After a strong cough, the chest hurts. Symptoms of the disease - chest pain during coughing after coughing hurts chest how to treat

For diseases of the respiratory tract, a person appears many different symptoms. Many of them are extremely unpleasant, and some of them are very painful. Such symptoms also include pain in the chest when coughing. This unpleasant feeling is often a sign of severe illness. But sometimes everything is much simpler and no concerns about concern. Many people who are ill with respiratory diseases ask themselves the question: why, when I cough, my chest hurts? In this article we will try to answer this question.

It has long been in folk medicine there were many ways to determine what the chest has a chest when coughing. The characteristics and lycari diagnosed all sorts of diseases, but did not always fall into the point. Trying to treat the wrong illness, leaning on the symptom at which there is a chest pain after coughing, they brought people to a difficult state.

In the modern world, the diagnosis is much better. By contacting the doctor, you will undoubtedly recognize the reason for the chest pain when coughing and get full-fledged treatment.

Causes of chest pain when coughing

The reasons preceding the cough and thoracic pain. The main ones are diseases of the organs located in this part of the body. It can also be complications and consequences of some ailments.

The main reasons for breast pain in the reflex act:

Complications after respiratory diseases.

Sometimes, when you are tormented by breast pain, it is one very simple explanation. The cough reflex accompanying respiratory diseases is carried out by reducing the diaphragm. And when there are many such attacks and repeat it quite often, the intercostal muscles and other parts of the chest are overwhelmed, and the new pain, increasing with deep breath appears. Increased temperature, runny nose and weakness may also be present with their chest pain during cough. A small survey will help establish this cause and then you, as they say, can breathe calmly. Such pain precedes mainly dry cough. It passes quickly and practically never bears any consequences.

Dry Plegritis

This disease arises due to the inflammation of the pleura - shell enclosing the lungs from the chest. The reason for it can be complications from respiratory diseases and from lung inflammation. This disease is accompanied by increased temperature, wheezing in the lungs in the diaphragm area, chest pains during cough.

This disease is treated exclusively in a medical institution under the supervision of a pulmonologist. Running it, or trying to be treated independently, you threaten not only to complicate a strong cough and chest pain, and also earn heavy complications.

Fractures and breast integrity disorders

If you feel sharp pain in the chest when coughing, and not only, you may have fractures and other injuries. They differ from the diseases of the internal organs with a specific acute pain localized in the place of damage gained. Moreover, the chest hurts not only from cough, and from movements.

Diagnosing the cause of the doctor traumatologist with the help of a chest survey. For this use x-ray and other methods.

Intercostal neuralgia

A characteristic feature of this ail is pain in the chest when coughing. Sometimes it applies to the ribs and has a sinking character. It appears due to the pinching of the nerve, long-staying on drafts and during injuries. The pain is strong, sweeping, amplifying when moving and transition to a certain position. It is very similar to heart disease, so many confused them. With neuralgia, it is uncomfortable to breathe, with driving and cough, severe rigging pain appear. If you have these symptoms, it will best help to loosen the pain of the heat. Warming ointments and woolen dressings will ever ever be able to help you facilitate chest pain when coughing.

In the treatment of this ailment, a neurologist will help you. He will define unmistakably, from what a chest hurts after coughing.

Short intergeneral bunch

Each person has an intergeneral bunch in the bronchi area, which stabilizes some operation of the respiratory system. It is vital to preserve the normal location of the lungs. With its shortening due to inflammation of the pleura, or anatomically small dina, a person begins to torment the dry cough, from which he tickles in the chest, burning and pain appears.

When manifesting such symptoms, contact your doctor. He will appoint a survey, will diagnose and determine the necessary treatment.

Renal colic

This violation is characterized by unpleasant sensations, which are observed mainly on the right side. The hypochondrium, the blade, the area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gallbladder are the places where the pain is localized with renal colic. When coughing, it enhances and gives it to the chest. This disease is caused by the movement of stones and sand on the kidney and uretera. Accompanied by very unpleasant sensations and brings the patient's discomfort. If with cough pain intensified, urgently hurry to the hospital.

If symptoms are found, such colic need to turn to the urologist and make a ultrasound study of the kidneys.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Everyone knows such a painful disease as osteochondrosis. It is accompanied by discomfort, motion constraints, pain and weight in the chest when coughing and motion. It occurs in injuries, constant wrong position, slope and other disorders of posture. As you know, this is a disease that is not treated. And earning it once, you will have to live with her and with pain in the chest. Do not neglect advice about your position sitting and standing, and watch your children.

Turning to a traumatologist or a neurologist with a similar problem, do not hope that you will be cured. While it is not in their forces. And there is not a single drug, procedures or techniques that will save you from this disease. Doctors only can remove the sharp state and heal the disease. When stabilizing the condition, pain in the chest, increasing with cough and movement, discomfort and feeling of stiffness.

Acute tracheitis

This is a respiratory disease, characterized by permanent attacks of dry and painful cough, increased temperature and runny nose. It appears as an independent disease or complication in the infections of the upper respiratory tract. With it, there is pain in the trachea when coughing, the feeling that something in the breast itching, burns and bakes. The condition stabilizes when taking expectorant and anti-infinite drugs. If you run this disease, a strong dry cough, chest and heat pain will be added to the symptoms.

He will help with this disease therapist. It will prescribe the necessary treatment and will help get rid of annoying symptoms.

This ailment appears as a result of air accumulation under the light of Pleverra. This disease occurs as a complication and as an independent disorder. With it there are severe chest pain, increasing with cough, reaching to very strong and painful. If this disease occurs spontaneously, you can not notice my painful sensations.

Cardiovascular diseases

Feelings for some cardiovascular diseases resemble neuralgia, but still they have a little different symptoms. These diseases are characterized by a deterioration of well-being, shortness of breath, weight and pain behind the chest when coughing.

If you feel that bronchi hurts, and there is no cough, it is probably a disease of the musculoskeletal or cardiovascular system and you need to urgently turn to the cardiologist.

Tumors and foreign bodies in the lungs

If you have a hurt in your chest and torments a strong cough, then the worst reason for this may be an oncological disease or other education. The signs of this often happen the severity in the chest, pain with a strong cough, the prelation of the respiratory tract. All this is accompanied by a stable deterioration in well-being, a sharp weight loss and a negative reaction to drugs.

Certain forms of illness in the early stages can be cured. To do this, with the appearances of the first symptoms, you need to urgently apply to the hospital. After the diagnostics, you will receive the result.

Treatment of chest pain when coughing

When such a symptom appears, you must first establish its cause. After detailed consultations, the doctor should begin a course of receiving drugs. Since this problem is directly related to the respiratory system, it delivers a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, at first it would not hurt to get rid of cough, as from the main cause of discomfort. To do this, you can use both pharmacy drugs and folk remedies. The most important thing is to always follow the recommendations of the doctor not to launch treatment. Take care of your health and do not get sick.

Most do not perceive the cold seriously and often gives it to Samotek. But when there is a chest pain with a cough, thoughts usually arise about the need to start treatment. And not in vain.

Therefore, it is very important to determine the reason for the appearance of discomfort and eliminate it.

Why chest hurts when coughing: reasons

If the cough is not always a sign of the disease, then painful sensations in almost every case are considered a manifestation of one or another pathology. There are many all kinds of violations that can affect why, when coughing, chest hurts.

They can be in:

  • cardiology pathologies;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • neuralgic violations;
  • injuries.

Nevertheless, sometimes chest and spin hurts from cough, which becomes a consequence of overwork of the respiratory muscles from frequent coughing attacks.

Thus, discomfort usually appears on or after coughing and indicates only a significant increase in the load on certain muscle groups, that is, "crepe."

Cardiovascular diseases

There are many pathologies of the heart and vessels are accompanied by a dry cough, so they are often confused with ordinary colds. Cough and chest pain typical for:

  • pericarditis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • angina;
  • myocarditis.

For them, shortness of breath and amplification of pain directly on time or after physical exertion. They traditionally proceed without temperature.

If the patient feels that he burns behind his sternum, bake or felt heaviness, these are obvious manifestations of the attack of angina. And the irradiation of pain on the left side (hand, back, etc.) indicates an acute myocardial infarction. In both cases, emergency medical care needs.

Respiratory diseases

In spite of everything, it is a viral or bacterial defeat of various departments of the respiratory system becomes the most common reason that when coughing, chest hurts. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion, distinguish:

Pleurrites - a sluggish inflammatory process affecting the lining light areas of pleura. Very often, it is a complication of pneumonia and manifests itself dry coughing, apathy, chills, subfebrile temperature (about 37 or 37.5 °), difficulties in inhalation.

Pneumonia is the inflammation of the lungs. With it, there is a high body temperature, a strong dry or wet cough. The nature of the symptoms depends on the degree of lung damage.

Bronchitis - Inflammatory Process In the mucous membrane of the bronchi. It can proceed in different forms and accompanied by obstruction (narrowing) of the respiratory tract. This significantly complicates breathing and causes the need for the appointment of special drugs. It is also often diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, in which patients complain that colitis and crushes behind the sternum.

Lung cancer is a dangerous oncological disease, in many cases becoming a consequence of smoking. For him, a typical sharp, stitching, hailing pain when coughing. She often gives her neck, hand or belly.

Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease at which the chest is sore from a strong cough, and the slightest physical activity is capable of provoking its beginning.

Shortening interhetelular ligament Formed by the compound of two sheets of pleura in the root of lung and connecting it with a diaphragm. This becomes the consequence of inflammation of this ligament, as a result of which the mobility of the muscles is limited, which provokes the occurrence of discomfort.

Source: The site is also the root of the problem can be wounded in the pathologies of the digestive system organs, in particular, the esophagus or stomach.

Nevertheless, the most often sharp pain from cough in the chest is observed during a cold, for example, with bronchitis or trachea. For them, discomfort in the throat, fever, weakness, etc.

Neuralgic pathology

Neurological disorders are capable of provoking soreness in the chest area. Their appearance is due to:

  • supercooling;
  • stress;
  • long stay in forced inconvenient posture;
  • development of osteochondrosis;
  • heavy physical labor.

One of the most common pathologies of this kind serves as intercostal neuralgia - squeezing or irritation of the nerves located in the region of ribs. It is accompanied by the strongest sharpness, so sometimes it can be confused with a heart attack.

For her, typically formation of numbers of numbness or, on the contrary, increased skin sensitivity. And sometimes patients are neglected on what they burn in a certain area between the ribs.


It would seem that such significant damage is difficult not to notice. But sometimes people under the influence of stress, emotions or other factors still do not attach due value to obtain shocks.

what subsequently makes itself felt the fact that the chest hurts with cough. At the same time, most movements, run and even walking bring to pain and shortness of breath.

It is very important to diagnose mechanical damage in a timely manner, since the lack of proper treatment can lead to aggravation and damage to organs or soft tissues, which is fraught with pneumothorax.

The nature of the chest pain during coughing. Types of pain

Depending on what caused a violation of the state, when coughing hurts in the chest in different ways. For example, during injuries, discomfort is mainly appearing during physical exertion and inhaling.

Localization of pain and their character acts as an important diagnostic sign that allows the nature of the existing violation.

Pain in the chest in the middle and cough dry

An unpleasant, obsessive, sometimes barking dry cough with pain in the chest is characteristic of banal colds, in particular tracheitis, pneumonia, different types of bronchitis, etc.

This is argued by the fact that with cough attacks, the inflamed mucous membrane of the trachea or bronchi is developed, because the wet in the early stages is produced in minor quantities.

In addition, reflex movements annoy the respiratory muscles, as a result of which discomfort appears and at the point of attachment of the diaphragm, that is, at the bottom of the chest. But the pathology of the heart can give themselves to know the same way.

Cough with chest pain in the middle

If it hurts to cough in the chest, in most situations it indicates:

  • shortening interhetelular ligament;
  • the presence of the foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • oncology.

When coughing pain on the right in the chest or on the left

Similar picture inherent in:

Intercostal neuralgia - To suspect the presence of pathology in the presence of an opportunity to occupy the situation in which discomfort is absent. Also in order to recognize it, it is necessary to push the pads with the pads to the skin along the intercostal intervals. This will make it possible to accurately establish a lesion area.

Pleurrites. Under the defeat of the leaves of the pleura, there is a sword, as well as the lag during the respiratory movement of the patient of half.

Tuberculosis. For him, the presence of cough is typically, and traces of blood are often noted in sputum.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is possible to suspect a non-delicate with heart by a feeling of burning from the left side of the chest, a change in the pulse rate in one direction or another, shortness of breath and the appearance of reflex fear.

Breast pain with a kola's cough

In most cases, children have the reason why coughing hurts in breasts are ARVI, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea or bronchi.

In the first case, the child will have acute painful sensations with cough attacks that can be compared with the feeling of scratching.

Also, children often complain that they have:

  • there is a runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • decreases appetite;
  • weakness.

How to remove chest pain when coughing? First aid

It is not recommended to fight independently with pain syndrome, since medicines must be seamless in exact accordance with the reasons for its occurrence. Therefore, the only case when the independent use of drugs is allowed, this is an acute attack of angina.

In this case, the doctor even had to inform the patient about what should be done in such situations and write a recipe for the drugs they need.

When should I see medical help?

Any cough is even small, especially with the pain in the chest, which remains over 2 weeks, is an excuse for accessing a specialist.

An unequivocal reason for the immediate visit to the doctor is the burning, feeling of compresses, painful sensations in the back, neck, lower jaw.

Also urgently visit the doctor when:

  • saving heat for more than 3 days;
  • when chest and cough hurts;
  • the appearance of blood impurities in sputum;
  • strong deterioration of the general condition;
  • the emergence of difficulty breathing;
  • irradiaration pain in the shovel, left hand or an inspection area.

Diagnostics. What doctor to contact?

If it hurts to cough, initially refer to the therapist. The doctor will conduct a survey and will be able to assume the possible reasons for the violation of the state.

For accurate diagnostics assign:

  • clinical blood test;
  • x-rays of light;
  • bacteriological examination of sputum or three-time sample (to detect tuberculosis pathogens);
  • biopsy of lung tissues (with suspected cancer).

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to establish a source of cough and pain. Depending on the results obtained, the therapist may send the patient to the pulmonologist, cardiologist, surgeon-traumatologist or neuropathologist.

Treatment and preventive measures

Therapy is selected depending on the detected causes of the appearance of pain. So, with colds, prescribed:

  • antipyretic and anti-inflammatory funds (Panadol, Nurofen, has, nimesil, etc.);
  • antiviral drugs (Arbidol, Anaferon, Olilocqing, Isopripozin, Kagole, Loveomax, etc.);
  • antibiotics of the penicillin and tetracycline group (Amoxicillin, doxy-m, Opamex, Flexin, Doxiben, Unidox Saluteab, Ampioks, Augmentin, etc.) are shown exclusively in bacterial infections, for example, with severe bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • in tablets, syrup or in the form of absorbable lesions: Lazolyvan, Ambroxol, Atsz, Petrol, Fluditec, Herbion, Gedelix, Flavamed, Licode Root Syrup, Altea, etc.;
  • folk remedies.

In neuralgia, a whole complex of therapeutic measures is shown, including massage, acupuncture, the use of drugs of the NSAID Group (indomethacin, butadion, etc.). A specific treatment scheme for each patient is selected by a specialist based on the features of the pathology of pathology and individual characteristics of a person.

More serious illness, somehow cardiological disorders, tuberculosis or oncology must be treated strictly individually under the stringent control of the specialist. Therefore, very often such patients are hospitalized indefinitely and often require surgical intervention.
Thus, it has already become absolutely obvious, if the chest is sick from cough. It is also clear when the appearance of this symptom requires an urgent visit to the doctor, but what to do to avoid his appearance?

Of course, it is impossible to completely protect itself from the development of all the diseases listed above. Nevertheless, minimize the risk of their occurrence and significantly reduce the severity of the flow.

Often people complain of chest pain when coughing. This symptom deserves attention, since contrary to universal opinion it is not a signal only problems with the respiratory system. Such an ailment may well talk about diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Breast pain, cough, Temperature: Causes of symptoms

In fact, cough pain may be associated with a variety of reasons. To determine them to accurately, you need to visit the hospital. Here are the most common causes of malaise:

  • Walled diseases, different types of influenza, ORVI.
  • Problems with the nastrostic, tracheit, bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Damage and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • Asthma.
  • Problems with light.
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Smoke hit in lungs.
  • Accidentally caught in the respiratory tract the foreign body.
  • Tumors.
  • Problems with heart and vessels.

Accordingly, only certain diseases can cause chest pain when coughing. But they manifest themselves not only by this symptom. Consider the most likely problems and wonder how to determine the presence of a particular pathology.


Pain in the chest when coughing can cause inflammation of the membrane, which is present in the chest cavity and lungs. Usually this pathology is a complication of pneumonia. Dry cough and chest pain - constant patient satellites with this ailment. The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • If a person turns into a painful side, he feels strong discomfort.
  • There are difficulties in breathing, which can be weakened.
  • There are noises in the lungs. This symptom can only determine the doctor.
  • The body temperature rises to 38 degrees and is accompanied by chill and strong sweating.

The pleurisy must be treated together with the doctor, independent therapy is not allowed.

The destruction of the rib frame

Pain in the chest with cough arises at the same time. The main symptoms are:

  • The spine completely or partially loses mobility after the injury suffered.
  • Radically arising pericarditis.
  • Breast pain, throat, cough while running or walking, shortness of breath.
  • Weave breathing.

This disease is important to begin to be treated in time, otherwise there is a risk of disabilities.

Interface bundle too short

Strong chest pain when coughing can occur at the genetic level. If a person has a short interface bundle from birth, he is worried about such symptoms:

  • Strong painses are exacerbated when talking or walking.
  • The pain is exacerbated with increased physical exertion.
  • In the chest there are sensations of tingling when running.

This problem can be solved with a regular execution of special exercises and a set of procedures that you will appoint a doctor.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease people are often confused with heart failure. But these are completely different things. This ailment is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Strong breast pain with cough resembles shots.
  • When inhaling, a sharp attack of pain may occur.

Pathology can cause very strong pain. Sometimes a person simply cannot endure them. Therefore, the disease should be treated urgently.

Renal colic

Because of the problems with the outflow of urine often occurs renal colic. Pathology is difficult to confuse with something else, as it is also accompanied by pain in the back area. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Concentrated pain under the chest when coughing.
  • Often discomfort reaches the entire abdomen.
  • Often pain spreads to the bladder area.

The hepatic colic is a fairly common illness, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to treat it. Contact your hospital for the consultation of the doctor.

Mechanical breast damage

Often there is pain in the chest after coughing. This may be a consequence of injury. A person can break the rib, get a dislocation or injury. Characteristic symptoms of such problems are:

  • Sharp pain resembling shots.
  • The discomfort is enhanced by cough.

These problems can be confused with osteochondrosis, so visit the doctor to form an accurate diagnosis and appointment of adequate treatment.


Breast pain, cough with a wettero - here is a standard set of symptoms with a cold. Also, the patient can disturb the following signs:

  • Long cough.
  • Temperature and chills.
  • Pain feelings in the throat.
  • Apathy and fast fatigue.
  • Irritability.
  • Rubble.
  • The feeling of the scratching of the chest.

Such a disease is often treated at home by folk remedies. But if pathology has acquired a dangerous and long-term nature, it is important to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

Lungs' cancer

Dangerous disease - lung cancer - arises when a person ceases to control the state of his health. The most common cause of the ailment is a frequent inhalation of tobacco smoke. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • Pains acquire acute character and apply to the whole chest.
  • Discomfort can give both other parts of the body.
  • Pain sensations are enhanced with active movements.

If in time does not start the treatment of the disease, it can spread to neighboring organs. To prevent this, as soon as possible, contact your hospital.


This is the so-called airbag in the lung area. It presses the respiratory organs, and this can purchase such scales that a person simply cannot breathe normally. Here is a clinical picture of pathology:

  • Paints that can disappear and then occur again.
  • Discomfort may be light and almost inconspicuous, but significantly increase with the slightest movements.

This problem often requires surgical intervention. A good doctor conducts an operation after which the patient pains do not bother more than ever.

How to treat chest pain

If the pain in the chest during cough is caused by a minor problem, which can be easily eliminated, then discomfort is allowed to remove without medical intervention. However, to make sure of its rightness, it is desirable to go to the doctor's advice after all. If you are confident that self-examination will not entail serious consequences, then try such ways to remove pain:

  • If the problem is in tensile muscles, the usual pharmacy warming or cooling ointment will help you. Apply it strictly according to the instructions and clog the place of the elastic bandage. Through several such procedures, pain will disappear.
  • If the wet cough is accompanied by pain, take antifreeze medicines in the pharmacy. They will quickly bring wets from the body, and, accordingly, the uncomfortable feelings will soon pass.
  • If you encounter pain during dry cough, choose therapeutic preparations with care. It is recommended to prefer drugs that dilute the sputum and remove it from the body, but with serious pathologies such funds will not only help, but also harm. It is better to pre-consult with the doctor.

Throughout the period of treatment, drink more fluid. This will help the body to resist the disease.

What do you need you

If you have decided to contact the hospital, you should know possible professionals you have to visit. These include:

  • Therapist.
  • Pulmonologist.
  • Neuropathologist.
  • Family doctor.

The problem in your body can find any of these doctors, so you need to listen to the advice and recommendations of each of them.

Remember that pain in the chest area with the cough of any kind can speak of the presence in the body of an infectious disease. Even if your family members do not hurt, they still need to show them. Perhaps pathology is only born in their body. If you start its treatment in time, there will be much more chances for rapid recovery without consequences.

Diagnostic events

No good doctor will make you a diagnosis without relevant procedures, not to mention the appointment of treatment. At first, the therapist will examine you and determine the source of the disease.

Remember that the doctor must be a survey before inspection. If he did not do this, you have the right to demand another specialist. The survey is an important part of the diagnosis, without it is impossible to appoint adequate treatment.

If the pain disturbances the child who can not speak, then the doctor is talking to his parents.

Observe all the recommendations of the doctor so that recovery has come in a short time, and pathology has passed without consequences. In rare cases, surgery may need, then in the medical institution department you will tell you that you are required.

Thus, pain in the chest during or after cough can be a concomitant symptom of lung diseases, and can talk about more severe pathologies that do not pass by themselves. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore this feature. Rather, find out its cause and make it easy to do it, it is desirable to do this together with the attending physician.

With a light form of a cold, rarely when pain in breasts arise. Most often it is a sign of more serious diseases, the beginning of complications or the transition of the disease into a chronic or acute form. This state is extremely dangerous and requires immediate appeal to the doctor.

Why the chest pain occurs

Breast pain arising from a cold, but not associated with it rarely appears, and can be caused by a violation in the structure of the ribs or the thoracic spine. But still, if the pain is constant, but appeared only after infection, then, most likely the reason for viral or bacteriological infection. Completely appears cough, while the temperature increases, then this is most likely the consequences of the worsening of a cold.

Causes of pain

  1. Inflammation in the field of tracheas, provoked by acute respiratory diseases or chronically occupy infections. Accompanied by a strong cough and difficulties in swallowing saliva and breathing. There may be wheezing.
  2. Bronchitis, inflammatory process flowing in bronchial mucous membranes. It is characterized by pain in breast, coughing, high temperature, bubble breathing and abundant sputum. In case of untimely access to the doctor, swelling or blockage of the respiratory tract can happen.
  3. Supercooling in the field of sternum, which is why the cold appeared.
  4. Pneumonia (lung inflammation), mainly viral or bacteriological origin. It appears due to the impossibility of the immune system to cope with the infection that applies to the lungs, and amazes Alveola. It can be like with sharp signs of the disease, high temperature and incessant cough. But it may have a sluggish clinical picture, similar to a protracted cold with a gradually increasing temperature.
  5. Inflammation in the pleural cavity. Pains occur with deep breathing, due to the fact that the lungs when the disclosure is pressured on the pleural shell. In case of untimely handling, the number of serous fluid may increase, which is why one of the lungs cannot function normally.
  6. The ingredient hit in the respiratory tract.
  7. The emergence of problems with heart, kidney or liver is also given in the chest pain.
  8. Allergy to room dust or drugs.

All these diseases cannot be cured independently, and they have a significant impact on human life. These diseases may appear due to anything, and the pain in the chest during a cold is only an initial symptom.

Most often, such diseases arise due to the weakening of the immune system in the field of respiratory tract and lungs. It appears in the autumn and winter period, when there are cases of supercooling due to industrial or inappropriate clothing.

What to do when pain

When a chest hurts with a cold, it is an alarming sign of the development of the disease. It is impossible to cure this independently, and you need to immediately consult a doctor. Only a qualified physician may assign treatment after a thorough examination, which may include even X-rays. The earlier assistance be provided, it is less likely that there will be complications and chronic consequences.

If the pain in the chest at a cold has appeared recently, and it is small, then you can wait for a district therapist. But when it is strong and acute, then it is necessary to call an ambulance, otherwise such a state can be dangerous for life.

The emergence of any pain symptoms in the chest area is a sign that the infection that fell into the throat began to spread. It is necessary to urgently stop treating and seeking qualified help.

Pain in the chest and the unproductive cough is most often caused by the pathologies of the respiratory tract. The infarction, ulcer of the stomach, Gastro-Ezophageal reflux should also be excluded.

Dry cough and accompanying his pain in the chest are signs that should be alert. Most often, they indicate the pathologies of respiratory organs, but may be symptoms of other ailments. The most important thing is not to try to diagnose yourself and even more so begin treatment without consulting a specialist.

Pathology of the respiratory system

Pain in the sternum is often caused by diseases of the respiratory tract of an inflammatory or other nature. The first are wider wider, while non-uniability pathologies have more severe consequences and almost always end in irreversible changes in tissues. For inflammation of breathing organs, such signs:

  • increased body temperature;
  • overlay or sore throat;
  • head and muscle pain ,;
  • weakness.

Inflammatory respiratory diseases

One of the most severe pathologies of the respiratory system is the inflammation of the lungs - pneumonia. In this disease, the body temperature increases sharply up to 40 ° C, weakness, bone and muscle lubrication appear. Cough with pneumonia first happens to dry and painful, it is an approached character, but after a few days the sputum separation begins. Patients are hard to breathe, they are also tormented by pain in the chest.

Frequent complication of pneumonia - dry pleurisy or inflammation of the membrane, lining the outer wall of the lung. Acute pain in the chest with this pathology is intensified on the breath and during coughing. To weaken it, the patient lies the side, the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion. Purrites, like pneumonia, accompany:

  • heat;
  • wheezing;
  • deaf cough;
  • the patient has shortness of breath;
  • chills and pronounced night sweating can develop.

Itchy pain, a feeling of burning and tickling in the field of trachea and sternum, dry emulsive cough, runny nose, elevated body temperature - the main signs of acute tracheitis. If the treatment can not start timely, the disease can go into a chronic form. In this case, the patient will torment the adsatory cough in the night and morning. In the afternoon, the attack can begin with a laugh, sharp breath inhale, crying.

If inflammation spreads to the airways lying below, bronchitis will develop. The disease begins with an adsadous dry cough, accompanied by a sacrificing pain in the chest in the middle. With the defeat of small bronchi, the appearance of shortness of breath is possible. Over time, the cough with bronchitis becomes productive.

Other respiratory diseases

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs, professional and some other pathologies can lead to such a complication as fibrosis. The first symptom of illness is shortness of breath, which over time progresses. Later, a dry cough begins to develop, sometimes becoming productive, wheezing and pain in the chest appear and behind it.

In fibrosis, the pulmonary fabric is replaced by the foci of the connective, resulting in respiratory failure with characteristic manifestations:

  • pronounced shortness of breath;
  • blue skin shade;
  • rapid pulse;
  • headaches;
  • weakness, fatigue.

Persistent dry cough, coping with which does not help drug treatment, shortness of breath, acute or stitching pain in the sternum, in hand, neck or other parts of the body, are very serious symptoms, allowing to suspect the development of the lung cancer. The state requires immediate appeal for medical care. As a rule, the appearance of cough is preceded by signs common for early stages of development of all oncopathologies:

  • severe fatigue, weakness;
  • weight loss without objective reasons;
  • disgust for meat;
  • slightly elevated body temperature.

Acute in hand and neck pain in the chest, the intensity of which increases when inhaling, cough, movement can also be a consequence of the development of pneumothorax. This state is associated with mechanical damage to the lung. At the same time, the air begins to flow into the pleural cavity. It squeezes the lung and ultimately oppresses the function of the circulatory system. When developing pneumothorax, the following symptoms are noted:

  • forced position of the patient (sitting or seeding);
  • stitching pain, starting to serve after 4-6 hours;
  • fear of death;
  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • pallor or skin sinusiness;
  • tachycardia;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Pneumothorax is a state that requires emergency medical care. The treatment is directed to the removal of air from the pleural cavity and the restoration of negative pressure in it. The earlier qualified assistance will be provided, the more favorable future forecast.

Heart and vessel pathologies

If the patient is tormented by a stupid, gulp pain in the sternum or the left side of the body, in hand, neck, a blade, should pay attention to the condition of the heart and blood vessels. With dry pericardia - inflammation of the cardiac shell ("bags") - painful syndrome is not held for a long time.

An unpleasant feelings are enhanced by inhale, when swallowing and cough, which is dry dry with this pathology. Most often, it appears due to the parallel defeat of the pleura. Pain in the chest with dry pericardius weakens in the standing position and enhanced when lying - this is a characteristic diagnostic sign.

Such common pathology, as a myocardial infarction, deserves separate attention:

The heart attack begins suddenly. It can be caused by physical activity or emotional shock. With this pathology, due to the lack of a small circle of blood circulation, they develop:

  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • body cover pallor.

The defeat of the heart leads to the development of arrhythmia, the patient begins to breathe often, is being worried, panic. The heart attack requires a speedy hospitalization. The earlier treatment begins, the easier it will be restored.

A sharp pain in the sternum, increasing on the breath, fevering condition and cough, dry or with blood release, indicate a lung infarction developed due to pulmonary artery thromboembolism. A propagatration of this vessel, Trombus, is rarely accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture. The exceptions are only cases of massive thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, accompanied by the increase in heartbeat, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

Cardiovascular and respiratory systems are closely related to each other, so it is not surprising that heart pathology cause cough. However, this reflex act may develop due to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. A vivid example is a gastro-enophageal reflux.

In this pathology, the acidic content of the stomach is thrown into the esophagus, from where it can even get into the larynx. Such aspiration causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the organs of the respiratory system, leading to the development of a rare dry cough. The patient also torment:

  • belching with abundant gases;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • burning and sacker sternum;
  • hoarse voice.

Often such symptoms like a dry cough and throat pain develop with ulcer of stomach. In addition, there is an increased product of gastric juice, which, bypassing a loosely closed sphincter, falls into the esophagus. On the walls of this organ there are receptors, the impact on which leads to a reflex dry cough.