Acute pyelonephritis treatment at home antibiotics. Effective treatment of pyelonephritis at home. Signs of kidney inflammation

Renal failure is a very cunning and dangerous disease. Follow your health is needed with all thoroughness. And yet no one is insured against the defeat by pathologies. What if she climbed such a disease, as pyelonephritis? Is it possible to cure chronic pyelonephritis of the kidneys at home? And if so, how? All necessary information on the treatment of this pathology is collected in this article.

Pyelonephritis got its name from the area, which is amazed by bacteria during illness - Pelitis. Parenhims, as well as the cups inside the kidneys, suffer from illness. The structure of the organ in both sexes is noticeably different, and for this reason, the pyelonephritis in women meets up to 6 times more often than in men. As a causative agent of pathology, they are:

  • intestinal and sinic sticks;
  • staphylococci and enterococci.

The long-term form of the disease is seriously transferred by the kidneys and ultimately can reduce them to such an extent that they will cease to function. With bilateral defeat, renal failure can be developed forever. For this reason, measures should take timely. About how to treat pyelonephritis kidneys, is described in this article.

What to treat pyelonephritis? In men and women, treatment proceeds completely identical. It is necessary to use a sufficient amount of properly selected antibiotics in associate with antifungal drugs. With certain types of pathology, more precisely, stages and related complications, it is necessary to adhere to some diet.

If hydronephrosis (fluid filtration delay) did not have time to develop, the standard form of treatment will fit:

  • antibiotics or antiviral drugs;
  • large amount of liquid;
  • diet, excluding onions, coffee, flour, tomatoes. Food 4-5 times a day;
  • stay warm, ideally bedding.

But if hydronephrosis has yet managed to begin, you will have to select an individual treatment program that will also have to eliminate the problem with the flow of fluid through the kidneys.

Features of the male and female body structure

Acute and chronic forms of the disease

The acute form of the disease occurs with a temperature of about 39s, pain in the lower back area, as well as unpleasant sensations during urination. These symptoms are enough for the attending physician to determine the aggravation by pricking. In clinical conditions, the test occurs in the urine - in one drop of the affected liquid is up to 100 thousand microbes.

Chronic form arises against the background of a not cured sharp stage.

If the microbes were able to penetrate both kidneys, and we are talking about the treatment of the house quickly, then with a huge probability it can be assumed that the patient will take the disease again. For complete recovery, it is necessary to cure pyelonephritis with medicines, pass a comprehensive procedure that includes diet and a certain lifestyle. Medicines and drugs should be chosen according to the type of pathogen, which will be determined in clinical conditions.

How to treat pyelonephritis folk remedies?

Do not rely on the fact that treatment by folk methods will be able to replace full-fledged therapy. Moreover, some products and techniques used in folk medicine are able to have a negative impact on both acute and chronic pathology. And Ignoring the treatment of infection only aggravates the position. Do not conduct experiences over your own organism. It is fraught with real loss of kidneys.

Folk remedies will help to get rid of painful pain

It is necessary to strive to restore normal blood pressure, its healthy circulation. To begin with, it is necessary to analyze the coagulation, measure pressure and establish normal values \u200b\u200bfor yourself. After that, you can proceed to the reception of the following products and means:

  • persimma - stabilizes blood pressure. In the season, enough reception is 1-2 fruits per day;
  • collection of chamomile and mint - has an antiseptic and soothing effect;
  • vitamin complexes are necessary when consuming a large amount of fluid, since with water, the substance necessary for the body is washed;
  • butter and propolis - a melted mixture of two of these products has a beneficial effect on the state of the kidneys, eliminates bacteria, and at the same time does not strain organs;
  • a decoction of the kidneys of birch, pines and cornflowers will prevent the development of inflammatory processes;
  • the tablespoon of flax seed, a little ground and a glass of boiling water, contributes to the withdrawal of toxins and bacteria from the body.

If the patient begins to observe a sharp deterioration in his own condition or the lack of improvements, then he should contact professional doctors and take timely diagnosis.


The stages of the development of hydronephrosis are determined by the launch of pathology (3 stages) and depend on the severity of parenchyma atrophy (4 stages). At the first stages, the disease is not so pronounced and does not carry serious danger to the body. But the likelihood is great that pathology will go into a chronic state and will lead to full kidney atrophy.

Hydronephrosis arises not only against the background of pyelonephritis - any disease of these bodies may contribute to the development of pathology. In turn, under hydronephrosis, a standard treatment cannot be applied and follow the general recommendations. The doctor after the ultrasound must determine the state of the kidneys, and only then prescribe drugs and determine the form of a diet. Inpatient treatment and hospitalization may be required.

After the development of the 2nd stage of hydronephrosis, the use of conservative treatment begins, during which it is necessary to ensure stimulation of urine outflow. In the 3rd and 4th stages, surgical intervention is necessary, otherwise the necrosis of tissues and the kidney will have to be removed.

Pyelonephritis treatment in women

Statistics show that women suffer from this ailment 5 times more often than men. Interesting and the fact that diseases are subject to women of reproductive age, leading active sex life.

This can also be explained by the peculiarities of the physiological structure of the external genital organs. In women, all channels are located nearby, which can lead to infection, because the main causative agent is an intestinal wand. Therefore, women should relate to intimate hygiene with extreme caution and attention. A special threat to pyelonephritis carries for women who carry children or suffering from renal failure.

Treatment proceeds against the background of taking the impact dose of antibiotics. The following antibiotics are the main drugs in the fight against pyelonephritis:

  • Ciprofloxacin - a 7-day course of treatment with this drug gives the best result compared with the means from the fluorochinol group. If you compare them according to the degree of effectiveness, both of these drugs are very strong and help to cure in 97% of cases. The weekly course is enough for complete recovery, but Fluorochinol has one significant drawback - it acts extremely aggressively on the microflora of the body. Against the background of taking drugs from this group, candidiasis occurs, and it can manifest itself in the most unexpected places - larynx or gland. During treatment with such drugs it is necessary to take antimicotic drugs, for example, fluconazole, which, by the way, is extremely toxic and has a negative impact on the liver;
  • Ceftriaxone is a wide spectrum antibiotic, requiring the simultaneous use of antifungal agents. Introduced intramuscularly into the buttock. Doctors recommend putting injections as deeper into the muscle as possible, since the drug has a greater influence with this method of administration. The course should not exceed 5 days, it is allowed to use injections twice a day every 12 hours. To breed one ampoule of ceftriaxone is necessary in 4 ml of 2% lidocaine or novocaine. In the first and last day of injections, it is necessary to take on one tablet of fluconazole or flukostat.

How much to treat acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy?

Provided that active therapy is excluded during pregnancy, it is likely to be needed hospitalization. The duration of treatment depends on the period on which the future mother began to suffer from the disease. In the later dates, you may have to leave the girlfriend to save. In the first trimester, doctors will have to determine the optimal recovery methodology without the use of drugs dangerous to the fetus.

Timely examinations from the doctor will help diagnose the disease in the early stages and appoint the most secure treatment.

When pyelonephritis, as already mentioned above, inflammation of the internal organs is observed. On this basis, the difficulty of passing liquids is formed, the kidneys do not cope with their tasks, it is formed stagnation, the microbes begin even more active activities. Many doctors do not take into account this fact and simply recommend everyone without parsing to take a large amount of water.

A warning! Do not start taking a large amount of liquid until a normal passage is provided. Otherwise, an overflow of the bubble may arise, which will only aggravate the situation.

Among all drugs available for pregnant women, "Monulela" or "Amoxiclav" received the most popular. The method of use and doses are strictly determined by the doctor who observes the picture of the disease. To start receiving yourself without the recommendation of the doctor and without the installed application scheme is strictly prohibited. This can lead to a violation of the development of the fetus. Refusal of timely treatment is dangerous to a greater extent - bacteria and decay products can lead to the problems of the development of the baby in the womb.

Some people believe that drugs allowed for receiving to 1 year can be taken during pregnancy. This is a dangerous error that can lead to tragic consequences.

Treatment of pyelonephritis in children

To cure pyelonephritis at home in children, when using tablets, it is possible only in stationary conditions. The disease behaves unpredictable, and the child, weakly controlling his own feelings, can miss a critical moment. Hospitalization is necessary when the first symptoms of this pathology are manifested. Doctors need to constantly carry out urine fence to check the number of leukocytes and other indicators. At home, treatment can flow into a chronic shape from acute. For children, it is dangerous mainly for one reason - abnormalities during development can leave a trace for life. Dystrophy tissues and scarring kidney in childhood can lead to the abandonment of organs in the future.

It is necessary to be attentive to the state of children and not engage in self-medication

Failure to comply with the diet, the absence of necessary medicines, regimes and inspections can lead to tragic consequences. Hospitalization at acute stage proceeds, as a rule, forces for 7-14 days. After the deposit of the kid, it is necessary to observe the bed mode for some time, stick to the diet and pass the inspections from the doctor.

Cure both chronic and sharp pyelonephritis completely, fortunately, you can. And so that it will not be tormented by remission nor minor manifestations of the disease. But the course of treatment can deliver a lot of discomfort, a person will have to shine some period of his life only to this process, perhaps even go to the hospital. Rightly cured kidney preparations will function as if they did not tolerate diseases.

It was all the necessary information on pyelonephritis. Using this knowledge, the reader will be able to protect himself and close to the body from serious danger.

The disease in which the inflammatory process applies to the renal parenchyma and the cup-laughter, and also affects the interstitial tissue of the kidneys. Pyelonephritis is a very common disease, the mechanism of development of which can be launched after the next time the respiratory viral disease.

Pyelonephritis is provoked by penetration of pathogenic microflora in the kidney from both the external environment and from its other concentrations in the body. It has been proven that for the development of an inflammatory response in the kidney, along with the presence of pathogenic microbes, a violation of urine outflows on a ureter should be disturbed. In the process, an increase in intra-catering pressure occurs, and this causes venous full-range kidneys, a disturbance of capillary blood flow and the development of tissue hypoxia. The main way of infection of the kidney is marked by hematogenous, but urinogenic, for example, as the result of bubble-ureter reflux is common. At a high frequency of the propagation of infection precisely hematogenically, it is noted that a particularly virulent infection, localized in the kidney, is able to initiate inflammation and in normal urodynamics.

Pyelonephritis exposure among the female part of the population is estimated above - still girls doctors diagnose pyelonephritis as a complication of so common cystitis, balanopostitis or vulvovaginite. With the approach of elderly and senile age, the risk of sick with pyelonephritis increases in men, due to the relationship of the disease with benign hyperplasia and prostate cancer, bladder cancer and other "age" diseases that violate urodynamics. According to statistics, pyelonephritis is diagnosed with every tenth person who did not suffer to renal diseases, but the disease belongs to difficult to diagnose in practice, since its symptoms differ in purse.

Causes of pyelonephritis are a combination of pathogenic microflora in the body and the development of any urological disease, leading to a violation of urine outflow. The pathogenic microflora is present in this case, either increased in the amount of conditionally pathogenic, for example, intestinal and parapisal sticks, as well as invarious pathogenic bacteria - protics groups, staphylococcus, enterococcus, etc. Normal urine outflow in its primary source has the squeezing of ureters or from outside, or from the inside, which is possible in the presence of tumors, urinary stones, scar changes in the ureter and the urethra. The risk factor among everything else is the unprofessional or poor-quality conducting instrumental, diagnostic and medical procedures, which is due to or squeezed by urinary tract.

Pyelonephritis is a disease characterized by extensive qualifications. In clinical practice, primary and secondary pyelonephritis are allocated:

  • primary pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney outlines with any violations of urinary clutter; It is called uncomplicated
  • the secondary pyelonephritis is also complicated, since inflammation in this case is developing due to microbial infection, accompanied by a violation of urine outflow from the kidneys.

Pyelonephritis, among other things, is divided into acute and chronic, as well as one-way and bilateral, that is, spreading over one or two kidneys. Acute pyelonephritis happens with the participation of pathogenic microflora, and without it, that is, it also happens primary and secondary. Chronic pyelonephritis can be as a consequence of acute primary, and develop exclusively from the secondary. The exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis usually contributes to cooling and changing climatic living conditions, elevated physical and even mental loads and violation of urodynamics. Acute and chronic pyelonephritis include several varieties or stages.

Acute pyelonephritis

Chronic pyelonephritis

Serous - Development of leukocyte infiltrates in the course of blood vessels of intermediate tissue of the curse brain layer

Phase of active inflammation


Apostleatous - with the formation of urnets on the kidney

Phase of latent inflammation

Education of the carbuncoon, that is, the development of the jolly infarction of kidney tissues

Education abscess


Phase remission

Pyelonephritis is accompanied by very wide, but at the same time not a completely specific clinical picture, which is more correct to consider separately for the acute and chronic forms. Symptomatics is also determined by the pathogenesis and the nature of the course of the disease, the severity of morphological changes in the kidney, the age of the patient and the characteristic of the protective forces of its body.

Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis:

  • the interstitial serous pyelonephritis - the kidney is full, but is tense and increased in size, but the destruction of the renal tissue is not yet evolving;
  • purulent pyelonephritis - changes that happened at the serous pyelonephritis stage, rapidly (up to 1-2 days) are complemented by destruction of renal tissue;
  • intensive pain in the lumbar region is developing - it is manifested even with a slight pressure in the rib-vertebral corner and in the lower back;
  • the body temperature increases - up to 39-40 ° C, which is often accompanied by the chills, and it is replaced by an abundant sweating;
  • the signs of intoxication are joined - headache, general weakness, feeling of thirst, lack of appetite, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting;
  • abundant sweating is reflected in the amount of urine produced, which decreases;
  • the urine itself becomes muddy because of the abundance of leukocytes and bacteria; It may differ transparency if the ureter is blocked by pathological impurities;
  • palpation indicates the rigidity of the muscles of the lumbar region on the side of the disease, an increased and painful kidney can be tested;
  • the formation of guncrows, that is, the flow of serous pyelonephritis in purulent, is accompanied by a decrease in pain, but to an increase in body temperature and sweating with a further resistant subperilitet;
  • sometimes patients with kidney abscess are forced to take the position with the face of the disease given to the stomach, which makes it easier for pain.

Symptoms H.ronic pyelonephritis:

  • the phase of active inflammation is accompanied by symptomatic as a repeating clinical picture of acute pyelonephritis;
  • the phase of latent inflammation is manifested by a rare pain in the lower back, Dizuriy and general malaise usually at this stage are not reported about himself;
  • phase remission does not differ any painful symptoms;
  • in general, the symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis are divided into local and general:
    • local - sensation of gravity and stupid pain in the lower back, winding urine;
    • general - growing weakness and fatigue, reduced performance, headache, dry mouth, the occurrence of subfebilite, the pallor of the skin, reducing the relative density of urine
  • over time, the functioning parenchyma kidney is replaced by a connecting cloth, and it becomes the condition of wrinkling the kidneys

How to treat pyelonephritis?

Treatment of pyelonephritis - A complex and long process that occurs mainly when using conservative techniques. If conservative treatment in a short time does not cause a positive trend in a patient state, it is advisable to conduct surgical intervention. The treatment strategies are collapsed depending on the form of the disease - acute or chronic, primary or secondary, right, left-hand or bilateral. The nature of treatment is determined by the pathogenesis of the disease, the peculiarities of its clinical flow.

Treatment of acute pyelonephritis suggests:

  • advocated hospitalization in the urological department for a full-fledged complex of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures;
  • in case of serous pyelonephritis, the use of medicinal drugs to restore the patient's immunity, the prevention of the pathological process and the reduction of the structure of the diagnosed microflora;
  • under purulent pyelonephritis, surgery is strictly shown - the minimum volume of operation (with the apostleatous pyelonephritis) consists of a kidney decapsulation, which is the dissection and turning on the fibrous capsule, and nephrostyia, which is the drainage of the renal loin;
  • with the carbuncule and the kidney abscess, the patient shows organ-bearing operations, consisting in the decaption of the kidney, the cruciform dissection of the ulotnik, the drainage of the purulent cavity and the jelly, if the urine outflow is disturbed; Organized operational operations are suitable if it is possible to restore the function of the patient's kidney;
  • with a secondary pyelonephritis, treatment builds a primary goal. Elimination of the cause of the impairment of urine outflows, which often implies the treatment of the underlying disease, against which the pyelonephritis developed:
    • under the stones of a small size and in the early stages of pyelonephritis, the catheterization of the ureter is appropriate;
    • with the last three-day pyelonephritis or with unsuccessful catheterization, there is an emergency operational intervention - percutaneous kidney puncture under the control of ultrasound or ureterolithotomy with the drainage of the cup-making kidney system;
    • postoperative treatment of patients with acute secondary pyelonephritis involves the use of the same drugs as in acute chronic pyelonephritis
    • the appointment of therapeutic massage, therapeutic physical education and physiotherapy procedures is made in order to prevent the development of postoperative complications and promote the recovery period;
  • with the unusted flow of pyelonephritis and the development of Urosepsis, nephrectomy is shown, if the opposite kidney is rather functional for so radical measures

Treatment of chronic pyelonephritis suggests:

  • elimination of the causes underlying urine outflow violations or renal blood circulation, up to operational interventions defined by the primary disease (nephrolityiasis, DGPA, nephroptosis, hydronephrosis);
  • conducting etiotropic antibacterial therapy - taking into account the sensitivity of urine microflora to drugs; These can be semi-synthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, tetracycles, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, as well as chemotherapy; The frequent change of antibacterial agents is appropriate due to the rapid development of resistance to the disease pathogens;
  • the purpose of immunocorrorizing drugs - the enhancement of immunoresistance is facilitated by the purpose of vitamins in 6, C, E.

With acute primary pyelonephritis, the forecast is generally favorable, however, it is impossible to transize the disease into a chronic form. Otherwise, the forecast deteriorates sharply, complications will join - chronic renal failure, nephrogenic arterial hypertension, etc. The general forecast in chronic pyelonephritis is determined by the duration of the disease and may be favorable. If the above complications are not allowed.

What diseases may be connected

Pyelonephritis rarely develops as an independent disease, rather is the complication of the diseases of the genitourinary system or the consequence of the propagation of conditionally pathogenic or pathogenic microflora on the kidneys.

Pyelonephritis risks developing when defeated by the infection of the urinary tract in individuals, in the body of which violations of urodynamics are observed, namely:

  • in this area (prostate gland, bladder or kidney, female organs, etc.);
  • - the formation of concrections in the organs of the urinary system;
  • rubbed changes in the ureter and urethra.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home

Among other things, an important component in a positive therapeutic effect is:

  • bed mode
  • rich food - carbohyded products, fermented milk products,
  • consumption of vitamins - both in natural products and in the form of pharmaceutical preparations.

For the main stage in the treatment of pyelonephritis follows the recovery period, which is recommended to be carried out in the separation of intensive therapy, if there was a surgical intervention in the body. Anyway, treatment is supplemented with the purpose of immunomodulators and spasmolitics, for the purpose of disinfecting intravenously saline solutions and diuretics under the control of the electrolyte balance can be administered.

What drugs to treat pyelonephritis?

In the treatment of any varieties of pyelonphite, conservative techniques occupy a weighty place, among which and the purpose of medicines. An antibiotics are indispensable, because in the prevailing number of cases, the effects of germs of bacterial nature are relevant to the flow of pyelonephritis.

Antibiotics are selected taking into account the sensitivity of microflora identified during the urine study, preference is given to the preparations of a wide range of action. Another important principle of treatment is a frequent change of antibacterial agents to prevent the development of the sustainability of the pathogen to them. It is important that drugs do not undergo changes in the process of exposure and not reflected in their toxicity in the state of the kidneys. It can be:

High efficiency in relation to pyelonephritis pathogens, parenteral and oral fluorochinolones are distinguished.

Along with antibiotics, nylidixic acid preparations are used (for example,), nitrofurans (,), soluble sulfonamides (for example,). Pathogenetic effects are distinguished by preparations like Trentla and.

The purpose of vitamins (mainly in 6, C, E) and allows you to increase the protective properties of the body in its fight against the causative agent of the disease. In the complex treatment of patients with pyelonephritis, it has recommended itself - it is characterized by strongly pronounced immunomodulatory and restoring microcirculation properties.

Pyelonephritis treatment by folk methods

Treatment of pyelonephritis - A complex process that requires an integrated approach and qualified knowledge. If, after consulting a specialist, the patient is allowed to stay at home and follow conservative treatment (which is probably in the chronic flow of pyelonephritis or its remission), can be consulted with a doctor for the use of folk recipes for the treatment of the inflammatory process. Use folk recipes within self-treatment is not recommended.

The following recipes are popular with popularity:

  • combine in equal proportions crushed juniper berries, cuff leaves, heather, nettle; 1 tbsp. Mixtures are placed in enameled dishes, pour 1 glass of boiling water and peak for 5 minutes; Create strain, take on a glass 4 times a day until complete recovery;
  • connect in equal amounts of tolokany leaves, marsh, flax seeds, kidney tea, licorice root, birch kidney; 6 tbsp. Mix pour water liter, put on slow fire and pecking for 5 minutes, then cool and strain; Take a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals for two months, after which it is re-examined;
  • connect in equal proportions of the leaves of lingonberries and pears, grass of the goose gee and parsley root; 2 tbsp. Mixtures pour 2 glasses of boiling water, peel on slow heat for 5 minutes, wrapped with a container, insist for an hour; strain, take in a warm state 4 times a day for half an hour before meals in the amount of ¼ cup;
  • 200 grams of oats to slaughter in a liter of milk until the decoction is twice as well; take on the ¼ glass three times a day throughout the course of the disease, until complete recovery;
  • 1 tbsp. The crushed nine root to connect with ½ liters of honey; Take 1 tsp. In the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime to complete recovery.

Treatment of pyelonephritis during pregnancy

Pyelonephritis in an acute form is a frequent disease for pregnant women. What is simply explained by the anatomical changes in their body, hormonal restructuring and greater susceptibility to infectious diseases. A particularly high risk is the future mothers, which and before pregnancy suffered impaired by the function of the kidneys and bladder or were sick of acute cystitis. The disease belongs to the category of those that are very realistic to prevent efforts to preserve their health, to be quite attentive to the development of preceding pyelonephritis diseases.

Acute pyelonephritis of pregnant women in clinical practice is considered a separate category. In general, this is not a special form of illness, but rather a typical sharp secondary pyelonephritis. A specific view for this process is explained by the physiological nature of the conditions underlying its development:

  • reducing the tone of the upper urinary tract due to changes in the balance of female sex hormones during pregnancy;
  • pressure of a pregnant uterus on a ureter (usually right due to the peculiarities of the state of the uterus)
  • asymptomatic bacteriuria.

In case of a similar clinical picture, pregnant pyelonephritis proceeds more difficult, it is especially dangerous in the second and third trimester, when and the risk of its development is high.

In case of suspicion of development in pregnant acute pyelonephritis, urgent ultrasound kidneys need, which allows you to mention the halo of vacinum around the kidneys, limiting its mobility, increase the size and reduction of the echogenicity of the parenchyma.

Treatment of pregnant women is carried out in the hospital. To begin with, the normal urine current from the renal lochank is restored, the use of antibacterial therapy is also connected:

  • the recovery of urine outflow is a positional drainage therapy (a woman takes a position on a healthy side with a raised foot end of bed), with its ineffectiveness, the catheterization of the renal pelletium or the setting of the stent is shown;
  • antibacterial therapy is selected taking into account the minimum toxic effect on the mother and fetus organism (erythromycin, sulfoniamides, nitrofurans, and more toxic, but are very effective, and very effective are aminoglycosides, tetracycles, fluoroquinolones).

In the absence of positive dynamics, the patient shows the operational treatment - nephro- or pyelostomy. Drainage from the kidney is removed after 1-1.5 months after childbirth.

The abortion of pregnancy in acute pyelonephritis is rarely carried out, the testimony for what is usually becoming acute renal and liver failure in the mother, the sharp hypoxia of the fetus or its intrauterine death. The general forecast for acute pyelonephritis of pregnant women is distinguished by favorable, of course, under the condition of timely response to hazardous symptoms.

What doctors to contact if you have pyelonephritis

  • Ambulance Brigade

Often the clinical picture of pyelonephritis is not so informative to make a diagnosis in a short time on the basis of the patient's complaints. However, it is still recommended to act rapidly, and therefore the patient with suspected pyelonephritis (in the presence of a characteristic history and the minimum number of dangerous symptoms), a tool and laboratory diagnostics are carried out urgently.

In the asymptomatic flow of chronic pyelonephritis, provocative tests (prednisonic or pyrohenal) can be used to detect on special indications. Some diagnostic value have a decrease in the relative urine density, a decrease in the speed of the channel secretion and reabsorption, since when chronic pyelonephritis is primarily violated by the channel function.

Anamnesis is of great importance in recognizing acute pyelonephritis:

  • the character of the temperature reaction, the presence of chills and other suspicious symptoms.
  • patient transferred to the patient lately purulent diseases (furunculosis, tonsillitis, injuries with suppuration, etc.),
  • a history of other urological diseases (nephropolosis, urolithiasis, diseases of prostate gland, etc.),
  • conducted endoscopic studies.

During the examination, it is recommended to determine the level of blood pressure, which in the early stages of acute pyelonephritis can be slightly increased, and in the increment of intoxication decreases. With an objective examination, the muscles of the abdominal wall are usually determined, the pain in palpation in the lumbar region and a positive symptom of the tender.

Among all laboratory studies aimed at identifying chronic pyelonephritis, priority is given to urine analyzes. Laboratory examination of urine allows you to identify leukocyturia, probably missing at the first stages, when the inflammatory process is localized mainly in the cortex of the kidney layer, as well as when obstruction of the urinary tract. When detecting leukocyturia, it is necessary to determine its degree and the presence in the urine of active leukocytes and Stergeemer-Malina cells. Be sure to determine the presence of bacteria and the degree of bacteriuria in the urine, while it is important to combine bacteriological and bacterioscopic methods for the detection of bacteriuria. The sensitivity of the identified microorganisms to antibacterial drugs is determined.

Laboratory blood test with acute pyelonephritis demonstrates an increase in ESP to 40-50 mm / h or more leukocytosis with an increase in the content of stick-sized forms. With the development of purulent pyelonephritis as inxication gains, red blood indicators deteriorate, the level of medium molecules and α 2-microglobulin increases.

Overview and excretory urography are carried out in order to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe function of each kidney separately and about changes in the cup-making kidney system caused by a violation of urine outflows or a purulent process.


Treatment of pyelonephritis by folk remedies at home: herbs, phytotherapy, leaf

Pyelonephritis is considered a urological impairment, characterized by infectious, inflammatory processes. For this anomaly, the infection of the tubules, a cup-making renal structure, which leads to changes in the renal tissue structures in the future - parenchyma in the future. Usually this disease is detected more often in women, children under 7 years old than those of male people are due to the features of the structure of urinary channels. According to statistics, about 20% of people are subject to this violation in one of its forms. The inflammatory process flowing in the kidney area can be sharp. It is rare to reveal it at an early stage due to the lack of initial pronounced symptoms of the disease. In the presence of any form of the disease, it is necessary to immediately consult with the doctor, an integrated approach is often used in the treatment of this pathology - along with medical recipes, various useful plants are also applied.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home is carried out after a patient's medical examination, sometimes hospitalization is required. But the doctor can also resolve pyelonephritis to be treated at home, special diet food, drink, medicines, bedding, medicinal herbs - all this will help in the medical process.

How to treat pyelonephritis kidneys at home?

The patient with the identified pathology in acute form should adhere to the beddown regime of at least 2-3 weeks so that patients of the kidneys are warm, the bed is the best zone for finding a patient. Also need to stick to the daily diet should not include food, annoyingly affecting the kidneys, namely:

  • A variety of spices;
  • Alcohol;
  • Black coffee;
  • Sharp, salt dishes;
  • Fat fish, meat broths;
  • Preservatives.
  • Yogurts, kefirs;
  • Vegetables - best pumpkin;
  • Fruits - watermelons, melons, grapes;
  • Dairy products, eggs;
  • Boiled meat, fish.

The chronic form of pathology is often combined with signs of iron deficiency anemia, therefore, in this situation, add fruits, berries, saturated with iron, for example, pomegranate, strawberry, apples in the menu.

People who are distinguished by normal blood pressure indicators, the outflow of urine, go to abundant drink - the daily reception of ordinary water should be at least 2000 ml. The increase in the driving fluid will help in the process of washing the urinary strokes, will save from excessive urin concentrations.

Herbs with pyelonephritis

How to treat pyelonephritis kidneys at home? The use of beneficial plants in a medical process aimed at eliminating the urinary infection is considered one of the components of the successful result of deliverance from this pathology, it has proven well as supportive therapy.

Phytotherapy for pyelonephritis is often combined with medication substances.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home is not necessary without the use of herbs characterized by anti-spatial, antimicrobial, diuretic, spasmolytic, hemostatic properties. Medicinal herbs are derived from the organism structure of viruses, microelements propagating due to stagnant moments of urine. These renal fees are needed to get rid of the consequences of the use of antibiotics in order to prevent their negative effect on the liver, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of folk remedies: Eating plant fees

Quite often, the positive effect after the use of medicinal plants is much better than after medication treatment.

How to treat pyelonephritis kidneys at home? When using phytotherapy, it should be remembered about 3 rules:

  • It is necessary to periodically change the components of the fees - after 1-1.5 months;
  • Do not forget to make pauses lasting in 2-3 weeks;
  • Experts recommend using herbs to produce in the second half of the day due to the features of the functioning of the urogenital structure.

A good anticarbling agent is the grass of oats, made through it. The decoction must be taken every day for 2 cups, also to obtain a good result, it is often combined with the reception of special baths.

Due to the occurrence of swelling, it is often advised to apply chasters containing corn storks, grass with a black currant, flax seeds, rose robes, juniper berries, strawberries, field hair. You can use already made pharmacy fees aimed at curing any form of pathology.

Treatment of pyelonephritis by folk remedies:

  • Tolkin grass - used in the form of a beam (30 g of plants / 500 ml of water), the reception of the cooked solution to 6 times every day 2 tbsp. Spoons, has an antibacterial effect. The effect of the Tokolniki is expressed in the appointed medium, with the use of cooked liquid, it is also necessary to use mineral water, pears, raspberry berries, apples;
  • Lingonberries (leaves) are characterized by antibacterial, diuretic effect. The decoction is made from the number of 2 tbsp. Spoons of plants, half of the glass of water, is taken up to 6 times daily 2 tbsp. spoons, it is also necessary to suffer urine, the same as in the situation with the use of broth based on the basis of Tolokanyanka;
  • Cranberry juice, it is distinguished by antiseptic effects, is used in the volume of 2-3 glasses per day;
  • For the cure of the chronic form of pathology, the kidney fee of parsley roots, calendula, orthosymphon - these ingredients are used in the brave, it is used every day, the medical course - 1 month;
  • The tincture of grass, the flowers of the cornflower is characterized by an anticipable, painkillers, a diuretic effect eliminates the swelling. For the solution, 1 tbsp. A spoon of dried crushed plant, 1 glass of boiling water, a tincture is taken before eating in a volume of 50 ml;
  • The chronic form of the disease is eliminated by raccrah made of flax seeds - it is necessary to fill them with water, put it boiling for a few minutes, then leave the liquid to appease, then use this agent in the amount of 50 ml with a pause of at least 2 hours.

Fitotherapeutic options are usually applied to additional measures to a medical treatment process, also to prevent the exacerbation of the violation, the use of renal fees should be monitored by a medical specialist.

Propolis in the treatment of illness

The aqueous extract of propolis is often used in the medical process, as it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, painkillers.

Recipes for the use of propolis for the treatment of illness:

  • The use of inside the aqueous extract of propolis (10% - 20% concentration), it is necessary to dissolve it in ½ cup of milk. Course of treatment - up to 1.5 months;
  • 100 g of propolis is crushed, medical alcohol (500 ml) is added, it is left left in a darkened room to 18 days, do not forget to shake the solution daily. Next, strain, take 1 tsp 2 times a day, picking up warm milk. You should drink all the prepared tincture, after half a year, repeat the medical course.

Birch kidneys to eliminate pathology

The prepared decoction, the tincture of this component is characterized by a strong antimicrobial effect. Birch kidneys When developing the disease are often used in the form of a decoction - 15 g of this ingredient is flooded with boiling water (1 cup), everything is left to adopt for several hours, the means 3 times a day after receiving food in volume - 1 cup.

Birch kidneys contain resinous elements, flavonoids, vitamin complexes, tanning substances, different useful components. They help improve the renal functioning, liver operation, enhance immune protective barriers of the body.

Physiotherapy for pyelonephritis

In addition to the main medical procedure, the following physiotherapy methods are performed:

  • Electrophoresis of Furadonin, erythromycin, calcium chloride in the kidney zone;
  • Thermal events in the zone of infected kidney - the use of special mud, ozocenite, paraffin applications, diathermogryazhi.

The result of the use of physiotherapy:

  • Increased blood flow, an increase in the plasmock - ensures the influx of antibacterial substances;
  • The relief of the spasmatic moment in the renal loins, ureters - helps the waste of mucous discharge, bacterial microorganisms, urinary crystals.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease, which is characterized by the defeat of the cup-laughter and kidney parenchyma.

Most often, these diseases suffer from children of preschool age, older people and women of 18-30 years.

Before deciding how to treat pyelonephritis of the kidneys, it is necessary to understand what the undegu is called.

There are two varieties of pyelonephritis: chronic and sharp.

Acute pyelonephritis is nonspecific purulent inflammation of the kidneys, which can be both primary and secondary (which appeared against the background of an existing disease).

It is characterized by an increase in body temperature, changes in urine analysis, pain in the zone area.

The disease is accompanied by an abundant sweating, chills, pain in the joints, headache.

Chronic pyelonephritis - sluggish, exacerbated from time to time bacterial inflammation. It occurs as a primary chronic process or is a consequence of the transition to the chronic form of acute pyelonephritis. The disease is characterized by stupid mining pains in the lumbar department and often leads to a resistant increase in blood pressure.

Causes and symptoms

Despite the fact that the urine of a healthy person is sterile, bacteria can fall into urinary ways from closely arranged organs (from genitals and intestines). Pyelonephritis causative agents are taken to attribute Proteus bacteria, Escherichia, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus. In some cases, the disease develops against the background of obstruction of the ureter or a "localized" purulent focus in the kidney.

In other words, it is customary to allocate two ways of infection:

  • ascending (by blades);
  • hematogenic (bacteria is transferred with blood flow from other foci of infection).

When pyelonephritis is important to comply with a diet to reduce the inflammatory process and prevent the loss of microelements from the blood. Under this link you can familiarize yourself with therapeutic diet No. 5 and 7 by Pevznera.


Symptoms of the disease differ, depending on the form of pyelonephritis. So for chronic pyelonephritis characteristic:

  • non-intensive noving (often asymmetric) back pain;
  • student urination;
  • temperature increase without visible reasons (usually in the evening);
  • worstification of well-being: weakness, headache;
  • female swelling;
  • elevated blood pressure.

Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis:

  • fever;
  • sweating;
  • chills;
  • severe thirst;
  • dyspeptic phenomena (stomach disorder, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, decreased appetite);
  • symptoms of intoxication (increased fatigue, headaches, weakness).

When the symptoms mentioned above, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. In the absence of proper treatment, acute pyelonephritis can cause sepsis, chronic pyelonephritis, acute renal failure.


The risk of developing complications is most susceptible to people suffering from diabetes, as well as pregnant women. The main complications of pyelonephritis include:

  • renal failure;
  • vagnatory diseases (abscess, kidney carbuncoon);
  • blood infection (sepsis) caused by bacteria in the blood.

Unfortunately, the improper treatment of pyelonephritis (or lack of treatment) leads to the exacerbation of the disease, the burning of bacteria into the bloodstream and infection of blood. Sepsis is the most dangerous complication of pyelonephritis.

Pyelonephritis is the ailment that is successfully treated with antibacterial drugs. But in case of such complications, such as septic shock and sepsis, the risk of death increases sharply.

According to statistics, in the world, every third person, who collided with Sepsis, dies, never managed to finally cure. In the event that the patient still manage to dig up, he usually remains disabled for life.


Laboratory methods play an important role in the diagnosis of pyelonephritis.

The patient with suspicion of pyelonephritis gives a general blood test and urine analysis. Taken urine is studied for the presence of microorganisms in it.

When they are discovered, an additional study is carried out, the task of which is to determine the sensitivity of these microorganisms to antibiotics.

Often, in addition to laboratory methods, during diagnostics uses instrumental methods, including computed tomography, kidney ultrasound, radionuclide methods, histological examination.

The main problem of the diagnosis of pyelonephritis is as follows: this disease has symptoms similar to the symptoms of other diseases characterized by inflammation of the urinary tract. That is why for setting the right diagnosis and appointment of the treatment program, it is so important to visit an experienced urologist.

How to treat pyelonephritis in women during pregnancy

Gestational pyelonephritis is one of the dangers that await the woman during the baby tool.

The disease in early stage can be cured without resorting to the methods of traditional medicine.

Therefore, it is important to diagnose pathology on time.

For treatment can be used:

  • Position therapy. It is aimed at improving urine outflows and a decrease in squeezing uretera. Pregnant women are advised to sleep on the left side and several times during the day for 15 minutes to occupy the knee-elbow pose.
  • Phytotherapy. Some diuretic herbs are simply contraindicated by pregnant women. At the time of pregnancy, it is advisable to abandon Tolokanyanka, parsley, juniper and yarrow fruits. It is recommended to drink cranberry and cranberry fruits, beams from nettle and birch leaf, as well as decoction of oats. For the preparation of the latter, it is necessary to pour the water liter of 1 cup of oats (it is desirable to use a croup) and boil it on fire for 2.5 hours. When the decoction cools, it needs to be strain and drink three times a day 1 cup before meals.
  • Compliance with drinking mode. When pyelonephritis doctors recommend drinking as much liquid as possible (about 2-3 liters per day). Such abundant drink is possible in the absence of increased pressure, as well as if the woman has no strong edema on the body.

As for drug therapy, during pregnancy you can take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. We should not take certain drugs without consultation with the urologist.

The choice of drug in the treatment of pyelonephritis largely depends on the characteristics of your body and the period of pregnancy.

How to treat pyelonephritis in children

Treatment of disease in children is aimed at eliminating the microbial-inflammatory process, the reduction of urodamics and the functional state of the kidneys, the elimination of immune disorders.

The course of treatment is selected, based on the biological properties of the pathogen, the phases of the disease and its shape.

Children, patients with pyelonephritis, are obliged to observe the urine regime, i.e. Attend toilet every 2 hours.

It is necessary to ensure that the child regularly emptied the intestines, and contain its external genitals cleanly. It will not be too much and therapeutic physical culture, which, depending on the state of the child, is carried out in the position "standing" or "sitting".


So, consider how to treat pyelonephritis and medicines that are most often applied.

There are two main methods of treatment. This is the use of antibiotics and quinolones. Antibiotics used to treat this disease must meet two requirements.


  • high concentration of the drug in the urine;
  • lack of toxic human kidney.

To understand which antibiotic is preferable to take with pyelonephritis, it is necessary to identify the causative agent, determine the state of the kidneys and the outflow of urine.

The advantages of antibiotics for the treatment of pyelonephritis include:

  • The course of antibiotics in rare cases exceeds 1 week and, in contrast to phytotherapy, gives a quick effect.
  • The action of these drugs is directed to the hearth disease, and therefore it does not affect other fields of the body.

To select an antibiotic that can cope with a specific case of pyelonephritis, you need to consult a doctor.

Hinolone on the mechanism of action differ from other antimicrobial preparations, which allows them to deal with stable strains of microorganisms. Hinolone is well absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract: the maximum concentration in the blood of the active substance is achieved by about 2 hours after the drug intake.

Using sulfanimide

In the treatment of pyelonephritis, sulfonamides are much less used than antibiotics.

These drugs have bacteriostatic properties, are effective in terms of gram-negative and gram-positive coils, intestinal sticks, chlamydia.

Most often, sulfanimamides in the treatment of pyelonephritis are prescribed drugs to which sulfadimetoxin and sulfapyridazine are prescribed.

In some cases, assigns such as ethazol, norsulfazole, Urosulfan, sulfadimesin are prescribed.

Despite the fact that the drugs are well soluble in the urine, it is desirable to accompany each drug with a drink of soda water. Also during treatment with sulfanimamides, it is necessary to control the number of leukocytes in the blood.

With timely appeal to the doctor pyelonephritis perfectly treatable. Preventive courses and regular surveys contribute to prolonged remission, preventing the development of renal failure.

Video on the topic

Pyelonephritis calls the common urological pathology of infectious-inflammatory nature. The disease is characterized by damage to the tubules and a cup of kidney. In the future, there is a pathological change in the main kidney tissue - parenchyma. In women, the disease is diagnosed 6 times more often than in men.

Inflammation of the kidneys can be sharp or chronic. With any form of pathology, contact the therapist, and then to nephrologist. Children in the event of unpleasant sensations should inspect the pediatrician.

Pyelonephritis treatment at home is carried out only after an inspection of a specialist. With inflammation of the kidneys, hospitalization may be required, but if the doctor has not sent to the hospital, you can create suitable conditions and at home. The right drinking mode, therapeutic diet, medicines, comfort and heat are the main components of a favorable disease.

Bed regime

The person who has been diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis is obliged to observe the bed regime for 2 or 3 weeks. Many people feeling the slightest relief, get out of bed. It is impossible to do this. Sick kidneys love heat, so the bed is the best place to stay with the disease. A person does not have to lie, he can read or play computer games sitting. The main condition is to keep the kidneys warm.

In addition, the feet of the patient should be in heat. Their hypothermia leads to urination participation. The room where the sick is located, should be as close as possible to the restroom. Ideal if the sick uses the ship.

Room ventilation should be carried out during the absence of a person. If there is no such possibility, the window opens up, tightly covered with a blanket and putting socks on his legs.

Proper diet

Diagnosed kidney inflammation implies compliance with a certain diet. The daily diet should consist of products that are not annoying kidney. From the menu are excluded:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • spice;
  • past conservation products;
  • black coffee;
  • spicy dishes;
  • meat and fish soups.

A person's diet, patient with pyelonephritis, should be high-calorie. It is recommended to eat:

  • kefir and yogurts;
  • fruit (mainly watermelons, melons, grapes);
  • vegetables (especially pumpkin);
  • boiled fish and meat;
  • milk products;
  • eggs.

The flow of chronic pyelonephritis may be accompanied by symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. In this case, it is advisable to include fruits and berries saturated with iron and cobalt in the diet: grenades, strawberries, strawberries and apples.

With the accompanying hypertension, the pyelonephritis patient is prescribed a small-headed diet. Salt is a substance that is able to delay the excess fluid in the body. Its daily use should be limited to the 8th grams per day. A sick person is not recommended to cheat dishes. The best solution is to issue a sick daytime value of salt in the hands so that he can resolve dishes in his taste.

If you do not limit the use of salt, the pressure will grow, and the kidneys are increasingly irritated. Of course, all this does not lead to a speedy recovery, but only delays him

Very often, patients are hard to transfer restrictions related to power. It is hard to renounce a person from perennial gastronomic habits, but this measure is not just recommended, but mandatory. A properly chosen diet is able to speed up the process of recovery at home, while non-compliance with the dietary rules bring the development of renal failure against the background of pyelonephritis. It is necessary to explain the sick, why the power mode has changed and what will happen if not to comply with medical recommendations. The sick person should receive a lot of calories, vitamins and trace elements, so you need to try to make it the daily diet as diverse and tasty as possible.

How much water should eat patient

Patients having normal blood pressure and unimpeded urine outflow should go to the enhanced drinking mode. The daily use of distilled (non-carbonated) water is recommended to increase to 2000 ml. Such a measure will prevent an excessive urine concentration. In addition, an increase in the volume of fluid consumed contributes to washing the urinary tract.

In addition to clean water, the patient is recommended to drink nitamined places, for example, from cranberry berries

Such a drink contains a special substance that, occasionally in the body, is converted by a liver in hippuric acid. This substance has the effect of suppressing the life of pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary tract, which contributes to treatment at home.

Medical therapy

In renal inflammation, the attending physician must prescribe several drugs of various spectrum. In order to eliminate pyelonephritis with all associated symptoms, the following drugs are needed:

  • To destroy the infectious pathogen, the specialist is selected antibiotic therapy, suitable for the patient. The antibacterial medication should have a wide range of action and excreted in urine (a high concentration of the medication in the kidneys is created). The duration of the therapeutic course and the dosing regimen is selected individually (by a specialist). Health from the Cephalosporins - Cefhazoline and Ceftriaxone, the drug gentonicine from the group of macrolides, furadonin, blacks and 5-hok, proved themselves.
  • Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their use is aimed at eliminating the focus of inflammation. Such means reduce the body temperature, minimize the unpleasant sensations, contribute to the transportation of antibiotics to the location of the infection localization (for example, nimesil or paracetamol).
  • To bring the kidneys into the tone and dispersed the blood, prescribe a course of diuretic drugs. It is usually not delayed longer than a few days.
  • Inflammation and swelling often impede normal blood flow in the kidney. The consequence of this becomes insufficient provision of oxygen of some kidney parts. Therefore, a sick person can prescribe medicines that dilute blood and the strengthening walls of the vessels.
  • The deterioration of the outflow of urine contributes to the development of pyelonephritis. To expand the tubules in the kidneys and a ureter, spasmodics are prescribed (for example, papaverine and but-shu).

To strengthen the protective forces of the body weakened by the body, it is recommended to drink immunomodulators, as well as complexes of vitamins and microelements

Do not treat pyelonephritis with medicines, trusting advertising or advice of acquaintances. The correct dosage can be prescribed only a specialist, given the characteristics of the body and the patient's age.

Kidney inflammation

A developing acute pyelonephritis is accompanied by a number of painful symptoms. There is a general intoxication of the body:

  • the growth of body temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • increase in sweating;
  • headache.

During urination, the child experiences acute pain, so the process may be accompanied by crying. In chronic pyelonephritis in children, urine acquires a muddy consistency and becomes intensively yellow.

After noting the child, the above symptoms of the inflammatory process in the kidneys should immediately contact the medical institution and do not try to conduct independent therapy at home.

Folk treatments

Many sick people have no time to be in the hospital, so patients often try to cure pyelonephritis at home. In addition to the main therapeutic course, the herbal fees contribute to recovery.

  1. From dried herbs (sold in a pharmacy) you can prepare a healing infusion. It is necessary to take the leaves of the tolnaya, birch kidneys, the root of licorice, kidney tea, linen seeds and marsh car. 3 hours. Spoons of a mixture of grass should pour ½ l of cold water, put on a small fire and bring to a boil (after that boil for 5 minutes). The resulting decoction is filtering and drinking cooled 30 minutes before meals. Infusion is used 3 times a day at one glass for 60 days. The next 90 days use less saturated decoction (2 hours of grass spoons poured ½ l of liquid).
  2. 10 g of dried medicinal verbena leaves, 10 g of a tricolor violet grass, 10 g of walnut, 30 g of rosehip and 20 g of the root of the burdock are mixed in a separate container. 2-3 spoons of herbal collection are poured ½ liters of boiling water, and then leaving it is for 120 minutes. Infusion is filtered and drinking half a glass, adding a little honey, about 5 times a day.

Fitotherapy is appropriate after antibiotic therapy, when the reason caused by the pathology was eliminated. Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at maintaining the body and preventing the re-aggravation of the ailment.

Herbal fees help relieve inflammation and strengthen the body's protective forces. Despite the healing properties of many plants, their use cannot be started without a consultation

Preventive measures

So that the cured pyelonephritis does not return again, it is necessary to comply with preventive recommendations:

  • use only purified water;
  • avoid hypothermia of the body (in particular legs);
  • do not ignore urinary urinary;
  • on time to eliminate infectious foci existing in the body. The inflammation of the kidneys can be a consequence of untreated caries, tonsillitis or skin disease.


Feeling the symptoms of pyelonephritis, the main of which is pronounced pain, localized at the top of the lower back, should be immediately applied to the doctor. A timely diagnosed diagnosis and competently selected therapy will speed up recovery and avoid complications.