Why does pain appear after mammoplasty? The rehabilitation period after mammoplasty - doctor’s recommendations and possible negative consequences. Breast pain after mammoplasty.

So, the operation is over, and you can be congratulated on your new beautiful shape. But the hardest part is yet to come. The recovery period proceeds differently for everyone: for some it is easy and without complications, while for others you will have to work hard for everything to “heal” properly.

The first question that every woman asks her doctor is: when does the pain go away after, and only then does she become interested in other nuances of the rehabilitation period. By the way, it can last up to 6-12 months.

Why does everything hurt so much after mammoplasty?

In the first two to three days, the woman suffers from very severe pain. They are caused by muscle damage during surgery, tissue stretching by the implant, and resulting swelling. During this time, you should take painkillers prescribed by your doctor. The pain after mammoplasty finally goes away when the body gets used to the foreign body and the swelling begins to subside, that is, after about 2-3 weeks

Is it possible to avoid long-term pain and complications after mammoplasty?

Of course you can. Those women who strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician recover faster and easier.

  • During the first month, do not make any sudden movements with your body and arms, do not lift them up, do not bend or stretch. Do not pick up a child or things weighing more than 3 kg. The muscles of the chest and arms should not be overstrained.
  • Eliminate salty, smoked and fatty foods, and alcohol from your diet. Poor nutrition leads to fluid retention in the body and reduces the effectiveness of medications.
  • You can perform simple household chores and drive a car already in the second week after mammoplasty, when the pain goes away completely.
  • Wear compression garments constantly, even at night. It helps reduce swelling and maintains the implant in the correct position. Then you can only wear underwear during the day. After about 3 months, your doctor will allow you to wear a regular bra. It should have wide straps, a belt and deep cups. It is recommended to wear such models for a year after surgery.
  • You can return to sports 3-4 months after mammoplasty. Increase the load gradually.
  • Take a shower already 5-6 days after discharge. You should avoid hot baths, saunas, steam baths, swimming pools and beaches for 3-4 months.
  • To make swelling go away faster, sleep on your back and on high pillows. You can lie on your side or stomach only after your doctor's permission.
  • Be sure to self-massage your breasts and apply moisturizing and firming creams to your skin.

Monitor your condition carefully, and let your new breasts only make you happy! If you liked the answer to the question When does pain go away after mammoplasty, but would like to know more, you can do so using the link:

Like any other surgical procedure, mammoplasty (surgery to change the size or shape of the mammary glands) can have complications. One of them is pain after mammoplasty.

Causes of complications

Possible consequences of such a popular plastic surgery among women can be both general surgical and specific complications, one of the manifestations of which may be pain.

General surgical complications include:

  • wound infection;
  • formation of rough scars;
  • formation of hematomas (bruises);
  • change in sensitivity (increase or decrease) in the nipple-areolar zone;
  • temperature increase.

Special complications:

  • capsular fibrous contracture;
  • rupture or displacement of the implant.

Complications can appear not only in the early postoperative period, but also later, several weeks or even months after surgery.

The causes of complications may be:

  • technological factors associated with the characteristics of the implant used;
  • actions of the surgeon who performed the plastic surgery;
  • characteristics of the patient’s body;
  • failure by the client to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Do you always feel pain?

In the first few days, all patients feel pain after this operation in the wound area, but gradually they decrease and completely disappear.

As complications develop, the pain may recur or intensify.

Pain worries many women during the rehabilitation (recovery) period when various complications occur. The average duration of the rehabilitation period is 2 months.

Factors influencing the occurrence of complications

Both the appearance, duration and severity of pain are influenced by many factors:

  • surgical access (in the axillary fold, along the fold under the mammary glands, through the areolar region);
  • implant location level;
  • during the recovery period;
  • compliance by the woman with the recommendations received from the doctor.

Thus, with a breast lift, an operation involving reconstruction of the mammary gland is more traumatic, rather than one involving only excision of the skin.

Greater surgical trauma to tissues, although associated with more prolonged pain, gives a more long-term effect.

The choice of optimal access is determined by the doctor depending on individual characteristics - the shape of the mammary gland, the actual and desired size, the size of the areola, etc.

Localization and nature of pain after mammoplasty

If in the early postoperative period the pain is localized in the wound area, then in a later period its localization may be different depending on the nature of the complication that has developed.

The nature of the pain also varies. According to the patients' descriptions, the pain can be:

  1. burning character;
  2. pricking;
  3. throbbing;
  4. be constant or occur periodically under certain conditions (physical activity, bending the body, etc.).

When a wound becomes infected due to violations of skin care rules in the postoperative period and the formation of an abscess, the pain is pulsating.

Severe pain is characteristic of neuralgia when a nerve is irritated or grows into a scar.

In the chest

Pain in the chest may be associated with the accumulation of blood and lymph in the tissues of the mammary gland (hematoma or seroma).

They can occur if damaged blood and lymph vessels were not sutured during the operation, or if the vessel could burst during physical exertion.

Breast pain after mammoplasty will occur in the case of continued bleeding and an increase in the volume of the hematoma (occurs in 1.1% of mammoplasty cases) or when blood suppurates inside the gland.

The nature of the pain when the hematoma grows will be bursting, and when the hematoma suppurates or an abscess forms after infection of the wound, it will be pulsating.

In the case of a purulent infection (suppuration occurs in 1 to 4% of cases), the following occurs:

  1. temperature increase;
  2. deterioration of the patient's general condition;
  3. manifestations of intoxication syndrome (headache, loss of appetite, weakness).

The cause of pain in the mammary gland after mammoplasty can also be a significant increase in the sensitivity of the nipple-areolar zone (occurs in 14% of cases) as a result of damage or pinched nerves due to an incorrectly selected implant size.

Discomfort and pain occur at the slightest touch to the nipple.

In the ribs

During mammoplasty, the cause of pain in the ribs may be irritation of the intercostal nerves by overstrained pectoral muscles or the large size of the implant.

The pain intensifies when pressing on the painful areas with compression garments.

Since the intercostal muscles are involved in breathing, during respiratory movements of the muscles and ribs the affected nerves are irritated with each inhalation and exhalation. Patients complain of difficulty and pain when breathing.

In back

Usually back pain after mammoplasty in the early postoperative period.

This is explained by the fact that during the operation the branches of the intercostal nerves innervating the pectoral muscles may be damaged. These nerves are closely connected to the spine.

In addition, back pain is associated with a forced position (lying on your back) in the first days after the intervention, a ban on active movements, and the compressive effect of compression garments. Subsequently, these pains disappear.

Video: Postoperative period

How long does the pain last?

Typically, moderate pain after surgery lasts 2-3 days, and this is a normal reaction of the body to surgery.

Within a week, postoperative tissue swelling subsides, and the feeling of discomfort, tension and pain completely disappear. These pains do not cause much concern for women.

But the duration of pain depends not only on the type of operation and its traumatic nature, but also on the patient’s pain sensitivity threshold.

This is why some women complain of pain for several weeks. If the doctor does not find complications during examination, then such pain does not go beyond the norm.

As for the duration of pain in the longer term, the main criterion that substantiates both the severity and duration of pain is the cause of its occurrence.

So, with a hematoma or suppuration, the pain persists until treatment.

In case of neuralgia, due to the growth of a nerve into a scar or compression of a nerve by an incorrectly sized implant, the pain syndrome bothers the woman for a long time and also requires therapeutic measures.

The duration and intensity of pain also depend on the surgical method. With breast augmentation in cases where significant muscle stretching is performed, severe pain is observed for about a week after the operation.

Over time, the muscles relax and the pain subsides. These operations are somewhat better tolerated with axillary access.

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor if any manifestations that cause discomfort and pain occur.

Only a doctor, after an examination, can decide whether the rehabilitation period is proceeding normally, and whether there is a need for additional manipulations and prescriptions.

For example, in case of a hematoma or seroma, the doctor will ensure the outflow of accumulated fluid through the drainage tube and, using endoscopic equipment, will stop the ongoing bleeding.

An increase in temperature may be a manifestation of an inflammatory process (usually above 38*C) or the body’s reaction to surgery.

You should consult a doctor if you have a high fever or if the temperature, although not high, persists for more than 2 weeks after mammoplasty.

Can I take painkillers?

The most intense pain is observed after 6-8 hours. after the operation, when the effect of anesthetics for anesthesia wears off.

Pain is noted at the slightest touch to the chest, during movement. During this period, the doctor prescribes effective painkillers by injection every 6 hours.

After discharge from the hospital (usually one day after the operation), the doctor recommends taking painkillers in tablets (Ketanov, Ketonal).

Photo: Discomfort from stitches

Discomfort in the suture area

As the hematoma grows, the load on the postoperative sutures increases and they become painful, creating the danger of divergence of the wound edges.

The same discomfort in the area of ​​the sutures can also occur with a significant size of the implant. It is recommended to enlarge the breasts by no more than 2 sizes.

Currently, suture material that dissolves on its own is more often used. The doctor removes sutures made with other suture material completely painlessly after 7 days.

A woman who decides to undergo this operation should know:

  • when choosing a plastic surgeon, it is better to be guided not by issues of saving money, but by his professional level and experience in performing such operations;
  • It is better to choose implants from a well-known manufacturer and taking into account the doctor’s recommendations;
  • before surgery, sanitize existing foci of chronic infection;
  • it is advisable to remain under the supervision of medical staff in the hospital for 24 hours after the intervention;
  • strictly follow all recommendations received from the doctor;
  • after mammoplasty, it is necessary to wear special compression garments (elastic T-shirt and bra) around the clock, which will relieve the burden on the breasts and create conditions for faster maturation of scars; The time frame for switching to regular underwear will be determined by your doctor;
  • physical activity should be limited for a month; up to 2 weeks, lift no more than 3 kg;
  • for a month after the operation, maximum rest of the chest should be ensured, even limiting hand movements;
  • Breast massage can be carried out in agreement with the doctor, but not earlier than a month later; the intensity and direction of massage movements will be indicated by a plastic surgeon;
  • provide follow-up examinations with a doctor every week and after 1-3-6 months and every six months after mammoplasty in the future.

Successful mammoplasty is not only a professionally performed work of the surgeon, but also the accurate implementation of all the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations during the rehabilitation period.


Is it possible to have this operation before pregnancy?

It is possible, but after the end of lactation the operation will have to be repeated.

Breast plastic surgery according to any option is effective for a longer period if performed six months after lactation.

When is the final result of cosmetic surgery visible and how long does it last?

The final result of the operation is assessed after about six months.

The duration of the effect depends not only on the type of plastic surgery, but also on the strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.

How to behave after surgery?

In the first days, complete rest is necessary to speed up healing without visible scars.

Sports, significant physical activity, visiting the bathhouse, and sex can be resumed with the doctor’s permission (times vary individually).

Will the marks from the surgery be too noticeable?

This depends on many reasons: the initial condition of the breast, the type of correction and its degree, and the surgical technique. Usually all questions are initially discussed with a plastic surgeon.

Why are antibiotics prescribed?

After surgery, broad-spectrum antibiotics are often prescribed to prevent infectious complications.

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that changes the size or shape of the breast. If it sags, the glandular tissue located below is removed, and the breast itself is fixed in its normal position.

In order to correct the breast, a special prosthesis is inserted.

Indications for the operation:

  • breasts are too small or large;
  • breast asymmetry;
  • prolapse of the mammary glands;
  • breast restoration after removal.

What does it look like

After surgery, at first the breasts will be hard and swollen. Hematomas will be observed in some places. This goes away within three weeks.

Pain and swelling on the left and right breasts may appear differently, which is normal.

Some patients experience a “crackling” or “squelching” sensation around the breast or under the skin during this period.

The reason for this is air entering the chest pocket during surgery and exiting through the fatty tissue. These sensations do not require special treatment and disappear on their own within 10 days.

What problems might you encounter?

Mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that can cause complications.

These include:


Post-operative pain in most patients is mild or moderate and can be easily relieved with painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

The most difficult in this case is the first week, with the pain gradually disappearing.

But in some cases it may appear in later periods.

Chest pain for reasons such as:

  • purulent inflammation;
  • nerve injury;
  • incorrect placement of implants.


After mammoplasty, a burning sensation may appear in the lower part of the breast, indicating hypersensitivity of the skin in this area.

The cause of such unpleasant sensations is injury to the nerves during surgery.

This feeling will go away completely within two years after the operation. For two months after surgery, a tingling or tingling sensation may occur, indicating that sensation has returned.

Swelling and cyanosis

Breast swelling after surgery happens to everyone without exception, and is associated with tissue injury at the time of surgery. During the first two weeks this is the norm.

In the future, it may persist for reasons such as:

  • non-compliance with doctor’s instructions and early refusal of compression garments;
  • physical activity earlier than necessary;
  • thermal procedures.

The cause of tissue swelling in the future may be the accumulation of serous fluid or blood.

This happens if during the operation the blood vessels are damaged and not sutured.

Sometimes swelling and cyanosis occur when a vessel bursts during the rehabilitation process.

There are several reasons for this:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • incorrectly selected implant size.

To eliminate the defect, the accumulated liquid is removed, and then the cause of its appearance is eliminated.

Bruising is not uncommon. They may be located laterally under the mammary gland on the side. This indicates that blood has leaked into the gland tissue.

But it must be remembered that a significant amount of blood in the breast tissue can cause the formation of a capsule, so you should consult your doctor.

Photo: Breast augmentation up to size 3

Firm to the touch

After surgery, the breasts may feel too firm to the touch.

Given that the implant is located under the muscles, they swell and become tense.

It may take one to three months for the breasts to become soft after mammoplasty, depending on the individual.

This defect can also be caused by a dense capsule around the implant.

This is a fairly rare complication, the cause of which is:

  • the pocket for the implant is too tight;
  • implant size is too large;
  • insufficient bleeding control in the absence of drainage;
  • the patient’s body is predisposed to form a dense capsule;
  • poor quality of material for implants.

Occurs when the implant moves in any direction.

Causes of asymmetry:

  • incorrectly selected implant size;
  • anatomical features of the breast;
  • incorrect installation of the endoprosthesis;
  • implant rupture. This can occur if the shell of the prosthesis is too thin or damaged during surgery. Also, implant rupture can occur after injury or due to the fact that the material for making implants is of poor quality;
  • implant displacement. Occurs if the placement of the implant is initially incorrect or the size of the cavity is not appropriate;
  • deflation. The isotonic sodium chloride solution contained within may be depleted due to diffusion through the valve or prosthetic shell
Photo: Asymmetry

Asymmetry can also occur during suppuration.

An abscess appears in such cases as:

  • implant rejection;
  • entry of pathogenic bacteria into the wound;

The process begins with an increase in body temperature and severe pain, which cannot always be relieved by painkillers.

The skin over the area of ​​inflammation becomes red and hot.

In order to get rid of suppuration, drainage tubes are installed and loading doses of antibiotics are prescribed. If this does not give the desired effect, the implant is removed.

Video: Consultation with a surgeon


Even before the operation begins, you need to realize that thin scars cannot disappear without a trace. In order to make them less visible, you need to properly care for your skin after surgery.

It is necessary to minimize the tension of the tissue around the scar.

For this purpose, special silicone stickers and compression garments are used. They are worn until the scars are completely formed.

Do not use creams or ointments for resorption too early. You need to wait until the scar is completely formed.

If there is a predisposition of the body to the formation of keloid scars, then it is better to refuse surgery.

When the chest drops

After breast augmentation, at first the mammary glands occupy a position that is too high and uncharacteristic for them. There is no need to worry about this.

Within two months, the implants will take a natural position under the influence of the gravitational field.

In this case, one side may descend faster than the other. This is also not a reason to worry, since it is a variant of the norm.

Photo: Before and after surgery

How much do breasts hurt after mammoplasty?

If the operation is performed correctly and there are no complications, return to normal activity takes from 7 to 10 days. How long it takes for the pain to disappear depends on individual tolerance.

In most cases, the pain disappears after 5 or 6 days.

But at the same time, pain remains with active movements of the arms or physical activity. It can last for a month.

Is it possible to have a massage and when?

If breast augmentation was performed using smooth or saline implants, light breast massage after mammoplasty can begin as early as the sixth day.

Why is it necessary:

  • space for the implant is preserved. It is placed in a special chest pocket. If the implant is smooth, then the pocket is made larger than its size. As a result of healing, scar tissue forms around it. But sometimes this capsule thickens and begins to compress the implant. This can be prevented with a special light massage;
  • the implant is perceived by the body as a foreign body, therefore, the immune system reacts in a special way and tries to independently limit the material and give as little space as possible, tightening the skin around it. Thanks to the massage, the implant moves and becomes soft to the touch.

Breast massage must be continued for 6 months. At first, it needs to be done at least 5 times a day, then gradually the number of massages decreases.

In this case, the fingers are placed on top of the implant, and it is gently pushed in a circle.

Breast augmentation surgery is traumatic and carries a risk of bleeding or complications.

Therefore, after it has been carried out, in order to guarantee the planned position of the implant it is necessary:

  • wear compression garments for 4 to 6 weeks. During this period, a normal capsule matures around the implant. Also, in this case, the breast is fixed, which helps to avoid fluid accumulation or excessive mobility of the implant;
  • take antibacterial drugs prescribed by your doctor to prevent the development of infection.
Photo: Compression garments

Alarming symptoms requiring consultation with a doctor

It is worth seeking advice from a specialist in the following cases:

  • persistent increase in body temperature and pain in the chest area;
  • change in implant volume;
  • the appearance of repeated swelling;
  • breast deformation;
  • significant difference in swelling and swelling between the left and right breasts;
  • stone-hard breasts, in which one mammary gland is enlarged;
  • redness that extends far beyond the suture;
  • a large amount of discharge from the seam, a change in color or the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

How to care for your breasts

In order to avoid postoperative complications, proper care is necessary:

  • You can take a shower on the fifth or seventh day after surgery, but not earlier;
  • under no circumstances should you rub it with a washcloth or press it;
  • upon returning home from the clinic, the patient needs to rest as much as possible, avoiding arm strain;
  • all housework must be done very carefully;
  • 14 days after the operation, you can gradually return to simple physical exercises for the legs, and give a small load on the arms no less than a month and a half after the operation;
  • one week after surgery, you can return to driving;
  • After surgery, a bandage will be applied to the lower chest to protect the cuts from infection. At first they will bleed. The bandage cannot be removed by yourself; it must be changed by medical personnel. It will be completely removed after 14 days and the postoperative scars will be examined;
  • When using self-absorbing threads, there is no need to remove sutures. The surface of the scar may be covered with a crust, which cannot be removed independently; it must fall off;
  • postoperative scars and scars should not be rubbed with hard towels or subjected to thermal or mechanical stress;
  • The bath can be taken no earlier than 14 days after the operation;
  • after the period of wearing compression underwear has expired, it is necessary to wear bras with wires;
  • You need to sleep only on your back or side;
  • a month after the operation, special creams will need to be applied to the scars to speed up healing and prevent the appearance of scars;

In order for mammoplasty to proceed without complications, it is necessary:

  • carefully choose a doctor who will perform surgery;
  • after the operation, follow all the rules prescribed by the doctor and take antibiotics;
  • for the first time after surgery, wear compression garments that support the breasts;
  • Avoid physical activity at first;
  • choose high-quality implants from well-known manufacturers. First study all the information about their safety.

It is necessary to realize that any operation to change breast size leads to postoperative discomfort. But following all your doctor’s recommendations will help reduce this period to a minimum.

Rehabilitation after breast augmentation using modern plastic methods does not take much time. It begins immediately after the woman returns home. But during this period, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations to avoid complications. Otherwise, it will not be possible to return to normal life soon.

The breast after mammoplasty needs restoration. At first it is hard to the touch, but when the breasts become soft depends on individual characteristics. On average, plastic surgery requires a recovery wait of one to three months. Since the implant is located under the muscles, they swell, become inflamed and tense. To quickly get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, a woman’s life must follow special rules.

How many days it will take to recover after breast augmentation surgery primarily depends on the size of the implant, the technique of their implantation and the quality of the operation. An important role is played by the state of the woman’s immunity and the presence of allergic reactions.

During the entire recovery period, you must follow the doctor’s special recommendations. Rehabilitation after mammoplasty by day looks something like this.

  • The initial stage is considered to be the first day after a breast lift, when you need to stay in bed. In the first days after mammoplasty, in order to reduce the risk of bleeding, doctors recommend applying cold to the breast as often as possible. It reduces swelling and reduces pain.
  • On the third day after surgery, pain intensifies and increased swelling is observed. It is imperative to monitor body temperature and, if necessary, take antipyretics and painkillers. Caring for the bust and postoperative sutures is important. It is recommended to tighten the chest with special elastic bandages and from this period it is necessary to wear compression garments.
  • You can take a shower after mammoplasty from day 5. The seam must be sealed with adhesive tape. Those who wash the seam with water run the risk of infection. You cannot wash your hair yourself, as during this period you cannot raise your hands. When can you raise your arms above your shoulders? The restriction will last approximately until the end of the first month. You can't bathe in the bathroom for 1.5 months. After water procedures, you should dry all the seams thoroughly, you can use a hairdryer. The patient’s review noted: “Washing my hair myself for the first 10 days was problematic; as soon as I raised my hands, acute pain appeared, so I needed help. But from the 10th day I washed my hair myself.”
  • Rehabilitation after mammoplasty in the first week must be carried out with special care. These days there is a high risk of developing infection and bleeding. Women who have undergone breast augmentation surgery may experience swelling and bruising. But they should pass soon. After 7-10 days, stop taking medications. Until this time, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or painkillers may have been prescribed. Exercise is still prohibited.
  • After the 11th day of mammoplasty, the risk of complications is minimal. At this stage, you can begin to perform light gymnastics. Swelling subsides, and minor chest pain may only bother you at night. In a month, when the stitches are removed, you can raise your arms. In this case, the load in the hands should not be more than 1.5 kg.
  • After 1.5 months, the rehabilitation period after mammoplasty is coming to an end. By this time, the swelling will have passed, and pain will occur less frequently. Feeling better. There may be a feeling of numbness in the nipples, but this should go away soon.

The final result after mammoplasty can be judged only after 3-4 months. By this time, the normal life to which the woman is accustomed should gradually return.

If the recovery period passes without complications and severe pain, and the scars heal quickly, then removal of the sutures will be painless. After how many days are sutures removed? The stitches are removed on days 7-10. Breast surgery is performed with internal and external sutures. You should not settle for external sutures that dissolve on their own. This process lasts about two months. During this time, various infections and dirt can stick to the threads, causing inflammation.

From the reviews: “Girlfriend, the recovery was successful. The result is excellent. Definitely, after suffering for several days.”

Prohibited moments

Many women are interested in the question of when can they have sex after breast augmentation surgery. In most cases, doctors do not allow sex after mammoplasty for the first 1.5-2 months.

Why you can’t have sex is primarily due to a lot of physical stress on the body and hormonal changes. If you do not follow the recommendations, complications may arise in the form of implant displacement and suture separation. During sex, you can accidentally injure your breasts and this causes the development of bruises, hematomas. In these situations, it is sometimes necessary to repeat the operation. During excitement, the production of hormones will increase, blood flow to the incision area increases swelling and pain.

Sex after mammoplasty at the permitted time should be careful. During sexual intercourse, a woman should not remove compression garments.

Breast surgery is accompanied by serious changes in the body. Therefore, there are other restrictions after mammoplasty.

Alcohol consumption is prohibited both before the operation and during the entire postoperative period. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited for several reasons:

  • medications prescribed in the first days after surgery can cause adverse reactions (antibiotics and alcohol can lead to serious disorders in the nervous system);
  • the process of recovery and wound healing slows down significantly;
  • after anesthesia, substances contained in alcohol are slowly eliminated from the body, so the risk of poisoning is high;
  • against the background of decreased immunity, alcohol can worsen chronic diseases.

Alcohol after mammoplasty can be consumed in small doses only after two months. In addition to alcohol, carbonated drinks, juices, and milk are prohibited.

You cannot smoke after mammoplasty. In order to prevent complications, it is advisable to give up nicotine at least in the first 20 days of rehabilitation after mammoplasty. Stagnation of blood in the vessels can cause thrombosis or even tissue necrosis. Smoking negatively affects blood circulation and wound healing.

There are also prohibitions on postures during sleep. Your health status will determine when you can sleep on your side after mammoplasty. For the first 2.5 weeks you should not lie on your stomach or side. After this period, you can try sleeping on your side, but only in special underwear to reduce tension on the muscles and prevent the implants from moving. You are allowed to sleep on your stomach after mammoplasty only after a month. Sometimes the doctor won’t allow you to sleep on your stomach for even two months; it all depends on how the scars heal and the general well-being of the patient.

Speeding up recovery with massage

Recovery after mammoplasty is not complete without massage. Breast massage after mammoplasty is prescribed for several reasons:

  • implants take a natural position;
  • prevents fusion of connective tissue around the prosthesis;
  • relieves swelling after mammoplasty faster and reduces pain;
  • helps the muscles of the back and spine quickly relieve tension from increased breast size;
  • sessions increase skin elasticity and firmness;
  • preserves breast sensitivity.

Massages after mammoplasty begin at different times. It all depends on the condition of the stitches and the general health of the woman, but not earlier than after 14 days. In some cases, you cannot massage for the entire first month.

The very first permitted exercise after mammoplasty is to gently move your hands up and down around each breast, repeating five times. After a month, when the stitches have healed, you can use more intense exercises. Compress the chest at the base and stretch it in different directions. Similar movements should be done every day for six months, morning and afternoon.

Only the attending surgeon should prescribe a massage during the rehabilitation period; it is he who shows how to correctly do certain movements. If you can’t do a massage yourself, you can contact a professional massage therapist. After the sessions, the breasts will become soft and take on natural shapes much faster.

Introduction of sports

Women involved in sports should avoid sports and physical activity during the period of scar healing after surgery. If this rule is not followed, complications often develop. Physical activity increases gradually and should not cause pain or discomfort.

Sports after mammoplasty are contraindicated. The load on the muscles increases, the risk that the seams will come apart, the implants will move and there will be breast asymmetry. The most serious complication is the discovery of severe bleeding.

The period when you can play sports after mammoplasty is influenced by the type of sport, surgical technique, size and shape of the prosthesis. In the first 6 months after mammoplasty, strength exercises are prohibited, and running or dancing is not recommended.

2.5 months after breast enlargement, you can gradually continue athletics or light jogging, but only after the surgeon’s permission. For example, if the implant was implanted under a muscle, then any load on the shoulder girdle can be started no earlier than after 1.5 months. Advice: “Do sports only in compression garments, and from the second month in a special sports bra.”

Fitness after mammoplasty can have a positive effect on the progress of rehabilitation. Some exercises can be started as early as 15 days after mammoplasty surgery. Just don’t do a large number of exercises and several approaches at once. The intensity of training should be minimal. As soon as pain or discomfort occurs, it is better to stop exercising. Reviews: “I have been doing fitness since the third week after mammoplasty. Special exercises helped me recover faster, I didn’t feel any pain.”

Mammoplasty is the most common type of surgical intervention. It is performed to correct the size and shape of the mammary glands. The operation is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. If there are contraindications to it, anesthesiologists use local anesthesia. The duration of the intervention is 2 hours. Surgeons often combine breast surgery with other types of correction (breast lift, abdominoplasty, liposuction, lipolysis). There are 2 types of implant fixation: submuscular (under the pectoral muscle) and subglandular (under the mammary gland).

The postoperative period after breast augmentation lasts from 6 weeks to 4 months. The duration of recovery depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman. During the first 6 weeks, the implant takes root and is fixed under the mammary gland or under the pectoral muscle.

Healing of postoperative wounds and a decrease in the intensity of pain with the submuscular technique occurs within 10-12 days, after the subglandular technique - 4 days. If manipulations were performed to reduce the mammary gland, the recovery period will be much longer, since during the operation surgeons expand the surgical approach and affect the gland tissue itself.

Every woman who decides to undergo mammoplasty is warned by the surgeon about the peculiarities during recovery and what not to do after breast augmentation.

Recovery Features:

  • refusal of analgesics: 1-2 days;
  • return to work in 3 days;
  • light pectoral muscle training: 2-3 weeks;
  • restrictions on physical activity are lifted after 5-6 weeks;
  • appearance of scars after 12 months.

To avoid a complicated course of the postoperative period, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

The main requirements for rehabilitation after breast augmentation are:

  • constant wearing of compression underwear for six months, by the 7th month the underwear must be worn at night;
  • water procedures are allowed for 3-5 days after surgery, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees;
  • treatment of seams after a shower, use of special plasters;
  • limit physical activity (bending sideways and forward is prohibited), intimacy, avoid contact with infectious patients during the first month of rehabilitation after breast surgery.
  • sleep on your back;
  • protect your breasts from exposure to ultraviolet radiation for the first 4 months;
  • avoid stress;
  • Adhere to a balanced diet to boost your immune system.

Clinical manifestations and measures in the first weeks of the recovery period

Many women are interested in how rehabilitation proceeds day by day. After mammoplasty is completed, the breast is bandaged with an elastic bandage.

The patient is transferred to the ward. On the first day after surgery, swelling of the mammary gland, pain and discomfort, numbness of the chest, and bleeding from the sutures increase. To prevent swelling and stimulate the formation of blood clots in the suture area, ice should be applied. The ice container should be wrapped in a towel.

From 2 to 6 days after surgery

The elastic bandage is removed during the first doctor's examination and dressing. If there are no changes in the seams, then they are processed and sealed with adhesive tape. The nurse helps the woman put on a compression bandage, which should be worn until the end of the recovery period.

The feeling of tightness in the chest is explained by an increase in the volume of the mammary gland (the skin has not had time to adapt to the sudden changes). On the 2-4th day of recovery, with normal healing at the incision sites and good health, the woman is discharged with subsequent observation in the clinic.

In the first 4 days of the rehabilitation period after breast augmentation, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s body temperature, which helps to timely diagnose the start of the inflammatory reaction and the addition of bacterial flora. On the 4th day you can take a shower. It is forbidden to wash your hair yourself; it is better to ask for help. It is necessary to treat the seams daily, including after a shower. Doctors recommend walking more to compensate for the limitation in other movements.

When an implant is inserted under the pectoral muscle, clinical manifestations will differ from day to day during rehabilitation. Sometimes the pectoral muscles can react to the insertion of a foreign body with a spasm, which leads to its upward displacement. It can take up to 8-12 weeks for the implant to go down, lengthening the recovery period. The total duration of rehabilitation when an implant is inserted under the pectoral muscle is up to 4 months or more.

From 7-20 days of rehabilitation

On the 7-10th day of recovery after breast augmentation, the risk of infection of postoperative wounds and bleeding remains. The patient should limit movements that lead to contraction of the pectoral muscle (brushing teeth, lifting heavy objects from a standing position, combing hair). You should not take aspirin, fish oil and other drugs that reduce blood clots. To relieve pain during rehabilitation after breast surgery, the surgeon often prescribes breast massage.

Doctors advise sleeping on your back in a semi-lying position to reduce swelling, pain intensity, and the likelihood of implant displacement. Sleeping on your stomach is prohibited. You should not start driving a car, as turning the steering wheel requires effort, and the pressure of the seat belt causes pain in many women. After mammoplasty, you can return to driving after 3 weeks of the postoperative period.

From 10-20 days, the risk of bacterial flora attaching decreases, bleeding becomes less frequent. Swelling and tenderness of the mammary gland decreases. The pain appears only at night. Nerve sensitivity returns, which is manifested by tingling in the areola area. A woman is allowed light physical activity aimed at training the lower body.

Recovery in the first few months

During 4-6 weeks of rehabilitation after breast augmentation, pain and swelling decrease. The patient experiences hypersensitivity to touch and numbness in the chest. These reactions go away over time, but may become permanent. During the first menstruation, pain appears in the breast area. In this case, the plastic surgeon prescribes analgesics to relieve pain. After 9 months of rehabilitation, the stitches heal completely, the scars soften, and swelling goes away. The mammary gland becomes softer.

The shape of the breast may change depending on hormonal levels, pregnancy, and weight changes. All plastic surgeons warn about this before performing mammoplasty. In the first year, you should not sunbathe in the sun, as the seams may weaken under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. High temperature leads to inflammatory changes in the gland tissue.

Sports after breast surgery

Most patients are interested in how long it will take to exercise. During the normal course of the recovery period, training in the gym can begin after 4 weeks, after consulting with your doctor. Sports activities begin with small loads, gradually increasing them.

Complications after mammoplasty

Complicated course of the postoperative period can occur if the recommendations of the plastic surgeon are violated, as well as due to the physiological characteristics of the woman’s body. The main complications include: swelling, pain, scars, capsular contracture.

Severe swelling

Swelling is considered a normal manifestation after surgery. A deviation from this conventional norm is severe swelling that does not subside for a long time. The following will help eliminate these manifestations: limiting salt intake, regular walking, and increasing the amount of fluid you drink. It's better to drink water. You should limit your consumption of coffee and tea; they cause extreme thirst as they have a diuretic effect. Excess salt contributes to water retention in the body.

Pain syndrome

Pain is a common symptom during rehabilitation after mammoplasty. The pain threshold for all women is different. In women who have given birth, it is higher, so they rate the intensity of the pain syndrome as average. In patients who do not have children, the pain threshold is low, the pain is much stronger. In this case, the plastic surgeon prescribes painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol, Tylenol) every 4-6 hours. Analgesics are indicated 1-2 days after surgery.

Visualization and inflammation of scars

When performing mammoplasty, the surgeon makes incisions in the area of ​​the areola and the natural fold under the breast. Subsequently, scars form. To reduce their visualization, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations and promptly report the inflammatory process at the site of the sutures. Sometimes scars can become swollen and inflamed. Hyperemia (redness) persists for 3 months. After 6-7 months of the rehabilitation period, the scars become white and become less noticeable.

Contracture of the implant capsule

During recovery after mammoplasty, a capsule of fatty tissue is formed. With contracture, uniform compression of the implant occurs. The breast becomes hard. This complication is treated surgically. Recurrent contracture of the capsule rarely develops.

Pharmacological drugs and bandage refusal

To improve the general condition after surgery, a woman can use medications. In order for the rehabilitation period to go well and quickly, you need to consult a doctor about choosing a bra.

Drug therapy

The rehabilitation period after breast augmentation will require the use of pharmacological agents to alleviate its course. The plastic surgeon will prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy to prevent infection. If necessary, you can use anti-inflammatory hormonal ointments and creams.

At the beginning of the recovery period, you will need painkillers in tablet form, as well as creams. When scars form, the doctor will prescribe an ointment that speeds up their healing. An example of such a drug is Contractubex. When used, the scars will become less noticeable.

Switching to regular underwear

During rehabilitation after breast enlargement, a woman can switch to a regular bra only on the recommendation of her doctor. Early refusal of a bandage and corrective underwear leads to complications in the form of contractures of the implant capsule and its upward displacement. Doctors recommend wearing special bandages for about 7 months.

Linen requirements:

  • cups follow the shape of the breasts;
  • the bones do not squeeze or rub;
  • natural hypoallergenic fabric material;
  • the straps are thick;
  • no tight seams.

Compliance with these simple requirements will help you complete your recovery after surgery safely.


Rehabilitation after mammoplasty occurs without complications if all recommendations of the plastic surgeon are followed. If there is the slightest change in the body (suppuration of sutures, fever, severe chest pain), immediately notify the doctor. To avoid a complicated course of the recovery period, you should not remove compression garments early, drive a car or rush into sports. Walking in the fresh air and a balanced diet will help your body. A successful outcome of rehabilitation depends not only on the doctor, but also on the positive attitude of the woman herself.