Constant faintness of reason. “Foggy head” syndrome, its comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of the feeling of a heavy head with VSD

For some people, heaviness in the head is a frequent and even habitual phenomenon. However, it cannot be classified as a physiological norm. It’s good if the ailment is temporary (you can overcome it on your own, even at home), but there is always a possibility that it was caused by a disease that only a specialist can cure.

The following factors can lead to a feeling of heaviness, weakness and lethargy:

  • staying in a constant position for a long time(during sleep or at work);
  • long and strenuous activities(mental or physical);
  • hypothermia;
  • use of anesthesia(for example, during an operation);
  • poisoning.

A person’s condition will quickly return to normal if the negative impact is eliminated.

It happens that the head becomes heavy for no reason. Fog appears in the eyes, confusion appears in consciousness, because of this it is impossible to do anything.

Such conditions are often accompanied by:

  • feeling tired;
  • loss of strength (noticeable drop in temperature);
  • headaches;
  • surges in blood pressure;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • lethargy and weakness.

The disappearance of all symptoms can occur either after a couple of minutes or after a few hours.


The pressing sensation in the head area does not always go away quickly. In such cases, one can judge whether a person has serious diseases or malfunctions in the body.

Circulatory disorders

In the vast majority of cases, discomfort is associated with a failure of cerebral circulation and is accompanied by:

  • infectious pathology affecting brain tissue;
  • temperature rise(during inflammatory processes);
  • feeling of nausea and bouts of vomiting s (for poisoning);
  • severe allergies;
  • chronic runny nose and bronchial asthma(it becomes difficult for a person to breathe, oxygen supply to the brain is disrupted);
  • Meniere's disease, vestibular neuronitis and other ear lesions.

The variety of associated factors and symptoms makes it possible to determine the patient’s condition quite accurately. However, to do this, you should tell your doctor about them in as much detail as possible.


Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the spine in which the structure of the intervertebral cartilaginous discs undergoes degenerative changes. For this reason, compression occurs on the roots of the spinal nerves and the vertebral artery. Due to the lack of necessary nutrition, a person begins to feel like he has a cotton head.

The circulatory disorder that occurs with osteochondrosis leads to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain, which causes a feeling of heaviness in the head. In addition, the patient has:

  • ringing or noise in the ears;
  • the appearance of auditory hallucinations;
  • drowsiness;
  • cloudy look;
  • dizziness;
  • severe muscle tension in the shoulder girdle;
  • pain syndrome covering the temporal region and the back of the head;
  • memory problems;
  • fainting.

Due to the fact that damaged vertebrae compress the nerve endings, it is difficult for a person to tilt or turn his head (any movement is accompanied by pain).

Sinusitis, mastoiditis, frontal sinusitis

All of these diseases are associated with inflammation of the sinuses of various locations:

  • sinusitis - nasal;
  • mastoiditis - behind the ear;
  • frontal sinusitis - frontal;
  • sinusitis – maxillary adnexa (maxillary).

In each case, during the inflammatory process, the cavities of the sinuses are filled with pus (remnants of dead leukocytes), which presses on the walls of the cavities and creates an unpleasant feeling of fullness (with sinusitis or sinusitis, this occurs when a person bends down).

Based on a similar symptom, this group can include meningitis (which affects the meninges), as well as inflammation of the tonsils or ears. A feeling of heat may be present.

Tensor headaches

With such a diagnosis, a person begins to have a headache due to the fact that he actively uses the facial muscles, as a result of which they freeze from overexertion. In this case, the feeling of heaviness, like a headache, spreads mainly to the forehead.

Alcohol intoxication

Alcohol poisoning and hangover syndrome cause cerebral circulation disorders as a result of dehydration associated with the consumption of ethyl alcohol or acetaldehyde. If the content of these substances in the blood is excessively high, it can lead to severe swelling of the brain, clouding of consciousness and other unpleasant consequences.

Blood pressure problems

The head may be heavy due to high blood or intracranial pressure. On the contrary, a feeling of “cottoniness” occurs with a significant decrease in blood pressure (often observed during menstruation).

Separately, a hypertensive crisis (an unpredictable and sharp increase in blood pressure levels to critical values) should be considered. This condition can lead to dysfunction of the central nervous system (severe pain in the occipital and parietal region, visual impairment, etc.) and the cardiovascular system. A hypertensive crisis is most likely to occur in women during menopause.

The causes of migraine often remain unknown, but during each attack there is a pathological dilation of cerebral vessels. Due to the pressure that arises, it feels as if the head is filled with lead.

Violation of venous outflow

Since the veins are not equipped with any valves, the movement of blood through them occurs due to gravity. In people suffering from connective tissue dysplasia, this system does not work well, so every morning they feel heaviness inside the head.

Vegetovascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a disease associated with the body’s loss of the ability to regulate the process of dilation and constriction of blood vessels. This may be due to pathologies of internal organs or psychological disorders.

With VSD, panic attacks, depressive states and a bursting headache are often observed.


Any injury to the skull or spine can cause serious deterioration in overall health. It is possible that for a long time the presence of damage will be indicated only by a daily heavy head, blurred vision and some other constant symptoms.

Neurasthenia (astheno-neurotic syndrome)

Problems with sleep and poor appetite are especially typical for people who, under the influence of severe and constant stress, have developed neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis).

It is almost impossible to detect it immediately, since it gradually reduces a person’s mental and physical activity. As a result, difficulties arise in performing the simplest everyday tasks, and it is difficult to concentrate even for a short time.

In addition, the following symptoms are noted:

  • sleep disorders(insomnia, hypersomnia, lack of sleep);
  • emotional problems(hot temper, suspiciousness, irritability, sometimes complete indifference);
  • persistent anxiety;
  • causeless fear and the expectation of failure;
  • apathy and fatigue;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea, and then constipation);
  • decreased libido.

Also, the patient constantly feels dizzy, has a feeling of “wooliness”, a veil appears in the eyes, and it becomes difficult to think. The condition is aggravated by colds, vitamin deficiencies and the presence of bad habits.


The only way to get rid of brain fog is to find out exactly what is causing it and begin treatment. Typically this requires:

  • undergo a series of tests;
  • undergo tomography and x-rays;
  • consult with relevant specialists.

The need for additional testing will depend on the severity and frequency of symptoms. Typically, diagnostic results indicate that the source of the problem is damage to the vertebrae in the neck.


Treatment of heaviness in the head is only possible if it is known what caused it.




    massage the problem area;

    take manual therapy courses;

    acceptmedicinescontaining chondroitin (they prevent further destruction of intervertebral discs) and muscle relaxants (promoting muscle relaxation);

    use gels with Diclofenac and Ketoprofen (they helptake offinflammation and reduce pressure on the vertebral artery);

    add natural mineral water to the diet, as well as plant products rich in potassium;

    use orthopedic pillows, mattresses and bolsters for sleeping.

Excessivevoltagefacial muscles

    take muscle relaxants;

    perform relaxation exercises to bring the facial muscles back to normal.

Violation of venous outflow

    take phlebotonics (drugs, increasing the tone of the veins);

    perform complexes of physical therapy exercises.


    reduce stress of all types (mental, physical, mental);

    sleepfrom 8 hours a day;

    restore normal work patterns and sleep-wake cycles;

    stop taking on too much responsibility;

    improve your diet;

    take the necessary medications (improving sleep, strengtheningvesselsetc.);

    work to improve immunity;

    take fresh walks regularlyair.

In the case of physical diseases, therapy is always aimed at restoring normal cerebral circulation. For this purpose, special medications (including vitamins), manual therapy and osteopathy are used.

During the period of treatment, physical activity should be limited. The patient is also strongly discouraged from smoking and drinking alcohol.

If initially the problem lay in mental ill-being, then a psychotherapist is involved in the treatment. The specialist works with the patient’s emotions, prescribes pills that can smooth out the effects of prolonged lack of sleep and restore appetite.


To ensure the prevention of heaviness in the head, you must:

  • stick to healthy lifestyle and nutrition;
  • don't forget about breaks during the working day;
  • massage regularly(especially in the cervical spine area);
  • use orthopedic mattresses and pillows for sleeping;
  • stop taking Dysport injections(a substance that smooths out wrinkles on the face), smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • exercise regularly, which will reduce the load on the spine.

For general strengthening of the body, you can also use folk remedies, but only in consultation with a specialist.

Bottom line

A feeling of heaviness in the head, lethargy and other unpleasant symptoms in an indirect form can go unnoticed for a long time, but be signs of a serious problem. If the malaise does not disappear over a long period of time, then contacting a specialist for examination and treatment is mandatory.

A pressing headache bothers most people. It can be a sign of many diseases, sometimes not related to the brain. Pain in the head can be different - sharp, pulsating, squeezing. They can overtake a person suddenly or after physical and mental stress. Pressing headaches can be distinguished from other types by their symptoms. Having encountered it once, you will not confuse it with anything. If such pain occurs too often, you should consult a doctor.

The main factors leading to pressing headaches are: increased intracranial pressure, cerebrovascular accident, cervical osteochondrosis, lack of oxygen in the body, head injuries, vascular spasms, viral and bacterial infections, alcohol poisoning of the liver. Treatment for headaches cannot begin without studying its symptoms and causes. First of all, the doctor must confirm or deny the presence of pathological processes in the patient’s body that can cause such symptoms. Pressing pain in the head can appear at any age, even children are susceptible to it. However, this symptom most often occurs in women.

Failure to follow a proper diet can also lead to headaches. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude spicy and fried foods from the diet. Under no circumstances should you go hungry. Climate change also affects the human body, leading to headaches.

With this disease, the patient feels as if something is pressing from the inside on the epicenter of the pain. The pain can affect the back of the head, neck, eyes, and temples. It has a monotonous, aching character and does not change its intensity. An attack usually occurs in one part of the head, less often in both. Such pain can occur with severe pathologies, for example, encephalitis or meningitis. In this case, the symptoms are clearly expressed and persist for a long time. They may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The location of the source of pain may vary. For example, with otitis media it is located in the temporal part of the head. When cranial pressure increases, pain compresses the eye area.

To understand what pressing pain is, try to imagine that you are putting on a hat that is very small for you. A pressure headache can be a consequence of severe stress and usually occurs between the ages of 27 and 40. It is often accompanied by intolerance to light and loud sounds. In addition, headaches may be accompanied by pain in the neck muscles. An attack of monotonous pain can last from half an hour to several days. The cause of this condition may be inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. The pain often worsens after drinking coffee, tea and certain medications.

The pressing headache that accompanies cervical osteochondrosis is worth talking about separately. In addition to a strong feeling of squeezing of the head, the patient complains of dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, impaired consciousness, and tinnitus. With osteochondrosis of the spine, blood circulation in the vessels of the brain is disrupted, which explains the occurrence of pain. Hormonal imbalances in the body can also lead to their appearance.

In order to avoid serious consequences, it is better to prevent headaches. This does not require any effort on your part, but the benefits of prevention are undeniable. How to avoid pressing headaches? Be outside more often, ventilate the rooms in which you live and work. Find activities that involve light physical activity. Visit a massage therapist regularly, especially if you suffer from cervical osteochondrosis. Learn to live without stress and scandals.

A good prevention of headaches is a good 8-hour sleep. Correct posture will also help you avoid these unpleasant sensations. Choose a comfortable pillow and mattress. If you often have headaches, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and measure your blood pressure regularly. Introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet.

If problems nevertheless appear in your body that lead to the development of a pressing headache, give up all planned activities and go to rest. Try to find the cause of this condition yourself. Ventilate the room and humidify the air. It is not necessary to use special devices for this. Wet a regular towel and hang it on the radiator or headboard. You can apply a cold or hot compress to your forehead - whichever suits you best. You can try to get rid of pain with the help of medicinal herbs - valerian, linden blossom, sage, peppermint. Essential oils from plants such as lavender, rosemary, and mint will help relieve tension. They can be dropped onto a pillow or rubbed into the temporal area of ​​the head.

If possible, go for a walk or do gymnastics. The pain will subside if you do self-massage of the temporal part of the head and neck area. A good folk remedy for treating headaches is lemon peel. It should be applied to the forehead and temples, unless, of course, you are allergic to citrus fruits.

If all the techniques described above do not help you get rid of your pain, visit a therapist. He will find out the causes of such symptoms and prescribe adequate treatment. The medications included in the course of treatment are aimed at relieving pain and preventing its subsequent occurrence. Previously, a course of combined analgesics and NSAIDs was most often prescribed, but these drugs do not provide much effect. They do not eliminate the causes of the headache and do not change the patient’s emotional state.

For a pressing headache, it is better to combine analgesics with antispasmodics.

Self-medication with cognac, coffee or folk remedies can do more harm than good. You definitely need to undergo an examination and get rid of the underlying causes. For this, MRI, CT and tests are prescribed. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible if headaches are accompanied by loss of memory and vision, numbness of the limbs and convulsions. An urgent visit to the doctor is required if the pain intensifies and lasts longer, or if the body temperature increases.

The peculiarity of a pressing headache is its unpredictability. Frequent attacks of intense pain may indicate the presence of an infection or inflammatory process in the body. Treatment should begin only after the cause of this condition has been established. An examination may reveal that a headache is a symptom of a malfunction of an organ or a hormonal imbalance. Therefore, after treating the underlying disease, the pain disappears. You can relieve an attack with the help of medications or folk remedies. Traditional methods are best used after consultation with a doctor. Pay due attention to prevention. Listen to your feelings, do not ignore the first warning signs.

Is there any way to relieve the pain until it returns? And what steps should you take upon return?

If these pains appear for the first time, there is a serious reason to consult a neurologist in person for an examination and conduct the necessary examination.

but the feeling of iridescent liquid in my head appeared for the second time (the first time was in the summer), and this is precisely what worries me the most. I had not been examined for headaches before, but it all started with my teeth - they all hurt at once, so I couldn’t even talk. I went to the doctor, who said that it was from nerves (I don’t know the diagnosis, unfortunately, my husband is not a fan of going into details). My teeth stopped hurting, but headaches started.

Where can I go with my illness?

Heaviness in the head, intracranial hypertension. Help!


2. On ultrasound and duplex scanning, there is difficulty in venous outflow (the speed of blood flow in the straight sinus is 52 cm/s, under normal conditions it is up to 22 cm/s).

3. Examination of the fundus reveals angiopathy of the retinal vessels (artery/vein ratio is 1/3), which also hints at ICP.

4. X-ray of the cervicothoracic spine shows a slight flexion of the occipital bone, moderate arthrosis between the occipital bone and C1, C1-C2. Disturbances in the statics of the cervical spine in the form of straightening lordosis, the phenomenon of chondrosis and spondyloarthrosis.

5. According to blood tests (including an extended coagulogram):

Red blood cells - 5.33 (10*12/l)

Cholesterol - 4.3 mmol/l

Low iron - 11 µmol/l

Hb concentration in erythrocytes - 36.1 g/dl

Elevated estradiol - 52 ng/l

Elevated homocysteine ​​- 12.3 µmol/l

Reduced APWT - 31.4 sec

Free testosterone - 59

2. During the fracture of the occipital bone, the venous sinuses were damaged, which caused difficulty in the outflow of venous blood.

3. The condition is caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine, kyphosis and arthrosis, and as a result, impaired blood flow through the arteries of the neck.

4. The condition is caused by bending of both internal carotid arteries (kinking), due to which the blood flow through them is disrupted. But the question arises - if these curves are congenital, then why were there no symptoms until the age of 22?

5. The condition is caused by myofascial syndrome.

6. The condition is caused by a somatoform disorder of higher nervous activity against the background of post-traumatic depression, coupled with overwork and stress.

7. Post-traumatic encephalopathy.

8. The condition is caused by hematological disorders (increased hemoglobin, excess red blood cells), as well as endocrinological disorders (increased estradiol, gynecomastia).

Dear doctors. Doesn't it make sense to wait for an answer?

Good afternoon. Of course it does. They will definitely answer you - this is not an emergency situation, you need to fully analyze all your data.

Thank you! I'm looking forward to it.

If everything was simple for you, then you would have been cured long ago, this is one thing... not everything is clear and precise from textbooks, that's two... there are no signs of hydrocephalus, but it happens without it, just intracranial hypertension... well, it’s indirect to judge dyscirculation and don’t, the survey says it in black and white

On another forum they wrote that this is a banal tension headache and it needs to be treated with ADs. However, I am not sure that strong expansion when tilting the head is present in TTH. Please tell me whether the spectrum of complaints fits into the clinical picture of tension headaches? And does it make sense, before doing a puncture, to try to eliminate the symptoms by manually influencing the muscles of the cranio-vertebral junction (if myofascial syndrome occurs) and try taking ADs?

Your complaints do not fit into the tension headache clinic.

What do you mean by ADs?

Puncture is a diagnostic manipulation and has nothing to do with manual therapy.

Increased/decreased ICP is a symptom and can occur regardless of the time of day.

A puncture performed by a professional is safe.

Yes, I also agree that this is not tension-type headache - otherwise there would be no distension in the head and neck when bending over, and the symptoms would be of a different nature.

By ADs I mean antidepressants.

Yes, I understand that a puncture is the placement of a sensor into the spinal canal. However, I really don’t want to resort to this manipulation, since, as far as I know, it is used purely in emergency cases, and not during a routine examination.

I am attaching a photograph of the fundus to the letter. Is it possible to say from it that ICP is definitely present?

I also attach a visualization of the asymmetry of blood flow through the venous sinuses - could they be the cause of my condition?

Sensation of water in the ear, as if gurgling or squelching

If the feeling that there is water in the ear appears and makes itself felt, it is necessary to pay special attention to the current state of health, because this symptom is a clear signal of the start of the inflammatory process in the auditory system. You cannot ignore this sign even in the absence of visible pain. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the exact causal factor of this phenomenon and come to the appropriate conclusion.

Causal factors of squelching and gurgling, signs accompanying them

It is necessary to determine, as early as possible, the reason for the squelching in the ear. This sign is always a special symbol of the start of some undesirable pathological process. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there is pain and discomfort when eating and swallowing, as well as when communicating with other people. If all these factors are absent, most likely, the occurrence of gurgling in the ears is associated with wax plug.

Only the attending specialist can engage in a detailed and rational identification of the cause, therefore, at the first signs, it is necessary to ask for high-quality qualified help.

Do not neglect contacting a doctor, because in the ear area there is a possibility of a serious inflammatory process occurring, which manifests itself asymptomatically in the first degree of the disease, and a doctor will be able to determine exactly why this is happening. Over time, the disease contributes to the impairment of auditory acuity, and also entails congestion, dizziness in the head, and purulent discharge.

If your ears feel like there is water in your ears, before finding out the causative factor, you need to pay attention to several signs and features of the phenomenon. Most often, this has a mutual connection with the problematic functioning of the ear and other organs located nearby. If discomfort occurs, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the entire body. This will allow you to predict the inflammatory phenomenon and, if necessary, prevent it by starting timely therapy.

If there is gurgling in the ear, this phenomenon is traditionally manifested by a number of causative factors:

  • entry of aqueous fluid into the ear canal: in this situation, prompt removal is required through tactics and technologies for washing the organ;
  • the occurrence of cerumen plug is a mechanical causative factor that manifests itself, according to statistics, most often only an ENT specialist is involved in detection;
  • otitis media, manifested in moderate form, is a common causative factor of the disease, causing discomfort and pain, congestion;
  • gurgling in the ear can occur due to a causative factor called a tumor process, although in the first stages there are no symptoms;
  • a feeling of extreme fatigue and general overwork of the body entails such an unpleasant disease as squelching in the ear;
  • Excessive physical activity is another sign that a condition may develop in which there seems to be a feeling of water in the ear;
  • Stressful and depressive conditions, mental disorders - all this can lead to unpleasant ear sensations and the need to eliminate them.

Despite the small number of reasons why water appears in the ear, but it does not hurt, the most common factor is secretory otitis media. Its formation occurs due to the accumulation of a large number of secretions in the eardrum, which put pressure on the organ and the ear canal, provoking unpleasant feelings.

Tactics of the therapeutic process

So, we looked at why such signs may appear. By the way, the causes and treatment in this case should be closely interrelated - therapy is prescribed for the pathological process that caused this unpleasant phenomenon. Often, when there is water in the ear, the use of tablets and injections does not come first. But in some situations, you cannot do without proven drug therapy.

  1. So, what to do if the cause of this unpleasant sensation was sulfur plug. Usually, when swallowing, the formation of a gurgling sound does not occur, and therapy is aimed at eliminating this ailment. But first you should pay attention to the location of the formation, consistency, color. If it is soft, experts advise using special drops A-CERUMENE, REMOVAX. If the structure is more serious, the entire passage is washed.
  2. An unpleasant and unusual feeling may occur due to liquid composition entering the ear canal. If you feel this, you need to tilt your head to the side and jump a little. If this method does not bring the desired result, it is necessary to insert the turunda into the ear canal. After some time, the congestion should go away.
  3. Otitis media is another common occurrence. To prevent the feeling of a stuffy ear, special medicinal preparations are used - antibacterial compounds (ROVAMYCIN, VILPRAFEN), antibiotics (SOFRADEX, GARAZON), homemade lotions that are created at home.

The approach to any therapeutic process must be comprehensive in order to provide pleasant sensations and prompt therapeutic measures. Only with systemic treatment prescribed by a good doctor can a high-quality result of a therapeutic intervention be achieved.

Feels like water is in your nose

When such sensations occur in the nose, as if water has entered, then you need to consult a specialist. It is the ENT doctor who will indicate whether you have inflammatory processes in the nasal membranes. If the diagnosis is confirmed, he will prescribe a course of treatment for you.

What could be the reason for this feeling?

Sinus disease is called sinusitis. But there are many diseases of this type. For example, a disease of the sinuses, which is near the nose, is called sinusitis.

A feeling as if water had entered the nose is one of the symptoms of ethmoiditis or frontal sinusitis. In addition to this symptom, the sick person will suffer from nasal congestion, a feeling of pressure between the eyebrows, loss of smell, and possibly an increase in body temperature.

Such sensations may signal the disease sphenoiditis. It is accompanied by deterioration of vision, a gag reflex, nausea, and increased body temperature.

All these diseases arise as a consequence of rhinitis, which was not fully treated, or was treated incorrectly. In addition, such diseases can be due to influenza, acute respiratory infections, or colds.

Finding out the reasons

Many people complain of a similar feeling, as if water had gotten into their nose. Especially those who are sick with inflammation of the mucous membrane. This brings inconvenience to a person, and everyone wants to get rid of such a feeling as quickly as possible. But to do this, you must first find out the cause of such symptoms.

This sensation may occur due to an allergic reaction. Until a person independently determines what the pathogen is, no treatment is needed.

Once the allergen is eliminated, everything will go away on its own. But, nevertheless, it is recommended to rinse your nose and take antihistamines.

When such sensations occur, you should pay attention to the color of the mucus in the nose. When it turns yellow or green, this indicates a bacterial infection, which is accompanied by elevated body temperature, swelling of the nose, and heavy breathing.

Very often, the cause of this phenomenon is reduced immunity, which in turn cannot cope with viruses that have entered the body.

Why does ear congestion remain after otitis media?

Causes and symptoms of chronic rhinitis

Why can water get into the ear when rinsing the nose?

Water in the nose: sensation or reality?

Why are veins visible on a baby’s head?

How to clean a newborn baby's nose?

How to treat nosebleeds?

My nose can't breathe after a fracture. What to do?

Treatment of open and closed traumatic brain injury

What is bilateral suppurative otitis media?

Is it possible to cure sinusitis without surgery?

Coma after head injury

When does sinusitis make you feel dizzy?

How to cure sinusitis forever?

First aid for otitis in a child

Otitis media has gone away, but your ear is blocked?

Is it possible to swim with acute otitis media?

Otitis: symptoms and alternative treatment

Causes of otitis media

Is it possible to rinse the nose with otitis media?

A lump behind the ear in a child after inflammation of the lymph

Hard lump on gum after tooth extraction

Bumps on the baby's head after childbirth

Bilateral sinusitis in a child

How to warm your nose with eggs if you have sinusitis?

Thuja oil for sinusitis, reviews

The occurrence of sinusitis

Sinusitis: why does facial swelling appear?

Treatment of sinusitis with bay leaves

How many times do you wash your nose when you have sinusitis?

Unpleasant sensations in the head

Neurology (6481)

Artem Nikolaev

Question: “Good afternoon, I haven’t had panic attacks for 3 years, I kind of got over them and stopped being afraid, but a month ago my husband and I were going to my grandmother’s funeral and were late for the minibus, and then it hit me, so I’m running and I feel that with every movement I feel dizzy, as if the blood was pumping into my head, it stopped, I drank water, it got better, then this happened again during a public speech at work, the colors become brighter and it’s as if something is rushing to my head and everything begins to tremble before my eyes, but it was short-lived, I coped and was released, but yesterday it was the worst, my husband and I were traveling in a crowded transport to the exhibition and all the sensations were repeated, the only thing that added was that everything before my eyes turned red for a few minutes , but not like when I faint, but I see everything only as if through a red glass, and it was like a vibration in my head, everything lasted a couple of seconds, then I closed my eyes and hung on my husband, when I opened my eyes, it was better, but the feeling was as if in water in the head, that is, the feeling of pressure and fullness with stuffy ears remains to this day, I’m 27 years old, mental valve prolapse since childhood, no diabetes, blood and urine tests are normal (I had a medical examination a week ago), please tell me what to do, Do I need to do an MRI or is this just another form of panic attacks and everything will go away on its own, now I’m drinking valerian, my blood pressure is elevated 117 over 75, this is against my normal 90 over 60.”

Answer: “We need to do an MRI. Sounds like a panic attack."

It's like there's water in my head

She is also neurocirculatory dystonia,

vegetoneurosis, astheno-neurotic syndrome

“VSD” is a mysterious, little-known to doctors, decoy disease that imitates a variety of chronic diseases. It is very difficult to treat, remission is difficult to achieve, and the disease can constantly recur. One autonomic dysfunction may be replaced by dozens of others. Unfortunately, many people are diagnosed with VSD after REG readings, although this still means almost nothing. At the same time, doctors reassure the patient, claiming that nothing threatens life. The patient is treated for a year or two, and sometimes he gets worse and worse! They are treated by therapists, neurologists, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists...

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a disruption of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the functions of the organs of our body! Vegetation consists of two departments: symptomatic and parasympathetic. Very often they cannot “agree” with each other. This is where autonomic dysfunctions arise, a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system!

Many patients do not have serious organic diseases, but the vegetative storm is raging! And here the reason is obvious - stress. It is a person’s long stay in a stressful situation that leads to a malfunction of the vegetative system! Constant psychologically traumatic situation.

1) Sweating (which was not there before)

2) Tearing (at home, on the street)

3) Throwing into a fever

4) Feeling of a rush of blood to the head

5) Heavy head (heaviness, stiffness)

6) “Hoop” on the head

7) Sensation of movement in the head (vascular sensations, tingling)

8) “hotness” in the spine (if you lean on the soft backs of sofas and chairs) (vegetoneurosis of the spine)

9) Diarrhea, flatulence

10) Unpleasant sensations in the esophagus and stomach when eating

11) Increased body temperature (constantly after excitement)

12) Lower body temperature

13) The appearance of red spots and blisters on the body (technical urticaria) from friction of clothing on the body

14) Shortness of breath, suffocation, difficulty breathing

15) Pain in the heart when sighing (cardioneurosis)

16) Unpleasant sensations in the heart - the heart seems to freeze, knock, or even turn over

17) Trembling of fingers, jaw

18) Numbness at night in the arms and legs (tingling effect)

20) Cracking in the ears (echo type), auditory vegetative neurosis

21) A feeling of anxiety, fussiness in parallel with, say, a feeling of numbness in the eye

22) Feeling of fear, excitement

23) Blood pressure surges (classic VSD)

24) Cold nose, arms, legs, crawling sensation

25) Cramps, muscle spasms

26) Feeling of wobbly legs

27) The appearance of strange bruises on the body

29) Headache

30) Dry mouth

31) Feeling nauseous

32) Chills, chilliness

33) Loss of appetite

34) Trembling eyelids, cheeks

35) Trembling chin

You need to understand that the main thing is to avoid a stressful situation, especially a protracted one!

Do not constantly fix your attention on unpleasant, incomprehensible sensations!

Say out loud: “I don’t care, this is nonsense, nothing threatens life! It's just vegetarian! It's functional!"

Assure yourself that autonomic dysfunction will definitely pass soon.

The more you think about the disease, the more, stronger and longer you will have vegetative neurosis.

Don’t think about dysfunction, get distracted - don’t sit at home - go to the theater, visit, travel! Changing impressions is of great importance! Travel, for example, on a motor ship along the Volga...

Try to always be calm. Don't worry! Do not worry! Don't go without a hat in winter!

Be sure to do a set of breathing exercises! This can and should be learned! Relaxation, meditation! I master this perfectly!

Long (3-5 hours) walks in a forest park in the evening before bedtime are very useful, especially in spring and summer. There's fresh air here, a distraction from home! Trust me, it is very effective.

You can do vitamin therapy - injections of group B (milgam) with the permission of the treating doctor. Take vitamin neuromultivit (tablets), the drug bellataminal.

You can’t sit at home or lie in bed. Eat more fruits, vegetables, drink juices... Water procedures are useful - contrast showers; in summer - swimming!

If the disease has worsened, then, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can take a tranquilizer, for example, phenozepam. But you should not get carried away with the drug - it is addictive. This is just an ambulance! For antidepressants, ask your doctor for amitriptyline or pyrazidol (if, of course, you have depression). In principle, you can do without them. For blood vessels – “ginko-biloba”, “picamilon”, “vascular doctor”. But the main thing is don’t get yourself worked up, don’t overindulge, don’t measure your blood pressure every five minutes! Do not focus on sensations and your condition will certainly stabilize. And less "Corvalol" - it is harmful.

We kindly request. Before following my advice, be sure to check with your doctors. Only they can prescribe treatment! My information is my experience in the fight against VSD! I cured her! LIKE THIS!

please refer to this article

Sincerely yours, Mikhail Valerievich Solovyov

04/03/2013. Dear friends. I present to you my new story “Mishka, Khimka and Nikolai Vasilyevich” (2013). You will be pleased! I guarantee it. By the way, do you know who Nikolai Vaisilyevich is? So quickly read and find out! You will find out everything. Past and present! River and night, Mishka, forest, and Khimka! Squirrels and snakes! Ears and passion! Love and time! Funny and sad! And more glowing balls. Solid positive express. Enjoy reading.

Why does water appear in the head of children and adults?

The term “hydrocephalus” is commonly understood as an expansion of the cerebrospinal fluid-containing spaces of the brain (central, peripheral, and both) against the background of an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid. The cause of water in a child’s head is increased intracranial pressure. Pathology entails atrophy of brain tissue and ischemia. The expansion of cerebrospinal fluid-containing spaces due to loss of brain tissue is currently commonly referred to as “cerebral atrophy.”

Causes of hydrocephalus (water in the head)

Hydrocephalus (water in the head) can occur due to an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid due to impaired absorption (aresorptive hydrocephalus) with atrophy or other changes in the subarachnoid villi (this condition can occur after subarachnoid hemorrhage). Hydrocephalus may be a consequence of obstruction of the cerebrospinal fluid ducts (obstructive hydrocephalus) at the level of the foramen of Monro, aqueduct, foramen of Luschka and Magendie at the exit from the fourth ventricle, basal cisterns or subarachnoid villi.

If we are talking about the accumulation of “water” in the baby’s head as a current pathological process, we mean the progressive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which is under constant pressure. Passive accumulation of water in a child’s head (passive hydrocephalus) is associated with the following reasons:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • hemodynamic disorders;
  • head injuries resulting in damage to the brain matter;
  • clinical death as a result of blood loss;
  • cyclopia.

The reasons for the appearance of “water in the head” in an adult are:

  1. The presence of a volumetric process (tumor);
  2. Hematoma.
  3. Ischemic stroke, accompanied by edema-swelling of the brain substance.

If there is obstruction in the basal cisterns, they speak of communicating hydrocephalus; below the level of the fourth ventricle, they speak of non-communicating hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus can also be a consequence of excess production of cerebrospinal fluid (a rare situation caused, for example, by choroid plexus papilloma).

Normal pressure hydrocephalus is not accompanied by an increase in pressure in the cerebrospinal fluid system. In half of the patients, normal pressure hydrocephalus is idiopathic; the remainder have a history of head trauma, meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and surgery.

Computed tomography in the diagnosis of hydrocephalus

The very first tomographic sign of hydrocephalus is expansion of the ventricular system of the brain. The lateral ventricles appear balloon-shaped, have a characteristic appearance, are sharply dilated (often more than 2 cm on axial sections), and the temporal horns are also dilated. If there is a normal width of the external subarachnoid cerebrospinal fluid spaces, we are most likely talking about normal pressure hydrocephalus.

Occlusive (obstructive) hydrocephalus with symptoms of intraventricular hypertension is accompanied by the following signs: rounded anterior horns of the lateral ventricles, an acute angle between the ventricles on images in coronal sections (less than 110 degrees), dilatation of the ventricles, periventricular “glow” (“hypertensive caps” or “Mickey ears”) Maus" in the medulla around the horns of the lateral ventricles), waviness of the contours of the lateral ventricles, a sharp narrowing of the external cerebrospinal fluid spaces. May be accompanied by stroke in the posterior cerebral artery.

Occlusive hydrocephalus on the left, acute angle between the lateral ventricles, balloon-shaped dilatation of the lateral ventricles and periventricular leukoaraiosis in the center, mixed hydrocephalus (signs of occlusion against the background of cerebral atrophy) on the right .

Replacement hydrocephalus is manifested by the expansion of spaces containing cerebrospinal fluid: internal (ventricular system) and external (lateral) due to cerebral atrophy and natural loss of brain matter. Possible asymmetry of the lateral ventricles, diffuse, proportional expansion of the grooves and cisterns.

Interesting! There is such a thing as the “age-related brain” or “the brain of an elderly person,” caused by the natural loss of brain matter with age, a neurodegenerative process. In this case, iron deposits in the basal ganglia may also be visible (after 30 years).

Intracranial hypotension is manifested by narrowing of the lateral ventricles, changes in their location, displacement downward and medially. Bilateral subdural hygromas can be detected, the midbrain is displaced downward below the level of the sella, and the cerebellar tonsils are displaced downward (must be differentiated from herniations and Chiari malformation).

MRI in the diagnosis of hydrocephalus

MRI allows a neurologist to determine pathological changes in the brain and determine the reasons for the appearance of water in a newborn and the type of hydrocephalus. Thanks to MRI, doctors are able to diagnose a rare pathology in children, Hakim-Adams syndrome. Timely examination and identification of the disease in the early stages of pathology saved many lives.

The examination is safe for children. The main condition is to remain in a motionless position, as an MRI of the brain is performed within 20–30 minutes. For a qualitative examination, children under 5 years of age (sometimes older) are put into artificial sleep. During the examination and after it until the effect of the sedation drug wears off, the child is under the control of a team of anesthesiologists.

Did you know that the main group of drugs for hydrocephalus are drugs that help reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid?

Find out what a brain shunt is and how this surgery helps with hydrocephalus.


Water in the head (hydrocephalus) causes serious neurological damage, and in some cases leads to death in patients. Therefore, diagnostic MRI or CT tests, even if they are prescribed for a child (under anesthesia), must be done. There is also an alternative method for diagnosing infants whose fontanel has not yet healed - neurosonography.

Subject: Noise of fluid flowing in the neck.

Since basically all the participants in this (and other - including English-language) forums about strange sounds in the neck do not have any special health problems (muscle atrophy, etc.), I hope that this sound is not related with malformation (i.e. cerebellar prolapse).

Most likely - a dissection of the membrane of the brain, or a cyst on the spinal cord, etc. newly formed cavities communicating either with each other or with normal cavities. Or an inflection of the normally (silently) communicating cavities of the spinal cord and brain.

The question - why this happens only on an empty stomach - remains unclear.

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The feeling of some lightheadedness that occurs when the vestibular apparatus malfunctions is one of the most common complaints among people of all ages. The sensation is accompanied by general weakness of the body, lethargy, some intoxication and dope in the head. In this case, the patient may sway violently, and disturbances in general coordination of movements are accompanied by a state close to fainting. In uncertain cases, the patient is asked to breathe deeply, and at the same time the feeling of lightheadedness, which is a characteristic sign of the onset of dizziness, is most clearly manifested.

Similar sensations can occur in numerous disease states, such as severe anemia, complex lung diseases, and orthostatic hypotension. Such symptoms are typical for patients who have recently completed a course of taking antihypertensive drugs, who have recently been on bed rest, as well as in older people, even if they have no other complaints. When you rise sharply from a sitting position, a stupefying feeling may occur, which completely disappears after a few seconds. In this case, the patient has difficulty maintaining his balance.

Attacks of lightheadedness

Attacks of lightheadedness can occur suddenly and for no apparent reason. The main reason lies in the fact that in stressful situations, hormones and active substances are released into the human blood, helping to remove a person from an equilibrium state. At the same time, the eyes may darken, a ringing may appear in the ears, and a general feeling of weakness may arise. These are the most common symptoms of lightheadedness that occur in apparently healthy people.

Causes of lightheadedness

In the majority of all cases, the occurrence of lightheadedness is not considered a big problem. The main reason for its occurrence is an immediate decrease in blood pressure, as well as blood circulation in the head area. The reason for this condition may be hidden in a sharp change in the body position of the sick person, in particular this applies to those cases when you need to suddenly stand up or change a stable body position.

The causes of attacks of lightheadedness may be as follows:

  • various allergic reactions of the body;
  • infectious diseases, flu or hypothermia. Home treatment for influenza and colds helps reduce the general stupefying state;
  • diseases associated with dehydration processes, such as diarrhea, fever, vomiting;
  • breathing too quickly or too often;
  • past stress or anxiety;
  • use of drugs or alcohol.

Lightheadedness with VSD

Dystonia of the vegetative-vascular type is today one of the main problems of modern medicine. Representatives of various medical specialties regularly communicate with patients who complain to them of ringing in the ears, general weakness and a feeling of lightheadedness. All these symptoms, like many others similar to them, are manifestations of VSD. According to medical statistics, such dystonia is diagnosed in approximately half of all patients who seek help from a doctor.

Lightheadedness during pregnancy

Lightheadedness during pregnancy, which is often accompanied by fainting, is an extremely widespread phenomenon. During pregnancy, the occurrence of lightheadedness most often occurs due to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, due to severe shock associated with emotional changes or a decrease in the concentration of sugar in a person’s blood. Rare fainting in the vast majority of cases will not be a cause of anxiety arising from this, while in the case of their frequent repetition, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Lightheadedness with cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is quite often the cause of dizziness and fainting. In order to understand the causes of this phenomenon, you must first understand what osteochondrosis is and how its manifestations can cause a feeling of lightheadedness in the head.

Such conditions often accompany people aged 25 to 55 years. Very often the reason may be due to the following factors:

  • malfunctions of the vestibular apparatus;
  • all kinds of traumatic head injuries;
  • failures of the full functioning of the heart and adjacent vessels;
  • problems and disorders of a neurological nature.


Lightheadedness is accompanied by different symptoms, depending on the disease in which it is observed. It can be combined with different conditions:

Lightheadedness and nausea

Lightheadedness combined with nausea can be characteristic of many painful conditions. The following can be distinguished:

  • inflammatory processes in the stomach;
  • processes of inflammation of the intestinal cavity;
  • food poisoning, as well as low-quality alcohol;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestinal cavity;
  • inflammatory liver diseases;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • oncological formations in the intestines and stomach.

When describing dizziness, it is important to be clear about what exactly is meant. Most often, this refers to the impression of movement around a person, which occurs in the absence of actual movement. It seems to a person that he can move, rotate, move around, while in fact he does not budge. In severe forms of dizziness, serious problems with coordination of movements and the vestibular system may occur.

Lightheadedness is a feeling of imminent fainting that makes it difficult to stand. In this case, there may be a feeling as if one is starting to feel dizzy, at a time when there is no actual movement around the person. Increasing lightheadedness can lead to fainting and loss of consciousness. In this case, there is a general feeling of weakness, and vomiting may be noted.

Lightheadedness and weakness

Weakness combined with lightheadedness are characteristic of fainting, when muscle tone decreases and it becomes difficult for a person to stand on his feet. When a fainting state occurs, the patient is still in an upright position, but as this condition develops, he becomes dizzy and subsequently loses coordination. It seems to him that the floor and ceiling begin to sway, a feeling of yawning appears, tinnitus begins, the patient may begin to vomit, or at least experience severe nausea. His face turns pale, cold sweat begins to appear on his body. If fainting develops slowly, the patient still has the opportunity to prevent a sudden fall; if he quickly straightens up, the fainting may subside.

Hello! Tell me what to do, strange things are happening to me.

It all started back in 2005 (I was 22 years old then). I began to feel strange, as if the visual perception of the world had changed, small dark dots (noise) appeared in front of my eyes when I look at light, and light on dark. Strange sensations appeared in my head, similar to squeezing, but not pain. I was examined. The pressure rose slightly, despite the examination, it was never established why.
Tests, MRI, REG, EEG, ECG, echocardiography, thyroid - everything is about normal. They found a slight scoliosis. So they released me with “VSD of the hypertensive type.” Having calmed down that there was nothing serious, I lived like that until recently.

This winter there was another exacerbation (I’m already 26). At first I noticed an increase in “noise” in front of my eyes. A little soon a feeling of pressure (not pain) appeared in the area of ​​the left temple, and even later the sensation grew to the back of the head, crown and temple of the left half of the head. Pressure could be applied everywhere at once, or in one specified place. It intensified slightly when turning the head to the left. At the same time, if you raise your eyebrows, you get the feeling that the pressure is shifting. Even later, one fine day, after jumping on the spot, a feeling of numbness appeared in my left hand. Then, to this day, all sorts of unpleasant sensations appeared in my head. This may be squeezing or mild pain. Moreover, they are of a non-permanent nature, changing location and character within a short time (but still mostly on the left).

The achievement of the last month was that the pressure moved to the left ear (as if it had been hit), and even to the left cheek. One day, my temples were squeezing tightly when I got caught in the pouring rain, these sensations went away. A similar thing happened to me in the gym; after working out, I suddenly noticed that the constant feeling of pressure on the left side had disappeared. Returning home, remembering them, they returned. The feeling of pressure and compression of the head goes away or decreases when taking a horizontal position. I noticed that listening to music through headphones also reduces discomfort in the head (maybe I’m distracted). It seems that it has become more difficult to focus on medium-range objects. It also seems that my left eye has begun to look somehow differently, but for months now I have not been able to formulate what exactly is wrong with it. When rotating the head, slight dizziness appears. My neck doesn't hurt.


Clinical blood test and biochemistry- about normal.
REG: Pulse blood filling of vessels in the carotid artery basins is symmetrically moderately reduced, in the vertebral artery basins it is within normal limits. Changes in tone of the dystonic type. Slight difficulties of venous outflow of the deficient type in the hemispheres. When performing tests with head rotation, vertebrogenic effects were revealed in the form of a decrease in pulse blood supply in the basin of the right vertebral artery.
USDG MAG. Signs of decreased blood flow in the vertebrobasilar region. There is an asymmetry of the LSC along (S>D). When testing with head rotation, there is an extravasal effect on the VA. A vertebrogenic effect on the left VA of a compression nature cannot be ruled out. Venous discirculation.
CT SHOP: CT picture of osteochondrosis, deforming spondylosis of the spine at the C3-C7 level.
Ophthalmologist(fundus): no pathologies.

I had a massage and had a session with a chiropractor. The improvements are temporary.
I feel bad. Like mild intoxication. The symptoms are varied, if you describe everything, you will fall asleep while you read. But the feeling of “pressure” is more confusing. Difficult year, defended my thesis, became a happy dad, good stress. For three months or more I sleep about six hours on weekdays. It seems like I'm getting dumber.

What is the likelihood that the leading cause of my condition is venous discirculation, and that in turn is caused by osteochondrosis? I visited several neurologists (compulsory medical insurance) - no clarity about my health... Should I further examine it and who should I show it to?