How to make cocoa powder from milk and how to make cocoa powder at home? How to brew real delicious cocoa with milk, water, condensed milk, powdered milk, cream, marshmallows, cinnamon, coffee, for children, like in kindergarten, from baby formula, diet

Cocoa is good for you. It has antioxidant properties, helps prevent atherosclerosis, improves brain function, invigorates and improves mood, and has a minimum of contraindications. The drink brewed from cocoa has a pleasant chocolate taste and aroma; adults and children like it. But not all housewives know how to cook cocoa with milk and dilute the powder with it instant cooking. He is significantly inferior homemade drink made on the stove, both taste and benefit. The technology for preparing cocoa with milk has its own specifics, but is not complicated. Even an inexperienced cook can master the process.

Cooking features

There is no great difficulty in preparing cocoa with milk; many generations of our compatriots have successfully coped with this task. Modern housewives also delight their households with homemade cocoa brewed with milk, since even a novice cook can master the technology for preparing this drink. Cooking cocoa with milk requires constant attention from the cook and knowledge of several points, but it is done quickly and easily.

  • You can brew cocoa at a store-bought homemade milk any fat content, as well as milk reconstituted from powder or condensed milk. It is possible to prepare the drink with soy milk - it will appeal to vegetarians and people suffering from lactose intolerance.
  • When brewing cocoa from farm milk, it is advisable to boil it beforehand. If this was not done before preparing the chocolate drink, you will have to cook the cocoa for 5-7 minutes after boiling. From pasteurized, boiled and reconstituted milk, the drink is brewed for 2-3 minutes.
  • If you don't like foam, dilute the milk with water in a ratio of 1:1 or even 1:2. Then, after cooking, foam will not form, and the calorie content of the drink will decrease.
  • The most delicious drink is considered to be one to which equal amounts of sugar and cocoa have been added. They usually take 50–60 g of these products per liter. However, the ratio of these ingredients can be changed according to your taste.
  • You need to cook cocoa over low heat, stirring, this will prevent the milk from escaping. As soon as you notice the milk starting to rise, place a metal spoon in the pan and reduce the heat. The spoon will take away some of the heat and the milk will not escape.
  • In order for the cocoa powder to dissolve without forming lumps, it is first mixed with sugar, then diluted in a small amount of hot milk, and only then introduced in a thin stream into the milk boiling on the stove.
  • On sale you can find Dominican cocoa in balls or bars. Before use, it is ground on a grater, then a drink is brewed from it using the same technology as from regular cocoa powder.
  • It is impossible to brew cocoa without sediment. If you really don't like it, strain the drink through cheesecloth.

When serving, cocoa can be decorated with ground cinnamon, grated chocolate, and whipped cream. The latter option is acceptable only if the drink is cooled first. It can be served both hot and cold.

Classic recipe for cocoa with milk

  • milk (boiled or pasteurized) – 1 l;
  • cocoa powder – 40 g;
  • sugar – 60 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour milk into a clean saucepan. Place on low heat.
  • When the milk reaches approximately 60-70 degrees, pour a ladle of milk into a cup.
  • Pour cocoa and sugar into a clean cup and mix them together.
  • Pour in the milk poured from the pan and grind until smooth.
  • As soon as the milk in the pan begins to boil, pour the prepared mixture into it in a thin stream. At this time, stir the contents of the pan with a metal spoon.
  • If necessary, reduce the flame intensity. Brew the drink, stirring, for 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat.

You can serve cocoa hot or after it has cooled. The taste of the drink prepared according to this recipe is familiar to many from childhood. It is believed that this recipe is used to prepare cocoa in kindergarten. If you want it to become even more aromatic, add vanillin to the milk along with cocoa. You need to place it just a little bit, literally at the tip of the knife.

Cocoa with milk, “like in a canteen”

  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • cocoa powder – 60 g;
  • sugar – 60 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour milk into a saucepan, mix with water, heat.
  • Combine cocoa and sugar, add 150-200 ml of liquid from the pan, stir well.
  • When the contents of the pan boil, pour the diluted cocoa into it.
  • After the liquid boils again, cook the cocoa, stirring, for 1-2 minutes.

If you want to make diet cocoa, use this recipe as a basis, but reduce the amount of sugar by 1.5 times or replace it with a low-calorie sweetener.

Cocoa from milk powder

  • milk powder (animal or vegetable) – 100 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • cocoa – 50 g;
  • sugar – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Boil water, let it cool to approximately 50–60 degrees.
  • Pour 50-100 ml of water into a bowl, add dry milk, stir so that there are no lumps.
  • Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, dilute with the remaining water.
  • In a separate container, mix cocoa and sugar, add half a glass of reconstituted milk and stir.
  • Heat the reconstituted milk to a boil, add cocoa.
  • When the drink boils again, remove it from the heat.

Before drinking, the drink must be given time to settle, otherwise it will have a watery taste.

Cocoa with condensed milk

  • water – 0.75 l;
  • condensed milk – 0.25 l;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • cocoa – 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Boil water, let it cool slightly, dilute the condensed milk.
  • Mix cocoa with sugar, then add 150 ml of milk mixture, grind until smooth.
  • Place the diluted condensed milk on the fire. As soon as the liquid boils, add cocoa.
  • Cook for 2-3 minutes after the liquid in the pan returns to a boil.

If the cocoa brewed according to this recipe seems too sweet, change the ratio of water and condensed milk. It is not advisable to exclude sugar from the recipe, since it makes cocoa powder more easily dissolved in milk.

There are several options for making cocoa with milk, but they are all quite simple. Any housewife can delight her household with this tasty and healthy drink.

Cocoa - aromatic drink with a chocolate flavor, which is prepared on the basis of milk from cocoa powder with the addition of sugar. Cocoa beans contain vitamins, acids, microelements, protein and many other useful components that regulate mental activity, banish depression, and protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is important to cook cocoa no longer than the recommended time in order to preserve its healing properties.

How to make cocoa with milk

Cocoa with milk is indispensable on children's menus, and a cup of the fragrant drink won't hurt adults either. Take 3 tbsp for 1 liter of milk. l. cocoa, 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Heat the milk in a saucepan. Mix cocoa and sugar separately, dilute the mixture with a quarter cup of warm milk until it becomes thick sour cream. Add the mixture into the container, heat until gurgling appears and turn off the gas. After a few seconds, remove the foam and pour the delicious liquid into mugs. This cocoa goes with pancakes, biscuits, muffins and just buttered bread.

How to brew cocoa with water

A good option for those who diligently watch their figure. For 200 ml of water – 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, vanilla sugar - to taste.

Half a glass warm water pour into the cocoa and sugar mixture. Then place the sweet mass in a saucepan, add the remaining water, boil and remove from heat. The result is a fragrant, tart drink that will perfectly invigorate you on a gloomy autumn morning.

How to brew cocoa - interesting recipes

Cocoa goes well with many products, so adding beaten eggs, cream, chocolate and even rolled oats to the drink, you can get an appetizing and unique dessert.

How to make cocoa with cream

Ingredients: 200 ml milk, half a glass of water, 3 tbsp. l. cocoa, sugar - to taste. For decoration - 70 ml cream, 1 tbsp. l. chocolate chips.

Dissolve cocoa in hot boiled milk, add sugar and you can fill the cups. Place cream foamed to soft peaks and shaved chocolate on top.

How to brew cocoa with rolled oats

Brew 40 g. flakes in 100 ml of boiling water. Pour 1.5 cups of milk into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon and grated nutmeg. Heat everything up, add oatmeal puree, cook for 5 minutes, then add 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. Simmer a little and beat. Serve with pieces of fluffy marshmallow or meringue.

How to make cocoa with banana

Prepare: a mug of milk (250 gr.), 70 gr. ice cream, one banana, 3 tsp. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Dissolve cocoa and sugar in warm milk and heat for three minutes. Mix peeled and chopped banana with this mixture and blend in a blender. Pour the mixture into a glass, place a scoop of ice cream on top and garnish with berries.

How to make cocoa the Mexican way

Take - 150 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and cocoa, 1/2 tsp each. cinnamon, salt, red pepper, 50 gr. crushed walnuts.

Warm the milk, add spices and diluted cocoa. Cook over high heat for 1 minute. Add sugar, pour into glasses, sprinkle with nuts.

You can experiment with traditional recipes for a long time by adding cocoa hot peppers, Brazil nuts, strong alcohol, spices, creams and custards, fresh berries, and no matter what you come up with, the drink will always remain tasty, healthy and recognizable.

If you do not have this information, then you will be very interested in the materials in this article. You will also learn about other purposes for which you can use the mentioned product, in addition to preparing a tasty and sweet drink.

General Product Information

Before I tell you how to make cocoa from cocoa powder, we should tell you what this product is.

Cocoa powder is dried and then ground cocoa cake. The latter remains from after strong squeezing of the oil used for the production of classic hard chocolate. This powder serves as an excellent base for various drinks, including hot chocolate.

The cost of this product may vary. It depends on the place of manufacture, main raw materials, manufacturer and other things.

Details on how to make cocoa from cocoa powder

There are many ways to prepare delicious food. We will only present to you classic options that even a teenager can implement.

So, before preparing cocoa from cocoa powder, you need to take the following:

Cooking process

How to make cocoa from cocoa powder? A photo of this delicious drink is presented in this article. To make it, you can use a coffee pot or a regular bowl with a handle. Whole milk of medium fat content is poured into it, and then powder and white granulated sugar are added. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a large spoon and then place on low heat.

By slowly heating the food, bring it to a boil. In this state, the chocolate drink is boiled for about 2-3 minutes and then removed from the stove.

How is it served?

After boiling the milk, filter it through a fine strainer (if necessary) and pour it into a deep cup. This drink is served only hot, along with a bun or croissant. If necessary, add a little more sugar or sweet marshmallows.

How to make cocoa from cocoa powder without milk?

Few people know, but a chocolate drink can be prepared without using milk. As a rule, this recipe is used only by those people who are allergic to lactose.

So, to prepare a delicious drink we will need:

Cooking method

Few people know how to prepare cocoa from cocoa powder and water. After all, most of us are accustomed to making a chocolate drink using milk. But if you cannot tolerate this product, we recommend using this recipe.

The principle of preparing a cocoa drink with water is practically no different from the principle of creating a drink with milk. However, it should be noted that it is not at all necessary to cook such cocoa on the stove, because the powder dissolves well in ordinary boiling water.

So how to prepare cocoa powder, or rather, a drink from it? To do this, place a regular bowl in a metal bowl. drinking water and put it on the fire. Keep the liquid on the stove until it begins to bubble strongly. Meanwhile, take a deep cup and mix bulk ingredients such as granulated sugar and cocoa powder in it. Then they are poured with boiling water and stirred vigorously with a spoon. As a result of such actions, a fairly strong chocolate drink with an unsurpassed aroma is obtained.

How is it served?

If you used a poor-quality powder to prepare a chocolate drink, an unpleasant residue may remain in it. To get rid of it, she recommends straining the finished cocoa through a very fine sieve. After this, you can safely present it to your household along with some bun, bun or croissant.

Which drink tastes better?

Surely no one will argue with the fact that a chocolate drink made with milk turns out much tastier and richer than one for which ordinary drinking water was used. By the way, some cocoa lovers make it in combined form. In other words, they dissolve the powder not in water or, conversely, in milk, but in both liquids at the same time. This drink turns out to be very tasty and healthy.

What else can you make from chocolate powder?

Chocolate drink is not the only product made from cocoa powder. Using this ingredient, many housewives also prepare the so-called glaze. It is used to cover various cakes or pastries, as well as for regular consumption along with bread or buns.

How to make icing from cocoa powder? For this we will need the following products:

Making chocolate glaze at home

This process will take about five minutes of your free time. Therefore, you can make such a delicacy at least every day. To do this, take a deep and thick-walled metal bowl, put cocoa powder and granulated sugar into it, and then add a few tablespoons of whole milk. In this composition, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed on very low heat. Gradually heating, add a small amount to the food butter. By regularly mixing the components, you achieve a homogeneous chocolate mass without lumps and with a pleasant characteristic aroma.

How to use?

After the powder is prepared, it is immediately used for its intended purpose. This is due to the fact that if this product is kept aside for some time, it may harden and become unsuitable for decorating desserts.

Thus, the finished hot glaze is carefully poured and spread over the surface of the cake or pastries. The product is also often added to various creams, making them richer and more palatable.

In addition to chocolate icing, dry cocoa powder is also often used to decorate desserts. They sprinkle it on the surfaces of homemade delicacies or roll in various “goodies” in the form of cakes or candies.

Dry cocoa powder is also sometimes added to the dough. This process helps to obtain chocolate and very tasty cakes.

Well, my dear cocoa lovers! Today’s selection of options for preparing this wonderful, healthy and tasty drink is just for you! How to cook cocoa with milk or just water, how to cook cocoa with condensed milk or honey. Or maybe someone will like a chocolate drink with pepper or liqueur?

And to begin with, we offer you a classic recipe for cocoa with water (or milk).

Recipe No. 1

Cocoa with water or milk


  • cocoa powder;
  • water;
  • sugar.


First of all, you should boil clean drinking water in an amount of 200-250 ml (if you plan to enjoy the drink alone). While the water is boiling, add one teaspoon each of cocoa powder and sugar into a cup. After the water has boiled, pour a little into a cup and thoroughly grind the mixture until smooth. Make sure there are no lumps. After this, add the remaining water to the mixture and mix again. Now pour it all back into the saucepan and cook over low heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. And now the cocoa is ready!

If you prefer the milk version of cocoa, then you should do all of the above, but with the only difference that milk will be used instead of water

Recipe No. 2

Cocoa with condensed milk

The option for preparing cocoa with condensed milk is as close as possible to classic recipe cocoa. The only difference is that when mixing cocoa and sugar in a cup, you should also add the amount of condensed milk you need. By the way, this will allow you to adjust the amount of sugar. Be careful not to make it too sweet.

Next, cook cocoa with condensed milk in the same way as indicated above in the first recipe.

Recipe No. 3

Cocoa with honey

Every hot chocolate drink lover knows how to make cocoa from cocoa powder. Its incomparable aroma warms you in cold weather. It's enough to drink a cup of warming drink to lift your spirits. There are several recipes with minor differences. The difference between them is the set of ingredients and additives. The main ingredients for making the drink: cocoa powder, milk and sugar. You can use fresh milk, pasteurized, condensed or soy. If the correct proportion of all products is observed, the result is a drink with a classic chocolate taste.

Depending on preference, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg or other spices. But any additive can interrupt the main aroma, so you need to be careful with spices. Even too much sweetness mutes the natural chocolate taste.

How to make delicious cocoa with milk

Traditionally, cocoa is boiled in milk - this is an affordable and time-tested cooking method. Its taste is considered classic and seems softer and more pleasant. Enjoying this natural aroma, you can remember your childhood. For cooking, both fresh farm milk and skim and even pasteurized milk from a package are suitable. To brew 1 cup of drink traditional recipe, you need to prepare next list ingredients:

  • milk (250 ml);
  • sugar (2-3 teaspoons);
  • cocoa (1 teaspoon).

First pour granulated sugar and cocoa powder into the cooking vessel. The products must be thoroughly mixed until they turn into a homogeneous mass. This technique will help avoid the appearance of lumps. It is no longer possible to get rid of them during the cooking process. Then gradually, in small portions, you can begin to add warmed milk. The resulting mass must continue to be stirred. The dishes can be removed from the heat when the granulated sugar has completely dissolved. Then the drink can be considered ready.

You can also brew a fragrant chocolate drink with soy milk. Those who for some reason do not eat dairy products simply need to replace them with soy. But in this case, the cooking technology has some subtleties. The drink must be cooked only over low heat and should not be boiled for a long time. For the same reason, soy milk must first be mixed with granulated sugar. The sweetened liquid can then be added to the chocolate powder in small portions. As soon as the cocoa boils, it's time to remove it from the heat.

How to brew cocoa with water

Water cocoa is not much different from a traditional milk drink. Milk is most often diluted with water to reduce the fat content. Proportions may vary depending on taste preferences. Add a few tablespoons of water to a 50/50 ratio. To make 1 cup of this hot delicacy, you will need the following products:

  • water + milk (250 ml);
  • sugar (2-3 teaspoons);
  • cocoa (1 teaspoon).

To the mixture of cocoa and granulated sugar, you first need to add a few tablespoons of warm water and mix everything thoroughly. There should be no lumps in the resulting paste. Then you can gradually add the milk mass diluted with water, remembering to stir. Remove the dishes from the heat only after the sugar has completely dissolved in the liquid.

You can also brew a drink with condensed milk using water. By itself it is very thick, so it is first diluted with water. Depending on the ratio of the amount of water and condensed milk, less or more sugar is added. To brew one cup of hot sweet drink, you need to mix 200-250 ml of boiled hot water with 2-4 tablespoons of condensed milk. The quantity of other products can be left the same.

Boiled hot water add condensed milk and stir. In a mixing bowl, mix chocolate powder and granulated sugar. Gradually add condensed milk diluted with water to the resulting mixture. Place the bowl on the fire and continue stirring the chocolate mixture until it boils and the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

How to make hot chocolate

Hot chocolate has no less fans than classic cocoa with milk. The difference between them is the amount of powder per serving of the finished drink. To prepare classic hot chocolate, you need to mix the same products, but in a different proportion. To get 1 cup of this drink, you will need:

  • cocoa powder (2 tablespoons);
  • sugar (1-2 teaspoons);
  • milk (250 ml).

Prepare hot chocolate very easy. The heated milk mass should be gradually added to the cocoa powder mixed with sugar. Without stopping stirring the resulting liquid, the dishes should be put on fire. After bringing hot chocolate to a boil, you need to make sure that all the sugar has dissolved.

The less sugar and more powder, the more pronounced the natural chocolate bitterness will be. Sweet hot chocolate is more popular with children and those with a sweet tooth. Adults like to experiment with supplements. In addition to sugar, you can add nutmeg to the finished hot chocolate. Vanilla and cinnamon will also give it a spicy aroma. Gourmets add pink pepper and other spices that give an unusual taste to classic chocolate.

How to make spiced cocoa

To give the liquid chocolate treat a brighter taste, you can add various spices to it during the cooking process. Cinnamon or vanilla should first be mixed with sugar, and only then warm liquid should be added to the resulting mass. Cloves or star anise should be added to the boiling drink, after which it should be boiled for another 3-5 minutes.

Making cocoa is not difficult. But to get a truly delicious, aromatic treat with chocolate flavor, it should be brewed only from fresh natural powder. Important for natural product has an expiration date. Stale cocoa powder loses everything beneficial features. This product no longer has a pronounced taste and aroma of chocolate.

A large amount of sugar and spices in the drink interrupts the natural chocolate taste, so you need to add them little by little.

Hot cocoa is the perfect breakfast drink. It is not recommended to use it before bed due to the stimulating effect of cocoa on the nervous system.