The Ministry of Defense will test the Krona anti-satellite complex. Monopulse secondary radar krona-m

In Karachay-Cherkessia, in the vicinity of Mount Chapal, at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level, there is a unique military facility - the Krona radio-optical recognition complex for space objects. With its help, the Russian military controls near and far space. On July 10, the Krona military complex turned 35 years old.

The RG journalist visited a specific military unit and found out how hunters for spy satellites serve.

Land of the Flying Dogs

According to the official address, the Krona military complex is located in the village of Storozhevaya-2, but there was no such settlement on paper or electronic maps. For all search queries, the navigator showed only one small village of Storozhevaya, lost in the foothills of the Caucasus Range. And in the village itself, in order to find out the way to the "Krona", I had to take the "language". As landmarks, the stanitsa and the children named the bridge, the store, abandoned sheds, and when asked how far it was to the unit, as if by agreement, they answered: "Yes, it's nearby."

The military observatory "Krona" is located on the top of Mount Chapal. The military site for astronomical observations themselves is called the "land of flying dogs." This is not a metaphor, but evidence of the strength of the winds on Chapal. The officers say that once during the construction of the telescope, a local dog was blown away by the wind here. They brought a few more, but they were all carried away. Perhaps this is an army bike, but the name stuck.

The winds here are really very strong, but the days and nights are clear all year round. It was the peculiarities of the atmosphere that became the decisive factor in choosing the location of the Krona, ”Major Sergey Nesterenko, deputy commander of the unit, told me.

The construction of the Krona military complex began at the height of the Cold War, in 1979. Then the race went into outer space: 3 thousand artificial satellites revolved around the Earth. In addition, it was necessary to monitor the flights of ballistic missiles of a potential enemy. Under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Sosulnikov, Soviet scientists developed a complex that combines a radar station and an optical telescope. This design would allow obtaining maximum information about passing satellites. Before the collapse of the USSR, it was planned to use MiG-31D fighter-interceptors as part of the Krona, which were intended to destroy satellites in near-Earth orbit. After the events of 1991, testing of space fighters ceased.

The construction and commissioning of all facilities of the Krona complex dragged on for many years. Officers of the Aerospace Defense Forces serving at the complex say that military builders accomplished a feat when 350 km of power lines were laid in the mountains, 40,000 concrete slabs were laid, and 60 km of water pipes were laid. Although the main work was completed in 1984, due to financial difficulties, the system was put into trial operation in November 1999. The adjustment of the equipment continued for several more years, and only in 2005 the Krona was put on combat duty. But testing and modernization of the pearl of the complex - a laser optical locator - is still ongoing.

Space debris portraitists

At the top of Mount Chapal are the optical means of the system, and below - the radar. The uniqueness of the "Krona" is that there is no other facility in Russia where the capabilities of optical and radar facilities would be concentrated, - Major Nesterenko explained.

The control of outer space begins with the observation of the hemisphere of the sky, the detection of space objects and the determination of their trajectory. Then they are photographed, which allows you to determine the appearance and parameters of movement. The next stage of control is the determination of the reflective characteristics of a space object. And as a result - its recognition, identification of belonging, purpose and technical characteristics.

The main instrument - an optical telescope - is located in one of the structures in a tower with a white dome that opens during operation.

It is this telescope, operating as part of the Krona optical-electronic system, that makes it possible to obtain images of space objects in reflected sunlight at a distance of up to 40,000 km. Simply put, we see all objects, including those up to 10 cm in diameter, in near and far space, - said Major Alexander Lelekov, commander of the duty crew. - After computer processing, the data is sent to the Space Control Center in the Moscow region. There they are processed and entered into the Main catalog of space objects. Now only the Americans have the opportunity to compile such an information base, who, in accordance with international treaties, regularly exchange this information. According to the latest data, 10,000 space objects revolve around the Earth, including operating domestic and foreign satellites. A separate category is space debris. According to various estimates, there are up to 100,000 fragments in orbit.

Why are they dangerous?

First of all, uncontrollability. A collision with them can lead to disruption of communications, navigation, as well as man-made accidents and disasters. For example, a small fragment of 1 cm in size can disable any satellite or even an ISS-type orbital station. But this is in space. And there are possible consequences associated with the fall of space objects to Earth. For example: once a week, an object larger than 1 meter descends from orbit. And our task is to foresee such a situation, to determine with what degree of probability it will occur, where, in what area there will be a fall.

Unfamiliar with UFO

Accompanied by officers, I pass into the holy of holies - the command post of the unit. I am immediately warned that photography is limited here. It is strictly forbidden to rent the workplaces of the Krona complex on duty.

Everywhere impeccable cleanliness. Unlike modern movies, where the military or scientists have a lot of all kinds of equipment and computers, the interior here is spartan and more reminiscent of the atmosphere of the 1980s. Karelian birch panels, bedside tables, desks, table lamps, dial telephones. On the walls there is self-made visual propaganda: hand-drawn posters about the Space Forces, the history of the unit, tables with calculations, on which the readings of the locators are written in chalk. In the operating room, where several officers are on combat duty, there is a huge screen in front of the tables, onto which the entire space situation is projected. Commands are heard from the speakers, understandable only to military stargazers.

The Russian banner, portraits of Putin and Shoigu remind of the present. In the red corner - the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

This was given to us by a local priest when he consecrated the locator, - says Alexander Lelekov.

I immediately remembered the ditties that were sung in 1961: "Gagarin flew into space - he did not see God." But, apparently, times are changing, and there are no atheists among the military.

After observing the work of the duty calculation, I ask the question: do you believe in astrology and have you ever met UFOs at work? The major, with a smile like that of Yuri Gagarin, replied:

I don't believe in astrology. And as for UFOs ... I have been in the army for many years, before the Krona complex, I served on the Pechora and in the Moscow Region, but I have never encountered anything like it. All objects that we observe have a reasonable origin.

To detect and localize means of covert information retrieval that transmit data over a radio channel (radio bugs), using all currently known means of masking, as well as to solve a wide range of radio monitoring tasks. With high speed determines the parameters of any radio equipment in the range up to 3 GHz (up to 18 GHz with an additional converter) and saves them in the database, recognizes radio microphones hidden in the room and determines the distance to them. It has the ability to automatically recognize digital data transmission channels and detect hidden video cameras transmitting information via a radio channel.

The complex was developed on the basis of many years of experience in creating such systems and implements the most advanced algorithms for detecting listening devices. The use of several detection algorithms (up to 8), each of which is based on individual principles for unmasking eavesdroppers, makes it possible to determine with a high degree of certainty the presence of radio bugs that have masking tools both in terms of modulation algorithms and transmission methods (bookmarks with digital data transmission channels, with the accumulation of information, with a tunable frequency, etc.).

The complex is designed both for express analysis of the presence of radio eavesdropping devices in a controlled room, and for long-term round-the-clock monitoring of the electromagnetic environment in one or more controlled rooms. The complex is based on the principle: "you can deceive any means of detection, the only thing that cannot be deceived is the laws of nature - if the bookmark transmits data over a radio channel, then it can and should be detected on the air." Progressive algorithms for collecting, processing and presenting statistical information, a user-friendly graphical software interface, combined with special detection methods do not leave even the slightest chance for a radio bug to go unnoticed.

The wide range of software features (option "Filin-Ultra") allow using the complex for solving any problems of radio monitoring: search and evaluation of parameters of new or known signals, control of the frequency range, control of fixed frequencies, etc. The software allows you to perform both a standard set of operations when a signal is detected - monitoring and recording the signal parameters in the database, and programming unique actions necessary for solving individual problems.

Krona Plus- Complex for detecting radio-emitting means and radio monitoring. Control range 10....3000 MHz (up to 18000 MHz with an additional converter); detection of radio bookmarks WFM, NFM, AM, with frequency scrambling; detection of hidden radio transmitting video cameras; the possibility of automatic recognition of digital data transmission channels; up to six simultaneously used progressive algorithms and detection techniques; location accuracy - up to 10 cm. Autonomous power up to 2 hours.
Contents: case with HF tuner, fast panoramic analysis unit (view speed up to 100 MHz/s), whip antenna, Filin software, loudspeaker, battery pack; PC type laptop, passport, user manual for open source software, guidelines for conducting search activities.
It has the possibility of further building up to the Krona Pro modification.

Krona Pro- Multi-channel complex for detecting radio-emitting means and radio monitoring. Control range 10....3000 MHz (up to 18000 MHz with an additional converter); detection of radio bookmarks WFM, NFM, AM, with frequency scrambling; detection of hidden radio transmitting video cameras; the possibility of automatic recognition of digital data transmission channels; up to six simultaneously used progressive algorithms and detection techniques; location accuracy - up to 10 cm. Autonomous power up to 2 hours.
Contents: a case with a high-frequency tuner, a fast panoramic analysis unit (view speed up to 100 MHz/s), a 4-channel antenna switch, a whip antenna, Filin software, a loudspeaker, a set of batteries, a laptop-type PC, passport, instructions user on open source software, guidelines for conducting search activities.

The features of the complex are:

    high degree of automation of all operations;

    study of both radio air and wire lines (with an additional low-frequency signal analysis converter);

    lack of unmasking signs of work;

    high efficiency of detection of any means of unauthorized retrieval of information through the use of the most advanced detection methods;

    detection of hidden video cameras transmitting information over a radio channel.

    battery life up to 2 hours from built-in batteries

Most of the features of the complex depend on software that is constantly evolving. New versions of the software are developed taking into account compatibility with old versions, which allows you to constantly improve the complex at minimal cost.

Basic composition:

    case with HF tuner

    whip antenna;

    SPO "Filin";

    acoustic column;

    battery pack;

    PC type laptop;


    user manual for open source software;


    Broadband antenna for the frequency range 30...3000 MHz.

    Universal broadband antenna for the frequency range 0.8...20 GHz.

    Fast panoramic analysis block (view speed up to 100 MHz/s).

    Microwave converters PS-6000, PS-9000 and PS-18000 to expand the monitoring range up to 6000 MHz, 9000 MHz or 18000 MHz, respectively.

    Converter for the study of low-frequency signals in the mains 220V, telephone line and infrared range (with an additional probe).

"MSSR" Krona-M "Secondary surveillance radar with an antenna system with a large vertical aperture. Designed to issue a full amount of radar information to command and control centers for air traffic control of airports, regional centers and highways. "Krona-M" is available in two versions: stand-alone and built-in radar complexes. Each modification at the request of the customer can be made in the route or airfield version. The options differ from each other in the rate of updating radar information, which is due to the speed of rotation of the antenna system. Features of the Krona-M MSSR: Full compliance with the requirements of the standards ICAO and Russian standards High level of reliability due to solid-state hardware and 100% redundant electronic equipment (hot standby) Ease of use Local and remote control Continuous check Built-in monitoring system ensures operability and automatic transfer to standby, visualization of the node failure point , fault localization to the level of a typical replacement element; The presence of a built-in uninterruptible power supply (UPS) of high power, operating in on-line mode. In the event of an AC failure, the UPS ensures the operation of the MSSR for more than 10 minutes; The primary signal processing equipment is based on signal processors. Industrial versions of Advantech equipment are used as computers and their components. The MSSR software was developed at NIIIT-RK; Guaranteed round-the-clock work without the constant presence of personnel; Operational interfacing with any automated ATC systems (domestic and foreign) is provided by changing interface software modifications; Possibility of retrofitting radars for operation in S mode; Adaptation to the electromagnetic environment and location. The type and height of the mast for the antenna system depend on the features of the terrain, the presence of structures and local objects at the MSRL installation site. The height of the mast can be 5 m, 15 m, 25 m, 32.5 m, 37.5 m. At the request of the customer, MSSR can be supplied in a design where the drive column and the equipment container are combined into a single structure. In this case, the entire radar, including the antenna system, is located on the top of the mast. A high-quality built-in climate system and the design of containers, masts, antenna systems and other components allow the radar to operate in deserts, mountains, subtropics and polar latitudes. For special operating conditions, there is a version of the MSRL with a radio-transparent shelter of the antenna system.

The designers drew attention to the fact that, in addition to detection, it successfully copes with the task of accounting for artificial Earth satellites flying over the country's territory.

However, the station could not determine the purpose of the satellite. This is how the idea of ​​creating a special complex for recognizing artificial Earth satellites was born. Its authors were the designers of NIIDAR and employees of the 45th SRI ".

"In 1974, I was appointed chief designer of the Krona 45Zh6 satellite recognition complex, and in 1976 a draft design was released. According to the project, the complex was to consist of the 40Zh6 radio engineering part, which was based on the 20Zh6 station, and the 30Zh6 ​​optical part.

Such a design would make it possible to obtain maximum information about flying satellites - from reflective characteristics in the radio range to photographs in the optical range. The optical part created at Astrophysics was supposed to consist of a large telescope and a laser illumination station, the development of which was started by the Leningrad Optical and Mechanical Association (LOMO).

We took up the radio engineering part with a dual-band (decimeter and centimeter) hemispherical viewing station and the computer complex of the 13K6 command and computer center common to all Krona facilities. The range of the radio engineering part is up to 3,200 km. The radar was supposed to provide guidance for the laser part of the 30Zh6 ​​and be highly informative. We faced fundamentally new tasks, which should be solved taking into account the experience of previous developments.

The composition of the deputies - my main support - has changed a lot. V.P. Vasyukov, V.K. Guryanov, A.A. Myltsev, M.A. Arkharov received their own topics. V.M.Klyushnikov, V.M.Davidchuk, V.K.Shur left us untimely. However, the team formed new worthy leaders, and this allowed us to make a number of unconventional decisions in a timely manner.

For the radar-20Zh6, we chose a full-rotation headlamp of the decimeter range and full-rotation parabolic reflector antennas of the centimeter range. E.A. Starostenkov undertook the development of PAR phase shifters, and N.A. Belkin - for the modification of centimeter-range antennas. "Filled hand" E.V. Kukushkin, V.A. Rogulev, S.S. Zivdrg and V.S. Gorkin, ensured the setting and delivery of the PAR. The design of the antennas for both channels was carried out by the G.G. Bubnov Design Bureau, which is closely associated with Nizhny Novgorod factories - manufacturers of various antennas. The "meander" mode with linear frequency modulation was chosen as the type of radiation. This meant that the time of radiation and the time of reception were chosen close to the time of signal propagation to the target and back. The traveling wave lamp "Spring" and the klystron of the centimeter range "Verba", which had proven themselves well on the Danube-ZU radar, were chosen as generator devices. We had to develop high-voltage modulators for the "meander" mode for the first time. L.S. Rafalovich and G.V. Geiman made them on the basis of semiconductor elements.

The centimetric part of the 20Zh6 radar consisted of five posts that formed a phase-metric cross for highly accurate angular measurements in order to point the laser part of the 30Zh6. For centimeter receivers, V.N. Markov mastered low-noise input devices for the first time. The 13K6 computer complex based on the Elbrus-2 computer was created under the leadership of the chief designer E.E. Melentiev.

When choosing the location of the complex, it was necessary to take into account the special requirements of the optical part. The specialists of NIIDAR and the 45th SRI had to work hard. For future complexes of the KKP system, three locations were chosen.

It was decided to deploy the first Krona complex in the North Caucasus. This area is distinguished by a particularly transparent atmosphere, which ensures the most efficient operation of the optical channel and allows reliable data to be transmitted to the CCCC. The complex deployed here was also supposed to monitor the Shuttles starting from Cape Canaveral. It was decided to place the second Krona complex in Tajikistan, near the Nurek hydroelectric power station, not far from the location of the Okno complex.

Located on the southernmost point, it was supposed to "intercept" American satellites flying in equatorial orbits. The construction of the complex began, but was stopped due to problems.

The third complex under the index "Krona-N" was decided to be built in the vicinity of the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai. He was supposed to monitor satellites that were launched by launch vehicles from the US Western Test Site. The construction part of the complex was completed on time, but due to economic difficulties, the pace of work slowed down."

After the decision of the military-industrial complex on the construction, the choice of a specific installation site for the first complex began. In the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region of the Stavropol Territory, on the outskirts of the village of Zelenchukskaya, the RATAN-600 radio astronomy telescope of the USSR Academy of Sciences was already operating.

Back in the early 1960s, one of the Leningrad teams, commissioned by the USSR Academy of Sciences, completed the project of the Zapovednik antenna for radio complexes of ultra-long-range space communications. The shield reflectors of the antenna had to be placed in a circle with a diameter of 2 kilometers, and the antenna itself had to have an area of ​​6,000 square meters. The project was considered by the commission of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, but was not accepted because of the colossal cost. We decided to limit ourselves to a reduced copy of the "Zapovednik" antenna for the RATAN radio telescope with a diameter of 600 meters in order to conduct radio astronomy research, which was built in Zelenchukskaya.

It was decided to "attach" the complex of V.P. Sosulnikov to this habitable, explored place.

Upon learning of the intentions of the TsNPO "Vympel", Academician Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov was indignant, announced that the "Krona" complex would "clog" his RATAN and raised the alarm. TsNPO "Vympel" stood its ground and the disagreements reached the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov. Seeing that the matter was taking a serious turn, the Vympelites turned to the Ministry of Defense and the military-industrial complex. Soon A.P. Aleksandrov sided with the Ministry of Defense, and A.M. Prokhorov delicately explained that the military was right and should not be interfered with. Nevertheless, they decided to "push the crown" a little and build it near the village of Storozhevaya, about twenty kilometers from Zelenchukskaya.

Given the most common name for the place of deployment, hereinafter in the book the author uses the phrase separate radio engineering center in Zelenchukskaya. In the difficult mountainous conditions of the village of Storozhevoy, military builders under the leadership of Colonel-General K.M. Vertelov carried out the necessary set of engineering works, creating all conditions for seconded and operational personnel.

Survey work continued from 1976 to 1978, construction began in 1979. In accordance with the approved project of V.P. Sosulnikov, the complex included a command and computing center, a channel "A" radar, a channel "H" radar and a laser optical locator - LOL. The "A" channel radar was created on the basis of the "Danube-3" decimeter radar, and the "N" channel radar was based on the A-35 centimetric RCC system. In order to work out technical solutions, it was decided to deploy the means of the complex at the 51st site of the Balkhash test site.

By the early 1980s, the United States had significantly increased the number of military spacecraft in orbits with an altitude of 20,000 to 40,000 kilometers, and the Soviet leadership decided to speed up the construction of the Krona and Okno complexes.

In July 1980, a separate radio engineering unit for recognizing space objects was formed in Zelenchukskaya - military unit 20096. Colonel V.K. Bilykh became its first commander. However, due to lack of manpower and resources, work progressed slowly. By 1984, the installation of the equipment of the complex was completed. In the second half of the 1980s, faced with serious economic difficulties, the leadership of the Soviet Union was forced to reduce a number of military programs. It was decided to confine ourselves to only one Krona complex and introduce it as part of the first stage - a command and computing center and a decimeter range radar.

Narrated by A.A. Kuriksha.

"In 1987, the STC TsNPO Vympel was reorganized, which also affected the Special Design Bureau of V.G. began to seem too independent, often came into conflict with the leadership of the TsNPO when resolving technical issues... There were attempts to transfer SKB-1 to NIIDAR, but the team appealed to the defense department of the Central Committee and to the minister.

As a result, we stayed at the NTC. Work on the Krona complex was completely transferred to NIIDAR. Again, my colleagues and I joined the work on the Krona at the stage of its docking with the Central Control Commission and testing. In 1992, factory tests of the radar and the command and control center were carried out, and state tests were completed in January 1994. Many of the indicators provided for by the tactical and technical assignment could not be achieved. Due to funding difficulties, work on the laser optical locator was not completed. The Krona complex of the first stage of construction was put on alert in November 1999.

At the end of 2013, the Russian Defense Ministry is going to test a modernized version of the Krona anti-satellite complex, the Izvestia newspaper reports, citing its own sources in the Russian General Staff. Work on the creation of this complex was started back in the USSR, but due to the suspension of funding, they were stopped. According to information contained in open sources, the Krona complex took up combat duty only in 2000 and consists of 2 main parts: a laser-optical radar and a radar station.

According to the plans of the Ministry of Defense, the dates and plans for testing the modernized Krona anti-satellite defense system are scheduled for the end of 2013. It is reported that the main emphasis will be placed on the interaction of various components, especially strike weapons with ground-based ROK - a radar-optical complex for searching and identifying space targets. It is reported that the radars of the complex, which still have the old Soviet index 45Zh6, were released in the 1980s, but during 2009-2010 they were modernized and passed state tests. According to the officers of the General Staff, they have no complaints about the ROC itself.

Radar 20Zh6 complex "Krona"

Radio-optical complex for recognition of space objects "Krona"- This is an object of the outer space control system, which includes 2 operating systems - a radio band and an optical one - is part of the Russian Space Defense Forces. This complex monitors outer space with the help of observations both in the active (laser location) and in the passive mode. After computer processing, the data obtained by him are sent to the Central Control Center - the Center for Control of Outer Space.

Work on the creation of the ROK RKO "Krona" was started in accordance with the decree of the USSR government of November 1984. The construction of the facility was carried out by NII PP and OAO NPK NIIDAR. The beginning of work on its creation took place in the Soviet era, but the beginning of perestroika and the collapse of the country significantly slowed them down. In 1994, test and experimental work was carried out at the facility, and in 2000 the complex finally took up combat duty. In 2010, it underwent modernization, during which it received a high-precision radar channel "N", designed to determine the position and recognize targets in Earth's orbit.

The 45ZH6 Krona radar-optical recognition system for space objects is designed to recognize various space objects for military purposes, as well as information and ballistic support for anti-space defense operations and active means of anti-missile defense of the country. The complex originally included:

- radio engineering part of the complex 40Zh6 with radar 20Zh6, which has 2 main channels of operation: channel "A" is designed to detect artificial Earth satellites and channel "H", designed for particularly accurate angular measurements of the parameters of artificial Earth satellites;

The 20Zh6 radar can operate in the decimeter (channel "A") and centimeter (channel "H") ranges. The radar is able to detect a target 3500 km away.

Channel "A" - is a transmit-receive antenna array with an aperture of 20 × 20 m and electronic beam scanning, a phased antenna array (PAR).

Channel "H" - a receiving-transmitting system consisting of 5 rotating parabolic antennas, which operate on the principle of an interferometer, due to which they allow quite accurately measuring the elements of the orbit of space objects.

- the optical means of the system consist of a laser-optical locator (LOL) "30Zh6"(since 2005), which includes: receiving and receiving-transmitting channels, the Passive Channel for Autonomous Detection (CAO) of space objects, which patrols in order to search for previously unknown space objects.

- command and control center, equipped with a 13K6 computer complex with a 40U6 computer (back in Soviet times).

The current complex "Krona" on Mount Chapal

The capabilities of the Krona complex to determine the coordinates of space objects made it possible to use it as a means of guiding anti-space defense systems. In the USSR, it was planned to build 3 similar complexes, which were supposed to block the entire southern border of the country. The only operating complex is currently located on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia on the top and in the vicinity of Mount Chapal at an altitude of 2200 m.

The entire system of ROK "Krona" functions with the interaction of all 3 channels: so the channel "A" of the radar finds a space object and measures its orbital characteristics, using which the channel "H" is directed to a given point and carries out its work. At the same time, according to the trajectory data of channel "A", an optical passive or active channel begins to work, which collects its information about the detected object.

As a result of such interaction, it is possible to significantly improve the accuracy and detail of information about the detected space object. Wherein the throughput of the entire complex is estimated at the level of about 30,000 objects per day.

Since the anti-satellite system was designed not only to detect space objects, but also to destroy them, the 30P6 Kontakt anti-satellite aviation complex was included in its composition: the MiG-31D carrier aircraft and the 79M6 Kontakt interceptor missile, which had a kinetic combat part.

Before its collapse, the Soviet defense industry was able to upgrade 3 MiG-31 supersonic high-altitude interceptors, which were tasked with delivering anti-satellite missiles to the upper atmosphere. Such aircraft received an additional letter "D" in the name. All 3 MiG-31Ds manufactured in the USSR in the early 1990s were sent to the Kazakh Sary-Shagan training ground, where they later remained. There is still no official evidence that the 79M6 "Kontakt" interceptor missile was tested in the USSR.

Supersonic high-altitude interceptor MiG-31D

The new state first tried to use the MiG-31D fighters that remained on the territory of Kazakhstan for commercial purposes, trying to adapt them for launching small-sized space rockets. However, the Kazakh project ended in failure and at present these aircraft are simply dead. The revival of a large-scale anti-satellite defense project began only 18 years after the collapse of the USSR. In 2009, the then Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Colonel General Alexander Zelin, announced that the base would be reanimated to solve the same tasks.

If there is at least some information about the ground components of the Krona complex that can be easily found on the Internet, then its air component is much more secret. At present, it is only known that work on the creation of a new anti-satellite missile, which should replace the Kontakt, is being carried out by the Fakel design bureau, located in Khimki near Moscow. The same design bureau specializes in the development of rocket and space technologies, but it refused to inform journalists about new products for Krona.

Along with this, there is no information about the modernization of a new batch of MiG-31 supersonic fighter-interceptors, which will have to replace the aircraft lost in Kazakhstan. At the same time, Izvestia's sources in the defense industry say that bringing the aircraft to modification "D" is not a particular problem.

From such an aircraft, all suspension and attachment points, the onboard radar are dismantled, the radio-transparent dome is replaced with a metal one. At the ends of the wings of a fighter for a more stable flight with a vertical climb, special aerodynamic influxes are installed, which are called "flippers". They are also used to stabilize the flight of the MiG-31 with an anti-missile suspended under the fuselage, since it has a large mass and dimensions, and the wing area of ​​the aircraft does not allow for a stable flight with it. After that, a new communication complex and an aiming system are installed on the aircraft.

Space Control Center

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation explained that in the upcoming tests they will check the possibility of issuing target designation to strike aircraft from the ground, as well as the interaction between the air and ground components of the Krona. At the same time, at the initial stage, instead of the MiG-31D, ordinary MiG-31s ​​from the Russian Air Force will be used. The editor of the MilitaryRussia website and military expert Dmitry Kornev believes that the algorithms and logic of combat work, ground equipment can be used and what was created back in the 1980-1990s.

At the same time, the rocket will most likely need a new one, which will be created by the forces of the same Fakel, Novator, and Vympel design bureaus. At the same time, he did not rule out the reorientation of the entire system, for example, to ground-based missiles. In the event that Krona is indeed equipped with ground-based missiles, it becomes clear why the air component of the anti-satellite complex is so classified. In this case, it simply does not exist and never will.