Kali muriaticum indications. KALI MURIATICUM - Lectures on homeopathic MATERIA MEDICA. Physiological features of Kalium Muriaticum

Kali muriaticum, one of Schussler's salts, twelve tissue preparations used by Schussler in his system. No trials have been conducted with this drug. The symptoms given in the repertory are taken from clinical cases and from descriptions given by Schussler. However, the overall picture of the remedy is not very reliable and focuses mainly on pathology.

In addition, it should be noted that the picture of Kali-mur is often confused with Kali chloratum, since these medicines are very similar, although they differ in many ways. Kali muriaticum is one of the few remedies that I have always been extremely surprised to discover. It can be considered as one of the "big" medicines in homeopathy. Somehow it overlaps with a lot of the big drugs like Nat-m and Kali-c.

Therefore, I do not understand why Kali-m has not yet found such widespread use in homeopathic practice. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the picture of this medicine is not well studied, or we are simply not accustomed to it yet. In the meantime, Kali-m is rather a minor medicine, but in this case it is necessary to explain the fact that there are quite significant differences between Nat-m Kali-m.

Kali- Duty, obligation. Closedness. Optimism. Work, tasks. Family

Muriaticum- Self-pity. Care. Upbringing. Mother. Attention. Self-absorption

Group analysis

Group analysis reveals the main theme of the remedy: the responsibility to be a good mother and take care of one's family. The situation can develop in a family where the eldest daughter must help her parents from an early age in raising younger brothers and sisters, becoming a second mother for them. A variation on this theme can be the opposite: if it is my responsibility, I must take care of it in the best possible way.

This is the situation in many third world countries. Children there are considered as a help to elders. It is believed that it is necessary to have a large number of children; this even develops into an obligation. The responsibility to raise and educate children later transforms into the belief that when they are barely grown up, children will have to provide for themselves. Another variation of this remedy is when the patient's mother is very obliging and diligent.

She perceives the need to take care of children as a duty, which she performs selflessly, with complete dedication. She lets the children play while she does all the chores herself. It is also possible that the mother believes that the children are obliged to help around the house; everyone is given certain commands, which everyone must carry out without delay.


A 55-year-old woman presented with complaints of insomnia. She wakes up at 3 am and can't go back to sleep. She has to get up to drink a glass of warm milk, after which after half an hour or an hour she falls asleep again. Sometimes she wakes up again between 5 and 6 am. Insomnia began after the birth of my sixth child. The patient took birth control pills for some time because she did not want to have any more children. They caused her depression and frequent tears. For this reason she was prescribed Valium. Sleep disturbances intensified after problems arose with my eldest son. He broke off all relations with her and her husband.

My son had homosexual problems and even underwent psychiatric treatment for this. He often blamed his parents for making a mistake in raising him, although he never specified what exactly. Due to lack of sleep, the patient feels tired and exhausted throughout the day.

Another complaint is sciatica. I'm worried about nagging pain starting in the left buttock and radiating to the back of the thigh, tibia and big toe. The pain increases with exertion, standing, walking slowly or shopping, and decreases with walking, cycling and sitting with a straight back. Lying down and warming also relieve pain; cold makes it worse.

The pain began in 1984, after carrying heavy weights. Sciatica and insomnia reinforce each other, the patient often wakes up from pain, and the pain, in turn, worsens with insufficient sleep. Hot flashes are also a concern. Pain in the stomach, worse from coffee. Nausea, worse from chocolate. Sometimes there is a cough that lasts a long time, worse at night, worse when talking. Accompanied by tickling in the trachea on the left.

The trachea is painful, rough, like a steel throat. A small amount of sputum is coughed up, either clear or greenish, with a dense consistency. At this time, the urge to vomit sometimes occurs.

History: In 1980, she underwent a hysterectomy due to frequent uterine bleeding and anemia. Pregnancies were never truly desired. The first three months I always felt very bad. During pregnancy, renal colic occurred 3 times due to kidney stone disease. Milk came only for a short period, cracks and abrasions on the nipples were very bothering.

General characteristics:

Temperature: chilly. Worse in a draft, pain occurs behind the sternum. Doesn't like cloudy weather. Better from fresh air (2). Loves sea air very much (2). Worse from heat (2), legs seem to swell.

Time: worse at 3 am and 5 am.

Cravings: potatoes, sauce, meat, vegetables, chocolate, grilled meat.

Disgusts: sweet drinks, sour berries, apples.

Psyche: Problems arose with some of the children. Although the patient loves children and does everything possible for them, she always felt that there were too many of them. That's why she never wanted to get pregnant. She feels like she's actually a bad mother. She always performed her duties, but with difficulty and without much warmth. I was always afraid that I behaved incorrectly when children cried. As already mentioned, the eldest son does not want to see either his mother or his father, and she has always wondered what her mistake was. One of the daughters also believes that she was not a good enough mother. This upsets the patient and she cries talking about it. These words constantly haunt her. The woman realizes that she did everything she could, but immediately adds: “You can’t jump over your head.”

The patient is a correct person who respects the laws. She never dared to contradict the laws of the church, although she often experienced such desires. I dream of a party where there are a lot of people. She makes coffee, tea, etc. The guests stay overnight, she makes their beds. Everything seems very difficult, she is having a hard time coping with it all. In another dream, a woman forgets about her children and does not see them for 3 months. The patient is quite smart, can do a lot with her hands, and gets irritated if others cannot do the same. She can be very indecisive, often unable to form her own opinion.

When it is finally decided, the choice most often turns out to be the wrong one. Although in her youth she was always cunning, she believed that she knew about everything better than others. Aging terrifies her: “Another 30 years of idleness.” The patient becomes nervous when she does not know what is going to happen. Marriage: Family life is going well. The husband is caring and understanding, sometimes even too much. He never expresses irritation and gets upset if she demonstrates her irritability. In the past she was never attracted to sexual contact, she found it too tiring, but now she is a little better about it.

Childhood: After the death of his mother, his father was left with six children. He remarried the younger sister of his former wife, and they had six more children. The patient was the third of children from his new wife. Her mother did not show much warmth or tenderness and very rarely caressed her. But overall the care and education were quite good and modern. The girl often had to help around the house. Even when she sewed her wedding dress, she still had to work for her mother.

The central issue of the case is the problems surrounding motherhood. The patient considers it her responsibility to be a good mother. Although it is unnatural for her, she tries her best to be a good mother. It is unbearable for her when someone accuses her of not performing this role well enough. It is in these situations that all complaints arise. In this case, the theme of responsibility is obvious, which makes us think first of all about potassium salts.

Characteristic signs are insomnia, worsening at 3 am, worsening in a draft, sciatica. I have given the patient various potassium preparations, such as Kali-s and Kali-br, with only varying success. The complaints returned again, the mental symptoms did not change. After a few more prescriptions, I realized that I needed to take a different look at potassium compounds. One way or another, they brought improvement, albeit temporary. But which potassium compound should you choose? At that time, I became more aware of the relationship between the theme of motherhood and Muriaticum.

In addition, there are some minor indications of Muriaticum: improvement at sea, from lying on the left side, self-pity. Reaction After taking Kali-m 1M for 2 weeks, nothing changed. Then the improvement began. After 3 months, insomnia decreased by 80%. The patient felt better and became more cheerful. I was able to forget some of my problems and look more cheerfully into the future.

Painting of Kali muriaticum

Main idea: responsibility to be a good mother.

Psyche: They feel it is their responsibility to be good mothers and provide their children with maximum care and attention.

They carry out this task with enviable persistence and can easily manage 10 children. Strictly established rules govern their lives. Often in such a situation, the eldest daughter has to take on part of the housework, becoming a second mother for the younger ones. The mother happily shifts some of the worries onto her daughter’s shoulders, because “that’s how it should be.” Such patients develop a strong sense of responsibility, so they often set too strict rules and restrictions for themselves.

Rules are necessary to keep everything under control, but the price for this is warmth and real close communication with children who see a mother who is distant and withdrawn from them.

The opposite situation is also possible, when this type corresponds to a woman who was forced to do housework from an early age and who considers this terribly unfair. When she herself becomes a mother, she tries to let her children do nothing for a long time, enjoying a happy childhood. She herself works from morning to night, just to protect her children from homework.

General characteristics:

Localization: left side.

Temperature: chilly, worse from draft.

Time: worse at 3 am (3). Cravings: starch.

Menstruation: before menstruation, breasts become swollen and painful (3).

Sleep: insomnia, wakes up around 3 o'clock.

Complaints: cerebral hemorrhages, sinusitis, sciatica.

Kali muriaticum(Kali muriaticum) - potassium chloride - KS1.

(Not to be confused with potassium chlorate KC1O).

We owe the introduction of this medicine into homeopathy to Schiissler. He wrote about

Kali muriaticum is as follows: “It is found in almost all cells and

chemically bound to fibrin. It dissolves white and grayish-white secretion

mucous membranes and plastic exudate.” This is where the indications for use come from:

Kali muriaticum for catarrh, lobar and diphtheritic exudates and

the second stage of inflammation of the serous membranes, in the presence of plastic

exudate. “When epidermal cells due to pathological

irritation lose molecules of Kali muriaticum, their surface becomes covered

a whitish or whitish-gray mass of fibrin, which, when dried,

a powdery coating forms.

If the lesion occurs in the tissues under the epidermis, leaking

fibrin and serum cause damage in the area of ​​the epidermis that

rises in the form of a bubble. A similar process occurs under

epithelial cells." In practice, this is the main indication

for the purpose of Kali muriaticum.
It has been widely used by homeopaths for this purpose, but I have not heard of

it has ever been tested. Boericke and Dewey in their fundamental

work on tissue medicines is given a diagram of “leading symptoms”, but it

mostly consists of names of pathological conditions, however

contains valuable instructions, and I owe much to these authors for finding

reflected in my diagram. To specially highlighted conditions and symptoms

refers to chronic catarrhal inflammation of the middle ear; obstruction

eustachian tubes; crackling and ringing in the ears. Grayish-white dryish or

mucus-coated tongue. Hemorrhoids bleeding with dark blood, with

fibrous clumps. Diphtheria. Rheumatic attack with exudation and

swelling of the joints.
Kali muriaticum is said to cure cataracts after Calcarea

fluorica had its effect. With its help I cured rheumatism, with

in which the left shoulder and elbow were most affected, with worsening

in the morning when getting up. In Kali muriaticum the action of both its constituents

elements manifests itself equally. It is very similar to Kali chloricum, and

it is likely that the results of the latter test will be applicable to

both drugs, according to Hering.
Among the symptoms of Kali chloricum are: “Tendency towards flushing of blood towards

both eyes”, “flares in front of both eyes when coughing and sneezing”.
Boericke and Dewey point out: “Eyes appear bulging; white tongue,

covered with film; strong, rough and barking cough."
Hering states: "The cough is stomachic, noisy, with protruding eyes."
One of the key symptoms of Kali muriaticum is the color white - white

color of secretion, exudate and formations in tissues. The next one is

viscosity: fibrinous exudate and secretions, blood clots too much

quickly - hence embolism, compaction and dense swelling.

It occurs to the patient that he should fast.
According to Schussler, the most important specific remedy for epilepsy, especially

if the attacks occur during or after suppression of eczema or other


Acne. Aphthae. Beli. Hodgkin's disease. Bubo. Warts. Big bursitis

toe Ingrown toenails. Haemorrhoids. Deafness. Head

pain. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Diphtheria. Jaundice. Eye diseases.

Heart diseases. Ear diseases. Constipation. Candidal stomatitis.

Cataract. Qatar of the middle ear. Keratitis. Crepitant tendovaginitis. Croup

Meningitis. Migraine. Thrush. Milk scab. Nose bleed.

Frostbite. Obstruction of the Eustachian tubes. Burns. Shingles.

Smallpox. Edema. Swelling of the glands. Dandruff. Diarrhea. Consequences of vaccination.

Creaking in the tendons. Tabes dorsalis. Urethritis. Hoarseness. Crunching in the joints.

Scurvy. Cystitis. Eczema. Embolism. Parotitis. Epilepsy.

Consequences of blows, cuts and bruises; swelling.
Consequences of vaccination.
Edema due to diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys, with obstruction of the bile ducts

ducts, with weakness of the heart due to palpitations.
The main remedy for swelling of the glands, follicular infiltrates.
The second remedy for sprains according to Schtissler.
Rheumatism. Sycosis.

Acne, erythema, eczema and other skin rashes with thick blisters

white content. Pityriasis-like peeling of the skin.

Albuminous eczema or other skin diseases, which appear after

vaccination with drugs made from stale lymph.

Eczema as a result of suppression or dysfunction of the uterus.

little children.
Burns of all degrees (also external), blisters, etc.
Frostbite, rashes associated with stomach pathology or disorder

menstrual function.
Warts on hands. Shingles. Jaundice.

Drowsiness. Restless sleep, the patient jumps up at the slightest sound.

Congestion or inflammation of any organ or part of the body in the second stage.
Fever with a cold, severe chills, the patient freezes from the slightest

blows of cold air, forced to sit close to the fire in order to

Headache with vomiting and coughing up milky white mucus.
Migraine; tongue covered with white coating; vomiting white mucus due to

slow liver function; lack of appetite, etc.
It is Schussler's second remedy for meningitis.

Scrofulous eruptions on the head in small children.
Milk scab. Dandruff.

Cheeks pasty and painful.
Pain in the facial area due to swelling of the face or glands.
Scrofulous eruptions on the face in young children.

Eye diseases. Obstruction of the Eustachian tubes.
Discharge of white mucus, yellow or greenish substance from the eyes and

yellow, purulent crusts. Particles of discharge on the eyelids.
Superficial, flat ulcers that develop from blisters.
Bubbles on the cornea. Feeling of sand in the eyes.
Keratitis. Cataract.

Ear diseases. Chronic catarrh of the middle ear.

Blockage of the Eustachian tubes. It seems that the drug is stronger

acts on the Eustachian tubes.
Deafness or ear pain due to congestion or swelling of the middle ear or

eustachian tube; with swelling of the glands or crackling in the ears when the patient

blows nose or swallows.
Deafness due to sore throat, white tongue, etc.
Deafness due to swelling of the external ear.
Granulations in the external auditory canal and on the eardrum.

Cracking and noise in the ears.

Tabes dorsalis.

Loss of voice; hoarseness due to a cold; tongue is white.

Protruding eyes; the tongue is white, coated; strong, rough and barking

cough. Croup

The vault of the pharynx is covered with crusts, tightly connected to the underlying tissues.
The tonsils are extremely swollen; viscous, stringy mucus; swallowing even water

or the softest bread is extremely painful; the patient must twist

neck to swallow food.
Coughs up unpleasant-smelling, cheese-like lumps.
Grayish plaques or spots on the mucous membrane of the throat.

Catarrhal inflammation, mucus white and thick.
Cold with heaviness in head and whitish-gray tongue.
Nosebleeds in the afternoon.

Heart diseases. Embolism.
Palpitations due to excessive blood flow to a hypertrophied heart.
Bleeding in dark, black clots or sticky blood.

Aphthae, candidal stomatitis of the oral cavity in young children and

nursing women. Swelling of the tongue. Geographical language.
The tongue is covered with a grayish-white coating, dryish or slippery.
Sensation as if a tumor was growing on the tongue (disappeared in my patient).
Scurvy with dense infiltrates.

Dyspepsia and indigestion with whitish-gray tongue; feeling

nausea after fatty foods, pain and heaviness below the shoulder on the right.

Poor appetite.

Jaundice preceded by chills; accompanied by duodenitis; light chair.
Slow or completely inhibited liver function, pain in the right

side. Dysentery: diarrhea with mucous stools.

Constipation, light-colored stools, indicating a lack of bile due to

slow liver function or as a consequence of existing disorders,

especially when consuming fat and confectionery products.
Diarrhea: after fatty foods; with typhus-like fever; with pale stool

yellow, brown-yellow or clay-colored, white or slimy.
Hemorrhoids, bleeding, blood is dark and thick, with clots.

Acute cystitis at the stage when swelling has already developed and a thick white discharge is released

Beli; secretion of milky white mucus: thick, non-irritating, soft.

Delayed or suppressed menstruation; menstruation may be late or

start ahead of time; copious discharge, with dark clots; or

viscous black blood, reminiscent of tar.

Pregnancy: morning sickness with vomiting white mucus.

One of the most important Schussler remedies for gonorrhea and orchitis due to

suppressed semen release. For buboes, mild edema and mild

chancre is the main remedy of Schussler.
Chronic urethritis in combination with eczema, in the acute or latent stage.

Swelling of the glands. Scrofulous enlargement of glands.
Mumps, swelling of the parotid glands.
Enlarged cervical and submandibular lymph nodes.
Hodgkin's disease.


Crepitant tendovaginitis.

Creaking in the tendons. Crunching in the joints.
Ulcers on the skin of the extremities; fibrinous discharge. Crepitant

. Hands. Warts on hands. Creaking in the tendons on the back of the hand.
. Legs. Bunion of the big toe. Ingrown toenails.
Rheumatic pain at night; worse in warm bed; pain like a blow

lightning, from the lower back to the feet, forcing you to get out of bed and sit down.

Swelling of the ankle joints.

Jaundice. Parotitis. Dysentery. Diphtheria. Smallpox.

Persistent eczema, thrush, scrofulous eruptions on the head and face of

little children.

. Worse. When moving. After any fatty food or confectionery

products. In the warmth of the bed (rheumatic symptoms).

Vaccination. Stretching. Burns. Strikes. Cuts. Fatty food. Violation

work of internal organs.

Antidote for Kali muriaticum are: Belladonna, Calcarea sulphurica,

Hydrasticum, Pulsatilla.
Kali muriaticum follows well: Calcarea phosphorica, Calcarea fluorica.
Should be compared: Kali chloricum;
with viscous secretions – Kali bichromicum, Kali carbonicum, Hydrastis,
for rheumatic lesions - Braonia, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulfur, Mercurius;
with damage to the Eustachian tube - Mercurius;
for inflammatory processes in the ear - Graphites, Kali bichromicum;
worse from fatty foods, worse from heat - Pulsatilla.
You should also compare: Natrium muriaticum, Nitricum acidum, Siliea, Apis, Thuja.

Kalium muriaticum/Kalium muriaticum - potassium hydrochloride, kalium chloratum KCl from 2 X.

Symptoms appear in the morning; before noon; at noon; In the evening; until midnight; at night; after midnight. Aversion to fresh air, sensitivity to drafts. Fresh air worsens many symptoms. Feeling that certain parts of the body are numb. Fear of bathing and worsening condition after it. Cold generally aggravates symptoms; worse from cold air; when it freezes; in cold, wet weather. This is a useful remedy for various types of seizures: clonic; epileptic; epileptiform; with a feeling of internal trembling. Worse after eating and exertion. Brief loss of consciousness. Worse from cold, fatty foods, cold drinks. A crawling sensation in various parts of the body. Feeling full. Bleeding, the blood is dark and clots easily. Feeling of heaviness external and internal. Seals in various tissues; glands; muscles.

Inflammatory processes culminate in the formation of compactions and infiltrates; hepatization after pneumonia (Calcarea carbonica, Sulfur). Severe fatigue. Desire to lie down. Complaints from muscle and joint tension. Lying down worsens many symptoms: in bed; on the right side, on the sore side. Improvement when the patient lies on the healthy side. Worse before and during menstruation; from movement. Increased discharge: mucous, viscous, milky white. Pain, as from a bruise, raw, burning, cutting, tugging, squeezing, pressing, stabbing. Sharp, stabbing pains externally, piercing glands, muscles. Paroxysmal and ulcerating pain.

Unilateral paralysis; organ paralysis. The pulse is full, elastic, intermittent, irregular, slow, weak, soft. General pulsation. Pronounced muscle relaxation. Rising from a sitting position causes or worsens symptoms. By rubbing the skin the symptoms are relieved. Sensitivity to pain. Complaints are disturbing on the one hand; may be right- or left-handed; but left-sided ones are more common. Complaints worsen while sitting. Patients are slow, lethargic; the reaction is weak; slowly regain strength; are slowly getting better. There is swelling of various parts of the body; iron Feeling of tension in the muscles. Worse when touched. Muscle twitching. Warmth of the bed worsens some symptoms. Weakness throughout the body; in the morning; in the evenings; after acute catarrhal diseases; from walking. Worse in damp weather.

Irritability and anger in the evening; restlessness: in the evenings; for nothing. The patient has a false belief that she should not eat. Dissatisfaction, loss of spirit. Dullness of perception. Mental excitement. Fear that something bad will happen to him. The drug has been successfully used for dementia. Indifference to pleasures. Madness and indecision. Disgust for life. Grumbling, moaning; mania. Insane. Restless. Sad. Silent. Tends to sit in complete silence. Talks in his sleep. Unconsciousness during the progression of diseases of the brain and meninges. Dizziness: when standing up or bending over; while walking.

Sensation of compression in the scalp. Dandruff, copious, white. Eczema. Heaviness in the head; in the forehead area; in the back of the head, accompanied by pain in the trachea and a hard cough; occiput feels as if it were filled with lead; as if the head would be thrown back; with a hard cough. Sensation that the skull is too large for the brain. Sensation of movement in the head. Headache in the morning when walking; at noon; In the evening; in cold and fresh air; aggravated by pulling hair; after meal; paroxysmal; increased pain from pressure, bending, touching, walking, walking in the fresh air, drinking wine; reduction of pain when wrapping the head. Pain in the forehead. Pain in occiput, as if a weight were pulling the head towards the pillow (as in Opium). Pain in the sides of the head; temples; boring, raw, with burning in the forehead; cutting, gnawing in the back of the head; tugging. Pressing pain throughout the head; in the forehead area, going from inside to outside; in the back of the head; in the temples, spreading from inside to outside. Shooting pains in the head, occiput. Sharp, stabbing pain in the head, worsening when bending over; in the forehead area; in the back of the head; spreading along the lateral surfaces of the head; in the temples; top of the head. Sweating head. Pulsations in the head, sensations as from electric shocks.

Catarrhal discharge of milky white mucus; greenish or yellow, purulent. Inflammatory changes in the conjunctiva, with thickening; pustules; inflammation of the cornea. Burning in the eyes; in the corners of the eyes. Pressure. Pain as if the eyes were filled with sand. Sharp, stabbing pain in the eyes. Photophobia. Exophthalmos. Redness of the eyes in the evening, accompanied by pain. Eyes wide open. Swelling of the eyelids. Twitching in the inner parts of the eyes. Vesicles on the cornea of ​​the eyes. Vision is unclear. Double vision. When you sneeze or cough, flashes of light appear before your eyes.

Blockage of the Eustachian tubes. Discharge from the ears is mucous and milky white. Dry catarrh of the middle ear; ears are hot. Stitching pain in ears. Noises: buzzing; clicking; crackling sound when blowing nose and swallowing; buzzing; resonance; ringing; roar; singing; crack; tickling; whistling of air. Ear pain; behind the auricle; pulling; pressing; sharp, piercing; stitching pain behind the ear; tearing; tearing pain behind the ear. Pulsation behind the ear. Tinnitus. Twitching. Hearing is heightened: to noise; voices. Hearing impairment.

Catarrhal phenomena in the nose; copious discharge: irritating, purulent, thick, white; milky white; viscous; sticky; yellow; in the posterior choanae. Rhinitis; with cough; wet; dry; thick and milky white discharge. Dry nose. Nosebleeds during the day; In the evening. Itchy nose. The nose is filled with mucus. Frequent sneezing.

Epithelioma of the lips and lupus with manifestations on the face. The face is cyanotic; pale; red. Dry lips. Rash on the face; cheeks; lips; around the mouth; papular. Suffering, painful facial expression. Flushes of heat to the face. The face is hot. Facial pain; more pronounced on the right side; pulling; piercing; tearing. Facial paralysis. Perspiration. Haggard face. Painful, swollen face, lips; swelling of the submandibular lymph nodes. Voltage. Sharp, stabbing pain. Ulcerations on the face, lips.

Aphthae on the oral mucosa in children and nursing mothers. Bleeding gums. Boils on the gums. The tongue is red or white. Dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue. Feeling of heat in the mouth. Inflammatory changes in the gums and tongue. Geographical language. Milky white mucus in the mouth. Bad breath, even putrid. Burning of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue. Soreness in the gums and tongue. Changes in the gums characteristic of scurvy. Salivation. Desire to talk. Swelling gums and tongue. Taste in mouth: unpleasant, bitter; metal; putrefactive; brackish; sour; sweetish. Ulcerations in the mouth and tongue; syphilitic. Vesicles on the oral mucosa. The roots of the teeth are exposed. Teeth are loose. Toothache; sharp, stabbing.

Throat is dry and red, feeling of suffocation. Heat in the throat and an abundance of mucus. Inflammatory phenomena in the throat; tonsils; chronic. White exudate in the throat; gray spots. Many times this remedy has cured diphtheria. Mucus: viscous; thick; milky white; covering the pharynx; permanent plaque. Sore throat: when swallowing; burning; pressing; sore; soreness. Scratching in the throat. Swallowing is very difficult. Swelling of the throat; tonsils; tongue; parotid glands. Ulcerations of the throat.

Feeling of discomfort in the stomach. Appetite is reduced or completely absent; elevated, or wolfish, after eating. Aversion to food; to meat. Constriction of the stomach. A feeling of emptiness in the stomach that does not improve after eating. Belching: after eating; ineffective; bitter; empty; food; sour; regurgitation. Hot flashes; heartburn, feeling of fullness. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach, worse at night. Hiccups. Inflammatory changes in the stomach. Aversion to food. Nausea after fatty, rich meals. Nausea and chills. Stomach pain; aching; burning; cutting; feeling of pressure with a feeling of emptiness; soreness to touch; sharp, piercing. Voltage. Sharply expressed thirst; during a chill. Vomiting: bile; blood; food; milky white and dark green mucus; morning diarrhea accompanied by vomiting white mucus; sudden; incessant.

Bloating after eating. Feeling empty. Ascites. Enlarged spleen. Flatulence: during the daytime; at noon; at night; before bedtime. Feeling of fullness; after meal. Abdominal pain; at night; colic; sudden, sharp pain with diarrhea; during diarrhea; after meal; as if menstruation was about to begin; before and during bowel movements; in the hypochondrium, especially on the right; burning in the right hypochondrium. Abdominal cramps; before defecation; in the epigastric region, accompanied by diarrhea. Cravings in the stomach; in the umbilical region. Pressure in the hypochondrium; decreased feeling of pressure in the right hypochondrium during the passage of gases. Abdominal pain; in the right hypochondrium; in the groin area. Rumbling before defecation. Tension in the abdomen.

Constipation; Difficulty defecating due to rectal passivity. The stool is dry, hard, profuse, light-colored, clay-colored. Diarrhea; painless; in the morning; evenings; after fatty foods. Fecal matter is acrid, with bloody mucus; plentiful; green; fetid; watery; with white mucus. Dysentery with mucous stools or discharge of pure blood. With diarrhea, intestinal gases are released. A crawling sensation in the anal area. Bleeding from the rectum. Haemorrhoids; with congestive plethora; outer; with large hemorrhoids; painful, with increased pain when walking. Involuntary bowel movement; when gases pass. Itching in the anal area; after defecation. Pain in the rectum and anus; during and after defecation. Burning; during and after defecation. Feeling of pressure in the anus. Pain after defecation. Tenesmus. Rectal paralysis. Urgency with normal stool; permanent. Catarrh of the bladder with much mucus in the urine. Urinary retention. Urinary urgency; at night; permanent; frequent; ineffective. Urination drop by drop; thin stream; frequent; at night; involuntary at night; slow The patient must push for a long time in order for urination to begin. Inflammatory changes in the kidneys. Pain in the kidney area. Scanty urine output. The drug was often used for chronic gonorrhea with milky discharge characteristic of chronic gonorrheal urethritis. Prescribed for painful erections. Itching sensation in the urethra. Burning and stinging when urinating. Urine: with protein; dark; dark green; bloody; burning; cloudy; dark; pale; red; excessive urination at night; scanty urination; glucosuria; thick urine.

Inflammatory changes in the glans penis and testicles. Hardening of the testicles. Painful, strong erections. Sharp, stabbing pain in the scrotum. Drawing pain in the testicles. Involuntary ejaculation. Ulcers on the penis; chancre.

Leukorrhea: acrid discharge; milky color; white; viscous. Menstrual blood is bright red; with clots. Menstruation is frequent; lagging; painful. Uterine bleeding. Cramping pain, as during childbirth.

Irritation of the larynx; inflammatory changes; dryness; croup Mucous deposits in the larynx: thick, milky. Larynx sensitive to touch. Tickling sensation in the larynx. Hoarseness; eventually the voice disappears. Breathing is fast; asthmatic; deep; difficult; bubbling; wheezing. Cough during the day and at night: asthmatic; barking; with a deep breath; lobar; dry; jerky, yellow, after eating; from irritation of the larynx and trachea; painful; exhausting; paroxysmal; strong; cough with whooping cough. Sputum: in the morning; streaked with blood; mucous; white; gray; milky white; yellow.

Catarrhal inflammation of the respiratory tract and anxiety in the heart. Feeling of coldness in the region of the heart. Feeling of stagnation and paroxysmal feeling of heat in the chest. Feeling of tightness in the chest; in heart; as from inhalation of sulfur vapors. Pulmonary hemorrhage. Hepatization of the lungs after pneumonia. Inflammatory changes in the bronchi, lungs, pleura. Longing in the chest. Chest pain; when breathing; on the sides of the chest; in heart; cutting, pressing pain; soreness. Palpitations.

Feeling of cold in the back. Sharp, stabbing pain in the back; when breathing; relief of pain when lying down; sitting; standing; while walking. Pain between the shoulder blades. Pain in the lumbar region; decreasing when lying down; sitting; standing. Pain in the sacrum; weakened when lying down. Pain in the coccyx. Aching pain in the back; lower back; sacrum. Burning sensation in the back. Nagging pain in the lower back; in the sacrum. Pain like a thunderbolt, extending from the small of the back to the feet, forcing one to get out of bed and sit up. Pressing pain in the back, lumbar region. Sharp, stabbing pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades; in the sacrum.

Cold extremities; brushes; feet. Clicking in the joints and tendons of the dorsum of the hand. Cramps in the limbs; hips; shins. Rash on thighs; papules; vesicles. Feeling of heat in the hands and feet; burning in the soles. Pain in the limbs; night; rheumatic; worse in warmth of bed; rheumatic in joints; rheumatic in left shoulder and elbow. Nagging pain in the wrist joints; hips; knees; shins. Pressing pain in the shoulders. Stitching pain in knees; shins. Tearing pain in shoulders; brushes; fingers; thighs, worse from warmth of bed; in the knees; calf muscles. Hemiparesis. Sweaty feet with feeling of coldness.

Stiffness of the knee joints. Swelling of the legs and ankles. Tension in knees, calves. Twitching in limbs, thighs. Ulceration on legs; warts on the hands. Weakness in limbs, hips.

Dreams: love; anxious; about the depths of the sea, the abyss; about previous events; frightening; about failures; pleasant; restless; alive. Restless sleep. Daytime sleepiness; after lunch; In the evening; after meal. Insomnia at night. Early awakening.

Feeling chilly in the morning; during the day; In the evening; on open air; in bed; freezing in the evenings; outside cold; shaking chill. Evening fever in bed. Sweating in the morning; at midnight; at night.

Feeling of burning or coldness in the skin. Dry skin. Rashes: eczema; herpes; papules; scabs; scales; white; with thin scales; vesicles. Jaundice. Erysipelas. Irritation; intertrigo. Feeling of goosebumps crawling all over the body. Itching in the evening; in bed; at night; burning sensation with crawling sensation on the skin; easier from combing; sensation of stinging bites. Ulcers with burning; festering; with growths.

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"Lesions of the mucous membranes with thick, viscous, sticky mucus, which may be expelled in long threads." With no other remedy is this sign as noticeable as with kali bichromicum. Comes close to him hydrastis, and may also be suitable lissin (Lyssin) when the mouth or pharynx is affected; iris versicolor similar.

But kali bichromicum causes and cures this kind of discharge when the nose, mouth, pharynx, pharynx, larynx, windpipe (trachea), bronchi, vagina and uterus are affected. And the effect of this remedy is not limited to this; it reaches the formation of viscous films on all these mucous membranes. Then, it causes and heals ulcerations on the mucous membranes. The peculiarity of these ulcers is that they are “deep, as if cut with a chisel, with regular edges.” And I remember several years ago I had one case where such ulcers existed in a woman’s throat. Food entered the posterior nasal openings through the soft palate, and it seemed that this entire soft palate, if prompt measures were not taken, would be destroyed by an ulcerative process. The case seemed syphilitic to me and had already been used for a long time by two doctors of the old school. I gave kali bichromicum 30, and to say that I was amazed at the result (as it was at the beginning of my practice), is to put it mildly, because the ulcers healed so quickly - accordingly, the general condition, which was very bad, improved - that already after For three weeks the patient was apparently healthy, and her suffering has not returned for years, as long as I have known her. I forgot to point out that she also had this viscous discharge, although not as copious as we often see in other cases.

I once also cured a Great Dane who had ulcers in his mouth and throat, and saliva flowed in threads, and he wandered around the yard, as if staggering. Everyone who saw the dog considered it rabid, but I did not share this opinion, since it did not rush at anyone, did not bite, and there were no noticeable suffocating spasms.

Kali bichromicum- one of our salvation anchors in the treatment of diseases of the nasal mucous membranes. And this is not only with acute inflammation, in which the aforementioned fibrous-stringy discharge occurs, but also with the so-called chronic catarrh. In these cases, the patient often complains of strong pressure at the root of the nose, and especially if the discharge that was usual suddenly stops. In the nose, mucus dries into crusts, which, when removed, form again. Sometimes the discharge is thick and green or crusty. Such a chronic inflammatory process can get worse and worse, and even reach the formation of ulcerations that can perforate the entire nasal septum. Such ulceration may also be of a syphilitic nature. In these syphilitic cases, when the destructive process also affects the bones, kali bichromicum may still be useful, although I think you need to contact aurum metallicum or another deeper acting remedy.

Likewise, I have found it to be a good remedy in those distressing cases of chronic retronasal catarrh, where there is a viscous discharge from the posterior nasal openings, or crusts and plugs form in the nose.

The formation of films in the throat with it is a reliable fact as with no other remedy, and when such a film spreads further down to the larynx, causing membranous croup, then no other remedy, in my opinion, is superior here kali bichromicum. I have cured many cases of diphtheritic croup with it, and in recent years I have never given the remedy below the 30th division, since I have repeatedly been convinced that in this division it works better than in lower rubbings.

Kali bichromicum used in the treatment of stomach pain. Vomit is often a viscous mass and, as in the nose, mouth and throat, there may be “round sores”. But before it comes to actual ulceration, we have a form of dyspepsia in which this remedy is very useful. It often occurs in drunkards, especially those who drink beer. Here you feel a strong heaviness in the stomach, fullness, anxiety immediately after eating, similar nux moshata, but not the same as with nux vomike, where all this happens two or three hours after eating, or as when anacardium, in which the pain also appears after 2-3 hours and continues until the patient won’t eat anything again, after which it becomes easier again.

The condition of the tongue during these gastric sufferings can be of two kinds: it is either yellow-coated at the root ( mercurium iodatum And sodium phosphoricum), or dry, smooth, shiny, or red, cracked. The latter type of tongue occurs most often in dysentery, where kali bichromicum sometimes provides good service.

There is also another type of discharge from the mucous membranes, which I did not mention, this is “jelly-like mucus.” This may be nasal discharge, from the posterior nasal openings, vagina, or anus. It is especially common in dysentery. Of course, vaginal (leukorrheal) discharge, viscous or jelly-like, will be suitable for this remedy, which has given very good results in many cases. Exactly the same for lesions of the respiratory organs due to coughs, croup, bronchitis, asthma and even consumption. Apparently, chromic acid in this potassium compound has a similar relationship to the viscosity of mucus, since no other potassium salt represents it to such a degree.

A few more instructions regarding this remedy that should not be omitted. There are special types of pain. They are in small areas, which can be covered by the end of the finger. This happens with headaches. This often happens with migraines. Farrington says: "There are many remedies for blinding headaches, but kali bichromicum"The blindness appears before the headache, and then, when it begins, the blindness passes. Then this pain appears small spots, very strong. Then, the pain kali bichromicum appear and disappear suddenly. This reminds belladonna. Then they fly from place to place, as if pulsatille. There are five remedies which have noticeably wandering or wandering pains: kali bichromicum, kali sulfuricum, pulsatilla, caninum varnish And manganum aceticum. At kali bichromicum the pain does not stay in one place for as long as with pulsatille, and there is no such disposition to swelling. Kali sulfuricum most similar to Pulsatilla in all pain symptoms. Pain manganuma jump from joint to joint crosswise, and when caninum varnish move from one side to the other - one day is worse on one side, another on the other, etc. Then, even with kali bichromicumum alternate symptoms; for example, symptoms of rheumatism alternate with symptoms of dysentery (as well as abrotanum). At platinum lumbar symptoms alternate with general mental and physical symptoms.

Kali bichromicum especially suitable for fat, light-brown faces or for children prone to catarrhal, croupous, scrofulous or syphilitic lesions. Dr. Drysdale deserves great credit from the profession for introducing this truly important remedy.

Kali muriaticum (Kali muriaticum)

This is one of the so-called biochemical remedies, or one of those twelve remedies that, according to Schüssler, can cure all sorts of diseases of the body. It has not been tested enough to know even half of its real value. Its clinical use in divisions from 3 to 30 has shown that this remedy has an undoubted significant price. It is used in the second stage of inflammation or in the stage of interstitial (interstitial) effusion in any part of the body, and, as far as is known, its purpose is not associated with the danger that is inherent kali iodatum, at least it was prescribed in massive doses as a last resort. I have seen how, under the influence of this remedy, joints swollen after acute rheumatism quickly returned to their natural size, although the lesion had stubbornly resisted other remedies for a long time. But I don’t know of any characteristic symptoms based on which one could give it preference over other remedies. It is also a remedy for inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), after the acute inflammatory symptoms have been eliminated aconite, belladonna or ferrum phosphoricum. I have found it very effective in cases of deafness due to inflammation and blockage of the Eustachian tube. At first I gave divisions 3 to 6, but got better results from 24. Many cases of chronic obstinate deafness can be cured by this remedy, if given early enough. By the way, we can also mention here mercurius dulcis as another remedy against these sufferings of the Eustachian tube. Of course, when choosing between these two remedies, other mercurial symptoms should be kept in mind here.

Sad, silent during the day, restless, irritable in the evening.
He thinks he must starve.

Adenoids. Angina. Aphthae. Bulimia. Bursitis. Sinusitis. Haemorrhoids. Deafness. Gonorrhea. Dysbacteriosis. Diphtheria. Eustacheite. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Constipation.

Candidiasis. Cataract. Keratitis. Cysts (ovarian, oral cavity, kidney). Conjunctivitis. Lymphogranulomatosis. Facial neuralgia. Mastoiditis. Thrush.

Milk scab. Pinworms. Orchitis. Dandruff. Exudative pleurisy. Pneumonia. Consequences of vaccinations. Psoriasis. Rheumatism. Salpingo-oophoritis. Scarlet fever.

Tonsillitis. Trachoma. Acne. Phlebitis. Scurvy. Cystitis. Epilepsy. Parotitis. Corneal ulcers.

The discharge is more cheesy. A dazzling white coating on the mucous membranes. Milky discharge.

Cysts (ovarian, oral cavity, kidney, breast) are a special indication. Allergic reactions of the skin and mucous membranes.

Ligamentous weakness + hoarseness

"Velvet" skin. Any candidiasis. Whitish peeling on skin rashes (scarlet fever, psoriasis, etc.).

“Milk” crust on the face of young children.

Acne. Rash with powdery peeling. Candidiasis of various organs.

Ulcers with a white coating, with (grayish-white discharge: sputum, pus.

Leukoplakia. Warts. Furunculosis. Pustules. Allergic skin reactions.
Eczema with dry powdery scales or vesicles containing serous fluid.

Headache with vomiting.

Milk scab. Dandruff.

Cheeks pasty and painful.

White mucus, purulent crusts. Superficial manifestations of the cornea. Vitreous opacification. Feeling of sand in the eyes.

Bright white discharge from the eyes. Cataract (especially initial). Keratitis. Phlyctenular keratitis. Conjunctivitis.

Corneal ulcers. Trachoma.

Acute otitis media with the appearance of discharge. Viscous, slightly irritating, milky discharge. Copious discharge from the ear.

Sticky, fibrous, difficult to come out. Feeling of fullness and stuffiness with a cracking noise. Clicking and ringing in the ears.

Swelling of the parotid lymph nodes. Threatening mastoiditis. Eustacheite. Cracking in the ears. Ulcerations at the piercing sites of the earlobes.

Prevents deafness if treatment is started in a timely manner - NB!

Hearing loss (Nash: a cure for deafness if started early).

Hearing impairment due to problems of the tubal tonsils. Non-otite auditory nerve.
Ear congestion, noise in them, and hearing loss quickly develop.

Facial neuralgia, aggravated by touching, eating, talking.

Epilepsy developed after suppression of eczema (Schüssler).

Asthma is accompanied by gastric disorders: mucus is white, coughing up is difficult.
Lobar pneumonia, exudative pleurisy with viscous grayish-white sputum, stitching in the chest.
Thick white sputum. Croup Exudative pleurisy.

Rhinitis. Nasal congestion with a cold.

Sinusitis. Sensation that the nose is filled with mucus. The discharge is thick, white, milky white. Frequent sneezing. Itchy nose.

Nosebleeds during the day.

Adenoid vegetations. Sneezing. Copious liquid discharge from the nose.

Chronic catarrh with thick white discharge which runs down the back of the larynx, causing a suffocating cough.

Loud, noisy, "stomach" cough. The cough is hacking, sharp and spasmodic, as in whooping cough; expectoration of white, thick sputum.

Bubbling sounds when air passes through accumulations of thick, viscous mucus; coughing up sputum is difficult.

The vault of the larynx is covered with crusts that adhere tightly to the mucous membrane. Hoarseness.

Tendency to sore throats (especially herpetic, candidiasis). Follicular inflammation of the pharynx, tonsils.

Grayish-white or bright white discharge and white dotted plaque (plugs) with tonsillitis (may not be purulent plugs,

and white discharge). Swelling of the tonsils. Due to a thin white coating, the tongue is rough - NB!

Ulcers with a white fibrous coating. Enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Diphtheria. Croup

Heartbeat. Feeling of coldness in the region of the heart.
Chronic phlebitis (the drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent blood clots).


Bulbit. Duodenitis.

Tongue with a white, snowy or geographic coating. White spots on the oral mucosa.

Aphthae with a white coating, white ulcers in the mouth.

The oral mucosa is red with whitish spots and bleeds easily.

Irritated tongue coated with yellow spots (geographic tongue).

Oral cysts. Scurvy.

Fatty or rich foods cause digestive problems.
Erosion of the gastric mucosa. Gastrointestinal bleeding (often caused by allopathic treatment).

Erosive gastritis. Chronic gastritis with a white coating on the tongue, with intolerance to fatty foods and flatulence. Bulbit.
Nausea. Morning sickness with vomiting of white mucus. Vomit. Vomiting white, cloudy mucus; water accumulates in the mouth.

White films in vomit. Pain in the stomach due to constipation.

Bulimia: The feeling of hunger disappears when drinking water.
. addictions. Vinegar. Drinking cold water.
. disgust. Fat.

Abdominal bloating and pain on palpation. Flatulence. Clinic of various dysbacteriosis. Erosion of the intestinal mucosa.
Enlarged liver.
Dysentery: mucous diarrhea.

Alternating diarrhea and constipation. Ocher (yellow) chair.

Constipation: light-colored stools.

Diarrhea after fatty foods: clayey, discolored or slimy stools.

Pinworms that cause itching in the anus.

Hemorrhoids are bleeding, the blood is dark and thick, fibrinous clots.

Milky discharge from the urethra (gonorrhea, orchitis, chancre, buboes, etc.).

Kidney cysts. Chronic cystitis, frequent urination, with burning.

Ovarian cysts. Uterine bleeding. Leucorrhoea: discharge of milky white mucus, thick, non-caustic, non-irritating tissue.

Thrush is a specific indication for Kali muriaticum..

Candidiasis infections, especially in girls. Endometritis with thick white discharge.

Acute salpingoophoritis.