What does reading books give? Why you need to read books Why every person needs to read

Nowadays, reading books has become a thing of the past. If previously a person could tell what book he had read, or what his favorite book author was, now he is unlikely to remember. This is especially true for the younger generation, who in the world of technology have completely forgotten about books. Books have been gathering dust on shelves for years, and the topic of what book you read is not discussed at all among young people. Why? Perhaps because in our everyday worries we cannot find time to retire to read a book, or why read a book if we can google it online and find out everything we need, or watch a movie based on the plot of the book. This is probably what most people are motivated by, although it shouldn’t be that way. Books are extremely necessary for us and our children; with their help, we can expand our worldview, gain new knowledge, and learn to think correctly.

People who have not read books are completely unfamiliar with the classics of fiction or scientific literature, they do not know how to correctly express their opinions, they are completely unfamiliar with the characters and heroes of interesting books, and when they find themselves in a society of people who are fond of literature, they do not know how to hold a conversation at all.

Why should you read books?

Books help expand your worldview, train your brain, and gain new experiences. With their help, you can escape from everyday worries and just relax. A person who does not read books is deprived of the opportunity to travel to ancient times, he will not know the history of his land, he will never know how our ancestors lived in other countries and civilizations that ruled the lands and made history.

The more a person reads, the more interesting his life becomes. A well-read person knows how to correctly express his thoughts, he is educated and interesting to other people. Such people have a well-developed imagination, they have a good imagination and a highly developed intellectual world. When a person stops reading, he stops thinking correctly, is poorly able to assess a situation, and is often unable to hold a conversation with other people.

Books are a source of knowledge; they contain historical facts, scientific discoveries and other useful information, without which it is difficult for a person to adapt to society. You need to read books correctly and calmly, only then will you be able to absorb the necessary information or experience exciting moments of life with your favorite character. As a rule, those who start reading an interesting book cannot put it down and always try to redo everything as soon as possible and retire to read an interesting plot. Quite often, when reading books, we compare ourselves and our actions with the life of the main character in fiction, and this is normal. Such interest and fascination with the pages of the book suggests that after reading the plot of the book, you lived their lives along with its characters. The plots of some books are remembered for a lifetime, and we can re-read our favorite poems or works of art several times. Reading books by classics or famous psychologists, we begin to think and speak differently, we often strive to be ideal, it is easier for us to express our thoughts, to enrich our knowledge with new information.

After reading an interesting book, we can find the answer to our question, because there are so many interesting and useful things in books. Books inspire and motivate us to make ourselves better, and help us discover new facets of perceiving the world that we had never imagined before. Having picked up an interesting and exciting book, each of us will forget about the existence of the Internet or television.

Some people who love to read books often have situations when they don’t have time, in such cases they have found an excellent alternative to books - audiobooks that can be listened to both at home and in the office or transport. Audiobooks are quite convenient, but with their help it is difficult to enrich your vocabulary and make it literate and educated. Reading books allows us to visually perceive information; we see constructed sentences and the spelling of words. We often delve into the words of the author, and we can re-read some sentences several times, creating our own intonation and timbre of voice. When listening to audiobooks, we are deprived of this opportunity, so if you have free time, be sure to start reading an interesting book with an exciting plot, then you certainly won’t be able to tear yourself away from its plot.

Why save books

Very often you can meet a person in a house who has a huge number of books that accumulate a sea of ​​knowledge, wisdom and experience. In every country, it is customary to treat books with care; they are neatly stored on shelves in evenly folded rows. For some people, books are a piece of furniture and decoration for a room or office, while others are simply delighted with their collection and are very sensitive to each work of art.

Careful storage of books

How often do you read books? Most people read about 1,000 books in their lifetime, but there are also those who don't read them at all. Statistics say that only 55% of Russians and 51% of Ukrainians read at least 1 book in 2017. An interesting fact: according to the results of a survey in the Russian Federation, it turned out that people from villages read the most (6-7 books on average), and residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg read the least (5 books on average).

Why read books

A person reading can be seen a mile away. He is comprehensively developed and intelligent, while being an excellent conversationalist. In life, it is much easier for such people to cope with difficulties and achieve their goals.

Finally, almost all successful individuals devote a significant portion of their time to reading. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Pavel Durov - they all read at least 50 books annually and encourage people to do the same in their public speeches and interviews. But are books really as useful as is commonly believed?

How books make us smarter

“Knowledge is power,” each of us is told from early childhood, but this statement is not entirely true. Knowledge is only potential power, which is worthless until it is put into practice. This fact explains that out of millions of book lovers, only a few manage to achieve any significant heights. Unused knowledge is useless, and only actions bring results.

Types of reading

However, books provide more than just a collection of facts. There are several types of reading.

  • Studying. Reading slowly with the goal of fully studying and understanding what is written. This implies the application of the acquired knowledge in the future. In this way, the most important literature or its individual fragments are read.
  • Introductory. This is how fiction is most often read. The reader gets acquainted with the main content of the text and the author's argumentation. The degree of understanding of information is about 70%.
  • Viewable. The reader quickly scans the text to determine whether it contains the necessary information, and then decides to study the writing in more depth.
  • Search engine. The reader is looking for specific information without reading the entire text. The fragment in which the necessary data was found is studied in detail.

The benefits of search and browsing reading are limited to quickly obtaining the necessary data. Studying and introductory reading is much more productive in this regard. A person does not just receive dry facts, but also uses the analytical and creative parts of the brain.

Benefits of reading books

  • Books make people happier. Scientists from the University of Liverpool came to this conclusion. Based on a survey of 4,000 people, it was found that people who read suffer less from depression, cope with problems more easily and have higher self-esteem.
  • Books protect memory. The fact was established by researchers from the American Academy of Neurology. The experiment involved 294 people approximately 6 years before their death. It turned out that reading can slow down the rate of memory decline as we age by more than 32%.
  • Reading increases intelligence. Scientists from King's College London and the University of Edinburgh followed 1,890 pairs of twins for about 9 years. During the experiment, it was found that there is a clear relationship between reading skills and the cognitive capabilities of the subjects. In other words, the more a person reads, the better he is developed as a person.

These changes are possible only during exploratory and introductory reading, when the reader is immersed in a kind of trance, left alone with his mind. This mental state most often occurs when a person reads something very interesting for some time. The outside world disappears, and in its place come vivid images created by the imagination based on what has been read. This means that the brain is focused only on the book and is actively developing, using both hemispheres.

Based on this, it is difficult to divide books into “useful” and “useless”. After all, in themselves they are only a bunch of information, and personal growth occurs mainly due to the reading process itself. Thus, when studying fiction, the right, creative hemisphere of the brain will work and learn more actively, and when studying non-fiction, the left, analytical hemisphere will work more actively.

How to read books correctly: effective reading

1. Set a goal. The benefits of reading will be maximum only if it has a clear purpose. For example, if you urgently need to find important information, it makes sense to use the browsing or introductory reading method, and study the useful fragment more deeply. If you hope to learn something in detail with the help of a book, the learning method is suitable.

2. Choose a good book. Reading everything is a bad idea. Choose only high-quality literature. Read reviews and reviews, carefully review the content. Do not start reading until you are sure that the book contains exactly what you are looking for.

3. Read in short sessions. What is read “in one gulp” is poorly remembered. If you are going to read a book in a study or introductory way (in its entirety), divide the process over several days or even weeks. Non-fiction is best read in the morning, when the brain is alert and open to new knowledge, while fiction is more suitable for evening sessions.

4. Write down what you read. When reading specialized literature, write down the most important points. This way you will remember them much better and will be able to quickly find them if necessary.

5. Give up perfectionism. Don’t read simply because “it’s a pity to quit.” If the book is of no use to you, there is no point. Leave her alone and study the literature you really need. It doesn’t matter how much you read if you don’t remember or learn anything.

6. Read regularly. Train yourself to read daily and soon you will notice how your life will begin to change for the better. You will become more confident, smarter, wittier, more sociable, and the difficulties on your life’s path will no longer frighten you.

Just imagine that you can learn absolutely any skill, communicate with great people who died thousands of years ago, learn almost any fact known to mankind. Whatever your question, the answer is in the books, since many hundreds of people have asked it before you. In a word, in the battle on life’s fronts, books are the best weapon. Arm yourself!

What does reading books give a person? What advantages does reading have over other available leisure activities?

Surely, many of us have learned an unshakable truth since childhood - reading books is useful. But to whom and why is not entirely clear. What does reading books give to a person? What is their advantage over other sources of information? And, if it really exists, then why do people read so little now?

The modern world and the desire to walk (and sometimes run) in step with the times and fashion make adjustments to our lives. Whether we like it or not. And now it’s not uncommon to prefer an evening in front of the TV or a computer “shooter” to a dear volume of world classics. And the necessary information can be “fished out” from other sources - audio castes, films, media, various webinars, and just notes from the World Wide Web. In addition, there may simply not be enough time to read books, even with a great desire. So it turns out that nowadays, more and more often, people answer the question: “What book are you reading now?” They answer: “I don’t read books.” This is especially true for the younger generation, who literally from the maternity hospital are surrounded by many convenient gadgets.

Of course, it’s not for us to judge whether this is good or bad. Time does not stand still, and, rather, it can be argued that all changes are quite expected and natural. Agree, it is quite strange to expect a modern school student to sit and write an essay (by hand!) in the library, having sifted through a mountain of literature. No, of course, he would rather enter the topic into a search engine, and kind Google will give him several almost finished works - take it, choose it, arrange it, and you’re done! And, most likely, he will read world literature from the digest - there the same “War and Peace” was briefly interpreted in eight to ten pages, and it is immediately clear who is who and why. I read it and go ahead and take the exam. And if it worked once, then a second time, a third time... Do you think the child will see the meaning in reading the “originals” and will he enjoy the process of reading books?

The question is controversial. On the one hand, positive visual examples of “reading” relatives and friends can certainly awaken anyone’s interest in reading. And especially for a developing person. But what to do if in the library of your parents’ house there are only “Russian-English Dictionary” and “How to Hammer a Nail” on the shelves? And does the child see mom and dad reading glossy magazines and the yellow press at most? It is unlikely that he will show interest in world classics of literature, right?

And the phrase: “They should teach him at school!” - not an excuse. They will teach you, not a single schoolchild has ever received a certificate without knowing how to read in principle. But “to be able to” and “to actively use” are frankly different things. And especially in relation to books.

The older generation has its own legitimate “excuses.” The first and main thing is lack of time. Undoubtedly, modern man is very busy. But there is only one “but” here - according to statistics, the most successful people read a lot. Always. Are you saying they are less busy than everyone else? This question is not here to offend or provoke anyone - no, this is just food for thought. And, as always, only you have the right to decide what to do with it.

What is it about reading books? Let's take a closer look..

Scientists identify 10 main reasons why reading books is a very useful and important activity for a person:

1. Improved imagination and increased creativity. When reading books, we ourselves draw a picture of everything that happens in the plot. Words take on new life, transforming in our imagination. In our head we “picture” the sounds, images, and smells of the story we are reading. Such exercises miraculously train the brain, namely its “creative muscles.”

In addition, reading “other people’s” works can provoke us to generate new ideas. It is not so important whether it is the idea to write some kind of work yourself or invent something new, or whether an idea will simply come as an impetus to solve a long-standing problem. The main thing is that these ideas can help change your life. And, perhaps, the lives of other people too.

2. Good mental health. According to scientists, reading can slow down and even prevent serious problems such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. And all because when reading, the brain is constantly in good shape, it is active, that is, in essence, this is the same exercise for it as physical training is for the body. Those people who have read a lot throughout their lives later begin to notice age-related declines in mental abilities and memory compared to their “non-reading” peers.

In addition, the rhythm and richness of the book can calm the psyche and help the body free itself from stress. This is especially relevant now, because a huge number of people experience stressful situations every day.

3. Confidence in yourself and your abilities. Researchers have found that reading books helps people become more confident. It is not surprising, because a well-read person is usually erudite, able to demonstrate fundamental knowledge in a particular area in a conversation, as a result of which he involuntarily begins to behave more collectedly and confidently, his self-esteem is at an adequate level.

4. Increasing vocabulary and improving overall literacy levels. There's probably no need for a long explanation here. When reading works of various genres, a person often encounters unfamiliar words and terminology that is usually not used in everyday communication. You can look up the meaning of a word in a dictionary, or you can simply understand it from the context.

5. Good sleep. According to researchers, systematically reading pleasant literature before bed can improve sleep. And this is understandable, because the body gets used to this regime, and soon reading becomes a signal for the body that bedtime is approaching. In addition, after such a soft fall asleep, you will be much more alert in the morning.

6. Improved attention and ability to concentrate. In the modern world, we are accustomed to constantly combining several things, dividing attention between the Internet, telephone, communication with other people and a host of other things. But thanks to this division, the quality of a particular process is often lost, and the ability to concentrate on one single particularly important matter is lost. When reading, we must concentrate on the content of the book, without being distracted by everything else. In addition, reading books helps develop objectivity and the ability to make informed decisions.

7. Development of memory and thinking. According to scientists, people who regularly read books, at least for one hour a day, train and improve their memory. Naturally, every day they remember some new information for themselves. Those who “cook” in the same environment, information and ideas every day do not train their memory, and, therefore, are not able to remember more.

In addition, to understand the book and further unfold the plot, you need to remember many things: the characters’ characters, their relationships, and other details. This greatly trains both memory and thinking. When reading a book, we tend to think more, imagine many details in our imagination: the appearance of the characters, their clothes, the surrounding stop. All this helps us to fully understand the very idea of ​​the work, to get a “taste” of it. Reading books develops analytical thinking. People who read see and identify patterns many times faster than “non-readers.” Thanks to reading books, our mind becomes sharper, stronger and faster, brain connections are strengthened, and intelligence in general increases.

8. Development of sociability and empathy. Reading books also improves our speech skills; the ability to beautifully, clearly and clearly express our thoughts in words appears. The talent of a storyteller increases, communication becomes simpler and easier. People who read have a much better chance of becoming interesting conversationalists and impressing people than those who don't list reading as one of their favorite things to do. Of course, because the former always have many new topics for conversation, drawn from literature.

In addition, reading can instill in a person a tendency to empathize with other people. There is a unique chance to “walk in the shoes” of another person, to look at the world through his eyes, to see his feelings and thoughts. Even (and even more so) if his world is very different from yours. A person who reads stops looking at everything that happens from one point - he becomes able to better feel others and empathize with them.

9. Expanding your horizons. Of course, books can give a person a huge amount of new knowledge! The world of a non-reader is usually small. After all, any other sources of information, even more popular ones, are capable of providing small grains of all the knowledge that is around you. Reading books reveals to a person all the greatness of the world, as it really is.

People who don't like to read books live only one life - their own. Book lovers have free access to a huge number of lives of real and fictional characters, can live with them their feelings and experience everything that they experienced. There is a unique chance to learn from the life experiences and lessons of other people. This in no way interferes with acquiring your own experience - on the contrary, by observing cause-and-effect relationships in a particular work, you can prevent yourself from making mistakes.

Also, reading books is the second most informative way (after travel) to learn about the culture and life of other peoples and countries. Reading literature about different countries helps to discover, in fact, a new world, here in your cozy chair, without crossing the threshold of your home.

10. Self-improvement. Among other things, reading books can help a person understand himself and learn a lot of new things about himself. He can find unexpected solutions and take a fresh look at his life. Putting yourself in the place of the hero of the work and asking yourself the question: “What would I do in the place of this character?”, You can get an unexpected answer. And often you even get a hint on practical aspects of behavior.

By reading books, a person over time forms his own worldview, his view of the world deepens and expands, values, beliefs and principles are revised and formed. Many books can motivate and inspire self-realization, improving oneself, and increasing one’s results. In addition, a person who reads remains young for a long time - after all, old age begins with the aging of the brain, and this does not threaten a keen reader!

Of course, here we have named only the most popular reasons that motivate a person to read books. Surely you have your own secrets about this. Maybe you just love that meditative state, close to weightlessness, when you are absorbed by an interesting work. Or you're looking for plot ideas for your new book. Everyone finds their own reasons that are important to them. The main thing is that the book brings joy and pleasure, gives strength and a taste of magic. Isn't this a miracle invented for the benefit of all mankind?

Anna Kutyavina

There are many books in the world on a variety of topics and directions, intended both for mental development and for practical use. More and more people are becoming interested in reading and buying paper and electronic publications. So why is it useful to read books, and how can they affect a person's quality of life?

The benefits of reading books - 10 reasons!

How nice it is to smell books and enjoy turning the pages. It’s hard to tear yourself away from a good book; it pulls you in and makes you completely immerse yourself in the world described there. However, not only aesthetic pleasure can be obtained from reading, it also has other benefits that can have a beneficial effect on both mental state and health. Let's look at the main reasons why people should read books:

1.Increasing intelligence level

Having opened an interesting book, you can go on an exciting journey through the world of knowledge. There is nothing better than developing your intellect with a good and interesting book. Therefore, it is recommended to start reading from a very early age. When we were children, our parents and teachers always encouraged us to read instead of spending too much time on television or video games. According to a study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, when children read books, they learn 50% more words and comprehend information better than those who spend the same time watching TV. It can be said that reading is a great way for children to learn new vocabulary. If you want to maintain a fast reading speed, you should choose a traditional paper book. The study showed that electronic publications can reduce reading speed by approximately 20-30%.

2.Improving brain activity processes

It is an excellent workout for cardiovascular health, while reading, in turn, has a beneficial effect on brain function. It is recommended to develop a regular reading habit to maintain better memory. The aging process is inevitable. As we age, not only external changes occur, but internal processes also change - brain function deteriorates, and memory begins to fail. Luckily, there are solutions that can help us slow down aging. In addition to eating healthy and exercising, reading can also help improve brain health. A study found that books can reduce the risk of mental illness by 32%.

Read books every day for at least 30 minutes!

3.Developing empathy

The benefit of reading books is that they make us more empathetic. When we read fiction, we understand the emotions and thoughts of the characters and experience their feelings. Many studies have shown that books allow us to communicate well with other people. Understanding others and their mental states is an important skill in a society where we must build complex social relationships with others.

4.Reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease

This is one of the most important reasons why reading books is beneficial. Reading makes your brain work, so it is considered a good exercise for the brain. According to numerous recent studies, activities such as playing chess, solving puzzles and reading can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by 2.5 times! They help improve brain function, power and memory capacity. If people do not exercise, their body becomes weaker and this leads to many medical problems. Also, reading books is necessary for the health of brain activity. It is recommended to read when you have free time. Children need to love books to become smarter and more compassionate, while for adults it can help train their brains, improve memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease.


Read books and then you will have great relaxation after a long day of work. It's so great to lie on your bed, turn the pages of a book, enjoying moments of peace before bed. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Sussex, reading can help reduce stress and anxiety by around 68%. Regardless of the book you decide to read, immersing yourself in what is written will help you avoid existing problems and worries and draw you into exploring the author's creative world.

6.Improved sleep

If you experience insomnia or find it difficult to fall asleep, reading is a great solution to these problems. Scientists always recommend picking up a book before going to bed. Reading signals your body and brain to relax, so falling asleep in this state can be very easy. Research has found that watching TV or using your phone before bed can distract you from sleep. People who prefer books not only fall asleep faster, but also improve the quality of their dreams.

7.Reading books is contagious

Children may think that reading is a boring activity that is not fun. Read books, and then your child will start repeating after you too! You can start reading aloud to them, and then before you know it, they are already sitting with the book in their hands, enthusiastically flipping through page after page. Recommended reading for children while they are attending primary school to inspire knowledge and exploration of new discoveries.

8.Improving analytical thinking skills

This point especially applies to mystical or detective novels, where the reader constantly has to analyze events and calculate the next episodes. However, any other book can also use this useful skill. It’s nice to read and find phrases on the pages of a work that correspond to your own thoughts or, on the contrary, reveal something new and useful. You can take notes and mark particularly impressive moments along the way. This exercise will develop analytical and critical thinking skills. Reading books also gives you the opportunity to discuss its contents with other people, exchanging opinions and finding true meaning.

9.Improved concentration

Modern people are always busy with something, and sometimes it is difficult for them to maintain attention on one thing for a long time. When you have to multitask, it's easy to get distracted from what's important. This is especially true for social networks and other instant messengers. As a result, stress levels increase and the work done leaves much to be desired. It is important to develop concentration and not allow distractions to affect your productivity. Reading books will help you with this. When a person reads, they need to focus on the story and become immersed in the plot and details. Spending time with a book allows you to develop the skill of staying focused on one thing for an extended period.

10.Improving writing skill

Reading books will not only help you develop reading speed, but also improve your writing skills by expanding your vocabulary. A well-written book can become a guide to competent communication and sentence construction. In addition, during the reading process, a person is able not only to remember the plot, but also to note grammatical details, which can subsequently also affect the quality of writing. In the future, it will even be possible to distinguish between the styles of writers and find those whose style is closer. This is also a kind of aesthetics of reading, when a person can select from many other books those worthy of his attention.


The benefits of reading books cannot be overestimated. Despite the fact that printed publications are being replaced by electronic ones, and a process of modernization is taking place, the book as a source of knowledge and a practical adviser can never lose its relevance. People need to read not only in order to somehow occupy their free time, but also so that with the help of such a small task they can get the maximum benefit for themselves. The good thing about the book is that it is accessible to anyone and does not require large expenditures. People who read feel happier and more spiritual.

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The most important factor in a successful life is brain development. Despite the huge number of ways to do this, most people prefer the classic one - they start reading a lot. This option can be safely called a win-win, because it concerns all aspects of a person’s life. It’s easy to verify this - just read the scientific justifications for the reasons why you should read books, and also consider the real benefits and attitude of great people towards literature.

The moment when people learned to write and read is considered the most important step towards the development of civilization. Absolutely all scientists share this opinion, and they do so not without reason. The effects of reading on the brain have long been studied around the world. Over the past few years, it has been proven many times that the habit of reading radically changes a person's life, having a positive impact on thought processes.

The studies conducted have given an unequivocally positive answer to the question of whether the statement about the positive effect of reading for a person is true. The brain of someone who has been practicing this for a long time and does it correctly, perceives the world around him differently and works much better. Several studies described below will help verify this.

Stanford University

Experts in cognitive and nervous activity of the brain and other scientists conducted a study at an American university and obtained an interesting result. The basis was the famous novel “Jane Austen,” which was given one by one to candidates in literature in an MRI machine. Some plunged into it for their own pleasure, while others analyzed it carefully.

The result showed that it makes a difference for the brain exactly how to take on the text. In the first case, only areas associated with concentration of thinking. In the second, it became more active cognitive function, which is not normally used by the brain. It has also been proven that when there is a sharp transition from one approach to a novel to another, changes immediately occur in nervous brain activity and blood circulation.

Research by Stanislas Dehaene

A group of scientists, led by Stanislas Dehaene, conducted a study on 63 volunteers. 31 of the participants had reading skills since childhood, 22 learned this as adults, and 10 were illiterate. All of them received various kinds of test tasks that required a response from the subject.

Having completed the study, scientists came to the conclusion that reading affects brain function in an extremely positive way. How exactly did literate people distinguish themselves according to the test results:

  • when recognizing text, the visual zone of the brain is activated, as well as areas that process audio information, and some other centers;
  • when viewing text, several zones of the cerebral cortex of the left hemisphere in the temporal and occipital regions are actively working;
  • literate people have an excellent junction between the occipital and temporal lobes.

From the journal Neurology

In 2013, a popular scientific journal published an article about a study conducted by scientists led by Robert Wilson answering the question of why we should read books. They took almost 300 older candidates who are 6 years tested annually.

Scientists have been able to prove that regular reading throughout life minimizes the risk of cognitive impairment in older people. Those who loved to read a lot managed to avoid problems with memory and brain function even in old age. However, this is true for those who always do this, and not until a certain age, because... the process is similar to physical exercise - if you stop doing it, then all the results will gradually be lost.

Other studies

Many other studies have been conducted that have led scientists to very interesting conclusions, namely:

  • The most effective way to relieve stress is to spend time with a novel;
  • Those who like to combine books with food are slimmer than those who do not like to do this, since passion for literature makes them chew more slowly and more thoroughly, which is why food is absorbed much better;
  • Artwork in the toilet helps relieve constipation. Detective and spy novels are best suited for this;
  • Math books, if you get carried away with them during sex, can prolong sexual intercourse;
  • Poetry evokes strong feelings of arousal and also engages the parts of the brain responsible for autobiographical memory.

Is reading books useful? Of course yes. The scientific studies described above prove this. A love of literature is beneficial for people of any age.

interesting fact

In Novosibirsk, a conflict occurred between a girl and her ex-boyfriend. The girl’s friend intervened in this, in response to which he received a bullet from the first man. He was saved by a book with a piece of lead stuck in it. The savior escaped with minor injuries, and the attacker received what he deserved from the arriving police.

Practical benefits

An ordinary person will hardly be able to notice the same results that scientists obtained. Unless, of course, he arranges his own research and tests. We, ordinary people, want to know why we need to read books, what results we will notice ourselves. The impact of literature on a person is visible to everyone, both to himself and to those around him. Many components of life are subject to positive influence, which makes the reasons to start getting involved in literature very significant.

This hobby has a positive effect on:

  • intelligence;
  • culture;
  • sociality;
  • creation;
  • psychological health.

This list cannot accurately answer why you need to read books regularly. But the reasons to start reading below will do the job perfectly. They will show what benefits every literature lover can expect from reading books.

Ability to speak and write, vocabulary growth

When reading, a person literally absorbs words, various phrases and techniques. This makes his speech and writing style more refined and literate. He begins to express his thoughts beautifully and naturally.

Fans of any novel can boast a large vocabulary. Especially if a person meets unusual genres or specific literature. When encountering a new word, its meaning can be understood from the context, which only cements it in memory.

Communication with people

An activity like reading can have a significant impact on a person's relationships with other people. First of all, this is expressed in the already mentioned ability to speak beautifully and expansion of vocabulary. This makes a person more pleasant to everyone around him.

While reading a novel, people remember a lot of interesting information, which they can share with their interlocutors, which makes them interesting. Also, the heroes of the works sometimes face various difficult situations, the described solution of which can be useful in the reader’s life, for example, for establishing relationships with someone. Such people get along better with children, which is an undoubted advantage.

People who read stand out from others because of their tolerance, which makes others even more attracted to them. At the same time, they do not have any prejudices, thanks to which they have many more friends and look very dignified.


Most novels contain elements of romance or a close love relationship between two people. Such knowledge can not only prove useful in practice, but also become part of consciousness, changing a person from the inside. A person becomes romantic, gentle and caring, which makes him even more attractive.

Confidence, motivation

The benefits of reading affect an important quality in a person - self-confidence. It develops in parallel with the addition of the list of read works. And this happens due to the ability to speak and several other factors, which will be discussed below. A self-confident person feels differently, he seems to remove restrictions from himself - such people are much more successful than others.

If you at least sometimes get acquainted with works that tell about successful people, then the reader involuntarily has a desire to achieve heights. He receives strong motivation to move forward, achieve goals and become better.

Mood and stress

Reading is good for psychological health. It allows you to avoid serious depression, nervous breakdowns and other related problems. The reason for this is the organization of information in the head, increased control of one’s own emotions, as well as relaxation of the heart and muscles obtained from frequent contacts with artistic or scientific works. The book will help lift your mood and also avoid its deterioration, which is extremely important for a modern person.

Resistance to stress increases and the resulting stress quickly disappears. The best way to achieve this is to read before bed. This reduces the impact of stress by 60% in just 5 minutes. Such indicators can be considered surprising, because... Even a walk or a cup of tea cannot compare with them. Also, many can boast of sound sleep.

New experience, broadening horizons

It is important for people to avoid monotony. Sometimes this is not so easy to do. The best way is to try new experiences that are unique and interesting. Literature helps a lot with this. Everyone has the opportunity to experience unreal events, look at life from a different angle, or experience previously inaccessible emotions.

Expanding your horizons also has a serious impact on life. This makes a person more interesting to others, and also helps him make the right decisions and feel much more confident in his abilities.

Thinking, memory, concentration

From the research of scientists, it became clear that a passion for books is very useful for the brain. The most important thing is that people begin to think differently - it becomes easier for them to understand the things happening around them, they quickly understand something new. Gradually, the more a person does this, the more his brain will develop. This also includes flexibility of thinking, thanks to which you can see special details that are invisible to other people, as well as correctly assess a difficult situation and find a solution.

A large number of characters, settings and events forces the reader to keep a large amount of information in his head. This inevitably leads to memory development. That is why, from childhood, people are forced to retell works in school lessons. Also, adults and children train concentration, which is extremely important in life.

New knowledge, creativity, creativity

If you read more than others, you will be able to stand out, since some knowledge is acquired precisely from literary works. It is also an important factor for success in life. You can gain not only dry knowledge, but also useful life lessons.

People who read have always been more creative individuals who can boast of creative ideas. Why is this so? Firstly, from a feeling of confidence. Secondly, from the knowledge gained. Thirdly, from a special view of the situation.

Preservation of youth

The ability to delay the aging process is why reading books is useful. The human brain ages slowly every year, but it can be easily maintained with the help of literature. The total life expectancy of such people is 2 years above.

Another benefit of reading books is reducing the risk of diseases associated with brain activity, and especially memory. The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease becomes noticeably lower.

Other reasons

There are a number of other reasons to get involved in literature, showing how useful reading books is. For example, an opportunity to better understand yourself, have a good time, or learn to understand people. Their number can number in the hundreds. Is it useful to study a lot of literature? Definitely yes.

Great people and reading

Some famous people have publicly stated that the reading process is of great importance to them in terms of working on themselves. Their love of literature helped them achieve significant success. It is for this reason that it is important to get to know two of them.

Malcolm X

A defender of African Americans who achieved unprecedented success in his causes. He completed only 8 grades, and in his youth he was sentenced to prison. Nevertheless, he managed to achieve success. His whole secret, as he wrote in his autobiography, was to fill every free minute with familiarization with various literary works. Malcolm wrote that nothing had such a positive impact on him as reading literature.

Mark Cuban

A successful entrepreneur who owns a basketball team and several large companies has achieved great success only because he was able to study many works. According to him, each book contains many useful ideas that can be implemented in life. He managed to achieve heights in everything he undertook thanks to this.

Other famous personalities

Of course, there are much more famous people who love literature. These include: V. Dahl, R. Bradbury, F. Iskander, F. Voltaire, D. Martin, A. Chekhov and others. They all spoke positively about the books and said that reading was useful. If you compare all the statements, they will be united by one phrase: it is important to read regularly.


Reading makes life better and a person more successful. The main thing is to do this with sufficient regularity and take the matter seriously. There is no arguing with the fact that literary works are very useful. But it’s easy to prove. Try it, the result will not be long in coming. Life will be transformed after the first works you read.