Thrifty thrifty character from a fairy tale. An instructive story about the value of oatmeal porridge. Questions for the fairy tale “The Thrifty Bird”

The presentation offers tasks taking into account Federal State Educational Standard-2, which help to repeat and consolidate the covered topic.

The presentation will help the teacher organize the lesson and will also help students who could not attend the lesson to study the topic on their own.



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Review Lesson Lesson 14

Answer the questions: Who is your father's father? (Grandfather) Does his son’s wife belong to his parents? (Daughter-in-law) Who is your aunt? (Nephew) Who is the husband's mother for the wife's mother? (Matchmaker) Who is the daughter’s husband related to her parents? (Son-in-law) Now do your ass. 1 on p. 13 of the Workbook.

Draw your family tree

Rights of the child What rights of the child are enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?

Fill out the table The owner can be Distinctive characteristics Examples from fairy tales Greedy, stingy Wasteful Thrifty, thrifty Does not like to share with anyone, saves even on himself Spends a lot and unreasonably Spends moderately, does not allow anything extra

Target of interest person family school work Homeland In the “Family” sector, mark your attitude to the topic (five-point system).

Homework: Copy from the dictionary on pp. 124-127 the terms already familiar to us into your dictionary. If you want, you can draw or paste an illustration.

A few words for the teacher: The course is prepared for teaching materials: Social studies. 5th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. Edited by L.N. Bogolyubova, L.F. Ivanova. - M.: Education, 2012. Workbook: L.F. Ivanova, Ya.V. Khoteenkova. Social science. 5th grade. A manual for students of general education institutions. - M.: Education, 2012. Methodological manual: Methodological recommendations for the textbook “Social studies: citizen, society, state”: 5th grade: Manual for teachers / L.N. Bogolyubov, N.F. Vineyard, N.I. Gorodetskaya and others; edited by L.F. Ivanova. M.: Education, 2003. When developing the Presentations, we used the Workbook on Social Science: Grade 5 / A.S. Mitkin.- M.: Exam, 2012. The presentations used illustrations from the open bank of illustrations Yandex and Google: / ;

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Once upon a time there was a boy who did not like oatmeal porridge. They persuaded him to eat a spoon for his mother, for his father, for his grandmother. Even a spoon for Aunt Nadya. But all the relatives only had enough for half a plate of porridge, and not a spoonful more.

And then one day this boy’s dad said:

Do you know why this porridge is called “Hercules”? You don't know. So I'll tell you now. Listen.

This happened many years ago in the country of Greece. Of course, people later made up some things in this story, but I think there is truth in it too.

So, it means that two boys were born in Greece. One was called Eury-stheus, the other Hercules. Eurystheus was born a king, and Hercules was just a boy. God Zeus decided this: let Hercules grow up to be a hero and serve with Eurystheus until he completes ten great feats. And if he does it, he will become a free man and will be able to leave the king. This is what Zeus decided.

All that remained was for Hercules to grow up to be a hero. And for this, Hercules’ mother knew one fan-based method. She began to feed Hercules oatmeal, which at first he didn’t really like either. But he grew by leaps and bounds, and when he grew up, he became famous throughout Greece, even throughout the world, for his strength and exploits. And the porridge also became famous. Only in other countries did people call Hercules Hercules, which is why they called the porridge Hercules.

Eurystheus hated this mess most of all. It was because of her that Hercules became so strong. But Eurystheus was afraid of Hercules. And he sent him to certain death: to defeat the Nemean Lion.

In the morning Eurystheus called Hercules to him and said:

Get ready, Hercules, for the hunt. We must defeat the Nemean Lion. And so he says it, as if he were giving the most trivial assignment. But the fact is that the Nemean lion was not an ordinary lion, but a magical one. Monster. Nobody could defeat him. He lived in the mountains, not far from the city of Nemea, and devoured everything that came his way. This is who Hercules had to defeat!

But Hercules says to Eurystheus:

It must be so. In thirty days I will bring you everything that is left of the Nemean Lion. And King Eurystheus thinks to himself: “What! In thirty days there will be nothing left of you.”

Hercules, meanwhile, got ready and went to perform his first feat. He took with him a bow and arrows, a sword and a shield. But on the way, he learned that the lion’s skin was like stone, and neither an arrow nor a sword could pierce it. Then he tore a hundred-year-old oak tree out of the ground, made a club out of it, and went into the mountains to look for the Nemean Lion.

For many days Hercules could not find him. Finally I saw the tracks. At first he didn’t even realize that these were footprints, because each footprint was the size of a large basin. And when he finally understood, he followed them and a week later came to a cave, from where such a roar was heard that stones fell from the mountains.

Hercules stopped to gather his strength before the battle. And suddenly he heard - the roar began to subside, and then stopped altogether. What's happened? Maybe the lion hid and decided to attack Hercules first? Well, no! And Hercules boldly entered the dark cave. And when his eyes got used to the darkness, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Because there was no lion in the cave!

“Where could he have gone?” - thought Hercules and began to examine the cave. And at the very far end he found a second exit, through which the lion left.

This is where the stones that fell from the mountains came in handy. Hercules blocked the second exit with them, and he hid at the entrance to the cave and began to wait for the lion.

Leo returned in the evening. It was a lion the size of an elephant. He entered the cave, and Hercules entered behind him. He entered and blocked the entrance. The Nemean lion, of course, did not like this. He growled and jumped, but unexpectedly received such a blow to the forehead with a club that the stone forehead could not stand it and cracked. And the lion himself fell unconscious on the floor. Then Hercules grabbed his hefty neck with his hands and pressed until the lion suffocated.

This is how Hercules defeated the Nemean lion. He made himself a cloak from a lion's skin, and a helmet from a lion's head, and now not a single arrow, not a single spear was afraid of Hercules.

Exactly thirty days later, wearing a cloak and helmet, Hercules returned to Eury-stheus. Eurystheus was so frightened when he saw Hercules that he forbade him even to approach the palace. But he still ordered himself to dig a special cellar, where he hid as soon as he learned about the approach of Hercules. And he transmitted his orders from the cellar through the herald Koprey. What can you do, after all, Eurystheus was a cowardly king.

So, dear children, eat oatmeal porridge and gain strength like Hercules. Be healthy!

How to explain to a preschooler what “good” and “evil” are

Teacher of the highest category Tumasheva M.P.

The categories “good” and “evil,” being cultural symbols, include a variety of moral concepts and determine the basis of moral consciousness. Children, on the basis of familiarity with the norms and rules of behavior, are able to perceive and master a variety of moral concepts that form the foundation for the subsequent assimilation of the universal “core” concepts of “good” and “evil.” The assimilation of the concepts of “good” and “evil” occurs on the basis of their opposition, since it is impossible to realize what the first is without realizing that it is opposed by the second, and vice versa. The categories “good” and “evil” consist of 12 opposing concepts: philanthropy - misanthropy; thrift - extravagance; politeness - rudeness; mutual assistance - selfishness; straightforwardness is cunning; modesty - arrogance; stinginess - generosity; courage - cowardice; humility - obstinacy; compassion – callousness, callousness; justice - injustice; honesty is deceit. People can be generous or they can be wasteful. Both of them easily and joyfully share with people what they themselves have: money, things, knowledge, etc. But generosity is different from extravagance. Generous is someone who helps those in need, takes care of the poor, those who need to provide material assistance, and brings joy with his care and attention. A generous person helps them without expecting gratitude, without wanting the ostentatious admiration of others. And a wasteful person is a person who recklessly squanders material and spiritual values, without caring about the consequences, sometimes even to the detriment of himself. This kind of behavior is condemned by the people around you. The formation of a morally valuable vocabulary for preschoolers is facilitated by working on fairy tales.

A tale of generosity and greed.

Squirrels live well in the forest in the summer. There are so many different mushrooms, berries, and nuts around that you can eat yourself, treat other animals and collect in reserve for the winter.

Fluffy the little squirrel collected a full hollow of various goodies. What was there not in it! And hazelnuts, and acorns, and seeds, and various dried berries. Fluffy ate them himself, and sometimes he invited a squirrel named Brush and her cubs to visit to treat them. Brush with her squirrels was very grateful to the generous Fluffy - after all, she herself could not collect so much different food in her hollow, since she nursed little squirrels and rarely got out of her home. When the cold and harsh winter came, Fluffy willingly shared his supplies with tits and bullfinches, for whom it was so difficult to find food under the snow. The birds flew to the little squirrel's hollow every morning, pecked seeds and berries, and then thanked their friend with a cheerful whistle.

Next door to Fluffy lived a chipmunk animal nicknamed Chest. All this chipmunk Chest did all summer was dragging nuts into his home and storing them in reserve. He never treated anyone or shared anything with anyone. The animals did not like him, they did not come to visit him and called him a greedy person. The chipmunk chest sat alone in the hollow all long winter. And although he had a lot of food, alone without friends, he was very bored while away the long dark evenings.

One day, a crossbill bird nicknamed Khokholok knocked on the chipmunk's house. Tufts was very hungry, because after the snowfall the trees were covered with an ice crust, and he had no way of getting to the cones. Tufts was completely weak from hunger and decided to ask the Chest for some food. But the greedy Chest stuck his thick cheeks out of the hollow and said: “Go away, beggar! I won't give you anything! It’s not enough for yourself!”

Fluffy heard these words and shouted: “Fly to me, Tufts!” I'll share it with you! No one should go hungry!” Tufts was delighted, pecked at the treat and became cheerful. In gratitude, he sang a cheerful song to Fluffy about how spring would come very soon. This is how Tufts and Fluffy became friends.

A tale of frugality and stinginess.

Each of the two fireflies living in the dense dark forest had two crystal lanterns with multi-colored glasses. Firefly Oilya lit his lanterns every evening to illuminate the way for all the inhabitants of the forest. He took care of his lanterns - he often wiped the fragile colored glass with a cloth so that the lanterns would shine brighter on a dark night. During the day, he carefully put them in a box so that they would not break. When someone came to Oila to ask for a flashlight to illuminate dark paths. Then Oilya always happily responded to the request and gave him his lanterns.

And the firefly Okhlya was stingy. He didn't let anyone take his flashlights. He treasured them so much that he never even used them or took them out of the box. The lanterns lay idle in it and even became so dusty that their colored crystal glass stopped sparkling.

One dark evening Okhlya was returning from Oilya, whose birthday party he was visiting. He didn't notice a tree stump in the darkness and tripped. He twisted his paw and fell. Okhlya screamed and began to call for help. The animals came running and began to help Okhla get up and get home. But at that time there were beautiful lanterns in a box under Ohlya’s bed. Which could help you get home quickly and easily in the dark.

A tale of frugality and thrift.

Everyone knows the tabby cat Matroskin. He is smart and thrifty. The dog Sharik is also thrifty. Matroskin and Sharik’s hut is clean and tidy. All things are in their place. The cat and the dog take care of their things, take care of them: they clean their gray coats, dry them if they get wet from snow and rain; They wipe their boots every evening and carefully place them in the corner of the hut. After dinner, they always wash the dishes and carefully place them on the shelves. Sharik also cleans and wipes his gun for photo hunting, and Matroskin polishes a large can for the milk that his beloved cow Murka gives. This is how the cat and dog take care of their things so that they last longer and do not have to spend money on buying new ones. Matroskin and Sharik will still need this money for various purchases in the future.

Matroskin is not only thrifty, he is also very economical. He does not spend unwisely and all the money from selling milk at once. He saves them: he spends only part of them, and puts the other part of them in a piggy bank so that he can later buy for the whole family: for himself, Sharik and Uncle Fyodor - a new large TV. That's how thrifty he is, Matroskin the cat!

List of works of fiction for the formation of the beginnings of moral consciousness in children:

Humanity - misanthropy

Kataev V. “Seven-flowered flower”

Oseeva V. “Took revenge”

Zhitkov B. “Beard”, “Smoke”, “How One Boy Drowned”, “On an Ice Floe”, etc.

Permyak E. “Reliable person”

Baruzdin S. “Sea dirk”


Tolstoy L. “Stories for Little Ones”

Neverov A. “Bug”

Russian folk tale "Winter"

Berg L. “Stories about a small car”

Stinginess - generosity"

Ushinsky K. “Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring”

Andersen G.H. "Thumbelina"

Oseeva V. “Three Comrades”

Fairy tale of the peoples of India “Whose hands are more beautiful”

Vietnamese folk tale "The Raven on the Tree"

Politeness is rudeness"

Oseeva V. “The Magic Word”

Zelenaya R., Ivanov S. “In the Stone Age. Ha ha ha!. Adults. Watch your elbows! Pot".

Russian folk tale "The Picky One"

Ladonshchikov G. “Savage in the Forest”

Honesty is deceit.

Brothers Grimm. "Hare and Hedgehog"

Tolstoy L. “Liar”

Ushinsky K. “Terrible Goat”

Oseeva V. “Why?”

Dahl V. “Crow”

Justice is injustice.

Oseeva V. “Cookies”

Pogorelsky A. “Black Chicken”

Aksakov S. “The Scarlet Flower”

Zakhoder B. “Lisitsyn court”

Modesty is arrogance.

Korean fairy tale "Brothers"

Zelenaya R., Ivanov S. “Dangerous Couple”

Italian fairy tale “How the Donkey Stopped Singing”

Garshin V. “Frog Traveler”

Tolstoy L. “Peacock. Peacock and crane"

Marshak S. “The Story of an Unknown Hero”

Thrift is wastefulness.

Uspensky E. “Three from Prostokvashino”

Medvedev V. “Savings cat”

Mikhalkov S. “Bulka”

Straightforwardness, openness - cunning.

Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

Hungarian fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears”

Perrault S. “Little Red Riding Hood”

Courage is cowardice.

Zhitkov B. “The Brave Duckling”

Ushinsky K. “Eagle and Cat”

Tolstoy L. “Kitten”

Alaskan folk tale “Little Mouse’s Big Journey”

Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes”

Good - evil.

Ushinsky K. “It is bad for him who does no good to anyone”

Oseeva V. “Good. At the skating rink. Badly"

Tolstoy L. “Bird. Soldier. The dog and the thief. Squirrel and wolf. How many people were there?”

Udmurt folk tale “The Hunter and the Snake”

Barto A. “Hot”

Emelyanov B. “Mom’s grief”

Andreev L. “Bite”

Romanovsky S. “Acorns” and others.

(based on materials from the magazine “Educator” from the series “My Self-Education”).

"Children's Fears"

Consultation with a teacher of the highest category Tumasheva M.P.

Most children go through a number of age-related periods of increased sensitivity to fear in their mental development. Many are generated by conversations between adults - about medicine, about the omnipotence of the mafia, about maniacs. It is necessary to explain the precautionary rules, but at the same time you cannot constantly radiate anxiety and fear - in these cases the child also begins to constantly worry and fear.

Try to analyze how you react to your child's words when he tells you about his fears. Try to make your child understand: being afraid is normal and common to all people without exception. After all, sometimes fear can help you avoid a mistake or danger.

It has been noticed that girls suffer from this form of neurosis almost one and a half times more often than boys. The reason for this is higher emotionality. High emotionality brings with it both positive and negative. Positive – in a child prone to fears, Protective self-restraints are formed early and persistently. So he will always stay away from fire, water, heights, other adults, animals - everything that carries potential danger.

Negative - a child susceptible to the emergence of fears usually grows up unsure of himself, such disgusting qualities as insincerity, deceit and servility can be formed in him... In some cases, fears become one of the causes of tics, stuttering, urinary incontinence and other gross neuroses.

Fears in children can be divided into natural (“instinctive” - fears of darkness, dangerous heights, blood, injections and wounds, threatening poses of people and animals, etc.), age-related (first, fear of loneliness, generated by imagination, etc.) and caused by improper upbringing, “pedagogical”.

The problem of fears in children is very well developed in modern psychology. You can try to cope with your child’s fears yourself. You can’t hope that everything will “go away on its own.” Thousands of years ago experienced physician and philosopher Avicenna It was said as an edification to parents: if you want to raise a good person, do not allow your child to fall into great anger (it will give rise to vindictiveness), experience great fear (it will kill the nobility of the heart) or deep sadness (it will feed selfishness).

“SHUSTRIK” (overactive child)

The signs of such behavior in a child are very clear: usually they are fidgety and unhearing. These characteristics highlight two main problems of overactive children - motor disinhibition and distractibility.

Distractibility and restlessness become a problem. These signs are an expression of a rather serious disease of the brain of children - true overactivity. Among overactive children there are many noisy ones. They don't know how to speak calmly. In an excess of feelings and desires to act, they shout and gesticulate. Less often they are “silent”, which is even more expensive for parents and those around them: then it is not at all possible to prevent any undertaking organized by them.

Sometimes it seems that such enterprise and activity has at least one positive side - the child quickly and actively masters the world of things, events and people, and is saturated with the necessary information. But this, as numerous studies by specialists show, is a misconception: the experience and knowledge gained by the overactive are shallow and very specific, associated with the specific, random. Therefore, they do not serve the purposes of education well. In addition, these children are too impulsive. They, hyperactive children, are not crazy, not stupid, not aggressive by nature. So, their nervous system works impulsively, spasmodically. They need help.

Educators usually join the problem during the “gardening” period of the child’s life. For a child between two and six years old, traditional upbringing measures have a very poor effect: teaching the right skills, explaining the wrong actions. Light punishments. Therefore, the entire burden of dealing with uncontrollable behavior falls on the parents. There are two main ways to correct restlessness and inattention. One path is the path of very gentle enlightenment. Throughout its entire length, a close adult (mother, grandmother) should go hand in hand with the child, ready to give up several years of continuous work without regret. This is correcting the child's mistakes. Every time after a wrong action. Action. The child’s behavior and spoken words are encouraged to perform a “corrective act” - collect scattered toys, feel sorry for the offended person, ask for forgiveness from an adult, etc. This path is long, thorny and requires great patience. Although his reward is the upbringing of a completely livable, well-mannered schoolchild (most often it is at this age that efforts take their toll) with a quick, grasping mind.

Another way is the way of dosed punishments. The essence of these punishments is to limit the child’s motor activity. For example: “Have you scattered your toys and don’t want to clean them up? Sit next to them until you fulfill the condition.” Or: “Don’t you want to eat? Stay at the table until you have an appetite.” The main thing is to leave the child near the place of conflict, to impose on him the memory of the offense, and not to allow him to be distracted. Therefore, being near toys and sitting at the table should not be accompanied by other activities - games, drawing, watching TV, etc. Cruel? No! The main thing on this path is not to frighten the child with physical punishment and not to resort to it. And one more thing: when choosing this method of re-educating behavior skills, all family members must be like-minded. If at least one of the adults who is constantly next to the child openly or secretly indulges in bad character traits and behavior - that’s it, there will be no success.

“MYAMLIK” (“inhibited” child).

These are quiet children, leisurely in their movements and in their reactions to the events around them. They are born this way. At first, inhibited children may give the impression of being mentally retarded. But a consultation with an experienced neuropsychiatrist can easily remove such suspicion. The growing pace of life, the rapid rhythm in which modern man is forced to live - slowness throws inhibited children to the margins of life. Therefore, it is necessary to take certain measures that would ensure a worthy place for such a child among his peers and in society.

Usually a “myamlik” is an obedient child. If he is involved in some activity, he, due to his inherent inertia, will be engaged in the proposed activity for quite a long time. At a certain stage, he will feel tired of monotonous work. The most important thing is to feel the timeliness of changing classes. And so, step by step, day by day, it is necessary to expand the circle of first household and then social responsibilities of the child. If this is not done from a very tender age, a child will grow up lazy, dull, indifferent, and prone to being overweight. What should I do? Organize the child’s life, starting from the first years, so that he participates in some events. The unimportance and simplicity of these events does not matter. Do not expect spontaneous activity from an “inhibited” child, but encourage it in every possible way, organize for him the opportunity to show such activity and do not skimp on praise.

The most effective way to eliminate daytime fears in children is to increase their self-confidence, improve relationships in the family, including correcting improper upbringing and neutralizing conflicts. Active, vigorous, cheerful games, during which children have to overcome obstacles, climb trees or attics, go down to the basement or swim in the river - the best and natural way to help prevent and relieve children's fears of heights, darkness or water.

Children's fears, if they are treated correctly and the reasons for their appearance are understood, most often disappear without a trace. If they are painfully sharpened or persist for a long time, this is a sign of trouble, nervous weakness of the baby, incorrect behavior of the parents, and their ignorance of children’s mental and age characteristics. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist.

Parental prohibitions: how to say “no” to a child correctly

Punishing a child and telling him “no” is not the most pleasant parental responsibility. In this article you will learn how to ensure that there are as few parental prohibitions as possible, and the word “no” has weight for the baby.

It is impossible to do without parental prohibitions, because a child in a family cannot have absolute freedom and grow up in an atmosphere of permissiveness. Otherwise, he will face serious problems when he begins to grow up.

Parental restrictions

Psychologists note that prohibitions have a beneficial effect on the formation of a child’s character, bringing safety and stability into the child’s life. However, this applies only to correctly formulated and reasonable demands of parents.

There are different types of prohibitions - for example, some of them relate to safety, that which directly threatens the life of the child and is clearly prohibited.

Prohibitions related to health are also important: why you should eat soup and not chocolate; why you can’t go outside in the rain and wind, etc.

The third kind of “no” is related to life in society: you cannot take other people’s things without asking permission, you cannot shout in public places, you cannot offend others.

Many adults wonder how to properly prohibit a child so that he willingly follows parental instructions.

How to say “no” to a child correctly

1. A prohibition should always be justified - it is important for a child to know why this should not be done. Which of these demands is easier to obey: “Don’t touch the iron!” or “Don’t touch the iron because it’s hot, you’ll get burned and it will hurt a lot”? First of all, you must think about how and what to prohibit children, and after that you can limit the freedom of your baby.

2. A ban that is accompanied by threats brings only harm instead of benefit. It is strictly forbidden to use phrases of this type: “If you don’t leave the cat alone, I’ll kick your ears.” With these methods you will teach him to fear his parents, and not respect their authority. Be prepared for possible resistance from the baby.

3. Don't forget about your child's self-esteem when you forbid something. A rude tone and hurtful words will not give the desired result - the baby will obey reluctantly, and only until next time.

4. Parental “no” is well perceived by young children if there is a clear example. You can take a doll and show what can happen to it if it disobeys and leans out of the window.

5. When prohibiting something, be prudent, take into account the fact that children are actively exploring the world, and you should not prevent them from doing so. For example, you probably don't want your child to measure the depth of puddles. But remember how many years ago you yourself enjoyed doing this. In addition, think about why not let your child wander through a puddle in rubber boots.

It largely depends on the situation - what to prohibit children. It’s clear that you can’t jump into a puddle in sneakers, but in rubber boots it’s just right. That is, before saying “no,” analyze the situation from the child’s point of view; if there is no serious danger, the ban can be changed.

Of course, any games with dangerous objects should be strictly prohibited; warn the kids, telling them that they can get a splinter or get hurt.

6. The most important condition for an effective parental ban is personal example. Actions, as you know, teach much better than words. It is very unfortunate that parents, relatives or nanny teacher

Teacher of senior group No. 2 Vologdina L.I.

In a family where there are two or several children, children often quarrel or even fight among themselves, regardless of the age difference. Anything can be a reason for conflict, but reconciliation is not an easy task, both for them and for the parents.

Mom and dad must understand that the basis of children's quarrels is the children's desire to assert themselves, to win, not to be subordinate to another child, to play not a passive, but a leading role. That is why a book or toy that ends up in the hands of one of the children immediately becomes needed by a brother or sister.

Sometimes parents should not interfere in such situations - perhaps the children will be able to find a compromise themselves. Your task is only to monitor how exactly they will resolve the conflict: whether one of the kids remains offended, agreeing with a more assertive brother or sister. However, if, when sorting out the relationship in a children’s quarrel, one feels anger, irritation, or the kids begin to fight, it’s time for one of the adults to intervene in the dispute.

What not to do when reconciling children

1. First of all, there is no need to yell at children - know how to restrain your emotions.

2. In children's quarrels, there is no need to look for the culprit - you can offend someone who was not actually to blame by misunderstanding the problem or not understanding enough the cause of the conflict between children. In addition, everyone has their own truth - in such a situation, both children consider themselves innocent.

3. Do not take the side of one of the children - it is likely that one of them is more resourceful by nature and more often offends his brother or sister, and you will rarely come to his defense. And this can divide your children in their eyes into “loved” and “unloved.”

How to reconcile children

1. In order to reconcile children among themselves, give the kids the opportunity to take turns speaking: while one of them speaks, the other should listen carefully. You need to understand from their story what caused the offense.

2. Parents should ask guiding questions that will help children reach a compromise. Invite everyone to find a way out of this situation together, discuss all the options that you hear.

3. If, while walking with your children, you accidentally witness such a childish quarrel, discuss it with the whole family, this way they will “look” at themselves from the outside. Parents can play out a similar situation using a game - arrange a “quarrel” between a bunny and a bear, then figure out with the kids which of the heroes was right, and compare this episode with the behavior of the kids.

4. To prevent children from fighting over a new toy or parental attention, it is advisable that everything is always divided equally: buy the kids the same sweets, games for two, if possible, hug and kiss one child as much as the other. This will not only reduce the number of reasons for quarrels, but will also give the kids confidence in equal treatment and your love for them.

5. Lastly, always remember that your behavior is an example for your children. To ensure that there is no place for aggression in the behavior of children, control your emotions, avoid quarrels with your husband, do not scold your children and take care of harmony in the family.

Conflicts between children occur in almost all families; parents should never ignore them. If your children argue, are jealous, complain about each other, you should know how to reconcile quarreling kids. Try to find an approach to each child and together find a way out of the current situation.

(Based on materials from Internet resources)

Target: introduce children to the meaning of the words: “economics”, “thrifty”, “thrifty”, “stingy”, “wasteful”, “enterprising”; develop attention, thinking, semantic memory; expand your vocabulary; cultivate thrift.

Equipment: The teacher has a rebus, the students have a squared notebook and a pen.

Teacher. The theme of our lesson is: “On the economic wave.” This means that today we will touch on some economic issues that are accessible to your age. What is ECONOMY?

Originally this word meant... Decipher what it meant. To do this, find words familiar to you among the letters of each line. (Write on the board.)

Answer. The art of housekeeping.

Having deciphered the rebus, you will learn the name of the great Greek philosopher who lived more than two thousand years ago, who was the first to coin the word “economics.”


Today, the word “economics” refers to the science of rational housekeeping. Economy can be called the economy of a particular region, country, or the whole world. Economy refers to all relationships in society related to human activities. Finally, economics is the study of how individuals and society as a whole can satisfy their needs for goods and services given limited supplies.


Something without which you can’t even catch a fish out of the pond. (Work)

Monetary reward for work. (Salary)

That's what they call it, guys.

Part of dad's salary. (Advance)

A place where money is kept, exchanged, and lent. (Bank)

Product of labor produced for sale. (Product)

Paper bank notes and metal coins that serve as a means of payment for goods. (Money)

The cost of one thing when selling or exchanging. (Price)

The totality of wages, pensions, scholarships and other monetary payments received by family members. (Family budget)

A process that helps increase the sale of goods or services, but interferes with watching TV shows. (Advertising)

A group of people who live, work, and interact with each other. (Society)

In V. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary there is a word related to the word “economics”: “save” - take care, save, prudently reduce costs, reduce expenses as much as possible, without letting anything go to waste; be a thrifty owner.

Yet being frugal and being frugal are not the same thing. Thrift involves the reasonable use of all types of reserves from which values ​​are created (goods, services, time, ideas, etc.), and frugality involves the preservation of already created values.

Select from the examples below those that show people showing thrift.

1. In the frosty winter, the cracks in the window frames in the apartment are not sealed.

2. Teenagers carve their names on a park bench with a knife.

3. Grandma knits socks from an old, worn woolen sweater.

4. There are pieces of bread lying in the trash container.

5. Children repair books in the library.

6. Neighbors hand over old newspapers to a waste paper collection point.

7. Young people make inscriptions and drawings on the walls of houses and fences.

8. Schoolchildren clean water bodies of garbage.

9. Water drips from a poorly closed tap.

10. The sister made crackers from the stale bread.

Give your own examples of frugality. Which of your friends and relatives would you call thrifty? Why?

Is it true to say that thrifty is the same as stingy? (No, stingy means greedy,

miser.) People have this proverb about a miser. Decrypt it:


Answer. I won’t give it to myself, and I won’t give it to anyone else. We read from right to left.

How do you understand this proverb? Give the antonym of the word “thrift”. A hint will help you.

Answer. Extravagance. We read in lines from left to right.

And now I suggest you solve problems about the enterprising, that is, active, active, energetic Foma Userdov, who will not miss the opportunity to earn money.

1. Foma Userdov saw that in Astrakhan black caviar was sold for 2 rubles per pound. He bought caviar for 110 rubles, brought it to Vyatka and sold it there for 3 rubles per pound. How much money did Thomas receive if he ate 5 pounds of caviar on the road? (150 rubles.)

2. Foma Userdov bought 20 ostrich eggs in Africa for 2 rubles each. While he was carrying them, a baby ostrich hatched from each egg. Foma sold the ostrich chicks for 5 rubles each. How much more money did Thomas receive than he spent? (For 60 rubles.)

3. Foma Userdov bought 8 pikes for 6 rubles in Samara. While he was taking them to Moscow, the pikes ate each other, and only two pikes remained. At what price should Thomas sell them to get his money back? (24 rubles each.)

Remember what character traits we named. The words are written on the board: thrifty, thrifty, wasteful, stingy, enterprising.

Let us remember the heroes of works of art, films, and cartoons who showed examples of thriftiness, thriftiness, wastefulness, stinginess, and enterprise.

Cat Matroskin, who wisely organized housekeeping - ? (Economical)

The priest who hired the excellent worker Balda, but did not want to pay money for the work - ? (Stingy)

Puss in Boots, who managed to successfully arrange the fate of his owner. (Enterprising)

Bobka’s mother from N. Nosov’s story “Patch”, who forced her son to put a patch on his torn pants - ? (Thrifty)

The girl Zhenya from the fairy tale by V. Kataev, who spent the precious petals of a seven-flowered flower on trifles - ? (Wasteful)

The next task is to remember triplets of words.

Note. The teacher first explains the meanings of some words (scholarship, benefit, loan...), then reads triplets of words once at a slow pace. Children memorize, after which the teacher names the first word of the three, students write the second and third in their notebooks. Examination.