DiCaprio and electronic cigarettes. Celebrities and vape: stars smoke electronic cigarettes. Samuel El Jackson

One of the most prominent actors of his generation is smart, calm and polite. He is really tall, unlike most of his colleagues, who in real life are much shorter than they appear on the screen. Slender and fit, in a well-tailored suit and a blue shirt, exactly the color of his eyes - slightly squinted and tired. And despite the benevolence and the complete absence of stellar ambition, it is impossible not to feel the clear and perfectly calibrated distance that the actor builds when communicating.

Before sitting down in a rather uncomfortable armchair in a Berlin hotel room, Leo asks the 7D correspondent if he can light a cigar, and, having received permission, adds:

I can't quit smoking! I try to at least not smoke cigarettes, but only cigars. Quitting is damn hard. The fact is that anti-nicotine stickers have a very strange effect on me - I noticed that when I use them, I have the same nightmare at night: a bloody murder, as if I was killing someone. And I wake up every time in a cold sweat.

- Maybe the whole thing is different: the character is too difficult for you had to play in a psychological thriller with elements of gothic horror films - "Shutter Island" by Martin Scorsese, your fourth joint project with the legendary director...

Yes, this role was perhaps the most difficult in my entire over 20-year acting career.

With Marty, I learned a long time ago that you should not rely on the script, no matter how good it is. Only on the set did I realize what incredible suffering and trials my hero must go through, what a deep emotional bottom to plunge into. The role of Teddy, a World War II veteran and now a PTSD cop, was difficult to play, primarily because the genre is not the main thing here. My hero has more and more new nightmares from the past, layer by layer, not always real, but very scary.

Will a person be able to overcome such a past, will his human nature and traumatized psyche withstand him? But don't wait for an answer to this question. Marty didn't make a film with the intended and expected "revelation" at the end. "Shutter Island" - a virtuoso psychological puzzle. He took the whole soul out of me, for six months I lived completely with this work. Since the action takes place in a special medical institution where especially dangerous and at the same time mentally ill people are kept, I spent a lot of time on research, looked at a bunch of documentaries on this topic. Martin invited as a consultant a very famous psychiatrist, one of the founders of institutions where criminals are treated primarily as patients.

Not so long ago it became possible. In America, anyway. This doctor belongs to the school whose followers treat mentally ill people (including criminals) with the help of psychoanalysis, talk to them, and do not do a lobotomy or electric shock, as was customary. He personally could not leave the patient for 24 hours in a row, if he needed it.

- What does it mean to you to be Scorsese's favorite actor, to whom did he, in fact, pass the baton from Robert De Niro?

Marty saw me in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? in 1993, but it was Robert, after we starred in the film “This Guy's Life”, who told him that I was a very promising guy! (Laughs) Without falling into sentimentality, I can only state a fact: Scorsese made me the actor I wanted to be.

- In every role you bring yourself to extreme immersion in the image - whether it be anger, sadness, rage or despair.

Photo: Photo courtesy of Cascade Film Distributor

Isn't this a kind of therapy that everyone needs, but not everyone can afford?

Therapy? Interesting. May be. But this particular character of mine in Shutter Island is so ambivalent that it was impossible to play him without transforming into him in a completely natural way. (Laughs) Marty demands that the actor forget that he is acting, although this does not mean at all that he is a monster director. In general, I use very cheap therapy - my friends, when I want to distract myself.

Every year more and more smokers switch to electronic cigarettes, choosing them as less harmful way delivery of nicotine to the body. Among vapers there are many well-known and famous people, writers, journalists, actors, and politicians, musicians, which is good news. Under the cut, a small selection of celebrities with their electronic cigarettes.

Leonardo DiCaprio- started with shit like Pons and Vuse:

Then it was seen with other more serious devices:

Katy Perry- does not part with EGOshka:

Katy Perry is an extraordinary personality, singer, composer, actress, and ambassador of the United Nations all rolled into one. Winner of numerous awards, she has been nominated for thirteen Grammy awards.

John Cusack(John Cusack) - also soars Yaga with clears:

John Cusack is a famous Hollywood producer, actor, director, screenwriter, and heavy smoker. For a long time John tried to overcome bad habit quit smoking with varying degrees of success and started again. John is delighted with electronic cigarettes.

Michelle Rodriguez(Michelle Rodriguez) hovers yoshigi:

A popular Hollywood actress, you may remember her from her roles in Avatar, Resident Evil, Machete, Lost, and more.
Michelle Rodriguez's introduction to electronic cigarettes began with G-sig:

Michelle Rodriguez acquires Kanger Evod:

Norman Reedus(Norman Reedus) hovering Yaga:

Actor and photo model Norman Reedus is remembered by many for his role in the TV series The Walking Dead, like other American actors - he prefers EGOs with clears.

Willie Nelson(Willie Nelson) - country music legend:

Willie Nelson has always led a very reckless lifestyle in the style of rock and roll, Willie's favorite addictions are still alcohol and soft drugs. The singer is an ardent activist for the legalization of cannabis, and smokes it everywhere, once managed to light a joint on the roof of the White House, during a reception hosted by President Jimmy Carter. Willy needs an electronic cigarette just for marijuana, in the hands of the singer NO2 herbal vaporizer, a device similar to PAX, is filled with hashish or smoking weed.

Katherine Heigl(Katherine Heigl) has been smoking only yoshigi for several years:

Katherine Heigl is a famous actress and producer, you may remember her from Grey's Anatomy where she played the role of doctor Izzy Stevens. Katherine, one of the first Hollywood stars to start popularizing electronic cigarettes, appeared with Yoshiga on the David Laterman Show back in 2010.
Katherine Heigl and cook with a karto tank:

Snoop Dogg(Snoop Dogg) - rap musician, showman, heavy smoker:

Snoop Dogg does not only make money from music, he has invested in an e-cigarette project under his own brand. This is a budget EGO box with a herbal atomizer for smoking weed, which is made in China, all marketing is based on the fans of the musician.

Snoop Dogg presents his bullshit:

The device is called G-Pen, the cost in the USA is from $80 to $100, the exact same yeshigu can be ordered in China for $8-12. There are a lot of herbal evaporators for smoking dry mixes and tars on the market, the German Volcano vaporizer is considered the best, the PAX vaporizer is very good from pocket models.

Johnny Depp(Johnny Depp) - heavy smoker

In The Tourist, Johnny was vaping a first-generation yeshigu, right under the "No Smoking!" sign, many viewers first heard about the electronic cigarettes from this movie.

Another photo of Johnny, here he is already puffing EGO:

Cara Delevingne(Cara Delevingne) - British actress and top model:

Included in the top five of the rating "50 supermodels of the world" of the portal Models.com, and in the rating of the British Evening Standard is in the category of "most demanded models"

Ronnie Wood(Ronnie Wood) - rock star of the 70s, British musician who played with the Rolling Stones and The Faces:

Samuel L. Jackson(Samuel L. Jackson) popular actor

You probably remember this actor from the movie "Pulp Fiction":

Samuel is a longtime heavy smoker, photo from his twitter:

Jack Nicholson(Jack Nicholson)

Tom Hardy(Tom Hardy) - British theater and film actor, played the role of the supervillain Bane in the blockbuster The Dark Knight Rises:

Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen(Marine Le Pen) - Leader of the French far-right nationalist political party Front National She was her party's candidate for the presidency of France in the 2012 elections, finishing third in the first round. Daughter of French nationalist politician Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Marine Le Pen is an odious and popular person who leads an anti-Muslim policy, compares Muslims with the Nazis occupying Europe.

Marine Le Pen very often appears in public and gives interviews with an electronic cigarette in her hands:

Celebrities are people too, and they also want to protect their health from negative impact analog cigarettes. That is why most of the Internet portals dedicated to vaping have articles like “Celebrities vape electronic cigarettes”, etc. Enlisted in the ranks of bathers a large number of public figures, actors, singers, politicians.

For example, for many people, acquaintance with ES happened thanks to the film "The Tourist" with Johnny Depp in the title role, but few know that ES is fond of not only the character, but also Depp himself.

But of course, Leonardo DiCaprio excelled the most. His "career" as a bather did not even begin with his little ones, but with the earliest specimens, the so-called "Pons". Then Leo gradually began to switch to more serious devices from various manufacturers.

Now to the point:

As you know, Leonardo is one of the contenders for the Oscar. This year, the actor is nominated for his role in The Revenant, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. In parallel with this, he participates in other events dedicated to cinema. For example, more recently, Leo not only took part, but also received the Screen Actors Guild Award.

The Screen Actors Guild Award or SAG Awards is an American film award awarded by the Screen Actors Guild of the United States since 1995 for films and television series.

But even after the victory of the actor, social networks discussed not further prospects, but a photo in which DiCaprio stands and calmly soars his electronic cigarette.

There were even jokes on the net about the fact that a new star couple appeared in Hollywood - DiCaprio and his electronic cigarette.

Some users even suggested writing the phrase "Love me like Leo loves his e-mail" on valentines.

The reaction of the organizers of the Oscars was not long in coming. Now on the territory of the Dolby Theater, which has been hosting the awards ceremony for eleven years now, smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is prohibited. Those wishing to smoke / steam will have to go to specially designated rooms.

It is worth mentioning that in Los Angeles, legislation does not prohibit smoking in theaters. It all depends on the decision of the theater administration. What is it - a coincidence, or the reaction to the actor's photo, probably only the organizing committee of the Oscar knows.

Here are some news from the world of cinematography. I don't even know whether to cry or laugh. Pleases only that this moment electronic cigarettes cause such a reaction, because before no one even really knew about them.

It remains only to wish Leonardo to finally receive the award he deserved.