What if the cat scratches its neck until it bleeds? Why does a cat comb itself until it bleeds: treatment of severe itching, will itch-stop suspension help? Itchy cat causes

Owners of pet mustache sometimes notice that the cat itches to sores, but there are no fleas. Often itching, the desire to itch in a cat is a symptom of diseases, their first manifestation. Therefore, you need to know for what signs you should be concerned and visit the veterinary clinic. After all, taking care of the health of pets is the direct responsibility of their owners.

Other causes of itching

In addition to being infected with fleas, ticks, the cat often itches and licks due to the manifestation of other diseases. Let's consider the possible reasons.

In sensitive cats, allergies often arise from dust mites, which are invisible to the eye, but are present in apartments. An improperly selected diet is often the cause of allergies. Red itchy bumps can also be a manifestation of an allergy. It can be in the form of red small dots on the skin, focal baldness (hair loss). An allergic rash causes exile itching, so the cat itches bloody like fleas.

Even if a veterinarian has prescribed histamines for treatment, which are sold in a pharmacy for humans, you cannot self-medicate for new cases of allergies. The doctor must make a test for the allergen and calculate the dose of the drug. And another time, you may be allergic to new allergens. Or the drug will cease to work, because addiction to the active substance will arise. Important! Only a doctor can identify the cause of the allergy and prescribe treatment.

Among metabolic diseases leading to itching, hair loss in cats, the main:

  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • Cushing's syndrome (problems with the adrenal glands);
  • diabetes.

An itchy sensation that makes you want to itch can be caused by bacteria and fungi that get on your cat's fur. This is especially true for sick, weakened cats with low immunity. The manifestation is not only that the cat itches. Fungal or bacterial infection is often accompanied by a red rash on the skin, the weakness of the animal. The doctor usually prescribes a complex of strengthening vitamins.

In some cats, the cause of itching, the desire to constantly lick, anxiety can be stress associated with a change in environment, or other reasons.

Reasons for infection

To minimize the possibility of infection, before the cat is released, it must be treated for fleas and ticks. To do this, you can apply a special preparation to the withers. It comes in soft ampoules and lasts for one to two months. It is not worth saving, buying very cheap drugs, which often turn out to be ineffective. It will be more expensive to treat the animal later.

Often, the owners of pussies are surprised why a cat living in an apartment begins to itch, fleas or ticks are found in it. You need to know that any infection can get into the house from the street, from the entrance with shoes. Especially if homeless animals live near the house or in the entrance. Another reason for fleas is the pigeons living nearby. This can be a balcony roof or railings, often used for "pigeon gatherings". Therefore, it is advisable to protect your home from bird visits.

It is very important, before you bring home a kitten from the street, to visit a veterinary clinic with it. Especially if the kitten itches, but there are no fleas. By bringing home a sick kitten, you risk infecting other pets, if any. And if the animal has a latent disease that is transmitted to humans, then your family members may suffer. It is noble to save a homeless animal, but you need to immediately think about the possible consequences, take safety measures. First of all, flea treatment is carried out, even if they are not visible and the cat does not itch.

Taking a cat or kitten home, the owner assumes the responsibility not only to feed, but also to take care of the pet's health. In order not to infect the animal and not to get infected yourself, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene, especially after "communication" with a cat.


Everyone knows that in addition to the mandatory steps for caring for a cat, such as feeding, toilet, you need to carefully monitor its health. Be sure to see your vet from time to time, especially if you've picked up a mustache in the yard. Get all the necessary vaccinations. But ... Life dictates the opposite to us - we run to the doctor when the rooster has already pecked us or our cat.

These are blood-sucking insects, which, by sucking on the cat's skin, cause severe itching, which makes the cat constantly itching, becoming irritable, decreased appetite and hair loss. The main lesions are the abdomen, the base of the tail, and less often the neck.

Sometimes the cat can itch a lot due to hormonal imbalances. In these cases, itching, anxiety, dullness of the coat up to loss is also possible. To clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment, the animal must be shown to a specialist. Vitamins are usually prescribed and nutrition is adjusted. It is quite difficult even for a specialist to identify this particular case, so do not try to diagnose yourself.

Other reasons

There are some other possible reasons why a cat may itch all the time.


Ear mite


An infectious disease caused by fungi. Causes unbearable itching in cats, which are combed before hair loss, bald spots appear on the body, the skin becomes dry and pustules may appear. In this case, antibiotic treatment is prescribed, monitored by a veterinarian. If the lichen was revealed in the early stages, then the treatment is carried out with the help of ointments, medicines.


Cats, like humans, are prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, it is worth paying attention and showing a cat to a specialist if he constantly licks, scratches, sneezes. Most often, allergies are to dust mites, or to food. It does not harm health, it only causes discomfort in the cat. It is treated with antihistamines.

In custody

Well, here we have considered all the most common cases when a cat begins to itch. This should cause concern not only for her, but also for her owner. You do not need to self-medicate, and it is better to first show the cat to a specialist.

And in no case should a cat be limited in freedom and independence, for fear of contact with infected brethren. Of course, I'm not talking about the fact that she needs to be kicked out into the street, but fresh air and sunshine are necessary for every cat. Take it out, if there is such an opportunity, to the dacha, let it go for a walk on the balcony.

And every cat needs a balanced diet. And of course it's no longer news to you that the food from our table is not at all suitable for a pet. Now there are many special foods, so I think there will be no problems with choosing the right one for your cat. And of course, every cat needs your love and attention. They are very sensitive to any expressions of emotion on your part. But one should not forget about their individualism. Your attention should be unobtrusive, but constant and daily. And then, I am sure, your pet will be your loyal and devoted friend, who will warm your home, create warmth and comfort in it.

If you still have questions about why the cat is constantly itching, write in the comments. We will try to answer!

Fluffy pets are the cleanest and most tidy creatures that regularly monitor their appearance. However, this positive trait does not always indicate the health of the animal. If the cat is constantly itching and licking itself, what to do? Does the owner need to react to this behavior or is this the norm?

Most often, the animal closely monitors itself after sleeping, eating, visiting the tray. A neat cat thoroughly licks its fur, washes its muzzle and ears with its paws. Many pets monitor the condition of their paws by removing hair between the claws with their teeth. Domestic cats devote a lot of time to hygiene procedures.

Causes of itchy skin

Allergic reactions in animals are often manifested by itchy skin. Such phenomena can be caused by food, animal care products (sprays, shampoos), drugs (antibiotics, anti-worms, etc.). Often the cause of allergies is plant pollen, household dust, perfumes and chemicals. In summer, insect bites (mosquitoes, flies, etc.) often cause allergic reactions. The allergen irritates the skin receptors, causes the production of histamine, leading to itchy skin, and the animal itches

The most common diagnosis in domestic cats is ringworm caused by the fungi Trichophyton and Microsporum. Pathogenic microorganisms settle in the hair follicles, lead to a violation of the integrity of the skin, the introduction of bacteria and viruses. The developing inflammatory process is accompanied by severe itching, the cat constantly itches and licks. The disease is also dangerous for humans. In addition to trichophytosis and lichen in cats, other dermatomycoses are often observed, for example, scab (favus) and candidiasis. Both diseases are also fungal in nature. Scab is rare, but candidiasis often affects the skin with uncontrolled use of antibiotics

The variety of reasons why cats often itch makes it sometimes difficult to diagnose the underlying disease.


Noticing that the fluffy pet is constantly itching, licking itself and the nature of these manipulations is not similar to normal grooming, the owner should first of all inspect the animal for fleas. In their absence, it is necessary to analyze the following points: whether the nutrition has changed (changing the usual food to another), has some plant bloomed in the apartment, has not a new shampoo been used for washing.

If the owner noticed that the cat itches to blood, what to do in such a situation? An animal with symptoms suggestive of a skin disorder (scratching, licking, head-shaking) should be seen by a veterinarian. It is not possible to independently diagnose a pet due to the many pathologies accompanied by scratching.

In a specialized institution, they will take scrapings from him and conduct microscopic, and, if necessary, bacteriological analyzes. Examination of samples under a microscope allows you to detect spores of fungi (with trichophytosis and microsporia), mites (with sarcoptic mange, demodicosis, notoedrosis, etc.). If you suspect a hormonal nature, the veterinarian will prescribe a blood test and examine the pet's endocrine system.


Noticing that the cat itches and licks, how to treat - this is a question often asked by owners to a veterinarian. This phenomenon does not apply to an independent disease, but only a symptom of the development of pathology, therefore it is not treated separately.

Having established the true cause of the disease, you can save the animal from the constant combing and licking of the fur. So, when ringworm and other fungal infections are found, antifungal drugs are prescribed. If mites are a cause of concern, then acaricidal agents are chosen to treat the coat.

In the event that the cause of scratching is an allergy, the pet with a pronounced clinical picture will be prescribed antihistamines to reduce itching. In case of an allergic nature, it is necessary to change food, hair care products and other allergens.

With pyoderma, otitis media, dermatosis complicated by infection, the pet is usually prescribed antibiotics, corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs.

The complex therapy of skin disease necessarily includes vitamins (especially B vitamins and vitamin A) and immunomodulators (Gamavit, Ribotan, etc.).


Preventive measures are reduced to the implementation of the following recommendations:

The owner should be aware that the pet's close attention to its coat, constant licking, and combing the skin with its paws is not a harmless phenomenon. As a rule, such anxiety is caused by the development of the disease. Only a veterinarian can identify the cause, diagnose and prescribe treatment for a pet.

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If the cat is constantly itching and grooming itself, this may indicate serious health problems. In today's article, we will look at what prompts the cat to groom and scratch so often, as well as find out why bald spots appear, and how to smear the wounds on the withers and neck of the animal.

Most owners of domestic cats understand that these animals love to lick and make beauty, and therefore pay a lot of attention to hygiene procedures. They not only lick the fur, wash their ears, chin and muzzle with their paws. Some individuals even try to remove excess hair between the claws with their teeth.

However, if a cat scratches its neck and abdomen until it hurts, this may indicate the development of serious ailments. That's why don't ignore these signs. Observe the furry creature and then decide whether to take it to the vet.

Video "Types of allergies in cats and dogs and their treatment"

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Ringworm is, unfortunately, not uncommon among domestic cats. It develops due to a fungus that forms in the hair follicles. These pathogenic formations contribute to the destruction of the skin, the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the cat's body. In this case, the cat develops inflammation, which is accompanied by severe itching. At the same time, the animal will try to actively lick and tear the wounds, bald spots may appear on the head.

Ticks and worms

If your pet has mites on its skin, don't be surprised if your pet soon suffers from severe itching, flaking, and hair loss. In this situation, you will need to promptly organize the treatment, since inaction is fraught with the appearance of secondary inflammation, suppuration, and sepsis.

If the cat scratches and licks the wounds a lot, do not ignore the advice of experts.


Bald patches on the head, wounds, pustules on the back and abdomen may be the result of the development of pyoderma. It is a bacterial disease that affects the deepest layer of the skin. It is possible to diagnose it at home not only by external signs, it can also be seen from the characteristics of the animal's behavior. The cat often rushes all over the apartment, looks nervous and irritated, often itches. Remember that if the lesion of the skin is not too deep, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment, and you can take care of the pet at home.

Hormonal Disorders

In this case, the cat will begin to lick itself with special zeal. As for her coat, it becomes dull, tangles into shreds, and in general, the appearance of such a pet is unkempt. If you suspect that your cat is developing hormonal disorders, show it to your veterinarian as soon as possible - the life of your pet depends on it.

Lack of vitamins

Eating a balanced diet and having healthy supplements is an important step in caring for your cat. If she does not receive enough vitamins of groups A, B, E, problems with the skin are aggravated rapidly. The pet's skin dries up, dandruff and itching are also possible.

Diagnostic rules

If a domestic kitten is constantly combing its fur, the first step is to check it for fleas. When, after inspection, you find nothing, it's time to inspect your own home. Check if you have bought new plants, household chemicals or pet food for a long time.

If you see that the animal is suffering and combing the wounds until it bleeds, be sure to hurry up to visit the veterinarian. A specialist will certainly examine the cat, and will also do all the necessary tests, both microscopic and bacteriological. Only after the ailment is established, you can start treating your furry pet.

Treatment principles

If a cat licks and scratches wounds to bleeding, it is very important to provide him with medical attention on time. Typically, treatment includes drug therapy and a special diet. With active flea bites, you will need to treat the pet with special drops or sprays. If the cat has worms in the body, deworming is necessary.

With the development of allergic reactions, it is advisable to purchase antihistamines for your cat. If the cat has suffered from an infectious disease, give it antibiotics.

Problem prevention

Baldness, scabs, skin ulcers - all these symptoms are painfully experienced by any pet. To prevent hair from falling out, it is very important to take care of your cat's health in a timely manner. First of all, review the daily diet, exclude cereals, flour products, smoked meats, and also sweets from there.

A kitten, like a child, must be constantly monitored so as not to miss the onset of any disease. And just like with a child, any deviation in behavior is alarming and frightening. This is especially true for itching. After all, it may have a completely innocent cause, or it may be a sign of health problems. How to find out why an animal is itching and what are the ways to eliminate discomfort? Let's figure it out.

Causes of itching

You can understand that a kitten has fleas by a number of signs. If present, the kitten looks quite healthy. At the initial stage, only severe itching worries him. At the same time, the kitten begins to worry and itch suddenly and quickly stops. It becomes clear that someone is biting him.

On the skin, you can find scratching and red dots - bite marks. If you don't get rid of fleas, then the kitten's condition may worsen further:

  • Hair starts to fall out in some places
  • Anemia appears
  • The kitten gets restless

Treatment methods

Several methods are used to treat kittens from fleas.


  • In order to prevent fleas in a kitten, it is necessary to periodically treat the cat for them and carry out regular cleaning at home with washing of bedding.
  • You should not take the kitten outside and allow it to come into contact with other animals.
  • It is imperative to disinfect the house. To do this, all surfaces in the house at a height of up to one and a half meters are thoroughly washed, and carpets and upholstered furniture are vacuumed and cleaned.
  • Ideally, it is worth treating with special insecticidal preparations against crawling insects like "". In this case, you can destroy fleas that live on the floor and exclude re-infection of the animal.

Ear mites

If the kitten does not itch entirely, but mostly scratches its head, then this indicates the presence of an ear mite - orthodecosis. In this case, the animal experiences severe itching in the area of ​​the auricles. In the shells themselves, black accumulations are found - this is a product of the vital activity of ticks. Wounds from scratching appear on the ears. In a severe case, the animal can severely injure the ear and develop an inflammatory formation with a watery filling.

After the injury has healed, the ear may become deformed and wrinkled.


If you have ear mites, you should clean your ears with cotton swabs moistened with hydrogen peroxide. It is undesirable to drip medicine into the ears of kittens up to 2 months old. From the age of two months, after cleaning, you need to drip special drops from ear mites.


Exclusion of contact with other animals and periodic cleaning of the ears.

Kitten allergy

If the animal does not have fleas or ticks, but it itches, then it may be allergic. An allergic reaction can develop to medicines, food, chemicals in things. Identifying the source of an allergy is difficult. The easiest way to determine it is when taking medication and introducing a new feed.

If such an obvious connection is not traced, then the allergen will have to be identified by excluding one product after another from the diet. This can take several weeks. To alleviate the condition of the animal, he is given antihistamines. Regarding the dosage, you should contact a specialist, and not self-medicate.

Allergies can develop on other insects.


Elimination of the allergen and the use of anti-allergic drugs.


Kitten worms

You can find out that a kitten was struck by worms by the following signs:

  • Itching in the anus - the kitten itches or crawls on the floor
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Bloating
  • Refusal to eat
  • Hair loss
  • Weakness

If there are a lot of worms, then vomiting and intestinal blockage, as well as paralysis of the back of the body, may begin.


The use of anthelmintic drugs by age. Today there are drugs for which there are no contraindications for age: they can be used for small kittens. You can find out by reading one of the articles posted earlier on our resource.


Exclusion of walks and contact with other animals.

Deprive the kitten

Ringworm is a fungal disease that can affect both animals and humans. At the same time, it is noted:

  • Mild itching
  • The appearance of hairless spots
  • The presence of scales and crusts
  • Localization of spots mainly on the head, limbs
  • Weight loss


Special anti-fungal ointments.


Elimination of contact with sick animals.

Itching in a kitten must be diagnosed, the cause must be identified and tried to eliminate it. This will help him develop well and grow up healthy and strong animals. Getting rid of itching is not so difficult if you know its origins.

Causes of itching in animals (video)