in problems with the spine, since with them the pain is completely different. If it “aches and drags”, this condition can be provoked by:
    A particularly common cause of pain in the lumbar region is herniated intervertebral discs. It is characterized by displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc with rupture of the fibrous ring.​
    ​in the tendons;​

    What should be the diagnosis for pain above the lower back?

    ​Increasing loads on the spine.​
    Damage to the pleura and lungs, for example, pleuropneumonia.

    How are pains of this kind treated?

    ​Such lesions are typically localized in the lumbar region at the junctions of the spine and ribs.​

    1. ​Lower back pain can also be observed with damage to the hip joint.​
    2. Hypothermia. It is the most common cause of decreased immunity and penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the weakest areas;
    3. ​non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketorolac);​

    Nagging pain in the lower back associated with diseases of other organs

    ​Diagnostics includes various laboratory tests (various blood tests, urine tests, etc.), instrumental studies (ultrasound, electrocardiography, x-ray). This allows the doctor to obtain enough information, even if the disease is at an early stage. Pain in the lumbar spine sometimes requires additional examinations.​

    ​heart disease (heart attack, angina, etc.)​

    ​Often the precursor to the onset of renal colic is a nagging ache in the back. It is observed on the side of the back where the affected kidney is located. Colic in the back area is combined with other symptoms characteristic of kidney disease.​

    ​in the intervertebral discs.​

    If the pain intensifies and even minor bleeding appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of complications that pose a danger to the life of not only the child, but also the mother. Slowing down in such a situation can lead to disastrous consequences.​

    Treatment of nagging pain

    ​Diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity.​

    Drug treatment

    Quite often, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, due to their close location, manifest as unpleasant sensations in the lower back. This localization occurs in ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcers, and tumor diseases. Severe pain in the epigastric region, radiating to the lower back, may be a symptom of cholecystitis. An attack of pancreatitis (pancreatic necrosis) is characterized by unbearable girdling pain.​

    • ​Pathologies of the vertebral joints, periarticular soft tissues and spinal cord are considered the most common causes of back pain. Painful sensations can arise both due to acute or chronic injury, and as a result of diseases of various origins. Such pains are called vertebrogenic and have a number of signs characteristic only of them.​
    • ​chronic degenerative process in the joints. It can develop for a very long time, but at some point it makes itself felt with pain and stiffness;​
    • ​can have a very diverse nature. Unpleasant sensations in the back are characterized by varying intensity and color: from vague and diffuse to acute and unbearable. Therefore
    • ​lidocaine, novocaine;​

    Treatment with traditional methods

    ​When your back hurts above the lower back (left or right), it is impossible to name a single treatment path for all diagnoses. Because, for example, an ulcer and an intervertebral hernia require completely different treatment. However, it is possible to identify steps common to all treatment plans:​

    ​Diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peptic ulcer, inflammation in the gallbladder);​

    ​With cancer, severe pain in the lower back is often observed, which does not go away when changing body position.​

    The disease that primarily belongs to this category is osteochondrosis. Secondary causes are caused by inflammation, which can be infectious or non-infectious:

    ​Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the lower back on the left side is usually carried out by several specialists at once: a traumatologist, a surgeon, a gynecologist, an ultrasound doctor, a radiologist, and a therapist. Initially, it is determined how long ago the unpleasant sensations arose, and what nature of the pain is: radiating or not radiating to other parts of the body, pulling, aching, burning. It is worth noting that the doctor may suspect a pathology of internal organs or the spine during the first examination.​

    Often, nagging pain in the back on the left side above the lower back begins during pregnancy. In this case, the problem does not lie in concomitant diseases. To solve this problem, you should contact specialists.​

    Other treatments

    ​Emerging lower back pain on the left side causes

    ​Degenerative-dystrophic pathologies are characterized by a long-term (decades) but irreversible course. As the disease progresses, joint dysfunction occurs and pain increases. At the beginning of the disease, lower back pain with such causes in the morning

    ​sharp increase in body weight. The lower back suffers first, since it is the most mobile, therefore the least strengthened part of the body in case of increased load;

    Lower back pain - nagging, sharp or severe: causes and treatment

    • The location, properties and strength of the pain syndrome are very important

    ​narcotic analgesics. Opiates are prescribed in critical situations, when even combinations of painkillers do not produce an effect. Getting rid of the symptom. This move mainly improves the patient’s quality of life. However, when treating pain, it is important to be careful and not to harm yourself with excessive stress, which is invisible under the influence of analgesics. Kidney diseases; Colic in the lower back can be observed with gynecological diseases in women. At the same time, aching sharp pains become stronger during menstruation.​ ​injuries;​

    Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to do without tests. Especially if the pain is in the back. The lower back on the left may hurt due to the development of many diseases. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis you will have to undergo general urine and blood tests. Recently, various studies on markers of certain diseases have become popular. To confirm or rule out the presence of certain heart diseases, an electrocardiogram is required. If necessary, the doctor can refer the patient to undergo computed tomography, ultrasound and radiography.​

    ​With some ailments of the spine, pain may occur on the left side of the back. It is worth noting that this category of disease is the main cause of such unpleasant sensations. The bottom line is that certain problems, such as reduced immunity or excess weight, can lead to metabolic disorders. As a result, the patient develops thinning of the intervertebral discs and dystrophy. With excessive physical exertion, sudden movement and heavy lifting, the damaged vertebra can shift in any direction, but most often to the left. This leads to pinching, as well as reactive inflammation of the sensory nerve roots located behind. As a result, back pain occurs above the lower back.​ ​ ​ ​ ​

    Causes of low back pain

    ​diseases of internal organs: inflammatory, infectious and oncological. Lesions of nearby organs “radiate” to various parts of the back.​

    ​for correct diagnosis of the disease.​ ​Treatment of back pain with folk remedies​​When the back hurts on the right above the lower back (or on the left), it is important to eliminate the pathological process (inflammation, any degenerative process).​

    ​problems with the esophagus;​

    • ​Possible causes of discomfort in the back are diseases of the internal organs. If the pain is localized on the right, this may indicate diseases of the right kidney, ureter, appendicitis and other organs. And if discomfort occurs on the left, this implies the same number of inflammatory processes and diseases (except appendicitis), but located on the other side: the left kidney, the left ovary, etc.
    • ​tumors;​
    • ​As for general recommendations for the treatment of back pain on the left side, there are simply none. At the moment, there are a huge number of drugs developed by modern pharmacological enterprises that can relieve discomfort for a certain time. However, analgesics cannot always solve the problem. After all, these drugs only eliminate pain, but do not eliminate the cause of its occurrence. In addition, doctors do not recommend pain relief before the examination, as this only distorts the clinical picture and does not make it possible to quickly and correctly make a diagnosis. Back treatment should be carried out in accordance with the underlying disease that caused the discomfort.​
    • With scoliosis, exactly the same picture is observed. The cause of pain on the left side of the back can be osteochondrosis and, of course, constantly maintained crooked posture. If oncology develops on the left side, then over time the tumors grow and begin to destroy not only soft tissue, but also nerves, cartilage and bones. In this case, there is very severe pain in the back on the left, which can only be relieved with narcotic painkillers.​
    • ​may have different, but one should not exclude such a deadly disease as dissecting aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. This condition is accompanied by severe pain in the thoracic and lumbar regions. Rupture of the vessel walls is accompanied by bleeding, which compresses the spinal endings, collapse, loss of sensitivity and paresis.
    • ​occurs, but usually goes away after active movements. In the final stages, strong unpleasant sensations (even unbearable) become permanent.​

    Pain syndromes in the lumbar region

    ​The syndrome is a set of symptoms that, as a rule, are observed in combination with certain diseases. The presence of the syndrome makes it possible to more accurately attribute the lesion to one or another pathological process in differential diagnosis. For example, pain of a vertebrogenic nature makes it possible to exclude diseases of internal organs that are not associated with a disorder of the central nervous system.​

    Vertebrogenic pain syndromes (dorsopathies)

    ​IMPORTANT TO KNOW! A new remedy that restores joints in 99% of subjects. The pain goes away 100%! Read more here-->​

    ​Traditional medicine is ready to offer simple, effective, proven methods for treating lower back pain.​

    ​Getting rid of the cause that caused the pain. This is the main part of the treatment, in which various methods are used from pills and exercise to surgery.​

    Facet pain syndrome

    Pneumonia and pleurisy.

    Lumbar radiculopathy

    ​Approximately 50% of women after the fifth month of pregnancy encountered such a problem as nagging pain in the lower back. This is facilitated by physiological reasons: a strong enlargement of the uterus and a redistribution of body weight, which increases the load on the spinal column. Accordingly, fatigue of the spine occurs, which ultimately leads to unpleasant sensations in the lower back during pregnancy. In the last stage of pregnancy, back pain is accompanied by colic in the lower abdomen (false contractions) - this portends an imminent birth.

    Referring pain

    ​diseases of internal organs.​

    ​Many experts do not recommend taking any remedies prepared at home based on herbal raw materials on your own, as this can affect the patient’s condition and even harm him. The use of such drugs is permitted only after consulting a doctor and only in combination with pharmaceuticals.​

    • Large muscles are located in the human lower back. Due to the influence of unfavorable factors, for example, increasing physical stress or hypothermia, an inflammatory process begins in these soft tissues, which is accompanied by pain. Unpleasant sensations intensify when changing body position, coughing or breathing. Such symptoms indicate the presence of such an unpleasant phenomenon as lumbar myositis.​
    • ​Lumbar pain can also be caused by cancer of nearby organs and metastases in the spine. A natural condition such as pregnancy is often accompanied by a pulling sensation in the lower back due to increased stress on the spine. The appearance of acute, ongoing pain in this area, as a rule, accompanies labor pains.
    • Inflammatory diseases of the joints arise due to a decrease in local and general immunity based on their weakening as a result of degenerative processes or injuries. Some part or the entire joint becomes inflamed. Depending on the affected area, the pain can vary in nature, but is accompanied by redness. It intensifies as the negative process increases, and disappears after its signs disappear.​
    • Dorsopathy occupies a leading position in the list of characteristic syndromes of back problems. It is characterized by painful sensations in the torso and limbs, observed with functional blocking of the intervertebral joints.​

    Diseases and injuries of the spine

    ​Even professionals cannot always immediately determine what caused pain in the lumbar region: causes​

    Lesions of the osteochondral part of the joints

    A compress with mustard has a good therapeutic effect, for which you should dilute a full tablespoon of mustard in warm water to the consistency of homemade sour cream. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. Recovery and prevention of relapse of the disease. In case of diseases of the spine, it is important to perform the exercises prescribed by your doctor regularly, eat right and monitor your loads. Night back pain can have causes identical to those listed above. Back pain above the lower back can occur in women during pregnancy. In this case, the focus of the disease and the localization of pain vary. It is difficult to get used to such sensations, since they are very intense.​

    In any case, if a woman suffers from discomfort in the lower part of the body during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor who will help determine the exact causes of the pain.

    ​Let's look at the main causes of nagging pain in the lower back in more detail.​

    Soft tissue damage

    ​If the problem is diseases of the spine, then at home you can do massage and therapeutic exercises. However, these methods of therapy are strictly prohibited during pregnancy, tumors, tuberculosis, heart disease, as well as some skin ailments.​

    ​The left kidney is projected onto the left side of the lower back. It is for this reason that some diseases of this organ cause back pain. The sensations can be of a completely different nature: aching, dull, sudden, sharp. The pain syndrome is very similar to what occurs with certain diseases of the spine. Therefore, it is very easy to confuse them without special studies to correctly diagnose the disease. It is worth noting that kidney diseases have a distinctive feature - Pasternatsky's symptom. With a slight tingling in the area of ​​this internal organ, the pain in the back on the left above the lower back intensifies. However, without laboratory analysis, this sign does not prove anything.​

    Spinal cord lesion

    ​Medicine is also aware of psychosomatic pain in the lumbar region, which occurs during or after severe stress (depression, neurosis). Due to suppressed emotions, spasm of the paravertebral muscles may occur, accompanied by pain.​

    Diseases of internal organs and blood vessels

    ​Infectious diseases of the spine or pelvic bones that cause lower back pain are similar in course to inflammatory diseases, but are of bacterial origin. The pain develops slowly, then it intensifies and does not disappear even at rest. Such diseases include osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, distitis, abscesses and paravertebral infections.​

    Diseases of the pelvic organs

    As a result, secondary muscular-tonic syndrome of reflex origin develops.

    Kidney and urinary tract diseases

    ​ Apply mustard to the lumbar region, cover with parchment paper, and wrap warmly for 5 minutes. Then you should wash everything off and cover the skin with any vegetable oil. Mustard can be replaced with sour yeast dough. First cover the lumbar area with a layer of gauze. We spread the warm dough in a layer at least 2 cm thick, after which we should cover ourselves warmly. The procedure should be repeated daily.​ ​Lower back pain due to gynecological diseases​

    ​If for back pain above the lower back the pain can be described as burning or cutting, depending on the position of the body and movement, then in most cases the cause is problems with the spinal column and/or the muscles that are adjacent to it.​

    Gastrointestinal and liver diseases

    ​th. In addition to the physiological reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant pulling sensations in the back during pregnancy, there may be other reasons, such as:

    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

    ​Nagging pain in the waist area, which radiates to the arms or legs, can signal damage to the spine. At the very beginning, unpleasant sensations can only manifest themselves under increased loads or too active body movements. But if the spine is not treated in time, the pain can become permanent, covering the entire lumbar region. In order for the treatment to give a positive result, the problem should be approached individually. After all, each case of lower back pain on the left side has its own characteristics. Therefore, if you have unpleasant sensations in the back, you should first contact a medical facility for help. Myocardial infarction and angina pectoris are often accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the sternum. However, if the posterior parts of the organ are damaged, the nature of the pain can change significantly. In this case, the patient may develop a fear of death. Back pain occurs under the shoulder blades. Echoes of unpleasant sensations can radiate to the lower jaw, lower back and left arm. The pain can become so severe that it can only be relieved with narcotic painkillers. You can resort to such symptomatic therapy only within the walls of a medical institution.​

    Other causes of lower back pain

    ​Lower back pain - treatment: causes that are inflammatory in nature respond to timely and adequate treatment quite well. Degenerative, neoplastic and vascular diseases have a less favorable prognosis and often require surgical intervention. However, the basic rule also applies here:

    ​Damage to the musculo-ligamentous system as a result of overexertion or injury to the lumbosacral region is a common cause of lower back pain. This pathology is characterized by stiffness and painful mobility.​

    ​Vertebrogenic pain can occur in a variety of diseases of the spine, but the most common are degenerative-dystrophic pathologies: osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis.​​and the source is most often established as a result of hardware diagnostic methods (ultrasound, MRI, radiography) and tests. The occurrence of such a symptom is in the area of ​​interest of the following doctors: neurologist, vertebrologist, gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist and specialists in related fields.​

    • problems with the spine;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestines and liver;
    • pathologies of the urinary system;
    • connective tissue injuries.

    Non-pathological reasons that have nothing to do with diseases are:

    • being overweight;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • lack of sports;
    • wearing clothes that are tight around the waist.

    It is extremely difficult to determine on your own what exactly caused the pain, since there are many reasons.

    However, they all have unique symptoms, as well as location. But even this is not enough. Therefore, it is not recommended to start any self-medication without a medical diagnosis.

    Myositis of the lumbar back muscles

    Myositis is inflammatory process of connective muscle tissue, which occurs due to injury, infection with viruses or bacteria, as well as toxins from one’s own body. The development of this pathology is provoked by factors such as:

    Expert opinion

    Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

    Doctor - neurologist, city clinic, Moscow. Education: Russian State Medical University, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

    As for injuries, we are talking about those people whose profession involves constant standing or sitting, in which the back muscles are constantly under tension.

    Muscle hypertonicity, in which the fibers do not relax, leads to microtrauma, which reduces their elasticity and ability to contract.
    Type of pain
    Myositis can manifest itself in two stages: acute and chronic. In the first case, the pain is aching, shooting, and quite intense. Intensifies with any body movements. The chronic stage is characterized by frequent relapses, in which the pain is less pronounced, but manifests itself systematically with hypothermia, infection with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, minor injury or an awkward turn.
    The pain envelops the entire lower back, spreading to the sacral region.
    Making a diagnosis is difficult and complicated by the fact that myositis has similar manifestations to other pathologies, so the diagnosis includes components such as:

    • taking an anamnesis, where the doctor asks the patient about complaints and pain, their frequency and intensity;
    • examination of the diseased area of ​​the back, palpation and assessment of pain (performed by a neurologist and surgeon);
    • general and detailed blood tests (rheumatic tests);
    • X-ray of the lower back (helps to exclude spinal pathologies);
    • soft tissue biopsy for the presence of pathogenic microflora.

    Expert opinion

    Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

    Doctor - neurologist, city clinic of Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg.

    In cases where myositis is accompanied by skin manifestations, consultation with a dermatologist may be required.

    • Fastum gel;
    • Apizartron;
    • Nimid gel;
    • Nicoflex.

    In case of acute pain, the patient is advised to rest in bed, as well as reduce physical activity.

    After 3-5 days of treatment, you can use physiotherapeutic procedures that help accelerate regeneration, as well as reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

    Spinal injuries

    The most common injury that can cause low back pain is injury. You can get it when you fall or hit hard objects. Most often, such injuries accompany athletes, as well as those people whose professions involve mechanical work.
    Type of pain
    The pain is sharp, shooting, hindering movement. A hematoma is visualized at the site of the injury.
    Lumbar area.
    Bruises come in different degrees of severity, at which varying degrees of pain manifest themselves. To eliminate the possibility of damage to bone tissue, radiography is used. The image shows the absence or presence of damage to the spinal column, which affects further treatment.

    Typically, a sign of a bruise is the presence of a hematoma, which is quite enough to make a correct diagnosis, having first interviewed the patient himself about what happened.

    Elimination of pain is carried out locally using ointments and creams that promote the rapid restoration of damaged blood vessels. The most effective are:

    • Indomethacin;
    • Heparin ointment;
    • Troxevasin.

    If in the last century this disease was the prerogative of older people, whose destructive processes were associated with the natural processes of aging, today the pathology increasingly affects the working population aged 30-40 years. There are many reasons for this:

    • sedentary lifestyle, devoid of physical activity;
    • abnormal physical activity;
    • rapid increase in body weight;
    • wearing the wrong shoes.

    Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine in which the cartilaginous intervertebral tissue becomes thinner, resulting in a decrease in the space between the vertebrae themselves.

    As a result, nearby joints put pressure on the intervertebral discs, squeezing them, thereby causing acute pain.
    Type of pain
    The pain is acute. When turning, you can hear a crunch in the lower back. Any movement is accompanied by pain.
    Lumbar and sacral area.

    The presence of osteochondrosis is determined using radiography or MRI. The image visualizes the condition of the bone tissue of the vertebrae, as well as their location relative to each other.

    Therapy for osteochondrosis can last quite a long time, and to achieve maximum results, complexity is important. therapy involves the use of analgesics and drugs. To relieve extreme pain, it is used when the analgesic is injected directly into the intervertebral space. Creams are also used to help relieve pain, swelling and inflammation of soft tissues, which increases with deformation of the vertebrae relative to the spinal skeleton.

    Physiotherapy is highly effective in relieving inflammation.

    The most successful procedures are:

    • electrophoresis with;
    • UHF;
    • phonophoresis;
    • shock wave therapy;
    • laser therapy.

    To support the spine, special corsets are used to help reduce compression.

    After acute pain has been relieved, the rehabilitation process can include:

    1. – helps reduce muscle tone and also stimulates blood flow to the damaged area of ​​the lower back.
    2. – helps develop the spine in the lumbar region, reducing degenerative processes.
    3. in the pool – strengthens muscle tone.
    4. Manual therapy.

    Ankylosing spondylitis
    affects the spine by the presence of an extensive inflammatory process that provokes bone tissue degeneration. This disease is chronic and cannot be completely eliminated. The causes of the occurrence are not fully understood, but it has been established that the prerequisites may include factors such as:

    • bad heredity;
    • pathologically reduced immunity;
    • the presence of pathogenic microflora in the body.

    Most often, the disease affects the male body, but the most severe course of the disease manifests itself in women.

    Type of pain
    The pain is sharp, aching. It occurs after a long rest, and can also occur after gymnastics or any physical exercise (which is a distinctive feature).
    The epicenter of pain is in the sacrum, after which the discomfort spreads to the lower back and iliac region.
    Primary diagnosis involves interviewing the patient, as well as examining the painful area of ​​the lower back with further palpation. There are a number of techniques that help identify this pathology using special tests for spinal mobility and chest volume.

    Hardware examination involves the use of radiography, which displays bone tissue pathologies and vertebral deformation.

    You will also need tests such as:

    • general and biochemical blood test;
    • gene typing;
    • Analysis of urine;
    • blood examination for rheumatic factor.

    In the case of an advanced stage of pathology or an extensive inflammatory process, an MRI may be required, which will allow the extent of the disease to be assessed as accurately as possible and to suggest the further course of the pathology.
    In fact, it is impossible to stop the process of destruction caused by inflammation. However, drug therapy can significantly slow it down. The most effective complex drugs are:

    • Cyclophosphamide – suppresses the immune system;
    • Prednisolone is a hormonal drug that suppresses pain, swelling and inflammation;
    • – relieves discomfort directly at the site of pain.
    • – has an antibacterial effect.
    • Skutamil - necessary for muscle relaxation.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures are highly effective in the treatment of this pathology:

    • ultrasound;
    • shock wave therapy;
    • white clay compresses;
    • paraffin therapy;
    • inductothermy;
    • hydrogen sulfide baths.

    Moderate pain in the middle of the cycle, as well as a few days before the start of menstruation are the norm and do not require treatment. This natural process, which helps control a woman’s fertility, may be accompanied by similar manifestations, which is not a pathology.

    Only paroxysmal and constantly recurring pain requires attention, which may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or any other pathology of the reproductive organs.

    Type of pain
    Aching, pulling, short-term. The pain can go away on its own.
    Lower abdomen and lower back.
    Any woman can determine the approach of menstruation, and lower back pain is one of the harbingers.
    For annoying pain that prevents you from working, it is recommended to take any painkiller or antispasmodic tablet.

    If there is no result, medical advice is needed.

    Diseases of the urinary system

    Nagging pain in the lower back can occur with the following diseases of the urinary system:

    1. Cystitis – accompanied by painful and frequent urination.
    2. Glomerulonephritis - can provoke renal colic.
    3. Pyelonephritis – complemented by an increase in body temperature.
    4. Urolithiasis is an increase in the level of salts in the urine.

    Type of pain
    Monotonous, aching, pulling.
    Lumbar area.
    To identify pathologies of the urinary system, use:

    • urine analysis for sterility and the presence of salts;
    • blood analysis;
    • Ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic organs.

    To relieve acute pain, vasodilators are used. Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, as well as pathologies of their development and functioning, can cause discomfort in the lower back, which is explained by the close location of the ovaries and uterus. The most common diseases that can manifest themselves this way are:

    • adnexitis;
    • chlamydia;
    • inflammation of the ovaries;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • difficult patency of the fallopian tubes;
    • fibroids and other neoplasms in the uterus.

    Type of pain
    Pulling, aching, .
    Lower abdomen and lower back.
    To identify pathologies, the woman is examined on a chair, after which smears are taken for microflora. For a more detailed study or suspicion, ultrasound of the genital organs is used. The complex of mandatory studies also includes urine and blood tests.

    Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is made.

    The inflammatory process is eliminated with the help of antibacterial and antimycotic drugs used orally and also intravaginally. In some cases, physiotherapy is prescribed in the form of heating, magnetic currents and dry heat.

    Diseases of the digestive system

    Unpleasant sensations in the lower back can be caused by disorders of the digestive tract, which include:

    • inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • gastritis and ulcers;
    • liver pathologies (cholelithiasis);
    • neoplasms (polyps) in the intestines.

    Additional symptoms include nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, sudden weight loss, cramping and paroxysmal abdominal pain.

    Type of pain
    Aching, pulling, spastic.
    Abdominal area and lower back.
    In addition to ultrasound of the abdominal organs, gastroscopy may also be required to assess the condition of the digestive system from the inside.
    Lower back pain will go away only when its root cause is eliminated.

    Therefore, the patient is given appropriate treatment, after which the unpleasant sensations recede.

    In what case should you see a doctor immediately?

    Painful sensations, especially if they do not have pronounced manifestations, can remain unattended for a long time. But every person should know that the appearance of pain is a sign that various degenerative processes are occurring in the body. You should immediately visit a doctor in the following situations:

    • pain from aching develops into acute, covering the abdominal cavity and back;
    • other symptoms appear;
    • a characteristic crunch is heard when bending the body;
    • body temperature remains high.

    First aid

    In cases where the pain is not severe, is not systematic, and is not associated with life-threatening pathologies, first aid may be as follows:

    1. Rest more, and if your job is sedentary, then take breaks every 2 hours for at least 15-20 minutes.
    2. Perform self-massage by placing your fingers on the sacrum area.
    3. Drink hot tea and then take a bath.
    4. Do simple gymnastics consisting of smooth and slow bends of the torso.
    5. Apply any warming cream to the pain site: Fastum gel, Nimid, .

    Thus, nagging pain in the lower back in women can be caused by the most unpredictable reasons.

    It is not only diseases of the genital organs and spine that cause such pain. In some cases, lower back discomfort may indicate the presence of heart disease. It is not recommended to conduct self-diagnosis or self-medicate. Only a specialist can determine the true cause of lower back pain, as well as select the most appropriate treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

    Nagging pain in the lower back is not a rare phenomenon for women. Many people have experienced this unpleasant symptom at least once, and in some cases it bothers women constantly or periodically. These pain sensations can be of varying intensity, accompanied by other symptoms, or be the only pathological manifestation. Let's consider what diseases and conditions of the body can be suspected in a woman when she pulls her lower back.

    What causes nagging lower back pain in women?

    The reasons why women experience lower back pain are quite varied. Let us highlight the main ones, also considering what the characteristics of pain are in each case, and what other manifestations may be present.

    Myositis of the lumbar back muscles

    Lumbar myositis, most often caused by prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, hypothermia of the lower back, heavy physical exertion and injuries, is characterized by a dull nagging pain, weakness of the muscles of the lower back, and limited mobility. In some cases, swelling and redness of the skin of the lower back is observed.

    Spinal injuries

    If the lower back is pulled and the pain radiates to the legs or arms, this may indicate damage to the spinal column in this area. At the same time, at first the discomfort does not bother you much, appearing only with heavy loads and active movement, and later the pain becomes constant and becomes acute.


    Unilateral nagging pain radiating to the leg, aggravated by sudden movements or changes in body position, may indicate this disease, in which degenerative changes are observed in the intervertebral discs.

    Ankylosing spondylitis

    This is a form in which the vertebral joints are affected. This leads to a significant reduction in mobility and shortening of the spine. The first “bell” of the disease may be nagging pain in the lumbar region, intensifying in the morning.

    Premenstrual syndrome, ovulation

    Many women note that they have tightness in the lower back on the left or right after ovulation (in the middle of the cycle) or a few days before the start of menstruation. Such pain, usually short-term, can also be felt in the lower abdomen, is normal and does not require treatment. They are associated with hormonal changes, the release of the egg from the follicle and some other factors.

    Diseases of the urinary system

    Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney stones and some other diseases associated with the urinary organs are accompanied by pain of a different nature, localized in the lumbar region, including pulling. It may also be noted:

    • pain when urinating;
    • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
    • darkening of urine;
    • presence of blood in the urine;
    • increase in body temperature.

    Gynecological diseases