Where do they take the exam in history? Where can you apply for history and social studies: the best specialties and professions. Specialty "History of Art"

If you decide to take the Unified State Exam in history and social studies after graduating from school, you have done an excellent job: exams in these subjects open the door to many interesting and promising professions.

Graduates with the results of these exams can enter various fields. This includes history, jurisprudence, international relations, and even culture and art.

Let's talk about this in more detail.

Having passed history and social studies, you can enter a university in many interesting fields

If history is your favorite school subject, and you are ready to talk for hours about the problems of the feudal fragmentation of Ancient Rus' or the foreign policy of England at the end of the 19th century, then you can enroll in the Faculty of History.

Which university should I go to for law school?

Those wishing to receive a quality legal education should pay attention to the following universities:

  1. Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov.
  2. St. Petersburg State University.
  3. Moscow State Law University named after. O.E. Kutafina.

Jurisprudence has been one of the most prestigious fields for decades

Professions for graduates:

  • lawyer in civil, criminal, family, labor, financial matters;
  • investigator, prosecutor, law enforcement officer;
  • civil servant;
  • legal advisor;
  • corporate lawyer;
  • legal teacher or researcher

Those wishing to obtain the specialty “law” for successful study and further employment will benefit from such qualities as self-confidence, the ability to persuade, lack of fear of government officials and leaders, good logic, and competent speech.

Opening up new horizons

If you are interested in the whole world, you can try yourself in international relations

If you are not interested in sitting in one place in your office from morning to evening and sorting through papers, but want to travel, explore the world, make new acquaintances, then you can enroll in the faculties of international relations or tourism.

In addition to history and social studies, the results of exams in the Russian language and geography will also be taken into account upon admission (in some universities they take a foreign language instead).

The Faculty of International Relations sometimes requires an exam in mathematics.

Those entering the Faculty of International Relations will benefit from excellent knowledge of a foreign language, or preferably several.

Those who see their calling in tourism will need a good memory, resistance to stress, the ability to find an approach to any person and a way out of the most difficult situation.

Where are tourism business specialists trained?

You can work as a tourism manager, or you can create your own travel agency

If you decide to connect your life with tourism, it is better to choose a specialized university for studying. The best of them:

  1. Russian International Academy of Tourism.
  2. Russian State University of Tourism and Service.
  3. Institute of Tourism and Hospitality.
  4. Institute of Tourism, Recreation, Rehabilitation and Fitness.
  5. Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management.

Professions for graduates:

  • tourism manager, travel agent;
  • guide;
  • hotel administrator;
  • visa center, airport employee;
  • tourist route developer

Also, after graduating from a tourism university or faculty, there is a great opportunity to open your own travel company, if there is a financial basis for this.

For creative people

There is a huge field for activity for those who are inclined to creativity.

If since childhood you love to compose something, come up with interesting stories, write poetry, participate in stage productions and at the same time love to be in the public eye, communicate with a lot of people, then you can enroll in a creative field: journalism or the field of culture and art.

In addition to history and social studies, upon admission you will need to pass an exam in literature, as well as pass a creative competition, which may vary depending on the chosen specialty.

To master creative professions, in addition to a strong imagination and communication skills, you will need a good memory and competent speech.

Where to apply for creative professions

Get the best in arts and culture here:

  1. NOU VPO “Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting “Ostankino”.
  2. Dagestan Institute of Applied Art and Design.
  3. Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  4. Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture.
  5. St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television.

You can become a radio DJ or TV presenter

Professions for graduates:

  • journalist, editor, author of articles for the media;
  • correspondent;
  • press secretary;
  • TV or radio presenter;
  • marketer, advertising specialist;
  • copywriter, online journalist;
  • public relations manager;
  • theater and film actor;
  • director;
  • art critic;
  • conductor, musician;
  • cultural scientist;
  • designer;
  • music teacher

This lists the most common majors that require history and social studies. In addition to them, you can enroll in other areas:

  1. Regional studies.
  2. Social work and organization of work with youth.
  3. Conflictology.
  4. Religious Studies.
  5. Sociology.

So, by passing history and social studies, you can master a huge number of popular and exciting specialties. In order to make the right decision about where to go and not make a mistake in choosing a profession, you should take into account your interests, character traits and desired field of activity.

In this video you will learn more about the work of a tourism manager:

Where to go with social studies? This question is asked by those who have chosen this subject, which combines political science, psychology, sociology and many other principles of science, to take the Unified State Exam.

In order to choose where to go to study, decide on a good institute or university and faculty, graduates who took the Unified State Exam in social studies after 11th grade first need to learn as much as possible about this science and the professions in which it can be applied.

Social studies is a necessary science for those entering universities

At the moment, social studies is one of the most popular disciplines that schoolchildren choose to take the Unified State Exam.

Many people choose social studies because of the wide range of specialties that can then be entered into with this subject. It is also taken into account that this humanitarian discipline is relatively easy to pass.

Social science is a science that studies a person within a constantly developing society, and includes several different social branches: sociology, political science, philosophy, history, economics.

By studying social studies, schoolchildren get acquainted with a person within society, with society itself, with its spiritual life, socio-economic relations, and laws.

In universities, everything that includes social science is divided into many different disciplines and studied separately from others. That is why this subject is so important for applicants; it can be useful at any university in any humanities specialty.

Which universities require social studies for admission?

Where can a graduate with a predisposition towards the humanities apply?

After passing the Unified State Exam, he can choose a number of the following specialties with specialized social sciences:

  1. History, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence. These areas are interconnected, therefore, in order to enroll in them, you must pass the same subjects: social studies, Russian language, history.
  2. Philology, pedagogical areas (social studies, Russian language, literature, English, history, geography, physics, computer science, basic mathematics - depending on the profile).
  3. Biology, psychology (social studies, Russian language, biology, chemistry).

If the graduate is more predisposed to the exact sciences, then he will be able to choose faculties with a mathematical bias:

  • economy;
  • service;
  • trading business.

Please note: To enroll in these specialties, you must pass the following exams: mathematics, Russian language, social studies.

So, social studies as a core subject is necessary in:

  1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  2. Moscow Pedagogical State University.
  3. State Academic University of Humanities.
  4. St. Petersburg State Economic University.
  5. Ural State Pedagogical University, etc.

The list includes universities in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, and Tula.

In fact, in many large cities there are universities that teach specialties that require knowledge in the field of social studies.

List of professions where you need to know social studies

The relevance of professions related to the study of social sciences in Russia has increased greatly over the past few years. This is primarily due to the fact that people strive to study the processes occurring in society.

You need to know social science:

  1. Public relations specialists(a profession in demand at the moment, since almost all large campaigns need such a specialist).
  2. Political scientists(these are specialists who study and analyze the life of society from a political point of view; it requires people who can predict and build hypotheses regarding the relationships between different countries, states, regions, etc.).
  3. Lawyers(a specialist competent in solving legal issues and knowledge of the essence of the state; this requires experts in current laws, theories and rights).
  4. Sociologists(specialists who analyze the development and functioning of society; these are people who know how to establish contact with society using various questionnaires, surveys, etc.).
  5. Culturologists(these are specialists who resolve issues in the field of cultural history; people interested in culture, the history of different peoples, their basics of life, architecture, and art are needed here).
  6. Psychologists(the study of human behavior from the point of view of psychology; they are engaged in psychodiagnostics, correctional and developmental work).

In what areas can these professions be applied:

  • political scientist: Media, government bodies;
  • lawyer: state authorities, local governments, prosecutor's office, court, law firms;
  • sociologist: personnel management, advertising agencies;
  • culturologist: curator at exhibitions, museums, university teacher;
  • psychologist: private practice, work at school, university, and in law enforcement agencies.


Social science plays a big role in the formation of modern society. A student who has passed this subject has ideas about the world order, the moral values ​​of peoples, laws and much more.

When choosing a profession related to social science, people receive unlimited opportunities for continuous improvement and self-development.

Today, many modern specialties require history as a core subject in the Unified State Exam. If you have a good understanding of historical events and dates, you can take this course and try to enter a university in areas related to this area. We recommend that you carefully study the list of in-demand professions and decide in advance where exactly to apply. After all, all your future activities depend on the correct and timely decision.

List of directions and faculties

Faculty of History

If you are truly passionate about history and plan to connect your life with it in the future, we suggest you enroll in the Faculty of History, where many school graduates today strive. Here you can master such areas as document management and archival science, anthropology and ethnology, and, of course, study history itself. After graduating from the university, specialists get jobs in both government and commercial organizations, and they also have the opportunity to engage in scientific activities at research institutes. In order to enter the history department, you will need a high score in social studies.

Faculty of Law

One of the most common destinations today, where thousands of applicants apply. It's not that easy to get here: the specialty requires high results not only in history, but also in society. The legal profession is very diverse and can be associated with the resolution of civil and family disputes, the analysis of administrative offenses and criminal investigations. Nowadays, any company needs its own lawyer, and citizens themselves often use such services. Therefore, we can safely say that the specialty is one of the most in demand on the labor market.

Regional studies

Having passed basic mathematics, Russian and history, you can enter the department of regional studies. Here you will learn to assess the resources of the region, analyze the political situation in countries, write documents in different languages ​​and summarize the necessary information.

Regional studies is divided into two areas: Russian and international, but in both cases you will study one (sometimes two) foreign language, which in the future will allow you to work as a translator. At the same time, you will not have to take English for the Unified State Exam, since this specialty additionally requires results in social studies.

At the Department of Regional Studies you can learn the following professions:

  • art critic,
  • culturologist,
  • regional scientist,
  • editor,
  • press secretary,
  • internationalist

Archaeological direction

With results in history and social studies, you can enter the archaeological department. This area requires good physical fitness, endurance and the ability to work in extreme conditions. A professional archaeologist not only carries out excavations, but also skillfully classifies the artifacts found. In addition, he must have good skills in drawing, painting and photography. Specialists in this profile work on archaeological expeditions, where they go several times a year. Archaeologists also find positions in museums and historical research institutes.

Tourism and service

Today, with history, you can enter the department of service and tourism, where you can also Unified State Examination results in Russian language and social studies will be required.Here you will master the basics of tourism, study management and economics, which will allow you to work in any travel company or hotels in management positions.

Is history your favorite subject? Do you like finding interesting facts? Are you good at navigating dates and historical events? We will tell you which university will appreciate your knowledge.

Universities and faculties where history is needed

The first thing that comes to mind is the history department. But the profession of “historian” is poorly in demand in the labor market. Most often, graduates of the history department work as regular teachers and at the same time conduct scientific activities. But there are other options. We have compiled a list of directions in universities where history is a core subject.


Which university can I enroll in?

What can you become?

46.03.02 Documentation and archival science


URFU named after. B. N. Yeltsin



Document manager


39.03.02 Social work

03/39/03 Organization of work with youth

RGPU named after. A. I. Herzen

Juvenile Welfare Inspector

Corporate Culture Manager


Practicing psychologist

03/46/01 History

46.03.03 Anthropology and ethnology

47.03.03 Religious studies

48.03.01 Theology

03/50/01 Arts and Humanities

50.03.03 History of art

51.03.04 Museology and protection of cultural heritage sites

Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova

Art critic


Museum expert

Religious scholar

03/41/01 Foreign regional studies

41.03.02 Regional studies of Russia

41.03.03 Oriental and African studies

03/41/04 Political Science

41.03.05 International relations

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

FU under the Government of the Russian Federation

NSU named after N. I. Lobachevsky

RGPU named after. A. I. Herzen


Foreign Economic Activity Manager


Political scientist

Press Secretary

43.03.02 Tourism

FU under the Government of the Russian Federation

REU im. G. V. Plekhanova

Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova

NGLU named after. N. A. Dobrolyubova

RGPU named after. A. I. Herzen

Tourism Manager


Event manager

In addition to history, when applying for these majors, you must take the Russian language, as well as social studies or a foreign language at your choice of university. You can find a suitable university and direction on our website. Enter your Unified State Exam scores in the search filter. The system itself will select suitable options.

If history is a core subject, then you should have the highest scores

What other areas require history?

There are a number of specialties where history is an additional subject. We list the main areas in which it may be needed:

  • 03/38/01 Economics;
  • 38.03.02 Management;
  • 03/38/06 Trading business;
  • 43.03.01 Service;
  • 03.43.03 Hotel business;

    37.03.02 Conflictology;

    40.03.01 Jurisprudence;

    40.05.01 Legal support of national security;

    40.05.02 Law enforcement;

    40.05.03 Forensic examination;

    57.05.01 Border activities.

    03/41/06 Public policy and social sciences;

    42.03.02 Journalism;

    03/42/03 Publishing;

    42.03.04 Television;

    44.05.01 Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior;

    45.03.02 Linguistics;

    45.05.01 Translation and translation studies;

    45.03.04 Intelligent systems in the humanitarian field;

    47.03.01 Philosophy; To enter the Faculty of Law, in addition to history, you need Russian, social studies or a foreign language

    As you can see, if you have chosen history to take the Unified State Exam, you will have a wide choice of areas for admission. But don’t forget about other subjects, because a story alone won’t be enough to achieve your goal.